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10886799 No.10886799 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the Occult to me? Or recommend some books? What are Kabbalah, alchemy, tarotology, magick, etc. and how do they relate to one another?

>> No.10887519

/x/ would be a better place to ask. They have an entire library of the stuff.

>> No.10887558

I get the feeling that they're more scramble-brained than people here. But if this thread doesn't get any responses after this bump, I suppose I'll go there.

>> No.10887588


>> No.10887590

have fun with neo-nazi schiozphrenic LARPers

I made a huge, long response to your post with a large list of authors, works and a basic explanation of the relations of the different schools of thought you brought up in the OP but it got deleted by 4chan for going over character limit Sorry

>> No.10887599


>> No.10887626

Dubs of truth.

>> No.10887628
File: 114 KB, 225x528, pepetarotmage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a huge fucking question OP.

Jewish mysticism. Ignore. You might as well be observing the flights of birds or cutting up livers.

Originally, it was man's first attempts at chemistry and material science. Mystically it has come to represent the transformation in one's self from layman to knower, from lead to gold, from mundane to sacred. Ignore, unless you are a Jungian examining the diagrams of the spheres and plates of furnaces to figure out what the alchemists were trying to say about themselves.

Good for convincing yourself of things. Don't bother unless you want to practice tarot to busk for money on the street.

>magick (assuming Crowley type)
Literally a sex cult by a sad, ignorant reactionary whose greatest achievement in life was the result of his greatest torment (Christianity).

oh look, more scammers.

Occultism is largely a waste of time OP, but it's there if you want to give them money. Charlatans will always be there.

>> No.10887653
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And this anon is correct. Confirmation bias sums up pretty much all experience of "successful" occult practice. That and schizophrenia.

>> No.10887669

Read books by Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce. They're very mainstream figures in the Occult.

But, basically the Occult is just the pursuit of divine knowledge. There aren't really guidelines. Just master anything related to religion and creationist philosophy. Then intertwine that knowledge with one another to form your own understanding of God or whatever it is you're pursuing.

I, myself, don't believe in any of that mumbo jumbo. But I do admit that anyone who has mastered the Occult has the potential to write beautiful and in depth fiction. Just look at Dante!

>> No.10887709
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug only beleive one realty grug no think nothing exist beyond group material realty. what group realty say be real realty. no such thing as orthognal system that brainlets think can be studied with science

>> No.10887723

Check out The Secret Teachings of All Ages from the library. Once you've read it if you want more come back for more suggestions.

>> No.10887726
File: 33 KB, 613x532, grugdegrassetyson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug need to provide evdense thats how all dis work grug need more SCIENCE n less grug-fic

>> No.10887751
File: 31 KB, 464x423, grugchrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug only can Know through me. occult is for lost grugs only, who must find their way to me.

>> No.10887768

Damn, it sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I thought it was more because seemingly intelligent people wrote some complex stuff on it (e.g. Newton and Evola).

>> No.10887775

Evola was a brainlet. I'm not sure what Newton had to do with alchemy, but I'm sure he was more likely the have been using something like the scientific method, even if he was using the old astrological symbols for elements.

>> No.10887787

some of these things are scams, particularly any new age stuff created after the 19th century or so. Occultism itself is studying subjective reality (NOT objective reality which is the domain of science), by which I mean the flow of images/sensations/qualia that you experience as your self narrative, in a way similar to religion proper. It's certainly not complete bullshit, that's just retardation from midwits who won't detach themselves from a 100% materialist worldview, either because they mentally are incapable of doing so, or b/c they like to overcompensate for intellectual insecurity.

I reccomend you try to understand the difference between these two viewpoints (objective/materialist reality vs subjective/spiritual reality) before you go in depth into reading about occultism, or you'll just wind up confused and hating it.

>> No.10887788
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Whenever kabbalah gets brought up there are always a lot of (((people))) who seem to jump in and tell others to ignore it. One should assume these are jews. Kabbalah is important among jewish elites and should not be ignored. There's a reason jews harped on about 6 million before WWII and other things like that.

>> No.10887794

>I thought it was more
It is. The median posters on this board are young 20somethings who aren't half as well-read as they're purporting to be. They talk shite non-stop.

>> No.10887799
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>mfw Christ is a materialist god and possibly an archon

>> No.10887834
File: 852 KB, 2048x1536, 613088BF-D733-409F-94B8-05DB2AD26138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two groups of people you should ignore when it comes to this topic: Christfags (all of the negative people here) and X-fags (they are nice but they read the wrong things and believe the wrong things). Secret teachings of all ages is a bit x-ish but it is a good starting point. Jung is probably a good place to go from there, his alchemical collected works. Then Taoism (Cleary’s 3 volume collection of primary texts), then Plato (the dialogues, obviously, but I think Being and Logos by John Sallis is an incredibly valuable resource for making Plato’s ideas more valuable to you, it is dense but worth the work, also Heidegger’s Sophist is another one that is very dense but becomes very useful). I’m sorry for posting these again, if a viewer is sick of seeing them, but the pictures serve as a good reading list, and that is what OP is asking for, so sue me

>> No.10887844

Interesting digits. Regardless of whether or not any tangible result was ever obtained by the Qaballists, the Qaballah is important to understand because it is an instruction book for how they will conduct future activities - so even if it is all bullshit, knowledge on the topic still has political value.

>> No.10887847
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Oh yeah, alchemy isn’t bullshit.

>> No.10887851

what is an x fag

>> No.10887857

>Evola was a brailet.


>> No.10887860
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Re-posting for visibility. Should acquaint you with most of the recent scholarship on the field.

>> No.10887863
File: 963 KB, 2048x1536, 8F8C662C-FFB7-4B57-8243-A0E349CAEA2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander Roob put out a wonderful picture book on alchemy that does a great job of giving context to the most important pictures. It is called alchemy and mysticism. Here are some good books on Platonism, they are the bedrock of all this mess.

