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File: 67 KB, 500x625, 1490588924906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10855725 No.10855725 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this guy criticize conceptual art for being ugly so much, when he himself is ugly as sin?

how ironic

>> No.10855727

Because you can't change yourself but you can change art.

>> No.10855728


>> No.10855731

Well done op you managed to make a worse argument than the hack scruton

>> No.10855736

He's actually cool looking but he dresses like an autistic fag

>> No.10855741

I was interested in humor more than arguments, but please enlighten me as to what would your argument be

>> No.10855742

Delete this thread OP.

>> No.10855873

He has a wife though, that's more than most of us will ever achieve

>> No.10855881
File: 230 KB, 912x1390, sir-roger-scruton-with-his-wife-sophie-daughter-lucy-and-son-sam-after-H9W0TJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, yeah not bad. Qt daughter

>> No.10855884

Art taste depends on the persons wisdom, which is the part of soul that is graced by God.

>> No.10855893

taste is the enemy of art

>> No.10855901
File: 243 KB, 449x471, 1495749036313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste is the enemy of art

>> No.10855915

damn, did he die?

>> No.10855916

Scruton is Chad as fuck


>> No.10855933

Scruton is proto-Peterson

where do all these alt-right idiots keep coming from

>> No.10855945

Having a wife is not an achievement. Having a beautiful wife is.

>> No.10855953

damn! childless, boyfucking continental philosophers btfo for eternity

>> No.10855957

Going by his daughter his wife must have been a looker in her day

>> No.10855966

It's the tale of all critics. Film critics for example expect a perfect movie despite being incapable of creating one of their own.
Have you ever gotten an idea, thought it was the greatest thing ever, then got down to actually create it only to find that the result was a laughable attempt to create that perfect concept in your mind? All you can do is compare your miserable attempt to create something beautiful to the expectation of actually creating it. That is the life of the critic.

>> No.10855991

It has made yet another thread about him. Why is it obsessed with this man so much? Why has it made several threads about this old man? What is it about this man that produces so much feminine passive-agressive anger?

>> No.10855997

this is correct

>> No.10856001

Sexual arousal most likely

>> No.10856006

Good post

>> No.10856031

Damn i'd actually fuck that daughter of his

>> No.10856037

>everyone i don't like is alt-right
Scruton has been doing this since the 80's you tard

>> No.10856054

Isn't Scruton pretty continental himself? He's inspired by Hegel, who isn't really liked by continentals.

>> No.10856062

isn't really liked by analytics* i meant

>> No.10856065

He definately is, but don't mind the brainlet

>> No.10856080

>Why does this guy criticize conceptual art for being ugly so much, when he himself is ugly as sin?
the same reason why I know what the fuck a maxilla is

>> No.10856100

Thanks, had a good laugh

>> No.10856103

Scruton caused some serious fucking butthurt back in the 80's when he btfo all those leftist thinkers. Well joke's on them, because the USSR is dead now.

Too bad he sold out to the tobacco industry.

>> No.10856158
File: 182 KB, 645x756, 1521144878795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there is beauty in all things

>> No.10856179

He doesn't understand aesthetics.

>> No.10856181

why do you think that?

>> No.10856183

Whiteman was analytic you retard.

>> No.10856184

Who does?

>> No.10856187

but certainly not in your ms paint drawings

>> No.10856189

he thinks
>le ugly
Is negative.
He wants to see pretty ladies with big boobies and dogs

>> No.10856190
File: 17 KB, 700x592, 1520576413363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10856191

Guess the christians on this board aren't graced by God then because all I keep seeing is neoclassical trash

>> No.10856192

>the USSR
>supporting conceptual art


go back to /pol/ ideologue

>> No.10856194

And why do you think ugliness isn't negative?

>> No.10856199

Because I'm not an aesthetically illiterate retard.

>> No.10856203
File: 32 KB, 493x345, 1516846007895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all i see

>> No.10856207
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think that something ugly or malformed like pic related isn't a bad thing?

>> No.10856208

le edgy ecksdee

>> No.10856212

There's nothing edgy about it. You said that ugliness isn't a negative. I gave you something ugly and now ask you whether you think his malformation isn't a negative.

>> No.10856214

OOOOOOoooooh man, what level of Bloodborne is that from

>> No.10856218

>a person is just like art!
Oh look, you actually just don't understand art on a metaaesthetic level. kys

>> No.10856221

Why'd you have to go and let it live.

