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10887136 No.10887136 [Reply] [Original]

>most important anglo-phone philosopher of the early 21st century
>expert computer scientist and programmer
>backed by Peter Thiel

How can one man be this powerful?

>> No.10887143

don't mind me asking

>> No.10887144

>backed by Peter Thiel
did they fugg?

>> No.10887146

When did David Foster Wallace get AIDS?

>> No.10887150

I like his poems

>> No.10887160


i don't

>> No.10887171

>sub-par poet
>needed land to help apply rigor to his disorganized thoughts
>advocates for a society in which he would be the first to die.
>too much of a coward to use his real name, instead goes by juvenile pseudonym
Yeah, real neato.

>> No.10887178
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Don't kid yourself he's the most important philosopher of the early 21st century period. The alt-right is the most significant political and philosophical movement of our lifetime and he's the intellect behind it.

>> No.10887183

>a Jew who shifts the blame from Jews to 'crypto-Protestants' is the most important intellectual of our time

Look I like Moldbug but it is extremely transparent what he's doing

>> No.10887185

Uniroically more accurate than 99% of ivy league professors, but his prose is infuriating

>> No.10887190

You're in every Land/Moldbug thread always saying the same thing and nobody cares every time.
Get a clue

>> No.10887197

I care, speak for yourself kike

>> No.10887199

i dont even browse this board. I've read nearly everything Land and Moldbug have written and they're both very interesting but they still both refuse to talk about Jews

His entire thing about crypto-Protestants applies to Jews like 100X over

>> No.10887200


>> No.10887205

I care too. Moldbug is a fraud

>> No.10887210

That's historically sound, though. All of this would be occurring even without a single Jew in this country. It's idiotic to blame them. Yes, there is a surprising number of them shilling left wing causes, but that's about all. I don't think it's a crime to subscribe to stupid ideologies.

Take the time to look into the historical progression of the problem and you'll see that New England is the birthplace of our present situation. Charles Sumner, Benjamin Butler, Roscoe Conkling, Thad Setevens, Horace Greeley, William Lloyd Garrison, etc are all perfect illustrations of the problem.

>> No.10887212

why? I think it's entertaining

>> No.10887214

ancaps and alt righters are also crypto-protestants, even more so than muh sjw boogeymen, which are nothing but managerial quacker encounter groups

>> No.10887215

Wut. Moldbug is a jew and the alt right wants to send jews to Israel.

>> No.10887219

>>most important anglo-phone philosopher of the early 21st century
we're fucked

>> No.10887222

If you deny that the self promoting ethnic-cult of Judaism isn't a problem you don't belong on /lit/

>> No.10887223

I'm pretty sure Land has said some shit about jews recently on twitter.

>> No.10887224

Wouldn't be Lang more important than Moldbug

>> No.10887226

idk man it's history we can't know for sure. I am by no means taking the blame away from Protestants, I agree with his theory about them.

But Jews in the 20th century especially have done a shitload of negative things to Western cultures. Whether these were necessary, sufficient, etc. is basically impossible to tell. BUt these NRX types tend to just ignore them completely or else just mock the idea that an enormously powerful minority could potentially act in a way that is hostile to other ethnic groups.

>> No.10887227

Moldbug and Land are the only interesting contemporary philosophers. Everyone else is focusing on boring minutiae, or is entrenched in academia where if you say anything interesting or true you get pilloried and lose your job

>> No.10887230

You are showing an embarrassingly low understanding of the JQ. Keep it to yourself, this isn't reddit.

>> No.10887236

Its because NRX is just Judaism with a sci-fi wallpaper

>> No.10887237

>idk man it's history we can't know for sure.
We can and do. All of this shit was present and prominent before there were Jews in the US.

>> No.10887246

You mean back when niggers were slaves?

>> No.10887247

>You are showing an embarrassingly low understanding of the JQ. Keep it to yourself, this isn't reddit.
Name one major devestating policy change effected mainly by Jews then.

>> No.10887248

Jews wouldn't have the means to undermine society if it wasn't for permissive, overly egalitarian protestant culture.

>> No.10887250

nah NRX is genuinely interesting. I think it's mostly just Darwin applied to various disciplines but it is still interesting

>> No.10887252

I like Amy Ireland even though she's a dyke and Peter Sloterdijk even though he's a pretty dry

>> No.10887253

>Name one major devestating policy change effected mainly by Jews then.

The civil rights act, how dumb are you?
>inb4 nuh uh not "mainly" enough

>> No.10887255

>The civil rights act
Prove to me that it was orchestrated by Jews.

>> No.10887257

>nah NRX is genuinely interesting
Its not actually but midwits are free to think so
>Darwin applied to


>> No.10887258

There was not mass immigration of violent minorities before the 1965 immigration act, which Jews were heavily involved with.

The closest earlier event that is comparable is the Irish, which is a far cry from what has been happening in recent decades.

The total breakdown of the family and gender roles are also recent and have clear Jewish influence, as well as other things like Affirmative Action, desegregation, etc.

>> No.10887260

mass immigration
civil rights

>> No.10887265

the academic humanities are allergic to Darwin so all we have is blogposters essentially.

Unless you're one of those types who is allergic to Darwin as well in which case I pity you

>> No.10887266

I'm a facist but seriously /pol pls go/. There's more to these guys than the JQ for fucks sake

>> No.10887268

It was literally written by a Jew

>> No.10887270

Christianity is a jewish religion, they have been infecting whites with ideology and cultural disease for centuries. To minimize the problems jews have caused and continue to cause in white societies is idiotic, they have had an enormous effect, and a negative one

>> No.10887277

The 1965 Immigration Act, which jews had been pushing for decades.

>> No.10887278
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>> No.10887281

>There was not mass immigration of violent minorities before the 1965 immigration act
Yes, there was. We were importing east european undesirables en masse and had to pass an emergency bill to put a stop to it. And the people I mentioned were already advocating unlimited immigration from Asia and Africa. And this was in 1870.

The 1965 immigration act was passed overwhelmingly by white goyboys working for their corporate masters

>> No.10887283

jews are just really altruistic and kind. open your heart, anon :)

>> No.10887289

I said effected by Jew, not promoted.
And a bunch of whites had to support, otherwise there would have been no point in writing it. It would have happened without him

>> No.10887292

>There's more to these guys than the JQ for fucks sake

Not really. If you're a kike you're a kike

>> No.10887299

Most jews are better at lying and pretending to not be jewish than you seem to be. Are you one of the low IQ mizrahi?

>> No.10887300

>And a bunch of whites had to support, otherwise there would have been no point in writing it.

Yeah no shit, America is a white country of course anything that happens will involve white people. I knew you'd move the goalposts like this you little chickenshit

>> No.10887304

"""Refugees""" are literally ferried from the coast of Libya to southern Italy en masse by Soros-funded NGOs to the tune of ~200k heads per year. How much more Jewish orchestrated can you get

>> No.10887306

you're not going to get anything legislated without white people in the united states because it's a majority white country and most senators and congressmen are white. doesn't mean that jewish influence is irrelevant

>> No.10887307

>le. I knew you'd move the goalposts like this you little chickenshit
How did I move them? I asked you to prove that the Jews were primarily responsible. You couldn't do it and invented your own goalposts.
It was voted on mainly by whites.

>> No.10887310
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go try your tricks somewhere else, shlomo

>> No.10887313

>I asked you to prove that the Jews were primarily responsible

He wrote the God damn bill. If that's not a primary part then you're just going to keep moving the goalposts until they control 100% of the House

>> No.10887317

>lie to me openly
>accuse me of tricks
ur mom a fag
There isn't even evidence that Jews have been a driving force behind this sort of legislation, much less the main one.

>> No.10887321

>He wrote the God damn bill.
Because white senators were demanding it and ready to approve it
> If that's not a primary part
It isn't. Demanding it, voting on it, refusing to veto and implementing it are the primary parts u fat fag

>> No.10887323
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>It isn't.

>> No.10887326

>expert computer scientist and programmer
mencius's field was telecom/distributed systems

Yarvin's regretting many Urbit design choices

>> No.10887331

Your powers of deception are noticeably lower than your kinsmen; shit-tier actually. And you're dealing with people itt who are well beyond that, so it's not going to work out for you, juden.

>> No.10887335

>hey we want you to write this this and this, and we'll all vote for it
>wtf dis ebil jew controlling da scene

>> No.10887338

>Your powers of deception are noticeably lower than your kinsmen
please just prove that Jews are primarily responsible, or even played driving role in all of this and I will gladly accept defeat. So far, there isn't much evidence of it

>> No.10887341

Celler was literally one of the longest running politicians in US history and was highly influencial and outspoken. The writer of both the Civil Rights act and the Immigration Reform bill.
You are fooling no one kike to act like he was just some side lines clerk handed a job

>> No.10887344

So it would not have occurred without him?

>> No.10887349
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>So far, there isn't much evidence of it
>given tons of evidence
>D-doesnt count because I say so!
>My goal post was actually THIS big the whole time!

>> No.10887352

Him and the other Jews who ran Hollywood and journalism. Very likely not, certainly not in the way in which it did

>> No.10887361

>Hollywood and journalism
I'll give you Hollywood. Source on journalism?
>posts Hitler
I didn't even read your post. At least idolize someone truly great like Washington or Robert Lee. You're the reason the whole movement is descending to the estate of a bad joke

>> No.10887364


the relevant essay about immigration

>> No.10887367

>I didn't even read your post.
Great argument

>> No.10887375
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Others already have. We are well aware that whites are susceptible to being corrupted and influenced by jews and routinely carry water for jewish ethnic interests, and plan to deal with them first, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the source of the problems are jewish and are representative of jewish interests alone, because they are.

Saying white legislators voted for the Iraq war does not take away from the reality that the Iraq war was strictly in the interests of jews, and that jews were the main promoters of it.

You are blatantly trying to deceive people because you are a kike. This is expected, but your game is weak.

>> No.10887378

I'll give it a read, but I really don't expect to find anything besides a brief outline from Emma Goldman to Israel Zangwill and Emmanual Hart Cellar.

I don't deny that a disproportionate number of Jews is involved in promoting these retarded causes. Just that they're mainly responsible or that it wouldn't have occurred without their influence

>> No.10887381

Focusing on the jews obsessively is a massive bluepill. Yeah they did a lot of shit, and alot of things wouldn't have happened as they did without them, but it's really only a difference of degrees most likely. But there's real insight to be had from looking at the degeneration of the west, and you're missing it refusing to think of anything else but the jews.

