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/lit/ - Literature

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10852146 No.10852146 [Reply] [Original]

Didn’t see one in the catalogue.
What other Hannah Arendt should I get? I’ve read Totalitarianism and Human Condition already.

>> No.10852149

>Didn’t see one in the catalogue.

For good reason, brainlet.

>> No.10852200
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>> No.10852252
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>david irving

>> No.10852265

David Irving was only silenced because the truth hurts (((them))). History will vindicate him.

>> No.10852286
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neuromancer any good?

lots of history, i like that.

>> No.10852293

(((them))) being a court of law?

>> No.10852311
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should get me through the year

>> No.10852313

>didn't see a stack thread
>better make one


>> No.10852326

post cat

>> No.10852333

Here's your fucking stack: *grabs crotch*

>> No.10852353

I've yet to read it, but I can say both Ulysses and The Odyssey are pretty great.

Read Ulysses second

>> No.10852358

that's depressing. you won't read a good book all year

>> No.10852359

I've read The Recognitions a couple months ago.
10/10 would recommend you start with that.

>> No.10852364

have you read the iliad

>> No.10852377

I hope you get the 2nd volume of that Stalin biography as well my dude. The first one heavily focuses on the fall of the Romanovs and rise of Lenin, as any early-20th century chronological analysis of Russia naturally would, only seguing to Stalin in the last few hundred pages as he takes over the rule of "Communist" Russia. The second volume is so far (~400 pages in only) a far more cohesive study of Stalinist policy. Besides that I'd still say it's an alright read.

>> No.10852379

The Holocaust is the only event in human history that it's a crime to deny happened.
If that doesn't seem suspicious to you, then you are a brainlet.

>> No.10852384

incredibly aesthetic photo until you see the xbox

>> No.10852389

i have not anon, should I read it before or after the odyssey?

>> No.10852398

wwii changed europe forever. it may sound pedestrian to me and you but anti-semitism and fascism used to be very very serious topics. think about it. that's why those laws only exist in european countries

>> No.10852412

it doesn't really matter but the odyssey happens afterwards. and remember they're both basically tragicomedies written as entertainment, in the line of shakespeare and cervantes (and not virgil, dante, or milton)

>> No.10852446

Dante is not comedic?

>> No.10852460
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>>guns germs steel

>> No.10852464

he didn't have an entertainment motive

>> No.10852474

what is wrong with ggs? i'd love to hear your input.

>> No.10852534
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Lit hates stacks now. White people used to be fine with black people, but then they saw black dick. Now they hate black men.

>> No.10852548

It's evolutionary. Most evolutionary material is (rightly) deprecated on here.

It's kind of a movement against academia in that direction. Economics is fine, especially scientific. And history as well, but there's a reason why it is said we were created. Inside us is a blueprint for something much greater, not a result of competitive forces throughout time.

>> No.10852568
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>> No.10852595
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>> No.10852676

Why are the big books at the top and the small ones at the bottom

>> No.10852691
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>> No.10852709
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Ah fuck, why's it done that

>> No.10852717

Are there history books about anything other than Nazis, the Soviet Union, Ancient Greece, Rome, or the US politics? Serious question.

>> No.10852718

Don't forget Napoleon, Mongols, and the English navy

>> No.10852722


>> No.10852729


>> No.10852739
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it was a good day

>> No.10852749

>all those $1.50 each tags
What store is that?

>> No.10852754

Nice haul, looks like a better selection than my local shops. Mostly just stacks and stacks of Picoult and Cussler here

>> No.10852757

oh of course, how could I forget
right on time

>> No.10853186
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Rate me boyos

>> No.10853312
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>> No.10853320

Not the OP, but I have the same paperback edition of Neuromancer that he does, and I can say it's one of my favorite books.

Forewarning that it's a little ... odd. Gibson has a strange way of writing about concepts that don't occur until a couple pages after their mentioned. Granted, if you can get through something like Ulysses you won't have any trouble with Gibson.

