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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 768x512, Stopthisman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10908724 No.10908724 [Reply] [Original]

Sean Penn wrote a literary novel, and it's worse than you could have ever possibly imagined:
>“Effervescence lived in her every cellular expression, and she had spizzerinctum to spare.”
>"You are not simply a president in need of impeachment, you are a man in need of an intervention. We are not simply a people in need of an intervention, we are a nation in need of an assassin.”

>> No.10908729

that's a major cringe

>> No.10908733
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>debut "novel"
>176 pp

>> No.10908762

Sean Penn is at the very top of my list of celebrities I'd like to beat up.

>> No.10908787

who are the other ones?

>> No.10908794


>> No.10908802

Ridley Scott, Seth Rogen, Bryan Singer, and JJ Abrams round out the top five.

>> No.10908815

His prose sounds like he posts on lit.

>> No.10908824

>"You are not simply a president in need of impeachment, you are a man in need of an intervention. We are not simply a people in need of an intervention, we are a nation in need of an assassin.”
Does this novel also include a redemption arc for an alt right nationalist who trying to be saved by a teacher who survived the latest school shooting?

>> No.10908826

All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine

>> No.10908832

holy... I want more

>> No.10908864
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>> No.10908866

Still better than Joyce.

>> No.10908870

never heard of this guy but id take a mallet to him

>> No.10908874

this reads like richard mcbeef

>> No.10908877

>Ridley Scott

Leave that senile old man alone.

>> No.10908879

/r/books hates him so that means we like him right?

>> No.10909025

No woman knows the meaning of her favorite songs. Women are idiots to begin with.

>> No.10909027

No, fuck him, I'll never forgive him for lying about the bishop of Jerusalem in Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.10909031

Nice imagery here and there but some words feel way too forced.

>> No.10909034

what did he lie about??

>> No.10909069

Made him out to be a generally cowardly and unsympathetic character. In real history, the bishop had a fair amount of courage and was instrumental in brokering the truce between the crusaders and Saladin. But Ridley Scott is a degenerate atheist, so of course he couldn't show that.

>> No.10909079

nigga it's a movie, it's meant to diverge for entertainment and artistic reasons. stop seeing snakes in every bush, it's unhealthy for your mind and happiness.

>> No.10909088


I'm not that poster, but I'll agree with him. Scott's own personal vendetta against the church led him to paint anyone of real religious aspect in a poor light.

>> No.10909770

nah, you can see Scott's prejudices towards Christianity all over that film

>> No.10909832
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I bet he smells delightful.

>> No.10909945

Nabokov's debut novel was even shorter

>> No.10909961

Plus he had it in for the Templars.
The Templars did nothing wrong.

>> No.10910194

what the fuck is this shit. hes trying to do the postmodern thang I assume

>> No.10910202

See not tell works in books like it does in movies. The wife should have been introduced in a scene before this where her idiocy is properly expressed through her actions and words. Then you start this scene with "Every morning when Bob woke up it felt as if his ex-wife was still beside him in bed." Then you just explain the negative emotions he's feeling that he conflates with the image of his ex-wife.

What the fuck is this clunky, needlessly verbose shit. ITS BAD

>> No.10910239
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>We are not simply a people in need of an intervention, we are a nation in need of an assassin.”
>A mildly conservative politician with crass mannerisms bothers Hollywood liberals so much that they consider assassination justified
The absolute state of normie liberals

>> No.10910246

That's an insult to post modernism

>> No.10910300

You're just jealous that he got published before you.

>> No.10910303

>mildly conservative politician

he's a narcissist zionist neoliberal reactionary, he's the absolute opposite of a level-headed conservative

>> No.10910309

It's really interesting how Penn is able to garner hatred from the right and the left equally.

>> No.10910319

>he's a narcissist zionist neoliberal reactionary
No, people keep throwing this term around without knowing what it means
Yes, as are most US politicians
>Neoliberal reactionary
I'll take oxymorons for 200

Trump is a midly conservative New York politician who existed as a New York Democrat for years hence his *protectionistic and pro Union* stances. In no way is Trump a neo-liberal

>> No.10910334


He literally made God a character.