>> No.10856224


>> No.10856226

He has a point, if it horrifies us to see humans like that why do we allow our world to be grotesque

>> No.10856228

So ugliness is a negative when we're dealing with people, but suddenly it's not an issue when we're dealing with art? Please explain, anon.

>> No.10856231

>horror is bad
Fuck off back to plebbit, you illiterate retard.

>> No.10856236

The Romans thought it was a moral obligation to kill a baby like that, but we think it's a moral obligation to let it live.

>> No.10856237
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>> No.10856239


>> No.10856245

Do you also purposefully eat shit to prove that something tasting bad isn't a negative thing? Taste is a part of aesthetics too, after all.

>> No.10856251

Look guys, a redditor.

>> No.10856266
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1521234306617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overreacting this hard after someone states a historic fact

>> No.10856271


>> No.10856274

Imagine actually writing this. Imagine writing this and thinking that it's clever.

>> No.10856283

You could've just answered the question here>>10856189 and none of this would've happened, redditor.

>> No.10856285

Imagine being this many posts deep and not having an argument

>> No.10856292


>> No.10856310

legitimate question OP.

ugly people wants beautiful art. they want to live in a delusion, i guess.

>> No.10856322
File: 9 KB, 300x300, andrea-dworkin-38425-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're such an ugly pig that you think beauty itself is oppressive

>> No.10856391

Is that what he thinks? But ugliness IS antithetical to art, it just so happens that we don't all find the same things ugly. When art represents something "ugly" it is being elevated outside of the realm of the ugly and into the realm of the beautiful, by the artist at the very least, and for anyone who enjoys the work.

>> No.10856408
File: 17 KB, 220x293, Ronald_Dworkin_at_the_Brooklyn_Book_Festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone named Dworkin is cancer

>> No.10856734


>> No.10856772

No. Everything is equally valid.

>> No.10856783

Aesthetics are subjective. I think Andrea is kind of cute.

>> No.10856786

>He wants to see pretty ladies with big boobies and dogs

Sounds perfectly reasonable

>> No.10856810
File: 132 KB, 311x308, mxYpcZ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but ugliness can be useful in creating contrast. Think about fairy tales — the ugly step-sister/mother trope is effective precisely because of the hag's ugliness. It serves as a foil to the beautiful and righteous heroine, and works as visual shorthand for evil. It's the same principle which photographers use when they contrast light with shadow. Saying "ugliness is (always, or even usually) bad" is like saying "darkness is (always or usually) bad" — it rules out many masterpieces of art that work because of contrast.

>tl;dr — careful use of ugly elements is good for underscoring beauty, so ugliness is at least sometimes good for a work of art.

>> No.10856830

I can see that, but why then would art need to be ugly in itself? If you have a beautiful piece of architecture, then wouldn't the contrast with its inferior surroundings be enough to establish the value of beauty?

What i understand is that Scruton detests how art is itself now becoming ugly, when in the past it was one of the few expressions of beauty in an ugly world.

>> No.10856903

he's a literal brainlet
only cancervatards take him seriously
why right-wing people can't just die tbqh

>> No.10856947

He's ugly in an aesthetic manner.

>> No.10856953
File: 1.13 MB, 820x1386, 1513722780515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some art —especially the conceptual gallery-art Scruton rails against — is created to test how effectively the artist can do something, rather than be taken as "complete" (the way a film, novel, etc. would). Sketches & color studies are often done only to see if we can get "the right kind of square" or "the right shade of brown;" after these preliminaries are finished, an artist can incorporate his findings into a more "complete" piece (in the case of sketches and color studies, this would be a full-scale painting). Likewise, an "ugliness study" might be an artist's attempt to develop a particular intensity or style of ugliness. Once that study has been done, the artist can incorporate its findings into their "complete" works.

A recent development for academic artists has been a trend towards emphasizing these studies over producing the so-called "complete" pieces like paintings. There are tons of systemic reasons for this — galleries pushing for innovation and novelty, art scholars focusing largely on aesthetic theory and influence, and so on — but there's also an argument to be made that the studies are actually more important than the "complete" artworks, because they expand the range of expressible things.

Think of it like the difference between science and engineering — engineers make things for the layperson to use; scientists discover things that engineers may or may not use. Academic artists are starting to operate more like scientists. There's a debate to be had, but Scruton won't engage honestly with it.

