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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, MyersBriggsTypes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10830749 No.10830749 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do something new, faggots. Take the test, post results. Others recommend books.


>> No.10830755
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>> No.10830767

>inb4 hur cognidibe fungjons nod real mbdi!!!

>> No.10830778

ENTJ. Could have made this /lit/ related

>> No.10830784


>> No.10830792



>> No.10830794


>> No.10830804


>> No.10830823

Logician Personality (INTP, -A/-T)

>> No.10830831

This thread is shit.
I bet op is a scorpio.

>> No.10830838

year of the pig

>> No.10830882
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>> No.10830958
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This could be me apart from being balding oldfag male

>> No.10830959
File: 92 KB, 1026x616, Screenshot from 2018-03-12 10-55-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENFP, -A/-T So what do you recommend ?

>> No.10831052
File: 38 KB, 722x633, quadraae8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBTI is shit, take a Socionics test instead.

>Socionics, in psychology and sociology, is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche (called "Model A") and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions, in contrast to Jung's model, which used only four. These functions are supposed to process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.

Link to most accurate tests:

>> No.10831274
File: 67 KB, 894x559, lagic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even question anymore because everytime I do this test I get this result.
I don't consider myself a logician, but idk, maybe I am (tho I don't see myself with the same group as Descartes, Einstein and so on...)

>> No.10831290
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welcome brother.

>> No.10831374

I don't consider you a logician either, more of an idiot.

>> No.10831377

>not noticing "others recommend books"

>> No.10831403


I'm a fucking wreck

>> No.10831426

Read sensing / intuition in OPs image and stop bullying me for being on a literature board and having a retarded level of reading comprehension

>> No.10831438


>> No.10831439

Me too >>(

>> No.10831445

>I don't even question anymore because everytime I do this test I get this result.
Why on earth would you expect a different result? The questions don't change do they?

>> No.10831450
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>> No.10831451


>> No.10831473
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intp 127 iq mathematician

>> No.10831513

It's just I sometimes re-do the tests to make sure I don't fucked up in any part. Since the result is the same, I accepeted the test veredict, tho I don't see myself as one INTP-T

>> No.10831518
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>using MBTI pseudoscience and not superior Big Five

>> No.10831536

Well mbti test are crap anyway, you should just read the type and function descriptions if you want to know what you are.

>> No.10831558

That may be true. I usualy don't take these tests very seriously, because the human being is somewhat more complex and can be somewhat erratic from time to time. Just now I re-done the test to see the result and I recieved INFP (mediator personality).
If you ask myself what I personaly consider myself, I will say I am a average person with very emotional personality. I can get carried away very easily by what I feel and sometimes this turns out for the worst.
I don't realy like staying around people, just my gf, and majority of my mental power is directed to ideas I still didnt wrote down to try publish it
Right now I am feeling very bad for some reason, tho I have a huntch on what the reason might be.
I actualy feeling very melancholic. Fucking should go to r9k right now...

>> No.10831560

I'm INTP, apparently. I also want to kill myself.

>> No.10831561

Same here

>> No.10831623

INFJ. I have taken various online tests including that one over the span of like 10 years and it is always INFJ.

>> No.10831625

intjs should read old dosto to learn humility And be less autistic.

>> No.10831629

ENTJ. Objectively the best personality type.

>> No.10831646

I'm an INTP degenarate fuck.
Functional productive person under performing career wise.

>> No.10831761

No. The best one available atm would be the big five test, as the results from it have shown to have more consistency than other models even across cultures, although not all of the factors have been shown to be that easy to replicate.

t. former psychology student

>> No.10831768

>le accuracy meme
It's bullshit anyway, might as well have fun with it

>> No.10831817

Oh Christ you took the words out of my mouth

>> No.10831824

am i bipolar?

>> No.10831836

>before /lit/: INTP
>after /lit/: INFP
Thanks I guess...?

>> No.10831838

Me too, anons. INTP. But don't feel like one. I mean I overanalyze and look for flaws in things but I also hate math, I like lit and art, ffs.

>> No.10831879
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MBTI is like astrology amirite? Psychology is all pseudoscience. I'm a skeptic btw

>> No.10831957

this test is prtty bullshit but I got ISTJ

>> No.10831981

Rec me some INTP books.
I really like Calvino and Jorge Luis Borges.

