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10878972 No.10878972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been watching him for about two years now and just finished his biblical series. I realized that his entire work is ironically based off of core post modern foundations which is essentially infinite perceptions and Jordan certainly likes to make one standard line into a two hour lecture which is simply his personal projections onto the world. Truthfully anyone could do what Jordan does; just have a good imagination and deep state of creativity and you make make up an entire dimension of information from a simple thing such as " The old man thought of his youth and dead family then took a shit and then killed himself " into a 400 page book about the importance of youth and the deadly realities of regret. When not projecting his feelings, Jordan has never had an original thought in his life, everything runs back to another man: Peterson is nothing but a critic, he has created nothing of value but basic ramblings of setting your life in order, he's essentially a motivational speaker who cites philosophers with original thought to make himself seem smart. Jordan is intelligent, but he's essentially a critic with a good imagination who makes a hack intellectual.

>> No.10879085

Why the fuck would you watch his entire biblical series if you think this of him? If you think he’s worthless but spend tens of hours watching him, what does that say about you? Do you not value your time at all?

>> No.10879096

He says interesting things, just nothing new

>> No.10879115

>Truthfully anyone could do what Jordan does

Anyone could read the great philosophers and psychologists, and understand it well enough, and be articulate enough to explain it to others in a digestible way?


Fucking no, mate.

I'm a pretty sharp guy, but I'm not nearly well spoken enough, or quick enough on my feet to do what he does.

>> No.10879166


This article actually bothers to go through his published works to give a well-sourced account of the man's shortcomings.

What do y'all think about Peterson rise to prominence being the result of a lack of genuinely insightful intellectuals in the public eye to keep the pretenders in check? I don't know if I believe this totally, but that's in part due to my reservations about the term "intellectual." What does a "good" intellectual look like... DFW?

>> No.10879171

>I've been watching him for about two years now and just finished his biblical series
how autistic are you? imagine how much you could have shitposted instead with all that time

>> No.10879175
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>Jordan has never had an original thought in his life
isn't that the whole point of being a conservative?

>> No.10879177

how is things being new something good?

>> No.10879237
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My guess is he hasn't become worth bothering to complain about until he became the go-to online angryboy's "philosopher."

When someone makes the PR switch to "intellectual heavyweight" it only follows that people will start to hold you to that standard

>> No.10879244

still, there's no reason to watch hours of his material if you think he is garbage

i mean i watch Zizek for memetic reasons but i know what i'm getting into, it's for fun, but i know he is just going to meme and say the same 3 or 4 things he does in every lecture he gives without going anywhere

>> No.10879245

I like the parts of this article that critisize his vague statements and trashy book "maps of meaning" but then when he starts critisizing statements like "if you are too nice you will get taken advantage of" I started to realize that this article is written either by soyboy or female so I stopped reading and disregarded all her previous opinions I agreed with.

>> No.10879254


This retarded hit piece describes the opposite of Jordan Peterson says and does. Except diagrams. He does draw diagrams.

The article obviously presupposes that Peterson is a charlatan with nothing to say, and then works backwards by quote mining what are, in all fairness, some pretty obtuse statements. But his "published works" include more than just print. He has dozens, if not hundreds of hours of lectures on his youtube channel where he is considerably more concise.

I suspect JBP is a better speaker than a writer.

>What do y'all think about Peterson rise to prominence being the result of a lack of genuinely insightful intellectuals in the public eye to keep the pretenders in check?

On the other hand, that I do agree with. I think even Peterson would agree with this. He's often expressed bewilderment that his message has catapulted him to popularity when by his own admission it shouldn't be anything anyone's never heard before.

But then a lack of genuinely insightful intellectuals is the sort of thing you'd expect from a society that's been indoctrinated with cancerous postmodernist "thinking". Because to have intellectuals requires having a value system that prizes intellect, and postmodernists only know how to dismantle value systems.

>> No.10879257

Not even Peterson can do that

>> No.10879264

as if that statement shouldn't be criticized. there's a vast difference between being kind and being passive, and to conflate them is to paint any positive morality in its purest form as feckless

>> No.10879266

>nothing new

That’s a GOOD thing as far as I’m concerned.

While reading some of NN Talebs work I found his argument that the older something is the better it is due to standing the rest of time.

If Jordan Peterson is basically a filter and translator(into “layman’s terms”) I think that’s awesome.