>> No.10856960

>Some art —especially the conceptual gallery-art Scruton rails against — is created to test how effectively the artist can do something, rather than be taken as "complete" (the way a film, novel, etc. would). Sketches & color studies are often done only to see if we can get "the right kind of square" or "the right shade of brown;" after these preliminaries are finished, an artist can incorporate his findings into a more "complete" piece (in the case of sketches and color studies, this would be a full-scale painting). Likewise, an "ugliness study" might be an artist's attempt to develop a particular intensity or style of ugliness. Once that study has been done, the artist can incorporate its findings into their "complete" works.

What the fuck are you on about, are you just literally making this shit up as you go along?

>> No.10856976
File: 273 KB, 1034x545, 1510412757274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I took a class on art from 1980-2010 last Fall. I'm basically paraphrasing a lecture my professor gave.

>> No.10856981

Sounds like horseshit, you got bamboozled Anon

>> No.10857013

>There's a debate to be had, but Scruton won't engage honestly with it.

That's because he believes that the purpose of art isn't to engage in studies or to expand the range of expression, but to form an essentially religious expression. To emphasize on things like studies and theory is to completely miss the point of art, and likewise won't produce great art. It's like how Celine just started writing with no regard for the field of literary studies, but he still became one of the greatest french writers of the 20th century, simply because of his talent and skill.

>> No.10857016

post meant for

>> No.10857031
File: 32 KB, 260x331, 260px-The_Scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10857044

Beauty is pretty important in aesthetics senpai

>> No.10857051

Nope. Refer to the painting I posted.

>> No.10857060

Beauty means more than "makes me happy when I look at it"

>> No.10857061
File: 204 KB, 476x600, 1410368660813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's beautiful

>> No.10857062

"Conceptual art" as you so graciously call it falls into the category of degenerate non-art. It is borne by a cosmopolitan mindset which desires to do away with all boundaries including moral ones. It champions relativism and thus wishes to reject the boundaries between good and evil, beauty and ugliness, propriety and impropriety, etc.
And to achieve this, many artists have actively sought to invert values: to create "art" that is deliberately ugly, provocative, obscene, worthless.
What I have said here applies to the most notable works of this form of so-called art. But the truth is that the overwhelming majority of output is banal to the point of irrelevance and (thankfully) to the dustbin of history. All conceptual "art" is superficial and has outstayed its welcome the moment it is first exhibited.

You are the enemy of taste. Art without taste is worthless. In fact it is not art, when properly defined as an act of creation guided by an aesthetic ideal of beauty. There is no good aesthetic without taste, only fumbling smudging in the dark.
It's this kind of attitude that leads to the basest acts imaginable, and justification for even worse, still.

>> No.10857067
File: 39 KB, 394x502, Liam_Gillick_Buch_LUP_167_256_5GILLICK-122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering whether Liam Gillick really warranted a whole week of classes. Pic related is one of the artworks the prof. referred to as "a lot like a color study." We spent several hours discussing the ways in which it added to the pool of tools artists can use.
>to be enjoyed indirectly
>color combination was controversial at the time
Can't remember much else because I didn't take the best notes, but it was an odd discussion.

I'd argue that theory is still worthwhile. One of the chapters in Ulysses is three characters trading theories about Shakespeare, and the climax of The Trial is two characters debating the moral of a parable. Even Borges got in on theory with his "Author of the Quixote" short story. Of course, an author doesn't need to overtly include literary theory in his work for it to be rich, but inviting the reader to theorize is a great way to provoke both thought and emotion.

>> No.10857072

Nope. You're conflating "beauty" with the aestetich.

>> No.10857075


>> No.10857086

>Art without taste is worthless.
Yeah I agree. We should really burn the oath of the horatii

>> No.10857088

I'm not saying that theory is useless, but i think the emphasis of theorizing has taken the 'soul' out of art. It's like how you can theorize endlessly about comedy, but at the end of the day that's not going to make something any more funny.

>> No.10857101
File: 51 KB, 570x691, 1510066217311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone give any real criticism on why Scruton is supposedly crap? Because unlike meme philosophers like Pinker or Harris, Scruton actually knows quite a lot about aesthetics and had a significant impact on the philosophy of aesthetics.

>> No.10857109

He's crap because he's not left wing apparently.

