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10923614 No.10923614 [Reply] [Original]

I've been watching videos on this guy for 3 hours now and I still don't understand what he stands for.

>> No.10923619

read his works on ontology

>> No.10923621
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>> No.10923623

>i'm actually an alt-right facist *sniffs* but i use marxist language so people think that i'm *tells problematic joke* not a piece of human garbage

>> No.10923624


>> No.10923632

soy af

>> No.10923634

He's a cucked slav. Try Dugin if you want to experience their spiritual wisdom in full force

>> No.10923639

I have been watching him for 3 minutes and I dont want to know what he stands for

>> No.10923646
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>supporting accelerationism means you genuinely love the far right

>> No.10923658
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>wanting things the way they were before the 1960s makes you far right

>> No.10923665
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>using left/right unironically and without a feeling of profound disgust

>> No.10923674
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>i'm too smart to use common terminology

>> No.10923675

there's no such thing as left/right m8, just up/down

>> No.10923682

zizek doesnt support accelerationism, in first as tragedy than as farce he says that the left needs to drop the historicity of marxism


am i on punked

dugin believes in aliens and shit

and is a mondo retard

>fascism its the FOURTH political theory see we take the authoritarianism of fascism, the traditionalism and anti-capitalism of communism, and boom! we get something that totally isnt fascism you guys. tee hee, im a complete fucking moron. (society of the spectacle) (ps were not like the nazis the nazis were bad) (dude heideggar lmao)
dugin is putins carl schmitt, except no one will give a carl schmitt about him once he dies

>> No.10923684

Zizek isn't an accelerationist

>> No.10923685

wanting things the way they were before the 1960s makes you far right

>> No.10923686

pointed it out first faggot, i win you lose suck my dick and so on and so on

>> No.10923692

Dugin is quite possibly the only intellectual who I have never seen debated without ad hominem. I'm not saying he's top level, but from the primary material I've seen from him, he's nowhere near the crank that people claim him to be. He is an extremely relevant figure by virtue of him being one of the few politically active people advocating against materialism in all 3 of it's forms (liberalist capitalism, communism, fascism). Less of a philosopher, more of a pundit who actually speaks sense.

>> No.10923701

What about in the video where he's questioned on Trump?

>> No.10923705
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Ideology is the Lacanian notion of the Big Other. Hegel > Marx, but Marx still. Christianity is dope cause Jesus fuckin died lmao; athiesm. And so on.

>> No.10923715

He hoped it would open a space for the left to reevaluate their own project. Clinton would have cemented the left in it's neoliberal webbing. It was a statement of cautious optimism more than anything else. It isn't accelerationist because Trump isn't moving the dialectic in any meaningful direction.

>> No.10923716

How come I can see more posts in the Index but when I enter the thread half the posts disappear?

>> No.10923719

He's a hack. Evola and Spengler are a lot better, if you have to go far right with it. His dipshit posturing that he somehow ISN'T just a fascist sickens me. He regurgitates Heideggerain historicity without contributing anything. He attacks liberalism correctly, but unoriginally. His only cool idea is his weird angelopolis shit which I mostly forgot but I liked the sound of. He also believes in fucking aliens. He's a major retard, the only reason he's anywhere in academia is because his vague nonsense ideas post-hoc justify Putin's authoritarian politics. He's a prime example of intellectualism abused. He uses vague ideas that can be dismissed by just disagreeing with them (as there's no science behind them, just empty spirtualism and a right-wing reading of heideggar) that are promoted despite the esotrecism and absurdity because they can easily be applied to any authorian bullshit Russia wants to pull.

>> No.10923723


>> No.10923725


>> No.10923734

After that thread with the Evola guy I'm pretty sure I will never read him (unless he becomes popular and I need to argue against him).

Spengler on the other hand is actually a genius. He's not right about everything, but at least he had the balls to make a prediction about the future. We'll see how close he got.

Also based on what I've seen of Dugin he's not that great.

>> No.10923737

Obviously he isn't on the level of people like Evola or Spengler, that's not the point. I like him primarily for the potential he holds with his influence in Russia for giving us at least one nation that is opposed to the disease of physicalism. maybe a pipe dream but there isn't much hope otherwise b/c the west is beyond hope at this point

Also, source on aliens?

>> No.10923742

you should read evola if you like spengler, idk why you wouldnt. also dugin fuggin worships him.

ive only read revolt against the modern world tho

>> No.10923745

If you didn't understand what I meant than GTFO back to /pol or whatever hole you crawled out of

>> No.10923756

methinks that's the point

>> No.10923762

I confused his belief in esoteric ancient civilizations with the esoteric hitlerist bullshit I was reading about at the time. My bad, I often mix up philsophers.