>> No.10887397

>lity that the Iraq war was strictly in the interests of jews
That's quite a claim to be making with only a collage of some jewish faces to back it up

>> No.10887398

>Just that they're mainly responsible or that it wouldn't have occurred without their influence
Jews are responsible because they were the main force behind it, and for reasons that served their ethnic interests alone. It wasn't in white people's interests and white people repeatedly reinforced white-only immigration policies so it retarded to say it would have happened no matter what. It happened because jews had been pushing for it for decades and finally after a lot of work weakened and greased the white upper classes enough to get what they wanted.

>> No.10887400

idk. i dont really think it's just Jews either. I still don't like them after learning about how they act. Every time I see a Jewish person shitting on whites in public I feel less and less emotion of any kind about the fact that their history consists of being exiled and murdered en masse everywhere they go.

>> No.10887403

It's called the Oded Yinon Plan, get with the program.

>> No.10887414

This is the main difference here. Whites can be reasoned with and see the error of their ways because they at least think they're doing good. Jews know exactly what they're doing they just don't care and never will

>> No.10887418

Welcome to level 1 of the jewish problem.

Proceed forward, and don't feel the need to announce your progress/change in beliefs at each step. We already know, we were all there once, too.

>> No.10887419

>oh boy can't wait to discuss neoreactionary thought with /lit/
Bloody hell, I'm probably one of the biggest E Michael Jones fans on the internet and even I find this shit tiresome. Yarvin's takes on all kinds of issues are fascinating but we have to focus on Jews don't we? Everyone with a brain knows that it's the English 'Scientific' tradition which destroyed the world, Jews are just a prominent tag-along, more prominent now that the founding Anglos are out of power.

>> No.10887428

>Everyone with a brain knows that it's the English 'Scientific' tradition which destroyed the world

Fuck you, you pathetic little shit. The Anglo spirit was what elevated humanity from a pit of effeminate illiteracy and despotism. No freeman will ever doubt its debt

>> No.10887432

>. The Anglo spirit was what elevated humanity from a pit of effeminate illiteracy and despotism

>> No.10887433

This poster highlights the dissonance one must create loopholes for when they are willing to accept that jews are problematic but still worship a kike whom their ancestors were forced to worship. Still enslaved...

The problems in the west begin and end with the jew.

>> No.10887434

if Moldbug admitted the jewish problem then people would be able to focus on his other ideas, which are obviously not without merit.

It's the last taboo that the NRX refuse to break with, even though it is so fucking obviously another element of Leftism

>> No.10887438
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>Waah why can't I go back to feudalism and no property rights

Keep crying globalist

>> No.10887441

>because they were the main force behind it,
But they weren't. It was white "elites" who demanded a tard tier open borders policy. Jews were there too, but never in great enough numbers to be a deciding factor.

>> No.10887445

>jew this, jew that
Really profound, guys

>> No.10887452

This perspective has been addressed and overturned in several different ways already. You and your thesis are wrong. There would never have been the 1965 Act or mass third world immigration without jews.

>> No.10887463

seriously it's like when Im trying to read about South Africa and people keep bringing up the fucking Boers

>> No.10887465

>This perspective has been addressed and overturned in several different ways already
But it hasn't. Point to the evience
>There would never have been the 1965 Act or mass third world immigration without jews
Because a Jewish man wrote a bill at the demand of a white president and passed by a white legislature?

>> No.10887483

surely in a thread about Moldbug of all people you will recognize the absurdity of thinking the president and legislature are the ones who decide the fate of the country

His media-academia-civil service complex is a strikingly close fit for the areas Jews dominate(leaving out other things they dominate obvously)

>> No.10887486

>at the demand of

What, did he have him at gun point?

>> No.10887494

Your argument is bitch-tier. Jews had been the main and only promoters of nonwhite immigration for decades prior and finally got what they wanted. Pointing to the white politicians they corrupted and influenced and saying "see it was white people's fault" is a sleight of hand that will only fool the stupidest of people here.

What's unfortunate is that jews like yourself keep lying and lying and refusing to take responsibility for your actions then crying and complaining when people end up hating you and demanding your removal. This lack of awareness is why you keep repeating your history.

>> No.10887497

>What, did he have him at gun point?
The president of the united states commissioned the legislation.
The president doesn't, but some senator does?
I think the media is left wing even where there isn't Jewish influence. And so is academia, although, again, I admit that Jews do play a role out of proportion to their numbers

>> No.10887500

>n the main and only promoters
Prove that.
>dey corrupted an entire legislature, as well as the president

>> No.10887504
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why does every thread have to turn into arguing about the jews

>> No.10887506

What even is your argument at this stage?
The point all along has been that Jews occupy a significantly disprotionate position in American discourse. At first you ludicrously denied they had any position of note and now you're resorting to clinging to pointing to the fact that America is still a white nation as if anyone has suggested otherwise.

>> No.10887511

because they are the most fateful people in the history of the world
t. Nietzsche

They have been so influential that apparently even when we are being antisemites we are still being Jewish, we are just reflecting Judaism back at the jews from a Gentile perspective

>> No.10887513

>Prove that.
Several people already have, and you know this, but you're a jew whose only interest here is deception. The 1924 immigration restriction act was in large part a result of jews pressuring legislators to open the borders. Jews are and have always been the main promoters of immigration because they stand out far more in homogenous nations. You kikes are a virus.

>> No.10887516

>What even is your argument at this stage?
That you have nothing to support your main points
>The point all along has been that Jews occupy a significantly disprotionate position in American discourse
No, the point has been to prove that Jews were a main force, which they haven't been. Whether you've been following this discussion or just butted in in randomly to subject me to your views, I don't know. But I asked at the very beginning for good strong evidence that things would have been different without Jews.
> At first you ludicrously denied they had any position of note
Go ahead and quote that post.

>> No.10887520

>no evidence, just cry babby whining about le perfidious hebrews

>> No.10887528

You've been presented with plenty of evidence but in typical Jewish fashion your entire argument has been resting on selective deafness

>> No.10887536

>You've been presented with plenty of evidence
But not evidence of what I asked for. I know that Jewish influence is disproportionate and leftist. I want evidence that they are a main force behind any of this. So far, you haven't provided any. You just keep crying like a little fag about jewish lies invading your peabrain

>> No.10887546

A major source of Jewish neuroticism is that, even if they earnestly try to assimilate to gentile culture, they are still pointed out and condemned by anti-semites. In this thread, a half-Jewish guy with far-right politics is shouted down because his ancestry. If Jews aren't allowed the option to melt into the gentile population and lose their Jewish identity (as Moldbug wants to do), they freak out and become irrationally hostile to gentiles. Hence the anti-Semites make Jews worse

>> No.10887548

big if true.

>> No.10887549

The alt-right is already dead

>> No.10887550

Define "main" force. Its a meaningless unfalsifiable criteria

>> No.10887554


>> No.10887557

>A major source of Jewish neuroticism is that, even if they earnestly try to assimilate to gentile culture, they are still pointed out and condemned by anti-semites

If they actually assimilated they couldn't be identified as Jews to begin with

>> No.10887559

>Define "main" force. Its a meaningless unfalsifiable criteria
I have. Would things be largely different without them? It seems to me we would still be swarmed with illiterate foreigners, the media and academia would still be corrupt, etc
Maybe there would be less war in the middle east, idk. But that isn't something I care about if the country is 90% white

>> No.10887565

how does /lit/ feel about nick land twitter/blog acolytes & unconditional accelerationism? oh this thread is people screaming about the jews

>> No.10887568

youve got the causality backwards honestly. Indian-americans are also a wealthy minority but nobody gives a shit about them because they don't spend enormous amounts of effort trying to fuck up the society they live in

>> No.10887572

This isn't even controversial and you're arguing in bad faith and wasting people's time, and you're doing this because you are a jew:

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s…. Following the shock of the Holocaust, Jewish leaders had been especially active in Washington in furthering immigration reform. To the public, the most visible evidence of the immigration reform drive was played by Jewish legislative leaders, such as Representative Celler and Senator Jacob Javits of New York. Less visible, but equally important, were the efforts of key advisers on presidential and agency staffs. These included senior policy advisers such as Julius Edelson and Harry Rosenfield in the Truman administration, Maxwell Rabb in the Eisenhower White House, and presidential aide Myer Feldman, assistant secretary of state Abba Schwartz, and deputy attorney general Norbert Schlei in the Kennedy-Johnson administration.


>> No.10887576

>tfw to intellegient to be antisemitic

>> No.10887579

>unconditional accelerationism
It's the only form of accelerationism that is logically consistent.

>> No.10887580

>Would things be largely different without them?

Again unfalsifiable. You've been pointed to watershed historical moments where Jews played instrumental roles but of course you can just cower under a rock and say it would have been the same anyway based on nothing

>> No.10887594

>Again unfalsifiable
It really isn't. You think a legislature voting overwhelmingly for it and a president who requested it, would have failed to pass immigration acts without the jews? The burden of proof is on you. You say that Jews have been a main force. Go ahead and prove that things would have been different without them. I have already shown that most of our elites were ready to pass these acts anyway.

>> No.10887595
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>WAAAH Why can't I have a thread on my sociopathic hyper-reactionary meme movement without antisemitism getting talked about

The absolute state of Neo-Reactionaries

>> No.10887607

Moldbug would agree that Jewish people are overrepresented in the "Cathedral", but he would say they are largely motivated by progressive ideology (which they got from the WASPs) or by personal money/power/social climbing, not clannish ethnic interests. This is a less accurate take when applied to 1960, but more accurate as time goes on, as ethnic solidarity among Jews breaks down. The hyper-tribal diaspora Jews that MacDonald talks about are increasingly disappearing (outside of Kiryas Joel and Williamsburg, Brooklyn)

>> No.10887614

I already know that they had Jewish voices in their administrations. But I'm assuming that these persons didn't have some sort of mystical alchemy by which to induce the politicians to change policy. In fact, the fact that they were in the administrations shows that these people already had a bias in favor of their policies and would have voted them regardless.

