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10790904 No.10790904 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all: why did Nietzsche hate anti-Semites?

>> No.10790910

cuz resentment is for cucks

>> No.10790913

Because they clearly are stupid enough to believe the world can be controlled by a group of people

>> No.10790927

jews are the archetypal übermensch if you think about it

>> No.10791112

Lots of factors. Prob because of his hatred for German lutheranism and he actually liked the old testament as a book. Also you can just look at the anti-Semites that post here.

>> No.10791119


>> No.10791136

how so

>> No.10791141

they don't care about morality and do whatever it takes to impose their will

>> No.10791148

You can approve of their mindset and still hate them for being jews though.

>> No.10791181

I prefer the Conan the Cimmerian interpretation of übermensch

>> No.10791219

Because Nietzsche died before jews had taken power in Germany, out of commission long before Weimar. Jews hadn't yet turned Berlin into a brothel. Nietzsche was right about how jews spread slave morality to their hosts but he also said a lot of contradictory shit which is why every faction thinks he speaks for them.




There is nothing abnormal about 'antisemitism.' Jews are a very sick cult from the Middle East, they are bad people who have caused problems everywhere they've gone which is why they've been kicked out so many times.

>> No.10791335

>Because Nietzsche died before jews had taken power in Germany, out of commission long before Weimar.
He already recognized the degree which Judaism corrupted Western civilization, though. He also made much deeper historical and philosophical connections than the anti-Semites ever did. In other words, your explanation doesn't really work. It's absurd to think he would have just not said the things he did about anti-Semites if more time had passed, especially since he discovered that Judaism came from the Babylonians, who were Aryans. Things like:

>“This is our conviction: we publish it to the whole world; we live and die for it—let us respect all who have convictions!”—I have actually heard such sentiments from the mouths of anti-Semites. On the contrary, gentlemen! An anti-Semite surely does not become more respectable because he lies on principle...

It's hard to take your defense seriously when basically everything he charged anti-Semites for appears in the characteristics of modern day anti-Semites all over again.

>> No.10791358

If you want to be taken seriously you should stop using fake terms like the above. Jews have been despised within and removed from everywhere they've ever been. That is not everyone else's fault, it stems from their behavior. And Nietzsche said Christianity corrupted Rome and the West, not judaism. Please, I'm happy you've chugged through the first half of BGE, but you don't seem like the type who's ready to understand his works in toto or wade into the jewish problem. One step at a time, kid.

>> No.10791369

He emphasized envy. Anti-semites fail to emulate the jews, and thus fail to be proper nihilists

>> No.10791378

>If you want to be taken seriously you should stop using fake terms like the above.
Nietzsche was using a fake term?

>And Nietzsche said Christianity corrupted Rome and the West, not judaism.
From The Antichrist:

>>The Jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, for when they were confronted with the question, to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly unearthly deliberation, to be at any price: this price involved a radical falsification of all nature, of all naturalness, of all reality, of the whole inner world, as well as of the outer. They put themselves against all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been permitted to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions—one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. We meet with the same phenomenon later on, in an incalculably exaggerated form, but only as a copy: the Christian church, put beside the “people of God,” shows a complete lack of any claim to originality. Precisely for this reason the Jews are the most fateful people in the history of the world: their influence has so falsified the reasoning of mankind in this matter that today the Christian can cherish anti-Semitism without realizing that it is no more than the final consequence of Judaism.

>One step at a time, kid.
The sad part is I'm probably older than you, but regardless, this is an incredibly immature comment.

>> No.10791384

Jews are inbred, nepotistic parasites who contribute little that is positive to our societies. Why would European peoples, who are responsible for 97% of all scientific and technological innovation be envious of jews?

>> No.10791395

That doesn't say what you said before, but regardless you should stop trying to selectively quote from Nietzsche, you're wasting both our time. Have you read Genealogy? Anyone can pick and choose from Nietzsche, which is why he is both lauded by many on the alt right and enshrined by leftists in academia. But when someone like you tries to play this game it gives away that you aren't well-rounded in his thought.

>> No.10791402


i mean, have you seen the anti-semites on this site? they're pretty retarded and illogical

>> No.10791409

Jews gave us Christianity, which is a major thread in western civilization. There is also a secular Greek thread, but the Jews have been just as influential. Jews were able to thrive in European society specifically because of our liberal values. Jews have disproportionally won nobel prizes, and please don't tell me that it's solely because of a "Jewish Conspiracy." You anti-semites are reckless with what you say. You have no idea the level of violence it takes for your policies to even be nominally implemented.

>> No.10791415

>lauded by many on the alt right and enshrined by leftists
No one gives a shit about these "groups" other than you. Of course I have read Genealogy, I am not saying Nietzsche loved Jews. But the notion that he wouldn't have hated anti-Semites if he lived a little bit longer suggests Nietzsche was a shallow thinker. He was a genuine philosopher, and because of that, many of his observations of both parties still hold up true today.

>> No.10791420


El Polaco sifilítico...

>> No.10791422

Yeah dude it's horrible. I hate how politicized this site has become.

>> No.10791427

>create value system Nietzsche lambasted for being based on ressentiment
>these guys are the ubermenschen
I know this is /lit/ but could you at least pretend to have read Nietzsche?

>> No.10791430

"Gave us" Christianity? Jews bribed Charlemagne to impose it upon us to weaken us and destroy our traditions. You should be ashamed of yourself if you're white. It's absolutely pathetic to see whites who still worship the God of their enemy and defend a people who hate them and are the main source behind the current destruction of their own society. Jews are nepotistic parasites who can't survive on their own. They produced literally nothing until they were released from the shtetl. Zero. And even if one were to grant you that the achievements you're referring to were not a result of nepotism, the harm they've caused far outweighs the good. You want to talk about Nietzsche? You embody the slave morality he was referring to.

>> No.10791443

Nietzsche died in 1900. The social and economic destruction jews were causing in Germany hit its peak decades later. Read the link here, okay? >>10791219

You need to understand the timeline of jewish involvement in Germany before you start taking Nietzsche as the final word on German "antisemitism."

>> No.10791521

Okay, first of all, this is a ridiculously simplified view of the history and development of Germany. For one example how, read: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/ess_germanhyperinflation.html

1919-1933 was also decades after German nationalism & anti-Semitism was forming. Germany was experiencing an identity crisis. They were nomadic barbarians not many centuries ago. In their collective hysteria for a "stronger national identity" they were ostracizing everyone who did not fit into their own imagined geneti-cultural identity and trying to push several peoples, including Jews and Romani, out of the country. In other words, Zionism was very much a reaction to the German cultural bonfire already being made to burn them. This is also why Nietzsche lamented the Germans and came to despise them, saying that they had become weaker and were in spiritual decline, that they had utterly failed to live up to the ideals formed by the greater individuals in the previous centuries — instead, they were becoming hysterical and slavish, failing to adopt a higher spirited cultural identity and instead opting for a much more rudimentary one.

And deflect what you want with words that amount to "but it's the Jews' fault," that shit just doesn't fly dude. If the Jews were David and the Germans were Goliath, Goliath is as much at fault for being dumb enough to let little David topple him. In that story Goliath was weaker. Goliath also challenges David, not the other way around.

>> No.10791562

The jews were isolated to the shtetl prior to the 19th century, but that was my fault. I know the problem here is that you don't understand the jews and jewish history/nature and I didn't clarify. Jews were by Nietzsche's time only just entering the German public space in large numbers. People didn't understand them or their nature; they had this Christian perspective on them as good people, as you still seem to, but they didn't fully realize how destructive they were until Nietzsche had written most of his works or was dead, and then notably later during the Weimar period. And Nietzsche's perspective was also historically based and, I've heard, partially related to his desire to cuddle up to jews to further his career. No one's perfect and Nietzsche didn't have all the answers, though his most important ones, like the jewish transvaluation of values, derived from jewish practices in Rome, Egypt, and elsewhere are essential to why people who know about the destructive nature of the jews think he is important.

>> No.10791567

*With a few exceptions like Martin Luther.

>> No.10791591

>they had this Christian perspective on them as good people, as you still seem to
I don't seem this way to anyone except dingbats who can't read and aren't well read.

I also like how you link to that article about sexual decadence which states that light entertainment (burlesque / porn) was a "Jewish innovation." What of the Greeks then? Dionysian rituals in Ancient Greece? The Bacchanalia in Rome, which they learned from the Greeks? The Greeks had festivals where they got drunk and fucked each other in a frenzy. Orgies were part of the ancient Greek religion. In fact, the word orgy etymologically starts in ancient Greece. You are the one steeped in Christian sentiment here, not me.

>> No.10791595

maybe this is where marx got the idea that class struggle drives history, from being conscious of how the jews would enter a society as low class then gradually assert their interests and take over until ultimately the host civilization would expel them or collapse

>> No.10791635

In every dispute he weighed in on, he admired people for the way they held their positions far more than for the positions they held.
Nietzsche disagreed with Jewish values completely and yet was able to see the genius in them. Your average antisemite is mediocre and resentful - it's clear who Nietzsche would respect more.

>> No.10791649

>nepotistic parasites
t. Christian
>who contribute little
t. muh we are all in this together
>muh science and technology but I don't like jews
t. knows nothing about science and technology and just uses them as adornments to his white superiority movement that he WISHES was Jewish, i.e. völkisch, in nature, but won't be because it was literally messed up by the Jews (lel)

>> No.10791659

>Jews bribed Charlemagne to impose it upon us to weaken us and destroy our traditions.
And you wonder why we don't take you seriously.

>> No.10791672


>Creates value system that isn't in line with Nietzsche's taste
>Imposes it on the world without caring that some frail philologist is REEEEing about it

Take your own advice.