>> No.10887868

You have to go back

>> No.10887878

someone who believes electric universe theory and can't do math who is suffering from debilitating schizophrenia and thinks they're being contacted by ancient hyperborean wizards
he couldn't do math or read half the languages he claimed he could and he just sort of said whatever he felt like saying all the time just like Blavatsky and Guenon, I would read all 3 its just they all try to sell political ideals unlike other occultists who are more interested in the works. Guenon is more metaphysics and traditional religion, Evola is more initiation and actual yogic magical practice, some good shit there, Blavatsky is Metaphysics-Kabbalah-Hermeticism and cosmogony, even if you reject her invented anthropogenesis, the cosmogenesis volume 1 is invaluable and her middle book, the interlude between the two volumes is also invaluable for dealing with materialism and idealism. Not reading any of those big 3 or Crowley because they didn't know everything and lots of their shit was broken or self-serving is dumb as shit
some of this stuff is a waste some of it looks interesting

>> No.10887879
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There are a couple more in the bottom right corner of this one. Last picture. But X-fags are people that type to each other on X. The majority of them admit that they really don’t read about any of this. They watch YouTube, which is fine, and they are cool, but I wouldn’t attribute much value to anything they say about this stuff

>> No.10887887

Are these yours? Have you had any notable experiences or practices?

>> No.10887892


>tfw when I'm a brainlet

>> No.10887896

dude you own every plato work ever kek i like it m7

>> No.10887926

Ya and ya. Honestly, it sounds silly but breathing practices have led me to more wonderful experiences than anything else. Go vegetarian (the foundation of every older spiritual practice) and stop drinking (as you see fit) and practice the reverse breathing and focusing on breath constantly and I think you’ll see what I’m talking about. Also, sex magic sounds dumb, and a lot of pseuds have made it into what it isn’t, but there is a reason that the Taoists, Platonists, and Hindi writers make a big deal of it. It is directly related to breath practices. And meditating can show you a lot about consciousness. Pardon my shit writing.

>> No.10887930

brainlets as I understand it subjectively are basically either low iq (below 100) or middling iq but with absolutely no sense of the world or intuitive ability to discern anything. there are plenty of 120-130 iq brainlets, the term doesn't have a fixed meaning. I do think if you absolutely cannot into math or music theory you are probably a brainlet as all the occultists of the ancient world worth anything were decently schooled in geometry and musical theory

>> No.10887957

Haha, thanks man, I’m working on it. Esoteric books are commonly thought of as being the type of books to be fetishized and skyrocket in price, but works on Plato collect value like nobody’s business. A few of those often sell for 1-2000 dollars. Dumb fucks put them online without looking at the prices of others that are for sale and I snatch them up. There isn’t enough interest to justify a reprint but school libraries have high demand and a blank checkbook. Keep them on your amazon wishlist and you’ll be able to catch them when someone is dumb. It is a beautiful age for book buying. (And nothing is better for you than learning more about Platonism)

>> No.10887963

So, sex that isn't for reproduction isn't bad for the soul? I'm a virgin and I feel like sex for pleasure would instantly cause me to regret it severely. Idk if I've been memed by asceticism but I can't shake this hesitancy to have causal sex. I feel like I'm making too big a deal out of this. I've been thinking about this lately because this girl obviously wants me, but I'm not gonna enter a relationship and go half-way. At the same time, I feel like I'm missing out on girls.

>> No.10887975

do not deny your body its necessary pleasures just to adhere to social dogma anon. all the adult virgins I know are extremely angsty and socially retarded, have horrible self image. men need to fuck and only a small percentage of men who are adult virgins should actually be virgins either because they are higher men or because they are horribly low breeds of men

>> No.10887981



pick one

>> No.10888003

Cumming lets out vital energy that is essential to breathing and meditation exercises. That being said, the Taoists say to put pressure on the gooch, taint, grundle to prevent ejaculation upon orgasm, or you can just edge and not orgasm. Your body plays like a violin. You tune it with silent directed breath. It can cause psychosis initially (I feel obligated to tell you) but it is well worth it. Kundalini psychosis or Chigong psychosis (it happened to Jung). I thought that I was being filmed everywhere and that I was the anti-christ for three months (you might think I’m an x-fag for saying so, but if you knew my qualifications and rational personality, I promise you would change your mind). Eros is Plato’s Jesus.

>> No.10888009

I kinda wish I never got into philosophy and mysticism. Sure. I'm no longer living the simple, "immediate" life, but all my questions don't necessarily provide me with any knowledge. I hate positivism, but I find it hard to accept many ideas without knowledge of the whole (reality itself). I'm sitting here questioning whether or not I should have sex because I'm so worried about the best path to enlightenment, eternal life, happiness,etc.

I'm pretty lost, right now.

>> No.10888014

read Plato and other philosophers, stop doing recursive loops back to your own dogma my friend. Its not healthy, asceticism is extremely hard on the mind over time, you will start falling apart. Test levels will drop, your dick will weaken, your ability to assert yourself with disappear you will atrophy social skills. Being with a woman is good, not necessary to have kids or a family at all. Many men of much greater spiritual worth than both of us had mistresses, some of them were even faggots! I don't agree with faggotry, it disappoints me to find out Boticelli and Plato and Alexander were homofaggots, but these things do not of themselves ruin you. Just like being a Christian does not of itself make you spiritually enkindled, man people who are christfags are more materialistic than materialists are. Including church going, bible thumping, ascetic christians. Things are not what they appear, subtlety abounds in the world NEECHEE tried to tell people this and this is where genius comes from, contradictions of appearance.

>> No.10888085

>meme magic works both ways
>/pol/ gets mad they were beat at their own game
the utter state of lit

>> No.10888105
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why do you have so many books

>> No.10888126

Because my dick is tiny.

>> No.10888142
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>> No.10888182

Is there any chance at all that the guy posting these pics has read all of those books?

>> No.10888190

sure, if he's ancient and the books were old. but a lot of these books are in near new condition. he's got money to spend on hoarding books. don't hate the player, hate the game anon. i would love to blow my eyeballs out in decades of reading but i'm already enlightened so it's really unnecessary.

