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10930713 No.10930713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Ted right?

>> No.10930716

Peterson is a peep for sure

>> No.10930722

Why would they want to rebel if they are so ingrained into the system?

Nah he is your faggot, not ours

>> No.10930742

ted was way ahead of our time, I wish he wasn't such a nutjob domestic-terroristically

>> No.10930747

The dichotomy presented in Ted's argument is too polarizing. He is overexagerrating independent and dependent thought.

>> No.10930751

I don't think anyone believes Peterson is outside the status-quo. He's just at odds with the emerging status-quo.

>> No.10930756


>> No.10930759

jordan wienerson

>> No.10930760


yes, jordan peterson would agree with him

>> No.10930763

You have to be a part of the system to fuck with it

>> No.10930770

You always end up being an accomplice.
This whole "I will infiltrate it and change it from the inside" never works.

>> No.10930774

then go on and live in your tiny cabin in the woods, eat rabbits and write letter bombs lmao

>> No.10930777

Ted's winning me over and it's taking a toll on my life
I quit my education, I quit my job, soon I may have to quit the internet

>> No.10930781

>soon I may have to quit the internet

>> No.10930785

thanks hegel

>> No.10930793

That's not my point, I was saying that the "infiltration" method is often prone to failure

>> No.10930798
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Teddy boy was right about almost everything.

>> No.10930803

you´ll never know if you don´t try for yourself.

>> No.10930839

The System doesn't satisfy their power process according to Ted.

>> No.10930840

Read the manifesto.

25. The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a nonmoral origin. We use the term "oversocialized” to describe such people.

28. The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples:
racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual

From these two points, he dwelves into how 'leftists' have unconscious urges to rebel against the very system in which they take part (to an extreme. It is what defines a 'leftist' according to Kaczynski - the 'oversocialized' type) and how they will turn this rebellious urges into action by fig. Basically, these people aren't living the primitive lifestyle, which gives meaning to one's life (the act of gathering your own food, relying on yourself for security.. Having your life in your own hands basically) so their 'power process' is disturbed and they turn their natural urges for 'freedom' into political activism, which is nothing more than accelerating society according to the system's needs. If they were truly rebellious, they would go against the very basic values of the system, the ones that cannot be compromised through political reform, but needs to be outed completely through revolt.
>On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle.

*Leftist in this context does NOT have the same meaning it generally has in a political setting. It means people overly engaging in society.

>> No.10930884


>> No.10930894
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>I quit my education, I quit my job, soon I may have to quit the internet

>> No.10930896

what a fucking retard

>> No.10930898

Wow what an autist

>> No.10930899
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>> No.10930905 [DELETED] 

None of you would care about his work if he wasn't famous due to mainstream media. You guys are oversocialised leftists

>> No.10930911

I don’t get it
Jordan Peterson would agree.
Why do people misrepresent him so much? All he wants is for people to take responsibility for themselves and avoid falling into the trap of ideological extremism

>> No.10930921

weakest part of the manifesto. Not that he's wrong but people have articulated his points on leftism and the power process with a lot more clarity and details. I still highly (!) recommend to read it as the part on technology and industrial society is flawless. And we cannot have any intellectual discussion today without addressing these points, which every fucking useless intellectual out there is too coward to do. Only ones who ever talked about techne are ellul and heidegger (and spengler but I've never read him)

>> No.10930927

>None of you would care about his work if he wasn't famous due to mainstream media
You know T.K. knew this, too, that was the sole reason for his letter bombings, getting his manifesto published in mainstream media.

>> No.10930928

I just read the wikipedia page about him. Fucking nutjob. No wonder spineless edgelords like you gather around him.

>> No.10930929

>t. leftist

>> No.10930933

he got mkultra'd bro

>> No.10930943

I'm not a leftist. I'm not politicized at all actually, like Ted. He rips apart conservatives with a single sentence in his manifesto lol. At least leftists had a few paragraphs acknowledging their wrongdoings.

>50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

>> No.10930950

What relevant Heidegger works do I start with? I started reading Ellul precisely because of ol' Teddy.

>> No.10930952

spineless lmao. No, you're the weak bitch. If your conclusion to life is more comfort, more help, more society, more socialization, more mommies to take care of your sorry ass, you're the spineless bitch.

Ted's point is that if the food you eat, you didn't get yourself, and your own life isn't in your hands, then you aren't even human. Just some weak manifestation of the system.

>> No.10930954

Honestly I'm amazed the FBI took so long to figure out this guy was a mathematician. His writing style is an absolutely perfect example of the way a mathematician writes.

>> No.10930956

>The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples:
racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual
This is pretty much just a butthurt rant caused by the fact that no one took anarcho primitivism seriously. As for analyses and critiques of champagne socialists and radical chics, there are a lot of better ones out there.

>> No.10930964
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>Only ones who ever talked about techne are ellul and heidegger (and spengler but I've never read him)

>> No.10930972

i don’t know why but this actually is unironically funny

>> No.10930980

This manifesto makes too many assumptions desu.

>On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle.
This fits Peterson like a glove though

>> No.10930981

critiques of technology are interesting but ultimately pointless

>> No.10930983

>I'm not politicized at all actually, like Ted
what means? u mean u dont support any of the parties in government?
anyways I agree with that point about conservatives.