>> No.10791695

See how you pretended to read the link but clearly didn't? This is the type of intellectual dishonesty that, coupled with your attempt to selectively quote Nietzsche to support jews, confirms that you are an intellectually dishonest person. And I can't do anything about that.

You're on the right track. Nietzsche's transvaluation of values explains Marx's intentions and the jewish strategy as a whole: to use to bottom of society to overthrow the top, in this case the European elite. Jews agitate and empower women, minorities, and anyone else and try and topple the host male elite, whom they desire to replace. That's what communism was, and to borrow a quote from Nietzsche... It was successful. There is no more European aristocracy, jews are the elite now, which is why it is imperative that we remove them, especially so they don't slaughter us like they did to the Russians when they took over following the jewish bolshevik coup there in 1917. Jews are sick, murderous people.

That's a fact. Sorry if it hurts your Christian sensibilities, but what the fuck are you doing worshipping a kike on a stick anyway. Well, you quoted the answer, bud.

>> No.10791697

Because you should

>> No.10792202

>they had this christian perspective of them as good people

That's fucking stupid, Christian never liked jews. Antisemitism wasn't new.

Also the more I read about what the jews suposedly did to Germany the less sense it makes. They were the capitalists bourgeois oppressing the average germans but they also tried to topple the governement with a communist uprising? They deliberatly ruined the country economies? (Never mind that every other countries was also hit by the depression). This is just paranoid fantasy.

>> No.10792218

>That's a fact. Sorry if it hurts your Christian sensibilities, but what the fuck are you doing worshipping a kike on a stick anyway. Well, you quoted the answer, bud.
No it's not. Christianity was adopted centuries before Charlemagne.

>> No.10792224

Not among the germanic tribes.

>> No.10792234

Who give a shit about these subhumans. Nietzsche was Polish anyway.

>> No.10792239

Germans are the most productive and innovative people on the planet.

>> No.10792249


To anyone who shares the opinion of this "progressive" autist feel free to observe third reich's case.
>hitler calls out jews on porn, degeneracy, banking systems, media propaganda
>hitler rises to power and removes jews from these positions
>all of the above disappears
>"b-but jews aren't responsible for those things you anti semite, how can a group of people control and have so much power"

>> No.10792254

How would you define Ubermensch based on him? You implying he's the incarnation of ubermensch?

>> No.10792276

Yeah, the jewish problem is transparent to those of us who have actually studied it. We know this is just what jews do to attack their host. Too bad so many whites are too lazy to look into it.

>> No.10792282

No need to lie, Hans, I know that behind this human mask of yours is the face of a beast so monstruous as to make every good natured people faint.

>banking system and media propaganda disappeared under nazis germany
>the retarded nazi paranoia wasn't utter degeneracy

Hitler could have become a hero that would ride the world of communism but instead he just fucked up his country and gave half of europe to the red, simply because he indulged in his schizoid fantasy.

>> No.10792290
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No he wasn't. He larped as one. Polish nobility was the most corrupt and spoilt in all of Europe, they had so much freedom they essentially destroyed their own country out of sheer greed and narcissism. This freedom and power that polish nobles had is attracted Nietzsche.

>> No.10792294
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>all of the above disappears

>> No.10792296

So I could trust a noble polish intellectuan or a bunch of teuton... hmm, yeah I know who I'm going to trust.

>> No.10792302

Which Germanic tribe? Goths and Anglos were Christian long before Charlemagne.

>> No.10792303

After hitler's rise, germany took over the banks from foreign (jew's) control and borrowed it's peoples money with no interests. He gave lands and work to german volk and promoted simplicity and honest living for life and true values.

they gotta be "progressive" and open minded cause the media and their highschool professors told them so

>> No.10792305

It's a literal undisputed fact that there are (((secret societies))) conspiring together.


>> No.10792310


Ah, so you're a polack, and thus not interested in reality. You're only interested in appropriating history as a means of negating your inferiority complex against the West. No serious scholar thinks Nietzsche was polish.

>> No.10792323

Because Wagner was one. Thus is bad and mean :(

>> No.10792342

And then he started several wars.

>> No.10792344
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No serious GERMAN scholars.

You mean he payed out of the state pocket to have people works in army and arms factory along other socials programs, while using MEFO bills to secretly rearms itself. Germany's debts increased and the standard of living never went back to pre-depression level. A weaker country couldn't have applied the same policies as the nazis because they would have gone bankrupt much sooner (Germany was also about to become bankrupt) Part of why they invaded Poland was to steal their moneys.Hitler was an utter nigger who destroyed Europe.

>> No.10792353
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>> No.10792377

>Jew boycott Nazi germany because it's openly antisemites and german jews are getting fucked for no good reason
>this completly justify the invasion of Europe in the mind of the /pol/tard

Find better arguments you antisemite.

>> No.10792383

>jews are getting fucked for no good reason
No good reason all 359 times jews have gotten kicked out. Always everyone else. Keep telling yourself that, schlomo. And read the link there >>10791219

>> No.10792394

>why did Nietzsche hate
confirmed OP hasn't read Neatcheese

>> No.10792404

Reverting to insults already?

>read the link
>the link that claim pornography was invented by jews and didn't exist before the great war

Yeah, it sure doesn't sound like yet another resentful tirade against the jew.

>> No.10792424

Making child porn was one reason of many jews got run out of Germany. Jews are a very sick people who suffer from numerous genetic diseases due to inbreeding. It was a natural and healthy response for Germans to do what had been done so many times before, which was kick these sociopaths out.

>> No.10792443

source on that report?

>> No.10792506

>Claims Nietzsche was just ignorant even though antisemitic thought had been a mainstay of european culture for about a thousand years at that point.

>> No.10792513
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The nazi economic recovery 1932-1938.

>making child porn
>Jews were the only one making child porns

>> No.10792518

Antisemitism is a mainstay wherever jews happen to be because jews are shitty people who do bad things then blame everyone else until they are forced out.

>> No.10792539


>> No.10792558

If they are such sick and inbred people how do they manage to have such a strong presence and influence in such a wide array of industries? Why didn't gypsies follow that same path since they're also "very sick people who suffer from numerous genetic diseases due to inbreeding"? Where's the gypsy Von Neumann, or Oppenheimer equivalent?

>> No.10792586

In-group selective pressures and a culture that tells them to make everything safe for jews. Their achievements are overstated due to nepotism and their high IQ is limited to verbal IQ though.

>> No.10792589

thinking about romani people wouldn't be a leisurely stroll of anthropological digression if they had high IQs. we'd have the "romani question" on our hands if they were smart and well-organized

>> No.10792609

the bull who fucked his waifu was jewish

>> No.10792629
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>> No.10792895


Thank-you! Can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Wagner. Although Nietzsche greatly admired him for a long time, they had a serious falling out (can't remember the catalyst) and he began to hate everything associated with Wagner.

>> No.10793126

>Can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Wagner.
Because more than half the thread isn't even trying to answer the OP question.

>> No.10793149

>we'd have the "romani question" on our hands if they were smart and well-organized
The resentment can be felt through the screen and it's unbearable.

>> No.10793219

>itt people that never read any of his letters
He fucking hated antisemitism and constantly berated his sister for it. He ended his friendship with Wager, a man he deeply admired, because to Nietzsche, antisemitism was the lowest and most base mode of humanity which he refused to associate with.

>> No.10793629

>You mean he payed out of the state pocket to have people works in army and arms factory along other socials programs, while using MEFO bills to secretly rearms itself. Germany's debts increased and the standard of living never went back to pre-depression level

sounds like FDR

>> No.10793662

Weil es kleine Duckmäuser sind und damit ist alles gesagt.

>> No.10793694
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What have the most so called successful Jews given to humanity? When you weigh out the positives and negatives it’s the latter which are far more prevalent. Look at Marx, Einstein and Freud. What have the given us? Communism, the atomic bomb and infantile sexuality. They’ve managed to impose their unnatural, materialistic views on practically the entire world. They are the antithesis of beauty.

>> No.10793697
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>> No.10793730

>359 times Aryan societies allowed Jews to obtain their highest institutional ranks
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10793835

>Their achievements are overstated due to nepotism
They can't be overstated when they are such a small minority, is Google famous due to nepotism?

>and their high IQ is limited to verbal IQ though.
If that was the case, they'd have never created anything of value in scientific fields, these mental gymnastics are embarrassing

>> No.10793858

what no, I don't resent jews or romani people for that matter. I just think ethnic nepotism in politics, media and academia is a serious topic, not one to be hand-waved away at least

>> No.10793909

Because wise men live on mountaintops above politics and national concern. Leave that shit for the rabble.

>> No.10793944

Okay, but that anon made a fair point. when you have a group of people with an extreme ingroup preference and a striking ability to chameleon and shuck and jive to assert themselves above the rest- does that not make them ubermensch? i'm not going to argue that it does because i'm not jewish. but it's interesting. Also, how can you approve of their mindset but hate them for being jewish? Certainly it is something about the ideology itself that manifests as this conquering will. i do not think they are separable.

>> No.10794035

The jew, as imagined by the antisemit, is everything the antisemit desire to be. Smarter, religious, convincing, rich, ready to die for their conviction, with a strong identity.

Hatred for the jew is often nothing more than pure jealousy.

>> No.10794050

I'm antisemitic and my main adjective for jews is 'irritating' followed maybe by 'hypocritical'

>> No.10794055

>Hatred for the jew is often nothing more than pure jealousy.
Which is usually a masking for self-hatred.

>> No.10794058

it's true i wish i could take advantage of the poor and stupid but i always feel bad

>> No.10794059

what about people who hate whites? are they jealous?

