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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 992x744, prince-harry-meghan-markle-ap-jt-180211_4x3_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891344 No.10891344 [Reply] [Original]

isnt it kind of tragic being born rich/famous? All great writers have "fucked up" something in their life they were afforded the opportunity to learn from it. I don't see that happening with someone like Prince Harry. How can he "fuck up". What mistakes did he make? How can someone like relate to literature? I'm sure he doesn't even read actually. before you say "sour grapes" ill just say i'd rather be prince harry than a guy with interesting stories

>> No.10891359

>implying rich people don't have tragedies in their life
>implying they are immortal
>thinking that someone can't appreciate literature because of their social status
>pre 20 century writers are mostly richfags aristocrats

>> No.10891375

>picking a guy whose mom died when he was a kid as your example

>> No.10891386

about 90% of writers before 1900 came from rich aristocratic backgrounds m8

>> No.10891395

literally his only family member to have died, even his great-grandparents are still alive

I am younger than him and almost all my family are dead

>> No.10891397

lesser aristocrats and lower upper class, the elite of the elite are not creatives

>> No.10891401

the elite of the elites of Russia and France were killed off so I dunno...

>> No.10891411
File: 24 KB, 960x893, really_makes_your_neurons_oscillate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gr8 b8 m8, but most of the affluent writers AND scientists AND entrepreneurs AND basically everyone influential intellectually from before the 20th century were rich people who didn't have to sweat their brow all day inside a factory or spend all day working their asses off for a landlord.

This is a common misconception I guess. The kind of struggle that the creative drive derives from is a mental one, psychological in its source and has little to do with physical struggle conditions. And in reality these fuck-ups you refer to would usually not be done or be so life-threatening/definitive for a poor person that they would hardly be able to ever recover enough to write about it. Second chances are expensive son, and likewise it takes some money to 'buy' enough time to learn lessons.

>> No.10891418

aristocrats and the rich elite of today did not live the same lives. you can't compare them.

>> No.10891424

they didnt write anything worth reading

>> No.10891433

She was the only family member besides him who didn't look like a troll. He must have been lonely as hell until Kate showed up.

>> No.10891457
File: 358 KB, 1655x1655, Young-Prince-William.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

william was very handsome as a young lad

>> No.10891465



>> No.10891478

the literary establishment in the UK these days is a very cliquey liberal middle class Londoner group

>> No.10891526
File: 183 KB, 3384x2104, 1521326254625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henry Charles Albert David hit "post" and sat back in his silk-mahogany chair. As he read over what he'd written, submitted to the popular online form 4chan.org, a single tear rolled down his cheek, and for a moment, he felt a strange sensation that with all his power and opulence he'd rarely been able to afford: self pity. But here, on the internet, he was not simply His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales; nor was he Captain of The Blues and Royals, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, and recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal; he was not even the younger son of Charles and Diana, who had stoically bared not only the weight of his mothers death, but the media circus that followed. He is not the little Prince of his boarding schools, constantly taunted and bullied by the other classmates; nor the confused British youth in Lesotho, working on various sanitation projects and deflowering hundreds of Lesothian women; nor the coked up humanitarian inventing the Invictus Games. No, today he was anonymous, and for an instant, he let slide the mask of excellence that had been welded on him from before his birth, and feel an instant of doubt and sadness for the many lives he would never live.

>> No.10891559

being rich in those days was definitely a whole lot shitter than being rich in the present day

>> No.10891576

>how could he fuck up?
idk, marry a brown mutt when your status enables you to marry any woman in the entire world?

>> No.10891641


While I understand where you guys are coming from, I insist, that the key here is not precisely that they had luxury and what not (I would insist that they did have plenty of luxury but, that would not be as encompassing as what follows), but rather that their savings, inheritance, enterprises, etc. have given them leeway to not toil for other people. In spite of the (I believe correct) claims that people used to have more free time before, I believe the quality of such free time was only truly enlightening/insightful to the rich or at least higher middle classes. It is indeed worse than today that they had no proper way to wipe their asses and had to endure through winters but they also had servants and "play spaces" we obviously can't even dream of having today. They were worse off in most senses, but in a few instances they were objectively more set for creativity.

>> No.10891657

you're comparing apples to oranges. Elite of today are just souped up ultra bourgoise, whereas the elite from the past were aristocrats with the implicit expectation from birth of being cultured.

>> No.10891671

I think the key was that they had a clearly defined leadership role to play in society that isn't present in the rich today. They knew where they were supposed to go so to speak and some of them at least used their free time accordingly

>> No.10891677


>>10891641 here,

I think this is an adequate answer to my own post which also addresses the problem with today's elite.

Now, do you guys believe lack of culture and being a swine actually trickles down unlike wealth? Are the masses condemned if they are to follow our neo-bourgoise?

>> No.10891718

>It is indeed worse than today that they had no proper way to wipe their asses and had to endure through winters but they also had servants and "play spaces" we obviously can't even dream of having today
Idk, there are a lot more luxuries available today and people still buy them. Sure you can't just go hunt people anymore (allegedly) but overall there's more stuff to play with.
The ultra wealthy today aren't very creative because despite what Bernie Sanders says they do spend a ton of time working. It doesn't leave a lot of juice with which to make art. Then they have kids who aren't creative because they're mostly dipshits. The best we can hope for is probably Megan Ellison.