>> No.10930990

Why? You can still learn from others who have attempted it.

>> No.10930991
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>avoid falling into the trap of ideological extremism
it is convenient to label other ideologies than your own "extremist" when your ideology is revealed in your practice to simply be the maintenance status quo, which is extreme in itself, where do you think all your trash goes when you clean your room, to trash-heaven?

>> No.10931002
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>> No.10931042

I'd add that since leftists use the rhetoric of "rebelling against society/the status quo" and the fact that they speak from a space of de facto marginalization (at least economically speaking) (you can see a pretty bright example here: >>10930991) as a signal to legitimize their political identity and a cushion for critiqueing (doing the pars destruens is easy when you have no power) confronting their rhetoric with what actually happens when they get the power to do what they want would have been a much more interesting and fruitful approach

>> No.10931091

historical circumstances change however

>> No.10931232

>confronting their rhetoric with what actually happens when they get the power to do what they want
surely you're talking about the mass killing fields of Iceland and Norway right

>> No.10931263

>doing the pars destruens is easy when you have no power
actually progressives are going to control the united states for the next few decades, if we fail to do anything i fully expect you to hold us to it, if we do accomplish our goals I fully expect you to keep whining about collectivism

>> No.10931343

Quit your life

>> No.10931364

You wanted to quit those things anyway. Ted's rhetoric just gave you an excuse.

>> No.10931374

As opposed to what other method? What exactly did Ted sending mail bombs do for his cause or against the System?

And against your point, working within the system, ie working in policy or mass media gives you actual access, albeit minimal, to strategize some kind of change.

>> No.10931392

I wish Ted sent a mail bomb to Peterson

>> No.10931414

>the System
>independent thinkers

wow the unambomber was a fucking manchild, this kind of shitty edgelord writing sounds like the shit i was saying in 9th grade right before i dropped out, the unabomber was an overprivileged lll bitch who couldnt hang at hardvard or yale or whereever the fuck he was working and had to edgyquit like a true fag

>> No.10931718

>infiltrate the system
>wake up one day
>married a 6/10 girl
>2 children
>30k/year salary
>eh I guess the system isn't so bad

>> No.10931778

I feel you, personally I would like to become the Rasputin of the tech industry and fuck the system sideways, can only work in europe, murica is too poor in general for tech and if they have the money it's crapple products.

>> No.10931784

He was literally being doped with mind altering drugs by the government against his will. Give the man some credit.

>> No.10931785

Aren´t you missing Ted´s point entirely? If I remember correctly he took the accelerationist stance of actually working *with* the system to advance it as rapidly as possible, because he believed the sooner the inevitable collapse occurs the better.

>> No.10931786

You need to go to Africa Ted. Only when you are outside the American hegenomy can you be free of the system and rebel against it.

>> No.10931790

Peterson is to the young right what the human potential movement was to the hippies. His greatest asset is that his opposition is so hysterical; because of that he can still appear as radical while not making any serious efforts at change.

>> No.10931794

>He was literally being doped with mind altering drugs
Sauce? I only heard that he was involved with some psych experiments at Harvard but I don't recall them involving drugs.

>> No.10931797

>wannabe european disses the only tech company in silicon valley that respects the users privacy

u seem a lil confused my friend, maybe read a book or at least a tech blog before you u become "rasputin of tech"

>> No.10931799

Real Question. Why are leftist so OBSESSED with Peterson? Its to the point where they talk about him more than his fans. Its it because they are scared of him? Are they starting to feel pressure from this tidal wave of pushback against them that he started?

Thats my observation. Far left/socialism is all but dead and only lives in academia which it had a pretty good hold over, by now that is starting to fade as well, and soon, they will be nothing more than another piece of trash in the garbage bin of history.

>> No.10931809



>> No.10931811
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>> No.10931815

They're trying to maintain their culture war victories of the last few decades, and they see him as a threat.
He also shows the academic left how useless they are by constantly stating falsehoods about their fields and convincing a great deal of young men with it.

>> No.10931816

>Why are leftist so OBSESSED with Peterson?
it's cuz the left are stupid doo doo heads who won't clean there rooms

>> No.10931818

Hes not really hysterical, and his greatest accomplishment is simply saying the emperor has no clothes, which is encouraging other academics to finally stand up to this shit.

Its starting a chain reaction as well. As more and more professors and teacher ect. stand up to this shit, the radical brainwashed students freak out and start acting like retards, which only proves them right and makes an impartial observer realize whats going on. It isnt even about right wing politics vs left wing politics at this point.



>> No.10931838

>Hes not really hysterical, and his greatest accomplishment is simply saying the emperor has no clothes, which is encouraging other academics to finally stand up to this shit.
Meant to say that his opposition is hysterical. I guess it's fair when you remember that these intersectional types believed that their continued existence is dependent upon the success of these academic theories.

>> No.10931854
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No, a genuine european.
>disses the only tech company in silicon valley that respects the users privacy
No, I was dissing the people who buy its products and think that you know 'computer stuff' because they can edit a video on it. Not even dissing the people who 'really' work with them.
But hey, sounds like you just see what you want to see anyway. Where did I even bitch about privacy?

Very nice of you to be triggered if some 'crappy' thing is said bout a company, truly a person of, for and led by the people.