>> No.10857117
File: 911 KB, 850x1134, 17436044_1152657161512610_1268994895665697779_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But theory about comedy *does* make things funnier. A close friend of mine took a stand-up class, and he let me borrow the textbook afterwards. There were some great tips.
>make the punchline as short as possible
>omit any details that aren't relevant to the punchline and/or theme of the anecdote
>use body language, gestures, and intonation to underscore the mood you're trying to set
>all the rules of drama apply to comedy
Made me better at telling jokes to be desu with you.

>> No.10857119

Yeah i get that's why he's controversial, but i'm talking about his work on aesthetics especially.

>> No.10857123

But did you find other peoples jokes funnier after reading the book?

>> No.10857130

>But theory about comedy *does* make things funnier.

It really doesn't

>> No.10857133

I'm not talking about tips on how to become a comedian/artist. That's just training/schooling. What i'm talking about is the obsession to overanalyze and deconstruct everything. Like dissecting a joke to find out why it is funny; in what context can it be placed to make it funny? Why do people react to this joke in such and such manner? You can do all that, but it'd be completely missing the point of comedy.

>> No.10857149

Why'd you save the picture if it's bad

>> No.10857157

I like to make other people miserable

>> No.10857174

Its even worse than that. Its like if people stopped telling jokes because people find them funny but because they fed into the theory of people writing books on comedy

>> No.10857176

How tf does he qualify the 'purpose' of art.. For Aristotle (and everyone from the Renaissance forward who read him) it's mimesis for the sake of delighting in mimesis, u don't need beauty for that

>> No.10857183

You can tell when someone hasn't read any historical argument debating ideas of taste etc in art

>> No.10857197

That's nonsense, the history of art from the Renaissance (that is, art history itself) has found its primary value in its theory above anything else including materials. Belting argues in fact the period of theory art is over and we are back to one of embodiment (like Medieval)

>> No.10857345


Then conceptual art is likely to die out

>> No.10857418

Most of you really are losers, huh. What am I doing here...

>> No.10857516

People who know exactly how a thing will go through, who have studied their craft, will eventually get bored with just about anything that involves their craft. Their only way of coping with that is to create their own content from the craft that they have mastered to manifest themselves and gain meaningful value in and around the circles of their own craft.

>> No.10857593

>Waahh "modern" art

>> No.10857629

Give us some arguments against what that poster said then.

>> No.10857671


nice postmodern interpretation of the matter lmfao

>> No.10857695

No it isn't. Go back to plebbit.
Read a fucking text on aesthetics. Holy shit, you regressive fucking teenagers.

>> No.10857729

Don't be so hasty to bash others, dude. I've read numerous, and what I said is derived almost directly from Nietzsche. If you disagree then actually pose an argument.

>> No.10857736

You don't understand Nietzsche, then. Bash yrself retard.

>> No.10857774

>You don't understand Nietzsche, then.
Lmao, you're serious?


821, emphasis is mine:

>Pessimism in art?—The artist gradually learns to like for their own sake, those means which bring about the condition of aesthetic elation; extreme delicacy and glory of colour, definite delineation, quality of tone; distinctness where in normal conditions distinctness is absent. All distinct things, all nuances, in so far as they recall extreme degrees of power which give rise to intoxication, kindle this feeling of intoxication by association;—the effect of works of art is the excitation of the state which creates art, of aesthetic intoxication. The essential feature in art is ITS POWER OF PERFECTING EXISTENCE, its production of perfection and plenitude; art is essentially THE AFFIRMATION, THE BLESSING, AND THE DEIFICATION OF EXISTENCE... What does a pessimistic art signify? Is it not a contradictio?—YES.—Schopenhauer is IN ERROR when he makes certain works of art SERVE THE PURPOSE OF PESSIMISM. Tragedy DOES NOT teach "resignation." ... To represent terrible and questionable things is, in itself, THE SIGN OF AN INSTINCT OF POWER AND MAGNIFICENCE IN THE ARTIST; HE DOESN'T FEAR THEM... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PESSIMISTIC ART... Art affirms. Job affirms. But Zola? and the Goncourts?—the things they show us are ugly, their reason, however, for showing them to us is THEIR LOVE OF UGLINESS... I don't care what you say! You simply deceive yourselves if you think otherwise.—What a relief Dostoievsky is!

What don't I understand about him?