>> No.10910358

You can't discern a vendetta or prejudice from one movie. More like the original poster has a prejudice against the irreligious, than anything.

>> No.10910361

>it's another "americans don't know the meaning of neoliberal" episode
getting really stale

>> No.10910365

Is there an audiobook version?

>> No.10910366

Let me guess, ... It's about the adventures of a handsome actor who escorts a spicy Latina reporter to meet a drug lord named El Slappo, right?

>> No.10910373
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>> No.10910379

>It's a European thinks Donald Trump is pro free trade episode
I hate those episodes, like I get they don't know what they're talking about

>> No.10910381

>it's another "europeans don't know the meaning of neoliberal" episode
really getting stale

>> No.10910383

>I'll take oxymorons for 200
Who is Margaret Thatcher

>> No.10910392

I saw his post on Good Reads and the top comment was something along the lines of *autistic screetching* why are his favourite books all by men waahhh

>> No.10910400
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Absolutely pathetic. They literally can't talk about anything other than the fact that his favourite books are by men.

This guy is retarded as well, talks about statistical bias and doesn't understand what bias is.

Definition of a cuck.

>> No.10910406

>Thatcherism is reactionary
Are you just using reactionary synonymously with conservative? Emberassing.
>It's a britbong doesn't understand politics outside of his little island episode
Trump is nationalistic but is absolutely not in favor of free trade / minimizing unions. His entire platform is to be a right wing protectionistic response from neo-liberals policies ffs

>> No.10910414

Missed an a

>> No.10910432

>Are you just using reactionary synonymously with conservative?
Nope. She was reactionary in the context of the EU, she was an ardent nationalist who did everything to favour his country in the short term at the expense of the union.
And let's leave Trump out of this because the man just does anything he thinks will get him votes.

>> No.10910480

>She was reactionary to the EU
*Conservative towards Britain as I understand it. It's hard to call someone who is essentially just a nationalistic liberal a reactionary if you read history, then again it is a somewhat subjective term. It both means far right and someone who simply favors the status quo, so the attempted coup attempt by the Soviet Congress against Yeltsin during the 1993 constitutional crisis was technically committed by communist reactionaries

>Trump just does whatever he can to get votes
Yeah, no. He doesn't. Another bong ignorant of politics outside of his own country. Typical. If anything Trump intentionally avoids the path of least resistance

>> No.10910491

>his country

>> No.10910497
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still not as cringey as morrisseys description of intercourse
>pic related

>> No.10910501

Why? It's so verbose just... why?

>> No.10910510
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>> No.10910513
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>minimal ass-piss

This is up there with GRRM's beautiful line about a ship groaning like a fat constipated man trying to take a shit (or something).

>> No.10910523
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>> No.10910528

So prolix, and it's a fucking sentence fragment. Morrissey gets 1st prize in pseudery.

"Bulbous salutation" is rather a funny phrase, though.

>> No.10910586

what the fuck is with these people that everyone has to abide by their set precedent of what a "worthy" commentator is.

>waddamean your book about quantam computing doesn't have several passages devoted to transgender black asians. how dare you call yourself a writer!

>> No.10910604

>It's hard to call someone who is essentially just a nationalistic liberal a reactionary if you read history
A "reactionary" in the context of EU and the geopolitics of the time, as I've already said.
>Yeah, no. He doesn't.
Oh yeah he does. His manoeuvers are shortermism of the worst kind. And I'm not a bong.

>> No.10910649

>A "reactionary" in the context of EU and the geopolitics of the time, as I've already said
Well then I guess Hillary Clinton would be a reactionary to communism because she is a capitalist. Right. Okay.

>Oh yes he does
*Oh no he doesn't? But do go one about what you read on Vox or see on Liberal Fox News aka MSNBC/CNN

>> No.10910653


Jesus... this guy was a scenery chewing pseud his entire life. He even acted in a Malick film. I can only imagine the high-octane cringe dripping from this book.

>> No.10910657

>A "reactionary" in the context of EU
I guess Stalin is a reactionary in the context of Marxism because he was a nationalist and favored statism.