>> No.10888573

Have you ever read the remaining fragments of the secret gospel of Mark in which Jesus shows some dude the secrets of the kingdom of God by fucking him in the bum? This is the unexplained naked boy that runs out of the garden of gethsemane in the exoteric version of Mark’s gospel. These were preserved by St. Clement and in a letter, when he was asked whether or not Jesus had sex with dudes, he said ‘yes but this is not to be told to the commoner but is reserved for the higher-ups’. If we compare this with the Hindu spiritual belief that getting rump-roasted actually realeases all of the energy that is trapped in the lowest chakra so that you can begin manipulating this energy for the purpose of enlightenment, we come out with a pretty interesting picture. Gay sex is only hated on by the fake Paul letters but somehow anti-gay-sex is essentially a core church teaching. Does it make you think at all? I am not supporting male to male sexual attraction. Plato said that a man loving another man was purest because it was not an erotic attraction. It was lovemaking that was not rooted in love of the material because women are sexually, materially attractive while loving males required a love for the incorporeal. I’m still not convinced that Plato’s talk of fucking dudes wasn’t essentially metaphorical. We love orgasms but we are scared to even think of providing ourselves with an orgasm that is scientifically proven to be far more pleasurable than the cock one. We hate establishment and know they lie to us, but on this point we will not wiggle. It is beyond hilarious. I’m not saying there is a right or wrong here, but the whole situation is super fucking funny.

>> No.10889584

pure degeneracy

>> No.10889604

I wish people would stop recommending that book, it is pants on head retarded, and full of huge factual errors.

>> No.10889632
File: 139 KB, 608x878, C7Qh2JxU4AEcvAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yoga of Power by Evola
Introduction to Magic by Evola



you're welcome OP.
these are fantastic if you are looking to get possessed by demons and also gain some neat insights.

>> No.10889637

>these are fantastic if you are looking to get possessed by demons and also gain some neat insights.
and when you're done with childish things go read the teachings of the Early Church Fathers and their warnings against prelest.

>> No.10889761

I’ll take your word for it.

>> No.10890330

Hahahaha, golly... your perspective is horrifyingly stupid. Which of the church fathers would you recommend?

>> No.10890409

hinduism is great for getting possessed by demons and acquiring self-delusions via repetitive hypnosis (meditation)

>> No.10890486

Which fundie christian podcast brought you to this conclusion?

>> No.10890496

This is next level boring, like you could investigate the mysteries of the universe but it scares you that something might actually happen unlike in christianity where nothing happens at all. GTFO

>> No.10890533
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i'm putting together a crew

>> No.10890535

You might get something from Kukai's writings on the necessity of Buddhist Esoteric practice. It's not the same web that you mentioned, but it'll make brief arguments for rituals and incantations.

>> No.10890561

Pretty sure Evola banged a lot of girls with his yoga/magic stuff.

>> No.10890589

Before or after he got paralyzed?

>> No.10890804


>> No.10890842

The Meaning Of Masory

>> No.10891254
File: 21 KB, 240x240, 240_F_85117216_blSt6Bs1tUTDDWQbWPkiuPXcTs5YrIHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only fault of "schizophrenia" is not being "schizophrenic" enough. Baroque connections between phenomena are not the exception, but their default and only arrangement. Their basal causal agent and elementary particle being you. The only revelation of this state of affairs being what you already knew. Trying to maintain narratives of objective worlds, creators, mysteries, others, etc. is the only cause of distress.

>> No.10891256

I suggest Kaballah for the Student if you're interested in the traditional take
I suggest Robert M Place's The Tarot, Magic, Alchemy, Hermeticism and Neoplatonism for all three of these subjects treated fairly and historically. Also Culianu's Eros and Magic in the Renaissance.

>> No.10891259

this is pseudery, the Deleuzian exaltation of schizophrenia, psychologizing mysticism is pure halfwit behavior

>> No.10891264
File: 20 KB, 500x386, deleuzefff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.10891269

Notice how no one posting in this thread except based book collection anon has any idea what they’re talking about. Isn’t it weird how an esoteric teaching has all these know-nothings who can’t into it and just embarass the ideas they grasp for? i wonder why an esoteric teaching for spiritually elite humans would have all these know-nothing pretenders who can’t figure out what books to read or how to articulate their ideas

>> No.10891391


I'm not exalting it, I'm dispelling it. Suppose I'm wrong and the world is a thing that precedes and outlasts you, suppose you are schizophrenic and thus objectively suffering and objectively wrong, suppose you falsely believe Trump is telepathically briefing you. How would anyone begin to relieve you? Suppose I'm a doctor trying to do so. It would be easier for me to agree with you.

>> No.10891437
File: 560 KB, 1600x2612, 9783455813548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Golem by Meyrink is a pretty comfy book.

>> No.10891443

Schizophrenia tends toward objective narratives. Schizos don't think they might be Jesus or there's a mere possibility, it is the most objective of facts in their experience. I think the schizo comparison is lazy really. What you are arguing for is a sort of postmodern skepticism of metanarratives and incompleteness of ontology. Good for you. Why add the schizo label? It has nothing in common with the disease. It is not more or less schizo but an entirely different metric. I think you are guilty of overly baroque connections. And Deleuze was a realist so he certainly didn't think all connections were baroque. His arguments on the superiority of the rhizome to the tree depends in large part on a greater realism to one metaphor over the other.

>> No.10891451

you’re none of those things and now i know you’re not a good person, as you’re talking in a way someone in a psyche ward or worse a psychiatrist pulling some thereapeutic stunt, or a preacher, would speak. fuck yourself faggot
Deleuze was a half-hearted occultist, schizophrenia isn’t real, both of you should be shot in the head for talking about things you couldn’t possibly fathom

>> No.10891482

>schizoprenia isn't real
Ah yes, I forget about this conspiracy. Is it a prodromal schizo in deep denial? Or is it a Terrence McKenna listener who likes to quote "the schizophrenic drowns in the same waters the mystic swims in". Funny, how occult fundamentalists deny science just like christian fundamentalists making up facts about vaccines and abortions.... i guess the fanatics are less different than they realize.
>both of you should be shot in the head
Lmao. A classic display of impotence. Been spending too much time on /pol/, buddyboy?

>> No.10891494

you haven’t thought about why mental illness isn’t real, ill help you: the brain and genome are too complex and dynamic to possibly contain consistent variants of any one causative agent which could be said to consistently correlate with schizophrenia, the ineffectiveness of anti-psychotics, the near random nature of psychotic episodes and the variation in neural architecture precludes proper diagnosis of a disease, DSM is not scientific it cannot accurately predict pathology
>uses talismanic phrase “fundamentalist”
scared out of my chakras

you talk like a 90 iq female, i know you’re probably male and straight too. but, you speak like a woman

>> No.10891497
File: 7 KB, 211x239, 1516902617324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug throw stick at ground and see now two stick grug see future now and see skull in sky big spirit say he bring pain now and me grug now scared

>> No.10891531


You're replying to a couple of comments whose sole purpose is to argue against figures of Epistemological authority, i.e. psychiatry or clergy. Reading comprehension is likewise best explored alone.