>> No.10857817

>Art and nothing else! Art is the great means of making life possible, the great seducer to life, the great stimulus of life. Art is the only superior counter-agent to all will to the denial of life; it is par excellence the anti-Christian, the anti-Buddhistic, the anti-Nihilistic force. Art is the alleviation of the seeker after knowledge,—of him who recognizes the terrible and questionable character of existence, and who will recognize it,—of the tragic seeker after knowledge. Art is the alleviation of the man of action,—of him who not only sees the terrible and questionable character of existence, but also lives it, will live it,—of the tragic and warlike man, the hero. Art is the alleviation of the sufferer,—as the way to states in which pain is willed, is transfigured, is deified, where suffering is a form of great ecstasy.

I don't understand Nietzsche... fuck anyone attempting to divorce art from its defining faculties, the beautiful, the emotions, the objects of life in their full detail. You can go suck a conceptual dick for all I care.

>> No.10857922

I don't know if I'm just crazy, but I see him as a cute and normal kid with just a bit of a messed up single eye and mouth. I'm not disgusted or miserable looking at that picture, when pictures like that before would have definitely made me feel that way.

>> No.10857928

top kek

>> No.10857963

Sometimes deliberate grotesqueness and ugliness creates a form of emotion which is itself aesthetic. Scruton is immature because he only wants the light without the dark. There's a lot you can do trying to create art that's as beautiful as possible, but this leaves out a whole other world and whole other range of effects -- those which can be created by traditionally "ugly" things. It's like entirely disliking dissonance in music, when dissonance can be great if used well and give much more flavor to the music.

>> No.10857993

I don't know anything about Scruton, but you couldn't tell artists what you're saying, because it just doesn't work like that. Even the "ugly" bits are pursued enthusiastically by artists... when they represent ugliness in their work it means they find an intoxicating pleasure and higher value in it, beauty in other words.

>> No.10858055

leftists btfo

>> No.10858076


>> No.10858110

what's up with those pants

>> No.10858129

ad hominem is for the dim.

>> No.10858155

Only ugly losers believe this

>> No.10858215
File: 669 KB, 530x596, defend-the-west7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally, a Scruton thread

His work on aesthetics is top notch. His book "how to be a conservative" is a manual for basic bitch classical liberalism. He's probably to the left of Peterson desu.

>> No.10858284

>he himself is ugly as sin
But he's not at all ugly.
When you're that age, you will be ugly, as you are now, but old too.
Get any ten men that age and he will be towards the handsome end of the scale. Even people in their 80s, ravaged by weather and years, you can still see who were the good lookin ones. Bone structure is the basis, so unless serious ill health wrecks em, or too much drugs n alcohol, good looks stay forever, relative to other people your age.

>> No.10858342

>You can't criticize something unless you can do it yourself
This is the ultimate brainlet view. It's a pathetic attempt to isolate things from criticism because you know they're shit.

>> No.10858583

Ugliness in the modern aesthetic sense is not pessimistic you fucking retards.
Ugliness is an object of experience you fucking retards.

>> No.10858621
File: 198 KB, 1980x958, Alberto-Burri-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neoclassical beautycucks are pathetic

>> No.10858653

>the things they show us are ugly, their reason, however, for showing them to us is THEIR LOVE OF UGLINESS...
Ugliness is not being equated with pessimism here.

>> No.10858691

>Having a wife is not an achievement
Only in a relative sense. Think of how ridiculously unattainable it is for your average /r9k/er

>> No.10858901
File: 109 KB, 1024x578, Wahroonga-Prep-School-Cement-Cladding-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you except I think architecture and public spaces ought to be beautiful. Disarming or disturbing sometimes, yes, like a Gothic church, or a Holocaust museum, but not demoralising shit that makes existence and social life nauseating.

>> No.10858992

he has to lash out against the world to relieve his anger from having a scrotum-sounding name

>> No.10859053

> merde d'artista, a literal can of shit, is not artistic brilliance. Something has gone wrong. We must re-engage with the traditions and history of our people to cultivate a sense of beauty and wonderment

when did /lit/ become this garbage?

>> No.10859061

Merda d'artista's whole point is to make of modern art lol

>> No.10859072

make fun*

>> No.10859079

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10859095


>> No.10859121

So, confirmed that you don't understand Nietzsche. Great.
>muh tradishun
You're a Mexishit, not a med. You have a child's aesthetics.

>> No.10859137

>had a significant impact on the philosophy of aesthetics.
Citation very much needed.

>> No.10859151

He knows jack shit.

>> No.10859155

>you don't understand Nietzsche
Not an argument.

