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/lit/ - Literature

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10775380 No.10775380 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I wasted 10 years of my life studying western philosophy
>tfw I didn't realize that literally any idea from western philosophy was articulated and argued by hindu philosophers centuries before some western meme guy "came up" with it

>> No.10775410

Give me the Hindu Nietzsche then

>> No.10775413
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>TFW when Hindus emigrated from the North Pole aka Hyperborea and if you go there you can find the original source of all knowledge.

>> No.10775429

Then say some Hindu philosophers so I can read their great works. Maybe a “start with the indians” chart

>> No.10775430

if they were such master race aryans then why did they all fuck brown chicks

>> No.10775905

Start with the greeks is just to warm up to vedic philosophy.

Vyasadeva, Adi Śankara, Nimbarka Acarya, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati are some vaisnava philosophers

>> No.10776056
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I dunno anon, I have pale skin and blue eyes but there's a certain subcategory of hipster americanized indian chicks that drive me insane. Pic related is a friend of mine that I've known since middle school

>> No.10776274
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This. Read the primary Hindu texts.

>> No.10776558

fascinating shit desu

>> No.10776563

Advaita Vedanta would be close

>> No.10776574

Brown girls are hot. I honestly feel like it would be fine to leave all the huwhite women to black men they seem happy together i will stick to my iberian, persian, arian, east african chicks thanks very much famalam.

>> No.10776651

>tfw you're wasting yourself reading about what is good when you are it

>> No.10777570

>Adi Śankara
absolute heresy

>> No.10777583

Eastern philosophy is weird, like how they explain consciousness is very awkward in the sense that it inhabits everything and also isn’t real real or something

>> No.10778597

You definitely should have studied engineering.

>> No.10779122

Śankara was Śiva, the greatest vaiśnava of all.

>> No.10779156

who could be behind this post i wonder

>> No.10779164

Nagarjuna-bot, clearly

>> No.10779438
File: 148 KB, 1240x827, tumblr_noplk0hDxz1tjdw1qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 100%. Latinas are my favorite desu

White Girls
>Uncultured, spends most of their time on social media
>Addicted to their phones
>Holds values and a sense of humour dictated by the general populace
>Absolute whores. This is evidenced by the unusually promiscuous culture in Scandinavian countries, Iceland and many other countries in Europe. Also evidenced by Roman historical accounts of Gauul women being whores

>Raised in a distinct and interesting culture, likely grew up reading LatAm literature
>Values family and friends, is not addicted to her phone
>Is not pressured to conform and has her own individual personality
>Is or was raised catholic, views sex as an important and intimate experience

>> No.10779485

>Raised in a distinct and interesting culture, likely grew up reading LatAm literature
>Values family and friends, is not addicted to her phone
>Is not pressured to conform and has her own individual personality
I'll give you that one, bitches here a bossy as fuck.
>Is or was raised catholic, views sex as an important and intimate experience

Jesus christ dude, sometimes it's better to shut up when you know jackshit about a place.

>> No.10779503

You not 18 get off the board

>> No.10779924
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What do you think she would do to my cock bros?

>> No.10780246

Paint it with her feet

>> No.10780283
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>> No.10780308

If you think Hispanic chicks read Latin American literature willingly, aren't addicted to their phones, and view sex as an important and intimate experience, you're living in a fantasy. These things are absolutely not true, and I have a literal lifetime of experience with Hispanic women to back me up.

>> No.10781995
File: 221 KB, 962x650, 1506874030206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fall for the latina meme, they're obnoxious, loud and will look like pic related by 35. Avoid them at all costs.

>> No.10782092

Western philosophy is a reflection of the European ethnic/genetic spirit. The reason it seems similar to hindu philosophy is because Aryan peoples conquered/settled india 4000-5000 years ago and brought those ideals with them. But they mixed with the native mud people and became groups like the Brahmans then instituted the caste system to stop further mixing.

Cultural phenomena like philosophy are outgrowths of race, that's the lesson here. While European philosophy is generally uplifting and strives for the attainment of higher ideals, we can understand it more fully by contrasting it with manifestations like jewish "philosophy," which is reflective of the jewish spirit, and is thus talmudic to the core and based on tearing everything down and destroying it. This is how and why jewish ideologies or ideological systems like Marxism and postmodernism have arisen as jews have obtained more power in the West -- they are reflections of the sick and destructive nature of jews, strive for no higher meaning, and are only concerned with the atomization and destruction of beliefs and values.