>> No.10932572

>he doesn't know about MK Ultra

>> No.10932585

Peterson is way more obsessed with the left than the left is obsessed with him.

>> No.10932595

Anybody send a letter to Ted? I'm thinking about it but I don't want to be on a list. If I don't talk about like bombs or whatever am I good?

>> No.10932601

Peterson looks quite slavic here

>> No.10932635

Illich and Mumford are worth checking out too.

>> No.10932645

>ted was way ahead of our time

Ellul made the same points in the 60's.

>> No.10932666

I said economically you dumb nigger

>> No.10932673

>emperors clothes maymay
is this the surest sign of a brainlet?

>> No.10932771

What does Peterson have to do with Teds opinions?
Peterson, he is what he is. I suspect the he actually holds somewhat more fascist like views but he is a public figure and revealing himself would be detrimental.
He talks about improving ourselves and things he doesnt talk about he leaves one to make his own conclusions. Good for converting moderate leftists to the right.

>> No.10932812


>> No.10932828

>tfw getting my PhD in the next few years
without doing anything that would get me fired and/or arrested how do I most effectively oppose the system?

>> No.10932841

>>tfw getting my PhD in the next few years
>without doing anything that would get me fired and/or arrested how do I most effectively oppose the system?
what system? industrial society?

>> No.10932854

Blowing yourself up somewhere probably

>> No.10932856


By not being part of it.
Doesn't have to be a hermit shack in the woods but still as minimalistic and self-sufficent lifestyle as you are able to have. Of course it lot harder for our more technological generation than it was for Kaczynski, but you should still try to get rid of everything that you can live without.

Money is the thing running this system.

>> No.10932870

yes, this would include Peterson. Ted was right about almost everything

>> No.10932879


people are searching for a savior. Peterson is only a prophet, he can only do that much before crumbling under the pressure of the false image being projected upon him.

He has a snippet of the truth not the full revelation. People project upon him the father they never had, and he is still not enough. Those are the people that are part of the problem.

If someone has a superior thought process than Peterson, he should wonder why he is not in the spotlight, or why he is not helping another person or himself. That process would surely be enough to make him content to not bash Peterson online, or identify his errors and provide solutions.

Ergo, they are running in loops.

>> No.10932901
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Ted is a fucking god

>> No.10932934


>> No.10932944

But Peterson is a leftist

>> No.10932989

To appeal to the masses and be allowed to express his opinions in public or on tv. Who knows whats hidding under that liberal mask... But his professional advice doesnt really have a political side (at least until someone asks about the jews)

>> No.10933015

what about Peterson is leftist?

>> No.10933034


>> No.10933037

>no problems with trannies or gays
>thinks public healtcare is a good thing
>is a liberal
>basically a second wave feminist (women can be strong)
what about Peterson is right wing is the real question

>> No.10933040

hes a centre right liberal dipshit

>> No.10933043

lmao fucking muricans. He ran for the NDP, the New Democratic Party, Canada's farthest left party, which formed originally from the "Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (Farmer-Labour-Socialist)". Just wait till you see his giant painting of Lenin in his house.

>> No.10933047

Simply stating that he's center right doesn't make him center right.
Provide your reasons or fuck off.

>> No.10933057

tell us wat makes a trve rightist o wise one

>> No.10933069


>> No.10933093

He ran for gov under a socialist party; that's a fact. He has a giant painting of Lenin in his house (a whole room dedicated to soviet art, actually). He has called himself a leftist on more than one occasion in his past. He admits that his personality traits skew to the left. Even if he was a right winger, the Conservative party of Canada makes the Democratic party look like Mussolini. The fact people think he's a right winger just makes me laugh.

>> No.10933110


>> No.10933116

>He is overexagerrating independent and dependent thought.
this but the main point remains; peterson provides a facade of change when hes just rebooting failed sleeper cell bankers

>> No.10933121

>capable of getting a PhD in the near future
>still buying into early 2000s conspiracy theory nonsense
I agree with >>10932856 but for different reasons. People like you should be kept as far away from academic and professional settings as possible.

>> No.10933138
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>> No.10933150

>what about Peterson is right wing
who ever said Peterson was 'right wing' ?

him advising thousands young men, telling them to basically man the fuck up (and telling how to do that) makes him someone who is not a leftist. I dont know his views on economy but no fucking leftie or commie will ever help anyone to take control of their own life and better themselves up.

>> No.10933152

Peterson's success is outside academic institutions, though.

>> No.10933155

>lets pit too loonies against each other and force them to pick a side, guaranteeing we can control both
im sick of these nasty CIA tricks, weaponizing memes n' shiet

>> No.10933169

see >>10933150

>> No.10933179

thats great and all but these young men will fail in their next life stage metamorphosis like they did their last, and Petey will be too old then
>you can take the man out of academia, you cant take the academia out of the man

>> No.10933278

can be anonymous i guess, just tell where to answer

>> No.10933330

Why don't you write that again, but this time like you aren't a nigger.

>> No.10933350

Newsflash: You can make some valid points but also do reckless, stupid shit which flies in the face of your reputation. These features of a person are distinct. Dissolve the cult of personality, dumbfucks.

>> No.10933367

Yeah but then next week you'll read The Coming Insurrection and be talking about how the neoliberal global agenda is interested in keeping you frugal and having you farm your own potatoes so that your would be wealth can get snapped up by the plutocracy. Not who you quoted but if you have a point then actually make it.