>> No.10891535

they’re not my friends and you did not read the proceeding reply to my retort. talk down to other people faggot, stop wasting my time

>> No.10891540

>[all] mental illness isn't real
Lol. You're certainly courageous in doubling down on the stupid in this post.
>reee DSM is bad cause it judges me!!!
You misunderstand the DSM. And all the latest research on psychosis and schizophrenia that is not in the DSM.
>genes and mind are too complex therefore magic
Have fun being anti-psychiatry. You are among such illustrious company as Christian Scientists and Scientologists :^)

>> No.10891551

>you are the monarch of your mind
>talk down to other people faggot

Can't make this up.

>> No.10891590

>all the latest research
look we hink sometimes some people’s brains will look like this! and other times they’ll have these alleles, oh wait we can’t actually be sure so its a range of possible alleles that we associate with this sometimes brain state that these people some of the time have. of course most people with “schizophrenia” don’t all have these biological traits and we can’t and won’t test if they do.
>you don’t understand our sorcery handbook
>patient has delusions
says you
>patient talks to themselves
wow genius criteria
>patient makes others feel unsafe
unbelievable standards for an illness!
>patients parents were weird
must be a genetic disease

>you’re a christian scientist FOR SHAME
lol go back to your mammy cult org desk job you fucking bug faggot

>> No.10891610

It's not a problem if you're young, you need to start restraining at 30, and you're allowed to cum around once a week at this age, you need to stop completely (or cum once every few months) after 40-50.

Taoism is more about lasting longer when you're young so you dick can absorb more female body fluids.

You need to try before you can know. There's absolutely no benefit of thinking it without direct knowledge, you're just wasting time and energy for nothing. Any conclusion you could have will be wrong.
Just go and fuck a girl you're attracted to.

I've read way more than that and I'm only 29. I'm a bookseller though.

>> No.10891646
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You think you're saying something clever and original but if you were actually scientifically literate and maybe attended college a few years and took some science classes instead of reading conspiracy theory articles online then maybe you'd have an argument worth engaging. In the meantime, I suggest you read pic related. Seems like it might help you.

>> No.10891674

ah this is now 19 year old psyche major schlock we’re dealing with. Wow a book where the author is saying the thing you all want him to say and then chastise him for, ah but he is chastising himself! because, you see he really is sick, and he needed help, now he’s all better, doctors went to school to say the thing and they know what’s what. listen if you took some classes on political theory, if you took some economics courses, if you took some bio coursrs you’d know that biodeterminist technofascism is correct, its just true. Alright? Philosophy? Semiotics? Socio-Biological engineering? Nah. You need that rapebrainopam and consciousnessextinguishapine to fix those anti-social habits. You think people are being alchemically programmed and transformed into vicious machines? Here take you dickdon’tworkfatcheeksnodreamadol that’ll fix that. Listen some of the time some people people sort of seem to look like they may have the idealist category we don’t even want to make a real disease, and you should take this hit or miss chemical castration tablet from PFIZER OR MERCK OR NOVARTIS TM and make sure to report all your thoughts to your PSYCHIATRIST and you’ll be catalogued as CRAZY BAD BRAIN BAD GENES DYSGENIC HUMAN WASTE and everyone will know not to breed with you or hire you or get drunk or high around you. You have to live with MENTAL ILLNESS and PSYCHIATRY is the best way to do that. Remember we can’t actually tell half the schizo braine apart from the healthy ones and we lie about this constantly by picking examples which we think are obvious and occulting all the examples which contradict this, we also don’t know how to model consciousness or memory properly with connectomes yet nor do we understand how genes express protein synthesis in an accurate manner or how cellular machinery makes use of any of this in a way beyond the most basic kind of alchemy, but trust us take SUICIDALHOMICIDALROLLING PSYCHOTIC EPISODE OTRAN and we promise the cognitive deficit and malaise will be worth it and everyone knowing you’re FUCKING CRAZY MAN

>> No.10891802

I used to be way into the occult and then I got on lithium and an antipsychotic, now I'm not. My life is a lot better, too.

Anyway, OP, the only thing I'd recommend is learning to read tarot cards. It's fun at campfires and the like.

Also, if your politics are remotely progressive, consider that all the major occultists would have been at home on pol - all of them - and occultism itself is inherently reactionary. If you're already a rightie this won't be as much of a consideration.

>> No.10892730

>Lmao. A classic display of impotence. Been spending too much time on /pol/, buddyboy?

I agree with you but you'll have to explain this one. How does being shot in the head have anything to do with pol?

>> No.10893168

I’ll go ahead and submit the opposite scenario: they put me on anti-psychotics and I was miserable and less rational, then I got off of them and I have been much more level-headed and happy. I was psychotic for months and nothing could shake me from delusion and then I stopped taking the meds and the delusions went away immediately. I only say this as a counter for anyone that might be reading and thinking anti-psychotics might be the answer. They might just make you worse, just keep that in mind.

>> No.10893199

you have to join a secret society and climb through the ranks to get to know anything of worth.

>> No.10893215

Applied philosophy.

There are two Paths to the Innermost: the Way of the Mystic, which is the way of devotion and meditation, a solitary and subjective path; and the way of the occultist, which is the way of the intellect, of concentration, and of trained will; upon this path the co-operation of fellow workers is required, firstly for the exchange of knowledge, and secondly because ritual magic plays an important part in this work, and for this the assistance of several is needed in most of the greater operations. The mystic derives his knowledge through the direct communion of his higher self with the Higher Powers; to him the wisdom of the occultist is foolishness, for his mind does not work in that way; but, on the other hand, to a more intellectual and extrovert type, the method of the mystic is impossible until long training has enabled him to transcend the planes of form. We must therefore recognize these two distinct types among those who seek the Way of Initiation, and remember that there is a path for each.