>> No.10879267

omg shut UP

>> No.10879268

EDIT: Filter + refinery

>> No.10879271

EDIT2: “found the argument very compelling”

Time for bed I can’t even post right lol

>> No.10879274
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>What do y'all think about Peterson rise to prominence being the result of a lack of genuinely insightful intellectuals in the public eye to keep the pretenders in check?
The general public has never been interested in "intellectuals".
This is what Eco called the "invasion of imbeciles". Basically the internet renders the figure of the "expert" obsolete by giving to every kind of retard the ability to express his uninformed opinions and find an audience. This, coupled with the general mistrust towards what is perceived to be the establishment which followed the 2008 financial crysis has given birth to all sorts of dunning-kruger fueled horrors, from tumblr feminists to /pol/tards, from philosophically illiterate fedoras to deus vult christians. Memes, hashtags and YouTube videos, thanks to their ability to feign thinking without having to actually think accelerated this process to light speed and now we find ourselves in a situation where critical thinking is being substituted by slogan spouting drones while it becomes less and less common. The worst thing is that these people think they are intelligent.

>> No.10879279

this pleb posted this over at /pol/ too. ill repost my response then

Peterson has a mostly cohesive worldview that many young people who have grown up with a hedonistic consumerist mentality have never heard articulated. He adopts a postmodern perspective because postmodernism HAS to be tackled. There is no easy strictly "rational" way to tackle the subjective nihilistic consumerist outlook of people today "nothing matters therefore I'm gonna do what I want". You really can't argue with that from a dry "objective" perspective. You have to approach it from a different angle, one that makes more sense to us as humans. A pragmatic approach that accounts for postmodern critiques of society.

The basis for Peterson's pragmatism is largely his idea of human nature rooted in psychology. i.e. religion is good because it gives people a sense of meaning and a structure to their lives.

He uses flowery and poetic language in a way that upsets spergs (like the way he uses the term "truth"), and he refuses to destroy his career by naming the Jew, but none of your criticisms have any depth or weight to them. Your attack on him is suspiciously superficial considering you've been watching his videos "for two years".

I myself dismissed him as a budget Joseph Campbell, but his lectures are solid and he's introducing ideas to the mainstream that I never thought I'd see popularized. On top of this, he's a lone voice pushing back against Canada's insane social justice cult. I have to assume you have other reasons for disliking him. Did one of your friends challenge you and you weren't able to defend Peterson adequately? Where did this epiphany that Peterson is worthless come from?

>> No.10879280

neither you nor him know what postmodernism is

>> No.10879282

the problem with Peterson is that he is not going far enough, but hopefully something good will come from his stuff unless he goes crazy first and starts ranting at something retarded. He seems a volatile person and his twitter is already a shitfest

>> No.10879284

He pisses people off that's all i need to support him.

>> No.10879285

the fields of human knowledge are so vast that simply having someone calling attention to specific portions of it and explain how they relate and why are they important with eloquence is meritable in itself.
He wouldnt have become popular and OP wouldnt have listened to him for 2 years if he wasnt offering valuable material.

>> No.10879286

explain what postmodernism is in 60 seconds without using meme words

protip: you can't

>> No.10879287

>never had an original thought in his life
Ironic because this faggy, contrarian blog post that just screams "LOOK EVERYONE I'M DIFFERENT" is one of the most par-for-the-course things you will ever see on 4chan.

>> No.10879296
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Peterson's rise to prominence can be explained in one word: Reddit.

>> No.10879300

zfbokjDGpj S p[oZDGS mkDGSp[oGJS ] -opoDGS SGD] oj


>> No.10879301

The author of the article was obviously rooting for being passive, and Peterson was rooting was not being passive, not being not kind.

>> No.10879302

>He's often expressed bewilderment that
I doubt this part considering how cynical he is able to manipulate media, i.e. taunting Zizek to a debate on twitter and when he actually responded to do, suddenly radio silence.

>> No.10879305

>I doubt this part considering how cynical he is able to manipulate media

I'm not about to dig through his entire Youtube catalogue to prove it, but it's in there.

>> No.10879309

What is in there? Him stating how is he going to cynically manipulate the media around him? I don't doubt that he made that statement, I doubt whether that statement is true (or whether he made that statement sincerely instead of another cynical attempt).