>> No.10933390

>you cant take the academia out of the man
Considering academia has had a problem with a lot of what he's been saying, and yet he continues to say it, I don't think that's the case here.

>> No.10933411

>him advising thousands young men, telling them to basically man the fuck up (and telling how to do that) makes him someone who is not a leftist.
Imagine actually being this retarded. Your soul is so politicized that simple actions can make someone left wing or not. His political views are left wing, his economical views are left wing. Helping young men get their life in order does not cancel that.
>I dont know his views on economy but no fucking leftie or commie will ever help anyone to take control of their own life and better themselves up.
Even if we ignore the countless self help books written by liberals, you only need to look at the past century with its countless worker rights and civil rights movement to see this is not true. But you obviously have some sort of issues of insecurity with your masculinity that you associate with considering yourself right wing (or not left wing) blinding you so you refuse to see this (either that, or you're painfully clueless).

>> No.10933427

Well I do of course, but I didn't know Ted got to participate in all that merrymaking.

>> No.10933428

Sure but Petereson's a bad example since he's pretty much the opposite of the 'rebel' ted is likely talking about.

>> No.10933435
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>will ever help anyone to take control of their own life and better themselves up.
do it yourself faggot

>> No.10933441
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>mfw some mewling soyboy besmirches the names of two of the greatest men who ever lived
you're not even fit to be their ballwasher

>> No.10933451

>thinking workers should have "rights"
you spineless parasite

>> No.10933454

bloodthirsty predator

>> No.10933462

This sums up the absolute state of Team Creme

>> No.10933469

This. If anything, he more fits Kaczynski’s view about the silliness of conservatives/reactionaries who glorify traditional values without being against the technological and industrial progress which is destroying them and the world.

>> No.10933476

>But you obviously have some sort of issues of insecurity with your masculinity that you associate with considering yourself right wing (or not left wing) blinding you so you refuse to see this (either that, or you're painfully clueless).
I don't follow. Are we talking about the same thing?

>> No.10933486

>theres only one way off the creme beam and I'm going to be great seeing you go

>> No.10933695

what a mess you are

>> No.10933923

>Money is the thing running this system.
I agree.
The main problem with money is the numbers game and that it's being played with the numbers. Trading currencies is usefull but the high frequency trading thing is:
I can but this for 0,123 cents, but this guy over here doesn't know that and offers 0,124 cents for it -> profit
Clicking it away like some mobile phone game all day and earn a fuck ton of money while it's not helping anyone. [They are the inbetween sneaky men]
>But anon, that's like a normal market where I buy my cheese
No, you would be the fucking dickhead who goes up to the cheese seller buys it all before someone can buy and then sell it at a higher price. If you would say, buy it all and move it to another village and sell it there SURE, but no the finincial market are all internet (even some are trying to build a laser net) connected. They fucking buy building to be closer to the "market hub" so they (or their trading bots) can be the fastest.
It's making billions without any actual value, labor (like moving a shit ton of cheese across the country) or anything.
Just because you can make a lot of money and if you have the money you are set.
/ohshit there is more
The financial system is like going to a carpentry and seeing hammers being designed in wind tunnels for optimal aerodynamic flow and used to simulated to prostate in the most optimal manner.
>It's just a handy tool and it's not supposed to work that way

>> No.10933951

>Money is the thing running this system.

Media is the thing running it. You can live as thriftly as you'd like, but if you're still consuming their media and regurgitating it even ironically, you are just another host for their parasite.

>> No.10933968

That quote is just bitter noise, it says nothing substantial.

>> No.10933972

new strain of normalfag thought is to directly address counter-currents defiantly with Leviathan's spiny phallus popping out of their mouths spurting cum all over their face everytime they deny the existence of the Bilderberg group and PRISM's prevalence being well over 2 decades old
stay mad, human predators get put down
read Ellul, stop getting ahead of yourself, it is more complex than money or media or politics or warfare

>> No.10933974

Good point, but people selling their children of into prostitution for [minimum european wage] is not because those people in [insert third world pedoparadise country] watch CNN all day or are clustered to their phone consuming 'news'.

>> No.10933989
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The abosulte state poster here. that was just an observation of you two communicating.
>edgy lolz were had
But hey, will check out Ellul

>> No.10934003

Ted knew he was wrong but he was so deep into his shit manifesto that he had to kill some people to attempt to give his life work any legitimacy.

>> No.10934020

>read Ellul

I read Propaganda last summer. He's great, but also a bit frustrating, no? If I recall correctly, the book ends without much hope of a way out of an incredibly well weaved system.

>> No.10934463

25. is a good point. There is no logic underlying leftist morality and its rules are never clearly defined.

>> No.10934470

he's not wrong

>> No.10934504

peterson thinks your best option is to be a wagecuck because after you retire you might live a few more years and actually enjoy life

>> No.10934511

Realistically, you're more likely to enjoy life as a wagecuck than as a do-nothing NEET.