>> No.10794117


>> No.10794122

because they're weak and afraid of getting bullied by jews

>> No.10794129

nietzsche only criticized them for acting like christians. his big beef is with christians who replaced the value system of jews with their slave morality.

>> No.10794139

After frequenting /pol/ for a few months I found that those adjectives apply to them perfectly.

Just start doing it and you'll feel less and less bad.

Yes. If you listen to them enough you'll learn that they are angry that they weren't the one to enslave most of the world. Look at the blacks who desperatly claim that Africa would be just as advanced as Europe if the white man didn't come. Look at the fat women who state that they're perfectly fine in their body yet spend hours each days raving in fat acceptance groupes.

If you hate the elite, the people you see as being as the top, there is a good chance you also envy them. I'm reading the memo of Eliot Roger and that man was deeply frustrated by succesful men, as he saw them as both nemesis and ideals.

>> No.10794144

They are reactive.

>> No.10794171

>become dictator of a country
>you can now ban things you don't like
also hilarious how you think nazi germany didn't have media propaganda when they had a ministry that literally had "propaganda" in the name

>> No.10794189

So this is the power of /pol/tards...

>> No.10794197

>inverse cripple.png

>> No.10794309

Nietzsche dislikes Jews as a group, but not individuals.

>> No.10794317

>The prejudice existing is proof the prejudice must be justified

Nazi logic everyone

>> No.10794338

for now, in 20 years, they will be just another poor arabian country

>> No.10794391

They are going to move the whole country to the Arabian Peninsula? Holy shit, those refugees sure are industrious.

>> No.10794396

>prejudice appears magically out of nowhere
Why do leftists think this is a rational position

>> No.10794560

you mean like how everyone hates nazis

>> No.10794584

nazis btfo

>> No.10794610

>Their achievements are overstated due to nepotism
did they use their jew magic to create new phenomena so they could give each other prizes for "discovering" them? lol

>> No.10794638

It didn't come out of nowhere. There are a plethora of texts explaining, with mountains of citations, exactly where antisemitism emerged from and how it flourished.

"A Convenient Hated" by Phyllis Goldstein is a great place to start

>> No.10794685

Why do American jews side with Palestine against Israel at a rate of 56% if the "in-group selective pressure" is so high?

Is it possible that particular circumstances has lead to jews being disproportionately in socioeconomic classes that cause them to hold traditionally democratic left positions? If it was a "evolutionary strategy", as the Kevin Mcdonald cult seems to believe. why do so many Israeli jews side with Trump and populist positions? Why do a sizable chunk (about a third) of American jews hold conservative and right wing positions of immigration and social issues?

Sure, traditionally common evolutionary traits will have outliers, but we're talking about nearly half of jews worldwide siding with against this so called anti-white jewish cabal of yours. Its almost as if the subversive clan you speak of is actually just a subset of an ideology that stems from a certain socioeconomic class.

>> No.10794714
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Jews are not creative or innovative people. They never have been and their creative output was nil on their own, as Human Accomplishment documented. Most of what they are claimed to have achieved or discovered is also often suspect. Jews are semites, vagabonds from the middle east, and such peoples have never been known for ingenuity or innovative prowess, but for being liars and swindlers, so this shouldn't come with the least bit of surprise.

>> No.10794730

>Why do American jews side with Palestine against Israel at a rate of 56% if the "in-group selective pressure" is so high?

They don't, and you know it.

>> No.10794748

Jews are hated because of how they behave in host societies. Being unwilling to be introspective about this and instead blaming everyone else certainly doesn't help either.

>> No.10794772

Or, perhaps, its a prejudice that grew out of historic circumstances, superstition, and plan old hatred for those with a different culture

You would at least be aware of this possibility if you read books on antisemitism from people besides Kevin McDonald and David Duke

You know, actual experts on the subject

>> No.10794788

i remember reading this thing about freud and in one part he was rustled about anti-semitism but then later it said he would let jewish publishers reproduce his works for free but charge goys, it's well gee, maybe that's related somehow

>> No.10794813

>Jews are not creative or innovative people.
Well, not everyone needs to be. Doesn't mean they don't have value.

>> No.10794824

Whites are the most tolerant and non-tribal people on the planet. Jews are immoral gypsies who routinely exploited the local populations and did horrendous things like selling whites into slavery.

>Bachrach describes the Jews of Lyon as “militant, aggressive, and powerful,” and notes that Louis and his officials “apparently ignored gross violations of the law by Jewish slave traders who bought and sold Christian slaves and kidnapped and castrated Christian youths for the Muslim markets in Spain.”[9


Jews are bad people, they aren't like us, understand?

>> No.10794831

Kevin MacDonal was actually praised by our frugal friends for his first two books on Jews. It was only the third that got him blacklisted because he started saying negative things as well as positive ones.

So he is an expert

>> No.10794840
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>American jews side with Palestine against Israel at a rate of 56%
No fucking way, I just googled that and all I found was a pew research article from 2016 that compared Israeli and American Jews, which had this interesting statistic. The common axiom between Jews no matter what other beliefs they hold is zionism, doesn't matter if they're atheist, left-wing, or right-wing.

>> No.10794841

Jews have no value to us, and their effect on our societies is almost entirely negative. From exploiting white women in the pornography business to crashing our economies, these are destructive people who need to be removed from our societies.


>> No.10794853

>Jews have no value to us
I don't know who "us" refers to, but a huge amount of the West would disagree, which is why Jews continue to live in the West.

>> No.10794866

>did horrendous things like selling whites into slavery.
Who cares? Whites owned and sold slaves as well. Every culture in Earth did.

>> No.10794868

nobody before Einstein could give any physical meaning to the equation E=mc^2

>> No.10794878

one of the first things that redpilled/woke me on the jq was watching this sociology class from berkeley taught by some jewish women, great class, overall it was good, but she would often joke about christians and talk negatively about whites and white privilege etc. but then out of the whole series of like 30 lecture she talked about judaism maybe twice and both times turned deadly serious and ice cold talking shit about how the palestinians were bad faith negotiators or something, and then something about jewish holidays or whatever, it wasn's like super hardcore kill 'em all zionist stuff, but considering every class she's joke about whites or christians it was like woah what the hell she seemed like such a cute old lady joking and being nice, then "fuck the palestinians" umm ok, it would be more years before u start to put it all together but that was the first time i noticed something was wrong

>> No.10794882
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And why do they believe that?

>> No.10794888
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I care, and if you are white you should too. Nearly all of the Africans in America now were brought over on jewish slave ships by the way.

>> No.10794893

jews just have higher iq than whites thats why theyre so successful bro what are u racist

>> No.10794895

>I care
Then you're a hypocritical faggot. Not that that's a surprise to anyone.

>> No.10794896

if the whites tried banning slavery today the jews would cry anti-semitism probably

>> No.10794903

Your logic doesn't make sense. Please try to think before you post or keep to reddit.

>> No.10794906

But she's pro-jewish because she's a jew. Shouldn't you be pro-white because you're white?

She also think christianity is a false religion.

There's nothing weird about that. Try to imagine what would be your opinons on those subjects if you were jewish yourself.

>> No.10794907

It's not a belief. Jews gravitate towards financial, publishing, and business management careers because they tend to be good at them. What else other than that does your pic suggest? Also, sometimes medicine, the sciences, and the arts, though not as often. And comedy, Jews can be funny sometimes.

>> No.10794908

wow I guess this is why they call it the melting pot :)

>> No.10794913

>Jews gravitate towards financial, publishing, and business management

did u notice these are all careers were access to social networks determine your success? hmm maybe there's something else going on here besides "muh iq"

>> No.10794920

>did u notice these are all careers were access to social networks determine your success?
I didn't, because social networking has been critical to career success for millennia and for just about all career paths across the board.

>> No.10794923

>What else other than that does your pic suggest?
Ethnic nepotism, bud. I understand you have been trained to push back against any negative talk about jews but I would recommend staying on the sideline in these conversations until you're willing or ready to stray outside of your comfort zone and at least get the basics of the jewish problem down. We're all aware that jews have used their positions in these industries to tell you how great they are.

>> No.10794926

>Shouldn't you be pro-white because you're white?
He should and the first to whine about it would be jews.

>> No.10794928

>Ethnic nepotism
What about when Jews weren't running those corporate entities? How'd they get in then?

>> No.10794930

the Einstein plagiarism thing is a fight he, Hilbert and Lorenz had its not a real concer to the physics community. the electro-static effect is what he got his nobel for and it was rightly deserved. you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, just Schwartzchild, Bohr and von Neumann alone are more important to humanity than half the living scientists in Germany today.
Christians like the Vandals and Goths did even worse shit to southern europeans and north africans. There have been white slave traders since the days of antiquity. the Romans and Greeks killed their slaves, raped them and sold them like cattle constantly. Please fucking end yourself you mincing little shit

>> No.10794935

By pretending to be white and to hold white values like meritocracy.

>> No.10794936

this is a complete lie lmao Jews never even consituted more than 5% of slave traders in North america and never eclipsed 20% of the slave trade in the Caribbean and South america, literally made up Muslim/Nazi stats cooked up out of schizophrenic hatred. totally bunk and useless in a rational debate

again fucking kill yourself

>> No.10794939

So the previous white managers hired them based on skin color and political view? But that's not how successful businesses operate.