Fascism is pure oppurtunism and hyper-capitalism. The reason why pundits like Dugin are popular is because they post-hoc justify it. Fascism as praciticed in all it's forms is not traditionalist on anything other than a surface level, and it definetly isn't in Russia.

>> No.10923763

Behind all the verbiage is a great vacuum. He stands for nothing.

>> No.10923766

>he has a lot to say so he must have nothing to say

this is what brainlets actually believe

>> No.10923772

Whoever posted this lost because they ran out of meme pictures

>> No.10923783

>wanting things to change is bad
guess we should go back to living in caves

>> No.10923786

You've got it backwards, bud. He has nothing to say so to hide that fact, perhaps even from himself, he says a lot.

>> No.10923787
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nigger I was just waiting on reinforcements

>> No.10923792
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>> No.10923793

>guy who writes a 1,000 page book on Hegel has nothing to say

fuck off you brainlet

>> No.10923798
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I was reading his How to Read Lacan book and I found his analogies and explanations very helpful but couldn't help but laugh when he tried to draw a parallel between Lacan's triad of The Symbolic, The Imaginary, and The Real using different kinds of toilets. It honestly didn't really help me understand Lacan's intention with using the model and the Symbolic is the only part I feel I understand because he bothered thoroughly explaining it.

I like his style though. He strikes me as the kind of guy that repeats his jokes a little too often, but they ARE good jokes and he's been working on these since the 80s.

>> No.10923805

there wouldn't be coffee in the first place if it wasn't for change :)

>> No.10923810

I'm addicted to amphetamine. Just because I can't imagine going back to life without amphetamine doesn't mean that life without amphetamine is less desirable than life with amphetamine

>> No.10923820

wew lad

>> No.10923847
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Also, can anyone explain the Freudian Thing and Lacan's 'symptom' to me? Every source I find just kind of skates over the topics.

Pic related. It's me.

>> No.10923852

That meme doesn't even make sense as a strawman.

>> No.10923874
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>In the good old days of Really Existing Socialism, a joke popular among dissidents was used to illustrate the futility of their protests. In the fifteenth century, when Russia was occupied by Mongols, a peasant and his wife were walking along a dusty country road; a Mongol warrior on a horse stopped at their side and told the peasant he would now proceed to rape his wife; he then added: "But since there is a lot of dust on the ground, you must hold my testicles while I rape your wife, so that they will not get dirty!" Once the Mongol had done the deed and ridden away, the peasant started laughing and jumping with joy. His surprised wife asked: "how can you be jumping with joy when I was just brutally raped in your presence?" The farmer answered: "But I got him! His balls are covered with dust!" This sad joke reveals the predicament of the dissidents: they thought they were dealing serious blows to the party nomenklatura, but all they were doing was slightly soiling the nomenklatura's testicles, while the ruling elite carried on raping the people...

>Is today's critical Left not in a similar position?

>> No.10924318

This was amusing

>> No.10924353

His pockets.

>> No.10924465

>what he stands for.

holy ideology Batman!

>> No.10924488

>doesn't understand basic fallacies
>nor their explanations

>> No.10924509

This thread is eerily similar to any Peterson thread.

>> No.10924515

I've been watching videos on this guy for 3 hours now and I still don't understand what he is saying *sniffing intensifies*

>> No.10924531



>> No.10924644

How low did the mongols balls hang that he needed them held so they wouldnt touch the floor

>> No.10924657

Why does his nose always sound stuffed

>> No.10924662

Allergic to all the ideology surrounding him.

>> No.10924663

>tfw you're so anti-logos that your texts are entirely separate from what you normally think and say

>> No.10924668

idealizing change as an absolute value against conservative standpoints leads to logical fallacies as pictured

>> No.10924675

Drugs probably.

>> No.10924724
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>and I still don't understand what he stands for.

that is because he literally doesnt stand for nothing.

that is what leftism is - reactionary nihilism/basic bitch post-christianity.
intellectually lame, fake and gay.

>> No.10924743

he is a communist just for flavor, doesn't really have anything to do with his actual theory

>> No.10924744
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zizek is not an accelerationist, and Trump was not the accelerationist candidate, it was Hillary

>> No.10924746

>traditionalism [...] of communism
wtf kind of drugs is Dugin on?

>> No.10924747

i dont really know what he is firm about, but the gist i get is basically he just picks apart ideology behind everything and tries to understand why it is that way

>> No.10924749

Trump was the accelarationist candidate for sure. He serves to strenghten the american left, which is the real accelerating vector. Him not getting elected was only going to postpone the inevitable.