>> No.10934567

Not the same Chocolate master race but:
No... BUT yeah it surely depends what you do with your time. Same for wagecucks, it really depends. Some wage jobs can be enjoyable for certain people so yeah why not. But I know eough people who live for the weekend and just drown in booze and drugs anytime they have vacation. But also a NEET who games all day or someshit, but are bad temporally enjoyment based on fixes. Both don't know the 'joy' of doing nothing, reading a book and pondering the most 'basic' stuff or even discussing that basic shit in a normal manner with some people.
What it comes down to:
>wagecucking is certainly no guarantee for enjoyment, same as NEETing. YOU make it enjoyable and the community you reside in helps a lot more than one thinks.

>> No.10934592
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sure he's right in his own way.

strip away all his rhetoric, boil it down, and it's simply "nothing is perfect." wow, thanks. sorry you were never a part of anything or accepted and loved. lol.

>> No.10934597

wagekeking is a lot more sstisfying than being a NEET unless you are wealthy somehow to not depend on ppl

>> No.10934603


>> No.10934604

You're correct, but I think a lot of people think they need the external structure that comes with a job or else that fall apart. It reminds me of Sartre's concept of the "burden of freedom." Too much of it, and a lot of people start to crave order. I'm not really sure what determines who thrives in each kind of environment.

>> No.10934605

hello rebbit

>> No.10934620
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>forms opinion solely through wikipedia page

You're such a pseud. a fake. a phony.

>> No.10934631

yeah, any time that i'm unemployed i can't actually enjoy my time due to the crippling feeling that i'm being unproductive

>> No.10934650
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you're surprised the FBI is totally inept?

>> No.10934651

It's weird. When I've been unemployed I'm always a little happy at first because I value my freedom. And that usually comes with a ton of productivity toward my own goals. But then two months later I'm on the verge of losing my sense of self if I don't keep myself social and structured.

I honestly think most people working in non-specialized fields would benefit from revolving work. two months on, two off.

>> No.10934655


He did. He admits a successful revolution must use the enemy (or in this case, technology) to win the people over

>> No.10934676

too much chaos bucko :^)

>> No.10934682


You can do that already. It's called not listing your last job in the reference area of your new job's application form

>> No.10934741

It a long shot but:
Purpose mediated by a community which you are part of.
>And no, I'm not even close to living that dream. Not preaching, just brainstorming.
It's the connection that is dissolved by [MONEY]
>would you do this to me for like an hour?
>$1000, and now?
But if it was a couple of goats... would you do something I [insert faggy freak] would like to me?
>trick question: when you don't have need of goats?
Money is handy until it becomes poison, I fucking like Jesus for that thing, throwing money and that shit out of 'his' temple, sure a goat is fine but money, NAH!
Money could be child trafficking or organic grown and responsibly harvested seaweed, but all money is acepted and YOU SHOULD NOT WHINE ABOUT MONEY BECAUSE MONEY IS MONEY AND THAT BUYS THE SHIT THAT YOU TURN INTO SHIT AND SQUIRT AWAY WITH DRINKABLE WATER.
>Disclaimer: If you're from a country that doesn't have drinkable tap water disregard that last rant.

>> No.10934747
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Kascynki published a shitty manifesto that misrepresented and diluted the works of pic related to the point that only retarded Peterson posters are able to engage with it.

>> No.10934753

that last sentence is bonkers wrong. why is the wealth generated from technological progress all of a sudden unusable?

>> No.10934754

Nietzsche beat all of them by a hundred years

>> No.10934778

is it saying you cant give the less qualified meaningful purpose only welfare handouts?
I wouldnt agree with that idea

>> No.10934790

That's akin the alienation of labor that Marx and Engels wrote about. I tend to sympathize with that position, but it doesn't seem like we're going back in that direction.

There is not much community, at least not the kind you can depend upon the same way you can depend upon the job that desperation led you toward.

>> No.10934791
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Can we say
>He was he master beater?

>> No.10934822

No. He's a deranged man. He is no longer, if he ever was, capable of truly rational thought. Stop lifting people like him into public esteem. Let's leave that to the depraved.

>> No.10934845

>I don't understand the human mind at all

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10934863

We're talking about it. Literally, that's what purpose the mail bombing had. He admitted in his manifesto that it was extreme but necessary in order to draw attention. I recall reading that he was aware that without the bombings, his would just be another manifesto that nobody reads. With the bombings, people have a morbid curiosity as to what he wrote, and so it gets read and spread around.

>> No.10934873

You make my case.

>> No.10934902

What does talking about it do? It's over 20 years later, most of what he's written about has gotten exponentially worse. Couldn't he have spread his message without violence? A publicity stunt without giant nails propelled into peoples faces?

He's a smart guy, so people give his incident more interest, but what has it led it in terms of strategy or organization? He gave his manifesto to the New York Times and reinforced the power of the New York Times.