>> No.10859161

>what is surgery and cosmetics

>> No.10859170

No you wouldn't, because she wouldn't even look at you let alone consider fucking you. Same as any other woman, anon. I don't need to say this.

>> No.10859171

yes they are
and I say that as someone who doesn't even like most of modern art

>> No.10859189
File: 38 KB, 582x580, c51dbbf86b05df796ea8233fd1094910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manzoni's monochromes are great (pic related). He was one of the leading figures of post-war Italian art alongside people like Fontana and Burri, in case you think he's nothing but le edgy shit meme artist. the problem with Scruton is that he demands an impossible return to historically-contingent aesthetic modes (Romanticism and Neoclassicism), which is to ignore the developments of the past century altogther

>> No.10859211

bad art desu
t. not someone who thinks bouguereau is the zenith of western art

>> No.10859269

You nailed it

>> No.10859548

Sorry wog, but if you aren't making art that a Roman senator would approve of, then you're just destroying white civilization and we're gonna gas you and shit

>> No.10859644

>You don't understand Nietzsche
>No you don't understand Nietzsche
>No you don't understand Nietzsche
>No you don't understand Nietzsche

Good thread

>> No.10859647

>His book "how to be a conservative" is a manual for basic bitch classical liberalism.

So it's not even about conservatism?

>> No.10859652

That's basically all discussions about Nietzsche

>> No.10859663

phew i almost missed the "not" there

>> No.10859667

Bouguereau is pretty good, i jacked off to some of his paintings back when i didn't have porn.

>> No.10859678

hello fellow footfag

>> No.10859712
File: 15 KB, 450x450, johnny-knoxville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Jackass is actually high art

>> No.10859719

Only thing ironic is you loving ugly shit and hating him for being ugly.

>> No.10859728

You lack any self-awareness due to being a tremendous faggot.

>> No.10859778

Art is whatever I say it is, not whatever he says it is. Everything else is degenerate non-art.

>> No.10859781

It already did like 30-40 years ago.

>> No.10859801

>It's poop therefor bad


>> No.10859838

haha are you for real? do /pol/tards really have such a low IQ as to even listen to a sensationalist homosexual if they agree with their ideology?

srsly if you posted those videos unironically you probably have mental health issues

>> No.10859878

thanks for your stupid and useless contribution

>> No.10859892

>implying it's wrong

>> No.10859906

thanks for your stupid and useless contribution

>> No.10859939

>implying it's wrong

>> No.10859961
File: 117 KB, 625x773, 1519014188403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he's right

>> No.10860030

sometimes I feel like those reaction images are more like autoportraits than anything else

especially when the person who posts these is completely oblivious to their own lack of intelligence

>> No.10860069

cool opinion bro

>> No.10860163

and here is a person who completely lacks the most basic sense of humour.

>> No.10860173

my sense of humor is anything but basic

>> No.10860184

Are actually retarded on purpose or what ?
Understanding basic humour does not mean that yours is basic, it means that you have actually the intellectual ability of understanding 'lower' jokes.

>> No.10860203

stop, take a breath, stop making so many mistakes in a your posts, sit down, be humble

You asserted that I don't understand basic jokes, but I countered that yes, I do not have just a basic sense of humor, my sense of humor is quite advanced
you have proven this point with your complete lack of understanding of my post, and completely missed the humor within
so to reiterate, I don't find your basic humor funny but I find it unintelligent, and I think you retarded

>> No.10860370

It was really just one retard saying that repeatedly with no further elaboration.

>> No.10860413

>stop making so many mistakes in a your posts
>a your posts
>a your

It got to admit that this is a magnificent display of your English skills.

>> No.10860884

>The ugly can't judge beauty.
You've never lived, have you?

>> No.10861179

living is for plebs

>> No.10861301



>> No.10862816

not an argument

>> No.10862870
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>> No.10862895

I'm gorgeous, motherfucker.

>> No.10862943

basically we’re saying the same thing, I think you misread my post.

>> No.10863032

his son looks like a gormless faggot
>ugly, too broad tie inexplicably tucked into pants off-center
>no belt
>thumbs in pockets because beta
>hands outside pockets because beta self-consciousness beta impulse to put hands IN pockets
>dumb smile
>looks well under 200 lbs

>> No.10863058

Ignore the Schiller Shill, the man genuinely thinks he, Nietzsche and Schiller are the only people to get western art.