>> No.10887615

> proof

What possible proof, getting an interdimensional time machine? Jews played significant instrumental roles in forming the current state of the world. This is just the bare facts.
That things would be no different without them is just pure empty speculation

>> No.10887621

>anti-Semitism isn't sociopathic
>Nrx is sociopathic
cognitive dissonance, hiding behind Ferdinand won't save you

>> No.10887622

>But I'm assuming that these persons didn't have some sort of mystical alchemy by which to induce the politicians to change policy

They did. Its called money and air-time

>> No.10887623

>That things would be no different without them is just pure empty speculation
Ah, I see. The overhwhelming votes in favor of these policies would have disappeared.

>> No.10887633

Didn't claim that. I'm a proud sociopath and I hate Jews. I just find it pathetic that the people associated with this dorky cult claim to be so edgy and in love with memes but when faced with antisemitism suddenly turn into the maudlin liberals they claim to hate

>> No.10887637

If Moldbug (or any other Jew in human history) successfully forged his records to reflect Italian/Catholic ancestry and never mentioned his Jewish background you wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.10887640

>with antisemitism suddenly turn into the maudlin liberals they claim to hate
That's not an argument you fat dumb fag

>> No.10887641

Jews push their ethnic interests more forcefully than any other group. This is why whites worshipped a kike and jewish slave religion for centuries, got pressured into a war against their own cousins in Germany in WWII, and into blowing up Israel's enemies in the ME in recent decades, among many other things. The most powerful lobbying groups are jewish groups, as are the social pressure groups like the ADL. Jews infect things and push their interests and are often successful at convincing whites that those interests are their own. That's how this works, understand?

>> No.10887644

The vote may never have happened in the first place. There was no historical law that there ever had to be a "civil rights" movement. Again all we have are the concrete facts and part of that is a large set of enthusiastic and prominent Jews pushing and literally writing these policies

>> No.10887649

It is, infact, an argument my friend

>> No.10887651

>The vote may never have happened in the first place.
The vote that was demanded by whites to begin with?

>> No.10887655

Whites watching Jewish movies, reading Jewish newspapers and listening to Jewish politicians and activists.

>> No.10887660

>reading Jewish newspapers
What percent of media was Jewish by hart-cellar?
>listening to jewish politicians
There weren't very many

You expect me to believe that our entire elite class was brainwashed by a few jews?

>> No.10887675

white supremacists simultaneously think Jew's are evil subhumans and also unbelievably intelligent and mentally domineering and that white's are simultaneously, masculing, aggressive and conquestative and also highly empathetic and vulnerable to manipulation. This logic could be used to explain Nazism taking hold over dumb white masses but its never applied that way. Either way there is basically nothing here, they're paid to post here by federal agencies and by their orgs. occidentalobserver is a fed connected white nationalist rag, so was stormfront, so is rense and all other sites they use as sources. /pol/ has federal agents and paid clandestine actors on twitter and that board pushing propaganda. They'll have conversations with themselves, pretend to be middling curious observers, will create whole false flagging threads pretending to be jews. Its a large operation that has existed since at least 2005 and is part of a history of right wing deep states funding grass roots fascist and underground fascist movements. The reason the right wing harps about feds so hard is because the one's who are trusted most are in fact feds, useful idiots and informers

>> No.10887679

id say its more that Jews formed an alliance with the far Left Protestant demographic, and these two groups more or less threw the rest of the country under the bus to defeat their enemies. For jews immigration was a very important part of this, for the far-Left it was more about removing all reactionaries from positions of influence.

Youll notice that you have reactionary Jews(such as the one this thread was about) but you do not have Jews ever advocating for ethnostate white countries, which well why would they? They have no incentive to do that.

In a lot of cases you can treat this elite as a homogeneous group, but in certain instances, the most obvious of which is Israel, the distinction becomes clear.

>> No.10887687

this is the single most egregious example of projection I have ever seen. I mean holy shit. This guy thinks the state is funding Fascism

>> No.10887690

>What percent of media was Jewish by hart-cellar?
I've seen goalposts moved in my time but this is some high level goalpost quantum entanglement

>> No.10887704

>white supreemists think...
Translation: jews think whites who defend their own interests against those of jews think.

Jews have no place in white countries and certainly don't belong in positions of power. That they think they can call whites fake names while residing as guests in our countries is unacceptable behavior that will lead to their next expulsion.

>> No.10887711

Lets wind the clock back to when America was claimed, was it claimed by white people? What counts as white? British, German, Dutch, Italian, Irish, etc? Spanish, Columbus?

Lets say they claimed America as their own, and said Whites only. That would have been that, but that was not the case. There were natives, they brought in slaves, they brought in mexicans, etc.

Because white people we split on the issue: if white person X has an ok business and whatever, and life, and they live their life, they can say: there is no need for any non whites to enter the country. But white person Y can say, I can make a lot of money by bringing a lot of non whites into this country and having them perform cheap labor for me. So times x and times y by a few million.

>> No.10887713

>I've seen goalposts moved in my time but this is some high level goalpost quantum entanglement
How? Prove to me the media was mostly Jewish in its influence if you're going to assert that it was responsible for literally brainwashing eighty percent of our legislature

>> No.10887714

>want a Jewish ethno state in their historical homeland
>perfectly reasonable. Moderate, you'd have to be a Nazi terrorist to oppose it
>want a white ethno state
>White Supremacist wants to gas all minorities pure evil and resentful

>> No.10887715

can someone ban this fucking tard, i don't even care about nazis or hate speech or whatever, but anti-semitic conspiracie theories even if true are not lit related, get this guy the fuck out of here

>> No.10887718

Irrelevant to the matter at hand

>> No.10887721

then don't bring it up to begin with fag

>> No.10887722

further it is the whites that have to live around non whites and compete with them for work and women that complain about it, if you lived in an all white city would you care if there are non whites 3000 miles away? I guess you can say yes because a big part of this racism and stuff has to do with taxes? and culture?

>> No.10887724

elements of the state have funded fascism since the late 19th century, did so all the way through the 90's and then started dumping billions into right wing psyop sites and forums in the lat 00's, Putin and the Right Wing deep state have ramped this up in the last 8 years, accelerating noticably around 2013 when /pol/ went big and then 2015 blitzing the collective unconscious. All the "organic redpilling" is a lie, there are feds on /pol/ and people from private intelligence firms like Stratford which spread specially prepared propaganda to the masses, the Pentagon has had studies on memetic warfare since at least 2010 well before it became a big deal in the public eye.

its not a coincidence that /pol/ went from right leaning to fascist to crypto-fascist RNC shilling. Its all part of the same general system. You have people shilling for giga corps and oil companies on /pol/ now and twitter as well. None of that stuff was organic, they got cool, scary hipster guys to push it online to brow beat anyone who had anything to say against it but now that its not as important to hide what's happening the fed threads are really obvious, the stormfags talking to themselves has always been obvious and the fake question and answer red pilling is blatantly obvious, too many dumb people involved. Also likely there are actual aryan nation and other legit neo-nazis brought into the fold, KKK people etc, militia guys, people from military intelligence, police officers, its all there for anyone who wants to look. Mercer and tons of other billionaires helped foster this environment with billions in right wing media investment. There's no projection there are two sides to everything, this is the other side of controlled alternative media, right wing fed media. AKA /pol/ and the alt-right and basically now all right leaning outlets. Fox has always been right leaning defense industry, oil industry, private intel controlled its just uniting its interests with nascent fascism openly instead of dog whistling. The entire web is become very easy to see

>> No.10887725

>are not lit related

Says fucking who? Its just as /lit/ related as the stupid memer kike this thread is about

>> No.10887734

Not relevant as in the exact percentage is irrelevant you disingenuous fucking hebe

>> No.10887735

Please point out the "conspiracy theory" you're referring to in that post.

>> No.10887737

I find this completely believable given similar shit I've encountered but would like to see a few credible links to verify. Sauce?

>> No.10887738

ads for youtube channels and self-published authors should also be bannable

>> No.10887739

>in the exact percentage i
It doesn't need to be exact, it just needs to prove your point

>> No.10887749

Are you saying that separate elements of the state are funding pseudo-Fascist and pseudo-Marxist propaganda respectively(ie. two groups competing) or that one single element is funding both at the same time to play the masses off each other?

>> No.10887760

Just look through the historical names of who ran the New York Times, the most prominent outlet at the time and since and count how many bergs alone you see. Every major coastal paper was little different

>> No.10887764

Boy, talk about jewish conspiracy theories, as in lies pushed by jews.

The vast right wing conspiracy. Oh how I wish this were true. All of the RW outlets mentioned are kiked and jews and leftists have been almost entirely hegemonic in the last several decades, throughout the government, where few white nationalists are likely to exist in any significant form.

I wish.

>> No.10887772

the nytimes literally just had a story on the front page about an alien mummy complete with picture, if the paper was ever "good" it certainly IS NOT as of about 2016 when it went completely wacky, of course it's probably the nepotism rotting it out from the inside

>> No.10887773

how's this nig related to pizzagate exactly? very interested

>> No.10887777

Yeah all papers have been going downhill rapidly and NYTimes especially
Good fucking riddence.

>> No.10887782

the internet has rapidly accelerated the decline. I dont think there has been this dramatic a drop in the quality of public discourse since the advent of mass literacy

>> No.10887791

I'm saying that large transnational conglomerates of fascist and right wing leaning businesses, non-state actors, clandestine agents, financial interests and military lineages (literally families and groups of families) have funded proto-fascism and neo-feudalist ideals since the late 19th century and that these interweave and cross over into the larger exoteric public state apparatchiks which people are aware of. This includes sometimes being ambiguous as to whether techno-fascism, techno-socialism, nihilist capitalism or a mix of both is the goal. Jews lean towards Left Progressive Deep state activities, sometimes they play both sides, and sometimes like with Roy Cohn (part of fascist underground of the McCarthyite pedo network) they are hard right and would not mind a second holocaust, yes there are even Jews who don't like Jews, hard to believe i KNOW!
>playing the masses off each other
all groups that have clandestine lasting power play the masses off of each other, the Thule Society was funded and organized by aristocrats, the Arisosophers and early Nazi party were funded by the ultra wealthy of England, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany-Austria, US and Switzerland and the Commies the same. Its a second world of people fighting for supremacy that occurs behind all of our backs while we do goyim-mugger activities that they would never concern themselves with. Soros for instance does not like Israel, the Israelis are extremely reticent to defend him, they will do it because of in-group biases, but they don't particularly like him at all and he's not a part of the Liberal-Conservative Jewish establishment in the sense /pol/ thinks. Then you have people like Murdoch who will dump millions into far right wing organizations and whistleblow white supremacist talking points while being exceedingly cozy with the Rothschilds who are close friends of his and this continues across the whole spectrum of power centers. There is no real way to untangle it, but yes the rise of neo-fascism was orchestrated mainly by German intelligence, old parts of the American military-intelligence deep state, Russian deepstate and certain syndicates left over from the 20th century, and far right groups from France, Germany, Sweden, England and America with the help of people from the CIA and DoD who had been studying the internet for some time. The ex-head of the Nazi Military Intelligence Reinhard Gehlen set up the Mossad as an example of how convoluted this shit becomes with time.