>> No.10934905


>These men will fail their next life stage metamorphosis

With that attitude. Clean your room bucko

>> No.10934925

>There is not much community, at least not the kind you can depend upon the same way you can depend upon the job that desperation led you toward.
Fuck you, in a good way, saved this quote in a cloud based server service.
Yes that is a BIG 'problem' some villages still DO have that... Cities is where most people go to for promises of SEX and DRUG but for the ROCK and ROLL you have to have a village.
to quote an artist/band:
>It's a violent pornography!
>Choking chicks and sodomy!
>The kinda shit you get on your TV!
>Turn off your TV!
[Masturbate all you want, but porn kills a lot of relationships. It's not the jerking it's the fucked up shit you watch to get hard.]
I think it was (not Murican myself) Jefferson that went on about cities in Europe riddled with corruption and institutes build for the corruptions (not a phone poster and no autocorrect, really, corruptions) and that America shouldn't become like that...
>basically it comes to Laws that ALWAYS can be gamed and glitched (like: no, it's not supposed to be used like that) that tear up normal {which can also be brutal ect.} interactions and uhmmm
Symbiosis! is the word I was searching for. That is what we lack and "might" be something China has, but the middle east is always worse than us.
Bt to get more to your point and question and not my rant:
>There is not much community, at least not the kind you can depend upon the same way you can depend upon the job that desperation led you toward.
This seems to me more of an individual 'institution' {not sure if it's a good word}.
When you hange the world changes with you bla bla, but really, you don't have to go Unabomber quoting at birthday parties to make a change. But it's hard and 'normies' always get to you when they question further.
>Why don't you have a facebook? Are you married?
No, I'm single... that's why we have this date right?
>Yyyyyeeeeaaaahhhh, but why don't you have a facebook?
To answer this in text would require more than the text limit but yeah this happend 3 times and I don't date that much (like one more time and that just didn't match that well, fun time though).
Not only didn't I get my dick waxed, it's like why are you questioning me about my facebook when I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU ME FUCKING JOB, AGE AND TOWN YET!!!!!!!!!!!
>disclaimer: No I have not yelled like that, that is the inner voice and yeah I'm semi-drunk

>> No.10934927

It's always cringeworthy to see some neckbeard faggot take the tone of some long-suffering authority figure.

>> No.10934951

Bucko, JPD has a house cleaner.
Now clean your room bucko.
>and don't feel cucked

>> No.10934979

>This fits peterson like a glove
>JBP has an original theory on truth and humanity
>people are separately fucking spineless these days

no it doesn't

>> No.10934996

>couldnt hang at hardvard or yale or whereever the fuck he was working and had to edgyquit like a true fag

He was a published mathematician that solved works that other veteran PhDs couldn't figure out.

>> No.10935023

>his greatest accomplishment

I actually find his theories on morality and truth to be just as important, and far more interesting.

>> No.10935030


I'm no authority figure.
I get annoyed with people who have a bad attitude. Treat people, including yourself, right, and hope for the best, It's the least you can do.

>> No.10935036

row row fight da powah to you too my friend.

>> No.10935043

I hope I don't ruin everything with my bad attitude.

>> No.10935049

According to jordan he has those paintings in his house to remind him of the brutality and suffering of humanity, not because he identifies with them

>> No.10935111

And you believed him? KEK

>> No.10935113

he said the downfall of industrial society would take 40-100 years if society keeps heading in the direction it is going, and we're only about 30 years into that prediction. Large scale change takes time.

>> No.10935123

it's possible. he's a deep guy.

>> No.10935147

Not everything, just yourself, your life.
That's why you're included in the "people to treat right" group

>> No.10935166

Cheers, I can get that. {but I just gotta be Ishtars buttlicker for the next few lines}
>seriously gonna clean my room tomorrow/today because parents are away {28 btw}
But the Nag Hammadi had/has greater impact on the bible and it's interpretations than Peterson (for me tbqhmyfam)
>I'm honest enough to say that a hobo coming with petersons message would be more valuable
>because a hobo would clean it's enviroment and not hire a latina to do it for him/her

>> No.10935199

He said himself on some podcasts I listened to that he thought of it crazy and 'funny' that he could buy that shit on ebay and somehow that would be radical against communism.

>> No.10935202
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Aren't you an edgy one?

>> No.10935213
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Wouldn't you breath out and in more rapidly when it would happen?
>like when a women/girl looks you straight in the eyes?

>> No.10935266

leftist detected

>> No.10935286

That's the alcoholism you're seeing.

>> No.10935287

Peterson is a leftist cuck, you moron.

>> No.10935304
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>Who knows whats hidding under that liberal mask...

Staunch individualism. Plain and simple. Under the mask of the self-help advice lies an implicit shove to the classical liberal / libertarian frame of reference, behavior, and worldview.

Everything he says has political implications. He fools himself in thinking he makes any distinctions between his professional advice, and his political advocacy.

>> No.10935308
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>t. hasn't read anything by JBP
>t. hasn't watched/listened to his lectures/debates/interviews
>t. essential retard

>> No.10935359
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>thinks the bible isn't left
>>because he didn't read it till the end

>> No.10935454
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Holy shit you ted fags are so fucking dumb to believe there is some way we can get to some "everyone's a philosopher king thinking glorious thoughts unto themselves, unaffected by petty society" heaven on earth. Ted rails against muh system without spending five minutes to realize that people are pack animals and society will always happen no matter how we organize (or don't) ourselves. We're on fucking /lit/ and no one has brought up counterpoint books like lord of the flies or animal farm. That quote is full of such biased vitriol based on errors that are BY DESIGN built into our current system. A democratic republic recognizes 1) we're tribalistic animals and 2) people are often greedy and/or stupid. It allows for self-correcting within the system itself via legal means: judicial, the press, art, punditry, etc. That can be abused, but no shit anything can, which is why the system works if there's a constant discussion going on. Ted jumped beyond discussion into ideological ranting and literally trying to blow shit up. Nigger just start your own magazine or run for office and be charismatic, but nah, I want to bring down the whole system. Cool, other systems will just pop right up, or it'll be pre-historic anarchy, which is oh-so-fun.