>> No.10863114

a great author not being involved in literary theory in no way supports the notion that art's purpose is religious expression lmao.

>> No.10863128


>> No.10863130

>well under 200 lbs
no man who isn’t an athlete or a bodybuilder should ever be over 200 lbs. he has alright facial aesthetics as well and his daughter (sister) is adorable as well

>> No.10863143

>under 200 lbs

As most healthy men are. Somehow obesity has become an ideal in America.

>> No.10863166

>alright facial aesthetics
eyes too far apart, unmasculine and bovine. unthreatening, herbivorous visage. probably more easily raped than his sister.

>you can only be 200 lbs if you're obese
if you're weak

>> No.10863225

>Ugliness is an object of experience
But it isn't experienced as ugliness when experienced in art.

>> No.10863254

oh now the 200 lbs thing makes sense, how long was your bid?

>> No.10863345

>identifying as profession
Found the cappycuck
Yes it is, you autist

>> No.10863365

>his son looks like a gormless faggot
Because he himself is a gormless faggot

>> No.10863515

>Yes it is, you autist
Not him, but it literally isn't. Art necessarily deforms the original object and puts it in a different context. When you see a 2D painting of a corpse you don't think "oh my god that's terrible, poor man" or whatever you'd think if you saw a corpse irl. You'd treat it as an aesthetic object. It may arouse various different emotions in you, depending on the artistic execution, and often will make you reflect upon things in general. Would you say that a mother holding her dead son is a beautiful sight? It isn't, it is very disturbing, when you think about it, but nonetheless Michelangelo's Pieta is beautiful.

>> No.10863548

based as fuck

>> No.10863636

He didn't say it's whatever he says it is. In fact he wasn't in the business of defining it at all.

His claims about conceptual art were:
>It champions relativism
>Artists deliberately make things they consider an inversion of values
>most conceptual art is immediately forgotten

Would you say any of these are misrepresentations or lies?

>> No.10863686

Scruton always reminds me of Bob Pollard. They don't even look that similar. Anyways. PARALLEL LINES ON A SLOW DECLINE

>> No.10863774

Somebody doesn't understand aesthetics.

>> No.10863956

Somebody doesn't understand how his own mind works and consequently none of the concepts being discussed here.

>> No.10863965

Imagine being this insecure about yourself lmao

>> No.10863985

but it is though, studies show ugly people get treated inferior and have worse life outcomes, through no choice of their own

>> No.10863995

Scruton's music is pretty good, although not very well known.

He's also an organist and a novelist.

In general, I would say he's a decent artist, much better than modern architects and painters.

>> No.10864015

This is one of the worst /lit/ threads in a while, and this is saying a lot. Just pay attention to the number of words per post and you will see what I am talking about. What a waste. This board is getting worse and worse with time. It's becoming ridiculous. It is apparent that no more than half of the posters here have even read Scruton's books such as The Aesthetics of Architecture, The Aesthetics of Music, or Understanding Music: The Philosophy of Intepretation.

If the mods were any good they would delete it.

>> No.10864022

Agreed, this thread is a catastrophe.

>> No.10864027

>Reading Scruton

>> No.10864029

just like scruton

>> No.10864232

No such thing exists. Thanks for confirming your stupidity.

>> No.10864241

>what is looking like an uncanny silicone doll for a stupid amount of money?

>> No.10864300

>no belt

You're supposed to wear suits without a belt, suit fashion since the 80s has been stupid.

>> No.10864358

why even live

>> No.10864488

Im genuinely interested in Scruton, but how is he regarded in the field of aesthetics?

>> No.10864662


This is not what the phrase "taste is enemy of art" is about.

It means that art should be universal and timeless and not subjected to temporary aesthetic fads you massive faggot.

>> No.10864680

Thanks Paul

>> No.10864757

You take Plato and essentialist ghostbusters too seriously my friend.
>A piece of art that sometimes produces disgust my also be enjoyable by some, thus making it beautiful.
Fuck off.
The subjective and irreducible disgust a work of art produces on some(one) is also a integral part of the aesthetics of said piece. You can't isolate the piece of art from each and every subjective experience and try to imbue it with some kind transcendental magic.

>> No.10864773

Exhibit 1

>> No.10864819

Then we perhaps agree.
My point earlier was that today artists deliberately repudiate aesthetic standards, not because they see old standards of beauty as empty and obsolete but because they are driven to undermine the very notion of beauty and to dismiss it whenever possible.

