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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 296 KB, 1000x1414, 2049poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10934300 No.10934300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10934305

You're parents had unprotected sex.

>> No.10934307

wrong board.
movie is 90% aesthetics, literary merit almost non existent

>> No.10934309

Take this soy shit to /tv/

>> No.10934312

aesthetics is literary merit (in literature of course)

>> No.10934316

Back to plebbit

>> No.10934326
File: 342 KB, 682x1442, BLADERUNNEREXPOSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilenuve inverts metaphysics to transmute soy into a social reality predicated on prenatal reddit ethic then made manifest through post skyrim narcissism (as concept et ego) sodomised then assimilated into latent soy affect as post rape insurgency - the aesthetic murdered in sega fetish manga and dishonest panning shots. Yet the sad truth is vilenueve gets all the love from the neophytes that sanctify his very name.

Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049? How much longer will simulation physics rendered as proto bioshock aesthetic be praised as affecting art? (Especially when the only audience responding to 2049 are the neurotic vilenueve sycophants high on neo imdb idoltry?)
Vileneuve vandalises art to peddle pseudo avant garde video game hysteria, it appeals to the emasculated neuroticism of vileneuve sycophants, whilst 'pulling a fast one' on its aesthetic authenticity, result in a garish makeup of style over video game subterfuge.

>> No.10934343

Take your fake deep pseud crap back to r*dd*t

>> No.10934362

>fake deep
>I can't intuit abstraction or lateral thinking

No you can take a hike soy, the shortsightedness of 2049 sycophants is alarming: they fail to realise the inherent end-of-history-as-cultural-homogeneity their auteur presents through autistic neo-capeshit meta narrative. But as they say, you can't spell Dishonesty without Denis.

>> No.10934869

You're welcome.

>> No.10935001

it's pretty bad compare to the original but it's not like it's a failure.

>> No.10935194
File: 15 KB, 300x223, 1522547783984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vilenuve inverts metaphysics to transmute soy into a social reality predicated on prenatal reddit ethic

>> No.10935201

Is this a nick land reference?

>> No.10935526

Writing was atrocious but at least it looked pretty.

>> No.10935596

First BR was kinda boring, 2045 felt more engaging.

>> No.10935607
File: 293 KB, 452x622, guydebord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049?
I did. It's pseudo-humanist spectacular garbage

>> No.10935641
File: 36 KB, 640x360, phil_abc_111229_wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is the the legendary /tv/ shitposter revealing his true power level?

>> No.10936467

I preferred how in the books the androids were actually something alien who were bitter that they weren't actually capable of understanding what it was to be human. 2049 just felt like "we all humans now and are exactly the same and shiiiieeet!"

>> No.10936473

Spot the brainlet

>> No.10936512

>tells observer
>lets observer decide
This I can't entirely agree with; 2049 was more tell-ey on the whole, but a lot of the deeper parts were amending the unintentionally tell-ey parts of the original.

Deckard starts off in the original as a replicant hunter, who's more of a skeptic than a through-and-through bigot like the police chief. When he gets saved by Rachel, he's willing to elevate replicants and say "the replicants are like me". But as the movie shows us, this isn't quite right; he forces Rachel to kiss him, suggesting he doesn't actually understand how to respect them yet. He then fights and is spared by Roy, then hears Gaff's line, and comes to understand the difference between equivalence based upon pride and equivalence based upon humility; the difference between "the replicants are like me" and "I am like the replicants." He goes back to Rachel and, instead of making demands, he asks questions. As they leave, he finds the origami unicorn, calling back to gaff's quote and to Deckard's own dream of a unicorn, suggesting that he too may actually be a replicant. In this respect, I would say the point of the film is to learn to love the machine before you learn you are one.

To elaborate, take the Turing Test and the Man in the Chinese room; from what I can tell, the film is arguing that the reason why the man in the Chinese room can pass the Turing test is because he actually does have just as much an understanding of Chinese as anyone else. The film argues that, in the end, we are all this man, even when speaking our native tongue, and that any expectation beyond it is nothing more than a fantastic standard no one has or will ever reach.