Basically nothing about right wing activity on 4chan is organic, there is no such thing as grassroots political movements, its all calculate ahead of time, the only elements of suprise come from entropy and other groups interfering. Occupy was Soros funded, you all know that, the right wing marches in Germany and France, Sweden and elsewhere are funded by intelligence agents. There were rumors back before the election Germ intel did some of the terror attacks

>> No.10887802

>transnational conglomerates of fascist and right wing leaning
what did he mean by this.

But no your post is actually very informative, so thank you. Where do you get your info on this from?

>> No.10887806

>I'm saying that large transnational conglomerates of fascist and right wing leaning businesses, non-state actors, clandestine agents, financial interests and military lineages (literally families and groups of families) have funded proto-fascism and neo-feudalist ideals since the late 19th century

Then why are most of those entities promoting diversity policies that exclude whites and deplatforming nationalists?

Your theory is 2007 retard-level conspiracy. Jews have almost total institutional control throughout the West and are completely opposed to anything even closely resembling "fascism."

None of this makes sense because it's clearly not true.

>> No.10887811

He's using the usual Lefty definition of fascism which is "authoritarian and I don't like it!"

>> No.10887815

>All of the RW outlets mentioned are kiked and jews and leftists have been almost entirely hegemonic in the last several decades
no, they're largely white dominated and connected to military intelligence and private intel and mil contractor circles this is a blatant lie. Blackwater is just one, Stratford is another.
>throughout the government, where few white nationalists are likely to exist in any significant form
US mil and intelligence especially mil intelligence is filled with right wing spooks as are the security forces of most countries. Historically defense, intel, military circles are all right wing, and have fascist sympathies, support fascist dictators, fascist terrorism and fascist psyops. The cheeky psyop baiting twitter users and /pol/ users do is just mockery, they know perfectly well they are doing organized military operations which were concoted in the 90's while studying the arrangements of terrorist groups in the middle east and europe. /pol/ function off of Negarestani's trison model of terror fractals as does the entire right wing now, Left uses swarm intelligence. Hence distributed outrage, deplatforming versus false flagging, psyops and propaganda storms from the right wing. Richard Spencer is not someone I would associate with and neither are the boys on twitter if you see what I mean
>vast rw conspiracy
there's a vast conspiracy against the species from the right and left wings, both of them cannot be trusted. Libs and cons are exoteric, left and right are esoteric, both cannot be trusted. Too many bad deeds on all sides. The holohoax conspiracy theory was created by KGB and CIA at the end of the war in contact with SS and Gestapo operatives, and is just a continuation of older propaganda programs. Its not a concidence that IHR is connected with RW deep state and that David Cole ended up being a shill for RNC. It all flows back to the bottom and the best parts used at the top for public to see. One big conveyor belt, right wing enjoys this, left wing is oblivious to it. Everyone is happy to deceive each other. JIDF has influence, not nearly as much on /pol/ as /pol/ lets on, because there are feds who are right wing on /pol/, there are FBI and CIA on /pol/ and 4chan there always have been. the sissy hypno thing is probably a mix of CIA and mossad people who pushed it on rare forums. Flat Earth was CIA psyop to see how dumb right wingers were. And so on

>> No.10887820

the virgin Moldbug
the chad DeLanda

>> No.10887822

"Mencius (/ˈmɛnʃiəs/ MEN-shee-əs)[1] or Mengzi (372–289 BC or 385–303 or 302 BC) was a Chinese philosopher who has often been described as the "second Sage", that is after only Confucius himself"

Did he ever say why he chose that name? And Moldbug meaning?

A philosopher that feeds on mold, rotten society?

Switch the first and last letters and its Goldbum,

>> No.10887835

are you telling me that my time shitposting on pol has been in unwitting service of some sort of clandestine operation

>> No.10887849

>hen why are most of those entities promoting diversity policies that exclude whites and deplatforming nationalists?
the ones who do this are a different clandestine coalition of interests that leans further towards techno-socialism as a utopian final solution to the pleb problem. Rich people don't know what to do with the masses as they become more burdensome and dangerous to them. Plato's rich man with his family surrounded by his own slaves on an island from Book 9 of the Republic is illustrative of what's happening to them.
>Your theory is 2007 retard-level conspiracy.
your theory is 1940's end of war Gestapo/SS in contact with US and Brits panic retardation
>Jews have almost total institutional control throughout the West and are completely opposed to anything even closely resembling "fascism."
not even remotely close to true
ISGP Studies, scanning the notes from their articles while punching in people's names on databases and keeping track of associations between big right wing think tanks and right wing paramilitaries, right wing Fed ops, right wing arms trafficking, right wing European mafia, that guy is a research genius

Alex Jones is definitely CIA and so is the entire new Right media and basically all those grass roots personalities online are either knowingly acting as useful idiots or are in on something, being funneled money. The RNC alliance and the pro-cop pro-mil skewing that's happened since 2015 isn't coincidental as more people from federal agencies and police orgs are brought in. It should not surprise you there was a Q anon or an FBI anon nor that Ann Coulter started RT'ing rw personalities or that Trump chose Feinberg, Wilbur Ross, Mercer as allies this election cycle. Everything is part of one web of influence and everyone has to have strong friends. Especially people whose friends are fascist mafiosos who run pedophile entrapment rings in the 50's with FBI and MI6 agents helping them do it to their own bosses

also the heads of agencies are not always in charge especially as political and social choices factor into who is elevated, what matters is what agents are involved in what operations. For instance Mossad and Fascist former Nazis participated in building the cartels in Mexico and Columbia, and this was organized by Boomer Conservatives being pushed along by far right clandestine actors who had old boy networks in DoD and CIA. Klause Barbie and this old Mossad General were working together to flood american cities with Cocaine. RW bankers were funding fascist nationalist anti-semitic militias in Italy and Putin has done the same thing along with doing what our government did in the early 2000's funding Al Qeda, Putin has done this with Chechen and Tajiki/Uzbeki/Turkmen militia fighters who end up in Paris and Syria on video slaughtering people. All one network of interests. Plebs are just animals they don't even think about us, the more scared the public is the better

>> No.10887853

yes and on twitter presumably, and if you were involved with any WTO or anti-Capitalist shit before that, then too. The SJW's are also obviously all unwitting pawns

>> No.10887865

i just like pol because you can say whatever you want, but if that's true then that's actually hilarious

>> No.10887866

You're mixing too much fiction with your morsels of truth. This conflict is between nationalist whites and internationalist jews, and it's not that complicated.

Both the left and right since the 60s have also been aligned with jews and have proudly done their bidding. While there are nationalist entities within the USG I'm sure, most of them have no understanding of the jewish problem and are thus not covertly acting against it in any meaningful way. The opposite.

Perhaps this has changed in recent years. I certainly hope it has and that people inside are beginning to stand up to jewish power and secretly undermine it, but you have it way overblown. The state apparatuses from the top down have been jewish-controlled or at a minimum sympathetic to jews for decades.

I do have suspicions that the cryptocurrency stuff, some degree of new right movements like the alt right, and perhaps the trump phenomenon might be guided by such forces - again I hope so - but this is might also just be wishful thinking. We don't know, and the situation is not as you're presenting it to be.

>> No.10887880

Moldbug can't write and takes ten hours to get to a thought that can be easily expressed in five minutes because he's too afraid of being refuted.

That's been shown to be fake news.

>> No.10887886

What is fake news?

>> No.10887901

There are white farmers who can go their entire day on the ranch without seeing a non white, entire years, ride into town on a tractor and not see a single one, what more do yall want?

What do nationalist whites want? There are many non whites in america? Nationalist whites can only be satisfied when all non whites are out of America? What are the stipulations and goals? How certain are you of this? How coherent is this plan, and how many numbers dedicated to it?

>> No.10887911

>I do have suspicions that the cryptocurrency stuff, some degree of new right movements like the alt right, and perhaps the trump phenomenon might be guided by such forces - again I hope so - but this is might also just be wishful thinking. We don't know, and the situation is not as you're presenting it to be.
the situation is worse than I've presented it, more convoluted, less dichotomized and even more helpless. /pol/ is not your friend, Nazis are not your friends, they lie to you, they do not respect your intelligence. Of course you should not respect Israel or Mossad or progressives, I am not arguing this, they would throw you under tank treads if they could. But, you cannot in good conscience unless you need a group to belong to, seriously ignore that the entire alt-right and the crypto shilling was basically transnational right wing deep state shit. There are comp and intel people who are far rightists who pushed that onto you guys, there are also criminals, mobsters worth billions, who made a killing off of crypto, from China, Japan, Israel, Russia and even Northern Europe. Assange is working with right wing deep state people and has been for some time since we lost contact with him for a bit and he started being pro-Putin, stopped publishing Russian leaks, stopped talking about RNC corruption completely. Everything flipped and before alt news was Left now it is Right but both are controlled but by different people who all want to own the planet and have total say over human destiny. They see you as food, all the things you are told about Jews is how the people who built the 3rd Reich felt about most Germans. Thule Society comes from Aristocratic noble networks of right wing occultists and intel people going back to the fucking 1500's. There's a continuous lineage of interests that are all old. Jews are complicit, even one of the main actors. You should not see only them as the enemy. All this shit is designed to prevent vigorous plebs from networking, the more they divide us by ethnicity and by political or social class, the more we can be played off of one another. Clandestine unity is the way forward

>> No.10887913

white farmers are the biggest proponents of immigration because they want cheap brown people to do the shit work, fuck "white farmers", no one loves undocumented mexicans more than a white farmer, fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.10887917

the picture was manufactured by either right wing intel connected political operatives or mossad. I lean towards the former but I would believe the latter as well, just occam's razor says the former.