>> No.10879310

ironic or not, I've never read anything more reddit on this board before

>> No.10879311

>What do y'all think about Peterson rise to prominence being the result of a lack of genuinely insightful intellectuals in the public eye to keep the pretenders in check?
Why do people always over-complicate things? He's popular because he's putting into words the right things at the right time. A lot of people feel discontent with the particularly controlling left right now and hearing someone else put what's on their minds in an eloquent yet accessible way keeps em from going insane

>> No.10879318

those sound like meme words, are you trying to trick me?

>> No.10879320


>> No.10879323

I mean he is talking about the goddamn bible, of course it's gonna be nothing new.

>> No.10879325

I'd like to hear OP get more into this question

>so I stopped reading and disregarded all her previous opinions I agreed with
This is clearly a joke, but that people legitimately read like this, I think, is much more explanatory or Peterson's 15 minutes than anything else. The only "intellectual" that's going to win over hearts and minds of the west is going to have to be the one that feeds into the west's current anti-intellectual streak.

The writer of the article doesn't dive into his youtube channel, but he does quote interviews and lectures, so his speech gets some attention.

I don't think you know what "postmodernism" is, which is a vague term describing anything that follows modernism, be it in art, literature, or philosophy as it comes. In philosophy the term is so abused that it can refer to anything that goes about looking in places other than the current status quo to discover or rediscover new ways of thinking, which is why it's so easy for people to make any number of claims about postmodernists.

Based on your description of them, I think you might be referring to post-structuralism, but that philosophical avenue was exhausted almost as quickly as it was introduced. It's really not the boogeyman that people outside of academia claim it is.

>> No.10879326

>le reddit scary word
well memed

>> No.10879328


Jordan Peterson and his lobsters are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, parasites, swindlers, profiteers, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But call Jordan Peterson an intellectual fraud & hack and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they become, how they suddenly shrink back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

>> No.10879333

*at the lobster army

>> No.10879334

stop trying to fit in reddit

>> No.10879338
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Don't insult the king lobster.

>> No.10879348
File: 76 KB, 400x300, DQmVpbpbipMmun2ZMGKmsrcdDZcoEsEtPAomE3QdhRQwQ5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About half way in, after he quotes Peterson talking about implicit violence between males when interacting, giving his own beta-male anecdotal rebuttal (that sounds willingly naieve, and, not understanding his whole point: where communication breaksdown men fight; you dont disrespect another man that is close, equal, or greater in strength than you, unless you want to fight--which is different with women, because even if they disrespect you, you aren't supposed to fight--so what do?)--hint bitch, if you want to take him down, then just say he is making an is into an aught with no other justification, but no, instead, the author bitches "it cant be done, he's too slithery, like a slimy snake oil salesman", he then quotes
his comment section, "my grandma once told me never hit a women, but you sure as hit can hit her back"(00's upvotes), "shouldn't hit anyone, but if someone attacks you..." (00's upvotes) and the authors remarks, after listing a couple other comments: "if people follow you seem to say things like this a lot, you should probably think hard about why you're attracting this kind of audience."
He literally did nothing wrong there, and that comment section is perfectly reasonable: you have the right to self-defense! I don't understand how that specific situation can be viewed negatively. The reviewer has some self-awareness, but has quite limited perspective of the philosophical cannon. They can't even understand his argument--in context--which is basic, but tbf, he does generalize on certain topics, however, his core foundation is easily ascertainable.

This b8 doesn't deserve my coherency

>> No.10879359

>He literally did nothing wrong there,
Did you even read the article. His problem about Peterson isn't that attracted that specific comment, but the upvoted comments had very vastly different interpretations and implications of what Peterson said

>> No.10879364

>that is sooooo Reddit lmfao rofl
>look guys I got this noob

I would be shocked if you were anything but some teenage loser.

>> No.10879365

They really didn't stretch his line very far. Self-defense is a logical implication of what he was hinting at in that statement.