>> No.10832025


In the past I have been INTJ (teenager), and INFP (20s).

>> No.10832030

>before /lit/: INTJ
>after /lit/: ENFJ
Not sure how that happened.

>> No.10832041

MBTI is a cancer that's been spreading across boards for awhile so that politicizing retards can have another identity to fight over and it doesn't need to be here.

>> No.10832076

Really "INTP" tards try to play the masterrace card.

>> No.10832098

No need to take it again. I always get ENTP.

Fairly accurate description desu. But I don't hate routine (like it says), I'm just bad at keeping one

>> No.10832126

I got the same results. Am I retarded?

>> No.10832195


>> No.10832248

>intj this time
I've done this little quiz 5 times now and never once gotten the same result. Am I retarded?

>> No.10832269

Why the fuck do you need this long of a test? Well i know why, tests are mental masturbation, giving you satifaction of being in one of the categories that are unique and broad enough to make you feel like a part of a group. The testing process brings out a sense of wonder and science making you believe it more. Save yourself some time and just choose extrovert/introvert and thinking/feeling and so on. And this is only for experts: don't do any quizzes anymore in your life, or at least know that they provide zero insight.
ENTJ here

>> No.10832605

Any other INFJ-Ts here? What're you reading?

>Cantos (Pound)
>Incidents of Travel in Egypt

>> No.10833469

ENTP master race.

We don't accomplish shit in life due to our abysmal attention spans and our addiction to novelty, but we know how to have a hell of a good ride without being restrained by emotional second-guessing or feelings of obligation or guilt.

Being an ENTP is basically constant mental masturbation. You're using your gift of intelligence and problem solving skills for the selfish end of finding clever ways to give your subconscious mind as many and as strong pleasant stimuli as possible, 24/7. You don't genuinely feel caring for other aspects of your life other than that they are a means to that end. Personal relationships, life experiences, everything you employ in a calculated manner to stimulate yourself, and that's all you exist for.

At least that's how it is for me. Are other ENTP bros like that or am I just a weird autist?

>> No.10833494

Over the years I used to get INTP or INTJ but whatever, I'm always a mess.

>> No.10833547

INTJ master race

>> No.10833566


>> No.10833568
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>> No.10833573

Teach me your ways

>> No.10833594

I don't give a damn what people think of me. I believe in pursuing the truth, and speaking only the facts, even if it's not what people want to hear. I believe that people should be free to speak their mind and share their ideas, however they will also be open to judgement on that because free speech extends to all. I'm pursuing a writing career and have written both fiction and non-fiction. I've tried to join the Military a couple times before but sadly have not been accepted, I will likely try again before long. I'm an accurate shot, I highly value the lessons we can learn from history, and I believe that the identity politics is bullshit. A lot of my views are quite libertarian in nature, at least from what I understand libertarian views to be.

Life is a whole lot better when you stop giving a fuck what other people think.

>> No.10833602

What's a good website for the big five? I don't want to pay

>> No.10833666

Insecurity: The Post. It is clearly pseudoscience, but why does it upset you so much?

>> No.10833732

Same. I usually get that but now I'm INTP-T.

>> No.10833831

Can we all agree that this is the type least suited to living in the world? I don't know how long I'm going to make it.

>> No.10833902

ENTP 133 iq mathematician. I'm you but better

>> No.10833912

Pretty much this senpai

>> No.10833956


why though

>> No.10833971
File: 323 KB, 500x500, dannyfookinhouellebecq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBTI is for plebs
but just a reminder that if you are an I you should kys

>> No.10835467


Seriously, though, ILI is almost a dead ringer and is uncomfortably accurate.

>> No.10835577
File: 92 KB, 1430x869, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be entp

>> No.10835727

lit and art have an intuitive basis to them. You might not like the rigor of mathematics, but when exploring lit and art, you are, in a way, exploring a massive mathematical function, discovering new parts of the equation as you go. This is of course, just analogical, not exactly equatable.

>> No.10835730

sounds like INTP with an agenda

>> No.10835736
File: 191 KB, 500x700, cc3F4M3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you score in the Thinking category rather than Feeling category you're likely a degenerate, soulless bug-man who is everything wrong with this world.

>> No.10835739

>This Jungian nonsense test is shit
>Take this other Jungian nonsense test instead

>> No.10835742


>> No.10835749

t. Te valuing type