He did start bitching about the circumcision ban and Jewish rabbis do push for socially progressive shit constantly, the rw isn't wrong about everything I will give them that. Judaism is an ethnocentric cult like Nazism

>> No.10887919

>this post

But if things are as you say then surely there is no way forward at all and we are all just fucked

>> No.10887921

well are you the person I responded to? because they did not provide enough information, I had to offer a conversation starter, I had to make up some idea to get the ball rolling because I wanted to further hear their opinions. And if you are that anon, you didnt answer the main questions I asked.

What do nationalist whites want? What will they be satisfied with? This all has to do with satisfaction and non-satisfaction.

>> No.10887928

America was an explicitly white nation until 1965. White nations are not everyone's nations and as white identity and ethnic nationalism continue to rise the goal will be to remove the non-whites who were allowed in during the boomer era, when jews were allowed to obtain widespread positions of power to further their ethnic interests and promote anti-white policies to entrench it.

>> No.10887937

So the iceland rabbi did not say that iceland should accept more refugees after one week in the position?

>> No.10887941

he didn't, it was just a meme some anon made, or alternatively what that guy says, some psyop. Pretty shitty pysop though because when it was posted on pol someone pointed out it was fake in like 5 posts

>> No.10887944

they're running out of time and they're developing better propaganda weaponry to use against one another. while they won't nuke each other they will psychically mind rape each other's captive civie populations. This is dangerous to stability, you can't play games if you start to break the board and all the game pieces. They're doing this, the newer elites are more insane, and less competent. There is still time to push through cracks. But falling into /pol/ or worse /leftypol/ shit is not the way at all, its certain death

>> No.10887945

jews were allowed into power in the united states to defuse the communist threat, that's why bannon is always talking about how the republicans need to help create a class of wealthy blacks, it's a way to coopt subversive elements into capitalism, gays used to be radical and anti-capitalist and a real threat because they were white and jewish, but now they've been brought into the mainstream and are no longer a threat, that's what you don't get man, there's no ethnic group or religion behind this shit, it's capitalism's all consuming power to pull in everyone like a giant vortex

>> No.10887950

>Did he ever say why he chose that name?
because he thought it sounded cool
t. i remember his reply to some chinese history enthusiast on a random u-r post

>> No.10887955

Sorry bro, but your posts are bullshit, Alex Jones-tier nonsense.

The present conflict is between jewish globalism and the strengthening of white consciousness and national sense needed to fight the jewish attacks on our nations via immigration, hate speech laws that target nationalists, and anti-white propaganda, all of which stem from and are being pursued most rabidly by jews.

>> No.10887959

Interesting. I remember hearing about it from several places but never looked into it. Makes sense that it would be bait thrown out to WNs by jews to see how far we/they ran with it.

>> No.10887960


also its one letter away from "goldbug" which are those old cranks always shilling gold bullion because the united states government is going to collapse any second like weimar germany and zimbabwe all rolled into one, order today, our operaters are standing by

>> No.10887965

there is more than just techno-capital, this is dishonest literati nonsense, it is there and it is impersonal and unstoppable but there are humans doing things who are in power behind the scenes. Its not something we can just ignore man. And to play devil's advocate, there are indeed some literal Shylock stereotype international cliques of jews doing all the bad stuff /pol/ claims they're just not the only problem group nor do they account for all powerful jews doing bad things many of whom are not racially motivated

>> No.10887970

You are lying to people and should stop. Not discounting the possibility of you being a schizo and actually believing it, but given the subject matter itt it's more likely that you're a jew directing attention away from jews by forwarding these loony messages.

>> No.10887977

So the main goal of white nationalists (how many would you estimate there are who share this main goal? how many do you estimate there will be? in how many years do you estimate this will begin to be enacted?) is to remove all non whites from America?

How many non whites do you estimate are in America?

What is the process and cost you estimate would be associated with that task?

>> No.10887979

after reading this thread i am no longer sure if my cat is really a cat or in fact a covert Mossad agent

>> No.10887980

They got two choices, they get the bullet or they get the boot

>> No.10887985

lol so funny, you should write for John Oliver

>> No.10887992

im not exactly joking, what the fuck am i supposed to believe here

>> No.10887994

don't you get tired of not thinking man? you talk like every fucking beer hall vet, off duty cop and right wing political warrior i've ever spoken to and you and your friends all devolve into the same shaming tactics. I know you're all white people and have higher iq's don't you get annoyed having to suspend thought multiple times a day? I couldn't stand believing what you believe if I was a German that is

>> No.10887995

Ellipses are the fedora of punctuation.

Also read the Gospel of John. The term 'Jew' in its modern sense only became relevant after Christ revealed himself. Since then it's meant 'the Hebrews who reject christ'. Modern Jews are a mongrol-race of Europeanized Northern-Turks. What makes them different, and problematic, is their ideology. Western civilization is (or at least was) Christian civilization. because of this they were always prime revolutionaries, traitors, seditionists, etc.

'Kike' as a slur was created to make fun of the practice of signing documents with a circle practiced by Yiddish speaking Jews arriving at Ellis Island. The point of the circle was to avoid being associated with anything cross-like. Would Jesus take offense at being associated with Jesus? Because that's what Jewish identity has been since his crucifixion, a rejection of him.

This is why anti-semitism should be based on theological grounds.

>> No.10888001

Whatever the fuck you want, no one is going to spoonfeed you redpills

>> No.10888004

there is no way to verify any of this

>> No.10888008

Who are american ""white"" nationalist so fucking neurotic

>> No.10888010

And there will be enough white people to do all the undesirable labor, cheaply?

>> No.10888012

Which is why again. You need to weigh up everything and decide for yourself if you want to accept the JQ or go on being a good goy

>> No.10888013

The details are not worth musing upon. America was implicitly and explicitly considered a white nation until jews altered the conception of it to an idea, a 'nation of immigrants.' They did this over a long period of time and gained power over a long period of time. That is the best way to change it back, to change the culture and reestablish in white people's minds the notion that our nations are not places for everyone, that jews are our enemy, and that we must remove them from power and send the people they let in back. It's perception that must be changed first and foremost.

>> No.10888015

Because their culture and heritage was systematically destroyed by Angloid WASP elites, leaving them with nothing to rally around beyond the fact that they aren't full blooded niggers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTrBXSwwsdI

>> No.10888023

Like what, manning cash registers and driving taxis?
Mass automation is going to make non-whites obsolete very soon

>> No.10888024

>when does a puddle turn into a lake, how many water molecules do you need
a white ethno-state wouldn't just be an intangible state of being - it would appear as a bunch of statistical trends. less corruption, less inequality, less crime, more social mobility, more social trust, more social cohesion. it would become a political body of unquestionable moral good for everyone, not just whites

stop mystifying genes and race. it's about the eradication of ethnic conflict and how certain populations will thrive because of it

>> No.10888032

There have always been. What do you think we did before the 75 IQ Indio showed up enough masse in the 70s? How did we even survive?

>> No.10888035

You wouldnt deny that there have been many white people with great power in America during that time, the past 60-90 years, why did they ever allow it to get like this? There are so many white people, so many intelligent white people, so many connected white people, so many powerful white people, why did they let that occur? Did they simply not consider the future consequences? Could it purely be economic? Larger work force, more economy, more customers, more taxes, they can live in their tucked away communities and reap the benefits, no harm no foul?

>> No.10888045

this kind of ultimatum is not healthy, and breeds mistrust and reeks of half-truth. I agree Jews are a problem when put in charge of things but they are not THE problem, I've asked you 3 or 4 times to think more carefully about the web of "truths" you've created and entangled yourself in. Why did so many nazis side with Israel after the war? Why was there a right wing fascist homosexual involved with pedo sting operations targeting politicians, something you guys just recently started talking about on /pol/ after pizzagate psyop failed, who was a mentor to our dear President? Think carefully
>Modern Jews are a mongrol-race of Europeanized Northern-Turks
Genomics studies say this is a lie made up by transnational fascists and spread among Muslims see Ginoud who funded the Nazis from Switzerland as an example of Islam and Fascism crossing over.
>but nobody gives a shit about them because they don't spend enormous amounts of effort trying to fuck up the society they live in
They have a massive country they constantly send money and information to, they avoid paying taxes, people do bitch about them constantly and they have nukes and a whole subcontinent. If Jews lose US funding they will possibly get invaded and genocided, Arabs would happily slaughter all of them and they're wary if Fascists who are hyper anti-Semitic took over, unlike the other kinds of Fascism that less anti-Semitic and more authoritarian capitalist, they would get nuked. They have interests too, game theory plays into things as well

>> No.10888046

Also dont you think its a bit, something, if they did benefit so much from all those extra people, and then say, oops, we changed our mind, when it was really really really good for us, which it was, it was really good, but now that my child has to compete with non whites for a job and parking and a white wife, we take it back, shows over, parties over, everyones gotta go home?

>> No.10888058

Why did all of Europe end up worshipping a jew and a religion created by semites? This is the power of ideology, something jews are good at wielding to manipulate others, most notably whites by appealing to our morality and egalitarian nature. The question now is how do we transcend that and get rid of these jews who use these universalist ideologies to control us and our societies.

>> No.10888059
File: 381 KB, 760x400, 1520504257586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont jews renounce the culture of their ancestors and their identity and integrate?
>proceed to autisticaly attack them over their family name even if they change it, throwing slurs, and demeaning jokes over their culture, all the while snickering that the leftist attacks of the white man figure is awakening many young white men to their identity and make them fight for it

>> No.10888065

t. moldbug crying behind his monitor that he'll never be Anglo-Dutch

>> No.10888068

>a white ethno-state
It was called Europe, what happened? It was called the british empire too, even to the degree of whitifying nonwhite states, what happened?

Its all about, the big white guying doing what makes them the most money, and the little white guy saying "wah wah my neighbor is non white someone do something"

>> No.10888070

The power of incentives is strong. You can convince a man to disregard a long term outlook through short-term financial gain and he will justify it. But he will only do that if the system creates the incentives that allow him to do so.

>> No.10888075

Just laughing at the cognitive dissonance that seems to animate dumb fucks like you

>> No.10888082

but now everything has been scaled up, infrastructurally, logistically, buisnessly, that the numbers of people including non whites are part of what makes all the existing scaffolding of business relations and daily functioning occur, if a large number of people were kicked out it would be some kind of shock to the system in terms of supply and demand, and economic expectancies. I am not stating this politically, just factually. Construction workers, restaurant workers, maids, farmers, etc.