As for this phrase, "taste is the enemy of art", it's clear to me and demonstrated every day in the world that it, or others like it, are used as license to do anything and everything in the name of art.

>> No.10864833

do you like picasso

>> No.10864862

>It means that art should be universal and timeless
put a cow in front of your art and it would only laugh at your concept of universality, if it could

>> No.10864900

Duchamp would laugh at most of the modern artists who are just following the bourgeoise late capitalist aesthetics unironically and think they are avantgarde because of that.

>> No.10865003

They are to art what Jordan Peterson cultists are to philosophy.

>> No.10865210


>> No.10865656

Well, yours certainly doesn't exist, at any rate.

>> No.10865730

>which is to ignore the developments of the past century altogther
This would be good desu. We can say the last century was a failed spin off and pick up from where the previous left off.
Your pic is just points plotted on a graph.

>> No.10865736

then your opinion is worthless, sorry

>> No.10865777

fuck off, platonist

>> No.10865994
File: 98 KB, 1024x765, 1512037711238m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is created as soon as a person judges it as such. Every other position is untenable.

>> No.10866006

>The subjective and irreducible disgust a work of art produces on some(one) is also a integral part of the aesthetics of said piece.
But it is not pure disgust, i.e. it is not actually disgust. Because it is presented to us as a creative work, a work that was deliberately made, the element of disgust is partially neutered. We recognize in it an element of reverence from the artist's perspective, otherwise they would not have deliberately made it (creation can't be conceived of in any other manner either; it is always deliberate).

>But let me explain here the one thing Nietzsche never explained. He said that art is affirmation. He said it again and again. But he never got around to explaining exactly why. Why, for example, could art not be negation? Or indifference? Or complete and utter randomness and arbitrariness? Here then is the answer: Art is creation. But to create (— more precisely, to transform something into something else, for the concept "creation" is strictly speaking meaningless, since nothing can be created out of nothing; what actually always occurs is transformation of one or more things into something else, for example of paint and canvas into a painting —) one needs first to select — creation presupposes selection; indifference and arbitrariness are therefore out of the question in the artistic act, for one never selects arbitrarily — "arbitrary selection" is a contradictio in adjecto; that the selection process might be carried on to a great extent unconsciously (as it often is in great art) is no objection to this proposition. Either way, whether selection occurs consciously or unconsciously, criteria and value judgements are, as I have already explained, continuously at play, and in the last resort even the highest consciousness contains in it — is based upon — a certain degree of unconsciousness. Therefore, since art entails selection, and since selection is a form of affirmation — art is affirmation and cannot be conceived of otherwise (— let alone as negation, which finds expression in destruction; as the exact opposite, that is to say, of the necessarily creative artistic act).


>> No.10866035

Isn't that the guy who wrote Orgy of the Will?

>> No.10866078


>> No.10866084

Check out his son's camel toe.

>> No.10867390

Your quote is just logical gymnastics to argument that art is a positive action.
Sure, i agree, nothing in what i said suggests the opposite. There could even be a positive analysis of destruction, i.e, iconoclasm, the destruction of icons in order to preserve what they hide, or to prove an absence.

Performance, creation, consumption, reception of art are all positive actions and can be analysed from a positive standpoint. Taste is created through many and complex relations, although sometimes pretty stable, most of the times contingent.
>Because it is presented to us as a creative work, a work that was deliberately made, the element of disgust is partially neutered. We recognize in it an element of reverence from the artist's perspective
You're assuming an educated observer that values creation in itself, because it "recognizes in it an element of reverence from the artist's perspective". Disgust must be explained in the same terms pleasure or reverence is explained, they're both positive notions, as none of them is the absence of the other one, as any of them needs the other to be understood. Also both are created and modified trough, again, many and complex relations.
Why then should disgust be a negative aesthetic experience? Isn't it possible to reject an act of creation and to revere another one?

>> No.10867856

>You're assuming an educated observer that values creation in itself
An observer that does not acknowledge an artist is not experiencing art. The artwork is no longer a creation and becomes just another object.

>Why then should disgust be a negative aesthetic experience?
True disgust is not a "negative" aesthetic experience — it isn't an aesthetic experience at all. There is a difference between taking pleasure in disgusting things present in a work and being disgusted in a work. The latter has nothing to do with aesthetics. Anyone trying to say otherwise is trying to convince people that beauty and ugliness are synonymous when they clearly aren't.