>> No.10893253

Ignore jewish books. That already cuts off a lot of it

>> No.10893273

>Evola was a brainlet
Oh I recognize you, you're the dude who raids Evola threads and leaves as soon as people start debating :)

>> No.10893285

>bill hicks on top

>> No.10893295

Not worth it unless it's a girl you plan on having children with
t. have severely regretted all the useless sluts I've had. You see not only them, but yourself as well as just another meat bag

>> No.10893303

>huge, long

>> No.10893307

Test levels will only drop if you're a neet who sits on his ass the entire day. If that's the case, you're probably not having sex out of inability rather than choice.
And homossexuality in ancient societies is wildly exaggerated, and it was mostly a city thing. Many tribes, mostly Germanics, killed homossexuals and threw the corpse in a bog.

>> No.10893308

So, basically ignore everything? lol

>> No.10893420

Shhh. I’m dead.

>> No.10893435


>> No.10893447

What about Philo? Jewish scholars hate him because he invented Christianity and Christian scholars hate him because he invented Christianity, but he also provides us with the most thorough explication of the philosophy of the Egyptian and Greek mysteries that we have access to. But he was Jewish (Platonist). I don’t actually care about your opinion but I think he is a pretty interesting case for you stupid fucking polcunts to consider.

>> No.10893528
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Re-posting best Western Esotericism Charts.

>> No.10893658
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>the truth is boring
>i prefer contorting my body, chanting the names of demons (Kali), rolling my eyes back in my head, and activating kundalini chakras in my yoni
>look at all the sidhis i've accumulated! look im so much calmer now! this stuff must be true!
>now its time I go full possessed mode and identify with God himself! yay moksha here I come....
THEY ARE TOTALLY NOT METHODS OF GRADUAL SELF-DELUSION VIA THE USE OF MANTRAS AND DISSOCIATION!!! How could I have been so blinded by western philosophy and religion this whole time? This body I have isn't me after all, its just an illusion, only the guru can show me what is real!

>> No.10893762

Uh, cults are organizations like Christianity that have dogma and hierarchy. Hinduism lacks all qualities that we attribute to cults. Sure, there may be Hindi organizations, but anyone that talks about Hinduism here is certainly not interested in any part of that, they are interested in the set of ideas that do a very good job of explaining our situation.
>They are... dissociation.
What? Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Mantras have a very sound and reasonable basis in even modern psychological understanding (and Platonic thought). It is just a way of centering the self and organizing consciousness. No fucking demons necessary. Dissociation is pretty fucking healthy. What the fuck are you on about? Seriously, who are your favorite thinkers? You sound like a totally mad psychopath and I would genuinely be interested in hearing who your biggest influences have been.

>> No.10893838

That is defined as a violent manner, but some would say that yoga is just like stretching, restoring the body to the natural state of being, not unnatural or violent

>> No.10893847

You guys drank the pooh koolaid.

>> No.10893889

please buy a bookshelf

>> No.10893893

>What? Like, what the fuck are you talking about?
Absolutely nothing. These guys are loud proselytizers. They don't have any knowledge.

It's as this anon said:
>Notice how no one posting in this thread except based book collection anon has any idea what they’re talking about.

There is literally one guy in this thread that has done a substantive amount of research. The rest of these posters are hyper-animated polemicists who think they can affect their way to authority on this subject. Roundly ignore them.

Both /lit/ and /x/ are horrible for this topic in general and you should avoid occult threads like the plague. You might get one guy who knows his stuff if you're lucky, but that's it. It's not worth the hassle most of the time. If you want to orientate yourself toward some genuine understanding you have to put a huge amount of study in over a long period of time. There are no shortcuts here. This cannot be overstated. That is the final litmus test that renders all of these other screeching hotheads irrelevant: they feign erudition.

>> No.10893908

>These guys are loud proselytizers. They don't have any knowledge.

>> No.10893941

Perfect response to prove my point. Thanks.

>> No.10893942

And the disciples clamored among themselves and said, "Master, we are like clay; Mold us into yourself." And the Master said, "Behold, I will sculpt thee into shapes even I do not comprehend!"

>> No.10893980

you have no argument, so you get pooh videos.

>> No.10893985

Thanks, I’m >>10893762
But it really sucks that this is the only place I’ve found that has people that read books worth reading (online or in undergrad or post-grad) but it still doesn’t foster conversation worth having. One would think that the internet would give us, finally, a place to have discussion about the things worth discussing, but fuck... does anyone know of any place online where you can apply, prove worth, and join conversations with people that have been vetted? I’m really not trying to be pretentious, I just know there must be smart people that care about the right things in our age of information. Sorry for sounding like a cunt, but if anyone knows of a good place to go for these types of conversation, I would really appreciate some intel.

>> No.10893993


>> No.10894019

This place is the best. You must simply learn how to ride the tiger.

>> No.10894026

Start with the Desert Fathers

>> No.10894030

Lmao. Have you looked into abuses of the gru relationship and hindu cults?

>> No.10894036

Mysticism is often sexual. The best gnostic gospel is Mary Magdalene's.

>> No.10894040

Sad. Your dick is beyond measure, bro.

>> No.10894048
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Why waste time with ancient tomes when moderns do it better?

>> No.10894055

Jesus is a Platonic myth.

>> No.10894075

I understand that there have been Hindu cultish bullshits, but people here are not associated with that stuff. It wasn’t intended to be cultish. People turn all ideologies into cults, it’s just irrelevant Christian insecurity here

>> No.10894081

Ya, phaedrus, symposium, sexuality is essential to understanding the human equation

>> No.10894093

I mean, I’m actually 6’4”, 7’, 6 inches in circumference (sure I measured to be sure), was nicknamed dildo in college by the females because it is the perfect sized dick, I just thought it was best to say my dick was tiny because anyone with sense would realize I was kidding.

>> No.10894112

You know the desert fathers weren’t actually Christian Right? Where was the desert? Alexandrian Christianity is nothing like what you consider Christianity to be. That was the Christianity of Clement, which if you read above, you would know that Clement argued that Jesus fucked dudes. That is why I was asking which church fathers you were talking about

>> No.10894118

The big question is modernism/postmodernism... but I suppose the ancient anticipated that...
Freud and Lacan too...
6'1'', 6'', 5.5''. Jk. All numbers are infinite! :^)

>> No.10894139

Theurgy lives on in liturgy...