>> No.10888092

>some kind of shock
as in 'would reduce unemployment'

>> No.10888100

So be it. The system is bad and not working in the interests of whites, so it should be shocked and reoriented in a way that best suits our long-term interests instead of those of the rootless clique of jewish elites printing money at whim and trying to erase borders and mix everyone up so they're easier to control.

>> No.10888104

Stop calling Jesus a Jew, it's stupid and people who don't know better might believe you. Jews were doing much better before Christianity took off, if you think it's a Jewish plot you must be genuinely insane. Jews don't control you by making you a Christian, the only way to be controlled by them is to stop being one. You can't con an honest man. What has Christianity ever done for Jews? Don't say globalism, Christians want the whole world to believe in Jesus sacrifice and all the rest but there's nothing in scripture about indefinitely importing third world hordes onto your doorstep. I know a lot of Christians think that but they're retards who just believe whatever they're told.

>why dont jews renounce the culture of their ancestors and their identity
>implying they didn't the when they said 'We have no King but Caesar'.

The concept of 'whiteness' is a new-world creation used solely to distinguish between nigger and non-nigger. Ancient Italians, Spanish, Germans and Poles didn't consider themselves brothers, back then it was normal to consider the people who lived two towns over to be subhuman. Christianity is the strongest source of unity in European history, and even that wasn't perfect at all.

Truly shocking, imagine a world where low-skill labour was valuable. People would be able to start having families before they turned 35, maybe both parents wouldn't need to work full time to keep the lights on, truly shocking.

>> No.10888117

why do idiots always link hour and a half long youtube videos as if im going to watch that shit? i know exactly what ruins cities, btw: non-whites.

>> No.10888123

Christianity was proto-globalism, and it served the interests of jews by subverting the values of Rome. Jews also coerced leaders like Charlemagne to spread it because it subdued people and promoted worship of the weak, including the jew, who could then come in and exploit. It's not for us but I don't want to get into this debate since you're speaking against jews anyway.

>> No.10888128

I think it's fun to drop impractically large blocks of information on people.

>> No.10888129

Economics is socercery, but some of its 21st century principles hold, there would be a catastrophe if white supremacists came to power, I would expect a financial crash, China strongly aggressing agains the US in fear and Israel+Europe sperging out with military shows of force. If you wanted to cause NWO Brave New World society, easiest way would be putting WN’s in power to scare the whole world into union and then submission to total enlightened authority. Very stupid
I was making fun of him, not disagreeing with you

>> No.10888144

imagine thinking this is an argument
>if ur country is white world will collapse!!!1
at last i truly see

>> No.10888145

>there would be a catastrophe if white supremacists came to power
De facto "white supremacists" designed the entire system and western civilization itself, you retard. The system that has been in steady freefall since jews took over and began installing women and non-whites as functionaries.

>> No.10888150

it didn't aim for a globalized world, the Tower of Babel is a concept taken from the bible. At its foundations Christianity is anti-globalist. It's not our place to become masters of the world.
>values of Rome
>Roman Empire
good one
>promoted worship of the weak
If Christianity is so weak how was it able to overpower your virile rock-worshipping, sperm-drinking ancestors, Varg?
>Jews coerced Charlemagne
Charlemagne wasn't the kind of man to be coerced.
>promoted Jew worship
Christianity made people actively distrust Jews. Their outsider status worked to their advantage in a few ways but it was from an idea situation. They always worked to undermine it. If they were such huge fans of spreading Christianity why did they act as spies to help the Moors take Iberia?

define 'white supremacist'. If you don't this post is worthless. Does white supremacist mean 'hitler dindu nuffin but he should have' or 'thinking like virtually every sane person who ever lived pre 1960s'?

>> No.10888160

>Ancient Italians, Spanish, Germans and Poles didn't consider themselves brothers

This seems like a weak argument. They couldn't have felt this way because they didn't have the perspective we have. We now know that, at least culturally, that all whites actually are a part of a single definable group.

>> No.10888197

>Curtis Guy Yarvin (born June 25, 1973), also known by his pen name Mencius Moldbug, is an American computer scientist, political theorist, and neoreactionary. His writings played a foundational role in the formation of the neoreactionary movement. He is the creator of the Urbit computing platform, through his startup company Tlon, which is backed by Peter Thiel.). He is the author of the blog Unqualified Reservations.

>Yarvin originally called his idea to align property rights with political power formalism, from the concept of legal formalism. The label "neo-reactionary" was applied to Yarvin's ideas by Arnold Kling in 2010 and adopted by Yarvin's followers; Yarvin prefers the label "restorationist."

>Yarvin's work on neoreaction inspired English philosopher Nick Land to brand the wider neoreaction-sympathetic movement the Dark Enlightenment. Neoreaction and the Dark Enlightenment form part of the philosophical underpinnings of the alt-right.

>> No.10888230

How did the jews manipulate the total american white power, the totality of white political and industry power into letting many non whites into america to many increase their profits?

You know all those people who had any say werent really manipulated, they just said: Ok yeah, sure, cheap labor, more taxes to us, more business, more workers, more man power

fast forward 70 years

"omggg it was horrriblleeee they trickeddd uss!!! they forced usss!!!!"

>> No.10888237

>crying behind his monitor that he'll never be Anglo-Dutch
isnt he a millionaire and isnt that kind of the same thing?

>> No.10888264

Racially/jew-aware whites will have no problem dealing with our own and are more than capable of putting primary blame on our own leadership. But that doesn't change the fact that this leadership allowed jews into their ranks and into the positions of power from which they are now overtly attacking all whites.

>> No.10888271

No I am saying if all the non whites disappeared form America over night, there would be some empty grocery stores, short hands in ER rooms, millionaires without some upper class folks with noone to babysit their children, no clean dishes or tables in any restaurant, many half finished houses etc.

What I am saying is if all the nazi neckbeards go their wish their white masters would pat them on the back and direct them to a day laborer vacancy, fruit picker, or exterminator uniform

>> No.10888279

>Truly shocking, imagine a world where low-skill labour was valuable. People would be able to start having families before they turned 35, maybe both parents wouldn't need to work full time to keep the lights on, truly shocking.
which is the reason the current state of things is the way it is..which is why all these should be totality of white people in america, all these smart white powerful nationalists on my side, are not so quick to kick out all the non whites?

>> No.10888287

And why is that bad? Do we not need people to do those jobs? You're stupid if you think this is about white people being on top. This is about us surviving into the future indefinitely. It's about my descendants a thousand years ago and my descendants a thousand years into the future all being able to identify with one another and recognize that they are members of a group rather a part of a worthless mass.

>> No.10888297

There would be none of those things, and the reason non-whites are flooding into white countries to begin with is because whites are capable of organizing societies and building and efficiently running institutions in ways their own people are not. Whites do not need non-whites; it's not us who are pouring into their countries. And I would be happy to quit my job, toss my graduate degree in the trash, and pick fruit all damn day if I lived in a jew-free, homogeneous white nation. Wouldn't even hesitate.

>> No.10888328

>And I would be happy to quit my job, toss my graduate degree in the trash, and pick fruit all damn day
for 5$ an hour?

>> No.10888351

To live in a jew/nonwhite free nation? I'd do it for $1/hr.

>> No.10888354

America is too large, and too many non whites have rooted and multiplied and bloomed to do anything about it, In what way does a european family in the mid west who moved to America 100 years ago have greater claim to America than all of a chinatown? This land as made for you and me, anon, and the native americans

>> No.10888364

you cant be serious, or smart. How will you afford to raise your white children on that kind of salary? Or you are being sneaky and presuming money will deflate to 1870 value rate? (thats cheating!), I dont think you can live on a 14 dollar a day salary , $3,600 a year, idk...

>> No.10888378

Nope. Whites created and built America, and the non-whites who have come in since 1965 can go back just as they came. The Africans who were brought over on jewish slave ships can also be given territory.

>> No.10888384

I'd do it for free if it meant my children wouldn't have to live in a jew-run nation teeming with nonwhites. I'd happily make that sacrifice.

>> No.10888458

>I'd do it for free
>if it meant my children
afford the children how?

>> No.10888484

>t, In what way does a european family in the mid west who moved to America 100 years ago have greater claim to America than all of a chinatown?
By having mixed with people who fought in the revolution, by assimilating to their culture by virture of having lived with them, by sharing a common religion with the rest of the nation.
How does a Korean have more in common with the Japanese than an Irishman? gee, idk

>> No.10888524



>I have heard the following from a bunch of people, one of whom was me six months ago: “I keep on reading all these posts by really smart people who identify as Reactionaries, and I don’t have any idea what’s going on. They seem to be saying things that are either morally repugnant or utterly ridiculous. And when I ask them to explain, they say it’s complicated and there’s no one summary of their ideas. Why don’t they just write one?”

>Part of me secretly thinks part of the answer is that a lot of these beliefs are not argument but poetry. Try to give a quick summary of Shelley’s Adonais: “Well there’s this guy, and he’s dead, and now this other guy is really sad.” One worries something has been lost. And just as well try to give a quick summary of the sweeping elegaic paeans to a bygone age of high culture and noble virtues that is Reaction.

>> No.10888525

I said have more claim to the land. America is huge. Non whites found their way in, say they build a house on it, and say this is my property. Why do Europeans get the entire land area of America? Because they claimed it, then built a lot on it (except the railroads), ok fair enough

>> No.10888531

The author of SSC is also a jew.

>> No.10888538

*Blogger/guy behind it I should say.

>> No.10888541

>I said have more claim to the land
Absolutely meaningless stuff.
>Why do Europeans get the entire land area of America?
Because the other cultures living here have now perished. Regrettable, but unchangeable. There's nothing to be gained by pretending not to care about culture or trying to foster a country of 50 different peoples living side by sides. The best we can do is put a stop to immigration and assimilate the nonwhites who are here to the general culture.

>> No.10888577

>assimilate the nonwhites who are here to the general culture.
Uh no, they have to go back. Assimilation doesn't work anyway, and nor should whites desire it to. Culture is a function of race, and brown people aren't going to magically become white people and start composing symphonies and writing good literature. They offer no benefit to whites or white nations and will only have a negative effect on our gene pool and social order in the long run. They have their own countries and need to go back to them.