>> No.10924750

>Fascism as praciticed in all it's forms is not traditionalist on anything other than a surface level, and it definetly isn't in Russia.
early fascism was explicitly futurist, so no wonder it's not traditionalist

>> No.10924753

Wtf is this even supposed to mean.
Nothing new in Russia, Soviet Union was kind of like that, at least in some aspects. You can find people who call themselves Pravoslav (Orthodox) communists and similar things.

>> No.10924756

>pleb thread
>eerily similar to any other pleb thread.
makes you think really

>> No.10924761

If youre pro accerationism in any way you should honestly gas yourself

>> No.10924766

accelerating means accelerating global capital dynamics, which closing borders and putting tariffs on China does basically the opposite of accelerating it, even though it's a measure that will just fail in the long term.

accelerationism has nothing to do with making american """leftists""" mad, those are ideological battles, which are basically irrelevant to the material forces of capitalism. Also even by ideological standards the democratic party is a mess and hasn't been strengthened at all by Trumps existence, they are still playing Russia games instead of owning up to their failures

>> No.10924772
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jokes on you, turns out the poop he was adding was those poop coffee beans from the monkeys you saw in that vice video on youtube.

>> No.10924914
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>> No.10926161
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>hillary was the accelerationist candidate meme
embarassing desu

>> No.10926173
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>wanting things the way they were before the 1960s makes you far right

Yes, that's exactly right. You're phenomenally retarded for not understand this.

>> No.10926208

what do you think accelerationism means?

protip: it's does not mean whatever makes leftists mad, currently many left and corporate interests are aligned

>> No.10927400

While you're trying to figure out his position, he's forcing you to think and exposing your mein gott ideology

>> No.10927423

are the perverts guides good?

>> No.10927441

>hurr durr lefties ruin tradition
>ex-commie countries preserved traditional values better than any of the capitalist consumption holes

>> No.10927861

I wish.
He’s a believer in the idea of communism and thinks that banning edgy jokes is what’s causing the right to win. Which is a serious misunderstanding, but enough to get him branded a reactionary by you Puritan fun patrollers

>> No.10927887
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>Fascism is pure oppurtunism because it falsifies Dialectical Materialism.
>Fascism is hyper-capitalism, a bad non-no thing, because it achieves class harmony within the nation.

>> No.10927900

You're implying that it was the leftists that preserved tradition instead of legally suppressing it. The reason why leftists were "more successful" in first world countries is because they were/are less honest.

>> No.10927922

this won't work endlessly, the anti-Semitism is based on unsustainable axioms. its not a strong theoretical framework which is why a giant CIA-DoD-Private Intel-RW Deepstate machine had to be created and why you shitpost on /pol/ with spooks and Feds. If you look at a large number of threads mobilizing you dumb drones, they look exactly like a psyops procedure being followed exactly. The US gov does warfare against its own population, all states have done this since Westphalian order.
the "Left" in America are not the Left of the Eastern Bloc nations

>> No.10927930

>Fascism is pure oppurtunism and hyper-capitalism.
>Fascism as praciticed in all it's forms is not traditionalist on anything other than a surface level, and it definetly isn't in Russia.
Also not true

Might want to read Georges Sorel

>> No.10927950
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>currently many left and corporate interests are aligned

>> No.10927964

Internationalism and multiculturalism are shared by neo-liberal corporatists and the far left desu

>> No.10927981


What’s the best vid?

>> No.10928016

Accelerationism is about sharpening the contradictions of capitalism to make a collapse come faster. Zizek’s Trump support wasn’t accelerationist, it was about breaking capitalist realism. He sees it as a sort of traversing the fantasy of liberal technocratic clintonism that is synonymous for all politics. Under the old paradigm even when we imagine other possible worlds we don’t really let ourselves believe they could be real, there is a psychic block. The election of Trump is traumatic in that it breaks this old realism, and it finally allows us to really believe that a different world is possible.

We can see the proof of the degree to which Trump is a trauma to liberal realism from the constant desire to make Trump seem like a normal president, the constant expectation of a pivot, attempts to constantly read deep strategy into what are clearly reactive flailing because the idea of not have a steady hand at the wheel is too terrifying to confront. You can see in the depths of the Russia conspiracy the utter brain scrambling, liberals yelling at everybody who disagrees with them that they are a Russian bot, it’s a symptom that is a scab trying to cover over the reality of trump. If the Russians did it then it can all go back to normal, it can all be rolled back.