>> No.10891769

aristocrats in the past were highly disciplined and educated from birth and forced to learn history, philosophy, multiple languages, Mathematics, how to ride a horse and fight, how to be a gentleman and proper etiquette etc

the upper class these days are just over indulged retards, especially nouveau rich

>> No.10891777


>> No.10891782


I agree with the sentiment, think this has been established by now. So I guess to the OP it would be proper to say "Yes, today it's kind of tragic, but writers in the past were aristocrats who fucked up, not common folk who fucked up.". This leaves the question of who is going to carry our literature's legacy. Where are the guys with interesting stories, socially speaking? I'm not eager to say "slums" to be honest

>> No.10891797

I think the problem is that culture trickles upwards nowadays. Why do you think bourgeois rich kids love underground rap? culture only flows from a birthright/stable environment. that used to encompass peasants, aristocrats, priestly caste, etc. now it's pretty much limited to the underclass (white trash for country, black ghetto dwellers for rap, maybe foreigners from places like the middle east as well) who are the last people left with a claim of authenticity. There is no downward flow of high culture anymore

>> No.10891803

Upper middle class to bh. People who live comfortably from a young age but still get exposed to things without drowning in the shit.

>> No.10891812

I disagree, upper middle class are still too coddled. Lower middle class is our last hope. People who are shit on, but still have the ability genetically and environmentally to raise up. probably projecting alot here but still.

>> No.10891821

Kinda this.

I read an indicator that a society is on the upswing when the poor emulate the rich, in mannerisms and taste. Common people put on airs and pretenses and attempt to act or look aristocratic. Conversely when society is on the decline, the wealthy and rich emulate the poor.

You see much of the latter these days.

>> No.10891825

>Now, do you guys believe lack of culture and being a swine actually trickles down unlike wealth? Are the masses condemned if they are to follow our neo-bourgoise?
Of course it does. High culture is sustained and funded by the upper class troughout History
And they already do and are. The fall of aristocratic values and the rise of thr money-worshipping Nouveau Rich is a direct cause for the cultural decline of today. Who do you think pays for all these Marvel movies? Not the same type of people who funded Wagner, that's for sure

>> No.10891880

>There is no downward flow of high culture anymore
the masses being uncultured is beneficial
>Who do you think pays for all these Marvel movies? Not the same type of people who funded Wagner, that's for sure
there is the world meant to be seen by the masses, and the world not
all the money milked from the masses is not entirely rededicated to milk money from the masses

>> No.10891893

Freedom, what more is wanted? How many channels are there on tv? There are some cultural channels, the masses have the option

>> No.10891918

with the internet anyone from any background can become educated if they want to, it isn't like before where they would need to get into the right schools and university

future writers will be coming from all walks of life

>> No.10891928

>be born
>ginger nut
>stupid at school
>your mum dies in a car crash
>go join army
>fail the maths test but pass on second attempt
>kill a bunch of mudskins in your helicopter
>return and realize you're late 20s with no wife, no future, no prospects
>realize you're a prince
>tour world doing princely things, this is your only reassurance you're not a complete fuckup
>come back and realize you're still a fucking loser but now you're 30
>get engaged to divorced African American, if your family didn't hate you they sure do now
>have niglets/get assassinated with your wife by brexitor in your late 30s - time will tell

>> No.10891956

science/substances/items/products and foods is 99% more important than culture

>> No.10891964

>Why do you think bourgeois rich kids love underground rap?
It's mostly just kids with nouveau rich families who act like that

The proper old money people are extremely insular with close-knit communities

>> No.10892026

Says the uncultured Anon who doesn't have the language skills to properly express ratios.

>> No.10892039

what would an increase of culture be and look like? what would outcomes be?

>> No.10892052
File: 5 KB, 228x221, hx4Prda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those things are a part of culture you absolute pleb

Culture is not just art and entertainment

>> No.10892075

I don't know. I was just pointing out how that guy was trying to say culture is 1% as important as the material, but his lack of language ability made it sound like he was saying it's 49.5% as important.

>> No.10892286

x is 100% more important than y

how is science/substances/items/products lacking?

>> No.10892430

100% = total, complete, absolute, highest

99% = very very close to that

>> No.10892460

100% more important means x is twice as important as y.

>> No.10892470

Is 1, 99% less than 100?

>> No.10892473


Not only that but he gets to be reminded of it every time another conspiracy comes on the air.

>> No.10892479

I was using it metaphorically and symbolically: as 100% = fully, and 99% = near fully

totally, completely, absolutely, more important.

>> No.10892498

this is one of the lowest iq, most juvenile nonsensical “arguments” ive ever seen online, fucking idiot

>> No.10892506

And I understood that because of culture. I'm saying if I had looked at your sentence from a 100% material point of view I would have misunderstood it.

>> No.10892520

As you can have a pie with all its pieces x with a perimeter of 22 inches, and a pie with all its pieces y with a perimeter 55 inches: both pies are 100%. So 100% x would =/= 100% y

And I could say y tasted 99% more delicious than x,

Lets say x tasted 5 units of delicious how many units of delicious would y taste?

If x tasted 72 units of delicious, how many units of delicious would y taste?

So you see if culture is 999999 units of important: science/etc. being 99% more important may be significant after all, even considering your appropriate correction

>> No.10892676

Do you remember where you read that? It's an interesting idea.

>> No.10892767

>The proper old money people are extremely insular with close-knit communities
Yeah, but they still like to listen to shitty coon music and do all sorts of mind-ruining drugs even at the most landed of parties. I mean, look at the Manners sisters.

>> No.10892974