>> No.10794951

whites don’t hold the value of meritocracy, if they did they wouldn’t have let the aristocrats rule their businesses and charters after the peasant enclosures and transfer of power to legal constitutions. you’re just making stupid shit up again. jews even came up with ricardo’s idea of comparative advantage. you’re just saying stupid fucking shit that you heard from other people and trying to equate it with historical fact like a typical mentally ill peon

>> No.10794955

Try to tighten up your writing if you would like to enter the discussion here please. The first part contained so many mistakes it was hard to follow and the second is mostly false. Jews are outsiders, and even if what you said were true they would still qualify as domestic matters.

>> No.10794956

do people really unironically literally think nietzsche would wring his hands over porn, business nepotism and loss of "family values"

>> No.10794970

You did not debunk anything and I'm pretty sure that chart is from a book by a black person, so it could hardly qualify as "nazi" propaganda.

>> No.10794979


here he spills the beans on ethnic strategy

>> No.10794980

Whites are non-tribal and meritocratic in nature. This is why whites are the only people who are able to build functional institutions that last, because they hire the best man for the job and not their cousin Moshe. You need to obtain a better understanding of human difference and European evolutionary history if you want to be taken seriously on this subject.

>> No.10794987

You are a fucking retard if you think the chinese cannot build lasting institutions.

>> No.10795006

I've lived in China. Their institutions are nother-level corrupt and were copies to begin with. There's no comparison.

>> No.10795007

the term limits on the chinese presidency couldn't even last 20 years, but i maybe if u consider despotism an institution ok

>> No.10795016

being this much of a brainlet to not understand firstly that the genealogy of morals explains that jews are priestly NOBLES i.e. akin to the barbarian class of nobles who create a hierarchy from a pathos of distance and B not understanding that he thought jews destroyed rome for destroying Judea but to hate them for it would be as silly and as slave like as hating the nobles for doing what they must do

>> No.10795020

>Whites are non-tribal and meritocratic in nature.
I'm sure I don't need to point out the hundreds of wars that have been fought between European nations for the pettiest of reasons, right?

>> No.10795021

no one is hating the jews, where do you go from analysis of jewish strategies to "hate"

>> No.10795023

You write like you failed out of highschool.

>> No.10795035

Noice laconic anecdote. Kys.

>> No.10795036

nice ad hom my dude, but yeah i couldn't think of any lasting chinese institutions either, have a nice day

>> No.10795038
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What this guy said: >>10794956

>> No.10795050

>have a nice day
Why kiss uo to me at the end like that? Faggot. Try the Imperial Examination for civil servants which lasted for 1000 years.

>> No.10795053

of course not, nietzsche loved the corruption of the catholic church and no doubt he would love the corruption of the jewish ruling class, niezsche just sucked up to anybody who had power

>> No.10795057

Nietzsche rightly claimed the jews were spreaders of slave morality and lead the peasant revolt that destroyed the aristocratic values Nietzsche himself proposed a return to. That's what they did; it's what they do.

>> No.10795063

>niezsche just sucked up to anybody who had power
He did the exact opposite.

>> No.10795067

It seems you don't know what the word "meritocracy" means.

>> No.10795068
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Actually he said christians do that. Deus Vult magapedes!

>> No.10795078

there’s one spelling mistake you halfwit and this is 4chan
the chart is fake! and it has no sources or dates or comparative figures from the centuries of slavery or even an indication of how many slaves, ships, where they’re going what auction houses they’re from or anything. its fake all scholarship that has been done on jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere shows less than 5% of auction houses and ships were owned by jews around 2% of total slaves owned by Jews and in South America the average ownership of ships and auction houses was around 5% there were limited periods in the 15th and 16th centuries when Jews got up to almost 20% of the ships and auction houses in parts of the Carribean and certain parts of NE S America but it never got higher than that and finally this was temporary and was totally blown out of the water by Portuguese and Spanish slave traders later on. Jews never even came close to being the majority of slave traders in the west.

More lies from the mental midget ressentiment filled bug whigger
>whites are non-tribal
no this is wrong whites are extremely tribal in nature this is why the Irish and italians were treated like shit by the Anglos and why germanics warred with the French and english for centuries. they are highly tribalized. You meant to say, and this is another absurd canard, that they are not CLANNISH but they are in fact clannish and the Germanics specifically were famous for clannish vengeance warfare as were the Celts all the way up to their christianizing in 1000 AD
>whites have good institutes because of meritocracy
no they absolutely do not they have good institutes because they have higher iq and better weaponry and inhabit the most favorable climes on Earth. Europe and North america are the best places on the planet for humans to inhabit. Europeans had to deal with the North for thousands of years and it molded them into highly intelligent rappacious killers. They are absolutely not low corruption. You know how i know this? because the Dutch, Swiss, Germans and Anglos and French are famous for corruption and crime. Well before Jews existed banditry, betrayal, religious heresy and nepotism were rampant in the Holy roman Empire and in western europe. To this very day the Swiss and Dutch are some of the most nepotistic backroom dealing scoundrels on Earth and so are the french. Singapore has the lowest corruption on Earth. East asian nations like Taiwan and Singapore, Japan have the lowest corruption because they’re essentially pacifist mercantile states with no social functions outside of making money. Whites are not by any means meritocratic, if they were nepotism and monopolies would not exist but they are a hallmark from of Whyte business. With the hemophiliac nobles being given charters for the first major corps many of which were interminably incompetent. the East-India Company, the dutch-east india company wasteful dumb orgs

>> No.10795082

he even kissed the turk's ass in his later works

>> No.10795086
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>tfw drawn porn master race

>> No.10795093

he’s talking about your tribalist comment and just looking at how badly run most dutch and anglo firms were in the 19th and 18th century filled with brothers, cousins, sons and sons-in-law who had no fucking business being at the head of these massive institutes its clear they are absolutely not meritocratic. you went to school for law because of your birth and then you were given a job by your wife’s father. this is not meritocracy. meritocracy is roman, it is modern it has nothing in common with feudalism and cronyism. white cronyism, good old boys’ clubs are a notorious phenomena among the white lower class elite

>> No.10795097

I've always been amazed at how intricate a history /pol/ shits will go to the trouble of inventing rather than critically examine their own convictions and yet still talk about N as though they've actually read him in context.

>> No.10795103

>because the Dutch, Swiss, Germans and Anglos and French are famous for corruption and crime.
Lel simply not true.

>> No.10795105

Da jew man be keepin us down we dindu nuffin

>> No.10795119

You only discredit yourself when you start out by lying. Jews were and have always been the premier slavers, and some of the biggest jewish slavers were Lehman Brothers and the Monsanto family. Those names ring a bell to anyone?

Anyway, you began a long-winded post by deceiving people about the jewish role in slavery, then rambled on without using proper grammar. Capitalize the beginning of your sentences, use periods, and make more succinct points if you desire serious responses to your posts.

>> No.10795122

the dutch are known for corruption? those countries are all some of the lowest on those gay corruption index metrics the un puts out


>> No.10795126

And it seems you don't know what the word "tribal" means. "Meritocracy" is an enlightenment concept by the way, it only appeared a couple of centuries ago.
You seem rather ignorant.

>> No.10795130

>it wasn't REAL antisemitism!!!
I thought only SJWs played this game?

>> No.10795134

Slavery isn't bad but the jews did it so they are bad
>t. Ubermensch

>> No.10795142

Every group expresses in-group and familial preference to some degree; this is much less pronounced in whites though. That's how whites built institutions people the world over are flooding our nations to rent seek off of.

>> No.10795145
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>Meritocracy is an enlightenment concept

>> No.10795146

Thats why i dont know what that guy is bullshitting about.

>> No.10795155
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>They come here for the institutions and not the mass accumulation of wealth gained through corruption both white and jewish

>> No.10795156

Incredible argument. I'm impressed.

>> No.10795158

okay guys, serious question
how will the jews subvert the chinese. they wont be able to blend in with them

>> No.10795163

Meritocracy describes a method of conducting business and social operations that is absolutely nothing new.

Where did I say slavery isn't bad?

>> No.10795165

They both work for the same space reptilian overlords so it's a non-issue.

>> No.10795166

Samefag lol fuck off stormfront you'll never get a foothold on /lit/!!

>> No.10795169

>this is much less pronounced in whites though.
This is only a very recent phenomenon and you know it. For their entire history whites have been as tribal as anybody else. Stop lying.

>> No.10795171

Nietzsche pretty much says slavery isn't bad but i guess you would actually have to read his books to know that.

>> No.10795172

>Meritocracy describes a method of conducting business and social operations that is absolutely nothing new.
Wrong. In Europe it spread only in the 17th and 18th century. Why do you keep lying?

>> No.10795173


Great civilizations require robust institutions.

>> No.10795174

>least corrupt countries on the planet
>all their wealth is from corruption

dude, even pro-asia authors note that the extreme rent seeking in asian countries destroys economic growth, the reason europe has been successful is due to the LACK of corruption, read a book

>> No.10795179


Depends what you mean by slavery. In a hellenic or Greco-Roman sense? No. In an american sense? Yes.

>> No.10795183

Functional institutions are what allow for the widespread accumulation and distribution of wealth and resources.

That's simply not true. All people are tribal but tribalism exists on a spectrum, and whites are at the opposite end of that spectrum as a hyper-tribal group like, say, jews. This is why individualism is so important within white societies alone.

>> No.10795184
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>claims the major corporate, media and government institutions are corruptes by jewish influence
>also claims that the wealth of this nation was not ill-gotten

>> No.10795194

That's just not true, sorry. Even granting that it was advanced most thoroughly as a concept during the enlightenment, it is an aspect of nature that is more pronounced in European societies.

>> No.10795195

>when jews get money
>lol they just have high iq so they should get all the monies
>when whites get money
>fucking corrupt bastards hoarding ill-gotten wealth

i see

>> No.10795199

didn't they ban hiphop recently? I doubt the jews appreciated that maneuver, how will they tikkun olam when the chinks are being mean to pocs?