It's definitely considered the de facto standard for cyberpunk reading though, so if you're into the Matrix and shit, give it a shot and see if you like it. After that, read the rest of his Sprawl Trilogy (Neuromancer is technically the first book) and then read Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash and the Altered Carbon series by Richard K. Morgan. Phillip K. Dick as well, has some great cyberpunk-y books.

>> No.10853503

>Analysis of jewish


>> No.10853518

>vocabulary expander

How's the Lost World?

>> No.10853563

you can domesticate zebras

>> No.10853581
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til Catholic priests are opposed by pseuds

>> No.10853590

>Are Numbers Real

>> No.10853593
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>all this plato in the thread



nice dude. i've already read neuromancer but i never read count zero or mona lisa overdrive, so i am re-reading before tackling those.

Between Past & Future is good

>> No.10853595

That's a nice book

>> No.10853598

The Age of Reason has one of my all time favorite lines "I never knew I was young." Have no idea who said it or why, because the book is trash, but goddamn that phrase makes me smile

>> No.10853603

>Le holocaust denial man book.

Literally why? He got BTFO.

>> No.10853623

>there is an argument against something, therefore i have absolutely no reason to familiarize myself with it
wow, galaxybrain.png

>> No.10853628

GGS is a bugbear of the alt-right because it does an excellent job of demolishing the notion that white people are genetically superior to non-whites.
Much gnashing of teeth and many memes and infographics have been devoted to debunking it chez les alt-right.

>> No.10853634


thanks anon

got it practically unused at my library for $1

has some full-page illustrations. it has double-column type but everything's super clean and legible/readable otherwise

>> No.10853645

care to provide any evidence for that claim?

>> No.10853651
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Book of Symbols is breddy good so far. You would expect it to be brainlet tier, but the essays on each symbol actually inspire a bit of meditation as you read them.

>> No.10853652
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>> No.10853669
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>172 pages of HC judgement text from Irving v Penguin is not enough.

>> No.10853728

Upper shelf loeb-ful, lower Uzdavinys and Proclus’ on Timaeus, I remember you and will take your recommendation to the bank as gold. I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself.

>> No.10853745

Thank you so much for the input. I normally like medieval fantasy but cyberpunk sounds super refreshing. Closest thing i've read would be Seveneves written by Neal Stephenson. I really liked the first two parts surviving the moon debris and the challenges of living in space.

>> No.10853789

Domestication of an animal involves breeding the animals with human friendly traits. Basically to be reliable able to domesticate any species you have to first breed them, some speices more generations than other. The problem with zebras (and horses) is that they have a long lifespan. So breeding them on that scale that is required would not be economaly viable whenin context of research.

Basically what I'm saying is that the whole hard to domesticate zebras meme stems from from people trying domesticare random samples of an unbread zebra population. (with some level of success [1])

The best research we have in the field of domestication when it comes to larger/more inteligent mamals is the Belyayev experiment where they bread foxes to dog in a span of a couble of generations. [2]

[1] https://erenow.com/common/gunsgermssteel/11.html
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Belyayev_(zoologist)

>> No.10854603
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Thanks for the well wishes, kind anon. Have some pics. Do those stars look familiar?

( hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp0BjFl-a1Y )

>> No.10854611
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>> No.10854617
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>> No.10854621
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Got these in a library book sale for $5 last week

>> No.10854667

>Imagine unironically believing you can't domesticated zebras

>> No.10854678

>europeans domesticated Aurochs

>> No.10854690

>he fell for the Pynchon meme

>> No.10854818

Historians absolutely hate the book because it is a simplistic argument made with sweeping generalizations that ultimately is a Euro-centric jerkoff.

Books that are actually good that do Diamond's job for him are
>Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350 by Janet Abu-Lughod
>Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not: Global Economic Divergence, 1600-1850 by Prasannan Parthasarathi
>The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy by Kenneth Pomeranz

>> No.10854821

Derp, see

>> No.10854870

>neuromancer any good?