>> No.10894153

>You know the desert fathers weren’t actually Christian Right?
>Christianity of Clement, which if you read above, you would know that Clement argued that Jesus fucked dudes
liberal homosexual revisionism? what is this nonsense.
>That is why I was asking which church fathers you were talking about

>> No.10894186

You are a stupid cunt. This is straight from a letter written by Clement: “To them, therefore, as I said above, one must never give way ; nor, when they put forward their falsifications, should one concede that the secret Gospel is by Mark, but should even deny it on oath. For, "For not all true things are to be said to all men". For this reason the Wisdom of God, through Solomon, advises, "Answer the fool with his folly," , teaching that the light of the truth should be hidden from those who are mentally blind. Again it says, "From him who has not shall be taken away" and "Let the fool walk in darkness". But we are "children of Light" having been illuminated by "the dayspring" of the spirit of the Lord "from on high", and "Where the Spirit of the Lord is" , it says, "there is liberty", for "All things are pure to the pure".

To you, therefore, I shall not hesitate to answer the questions you have asked, refuting the falsifications by the very words of the Gospel. For example, after "And they were in the road going up to Jerusalem" and what follows, until "After three days he shall arise", the secret Gospel brings the following material word for word:

"And they come into Bethany. And a certain woman whose brother had died was there. And, coming, she prostrated herself before Jesus and says to him, "son of David, have mercy on me". But the disciples rebuked her. And Jesus, being angered , went off with her into the garden where the tomb was, and straightway, going in where the youth was, he stretched forth his hand and raised him, seizing his hand. But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus thaught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And thence, arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan."

The point is that the desert fathers were of a completely different tradition than that of the oppressive church that murdered all of the platonising ‘actual’ saints that meditated in the desert.

>> No.10894210

>The point is that the desert fathers were of a completely different tradition
except that tradition remains alive in eastern orthodoxy, and the church fathers are well regarded by coptics, the ethiopians and armenians and so forth, eastern rite catholics too, high church lutherans even...Only problem with "the church" is the roman papal church becoming overly liberal, ecumenical and pandering social justice issues.

you're so confused and your quote doesn't say what you wish it says you mentally sick faggot. stop posting and revalue your life, if you think Jesus teaching someone about the "mystery of the kingdom" has sexual overtones you will definitely be burning in hell and already are

>> No.10894218

Subsequent study, including handwriting analysis of higher quality color photographs of the document, first published in 2000, revealed more possible evidence of forgery, and led scholars such as Craig A. Evans and Emanuel Tov to conclude the work is a hoax, with Smith being the most likely perpetrator.[1]

kek, faggots and their forgeries.

While Clement endorses these two passages as authentic to the Secret Gospel of Mark, he rejects, as a Carpocratian corruption, the words "naked man with naked man".[9]

Very shortly after the second excerpt – as Clement begins to explain the passages – the letter breaks off. However, just before that, Clement says, "But the many other things about which you wrote both seem to be and are falsifications."[9]

>> No.10894219
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Please ignore all the fedora lords in this thread. Modern physics since Planck, confirmed by Einstein, and recently alloyed with Simulation theories, proves that this reality is merely a motley of sensory data that can be likened to an advanced programming code.

>> No.10894223

I don't like people who talk the way you do at all, fuck off cretin. If you were being honest you wouldn't have approached me that way you predatory slimebag
Its not even remotely that bad and Hall was better read than you'll ever be, just look at that motherfuckers library of books on religion and occult in some of his lecture vids
Evola is faggot shit, he doesn't know anything about the things he talks about, not as well read as other bullshitters, tried cooperating with fascist regimes but was too conservative for them. What a cunt. Stole shit from HP Blavatsky without crediting her too.

>> No.10894237

>Evola is faggot shit, he doesn't know anything about the things he talks about
you should actually read him instead of repeating the same memes over and over
syncretic, masonic woo-woo garbage

>> No.10894239

R u stupid? “But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus thaught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God.“ please tell me how it could have been more explicit. And the letter in which clement was including this passage was literally purpose towards expressing the fact that, yes, in fact, Jesus did have sex with guys, but this fact shouldn’t be made known to everyone. That isn’t some ‘reading into the text’, that was the entire point of his letter. What the fuck dude...

>> No.10894242

>confusing metaphors and models about reality with reality itself
naive realism is so stupid

>> No.10894253

men of taste too i see

>> No.10894255
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How is it naive realism when the math works out?

How does it feel living in an autistic ice land?

>> No.10894261

Man, if you take two christians’ word that this is a forgery as credibility, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never heard anyone dispute the fact that this is certainly a letter from clement, but I have heard the argument that it isn’t the same writer as Mark (from a linguistic perspective, but also just butt-hurt Christians)

>> No.10894263

>you should actually read him instead of repeating the same memes over and over
I've read excerpts he just makes stupid shit up exactly like Blavatsky but without doing the primary research or thinking as hard as she did

Blavatsky derives extremely detailed system of metaphysics from Corpus Hermeticum, Puranas, Yoga Sutras, Buddhist texts and Gnostic Gospels

Evola just says whatever he feels like, claims warriors were priests and warriors are special caste, retarded
>syncretic, masonic woo-woo garbage
Evola believed "woo-woo" stuff was he just like JBP and using the Vedas for "social cohesion" or did he actually believe in siddhis and rishis? if so then you should shut the fuck up you fucking retard
so fucking what? you have a problem with masonry? you know how old their beliefs are and where they come from rube?
yeah we're not on /pol/ that's not a hate word outside of /pol/ and cathfag territory what are you gonna do? blot out the similarity in people's religious beliefs? What you believe nordicism but you don't think syncretism is real? Fucking faggot

>> No.10894267

You're an idiot. Please educate yourself before even thinking you have an idea about reality truly is.
The Kantian dissemination of reality alone should prove, to your pious, stubborn-ass that reality is heavily based on your unique calibrations of senses, which, as we know, tend to be faulty; so how can you make the stance that you, anon, alone there, can truly know what reality is?

You must be depressed or something.

>> No.10894268

#1 the sexuality is inferred by you not explicit in the text, get your mind out of the gutter.
#2 Clement was rebuking the Carpocrations and their "secret teachings" about bodily and carnal sins and warned that some parts of the "Secret Gospel of Mark" are true while other parts are not true, specially the part about 'naked man with naked man'.
Clement was an orthodox church father, not some libshit sjw. Homosexuality was a sin, saying he accused Jesus of sodomy is idiotic blasphemy.
The idea that Clement "argued that Jesus fucked dudes" is a lie on your part, a terrible and purposeful misreading and confusion.
Repent you devil.

