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10862512 No.10862512 [Reply] [Original]

At what point does this get good? I'm on Numbers

>> No.10862518


>> No.10862548
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Numbers 31:17-18

>> No.10862552

uh bro skip to the next testament, OT is for weirdo-Christians and people pretending to be jewish

>> No.10862566

Is it even worth bothering with the Bible if it wasn't burned into your brain as a child? I feel like it would probably be missing a certain layer of psychological dissonance otherwise.

>> No.10862567

Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, David, Kings 1, Job, Jonah, and John are all based. Skip the rest if you aren't a Christian

>> No.10862569

>not reading Genesis, Psalms, Job, and Proverbs before moving on to the NT

>> No.10862577

I grew up Christian, but I went to a Protestant church and all of the Sunday school stories were about Jesus and the New Testament. All of the genealogy passages of the Pentateuch are boring as fuck so far

>> No.10862593
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I wouldn't read the bible in order. Would recommend starting with mark and working through new testament, then reading OT in that context. Read genesis and revelations together, they're both steeped in symbolism.

>> No.10862596

The New Testament is "Jew in a Dress - Electric Boogaloo"

>> No.10862602
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Same but I really can't be bothered to ever read it in full as an adult.
I do like the garden of eden, other genesis stories, psalms, and revelations.

>> No.10862603

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10862621

Don't do this unless you want to forever ruin your chances of appreciating the Old Testament for what it is. People who view the OT through a Christian lens are the worst.

I suggest reading the OT alongside some Greek works such as The Iliad, The Odyssey, and some basic Plato and perhaps some Hindu works like the Upanishads. It makes it far more interesting to see the parallels between the cultures.

>> No.10862635

I was raised christian now I'm not and even I can easily notice the similarities in the Greek myths, it's not even subtle. Not sure what you even mean by this, I guess just a casual insult to literal interpretations?

>> No.10862669

I wasn't raised Christian although I technically am. Reading the NT feels very genuine and full of hope. Be as arrogant as you like but consider how much your life has been shaped by Christianity as you do it, maybe it will humble you.

>> No.10862672

Making fun of dumb Christians who view everything in terms of the New Testament, really

>> No.10862685

I was raised as a cultural catholic. I think the New Testament is a beautiful piece of literature. Old Testament is a hit and miss though. Mainly just read genesis and the Books of Wisdom.

>> No.10862713


It really kicks in in the next track, Computer World. It makes this beautiful melodic transition.

>> No.10862717
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>I wasn't raised Christian although I technically am

There are two positives from my christian brainwashing experience:
1. I understand Dostoevsky and other archaic literature a little better than I would have.
2. I fucked the pastors daughter for 6 years.

>> No.10862746

typical fedora bullshit about the passage being about child sex slavery.

>> No.10862781

It's more to the point that I've been taught Christian values without realizing where they come from so as a kid I haven't questioned why I should be a good person, it's just something that is.

I don't see why you would call it brainwashing, the ceremonial stuff irks me but the ethical part is good and you have something that enforces morals and is also never wrong, namely God. Also I wouldn't call Dostoevsky archaic.

>> No.10862788

>I don't see why you would call it brainwashing

Because when you repeat the same ridiculous fairy tales, thousands of times, presented as fact, week after week, for years, to young minds - you can't call it anything else.
It becomes a brain worm that can take a lifetime to fully extract, luckily I did some drugs and what I saw specifically cracked that malignant part of my subconscious.

>> No.10862802

Luke is pretty good and revelations is weird as hell. Worth the read

>> No.10862830

idk, Numbers is pretty good song too

>> No.10862954

Old testament is advanced reading that requires historical knowledge to put in context.
Just read the new testament, easier reading.

>> No.10863046

>Dude weed

Okay beast

>> No.10863153

>implying Numbers isn't good.
Just wait until you get to the part with Shrek and Donkey.

>> No.10863179

> I fucked the pastors daughter for 6 years.
In or out of wedlock?

>> No.10863222

Ecclesiastes was my favourite book but I only got through it, Genesis and Exodus. I have no idea why they made it so painful to read. Why did they name all these one time characters?

>> No.10863455


The lineages have signifigance, the first name of every son, when translated is a sentence, a proclamation of Christ if I remember correctly. I could be totally wrong though. I remember something like that. And also it's about tracing Jesus back to David. David back to Seth, Seth to Adam. Proving the lineage.

>> No.10863461


Joshua is a lot better than the other books. I found Genisis through Deuteronomy very difficult to read. Joshua through the rest is a lot easier to read, it's not a bunch of lineages, which I pointed out the significance of just a minute ago, and again, I could be wrong, but the names are significant when translated in some way.

>> No.10863469


>Reading scripture for literature instead of fear of the Lord.
>Not understanding that fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

Will they ever learn?

>> No.10863495

>peolple who think the NT is better than OT

imagine being this much of a turbopleb

>> No.10863505

>pointing out something in the bible makes you fedorafag
>defending the bible for saying it is ok
is this a meme or real life?

>> No.10863725

in her pussy

>> No.10863750


>> No.10863775
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>> No.10863915

The two books I often go back to are the book of Psalms and Proverbs. The book of Psalms is a very powerful book once you understand how prophetic it truly is and how much comfort, guidance, hope, and peace it brings daily. Blessed are we to have our Lord give us his written word.

>> No.10864119

Nah bro

Just a waste of time

>> No.10864194

Lmao, did psychedelics now thinks he understands everything

>> No.10864769

That is a very loose interpretation of what he actually said.

>> No.10865764

It doesn't...

>> No.10865792

I've never read the bible lol but a lot of the quotes and parables are insanely brilliant on their own merit. Look up Prodigal Son and Solomon and the Two Mothers. Those were the first two things that really helped put things in perspective for me