>> No.10795210

You keep repeating your dogma while ignoring my points. I suspect you're either retarder or a shill.
>That's simply not true.
>and whites are at the opposite end of that spectrum
History proves you wrong. Look at the hundreds of wars that have been fought between europeans for their entire history. Are you denying history?
>This is why individualism is so important within white societies alone.
Individualism is, again, an Enlightenment concept that was born only recently. Feudal societies run on principles that were the opposite of meritocracy and individualism. These ideas are only recent, and you know it.

>> No.10795218

>The concept of meritocracy spread from China to British India during the seventeenth century, and then into continental Europe and the United States.[28] With the translation of Confucian texts during the Enlightenment, the concept of a meritocracy reached intellectuals in the West, who saw it as an alternative to the traditional ancient regime of Europe.[30] Voltaire and François Quesnay wrote favourably of the idea, with Voltaire claiming that the Chinese had "perfected moral science" and Quesnay advocating an economic and political system modeled after that of the Chinese.[30]

>The first European power to implement a successful meritocratic civil service was the British Empire
Why do you keep lying?

>> No.10795221

More like the catholic church and the jews are institutions worthy of praise but retarded anglos and teutons fail to recognize this because autism is essential part of their DNA.

>> No.10795223

>claiming feudalism represents all european history

the feudal period was a brief interregnum that lasted perhaps 800 years, acting like that represents the majority of european culture and history is dishonest

>> No.10795248

When the whites use the jews to get their ill gotten money yeah it is still corrupt.

>> No.10795253

Europeans have a warrior mentality and always have. Jews have used this to exploit us and were behind many of the wars you speak of, including the most recent ones blowing out their enemies in the middle east. That is not necessarily pure tribalism or reflection of a purely tribal nature, though it is obviously an aspect and I can see why you would try to make such a connection. But those groups also got along for much of their history and the aristocrats from Russia were close with those in Germany and England and so on, with frequent exchanges of people and few problems because they are similar. Your last point about individualism is wrong though, but I see where you're getting tripped up. Stop thinking of everything in terms of abstract systems and try to understand those systems as reflections of nature. That's what they are. As social organization developed, those aspects of European nature became enshrined within the legal, political, and social manifestations of white societies. The key point being that they are not universal.

>> No.10795255

>invert all values so slave-master dichotomy doesn't apply to you and you get all the power
neech was basically in awe of jews because they overcame the paradigm. he even said the prussian aristocracy and jews should intermarry in order to create a new leader caste.

>> No.10795263

>claiming feudalism represents all european history
Except I didn't do that, retard. You're clutching at straws.
>the feudal period was a brief interregnum that lasted perhaps 800 years
>800 years
Absolutely embarrassing. Please stop posting if you have nothing to say, shill.

>> No.10795264

That's pretty silly, but you didn't link the source.

>> No.10795273

actually the beginnings of european economics pre-smith where a bunch of french fucks who were enamored with oriental despotism, fuck, i wish i could remember their names, but they were looking at asian agriculture and began to develop the groundwork for economics as we know it today

>> No.10795277

It's incredibly stupid. That might literally just be it.

SFcells on suicide watch.

>> No.10795283

>european civlization
>5000 years
>800 years of disruption after eastern barbarian invasions
>somehow representative of european civ


>> No.10795287

oh ya the ring leader was quesnay shout out to whoever posted him

>> No.10795302

Hating Jews is peak ressentiment.

>> No.10795308

on aside on quesnay, anyone ever watch those yale open courseware classes on france by merriman? there's a part where he's talking about french enlightenment righting and he makes fun of a book about oriental despotism like "lol i sure as hell ain't readin' THAT" i'm like doesn't he realize that is the foundation of western economic thought? this guy is the yale professor of french studies? omg this man is a pseud, weird moment when u realize something is wrong, of course merriman is a hopeless leftist who recently published some shitty book glorifying french anarcho-terrorists during the bell-epoque, sorry maybe all that leftism rotted his brain

>> No.10795322

Jews hate whites; whites hating them back once they realize this is only natural. This hatred of others jews have is also why Nietzsche referred to jews as a "nation of ressentiment par excellence."

>> No.10795330

>Europeans have a warrior mentality and always have
Patently false. Look at the maritime republics and every other white society that organized itself mainly through commerce.
Also your concept of "warrior spirit" is nonsense. What does it even mean to have a warrior spirit? Going to war? Wanting to explore and conquest? Then congrats, this means every other race has a "warrior spirit".
>Jews have used this to exploit us and were behind many of the wars you speak of
Absolutely hilarious. The thousands of wars caused by petty reasons between nobles are now the fault of Jews! At a time were Jews had absolutely no place in European courts, nonetheless. Funny.
>That is not necessarily pure tribalism or reflection of a purely tribal nature,
Bcuz I said so. Give a reason or fuck off, shill.
>But those groups also got along for much of their history and the aristocrats from Russia were close with those in Germany and England and so on, with frequent exchanges of people and few problems because they are similar
Except that this is false. Nobles were backstabbing and waging war against each other all the time. Populations were also extremely tribal, to the point of cities waging war against each other for pieces of land and resources in the renaissance. A few outliers (especially amongst intellectuals, who never cared much for the nationality of their fellows and still don't) don't disprove a trend.
>Your last point about individualism is wrong though, but I see where you're getting tripped up.
Bcuz I said so. You're embarrassing yourself, substantiate your points or fuck off.
As for the rest of your post, it has already been addressed in my other posts and I won't repeat myself.

>> No.10795332

Wikipedia is the source, retard.
>That's pretty silly
Bcuz I said so. Shut the future

>> No.10795335

*Shut the fuck up if you have nothing to say.

>> No.10795346

I get the impression from your posts that you simply aren't that bright. Not everyone can be, though, and maybe you're one of /lit/'s non-white squatters. You show a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the topics you're attempting to speak of, which is why you your strategy is to simply claim whatever you dislike as "bullshit."

>> No.10795356

The shill has no arguments anymore, therefore he resorts to the classic "ur just don't get it". Absolutely hilarious. You aren't performing well in this thread, my friend.

>> No.10795359

Your intellectual underdevelopment, inability to realize your own biases, and general disregard for grammar likely stems from this Wikipedia education of yours.

>> No.10795364

I don't any argument there my friend. Perhaps you should try r*ddit.

>> No.10795365

I'm performing just fine. You are lashing out with anti-white tropes the jewish media has taught you, but everyone's heard all that before.

>> No.10795371

So the previous white managers hired them because they pitied the Jewish immigrant? That's also not how successful businesses operate.

>> No.10795383

My points are not anti-white at all, I'm just disproving your points and showing everyone what an intellectual ameba you are. My sources are all books written by French and Italian historians, by the way.
You haven't disproved a single thing of what I said, but feel free to do so while I take nap. Good night, my shill friend.

>> No.10795413

You have disproven nothing and have only made yourself look bad by: a) quoting Wikipedia then acting like it should have been obvious, b) swearing and writing generally like a child, and c) being continually unable to hide the fact that you are likely a 14 year old living in Tel Aviv who's butthurt that jews are being spoken ill of.

The factors above contributed to your failure itt.

>> No.10795531

The antisemitic argument in a nutshell:
>White men accomplished ALL of mankind's greatest historical feats while also being held down by a generational cabal of Bolshevik-mega-Jews™ whose only objective is the continual destruction of the society that they exist in
>White man can do EVERYTHING but get rid of this cabal, and this cabal can do ANYTHING except actually destroy the society

>> No.10795599

yeah, hitler sure got rid of all that media propaganda

>> No.10795612

Marx's influence is unironically a net positive.

>> No.10795632

It's easy to tell you're a kike since you present the obvious truth but in typical kike fashion with an underlying assumption that this obvious truth is absurd. But you're wrong about whites being unable to get rid of jews, we have many times and will again.

>> No.10795638
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>> No.10795657

Ah! I return from my nap but I still see no arguments being made by the dumb shill.
>The factors above contributed to your failure itt.
Nope, you've made yourself look like a retard and you started throwing ad-hominems like a teenager once you realized you couldn't respond to my arguments anymore. Sad!

>> No.10795668

ITT triggered g*rms

>> No.10795693

because there is nothing wrong with Jewish tribalism and all races should be behaving the way that they do

>> No.10795845

>we have many times
Why are they still here?

>> No.10795892

Because they've bribed our leaders to allow them back in. The parasite needs a host.

>> No.10795985

You seem a little slow, so let me explain further: if they're still around, that means nobody "got rid of" them. If a doctor treats a patient for an illness, and it only temporarily suppresses the symptoms in the patient before coming back full force and killing the patient, then the doctor didn't really do his job.

None of this is true, by the way, because it's an admission of whites not having their shit together. They do have their shit together though; they ALLOWED the Jews to come in. Jews didn't take over anything that we didn't allow them to take over. As in, we don't agree with you, because you're a resentful LARPing dog who doesn't share our wishes in the slightest. Your concept of utopia would lead to national, social, and consequently technological retrogression, which we don't want — especially that last one.

So instead of going on your petty Jew hunt and trying to breathe more hysteria and resentment in the lives of other people like a real parasite, why don't you make yourself useful to society and learn what it's about, discover what our true goals are, and focus on bringing happiness into the lives of others? Is that too much to ask of you? But you are a parasite, so...

>> No.10796003

This is a first-class sperg post. It's pretty simple, amigo. We've kicked the jews out hundreds of times, then down the line they have bribed our leaders to be allowed back in. So they're here again, and now we must kick them out again, while hopefully learning our lesson this time.