>> No.10894269

to be fair a large number of modern physicists despise the early quantum mechanics pseudo-mystics and even those physicists clarified what they meant as being only barely idealist instead of blatant idealism. I highly doubt you even vaguely understand the maths involved in Bell's theorem

>> No.10894271

>confusing the map for the terrain
>look the map works, therefore the map is reality, it's a 1:1 match!
85IQ stemfags.

>> No.10894275

>a large number of modern physicists despise the early quantum mechanics pseudo-mystics
a large number of modern physicists despise the early quantum mechanics pseudo-mystics

This is entirely false, and I'm sure is being based on that Tesla quote that is taken out of context all the fucking time.
There's no need to drop arbitrary qualifiers in the esoteric.. you seem threatened. Nice wikipedia 101 cop-out search on the Q-Mechanics page.

>> No.10894279
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>ive never read him, only read excerpts
ya that shows
>now listen to my incoherent drivel, see /pol/ likes evola so therefore I must hate him

>> No.10894282

There's a huge amount of abstract writings on it too... i.e, the entire faculty of philosophy, and literature at large!
Guess what? Kafka? Gregor Samsma? An Egregore is a highly occult practice? Spelling is occult in nature?

You people are hopeless if you want everything in front of you.

>> No.10894285

No, I just know for a fact there are people in the physics community who want to abandon QM for just the standard model and think all that shit+string theory is nonsense and explains nothing, is all just theory and is what happens when math isn't properly married with experimental and engineering results. I'm inclined to hear them out, they all post on /sci/ about this constantly and twitter, again if you actually know the maths and want to make a thread on /sci/ and argue with them about idealist interpretations of Bell's theorem be my guest.

Why would I go on wikipedia and what did you mean by wikipedia 101? all wikipedia research is rudimentary research

>> No.10894287
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>projecting this hard
>if you aren't naive realist you're depressed!
must suck to be psyoped this hard

>> No.10894293

Well I do agree that mathematicians can become far too abstract in their proofs, and a lot of the stuff being peddled today is beyond what any normal person would deem healthy.

>> No.10894299
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Shitposting troll be gone! You don't even fucking read!

>> No.10894301

>Anon talks about Kant
>ur a naive realist!!!!

>> No.10894313

read this post >>10894267 and notice who its replying to , and how non-sequitur it is.

Then read this post >>10894282 and notice who its replying to, and how non-sequitur it is as well.
And get back to me when you grow a brain and understand how posting on 4chan works.

>> No.10894321


>> No.10894328

What ideas did Evola come up with and what languages did he translate?

Are you aware that HP Blavatsky came up with the systems of metaphysics and racial theory that the Nazis stole and Evola/Guenon borrowed from her without crediting her extensively?

Are you aware that she hated New Age beliefs and that she had the correct view, that the priest caste had a private circle of initiates in every culture, unlike Evola who thought it was warriors which is just self-serving nonsense made up to make aristocrats feel good about themselves?

You can't argue so at least answer my questions since you're a fucking pleb

>> No.10894336

What? Nigga go jerk off or something instead of shitting up my educating on these fools

>> No.10894370

Friends, this was a super-strange offshoot. I do not go to POL but this is tip-top slide-threading. I might have to start a new thread for the Clement letter just because this was so suspicious. Talk shit, I don’t give a fuck, but that was, statistically, and topically, fantabulously abnormal, so out of spite I feel towards a potential establishment slide attempt, I’m gonna have to start an independent thread for this shit. But have fun trying to bring that to 300. I’m paranoid. Sue me

>> No.10894371

i-is this the power of number magick?

>> No.10894387

this image has been refuted and exposed for being propaganda for years, 5-6 million Jews died in the holocaust, its not coincidental that they killed that many nor is it coincidental that Jewish media bleats "6 million never forget" but they were really killed

>> No.10894388
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>> No.10894392


>> No.10894406

Who the fuck is this nigga? nobody gives a fuck, faggot.

>> No.10894411

Focault's Pendulum. Great fun too.

>> No.10894417

You do know Quantum Mechanics is a catch-all term, yeah? I was merely talking of simulation theory. It's very easy to be an autistic reductionist.

>> No.10894690
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>> No.10894713

well then time to kms brb

>> No.10895737
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>> No.10896273

>ur dick on occultism

>> No.10897831

Tarot is comfy tho, and if you can sell it you'll make some cash

>> No.10897963

Kaballah is a Jewish mystical exegesis of the Old Testament. Alchemy is the royal high art of the theocratic science. Tarot is a game of chance and fortune devised in the Rennaissance and later attributed to mythic Egypt. Magick is what you get when you pursue God outside of conventional religion.

>> No.10897970

magic doesn't necessitate God at all, Tarot is a divination system and it goes back to the middle ages and is probably based in techniques from Byzantium and the Arab world as it originated in France, Italy and Spain not northern europe, Alchemy is correct, Kabbalah is a metaphysical system and system of magic

>> No.10898292

dat deep

>> No.10898629

I think it's mostly about the golden mean

>> No.10898641

Should one get into Freemasonry to fully appreciate hermeticism?

>> No.10898651

if you think that is what you want to do, anon.

>> No.10898666

I'm often debating with myself if i should, much of it sounds interesting and cool, but then they come around with yaldeboath and the jesters and then i don't know...
Also i don't know if i believe in a god like the old testament - it makes more sense with something like a neoplatonic onenesss and i'm pretty agnostic overall...

>> No.10898818

What fuck fuck - Chigong can give you psychosis? What's the likelihood of this? I've been wanting to do it but I've had enough problems with my head.

>> No.10898875

If you have considered doing it, do it. You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced that psychosis. Just play it off like you don’t have the strange beliefs it gives you. You want to pretend so they don’t give you the drugs that make you worse. You don’t want those. Post here if you become psychotic and I will help you out. But it is a positive thing over all, i promise

>> No.10899873


>> No.10899965

>i would love to blow my eyeballs out in decades of reading but i'm already enlightened so it's really unnecessary.
The /lit/ pseud in a nutshell.