But like I said, the second movie can’t be dismissed. I think the scene in the bar with Deckard, Joe, and the Dog brought up a misinterpretation of the direct reading of the original I presented. In reference to the Dog, Joe asks Deckard “is it real?”; but rather than showing humility and saying “none of us are” as I seemed to have said, Deckard just replies with “Why don’t you ask him?”. If one were to prescribe the equality I’ve stated was based on humility, they would turn it into an equality based upon shame instead. The humility requires acknowledging when to surrender the distinction itself to the other party; this is the only way to really “say” that “everyone is a replicant” if you intend to say it in the same sense I have: non-forcefully. In this respect the second film is a great extension of the first.

>> No.10936530

any philo post ww2 frenchy reference

>> No.10936564

The resistance stuff was super fucking lame and dumb

>> No.10937135
File: 60 KB, 695x436, ass-arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw normie friends who's idea of storytelling is a marvel movie all cream themselves over how cool and "deep" 2049 was.

>> No.10937156

Bad editing, suffers from the same cancer that modern french cinema has been suffering from for like a decade now, unnecessary gore, ANIME tier villain and henchman(henchlady), didn't get the look right, soundtrack is just Vangelis remixed (poorly)

The biggest issue is that the original Blade Runner conveyed a lot with its setting and only focused on a tiny story within that cosmos, Blade Runner 2049 on the other hand is all END OF THE WORLD DOOM SCENARIO FAIL YOUR MISSION AND THE WORLD COLLAPSES bullshit

bad bad bad

>> No.10937159

You're an idiot

>> No.10937172

Reminder that this kid thinks David Cronenberg is the greatest director.

>> No.10937184

This is an excellent fucking post. Probably one of the best I've ever seen.

>> No.10937198

He's pretty good though

>> No.10937201
File: 186 KB, 867x1301, Vallejo, César - Complete Poetry (California, 2007).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's inferior to the first one but overall not a bad movie. Also, what's up with all the insecurity on this site? Did a priest touch you guys when you were little? Other trauma? Wasn't literature supposed to cure all that.

>> No.10937208
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1520895790378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this friggin post blew me away

>> No.10937217
File: 143 KB, 292x296, 1522583238969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those (You)s

>> No.10937219

I winced at the scene when the other replicants came out.

>> No.10937229

This is an excellent fucking shit post. Probably one of the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.10937267

no such thing as unnecessary gore,
especially for modern french cinema, you really have no clue what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.10937277

really necessary to see how the bAdAsS anime lady spilled everyones blood, it made the film feel like martyrs or something

>> No.10937309


>> No.10937713

wrong - strong ties with Becker, Frankl & Nobokov

nice word vomit & millennial referencing, watch ready player one, you should love it
>Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049?
if you watched Blackout 2030 you'd understand the shift between films
pic related is the most blatant propaganda piece for a film I've ever seen
>story comes first
no character does
> familiar / unique as criticism for a sequel
>narrative dependent
its not

I dont need to go on with this

its better in every way except soundtrack, and leagues ahead of the original theatrical cut

>just felt like
but what it was was a intricate showcase of how replicants arent human (luv not being able to kill only render them in the state of bleeding out through monkey see monkey do)

why shouldnt there be a resistance? it highlighted K understanding that humans do selfish pointless acts to amend their suffering

have a (You), cant bare to see everyone shunning you for you for saying so little and thinking youre saying so much

>Blade Runner 2049 on the other hand is all END OF THE WORLD DOOM SCENARIO FAIL YOUR MISSION AND THE WORLD COLLAPSES bullshit
>cant discern character opinion from plot
bad bad not good

the flashbacks are the only unnecessary parts of the film

>> No.10937736

Shit dialog
>this breaks the world
>civilization built on the backs of slaves
>that's what we do here: we keep order
The whole film is just as loud and obvious as possible. There's no subtlety. Still pretty to look at tho.

>> No.10937747

i fell asleep 3 times watching 2049 at my local cinema.

i watched the original on my tv set, not once I fall asleep, 2049 plotwise is very problematic