>> No.10935505

Atheism is what fucked you guys up, I don't see why you go through such depths to try and criticize society when it can simply be explained with people losing interest in religion.

>> No.10935515

There is always some truth to this point.

As to technology, has not technology provided us with a means to live and prosper? Without technology, wealth would not be steadily increasing for all participants in the economy. It would be stagnant, because productivity would not be able to match a geometric rate of population growth.

>> No.10935535

You can't replace religion with money.

>> No.10935548

>outside the American hegenomy

Do you have any idea how many operations the CIA conducts in Africa, not just "the middle east," every day?


>> No.10935554
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>> No.10935566

>Atheism is what fucked you guys up
"You" as in...?

>> No.10935581

>another episode of /lit/ finally realizes something that /pol/ has known for years

What are all of you finally seeing that the system we live in is draconian and huxwellian?

>> No.10935584

What? Where on Earth did I state that.

I conceded that the cause of most of the misfirings and premature anger in this thread is really just a cause of lack of religion, or lack of belief in a guiding power.

Then I moved on to tackle the main issue at hand: technology and its deleterious effects on mankind. Please do try to improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.10935591

>intelligent men who have the audacity to tell the truth to the world and to do everything he could to institute change is a deranged man

You and your ilk should be culled.

>> No.10935608

Nah it's money, technology can help people. The problem is with the price.
We pay shit for some chips while them chips (if not used for facebook ect.) could help with constructing, drilling and whatever.
The 8-5 (not counting commuting) system has rigged people to go CAPSLOCK apeshit IRL. Sure some wagecuck jobs are sitting at a desk doing shit and billing for shit but most real laborers if they dwindle for like 1 minute on the notion of "being" are dead or in deep shit.
I like that.
But religion as a "book" or "institution" is lso the industrialized version. The 'search' for one self, not being defined by book, rules or law is forgotten a long time ago in western civilization msm and I don't know shit about others.
It the easy way out, pointing to a book and HEY in that city they point to the same book BUT wait here I can fuck hookers and kill shit BUT it's okay here, same book, well no more work I travel easy by train to [shit knows where] and I rape everyone because the book kinda said it's okay in my mind.
Travelling by speeds greater than horses and the whole:
>Why do we get these guys
They were available for the price
>They look shady
They are cheap
>okidoky, I live in a mansion with guards anyway

>> No.10935618

>if you don't love my favorite murderer you should be murdered too!! >:(
aww diddums

>> No.10935625


>> No.10935628

So this is the average intelligence of someone who reads this book. I'll try to stay away from it

>> No.10935635

? what book? Did I mention a book?

>> No.10935637
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>tfw you unironically agree with Ted about most things

>> No.10935645
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>> No.10935649
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>it'll be pre-historic anarchy
yes, this is precisely what he's advocating for
>Ted rails against muh system without spending five minutes to realize that people are pack animals
Actually, he does. At length he discusses that humans work best in individual circumstance or a SMALL group dynamic, i.e. tribes. The issues he discusses arise when the individual no longer has any power, purpose, or individual autonomy akin to, say, what one would find in any modern day corporate enterprise.
>nah, I want to bring down the whole system. Cool, other systems will just pop right up,
Ted discusses this very thing. Did you even read the manifesto? Paraphrasing, if we literally destroyed all "organizational" tech (see: roads, computers, factories in which components for larger machines like refrigerators are made, how-to instructional manuals), do you know how long it would take to rebuild those things from scratch? Thousands of years. So no, we would not be able to create any political system remotely close to what we have today without serious effort, manpower, and most importantly time.

I wish idiots like you would stop posturing and pretending you know it all. Next time try reading material with a critical eye.

>> No.10935651

I'm assuming you've read Ted's book, which is why you are fervently discussing things in a thread about it, defending the side of the book's author?

>> No.10935660


>> No.10935668

wow man rousseau already argued that noble savages are better off than civilizations but he did it better and 300 years ago, if you had any education at all you wouldn't be getting your mind blown by the half-assed ramblings of a failed academic turned murderer

>> No.10935677

>failed academic
oh this meme again

I always laugh when people get indignant because they've misinterpreted a fairly straightforward and easy to read text. Just like a leftist would.

>> No.10935682

if you destroy "civilization" all that will happen is some religous warlords like the taliban will take over and make you significantly less "free" which is what happens anywhere the state fails aka civilization collapses,,, i know this is 4chan and there will always be retarded kids coming in and out but some of the shit that gets memed on here is so fucking dumb, just shows the masses are fucking idiots i guess

>> No.10935686

>thinks this anarcho-primitivist crap that has been peddled by hippy vegan faggots on the west coast since the 60s isnt "leftist"

damn nigger u sure are stupid

>> No.10935690


So am I k? No bully pls.

>> No.10935701

No I read the unabomber.txt from something cybermatrix.org not his book. I'm not an R-tard. (getting on THE-list for buying a book)
>Are you now the retard? Or just the mongol?
IIRC it was in the newspapers.
>But hey, I'm the R-tard...right?
All banter aside, if I am/was riding his dick he should be thankful and You should not be so judgmental as relating my dicksize in reverse to my IQ.