>> No.10796015

>We've kicked the jews out hundreds of times
>h-hopefully "we" learn our lesson this time
It's "pretty simple" indeed.

>> No.10796030

Glad it's cleared up for you.

>> No.10796036

As clear as your head.

>> No.10796052

I hate progressives because they use identity politics as a talking point

Which is the same reason i hate the Alt Right

>> No.10796107

I can't believe people still repeat this talking point. All politics in a multicultural nation will inevitably be based around identity politics. Moreover, white people are the only ones who organize politics around abstract concepts; brown people don't care about or think like that; all they know is identity politics. This is why Berniebros got btfod: that entirely white movement of yuppies were playing abstract politics against a democratic party that had already decided to be the party of the brown hordes. That would work in an all white nation, but it will only and always fail when your nation is full of mud people, because mud people don't care about abstract white people politics.

>> No.10796167

>discover what our true goals are
What group do you speak for and what are its goals besides bringing happiness to others?

>> No.10796173

the Dems are also the party of single white women

>> No.10796190

>Nobel prizes
And media control.
Just takes money, nepotism and strict parents for either.
Average iq in Israel is 94, in line with the overall region.

>> No.10796214

Indeed, it is a jewish funded and led party that attempts to pit every group against white men, since that's who jews view as their enemy. And the Republican party was until recently the controlled opposition/demolition party also from the 60s on led by jewish Trotskyists (neocons), who centered it around love for Israel, divisive social issues like abortion, and zero opposition to the 3rd world immigration that would eventually make it obsolete. But this is just what jews do: they infest our institutions and force them to revolve around things that are good for jews and bad for us. What's worse is they feel they have a right to behave this way in other people's nations because they are psychopaths. One of the many reasons why they have to go.

>> No.10796260

I speak for humanity, which subhumanity and all its shades of resentment don't fit into. You can learn of our goals here:


>> No.10796263

i live in a majority hispanic and arab area, the only person campaigning for bernie i saw was a mexican looking (ie short and brown) woman, the only person i saw campaigning for hillary was a fat white soy guy who looked lost, all the muslims i talked to voted for bernie, the brown hordes know socialist sanders had the dankest gibs, not some goldman sachs flunky

>> No.10796271

Israel’s population is half Arab and Ashkenazi are like 15-25% of the total pop their average iq is well above 100 they make up the entire tech and finance industry in israel

>> No.10796282

wow you mean people who spent the last couple centuries living in germany and poland outperform people who lived in random desert shacks for 2000 years? shocking outcome

>> No.10796291

I believe you. Anecdotes and white-presenting outliers abound but we know the demographics of the Berniebros. It was nearly all young white people.

>> No.10796309

lol so you admit Jews have significantly higher iq’s than poles and germans? because they do. askhenazi have been tested at 110-115 iq avg, the highest Germany has ever been is 106 and America around 103-105. Why is that? Weren’t thy in the same environment as Poles and Germans? But this taxa, the ashkenazim, outperform whites in all tasks save for spatial reasoning. going by rates of genius, jews have a higher rate of high iq people, thought whites have a higher totality of genius. again HOW are Jews smarter and WHY haven’t the hordes of whites removed them permanently? You admit you’ve tried and failed, and you admit Jews are smarter than arabs and every single other race on Earth save of course for East Asians who are also intellectually superior to whites, what do? what gives stormnigger?

>> No.10796311

my city is minority majority so honestly i have no idea what white berniebros are like, all i know is after i saw that i had feeling hillary wasn't going to win, although i ignored that gut feeling after constant propaganda from the media about how hillary cant lose. i'm like this is a working class immigrant community, and i don't see ANY enthusiasm for hillary but i did hear some indians and filipinos talking about how much they loved trump...but i guess she must be killin it with the whites in wisconsin or something, idk

>> No.10796315

didn't you read weber you dumbfuck? catholics are like nigs, they don't read, meanwhile jews study talmud and other hebe shit hours a day and only eat healthy food, of course they will on average be smarter than a country that is majority peasant, you're basically saying literate urbanites can beat farmers from the countryside, wow man, unexpected outcome

>> No.10796394

Ashkenazi verbal IQ is a result of selective pressures, and nearly every WN will grant them that. However, spatial IQ is more important and responsible for White's domination in innovation and creative pursuits. High jewish verbal IQ is also a result of jews being forced to memorize twisted talmudic texts for centuries that claim they are supposed to rule the world, that everyone else is their slave, etc., which is not very healthy and accounts for why the jewish community is so sick. Like Asian high IQ it is very rote-limited and the reason why neither of these groups have ever been innovative or creative even near the extent that whites have.

>> No.10796446

>Ashkenazi are masters at verbal IQ
>whites are masters at spatial IQ
I now understand why many of the most successful people in America tend to be Jewish/White mixed.

>> No.10796453

yeah, if asians are so high iq why have they never had any significant breakthrough in math, physics or cs? why are all their tech companies just ripoffs of western technology? seems like this whole "iq" thing might be a bit of a farce

>> No.10796458

The ironic part is IQ was coined by a Jew.

>> No.10796459
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>Try and date Jew
>Great rejected
>Be butthurt cuckboi for the rest of your life

>> No.10796464

>He thinks prejudice towards Nazism came from nowhere
Ummm... No? But there are legit reasons to not like Jews, sorry ADL

>> No.10796470

>yeah, if asians are so high iq why have they never had any significant breakthrough in math, physics or cs?
/pol/ needs to read a book holy shit
>The printing press

>> No.10796472

Because he knew that anti-semitism is just a fucking pathetic attempt at passing the bar for social failure on abstract boogeyman instead of assuming responsibility to create a new world in which the individual can fully explore their potential. Nietzsche was all about self-actualization, and the anti-semite is just a deranged pathetic slave attempting to fill the void of their own self-negation with a phantasm that will absolve them of their responsibility for their own failure to achieve anything of value in the struggle for their own individual autonomy and realization.

>> No.10796475

the list goes on...

>> No.10796479

/thread ffs

>> No.10796483

>>The printing press

surely this is a joke

they used gun powder for fucking firecrackers

>> No.10796489

For that matter, he actually also held nationalism in contempt as a diseased and dangerous attempt at replacing the primacy of the individual's internal struggle for selfhood. Society, in Nietzsche's view, was a fundamentally incompetent mechanism for allowing the individual to flourish (which is why his critiques can be coopted by people across the political spectrum - he never offered a positive solution because he was not convinced anything could actually substitute for the INDIVIDUAL, internal struggle for self actualization). He would have been absolutely disgusted by the collectivism of the nazis and fascists.

>> No.10796545

>He would have been...
I really wish people would stop saying what they believe Nietzsche would and would not have been for or against. Germany in his time wasn't, or was just becoming, a cohesive nation, and the nationalist movements that later arose were a result of jewish/communist agitation, the worst of which took place after his time -- after jews had wrecked the economy, enriched themselves at the expense of the German people, and corrupted the culture and morals of the nation. 20th century nationalism was a response to jewish bolshevik agitation. European states saw how the jews had overthrown the tsar in Russia and murdered tens of millions of Russians and didn't want the same to happen to them.

>> No.10796550

lenin was a german agent tho, so like most things that fucked up europe it wasn't the jews who caused it but the germans

>> No.10796551

>nationalism began after 1918

Well blow me down

>> No.10796553

Lenin was a jew.

>> No.10796559
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>Germany in his time wasn't, or was just becoming, a cohesive nation, and the nationalist movements that later arose were a result of jewish/communist agitation

>> No.10796560

>20th century nationalism
Try to be more honest, it'll get you farther.

>> No.10796569

>20th century nationalism happened in an historical vacuum
Try being a little rigorous bud

>> No.10796570

>enriched themselves at the expense of the German people
Judging by his sentiment towards Wagner and the Germans, Nazi Germany being very Wagnerian in its sentiment, I sincerely doubt he would have cared all that much about this.

>> No.10796585

>they used gun powder for fucking firecrackers
Surely that is a joke. They have been using gunpowder for weapons since 1000 AD...


>> No.10796587 [DELETED] 

you best be trollin, the europeans had been using canons since at least 1066...

>> No.10796592

>provide actual source for data
>"you best be trollin"

Holy shit you are stupid.

>> No.10796603

This is probably some varg meme

>> No.10796604

You're wrong. Nietzsche was adamantly opposed to nationalism and anti-semitism. This is well documented by his personal letters, and by a competent reading of his actual philosophy. He believed that individuals should manifest, through internal struggle, their own selfhood. Nazism, fascism, and nationalism are all anti-individualist ideologies relying on phantasms that have no place in the psychology of a self-realized individual in the Nietzschean sense. The type of phantasmagorical politics you espouse in anathema to everything Nietzsche ever thought. Your persecution complex is so overwhelmingly enslaving your consciousness that you are simply incapable of ever actually coming close to the the type of rigorous internal struggle for realization that Nietzsche espoused. I'm not even particularly sympathetic to Nietzsche in many ways, but trying to see someone who is so patently living an intellectual and spiritual life so antithetical to the one that any honest and rigorous reading of his texts would suggest is fucking disgusting. You are enslaved to a phantom.

>> No.10796606

You're talking to yourself. No one's saying that.

Widespread awareness of the jewish problem or its results hadn't occurred during Nietzsche's time, it occurred after. If he would have been born 40 years later then he would have probably been on board like most of his countrymen. Just like if he was born as a gen xer he would have been less aware of the jewish problem than if he was gen z now, of which a sizable percentage is aware of it. This is how it works.