>> No.10879370

Jordan is interesting to listen to. Jordan could make anything out of anything, the content of the bible comes out of Jordan's mouth an entirely different piece of literature; he doesn't respect the work, he's telling it in his own voice and message. Jordan could do the same as he does with any piece of literature he projects his insecurities and anti-depressant & whatever disorders he's trying to circumvent with said SSRI to. Jordan is a broken man, he states that everyone is simply talking from the mouth of a dead philosopher when the truth of the matter is that all of Jordan's work is based off of dead philosophers; Jordan has created nothing to be put into a library, nothing original, nothing Jordan Peterson - he's simply another failure of Academia and another stack of papers onto a million stack of papers of ordinary men explaining their feelings upon great dead men. Jordan has a-lot of feelings and his feelings & creativity is what has given him hundreds of hours of content for his speeches and youtube account and monthly income for his patreon account. Jordan wouldn't have this career, he would be making whatever his job at his University paid him and that only if not for Post-Modernism; his work is based on an infinite number of perceptions. Yet he only argues against the physical actions of an infinite number of perceptions - not the intellectual aspect of it, because he abuses and destroys the foundation of solid work and morphs it into an entire series to explore his fantasies, his projections, his failures as a man which now spread to everyone else because he can't bare the fact that he's a hack.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.10879372

his work is synthesis and I don't see anything wrong with that. The only legitimate criticism for JP that I've seen on the internet is his alleged misrepresentation of the post-modern & neo-marxist ideals.

>> No.10879374

Sure some comments implied that. Others that you conveniently ignored
>Peterson didn’t say that he would never hit a woman. He only implied that every woman he had ever hit is dead.
>I believe women deserve rights…. and lefts!!!
doesn't make the same implications

>> No.10879378

>I don't think you know what "postmodernism" is, which is a vague term describing anything that follows modernism, be it in art, literature, or philosophy as it comes. In philosophy the term is so abused that it can refer to anything that goes about looking in places other than the current status quo to discover or rediscover new ways of thinking, which is why it's so easy for people to make any number of claims about postmodernists.

This is itself a fairly postmodernist statement, so I'm tempted to say you're just one of _them_ and call it a day. But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and clarify that I am specifically referring to post-structuralism, and nihilists, and the deconstructionists what don't know how to put anything back together.

So let's cut the shit, because you know what postmodernism is, and I know what it is.

>Jordan Peterson and his lobsters

Lobsters... I like it.

>> No.10879382

Peterson at the very best is a motivation speaker who cites men who've put in work into the world of actual value. He's a critic who states simple positive acts in life and turns them into cinematic events to excite delusional young men. He simply masquerades his basic, simple, copy-cat words as something fierce. Jordan has never created a work that wasn't piggy-backing on someone else. He might be the most unoriginal '' public intellectual figure '' with his influence today. His words are influential and resonates with his audience of losers & would be deviants because they're fake, made to be epic, made to be something else but simple things such as wipe your ass- You clean your room and wipe your ass because that's not being a fat piece of shit, not because you're slaying a dragon and turning the poverty-stricken NEET self of 50 years old into a millionaire.

That's what I'm going to say about it. Jordan is a fun idiot and so are his lobsters.

>> No.10879384

O M G that first one is clearly a joke dude, you have to be bating. The second one is a resentfully-bitter joke, but still dude, move along, I conveniently ignored nothing: you are an idiot.

>> No.10879389

LEL, so tired of this>>10879370 meme. Their are reasons not to like Peterson and this is not the one.

>> No.10879391

>B-but they were only pretending to be retarded
And there is the very problem that the author mentioned about the Rorschach test. Where people can pick and choose when an offensive statement is made unironically or not as when the situation suits them. Peterson cynically exploits that grey area to great effect

>> No.10879393

Is anyone accusing JP of murder? NO! Then the former comment, is a fucking joke 100%

>> No.10879394
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>> No.10879402

>play of one his bible lectures
>kermit voice: and those texts are like... very old
Why exactly should I prefer his heathenish jungian hoghwash to the actual scholarship on the Bible that already exists?

>> No.10879406

>Is anyone accusing JP of murder?
Wew lad, the comment 'jokingly' implied violence against women. To what extent (death or otherwise) is irrelevant.

>> No.10879407

you shouldn't

>> No.10879411

JPS violence against women! And since no one is actually saying he hits women, it is a joke. last comment you are getting from me, I guess nice trolling: congratulations dude.

>> No.10879420

You didn't conveniently ignore the comment about how it's okay to hit an "aggressive bitch."

Jordan Peterson is clearly extolling the virtues of underlying threats of violence and how it "keeps things civil" while at the same time calling to attention that if a woman that annoyed him were a man he would use "techniques" that are forbidden for him to use against women.