>> No.10888583

What's his net worth? If it's under $10 million I can't respect him

>> No.10888585


I don't participate in these sorts of debates a lot, I basically just read the one article. I don't actually know anything about neo reactionaries. If someone said "those are just a bunch of losers who blame the jews for everything," I'd probably have told them things are likely more complicated than that, and you're straw manning them. Their main heuristic for seeking truth probably isn't "figure out which person is the jew and disbelieve whatever they're saying."

But then, the first time a neo-reactionary ever responds to me, it's to say "That guy's a jew, you know".

Was I wrong? I don't know how to feel now.

>> No.10888603

It wasn't the protestants we allied with- it was the Irish, Blacks, and Italians! Get your history right dumbass

>> No.10888632

>If it's under $10 million I can't respect him
you know the people that mad sour patch kids likely have a net worth over that, and dildo makers
if his net worth is 9 mil would you respect the most successful pornstar more than him?

>> No.10888633

>I don't actually know anything about neo reactionaries
obviously, you probably don't even know what 'reactionary' means

>> No.10888634

Neo-reactionaries are largely jews, at least those setting the tone. As such they do their best to divert attention away from jews. The libertarians that became NRxers became white nationalists, except for the jewish contingent. Now NRx is dead because every white person who was inclined in that direction started looking into the JQ and figured out the underlying truth in all this hoopla: that it boils down to nature, group struggle, and the ethnic struggle between white men and the jewish men pretending to be us while attacking us from within.

>> No.10888636

yes if we put white supremacists in charge it would collapse the world economy you ignoramus
they were not de facto, different groups did different parts of the western project at varying times and with varying objectives. your anachronistic LARPing does not a unified white empire make
>The system that has been in steady freefall since jews took over
suicidal ignorance of techno-capitalism and ecology, you fucking faggots cannot survive if you refuse to read a fucking paper from an academic journal or think for one second outside your propaganda containment board
>the system only started collapsing in the 1930's
white supremacists are people who want to do 3 things:
mass deportations of tens of millions
lynch/execute race traitors
leave Israel to either get invaded, which means nuclear war in the middle East or nuke Israel/China

All 3 of these things are fucking insane and will not work. We cannot have a day of the rope, too many whites will not accept this, too many non-whites are in the military and intelligence agencies and have ties with China and Russia. You will not ever unit all european powers all at once under white supremacist regimes. I don't care how convincing you can be with propaganda, this is not how humans function, you failed in the 30's and you'll fail much harder with the internet. You think everything will just go back to 1950? Ridiculous LARPing from someone with too high iq to be talking this way
Slavs aren't the same genetically as Western Euros and they know you don't like them. You're not being honest with yourself
>that all whites actually are a part of a single definable group
if you include Slavs and Southern Europeans then Jews and Arabs and Indians would be included because there is about as much genetic distance between them as there is with eastern euros. You're not fucking thinking

>> No.10888663

>>The system that has been in steady freefall since jews took over
>>the system only started collapsing in the 1930's
>the system is collapsing at all
>inb4 the system has already collapsed

>> No.10888677

>leave Israel to either get invaded
Israel should have been made in Oklahoma or Wyoming or Idaho or Arkansas or Missouri

>> No.10888683

I respect the people who made Sour Patch Kids. It's not easy to get into the candy business and be that successful. My contention is that if you can't manage to get rich in today's environment, then you don't understand the world enough to say anything useful about it

>> No.10888685

>leave Israel to either get invaded
the middle east is a ghetto and jews are the whites of it, though also partly the other way around

>> No.10888725

>I respect the people who made Sour Patch Kids.
yes but ultimately this is a 0 or negative contribution to humanity, the world would not really but much worse off if it never were to exist, and it was the symbolic gesture I was aiming for
I will assume you are rich, it may be asking for much in such short and unworthy form, but do you have any handy useful thing to say about the world?

>> No.10888733

do you respect every rich person regardless how they made their money? Possessing lots of money necessitates creating a lot of good value?

>> No.10888746


>Neo-reactionaries are largely jews, at least those setting the tone.

This is also true of most of the people famous for criticizing the left. Steven Pinker, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Josh Zepps, Scott Alexander, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ari Shaffir...

It's kind of a weird fact for liberals to deal with. While they're critical of anti-Semitism, most of the people they hate are Jews.

>> No.10888755

It's not that being rich is a respectable trait in itself, or that all rich people are good people, it's that if you're not smart enough to be rich you're not smart enough to have any philosophical or economic or historic or scientific insight worth paying attention to.

>> No.10888772

this all stems from the feeling of humiliation of a white man being of a lower position, serving a non white in his own land, a feeling of inferiority, the desire of which to relinquish can only know its solution in removing all non whites which are the cause of that shame

>> No.10888777

are you rich? And if not, we must assume you do not actually believe what you say right, if so, rich by whos standards, how did you make your money?

>> No.10888797

Landfags are the worst. The problem is the jew, moron, and the lion's share of the problems idiots like you associate with muh capitalism strangely coincide perfectly with the escalation of jewish power, because they are the people who tore down the barriers that protected the nation and the people of the nation.

>> No.10888813

Jews will take any side and often against other jews, and produce two arguments that are good for jews. That's all the TV version of left and right are now: a jew pretending to be on the "left" and a jew pretending to be on the "right," each defining the parameters of that side in a way that isn't critical of jews.

>> No.10888828

the best most people can hope for is to get to work on time and have a few nice meals

>> No.10888856

I 100% agree with you, the alt-right wants to nuke them or let the Arabs start a nuclear war with them both are fucking stupid and would cause geo-political meltdowns, the whole world won't think /pol/ is right all at once, this is not possible, its fucking religious tier nonsense.
yes and the niggers will come and start a war with the whites and this will affect all of us negatively and Jews will be spiteful and may do stupid crazy Semite things, as you all believe they are wont to do
>Landfags are the worst
Ellul and Marx, not Land. I barely read Land.
>The problem is the jew, moron,
no its dysgenics, high mutational load, techno-capital and greed
>lion's share of the problems idiots like you associate with muh capitalism strangely coincide perfectly with the escalation of jewish power
no it does not at all you are just posturing Jews did not have remotely enough influence over socio-economic outcomes which have mirrored biological degradation and ecological destruction to be the main problem. you're a political warrior, a danger to the species and incredibly willfully ignorant, and I'll wager all my money you're high iq enough to know better
>because they are the people who tore down the barriers that protected the nation and the people of the nation.
immigration isn't even 1/4 of the problem, running out of resources, having nukes and bioweapons easily available, science melting identity and metropolitan life are what's doing it. The nazis lived in bug world too man, you're not thinking. I keep having to tell you people this, you do not think, you are not infatuated with knowledge or wisdom and thus you are unworthy to decide what is right for the species. Jews are not the problem, there are Jews who fucking supported white supremacy in the 30's and still do to this day, there are Jewish ultranationalists who explicitly support paleo-conservatism. There are Jews who actively work to solve ecological and energy crises problems. They are not the problem, blacks and spics aren't the problem. our way of organizing resources destroys the biosphere and we will all choke to death on psychic fumes if this isn't stopped. No one has the power to limit information technology and this is destroying the sanity of the species, most cable service providors are not Jewish globally. You cannot put all the mania of homosexuality and psychotic behavior on Jews. Total utter nonsense and burying your head.
completely schizo, you win by default because your premise and conclusion are always circular and based on endless bleating

>> No.10888909

Bizarre how someone even arrives at some of these conclusions. If you had a cursory understanding of jewish nature and behavior you would be able to reach ones that were more, you know, logical, that weren't based on the world as out-of-control machine acting on its own, but subject to the inputs of humans acting in what they perceive as their own group interests. But given how far away you seem from reality, I don't foresee you reining your wacky perspectives in any time soon.

>> No.10888936

Are you from aryanism.net

>> No.10888963

you can't hang so you reduce yourself back down to town hall blubbering you sound like the parent at the PTA meeting who is bitching about some minor grievance and drowning out the people criticizing the teacher's for being retards and making their kids miserable. This is how the far right sounds to me, you purposefully turn back from the truth and cling to nonsense.
>human inputs
yes that's automatic biologically determined behavior and its not distinct enough to break down into Jews and Whites, if polytypy is found in Homo Sapiens, I think it may be, then there are 5 races: Capoids, Caucasoids (including all semites), Mongoloids, and Negroids (or Congoloids if you prefer). Even there, there is not so much difference in behavior that whites being completely in charge of everything would stop climate change, would reverse bug world, would stop the nuclear war threat, would end warfare, would end resource depletion and the slow insanity of humans in techno-capitalist societies. The Nazis had retarded economic policies, wrong ideas about race, they do not add up to what we know now from HBD, racialist idealism is not HBD, they did not at all understand how smart Asians or Jews were and they could not grasp that warfare becomes unsustainable without causing long term irreparable damage at certain levels of human development and they incorrectly assumed all whites have the same interests and culture and that they would never harm or betray each other. Fascists did unbelievable damage to the environment and their own populations, they showed absolutely no restraint extracting resources, no care for pollution, no concern for human life, white or jewish. They cannot do what they want with nukes and modern technology it would cause a species wide extinction event. I am not a Landian, Capital cannot be allowed to consume us.

And even if humans were actually agents, which they could never be due to physics, they would not ever all align at once with white supremacists many whites, a huge portion of them would protect non-whites and Asians would go on the offensive and ally with hispanics and blacks and it would lead to a fucking nuclear or bioweapons or cyberweapons standoff you don't think! You don't understand how much of a tinder box the world is or that the entire life support system we feed off of is dying and Hitler had no fucking idea how to deal with this

>> No.10889070
File: 193 KB, 800x371, 1520377735599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even if humans were actually agents, which they could never be due to physics

>> No.10889072

It's Deryl, but it's pronounced De-Rill.

>> No.10889490

>A group that's been persecuted many times in history now wants to set up conditions to avoid future persecution.

>Whoa, bravo MacDonald, what an insight, such a redpill. This explains EVERYTHING wrong with the world, which means I don't even have to THINK anymore.

Huwite nationalists are so embarrassing sometimes.

>> No.10889495

read Metzinger, humans cannot be agents, its not feasible, you cannot have material science, a belief in causality and also biological machines with agency. something is wrong with your logic

>> No.10889566

My logic only within your naive mid-wit semantics. You're not just wrong, you don't even know the question

>> No.10889835

>the Right Wing deep state
Imagine actually being this much of a leftypol chapo trap house retard.

>> No.10889865

>be born a straight white male with high IQ

Wow good job definitely wasn't born with everything he had.