>> No.10854877

what are booktubers so fucking retarded. sound warning, anons.

>> No.10854885

I also want to know. Answer us!

>> No.10854947
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Are you me I have the same stack

>> No.10855044
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>> No.10855552

uh bro this is a mess

>> No.10855584

They aren't going into a blender. They're strong books, I just have a broader ground than you.

>> No.10855623

I only made it 6 or 7 seconds in
I always thought the jokes about youtube personalities were overblown.

I didn't think they were actually like this

>> No.10855684

Really (does) make you think. When my ancestors were wasting time lynching the coons, Euros were dying in passionate street fights and struggling for a mighty purposelessness that was later mindlessly destroyed by those unthinking cooncrushing kin in the later wars. Your post is edifying and benefitting us to remember the fact inside of it.

>> No.10855693

What a strange remark. to put it in so many words- you are misinformed

>> No.10855701

Might makes right. >>10852691

>> No.10855716

French Revolution, but the whole purpose of every one of those books is to prelude Napoleon.

>> No.10856270
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Am I boring you?

>> No.10856275

uh bro no way jose that looks interesting

>> No.10856298
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This is my super stack

>> No.10856705

I started with the Illiad and from my own experiences, its less entertaining than the Odyssey.

>> No.10856729

too much in such a short time. you're just completing a checklist to achieve pseud status. Unless you're over 25 and already read hundreds of works of literature.

>> No.10856745
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>The Secret Garden

>> No.10856754
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run of the mill american thrift store lads

got these from the 'deluxe' $2 section...

>> No.10856803

the Indigo books near me was selling the KJV Bible for $16, went down to the nearby used book store and they wanted $20 for their copy, and it wasn't even hardcover. It was that sorta-flimsy hardcover, not sure what its called.

Went to another used book store today and got a hardcover KJV Bible, a hardcover Sense & Sensibility, pkb Mansfield, and a coffee table book of 100 Saints all for $8.

used prices are weird.

>> No.10857198
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i found a first edition for $8 today, feels good man

>> No.10857208
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my picture wasn't rotated like that, i don't know why it posted sideways

>> No.10858300

Hard cover for 8? Nice.

>> No.10859867
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What I’ve read this year so far
Go on, try and make me feel bad about it

>> No.10859871

>phone poster newfriend doesn’t understand

>> No.10859879

why dude why

>> No.10859885

A friend recommended it. It was a cute story but I’m glad it was short

>> No.10860131
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The books beside my bed.

>> No.10861469

Are you 22-23? Not trying to be mean or anything, it's just I had a very similar stack at that age

>> No.10861517

end this gimmick immediately

>> No.10861593

damn you are a fucking brainlet

>> No.10861603

Favorite trippy drug books?

Not asking for any literary growth but I'll eventually be in the mood to read some book like that eventually and I'll most likely default to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.10861637





>> No.10861643

>Plato on Plato

>> No.10861648
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>> No.10861669

Welcome to /lit/ my friend :) You're going to do well here.

>> No.10861775

uh bro what you want some bro huh you wanna dance bro

>> No.10861919


>> No.10861929

not him but

Have you read

um, yeah, Fear and Loathing really took this category for all time. HST may have been a degenerate pedo scum fucker, but that asshole could write some goddam prose

>> No.10861936

Have you read the Secret History? is it any good? what is it even about man

>> No.10861940


>> No.10862008

intellectual boner=present

>> No.10862132

No, it sounds kind of interesting but from the description that I read I wouldn't put it at any high priority. I'm not a huge series guy either.

>> No.10862143

No, but it sounds like Dead Poet Society except the students are edgier.