The general point might hold some water in that people are less likely to be rude if they think they will encounter physical backlash, but his choice of example brings with it implications that his commenters are more than glad to bring home.

The author is rightly drawing a connection between his rhetoric and his following. Honestly, it doesn't take much reading comprehension to follow the argument made in the article.

>> No.10879421

r/enoughpetersonspam really scraping the bottom of the barrel now

>> No.10879426

>And since no one is actually saying he hits women, it is a joke.
The second comment already did. Your repeated insistence that it is a joke doesn't undermine the underlying point. That just coz it looks like a joke to you, doesn't mean the person who made it and those that upvoted sees it as such.

>heathenish jungian hoghwash
Please don't confuse his nonsense with actual Jungian psychoanaylsis

>> No.10879439

Saying something new is not necessarily a good thing. I don't believe that this is even his point; Rather, his point is that what he's preaching is what mankind had always, both consciously and unconsciously, knew.

And besides, all intellectuals project their prejudices on the world. Even historians fill the gaps in their knowledge and interpret events using their own whims and ideological biases. I'm not saying that what these people do is right, but if we're dealing with something as vague as religion and folk tales, then there's nothing wrong with some subjectivity. Religious stories are still stories after all, and the same story could convey different meanings to different people, depending on their own place in life.

>> No.10879440

First 2/6 examples are perfectly justified comments, in line with JP's assertion.
3rd/6 is the only one that might be crossing our society's line, however, they did not define aggression, so...the case is out
4th/6 is responding to a threat, which is a crime, and if followed up on--to any physical extent--gives you legal right to counter with violence.
Last 2/6 are jokes

5/6 of his examples are rubbish. 1/6 is quasi-acceptable, in support of his point

>> No.10879446
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The second comment would be a perfectly justifiable situation to defend himself. No mo peterson threads for me, this is insane. Make your next comment nice and juicy, so you can get the last word with a tasty tang!

>> No.10879452

>The second comment would be a perfectly justifiable situation to defend himself.
Oh I meant the second comment I quoted, i.e. the last one. But you are probably gonna play the 'pretending to be retarded' card too huh?

>> No.10879457

>Saying something new is not necessarily a good thing

4Chan is proof of that.

>> No.10879462

4chan stopped saying new stuff a long time ago due to newfags like you and it fucking sucks

>> No.10879473

But anon, JP clearly says, you shouldn't just go hit people unprovoked, so this, women deserve lefts comment, is at minimum baseless, and much more likely a bitter joke. Yes, I don't know this, but JP literally says nothing that would endorse this action, so if the poster is serious, then that's his agenda.

>> No.10879475

>He literally did nothing wrong there, and that comment section is perfectly reasonable: you have the right to self-defense!
self-defending against women is like self-defending against a 2yo, it's not going to look good

>> No.10879481

>he states that everyone is simply talking from the mouth of a dead philosopher when the truth of the matter is that all of Jordan's work is based off of dead philosophers; Jordan has created nothing to be put into a library, nothing original, nothing Jordan Peterson
Memerson being a pseud aside, why are you so obsessed with originality? he is a professor and a clinical psychologist, even if he wasn't a pseud it's not his job to be original, his job is to make people mentally stable and to teach children things from a book

>> No.10879487

Which is again bring back to the point that the author trying to point out, is Peterson tragically attracting idiots who willfully misread him or is he is deliberately being vague in articulating his ideas to cynically do so?

>> No.10879497

How can it be that someone who initially made a case for why an article is dismissing an argument in "in context" end up so narrowly insisting on having inane arguments about choice of comments for examples?

Not that it even matters anymore but the arguments for why a comment is a bad example don't even THEMSELVES take into account the larger context of where the comments are quoted. At no point in the article is it ever mentioned if its okay for a man hit a woman in self-defense. Who's talking about the law? I thought the point of a Literature board was for people who are capable of reading, inferring tone, and analyzing the relevant context of a piece.

It's no longer clear what you're arguing for or against, and I'm finding it very hard to remain civil because even the most basic observations would make that difficult. I can only hope at this point that other people might see this exchange and see how embarrassing it looks for someone to make bad-faith nitpicks that are not even accurate.