>> No.10796616
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Woah..so the jews are to blame...for everything

>> No.10796619

Lenin was a British German agent and he was half Jewish. Those are both true
>Ashkenazi verbal IQ is a result of selective pressures
Ashkenazi have superior mathematical iq to most whites and all non-Asiatic races anon.
>owever, spatial IQ is more important and responsible for White's domination in innovation and creative pursuits
no its responsible for their mechanical ingenuity and prowess in warfare. Whites are good at building machines and killing things. They aren't better than Jews at talking or doing maths outside of geometry.
>its selective pressure
yes, all high iq which is a recent phenomena in human history comes from selective pressures.
>High jewish verbal IQ is also a result of jews being forced to memorize twisted talmudic texts for centuries that claim they are supposed to rule the world, that everyone else is their slave
that's not even what the Talmud says nor is it what the Torah says. That's also not just why, they would debate their law constantly and were always occupying trades that required high verbal iq. jews weren't just being rabbis until 1600 you idiot.
>Like Asian high IQ it is very rote-limited and the reason why neither of these groups have ever been innovative or creative even near the extent that whites have
Propotionally Jews are only slightly behind Whites in ingenuity and in terms of raw ability they often exceed them. I could name probably two dozen high iq Jewish Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians and you'd just say it was cheating or nepotism or not important. You're leading yourself through your own arguments because you're a fucking intellectual midget who doesn't think. Everything you say came from stormfront and the feds propaganda. Its all lies and you memorized them as a propagandist to spread your disease to others.

Asians invented paper and gun powder, crossboys, composite bows, matrices many different kinds of clocks, dyes and carpentry techniques that were superior to their Euro counterparts and the ancient chinese enjoyed a higher standard of living than the Dark Ages Europeans did. They're also now the leaders in AI and biotech research, all their own ingenuity and they'll surpass us in mathematics soon as well.
the most successful people in America publicly are White elites like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. The most successful people in the shadow government have high iq across the scale and are of every white ethnic group and also jewish too.
>they don't read, meanwhile jews study talmud and other hebe shit hours a day and only eat healthy food, of course they will on average be smarter than a country that is majority peasant
>of course they will on average be smarter than a country that is majority peasant, you're basically saying literate urbanites can beat farmers from the countryside, wow man, unexpected outcome
Jews are smarter than literate urban whites too who have lower iq's than their rural white ancestors did in 1900.

>> No.10796621

yeah this dude has like a jewish theory of history, basically every movement in world history is some how jew related, you almost wonder if it isn't a jewish guy convinced that his people are chosen by god larping as a nazi, i mean it's weird shit

>> No.10796624

There's a whole lot of nothing in this post, just jewishesque whining and the continual failure to understand that Nietzsche was a product of his time, which was different than the time in which idiots like you continue to claim he would have been opposed to the political currents of. No shit he was a staunch individualist, most whites are until they realize that a foreign tribe is tearing their nation apart from within. But awareness of that and the results of it, again, didn't truly arise until after he was dead.

>> No.10796628

>Lenin was a British German agent

yeah the brits were more involved in russia than they were letting on, it recently came out british agents killed rasputin, who knows what other shit they did

>> No.10796632

meant to reply here >>10796619

>> No.10796638

>They're also now the leaders in AI

the leading ai researching in china is actually an abc from stanford, sure he's "chinese" but he's really an american

>> No.10796639

>Nietzsche was a product of his time
how Marxist of you, but then again Fascists are just stealing Marxist ideas because they don't think at all
Brits-Jews-Germans fuck everything up and have been for a long time. You can never take your eye off these people. They're not evil, just scoundrels, like your idiot uncle who will crash your dad's car or let your hamster get eaten by your cat or will steal the rainy day fund off the top of the fridge to gamble art the casino

>> No.10796640

>Widespread awareness of the jewish problem or its results hadn't occurred during Nietzsche's time, it occurred after.
That doesn't mean he would have changed what he thought about Germans and what happened to them. Based on his writings, it seems unlikely it would have. He was already expressing disappointment in the Germans and saying that they were failing to uphold the idealism that men like Goethe and Schiller had been establishing in the 18th century.

>We know the fate of Goethe in old-maidish moralin-corroded Germany. He was always offensive to Germans, he found honest admirers only among Jewesses. Schiller, "noble" Schiller, who cried flowery words into their ears,—he was a man after their own heart. What did they reproach Goethe with?—with the Mount of Venus, and with having composed certain Venetian epigrams. Even Klopstock preached him a moral sermon; there was a time when Herder was fond of using the word "Priapus" when he spoke of Goethe. Even "Wilhelm Meister" seemed to be only a symptom of decline, of a moral "going to the dogs". The "Menagerie of tame cattle," the worthlessness of the hero in this book, revolted Niebuhr, who finally bursts out in a plaint which Biterolf might well have sung: "nothing so easily makes a painful impression as when a great mind despoils itself of its wings and strives for virtuosity in something greatly inferior, while it renounces more lofty aims." But the most indignant of all was the cultured woman—all smaller courts in Germany, every kind of "Puritanism" made the sign of the cross at the sight of Goethe, at the thought of the "unclean spirit" in Goethe.—This history was what Wagner set to music. He saves Goethe, that goes without saying; but he does so in such a clever way that he also takes the side of the cultured woman. Goethe gets saved: a prayer saves him, a cultured woman draws him out of the mire. —As to what Goethe would have thought of Wagner?—Goethe once set himself the question, "what danger hangs over all romanticists—the fate of romanticists?"—His answer was: "To choke over the rumination of moral and religious absurdities." In short: Parsifal...

>> No.10796647

You shouldn't expect me to respond to this mess of a post. Clean your arguments up and use proper grammar.

This is complicated stuff. Those like yourself who can't connect the dots are a given; the only unfortunate part is that you're too stubborn or intellectually lazy to be aware of when you should keep your mouth shut about topics you don't understand.

>> No.10796649

All Chinese and foreigners in general are trained at Harvard or Oxford, what you're saying is of no substance. These are deracinated universities with non-whites stacked in the graduate programs like nowhere else in the US or British educational systems. There are a plethora of Indians and Asians in positions of authority in the highest US educational institutes. Nonsense distraction from the Chinese-Japanese supremacy in CS and Biotech. look how many fucking papers on microbiology or bioengineering are authored by chinese and japs, and look how many times you see Jews names in papers on biology. They're not inferior, they're not thieving credit, they're contributing to the sciences and they're competent engineers. Chinese corruption does not negate Chinese ability. They are a competent people, as are Jews, that's why Israel is a first world country and that's why China is the ruler of the planet now
absolutely fucking owned stormnigger

>> No.10796650

Except you just keep repeating ahistorical bullshit. Virulent nationalist anti-semitism was not a novel concept of the 20th century, nor was it a specifically Nazi or fascist trait. You do not have any actual knowledge of European intellectual history, Nietzsche's thought, or even really the history of anti-semitism in Europe. You are enslaved to a meme. I am curious why you feel the need to try and claim Nietzsche for your cause though. Literally his entire edifice of thought is antithetical to your belief structure. What is it about him specifically that attracts you soulless zombies to him? Is it just the fact that his aphoristic writing style appeals to the memeridden brain? Are your 'intellectuals' so intellectually unfulfilling that even a totally self-negated minion like you craves a thinker with some intellectual merit? I guess my question is - why Nietzsche you pathetic memeslave nazi larper?

>> No.10796659

Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't have, it doesn't really matter. Whites are idealistic and individualistic by nature, and Nietzsche was no exception -- so am I, so are you probably -- but the point I'm making is that you become less of those things when you realize a foreign group is using a tribal strategy to attack your group and nation. Individualism then becomes nonsensical and tribal strategy becomes more acceptable and necessary. Germany went through that process after Nietzsche's death; whites the West over are going through that process now.

>> No.10796663

>Whites are idealistic and individualistic by nature
except when they're not and they become collectivist christians, communists or fascists and also when they become hardcore materialists but you can just say whatever because you have no morals you're a predatory political agent.
>Individualism then becomes nonsensical and tribal strategy becomes more acceptable and necessary. Germany went through that process after Nietzsche's death; whites the West over are going through that process now.
that's not what happened.

>> No.10796668

Using fake terms like this nullifies anything you want to say. Jews have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever been. "Antisemitism" is not something that other people are guilty of, it's something caused by jewish behavior.

>> No.10796670

>Germany went through that process after Nietzsche's death; whites the West over are going through that process now.
Only certain Germans did, and only certain whites are now. In both cases, it appears to be the lower ranks, the Christian chandala among these groups.

>> No.10796673

Ah! The dumb shill is still here spewing his dumb shit on individualism that I've already disproved.
Why are you STILL lying, dumb shill? How much do they pay you?

>> No.10796681
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>individualism becomes nonsensical

so to beat the cucks you have to BE a cuck..i am truly redpills now

>> No.10796682

These things exist on a spectrum. Collectivism naturally occurs among members of a group when a threat is perceived, but whites are comparatively far less tribal than other groups by nature.

>> No.10796695

Well, naturally and initially, lower classes are the most likely to be affected by policies that harm the nation.

This is a big boy discussion, fellas. Act appropriately.

>> No.10796696

How does it feel to have done all this work and not convinced anyone?

>> No.10796703

what are you talking about? the Vikings were individualists? are you retarded? the germanic tribes where serving your lord was followed on pain of death? you're fucking stupid dude, why do I know more about this than you and I'm not even a LARPfag tradnigger?