Stop blatantly moving the goalposts holy shit, Donald Trump is not a neo-liberal and the only way to call neo-liberals reactionary is to engage is extremely obscure semantics that is inherently left leaning (as it places liberalism in a reactionary stance)

>> No.10910666

Reminder that he's a Harvard-graduating Rhodes Scholar who met with and translated Heidegger

>> No.10910667

>Reactionary of the time
Define "the time"

>> No.10910768
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>You can't discern a vendetta or prejudice from one movie.
>But you can do it from a single 4chan post

>> No.10910969

>the otherwise central zone
tf is that

>> No.10911004

>Well then I guess Hillary Clinton would be a reactionary to communism because she is a capitalist. Right. Okay.
False equivalence, unless America is going towards a communist revolution. Anyway, Tatcher had views that can be considered reactionary regardless of context.
>But do go one about what you read on Vox or see on Liberal Fox News aka MSNBC/CNN
Classic trumptard. If you don't like my daddy you must be a brainwashed librul. I don't read/watch either of those, by the way.
>I guess Stalin is a reactionary in the context of Marxism because he was a nationalist and favored statism
They don't call it "red fascism" for no reason.
>Donald Trump is not a neo-liberal
Oh but I'm not the anon that was saying that. I don't think Trump is a neoliberal. I don't think the man can be really classified, he just goes with the flow and does whatever.
>call neo-liberals reactionary is to engage is extremely obscure semantics that is inherently left leaning
Again: Margaret Tatcher. Learn to differentiate between the ideology in theory (or worse, how you imagine the ideology to be in theory) and how it is actually applied.

>> No.10911017

probably the cunt

>> No.10911029

The left hates him for El Chapo, and the right hates him because he’s a Hollywood liberal. Am I correct in this?

>> No.10911079


Anyone involved in philosophy is a pseud.

>> No.10911226

I like this bit.

>She begins to writhe, cackle, and cough out her laughter uncontrollably. Her eyes watering, she nearly poos. Bob spies what might be a dime-sized and expanding moisture blossom from her rear-end-center, signifying perhaps some minimal ass-piss.

>> No.10911242


I just looked this up. He started graduate study at Oxford but left before getting his degree, then started teaching philosophy at MIT. How the fuck was he teaching philosophy at MIT with just a bachelor's degree?

>> No.10911261

>implying prestigious colleges have any academic worth

>> No.10911270

>False equivalence, unless America is going towards a communist revolution.
According to communism yes since communism is the logic conclusion to capitalism. Therefore Hillary is a reactionary neo-liberal.
>Thatcher had views that are considered.reactionary.
How do I put this. "No" just "No" a female leader of a democratic nation is not a reactionary.

Trump is a liberal protectionist and I'm not a fan you absolute child. This is what happens when youngfags post here , fucking hell

>They don't call it red fascism for nothing
Marxist Leninist is red fas is according to edgy anarchists alone. So it's a /leftypol/ episode. Sad!
>I'm not the person who called him a neo-liberal reactionary

This is where the comment chain begins. It's how the conversation started and you're defenending the same definition that the original poster was talking about.

Then you go on to repeat *the same sentiment*

Can deluded newfags stop posting on /lit/? Like please?

>> No.10911289

>t. cincinnati state community college dropout

>> No.10911363

>implying i'd ever waste money on the education i could easily achieve with a library card

>> No.10911665
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It's not that bad, guys.

>> No.10911678

That bit about the cherries is tough reading.

>> No.10911683

Are you kidding? “Prometheus” was all about the protagonist finding faith in god again with her little cross pendant and blah blah blah

>> No.10911850

Is that really in it

>> No.10911860
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> Bob fumes at his fellow Americans for not embracing the unnamed female candidate: “Too shrill? Too hawkish? Isn’t it true that you never wanted qualifications? … Was she the worst possible candidate or are you the most arrogant, ill and unqualified electorate in the history of the Western world?”

>> No.10911871

Huh, guess /lit/ isn't that different from /tv/
lmao at both of you

>> No.10911875

this is the funniest thing ever, how is moz so based

>> No.10911877

what tf is the book even about?also, a poem mentioning louis ck? kek

>> No.10911878


This is the sound of a man who has not been told "no" in a long time.