>> No.10879511

>attracting idiots
As though every comment section were pure except for his. 1/6 of his examples were valid, if he had so many idiots in his comment section, then why aren't there more examples? Also, who is to say these people aren't trolling?
Ya, sometimes he is, no doubt, but on this topic he was pretty clear with Camille Paglia.
Normies hearing Nietzschean points for the first time and they just freak the fuck out cuz their fragile little ears can't handle it

>> No.10879512
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>He wouldnt have become popular and OP wouldnt have listened to him for 2 years if he wasnt offering valuable material.

>> No.10879528

>Try to be charitable and look up some Bepperson videos because maybe they are not as shit as his books, twitter, and interview.
>Youtube algorithm: "You might like: some reactionary bullshit from channels with names like "Red Pill Nation".

Peterson is the worst thing to happen to Nietzsche studies since Hitler

>> No.10879529


>> No.10879533

>then why aren't there more examples?
Coz the author needed to make a larger point?

If you want more examples, there was one fan who drew him in an Orthodox Chirstian glass painting with Jung and Nietzsche in it. And Peterson himself retweeted it. Let that sink in

>> No.10879538

wasn't Nietzsche himself already a joke who basically killed himself by eating too many kilograms of pears every day?

>> No.10879539

Out of 6, only one was valid. Ya, your latter point statement is gross: Im right there with you on that point.

>> No.10879540
File: 361 KB, 901x901, is1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet he would retweet this if he were in the car

>> No.10879544

Everything about Peterson screams "I'm a gigantic pussy".
It's very sad to see people clinging to each of his words because they don't know what to do with their lives. Yes, trying to be as square as possible is the answer, come on guys...

>> No.10879553

Niger is /ourguy/ though

>> No.10879558

Hitler was the worst thing to happen since that.

>> No.10879561

(I hadn't heard the pear reasoning for why he had symptoms similar to syphilis near the end of his life, but I like it a lot because it's the funniest one to say out loud).

>> No.10879594

The point isn't only point being valid, but why is there a vast disunity within the six points

>> No.10879603

> And Peterson himself retweeted it. Let that sink in

yeah if you let it sink in you will realize that it's meant as a joke

>> No.10879606

There are always exceptions to every rule.

>> No.10879607

We're all motivational speakers anon.

>> No.10879608

He said he was 'honored' to be in that picture you retard

>> No.10879609

>Niger is /ourguy/ though
who's that?

>> No.10879627

better to be a retard than an autist that gets worked up because of a picture

>> No.10879636

>our speech shouldn't be policed because it leads to post modern neo marxism!
no, it shouldn't be policed not because of consequences but because of basic rights, like the existing human rights outlined by the UN
>every female and male trait has been scientifically proven to be based purely in biology facts are facts
no, the nature vs nurture argument is still unsolved, we aren't sure what traits are biological yet. we can't ethically take a person and raise them in an artificial environment. you can't just say that things are "facts" when they aren't
>then how do you explain the number of nurses in norway!
I wasn't aware that a country was able to abolish gender, wow, what a good argument then

>> No.10879637
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Why haven't I heard him namedrop pic related? Seems pretty closely related to what he talks about.

Is it any good, by the way?

>> No.10879643

Cuz he has a lot of comments faggot, you can cherry-pick it anyway you want

>> No.10879647

>h-he was only pretending to be retarded
>browbeat by using the autistic word
How many layers of damage control are you on?

>> No.10879651

He picked the most popular comments. How is that cherrypicking?

>> No.10879654

that guy made a photo with a pepe flag and a reporter asked him about that for eight minutes,

you are the one who pulled out a fucking tweet as an example, a tweet holds no greater value

>> No.10879656

I don't understand how a previous retarded event makes that tweet any less retarded. Unless you are downplaying its revelance, which is beside the point

>> No.10879663

>no, it shouldn't be policed not because of consequences but because of basic rights, like the existing human rights outlined by the UN
those are just a meme, how those rights work irl and are modulated depends on external ideology and you can twist them to serve anything

>> No.10879664

haven't read him, but sounds like boring new age stuff for middle class people that have nothing to live for

>> No.10879733

>listen to a guy talk about a zillion year old book
>complain about having heard it before

>> No.10879752

Oh god does anyone have the picture?

>> No.10879949
File: 324 KB, 397x589, 1510761367590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you senpai

>> No.10879954

watch out we got a political expert here

>> No.10879958

OP probably hasn't read it all, but is just trying to make some new pasta for /lit/.