>> No.10889868

>Cthulhu may swim slowly. But he only swims left.
That's what's relevant here for anyone honestly trying to understand the times we're living in, and the powers that be. You're rambling aimlessly in an attempt to out-contrarian everyone while also not breaking painfully with remaining left-wing sentiment, so rationalize ways to be the underdog while also supporting the inevitable, unstopping, elite-approved flow.

>> No.10889905

Moldbug has probably posted on /lit/.

>> No.10889908
File: 26 KB, 367x411, 1517838247871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn we are fucked if that's the case.

>> No.10890563

It's as though you are under the mistaken impression that jews have a right to not only live in white societies, but manipulate them in their own favor.

>> No.10890995

In Sweden it was one jew who started all this shit about multiculture. He argued for it because jews need multiculture to thrive or something like that.

>> No.10891046

>muh right
They're still doing it and you can't do a damn thing about it.

>w-when we get enough power we'll throw them out
How? You can't even persuade a bunch of relatively open minded people on 4chan. How do you expect bluepilled normies, who only care about getting a new iPhone, to believe you?

>> No.10891149

So physics professors are not smart enough to have an opinion about the world unless they manage to get rich by not doing physics?

>> No.10891213

What if you don't want to be rich?
And are you worth 10 million or more?

>> No.10891220

>What if you don't want to be rich?
automatically disqualified from the smart category

>> No.10891228

Give me your money

>> No.10891255

>unconditional accelerationism

>im helping by not doing anything other than writing blogs

>> No.10891285

why are you hiding from me? how could an agent exist at all in a deterministic system controlled mostly by gene expression that was involuntary or random? there’s no space for it. go read the Ego Tunnel and get away from me

>> No.10891289

>Moldbug thread
Sage, report, hide

>> No.10891290

imagine being this much of a rube /pol/yp arizona ice tea cattle nigger and not knowing to do your due diligence and check who funds what and how fascism has always been an appendage of right wing industry-defense and intel and that the Nazis were entirey funded and managed by other people. Lol’ing at you from the peaks baby brain

>> No.10891302

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

If I say, you can choose any number you want, but for this example you must choose a number.

What forces you to choose the number you choose over a different? Before you choose is it not possible for you to choose any of them?

>> No.10891307

Because its a stupid language game, free will describes the integrity of the process not an independence from causation.
Elsewise explain to me in your system how any free agent could possible exist? Otherwise if you have defined your terms in such a way to frame the very possibility of a suggested different state of affairs from existing then you're just speaking absolute nonsense
Fucking retard listening to a retard second rate academic

>> No.10891327

His language game is he's speaking of "free will" without speaking of free will FROM WHAT. As if an unqualified free will means anything at all. The only way in which to absolutely disqualify the existence of free will in this sense is by announcing that you are determined by the absolute, but if you are determined by the absolute then you are by definition absolutely free
Its a proposterous question to begin with

>> No.10891331

I know I can choose 1 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 2 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 3 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 4 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 5 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 6 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 7 if I wanted to.
I know I can choose 8 if I wanted to.

Nothing besides my self is responsible for making this choice.

I have the power to freely choose which number to choose.

Should I choose 3? Maybe... its up to me if I want to.

Do I fancy 4? Perhaps...but why?

I have so many choices!

But can only choose one at a time you say?

Hmmm which number to freely choose?

I can freely choose any of them.

This is a free choice, noone is outside of me or inside of me forcing me to choose.

I am fully aware that I could choose any of them.

The choice is entirely up to the awareness that is me.

>> No.10891334

this isn’t how logic works, this isn’t how biological systems work, “choosing” does not imply an agent, genetic influence and random reactions in my body determine which number. i pick 3 because i need the help with you two in my presence

>> No.10891336
File: 39 KB, 408x434, 1510433079839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn’t how logic works

NNNNNNNNNNNNNN-Not an argument

>> No.10891345

>genetic influence and random reactions in my body determine which number.

Not how the mind works. You completely negate the processing of the nexus of associations through memory in accord with each number

>> No.10891493

You didnt have to pick 3, if you saw all the numbers, and are away of what my question meant, my command, asking you to pick a number: and your eye and mind scanned each number, and saw that there were 8 distinct numbers there

then you were automatically aware that if you physically could pick 3, you physically could have picked any of the other ones: because 3 is just symbolic, it could have represented anything, they could have all been 1's, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,... pick one...

You are aware you can equally pick this one as that.

Nothing outside of your decision (whatever and however YOU determine that) is forcing you to pick one over the other.

Only YOU are responsible for forcing yourself to go through with the activity of picking one over the other.

Ok, now lets try again. Pick any number besides 3.

Is it possible for you to pick 5? Is it possible for you to pick 8?

If it is, which you cannot prove it not, the choice you make between them is a free one. YOU, FREELY, CHOOSE, which number to select. Because you have equal power to choose any of them. YOU, INSIDE YOU, AWARENESS, MIND, FREELY, HAS THE POWER, TO SELECT, YOU CHOOSE, FREELY, there is not force of what number to choose. YOU CHOOSE IT. FREELY.

>> No.10891537

You're speaking to a retard who just talked as if genetics are an RNG machine for thoughts, he's not worth this effort

>> No.10891544

all ignorance must be banished

>> No.10891835
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>> No.10891849

he writes like a tech blogger

>> No.10891855

pic on the right is a shop posted on /r/cringeanarchy, you faggot. and i only know this because you already posted it here 12 times and i looked it up. literally kill yourself.

>> No.10891869

>passed by a 99% white gentile congress and signed by a white gentile president

>> No.10891915

>jews begin to assimilate
>alarmist antisemites realize suddenly that there are jewish infiltrators walking around who dress and talk like them and marry gentile girls
>start beating the retard drum "we gotta identify and stop these slippery jews"
>look! look! they aren't like us after we purposely made it possible for them to be
nietzsche was right about you people.

>> No.10891924

>jews think X
>if whites also think X it's because of jews

>> No.10891931

If you can tell they're Jews they haven't assimialated, how dumb are you?

>> No.10891938
File: 24 KB, 720x783, 5A55E7AC-F69B-42C7-B7F3-0038775D4F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.10891946

>starts sawing off nose
>bleach hair blonde
>the hair that wasnt laser removed

>> No.10891969
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>computer geek cucks fetishize Far-Right politics because they think it can empower them over Chad and their boomer parents
>They inevitably run into actual Far-Right people and lose their shit when they start saying "problematic" ideas about Jews

So much the dark enlightenment

>> No.10891971

look at what was happening in 1965 economically will you? high point for standard of living of american workers, lowest inequality in history of capitalism...so what does the ruling class (wasp) do? civil rights, feminism, and immigration to undercut the worker's gains.

the big mistake these white nationalist guys make is assuming the white ruling class gives a shit about the fate of working class whites, protip: they do not

>> No.10891975

there are already many white ethnostates. many white countries in europe are 90+% their primary ethnicity, significantly higher than israel at <80% jewish. if they have low birthrates and accept nonwhite immigrants, that's their own issue. but you don't only want ethnostates, poland for poles, you also somehow want america, australia, canada, etc for "whites."

so you don't only want ethnostates in your "historical homelands" but entire continents that "whites" have only lived in for a tiny fraction of their history.

>> No.10891983

>lets ruin our own countries and fill them with people with zero ethnic loyalty to us because...

For what purpose?

>> No.10891998

keep wages low, duh, look at right whites: they hire spanish and black maids, indian programmers, chinese manucturers, rich whites do not give one shit about you or your family, of course being that "unspooked" maybe why they are rich as fuck ubers and u and ur nazi buddies are such unters

look right now the trump's fed appointing is jacking up interest rates to kill the economy, why? unemployment is too low and workers wages are gonna start going up...too bad it's gonna kill trump's reelection chances, but the big money whites never liked trump anyways

>> No.10892001

>europeans use military force to dissolve jewish state and force jews to live among them
>jews dont have a right to live in european societies

>> No.10892010

>true, but did you even get them in the first place?
>made original observations purposefully obscured so that only motivated readers would stick around long enough for him to get racist
>no, he advocates technocracy
He's not bad

>> No.10892011
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>Millenia long rule of white upper class rulership and only in the last fifty years they suddenly decide to fuck up all their countries

Your argument makes no sense, if they just wanted cheap labor they would have just kept their colonies in Africa and Asia like they were doing for the last five hundred years

>> No.10892028

did u not notice that after ww2 europe was too weak to maintain its colonies? america tried to save the french colonial power in southeast asia and got its fucking asswipped in vietnam, with both russia and china funding and arming anti-colonial movements after 1950 those colonies were no longer tenable

>> No.10892037

The Anglo spirit is effeminacy. Their men are all mommy-worshipers

>> No.10892038

you realize assimilation is a process right? no one just wakes up and says im assimilated now and is accepted as german or whatever. if over several generations you begin to speak more german, dress more german, eat more german, pray more german etc and the reaction is greater contempt and violence than when you made no attempt to become more german at all and actually the fact that you made such an attempt is used as justification to hate and attack you, then the natural course of action is to cease trying to become german. of course then the fact that you STOPPED trying to become german is used as justification for hatred and violence.

>> No.10892040

Post-Colonialism was well under way long before the end of WW2. America pushing France and England after the Suez crisis was just a catalyst for a path their already drove

>> No.10892043

>no one just wakes up and says im assimilated now and is accepted as german or whatever.

In America you can totally do that

>> No.10892078

only for the last 20 years or so and only because the racial element has largely been stripped away from american identity. and even if you think the racial component is necessary, it still doesn't happen like that. have you ever been around first gen russian or balkan immigrants? are irish and italian americans evil anti-assimilating traitors because they can still be identified (and often self-identify)?

>> No.10892087

To a certain degree yeah of course they were, the Kennedys were nasty bastards and we all know what the Italians got up to. Except over time they got their shit together and aren't causing any problems unlike Jews

>> No.10892343

The problem was they weren't forced to and since we let jews in we allowed them to do their bidding.

>> No.10892551

>My father is Jewish, at least racially. This does not make me Jewish, but surely it makes me suspect, at least to some anti-Semites. But if this was my best reason for not being anti-Semitic, surely it would tend to confirm rather than refute MacDonald's theories. If your father is Catholic, are you not allowed to be an anti-Catholic?

>> No.10892557

>straight white male with high IQ
He's a kike.

>> No.10893620

He's a Jew who wants to rule over the Goyim.