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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 166 KB, 1641x1016, american dad shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10854642 No.10854642 [Reply] [Original]

Stan from American Dad has a more /lit/ shelf than half of /lit/

>> No.10854702

Epic, to put it simply

>> No.10854719

>hs anon joins /lit/
>im getting an english degree!
>goes with his mommy to church yardsale
>god isnt real, im not a sheeple
>sees the same books in a little box
>buys for a dollar
>puts em on his shelf
>reads 2-3 pages of each
>posts with authority on /lit/
>I'm going to St Johns College in the fall!

>> No.10854755
File: 37 KB, 750x471, 1520952374563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>god isn't real, im not a sheeple
>>I'm going to St Johns College

My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me

>> No.10854765

Fuck Johnnies desu

>> No.10854945

but has he read any of them?

>> No.10855013

This is me, but I'm going to a community college

>> No.10855082

Damn he must be pretty smart!

>> No.10855085

>uncracked spines

He hasn't read a page.

>> No.10855129

Sounds like it's not you then, slowmo.

>> No.10855133

I put so much effort into avoiding spine-cracking that it almost ruins the pleasure of reading.

>> No.10855145

Unless you are a poorfag I just buy two copies, one for reading and one for my bookcase

>> No.10855149

Is nicholas nickleby really as good as american dad?

>> No.10855151

>An advertisement for the show inside of the show

>> No.10855152

That is the most pedantic thing you could do in the context of reading what a faggot

>> No.10855625

This episode was an explicit reading of the American Dad book so I presume he read the rest as well.

>> No.10855756

poorfag detected

>> No.10855762

I have all those books except for Nicholas Nickleby.

>> No.10855774

>Not all American authors

>> No.10856500

Formerly chuck's

>> No.10856527


You've got the American Dad on Fox book, how is the prose? I don't understand why Stan would read Russian literature to begin with. Doesn't he absolutely despise commies? Seems out of character for him to like something like Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.

>> No.10856547

>Tolstoy and Dosto

>> No.10856555


I know but that's what Stan would call them.

>> No.10856757

>He bought into the lie that you actually have to read books to say you've read them


>> No.10856822
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1520732945631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I try to take away only one thing

>> No.10857627 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 720x406, 1506371335915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, pic semi related..