>> No.10911887

It's some dystopian pile of shit, it's like American Psycho I guess.

>> No.10911891

>The left hates him for El Chapo
is this from your own perception?

>> No.10911898

why would leftists hate him for el chapo? he helped getting him caught, right?

>> No.10911934

Anyone feel like analysing the finale poem? 1/3

>What would be a nightmare?
>What would be a dream?
>One thousand golden churches?
>Melted wings of clotted cream?
>Communes of corruption,
>in no mood for nuanced things
>just tit for tat instructions
>as the pompous pendulum swings.
>Cyber wars a-wagin’
>by hands that seem so clean
>while Yemen’s children die
>in a terror best unseen.
>In aggregate atmospherics
>our country dance boots
>burst its spleen.
>Fussy fated fusion fists
>at the tip of a laser beam.
>From Jupiter it must look so small
>the petty pustule bickering of it all—
>in war between women and men
>un-adhering to nature’s call.
>At the Mandalay in Vegas,
>so much terror death and shock
>little men made big
>by legal bump fire stock.
>Sexual misdoings awakening a rage
>Net-pix recasts readers,
>hiding its cabal
>with the “slick Ted” turn of a page.
>Though warrior women
>bravely walk the walk,
>derivatives of disproportion
>draw heinous hypocrites
>to their flock.
>A child’s question comes on Sunday
>“What if Monday died?
>Would there be only six days a week to live?
>And if Monday can die,
>so can the rest of days
>and I.”
>Puerto Ricans catching hand towels,
>but they have no home nor light
>So let’s all just be loving
>no need to scream and fight.
>Fat men tell fat lies
>while G-men sift their treasures
>this season of treason’s triumph
>under Moscow’s active measures.
>There are no men nor women
>only movements own the day
>until movements morph to mayhem
>and militaries chip away
>whether North Korean missiles
>or marching Tehran’s way.
>Where did all the laughs go?
>Are you out there, Louis C.K.?

>> No.10911939


>Once crucial conversations
>kept us on our toes;
>was it really in our interest
>to trample Charlie Rose?
>And what’s with this “Me Too”?
>This infantilizing term of the day...
>Is this a toddlers’ crusade?
>Reducing rape, slut-shaming, and suffrage to reckless child’s play?
>A platform for accusation impunity?
>Due process has lost its sheen?
>But, fuck it, what me worry?
>I’m a hero,
>to Time magazine!
>Mandatory service
>might humble a man, woman, or three
>but it all adds up to a scratch
>when “we” is never we.
>They’ll do all that they can
>to scare, play and distract you,
>keep you up all night
>with news of nothing but a who’s-who.
>Some seize on scientology,
>padlock wives inside a cupboard
>So when is it time to say,
>“We all knew about Ron Hubbard!”
>And while we feuded, failed, and fought,
>we watched Sagan’s precious dot
>turned tawdry on its axis
>raising humanity’s mortal taxes.
>Net neutrality no more,
>have we all become the big man’s whore?
>So rattled, addled and saddled
>our entitlement is recklessly embattled.
>Hawaiians felt the drill
>while denial had thirty-eight minutes to kill,
>but the mainland’s recognition?
>Too exhausted, so quickly left nil.
>And Bob? Well, he’s been resting
>hours have gone by
>here’s what we must see
>when survival tells no lies.
>Night has fallen over the retirement home.
>The elderly sleep in their beds.
>The Buick door creeps open,
>amber security lights overhead.
>Step by step he approaches,
>a killer disguising his dread.
>When he crosses foyer to counter
>the blonde, face down,
>resting her head.
>“Excuse me, miss,” whispers Spurley.
>“I’m looking for a Bob?” he said.
>The girl’s velvet voice gently answers,
>“A man named Bob is doing his job... in bed.”