>> No.10879983

I'm going to be talking to him this month, any questions you would like answered which would show he's a pseud?

>> No.10880011

Isn’t that every human since Aristotle?

>> No.10880061
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Jordon Peterson isn't actually a critic because he does not analyze so much as associate or analogize from text to text. He's actually a (unconcious, bad) poet working in the form of the lecture..

His whole world view looks more like early Yeats' than an actual philosopher or anthropologist's. It has very little basis in logic whatsoever. It's less a world view than a vision, a mode of perception, he's trying to perfect.

People aren't interested in him because he provides them clarity, but because he provides them excitement and distraction. There's a reason he got popular through his performances and not his books.

>> No.10880086

Ironic(i.e. deceitful) deconstruction as a new structuralism.

>> No.10880089

Try as I might, I have not been able to find the response by Zizek. Where is it?

>> No.10880090

The ideology Peterson preaches is hyper-individualist trash mixed with mysticism and conservative dad rhetoric. Young men who are alienated from their peers would be better off getting involved in local politics with fellow people that remove the deleterious effects of capitalism than just cleaning their room and posting about how they're doing such a good job of emulating crustacean hierarchies.

>> No.10880092
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I saw Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "It's no problem, I love to meet my fans".

I was impressed, and all I could say was "I love your lectures", but he kept excitedly cutting me off with fatherly advice and giving me warm hand gestures. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle pleasantly as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Jordan waiting in line with just a few organic granola bars in his hand ready to pay.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "sir, did you find everything OK tonight?" At first he kept pretending that he was just a normal guy, but eventually let her know that the service was outstanding and that even he, the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now, was impressed.

When she started scanning the bars individually, Jordan stopped her and told her she could just scan them in bulk "to prevent any line holdups" and then turned around and smiled at me. I think that's very considerate. After she scanned just one bar, quickly calculated the total, and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Jordan simply handed the cashier a hundred dollar bill and told her to keep the change.

>> No.10880098

The paranoia is reaching critical limits. Keep pushing!

>> No.10880103

No. Not like this. Not like this!

>> No.10880111


>> No.10880112

>I'm giving generic, non-affiliated life advice
>get indoctrinated by my political ideology. Join the marxist cult.

>> No.10880120

why? Because women are weak?

>> No.10880125

Peterson's advice appeals to young conservatives who believe that one should retreat inwards from the world in order to shoulder its burdens rather than heading out to deal with those burdens. It's fairly cowardly, but what isn't cowardly about the modern conservative?

>> No.10880128
File: 555 KB, 521x678, 1519269181333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this copypasta unironically


>> No.10880130

>If I don't find it funny, it wasn't meant to be funny. Post Kek, ergo Proctor Kek.

>> No.10880131

>one should retreat inwards from the world in order to shoulder its burdens rather than heading out to deal with those burdens.
you're thinking of Peter Jordanson.

>> No.10880150

would he touch a poop for $5?

>> No.10880151

I smell patchouli in this thread

>> No.10880152

>started to realize that this article is written either by soyboy or female so I stopped reading and disregarded all her previous opinions I agreed with
This is what Peterson and idpol do to people.

>> No.10880156

>In October
Doesn't seem very genuine, nor is there any indication yet that it won't happen. I imagine if they are actually going to debate, they would both want to arrange the details before announcing it publicly, so that neither could be easily criticized for "backing out" if the logistics simply can't work, since, you know, Zizek has provided only a very small and restrictive window for debate, despite the fact that neither is a stranger to online discussions.

>> No.10880161
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>Jokes on them I was only ironically being retarded

>> No.10880162

i like that one anon, as it's the clear that the deconstruction is there to hide and promote grand narratives that are as strong as ever, the no grand narratives meme doesn't hold to minimal inspection

>> No.10880169

If you rely on people like Peterson for your mental health than you already have serious issues mate.

>> No.10880175

top kek

>> No.10880176

The more I interact with post-modernists, the more I find them to be liars. I want to believe you are just mistaken and confused about what he is saying, but if this is your reading, I can only conclude that you intentionally sought to misunderstand him. Always and everywhere you and your ilk seem to do the very thing your criticize, and describe the world as precisely opposite the way it is.