>> No.10935721

ted actually addresses this. Again if you read the manifesto we wouldn't need to have this conversation. He basically says that catastrophe needs to happen not just on a national scale, but a global one to prevent imbalances in power due to tech. Furthermore, he also says that (and this is obvious) that great numbers of people will die, leading to a relatively unpopulated landscape. Lastly, he has no solution to whatever happens after the collapse, and says this outright.

Due to the aforementioned factors, especially population decline, it's just as likely that we won't be seeing some sort of "walking dead" or "the road" scenario as it is in seeing the opposite. Of course, there will always be warfare.

But really, all of this is beside the point. His ideas on the oppression by the state to the individual are spot on. The people that respect Ted mostly respect him for his writings on that, and I suspect very few respect him for saying we need to overthrow society, because the idea is simply so far-fetched.

>> No.10935725

no one respects "ted" except edgy teens fit for /b/ kys my man

>> No.10935726
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I think you may have missed the point m'lady

>> No.10935736

>im a freshman in college and I know everything

pretty sure tons of intellectuals respect the manifesto, even publicly so. google it you fucking college kid.

>> No.10935744

>larping as some academic

dude plz its obvious you're dumb as a box of rocks

>> No.10935747
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well I do have a bachelor's degree, unlike you.

>> No.10935757
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I think you might be to based to be just butter.
>Would you be my lube?
You think respect means wiping your ass so that your dads cums doesn't smell to much in the classroom.
You don't know larping
>You never been to a funeral because your Dwarf buddy was like saying that chicks with beards are also chicks, till he died of anal rupture complications.
pic related

>> No.10935762

tf this smegma harvester talkin bout

>> No.10935763

>bragging about having a bachelors degree

bruh u r such a fucking brainlet haha, let me guess its some dumb stem shit which is why a marginal and shitty anarchist manifesto has blown your mind...if you were a freshman ok cool. but by the time you graduate its time to put childish things behind

>> No.10935781
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Actually, philosophy.

>muh get a refund
>muh neet
>muh useless duhgree

>> No.10935782

>well I do have a bachelor's degree, unlike you.
Posting the picture that you did next to this statement sans irony makes this even funnier than it already was. Hot stuff, you crypto-brainlet.

>> No.10935786

>fails to see irony of post

I can tell you haven't gotten your bachelor's degree

>> No.10935789

Is Ted basically the real life Solidus Snake?

>> No.10935790
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Exactly, you never listen until I blow on something

>> No.10935796

must have been some faggy analytic bullshit because no way someone who studied philosophy for four years gets their mind blown by a shitty anarcho-primitivist screed, sorry not buying man

>> No.10935800

I can't believe someone will scream his name so loud through the phone when he dies.

>> No.10935804
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wrong again, bucko.

>> No.10935810

boi you got a lot to learn about life

>> No.10935812
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>but people get blow by the Quran my laddy.

>> No.10935846

>>fails to see irony of post
The fact that you even had those images saved in the first place makes it anyone's guess.

>> No.10935854
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>thinks on it for 10 minutes
>still doesn't get it so complains that someone saves memes

memes are fun. What are you, an autist?

>> No.10935887

you write like a bitch

>> No.10935959
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>> No.10936193

sounds comfy tho can't blame the sheep hehe

>> No.10936199

You write like an ex-con and champion a degenerate, so why would anyone be surprised you'd say that?

>> No.10936293

Hey, I'm just lurking. Honestly, you sound a lot dumber than the person you're replying to. Just thought you should know.

>> No.10936415
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What would Stirner think about Ted?

>> No.10936430

>emperor has no clothes
That is literally Jordan Peterson, lmao. He has nothing substantial to say about "muh postmodernism, muh marxism" at all and it's really obvious he hasn't actually read anything by Derrida, Foucault, the Frankfurts, etc. He is a pseud who only grew popularity because he pandered to frogposters online by complaining about a bill that he also obviously hasn't read (and doesn't even affect him) and he acts as a surrogate daddy for a lot of young idiots. He is only using you for money.

>> No.10936497

You completely misunderstand. What Peterson has to say about postmodernism is really all that can/should be said. The issue is that he has nothing substantial to say about anything else, including an alternative to the way things are. Saying "jeez, I dunno. These are big questions." Is pretty shit.

>> No.10936827

kek get a load of this tough guy

>> No.10936839

why are commie faggots like you so bitter and stupid? I wish I could break your scrawny neck

>> No.10937297

>It's all really obvious guyz!
Well if it's so obvious I assume you are familiar with that which he claims to have read, so why don't you tell us exactly where is he wrong instead of just saying how super duper obvious it is?

>> No.10937338

Exactly what Orwell noted.
I'm not sure why he barely gets mentioned in threads like these, resistance is quite literally futile.

>> No.10937490

Its funny how right wing straight white men are kicking up the biggest fucking fuss ever and acting like its the apocalypse because some people are different to them and asked for equality. Fucking manchildren.

>> No.10937590

What a legend

>> No.10937598

He thinks men and women should not work together, to prevent sexual tension, and that truth is inseparable from Christianity. Dude is not left at all.

>> No.10937621

I don't think refusing to recognize "differences" of questionable legitimacy.