>> No.10862156

that sounds comfy desu

>> No.10862176

word. if anything was lacking from DPS (was it even a book lol?) it was that the students were too in line. maybe it was the age

>> No.10862182

Hey guys! Check out my most recent book haul! XD

>> No.10862186

OK then, read
>Promethus rising
or just pick up the nearest Gurdjeff. or don't. it's your mind.

Do you want to read about others' drug experiences, or are you a space cadet yourself?

>> No.10862292

How is Plato and the Older Academy? Is it worth it as a companion if I have the Complete Works?

>> No.10862304

One of my favorite aspects of reading is seeing different perceptions of reality, so that's why drugs and others' experiences interest me. I'm not so much of a druggie myself because I fear addiction (how I feel) and lack of access (the reality of my situation).

>> No.10862466

Carlos Castaneda might be a good start for you. Start with The Teachings of Don Juan

>> No.10862519

On my list. thanks anon

>> No.10862555

just be careful

>> No.10862993

bump. Also in the same situation and wondering this as well.

I got a Maude translation of War and Peace and the Modern Library Proust set for my birthday.

>> No.10863768

Very nice collection. Is verbal self defence worth going through?

You read what you like, respect. Though none of your books piques my interest. keep on reading

-neitzshe :)
-orwell :D
-peterson D:

>> No.10863830

I dont have "stacks" i take my library on my phone. Bitchtits.

>> No.10863856

Half a year at most, surely?

>> No.10863948

Nobody cares

>> No.10863989

Fuck me, There seems to be no used bookstore on Long Island. I always end up having to buy new.

>> No.10864045

Ur mom doesnt care m8

>> No.10864051

What is that version of the Odyssey? It looks tiny

>> No.10864054

I like how Jung has become a supposed expert on spirituality even though he couldn't stop cheating on his wife.

>> No.10864065

>comes to lit once

>> No.10864078

Too lazy to take a picture

>The Dialogues of Plato
>The Fountains of Paradise
>The Sun Also Rises
>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
>The Idiot
>Your Brain on Porn
>Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control
>The Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.10864226

Did I get the "wrong" version or something?

>> No.10864234
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Yes, it's straightforward and informative. Comes with exercises and situations. Got it for a dollar soooo

>> No.10864244

The Fagles translation (the only good one) is 700 pages.

>> No.10864248

Oh, I'll just start with this one then. First time reading the greeks

>> No.10864277

Highly recommend The Righteous Mind

>> No.10864284
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>> No.10864288

fuckkk, I forgot to check out the non-fiction shelf when I went to get books

>> No.10864295
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Explain how this Chad Daddy is supposed to keep those temptress Aphrodites off himself

>> No.10864305

The abridged Gulag is highly underwhelming my guy, it only made me want more.

>> No.10864315

But what is that version?

>> No.10864340

Yeah I've taken a break from fiction recently. It made me feel too disconnected with present day goings-on in the world

Fair enough, I just figured that I only have so much time and many other books to consume that I could glean the necessary data points from the abridged ish and still get the point. What crucial bits does the full version have that the abridged omits? Trying to understand if I'm going to get a patchy incomplete picture or a low resolution full picture—I'm okay with the latter

>> No.10864342

There are like 4 different versions on Amazon, that's the cheapest one at $8. The others are the firs two parts, with book one costing $40 and some version called "The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956"

>> No.10864355

>Your brain on porn

Been meaning to read a neuroscientific look into pornography. Do you know if that's the most acclaimed book on the subject, or if there are more comprehensive/in-depth volumes out there? A quick search on Amazon didn't provide much

>> No.10864356

Nice, I enjoyed One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Gonna check this out too.

>> No.10864379 [DELETED] 

Don't you know that no great preacher practices their preaching a religiously? Pick any great leader, prophet, or thinker and I'll show you a felonious philanderer every time. JFK, MLK, Einstein, Joel Osteen, Osho, Mother Teresa (a right cunt she was), any of them. A teacher's teachings derive not from their actions but their thinking. Hypocrisy is the bedrock of good parenting. Indulgence in human pleasures escapes no man—especially if they hold power or prominence. You try shooing off bevies of bitches when you're Jung, dumb, and full of cum.