>> No.10911944

>Puerto Ricans catching hand towels,
the retarded gesture trump did in puerto rico kek

>> No.10911945


>But underneath the counter unseen
>had the voice really come
>thrown so clean
>from Annie, completely bald and in underwear
>and body so supple and lean.
>And the girl seen resting her head?
>Gosh, she suddenly looks big
>over there.
>Her tight shirt of institution
>around shoulders bursting
>its microthreads bare.
>Then suddenly lurching like lightning
>charges that blonde-haired body so big
>Oh, boy— Oh, boy— Oh, boy—
>That blonde girl is Bob in a wig!
>Spurley sped for cover
>in shield of tendril-rooted teasel
>but Bob wields his wild mallet
>POPPITY POP!!... will drop the weasel.
>Spurley concusses like a canvas
>its skin splayed from its easel
>drops a load in his dewy drawers
>spreading a sewery stench of diesel.
>No humanity of hows
>nor witness to whys
>He coughs up his gas bloating guts
>bends over desk
>and dies.
>Cascades of curdling blood
>pour past Annie’s eyes.
>Though she now screams in horror,
>so finally complicit is she,
>Sounds a bit like us, don’t it?
>In love and killing...
>completely complicit
>are we!
>And Bob Honey?
>A being.
>and free.

>> No.10911953


>> No.10911958

>>might humble a man, woman, or three

>> No.10911966

>have we all become the big man’s whore?
This is the foundation of Murica.

>> No.10911969

This is written like an elaborate /lit/ shitpost

>> No.10911973

The left hates him because of his derision toward the #metoo movement

>> No.10911977

>it's okay when pynchon does it
Go neck yourselves

>> No.10911989


>> No.10911996
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>not posting the true literary celebrity.

>> No.10912039

It is though

>> No.10912054
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>horny levels

>> No.10912122
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The worst part about this novel is that it reads as though Penn wrote it over a stupidly long period, in really short bursts, and with different emotions in his head at the time. It goes from pointless, detailed descriptions to seething anger too readily.

>> No.10912180

He'd done some graduate work. You could get away with a lot more in academia forty, fifty years ago. Michael Silverblatt was teaching at Johns Hopkins with even lesser qualifications. Everything is so oversaturated now

>> No.10912201

This NYT review is way too generous 2bh. You can tell they are tip toeing around his delicate sensibilities, probably because of the reviewer's political sympathies. Based on these excerpts the novel should have been eviscerated. Instead Penn's getting understanding headshakes. I call bullshit

>> No.10912477

Tieing Madonna to a chair and beating the shit out of her with a baseball bat is literally the only good thing Sean Penn has ever done

>> No.10912486

Johnny Depp has written a few forwards to novels that are cringely goddamn hilarious. It really is somebody with a 6th grader's ability trying to sound like a profound hunter s. thompson.

>> No.10912491

why are Americans so fucking dumb?

>> No.10912494

it went like that? I can understand the feeling, women are cunts kek

>> No.10912498

Neil Gayman is like that as well. He basically copy-pasted the Wikipedia article on Douglas Adams for the Hitchhiker's Guide introduction.

>> No.10912512

He's had it too good for too long.

>> No.10912629

Ples stop, you're not and never will be good william hunting

>> No.10912637

Spoken like a man who rapes. I won't be surprised when his outing comes

>> No.10912648

If I could get my hands on you, I would throttle you. I'm not kidding. You would be in the hospital. I wouldn't hesitate. You have no idea what I'm capable of.

>> No.10912673

Thompson really did leave a bunch of idiots in his wake.

>> No.10912752

mystic river is a pretty good movie

>> No.10912840


I think this is a pretty good case study in how having a good command of language doesn't mean you're smart, or have anything interesting to say.

>> No.10912916

yea, what tf is he even talking about kek

>> No.10912922

>You want to kill me 'cause my bj was subpar, Bob! Queu up, bitch! And luckily you have a VIP pass!

>> No.10913130

This is the crux of the whole matter

>> No.10913149

>>“Effervescence lived in her every cellular expression, and she had spizzerinctum to spare.”
>>"You are not simply a president in need of impeachment, you are a man in need of an intervention. We are not simply a people in need of an intervention, we are a nation in need of an assassin.”
is Sean Penn John Green's ghost writer?

>> No.10913160

So... there’s no way this went through the editing process, right?

>> No.10913190
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>> No.10913208

This kind of writing of Depp and Penn's comes from Tom Robbins. And Tom Robbins comes from Pynchon. And Pynchon comes from Nabokov. Food for thought.