>> No.10796704

I just want you to know that I, as another actual person, see completely through you to the cringing, terrified, utterly lost and uncertain hole rotting away at the core of your psyche. You have nothing of value to say about Nietzsche because you are way too busy constantly attending to the melting sandcastle of the pathological phantasamtic Jew you desperately use to cover the whole where your identity and selfhood ought to be to ever actually attempt to engage with his thought. Doing so might actually rob you of the fantasy that allows you to operate outside of a fetal position. Obviously nothing anyone says to you in this thread will have any effect on your posts, because the phantom of your fantasy can endlessly evade and slip through the cracks of reality = as is the nature of all specters. But, just between you and me, I see what you're doing, and I see through it, and I'm not impressed at all by any of your pretensions. I'm just really fucking sad to know that there are people so fucking terrified of really confronting themselves that they have to resort to such a banal voided antiself just so as to avoid complete and total collapse.

>> No.10796707

>This is a big boy discussion, fellas. Act appropriately.
You're a big boy who couldn't respond to my arguments so he started spewing ad-hominems like a teenager.
You're a shill and a pretty bad one at that.

>> No.10796710


>> No.10796715
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>lower classes are the most likely to be affected by policies that harm the nation
And what benefits it. In both cases they become resentful, because they aren't the nation, they are the nation's excrement.

>> No.10796717

How is aligning with your kin cucking yourself? Humans are by nature a social metaorganism with group survival paramount over individual. Only in the surplus provided by technology do your callusless hands type with the belief that you aren't either a cog in society or a dying exile.

>> No.10796720

The jewish rhetoric doesn't work on me, contribute substance or leave the thread.

Europeans are naturally more individualistic than other peoples. This is related to evolutionary environment and isn't even controversial to people more knowledgeable than yourself.

Listen, this strategy doesn't work on me, and is not a substitute for an argument.

>> No.10796721

I know it doesn't, pal. I know it doesn't.

>> No.10796723

He does not believe in anything he says.

>> No.10796727

I've disproved this several times already ITT. Why do you keep lying? How much do they pay you?

>> No.10796728

Maybe that should tell you something about your arguments, but I'm being polite here.

They want their nation to work in their interests, and there's nothing wrong with that. The question is why you have such an apparent hatred of your own people regardless of class.

>> No.10796730
File: 13 KB, 190x265, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are by nature a social metaorganism
The weak actually believe this.

>> No.10796733

>Maybe that should tell you something about your arguments, but I'm being polite here.
No, the only thing it tells is that you don't know how to respond. You aren't being polite, you're being a retard.

>> No.10796734

The surplus provided by the west has allowed for more individualism. Surplus allows specialization, specialization allows choice, choice is individualism.

>> No.10796736

No, you did not, though I'm aware that you might be under the incorrect assumption that you did.

>> No.10796742

You failed and now you're seething butthurtness. Move on.

>> No.10796746

Go live in a cabin like Thoreau or stay in solitary and get back to me. Or watch Koyaanisqatsi. We're fucking bees in hives.

>> No.10796747

Wrong. Individualism was born in the enlightenment as a result of a shifting of mores, not of surplus. I've already told you this, are you actually retarded?

>> No.10796750

>No arguments whatsoever
Very nice, proving anyone how much of a retard you are.

>> No.10796751

Try being enlightened without surplus and thus without specialization. One precedes the next.

>> No.10796756

Democracy isn't individualist, Monarchies aren't individualist, Christian states aren't individualist. When has there ever been an individualist state in European history anon? When have whites renounced the need to belong to a big group and pawn off their own intelligence to others? I've never seen it happen ever. Even on the internet they instinctively form cliques and identities around collectives. They are not individualist this is a lie

>> No.10796757

You told me that earlier, not him. But you're still wrong and that premise is completely idiotic. Individualism may have been become more defined in policy of the growing centralized state but it was in essence a reflection of European man's nature. Because that's something European people deem important, and more than others.

>> No.10796759

I'm arguing against individualism above all you mongol from the house of Lloyd.

>> No.10796760

Except that's wrong. The enlightenment bourgeoise class weren't particularly rich or anything compared to their past equivalents, same thing goes for their nations (France in particular was getting fucked hard by its noble class)

>> No.10796762

>They want their nation to work in their interests, and there's nothing wrong with that.
You don't get it. The nation never works in the interests of the chandala — the chandala are the people who the nation leaves in the dust because they are useless to the nation, the people who destroy the nation once they get their hands on it because they do not have or understand great ideals. The nation is run by people, you see, it's an abstract concept useful for discussion. Those people, the "nation," do not care at all about the chandala. Collective moralists are the problem, be it Jews, Christians, Muslims, communists, fascists, SJWs, alt right, you name it — all of them are the problem when they operate as collective moralists. As collective moralists they are all the enemy of the good.

>> No.10796763

>living in citys
>not surplus

Anything above subsistence farming is surplus and cities are by definition run by specialization fueled by the actual food producers.

>> No.10796764

>but it was in essence a reflection of European man's nature
Bcuz I said so. I don't see any argument here. Substantiate your points or fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.10796771

By this logic any kind of society should have developed enlightenment individualism.

>> No.10796773

>European man's nature
until there were not individualists but collectivist democrats and fascists

>> No.10796780

I'm sure you're very proud of this hyper-elitist, hardcore, idealistic conceptualization of individualism you're promoting, but that's not how the world works. I'm all for individualism and believe it to be the source of European man's greatness, but it doesn't protect against a tribal enemy like jews.

>> No.10796784

There are different levels of surplus. Notice that the enlightenment happened parallel to trade, the lending system boom, and the rise of the middle class that came with these. There simply wasn't a middle class comparable to the west anywhere in the world. Even as far back as Rome there was more upward mobility in Europe for the same reasons.

>> No.10796792

European man's evolutionary environment of harsh winters required a greater sense of creativity and self-reliance to survive, which led to more individualistic traits. There are other factors but that's probably the most important.


>> No.10796803

I see what you're saying, but I disagree on a focal point. Sure these factors you listed are all necessary for such a change to take place but to enact such a paradigmatic shifting you still need to change societal mores. This change was enacted thanks to the press and the newspaper. Sure these things wouldn't have happened without what you call surplus, but I still see it as an issue of technological determinism.

>> No.10796815

I can agree with that, technology does stem from specialization and trade. And the change in social mores comes from the common man becoming literate which comes from technology. Perhaps we can concede that technology/surplus (which by the invention of the plow, the tractor, the combine, we can agree are interwoven) allowed for the shift in social mores which lead to individualism. Maybe the west just happened to win the race of technology. I would even add that this came from the crucible of their warmongering.

>> No.10796818

>European man's evolutionary environment of harsh winters required a greater sense of creativity and self-reliance to survive, which led to more individualistic traits. There are other factors but that's probably the most important.
Evolutionary psychology isn't valid, sorry. We don't actually know much about the evolutionary process and how our ancestors organized to make such assumptions and sweeping claims.
(Your point also doesn't make sense, to survive in a gelid and hostile environment you would need to have strong tribalistic traits, not individualistic ones, for obvious reasons).

>> No.10796845

No one cares about what you *want* to believe or think you have the right to dismiss. This is just how it is. And no, it's not tribalistic traits that were selected for in those environments, it was moral traits that were, because outside tribes weren't the primary threat, untrustworthy individuals that would put others in jeopardy by being selfish were. This is why in addition to being hyper individualistic Europeans are also hyper moralistic. Starting to get it now, buddy?

>> No.10796881

What happened to this board.

>> No.10797177
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who cares

>> No.10797314

To a certain degree, yes. That is, in the sense that they are rootless, not determined by anything but an affirmative commitment to God. But it is precisely that relationship to something external that is why they can never be übermensch. That relationship is why they are the people of law. The commitment of the übermensch is internal, and therefore he is the figure of will, not law.

>> No.10797358

oh no the culture and morals of germany that nietzsche were so fond of and defended often

fucking retard subhuman

>> No.10797649
File: 396 KB, 1037x1390, 4EBC7996-00A3-4021-B9EE-1F7A616C7100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You doing ok there Münchhausen?

>> No.10797983

>but that's not how the world works.
That is in fact exactly how the world works and how Nietzsche understood it to work as well, which is why he wrote against morality, Christianity, the herd, and the weak who find the pleasures of the strong to be a poison, and the strong who are under constant siege by the weak and the botched, and the great man appearing as the occasional "accident" in history who does not actually uplift the spirit of humanity at all but comes and goes with everyone remaining the lowly creatures that they are. Regardless of the sociopolitical conditions, great men will appear in history, because they are great — because the planets aligned to make it happen, which will happen in any sociopolitical climate — they only need the rabble around in order to feel their own superiority more deeply, but the rabble makes no actual or conscious contribution to their nourishment and upbringing.

>The superior caste—I call it the fewest—has, as the most perfect, the privileges of the few: it stands for happiness, for beauty, for everything good upon earth.

>Whom do I hate most heartily among the rabbles of today? The rabble of Socialists, the apostles to the Chandala, who undermine the workingman’s instincts, his pleasure, his feeling of contentment with his petty existence—who make him envious and teach him revenge.... Wrong never lies in unequal rights; it lies in the assertion of “equal” rights.... What is bad? But I have already answered: all that proceeds from weakness, from envy, from revenge.—The anarchist and the Christian have the same ancestry....

So fuck off back to your collectivist horde, because you are never going to convince anyone who reads (i.e. the people on this board) of your shit. Regardless if we acknowledge the fact of the horde's existence and the fact that it shapes (i.e. dilutes, ruins) society in a multitude of ways, we are psychologically built to not accept it, hence why we are readers. And we will never accept an assault on a particularly group of people like the Jews because despite some of their ugly zealots (which all collectivist groups have their share of), there are many good intellectual individuals among them. But because you're a collectivist cunt, you don't think in terms of the individual, but only in other collectives.