>> No.10880187

>Peterson gets mad at Zizke's articles
>tweets to some Zizekbot about his complains and ask for a debate
>Zizek reply he is free in October
>Silence on Peterson's end
I don't why would you assume Zizek isn't genuine, or he does online discussions often. Peterson would definitely make any attempt to organize a debate public, since he was the one that already made the first move so publicly. But of course we can wait till October to know for sure

>> No.10880190

Precisely. Whenever they say they are not doing something, they are doing exactly that. But in forcing one to quibble over whether or not they are doing that, they get away with their main purpose. In the forward to The Order of Things, Foucault says that the one method of analysis he rejects is phenomenology, and yet the entire work is a work of cultural phenomenology. His real disagreement with the phenomenologists, is that where they stress the individual, he denies the individual and sees only the collective. The way he writes belabors the small points, so that you don't notice when he doesn't really defend his real arguments. He'll spend pages describing some of the Medieval concepts of order, but does not explain why he reduces their whole system to only four points. This gives the impression that you have learned and now understand their system, but he has actually left out the most essential elements, and made spectacular leaps in logic to do so.

>> No.10880194
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peterson or peterson's team also ignored the Zero Book podcast marxist guy when he asked for an adversarial interview, first said he would, then cancelled, then ghosted him

after that Peterson appeared on Joe Rogan and said that the left just won't debate him

>> No.10880204

Because Zizek is not a genuine person. He adamantly denies ever engaging in deconstruction, but that is all he does. He says that the current mode of racism/sexism/etc. is worse than any explicit form because it has the potential to become explicit. If you don't not immediately see the absurdity of this position, then you have abandoned reason. Zizek, with his constant publishing, knows more than most, as does Peterson, that timing is everything. They are having a dispute now. By October, no one will care. Peterson was not discussing Zizek until Zizek discussed Peterson. Zizek will simply not discuss Peterson until the debate, meaning that none of his followers will know or care, letting him frame the result however he wants. It is a deceptive marketing practice. As someone who works in advertising, I am very familiar with this marketing ploy.

>> No.10880209

Again, full documentation please. Show me emails. Show me that Zero Book is actually being reasonable in their requests. I will not take you at your word.

>> No.10880220

This is some impressive mental gymnastics

>> No.10880223

All Lobster Lad does is get mad at Disney cartoons and women, while telling his followers standard self-help canards with nuggets of reactionary ideology ("women are of chaos and must be fought, Marxists control everything, every interaction is a fight for dominance"). This will do nothing but turn you into a Boomer but without any of the political motivations or wealth. This is a dead end for you.

>> No.10880232

So you claim that he is cynical just coz you don't understand what he is saying? Okay

>marketing ploy
Or maybe he lives so far to come to usa to debate Peterson and October is when he got a chance to go there? Did you read the article?

>> No.10880254
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>> No.10880285

Isn't there a video of Zizek where he claims that one of his books is pure bullshit. He wrote it because the publishing company wanted him to release something.

He even shows some of the sentence saying "Look at this, what the fuck does this mean?"

Why should anyone take someone like that serious.

>> No.10880300

No, I actually understand what he is saying. You just feel overwhelmed by the density of his language and so submit without question. Why must the debate be in person? Why cannot Peterson come to Zizek? Why is this time in October when Zizek in New York the only time and place and location where such a debate is possible? He is basically saying "I am too busy and far away for a debate, but here is a date that probably doesn't work for you." It is like when you asked that girl on a date, and she said, she couldn't that date, but maybe in a week or so she would be free, and you tried to ask her, but she wasn't there anymore. Since you fell for that, of course you would fall for Zizek.

>> No.10880306

Why is Boomer and insult to you? Why should I not respect and want to emulate my father to an extent. The choices he made are why I am here, and they are why I have what I have. If I like anything that I have, I owe it to him.

>> No.10880314
File: 93 KB, 1225x735, 1517137766399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr Kermit Peperson and his army of Lobstermites
You must not enter the Forbidden Zone of relativism where he resides!

>> No.10880318

Non-deconstructionists simply call it logic.

>> No.10880322

is that photo real, if it's real then it's fucking cool, did you know that lobsters have blue blood

>> No.10880336
File: 143 KB, 1367x1009, petersonreplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga is the Lacan of our era that is a charlatan who just obfuscated everything and bastardized the idea of thinkers way above their leagues.