Really, molt your pedestrian morality already and embrace the way of High-T.

>> No.10864384

>>10864054 #
Don't you know that no great preacher practices their preachings religiously? Pick any great leader, prophet, or thinker and I'll show you a felonious philanderer every time. JFK, MLK, Einstein, Joel Osteen, Osho, Mother Teresa (a right cunt she was), any of them. A teacher's teachings derive not from their actions but their thinking. Hypocrisy is the bedrock of good parenting. Indulgence in human pleasures escapes no man—especially if they hold power or prominence. You try shooing off bevies of bitches when you're Jung, dumb, and full of cum.

Really, molt your pedestrian morality already and embrace the way of High-T.

>> No.10864393

Do you really keep them precariously towered like that? It could fall any time, dammit! Come on man! Have some consideration for all that's right and decent in the world and buy bookends so that you can place them perpendicularly to the earth's surface rather than precariously parallel. You're mad on at least eleven levels. Godspeeds.

>> No.10864401
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>> No.10864407
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>> No.10864416
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>> No.10864737

That crease on the Shirer book. That's the only reason I don't like thick paperbacks, I'm afraid they'll tear in the middle of reading them one day.

>> No.10864985

Why do i feel that every stack posted on this kind of threads is integrated by the first books the poster will (n)ever read?

>> No.10865079


define cultural marxism

>> No.10865169


why would you do this

>> No.10866127

Spacetime is money.

>> No.10867362
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>Great Thinkers

>> No.10867753
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>> No.10868051

Getting quite a big stack over the week, how's my list?

The Savage Detectives-Bolano
Roadside Picnic-Arkadies
The Face of Another-Kobo Abe
The World Goes On-Krasznahorkai
The Last Wolf & Herman-Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Frankenstein In Baghdad-Ahmed Saadawai
The Nix-Nathan Hill
Rashomon and Other Stories-Akutagawa

>> No.10868616

Which is more reliable: a Pepsi chairperson’s opinion of Coke’s quality or a Christfag’s opinion of Russel’s quality? Part B: have you ever met a non-Christfag that has read history of western Philosophy and not thought it to be a monumental accomplishment? Part C: you, Christfag, I see you replying to this LARPing as a non-christfag, stop, Jesus is watching.

>> No.10868926
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Should be able to get through this by year’s end in theory, probably will deviate a lot though.

>> No.10868962

before reading thinking fast and slow you should check out the undoing project by Michael Lewis

>> No.10869082


>> No.10869086

420 broooooo

>> No.10869104
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>> No.10869116

>14 books in a year is too much
looks like we have ourselves a pleb here, boys

>> No.10869132

>too much
Are you one of those book-a-month types or do you sometimes actually have ambition in your life?

>> No.10869173
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Picked these up in the last month or so.

>> No.10869179

(didn't mean to reply to anyone in particular)

>> No.10869249

Nice picks my dude, but warning i'm warning you about the alchemist.

>> No.10869347


>> No.10869448

Weird. I've never been to a thrift store that didn't sell books by the pound.

>> No.10869461

the...ezra pound?

>> No.10870610

st augustines opinion who is a """christfag""" is way more reliable than russels

>> No.10871250

I assumed this was sort of rhetorical, but the thread is still here three days later, so i’m’a take a stab at it: mandarin symbol for big which combines the symbol for man and the symbol for one. It would be cross-cultural, but what are symbols if not cross-cultural? Or I’ll keep listening to that song and see if I can reach an answer.

>> No.10871523
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10871562

>Hwæt, my name is Adamwulfáz.
>I am a 22 year American Karloz (a freeman for all you Gauls). I write with runes on my tablet, and spend my days praying to Deiwoz and reading superior germanic poetry.