>> No.10913214

This. Don't support a bankrupt tradition if you're just gonna whine about where it takes you.

>> No.10913298

>Shit use of thesaurus t. thread/

>> No.10913339


Nabokov and Pynchon were good writers though. What does supporting that tradition of writing have to do with Penn and Depp being shit? Also people aren't really whining they're laughing.

>> No.10913403

the left is pro-crime

>> No.10913409

It's whining masked in laughing as they adhere to their literary man LARP persona.

>> No.10913416

what the fuck is his problem lads? holy fuck.

>> No.10913436

creativity comes from necessity. the only thing approaching 'necessity' im getting from any of these quotes is sean's normie-lib tier weltschmerz and dunning-kruger effect.

and remember, this man slept with amber heard while u spanked it to 2D waifus

>> No.10913440

This guy was so preoccupied with whether or not he could, he didn't stop to think if he should.

>> No.10913443

I know someone who's friends with Sean Penn. He has an IQ of 153.

>> No.10913446

It's OK When Pynchon Does It: The Thread

>> No.10913449


>> No.10913471

You need to self-murder sans irony, lad. Pynchon isn't masturbating on a page, no matter how much you believe he is. Penn doesn't say anything cohesive, no matter how much you believe he does.

>> No.10913478

Best post.

>> No.10913481

Neither does Pynchon, lad.

>> No.10913488

cmon dude crying of lot 49 is both readable and more-or-less cohesive in theme

>> No.10913504

>He has an IQ of 153
you have to be smart to be this dumb

>> No.10913565

>that epilogue poem
This boi bout to get #metoo'd real bad. He's trying to do some damage control with this book. I'm willing to bet it's bad on purpose to make the mockery of the book bigger than any kind of allegation and make Penn a lovable buffoon.

>> No.10913591

I don't know what to tell you. His IQ is well known by people in his circle. I've met the man a few times and you can tell there's a lot going on behind the eyes. Like all truly smart people he does more listening than talking. But when he does make a remark it's always a combination of witty and perceptive.

>> No.10913618

Go to bed Sean you pseud hack.

>> No.10913627

He has a genius level IQ and he's published, so he wouldn't come near this place. I'm just a humble acquaintance/admirer.

>> No.10913724

fucking /pol/ ruins yet another board

>> No.10913737

Holy shit, it's like something out of a high-school writing class.

>> No.10913774
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>> No.10913781

didn't sean penn once clib the outside of a hotel to find madonnas room and then tie her to a chair and torture her for the whole night?

>> No.10913785

seems alright

>> No.10913828

it was his house, his rules

>> No.10914200

Sean pls

>> No.10914655

even if you are right, so what? why does it bother you some old man made a great movie and inserted his beliefs in it? dont all writers and film makers do this?

>> No.10914664

Being a part of celebrity culture permanently fucks up a human's empathy. Not only do they not see other people as humans, they barely see themselves as human.

>> No.10914677

>Seth Rogen but not James Franco

You fucked up

>> No.10914683

Boy, does he love those aliterations.

>> No.10914685 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10914689
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>> No.10914694
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>> No.10914696

Alright, what the actual hell is this book about. Is it just poop jokes with allusions to trump?

>> No.10914751

>lit will deride Penn
>but It's ok when Pynchon Does it

>> No.10914757

I don't like pynchon either

>> No.10915468

I can't be the only one who thinks this page is actually good right? I've read some other excerpts and yes it's overwhelmingly shit, but this page is good.

>> No.10915485

Good laughs, thanks.

>> No.10915545

this is unironically great

>> No.10915577



Sounds like something on her I would like to jam my tongue/penis into.

>> No.10915599

I wish I were making it up, but yes. It's in there.

>> No.10915669

Pynchon caught ghostwriting again.

>> No.10915685

Apparently this guy criticized the MeToo movement. NOBODY BUY HIS BOOK! He's probably a Nazi.

>> No.10915697

He does, yeah

>> No.10915767


>One who concentered candy smells to her crevices in the self-objectification-seeking of every random man's desire.

Jesus, that's the worst sentence of the bunch.

>> No.10915885

His book is pleb filter. It's exemplary absurdist art.