So yeah, it’s not about accelerating capitalism towards destruction, it’s about breaking down liberal’s blackmail against the left

>> No.10928056

>the far left

>> No.10928166
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>namecalling because you can't engage with ideas
>"u r deepstate"
To repeat, Fascism and National Socialism achieve class unity within the nation. Dialectical Materialism is proven wrong by the emergence of Fascism, so you have to assign Fascism as "opportunism" because it falsifies your theory, and like the true sophist you'd rather call history wrong than admit your ideology is wrong.

The state is formed from the body politic. The body politic is formed from the nation. Nations are formed properly from wombs; race. Those outside the nation are not served by the State; members of other races, Jews, cosmopolitans, communist adovocates of class warfare etc.

>> No.10928173

t. neocon

>> No.10928175

>We're gonna break capitalism realism
>By electing a gattopardesco capitalist tycoon
Never change, american marxists

>> No.10928188

Mostly agree but the Russians *were* clearly involved to some degree.

>> No.10928210

If the way they were mainly involved is just shitposting troll farms or whatever than I really couldnt give a shit.

>> No.10928229

propaganda isn’t truth or arguments. restating things that were never the case which you cribbed from theorists isn’t thinking. Your movement is in the interests of the elite, there was never any class unity in Germany, labor was viciously repressed and the interests of the landowning rentseeking class were accentuated at their expense.

IHR and KKK/David Duke/Roosh/Alt-right are a psyop they are not organic and have funding going back to the royal families of europe and industrialists from modern period

>> No.10928244

Trump is a capitalist tycoon connected with Jewish real estate and banking, its psychotic either way

>> No.10928305

>The state is formed from the body politic. The body politic is formed from the nation. Nations are formed properly from wombs; race.
lmao not only do you have no idea what you are talking about you obviously never read Mussolini who is explicitly against this inane view. You must have not read much fascist "literature" at all. In fact, pretty sure you have never dealt with the concept of nationhood in any serious fashion whatsoever. Or you are 10/10 troll, in which case well done anon.

>> No.10928306

It forces liberalism to confront that there is no separation of corporate and governmental power, there is no ‘responsible management’

>> No.10928320

Abstractely anti-capitalistic.

He critizes people for not being able to think outside the box of capitalism (which he calls "ideology") and rejects the left that tries to whitewash it's history.

>> No.10928404
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Дoбpoй нoчи, кaмpaды.

>> No.10928409

>Which is a serious misunderstanding

>> No.10928456
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>the eternal "the real left isn't like that even though every existing leftist organisation and party advocates for those things" dodge

>> No.10928474

>thinks a measly 50 years of social change on a scale of thousands of years of human civilization can only be moving forward linearly on a spectrum of "progress"

the fucking arrogance of this mindset is unbelievable

>> No.10928502

>the real real right is always right, even when it is just an individual conflating another individual with a political position neither has ever read
Do you even know what the Far Left is?

>> No.10929637


Internationalism is fundamental in any anarchist movement

>> No.10929657
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>All of your """""alt right"""" memes are psy-ops
>In fact, all of rightism is a psyop made by the (((elites))) of society because they all relieve funding from families who go back to antiquity that are the bourgeoise
>Here are all of my 0 citations
/leftypol/ is really just as hilarious as regular /pol/ in every way

>> No.10929756
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That's the point. He is Socrates of our times and I mean it.

>> No.10929761

they are fun to watch

>> No.10929789

He doesn't look like the kind of guy to do much standing

>> No.10929810

Qatar spent way more money in media and social media manipulation than Russia though, nobody is speaking about that because Al-Jazeera pushed the right kind of ideologies

>> No.10929819

>>We're gonna break capitalism realism
>>By electing a gattopardesco capitalist tycoon
but that's the whole point of breaking the illusion, you can't pretend Trump is anything else than that, like you could pretend that Hillary was a woman, or that Obama was black and somehow revolutionary for it

>> No.10929909

Yeah, it's self loathing upper class neo-puritans, smug college students who think they're clever for reading the first chapter of capital, and their minority pets who are only in it to extract resources and power from whites.

>> No.10930112

Gee slavoj how come the capitalist system lets you eat two wieners?

>> No.10930178

He stands for garbage. Practically. He says humanity will reach its best potential when the planet is covered in waste.

>> No.10930216

buying facebook ads and twitter bots
really powerful those russians

>> No.10930219

but coffee already tastes like shit

>> No.10930267

He stands for critical thinking, for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the world and one's own existence. He's more about the method than the conclusions drawn, which is why his shotgun-style critical analysis that hits as many targets as possible confuses people.

>> No.10930322

the russian peasant was so starved and thin it was like raping a sheet of paper

>> No.10930405

Just read the sublime object of ideology. There are few good lectures on youtube that he has given on basics of lacan and his hegelian work, but they are much harder to get into without having read his works.

>> No.10930412

He stands for garbage (literally)