>> No.10899974
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>objecting to occultists because you don't like their politics
We've got an intellectual powerhouse ITT, guys.

>> No.10899984

All I noted was the fact that occultism is a right wing phenomenon. That will obviously be more of a hindrance to some more than others.

>> No.10899999
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[right wing politics intensify]

>> No.10900002
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I've only ever really been one to study and practice divination specifically runes, as for me I found a great interest in being able to seek advice to queries in life that are completey beyond normal thinking capability and foresight.
Not to mention the whole study of runes links into ancient mythology and European history which in it's own light is intresting to read about, further ado making your own runes can also be a fun and therapeutic experience that will really immerse you deeper into divination.

However with everything in the occult just take it with a pinch of salt unless you don't mind becoming a raving schizophrenic madman, as alot of it is just synchronicity in action so don't be one to take it literally.

As for books here's a few on runes I found were useful and worth reading:
>Rune casters handbook: The well of the wyrd by Edred Thorsson
>Nordic runes: Understanding casting, and interpreting the ancient Viking oracle by Paul Rhys Mountfort
>Sorcery and Religion in ancient Scandinavia by Varg Vilkness

>> No.10900012

>Tarot is a game of chance and fortune devised in the Rennaissance and later attributed to mythic Egypt.
Whatever its origins, the tarot is a rich alphabet of symbols which can easily be randomised. As such it is a peerless tool for generating synchronicities (or "divination" if you prefer.)

>> No.10900019
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>> No.10900190
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>Taoism (Cleary’s 3 volume collection of primary texts)
I would actually recommend
1. the Stephen Addiss/Stanley Lombardo translation of the Tao Te Ching (see pic)
2. the Burton Watson translated works of Zhuangzi (recently reissued, extremely valuable footnotes and references)

>> No.10900273

Can you recommend any books on breathing? Especially from a Taoist and/or Platonist perspective. I have had contact with Hindi (Yogic) breathing and wasn't quite fond of it. I also took an introductory course on Zazen and found it more illuminating. Would still like to learn more though
I love breathing

>> No.10900287

>absolutely cannot into math or music theory
the irony is that 99% of music theory (at least today) is formulated for brainlets, as today the majority of people listening to/making music are brainlets
if any 130+ IQ person approaches such music theory, he will vomit in disgust, as it is mostly preudoscience mixed with arbitrary rules. i haven't found one place where they straightforwardly explain the basics of harmony, i had to take it from zero and make a system for myself.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.10900304

>Cumming lets out vital energy that is essential to breathing and meditation exercises. That being said, the Taoists say to put pressure on the gooch, taint, grundle to prevent ejaculation upon orgasm, or you can just edge and not orgasm.
According to Taoist wisdom, you are allowed 2 ejaculations per month, although ejaculation and edging (which leads to ejaculating in your sleep, although I have learned to have sleep orgasms without ejaculating and it's the fuckin best) are discouraged.
>Taoism is more about lasting longer when you're young so you dick can absorb more female body fluids.
It's enough you smell the girl and kiss her on the mouth. Do I even need to say she has to be under 25?

>> No.10900490
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>According to Taoist wisdom, you are allowed 2 ejaculations per month
This is what happens when you learn the creeds instead of the principles behind them.

>> No.10900847

Only if you're purely there for the symbolism and don't expect to meet anyone like minded. In the US at least it's become an exoteric social club for old men.

>> No.10900913

>judging me
you're just mad you're not enlightened like I am. reincarnation and suffering for you. escape from the material world for me. catch you later sucka.

>> No.10901090

>escape from the material world for me
Make it soon, please.

>> No.10901173

what the hell is one supposed to believe with this stuff. Literally everyone in this thread is saying something different.

>> No.10901972

Intriguing anon. You don't know a shit about symbols.
They are actually saying the same thing.
Just give yourself some time.
Every psyche is on its way to integrate its opposite.

>> No.10902403

a totally abstinent man ejaculates 2 times a month in his sleep
better take matters in your own hand, i say

>> No.10902429

No one should tell you what to believe, it would help if schizos, atheist retards, angry theists and LARPers would keep down so we could just share books and instructions with anons but that will never happen. I would say it all has a half-valid usefulness that can become real enough to be worth investing in, however zealotry, or self-hypnosis are risks. The other side is being fucking retarded and waiting for contradictory studies to come out about epigenetics, priming, cognition, psychosomatic processes and depending on what drug or media is being studied and who funded the studies, what the experimenters research biases are, for instance does sex in media cause sexualized thought, does vidya cause repressed violent or adhd thought, you’ll see a ridiculous variety of hypotheses about cognition and its relatiobship with the world or thought itself. this is a way of taking matters into your own hands and experimenting with consciousness. Drugs of course played a vital role in the Vedic, Eleusinian, Egyptian, First nations and African cults and its not a coincidence that schizo psychosis goes with Yoga and other practices that play with the vital centers of the body. Take it all as you will, do as you please, no one will lose anything if you go crazy and no one will care if you find truth. In our era of statistical controlled outcomes there is no loss or gain for individuals.

>> No.10902431


>> No.10902485

>he doesn't even know about basic phenomena like dissociation

>> No.10902799
File: 30 KB, 520x395, 1518648131001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Originally, it was man's first attempts at chemistry and material science.

>> No.10902831

so what do you recommend instead anon?

>> No.10904100
File: 206 KB, 1024x882, 9E8261D7-AED2-4684-AAC2-68A2B27065DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double 88s niiice.
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
Doesn’t the Kabbalah state that Jews can only have their nation state minus 6mill of them, or something along those lines

>> No.10904115

Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar.. ideally you should have mastered every single yoga asana before you practice breathing so if you’re not /fit/ then good luck

>> No.10904123

I’m currenlty reading this. The amount of truth in that book is astonishing..

>> No.10905473

My music theory is if I can't play it then it must be shit.

>> No.10906398


>> No.10906410

its called the Zohar and no it doesn’t say that

>> No.10906929
File: 110 KB, 640x799, 0612685B-881F-4E8F-AFE2-FB570082AFC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest Dr. Stephen Skinner's Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic and Techniques of Solomonic Magic if you are interested in true occultism. Everything else from Crowley to Bardon to Blavatsky to Evola is new age. Then delve unto the grimoires.