>> No.10916023

Good to know, Sean.

>> No.10916072


Chip fucking Zdarsky

>> No.10916091
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idk Penn's book has its moments

>pic related

>> No.10917103

Goddamn is this an embarrassment

>> No.10917332

>50 AIDS of Gay

>> No.10918771

Goddamn it actually started ok but you can literally watch as his prose crumbles on the very page. This is at the very least interesting, like creeping into the unguarded mind of that pretentious kid in class who thinks way too highly of himself and thinks he's fooling everyone.

>> No.10918784

>“There is pride to be had where the prejudicial is practiced with precision in the trenchant triage of tactile terminations.” ― page 125

This motherfuck

>> No.10918794
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>he presented the one thing that would tip the battle in his favor

this is fucking awful

>> No.10919424

>It's ok when Pynchon does it

>> No.10919877

That was the most pretentious thing I've ever read.

>> No.10919886
File: 112 KB, 620x387, rushdie_3068073b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salman Rushdie's review:
"It seems wrong to say that so dystopian a novel is great fun to read, but it’s true. I suspect that Thomas Pynchon and Hunter S Thompson would love this book."

A few years ago, Rushdie dined with Pynchon:
The evening "started a little stiltedly", he added, "and then he relaxed and became very chatty and there was a moment when it was 3am and my eyes were dropping when he said, 'I guess you guys are getting a little tired, huh?' And I was thinking, 'Yes! But it's Thomas Pynchon, so wake up!' And when this long, affable evening came to an end I thought now we are sort of friends, and every so often we will see each other. And he never called again, from that day to this."

I guess he's just pissed that Pynch never called him back.

>> No.10920744


Here is an excerpt from the Pynchman:

>A city uninhabited is different. Different from what a "normal" observer, straggling in the dark - the occasional dark - would see. It is a universal sin among the false-animate or unimaginative to refuse to let well enough alone. Their compulsion to gather together, their pathological fear of loneliness extends on past the threshold of sleep; so that when they turn the corner, as we all must, as we all have done and do - some more than others - to find ourselves on the street... You know the street I mean, child. The street of the 20th Century, at whose far end or turning - we hope - is some sense of home or safety. But no guarantees. A street we are put at the wrong end of, for reasons best known to the agents who put us there. But a street we must walk.”

As you can see, no big fancy words, no alliteration, you don't sense any feeling of superiority or masturbatory prose anywhere.

Here is this shit:

>Whenever he felt these collisions of incubus and succubus, he punched his way out of the proletariat with the purposeful inputting of covert codes, thereby drawing distraction through Scottsdale deployments, dodging the ambush of innocents astray, evading the viscount vogue of Viagratic assault on virtual vaginas, or worse, falling passively into prosaic pastimes.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

Sorry, no. What is this misconception that the Pynchman's complexity comes from big words? If anything I've found a lot of what he does best is simplifying extremely difficult philosophical ideas that otherwise would be ineffable, putting them on layman's terms.

>> No.10920767

Penn's on the latest episode of Bookworm, get hyped folks

>> No.10920806

Not good enough to finish it

>Cyber wars a-wagin’
>by hands that seem so clean
>while Yemen’s children die
>in a terror best unseen.
>In aggregate atmospherics
>our country dance boots
>burst its spleen.
>Fussy fated fusion fists
>at the tip of a laser beam.
>From Jupiter it must look so small
>the petty pustule bickering of it all—

There's nothing good about this

>> No.10920813

>how incredibly mind boggling amazing female author are.

dude there's like one good one out there, maybe two

>Edith Wharton
>Jane Austen

>> No.10920835

>Thanks for making me think about this critically

>> No.10920841
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What the fuck am I reading

>> No.10920846

Poor Michael Silverblatt :(

>> No.10921824

Someone make a Michael Silverblatt/bookworm/favinterviews appreciation thread

>> No.10922090

Fuck you nigger they suck ass. No amount of white knighting for them changes that.

>> No.10922303

I thought it was pretty good too. Other anons are salty.

>> No.10922305

People who don't think neolibs are reactionary don't see imperialism.

>> No.10922370

ommmgg it's unbearable lol

>> No.10922698

it's a joke