Race is everything, and culture is a reflection of race.

>> No.10782100


>> No.10782279

Who's the hindu Quine?
The Wittgenstein?

>> No.10782303
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don't forget these

>> No.10782307

Brown qts ARE master race of women

>> No.10782325

you need to get lit major latinas
they are cute, make for good convo and will never ever land a job.

>> No.10782413

get you an educated dumb ho, one that you'll be able to discuss hegel with but also knows her place in the household, to produce delicious meals and fuck you dry.

>> No.10782460

If race and culture are inseparable then modern Germans are a different race than the one the fought in WWII. Same goes for Sweden. Also the Christian culture must come from the European/Aryan element among Ancient Hebrews, but you can't say there wasn't a fundamental difference between Spartans, Athenians and Persians. Persians had no slaves, were loved by the Ancient Hebrews. Spartans had Helots, not really slaves but Medieval peasants, "tied to the land, they primarily worked in agriculture as a majority and economically supported the Spartan citizens". Athens was a slave meat-grinder, Ionians were of some mixed breed however so you could argue that their slavery and democracy are simply a result of that. Your theory leaves no space for the individual making a choice, otherwise culture would be more independent from genes after said genes reach a rational development of the brain. Right?

>> No.10782501

>responding to le-epic-/pol/-bait

>> No.10782526

>the indo aryans who lived in india before modern indians failed to preserve themselves and created the caste system too late.

>> No.10782541

If I'm actually interested in the Eastern Canon is it best to start with India since Buddhism started there and influenced East Asia so heavily?

>> No.10782555

Please tell me this is satire

>> No.10782577
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hindus don't argue well unless you think appealing to the vedas or to guru-authority is convincing.
they're good at using rhetoric and just asserting shit as if its self-evident even if it's not and actually goes against all common sense and experience.
The fact that they can't ultimiately distinguish between God and the individual just shows how delusional they are.

really Socrates/Plato,a bit of Aristotle and Plotinus is all we need.
Some of our Christian saints are fine too, for their metaphors and mysticism.

>> No.10782586


Western man is more individualist so we more easily distinguish between God and the individual.

>> No.10782604

>fact that they can't ultimiately distinguish between God and the individual just shows how delusional they are.
>implying there is a distinction between god and the individual
You are self aware stardust. The Hindus worked that out millennia before the west

>> No.10782609

>common sense and experience

>The fact that they can't ultimiately distinguish between God and the individual just shows how delusional they are.
>ad-hominems with no actually argument

>> No.10782611

there's some value in the hindu cults but it's being vastly overhyped by OP. hinduism has the lowest degeneracy of thought and some of the highest and a ton of average crap.
the highest western thought is no better or worse than the great hindu stuff.

Hindus were indo-aryans anyway, the brainiacs 3000 years ago were probably white presenting.

>> No.10782616


hijueputa gringo tan tonto.

all women are whores.

>> No.10782619

>Hindus were indo-aryans anyway, the brainiacs 3000 years ago were probably white presenting.
>All Caucasians are Europeans

>> No.10782621

God doesn't suffer delusions nor does he need a process of spiritual purification to realize he is God and overcome his ego.
God doesn't argue with phantoms of his imagination online either. You do.
God creates worlds and people, you don't, you are created.
Stop trying indian self-hypnosis

>> No.10782624

That all hinges on whether this "God" exists.

>> No.10782629

Wittgenstein's mysticism in tractacus logico philosophicus is inspired by Schopenhauer, who was famously influenced by Indians ideas.

>> No.10782645

All that is only true is you are stuck on some mosaic conception of God. Other spiritual systems are available, and may be more accurate.

>> No.10782646

What's with vedic knoledge that brings out the fifth columnist in some westerners?

>> No.10782683
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one God, he exists and he isn't you. You don't exist from all eternity and you didn't create yourself, nor the world.

Abraham, Jesus and fucken Muhammad are closer to knowing God than Shankara ever was.
Hinduism is fine until it tries to convince the subject that he is God, then it goes full retard.

>> No.10782705

>being this stuck in the subject-object binary
the Hindu conception of God is far more elegant and intellectually satisfying than the boring old desert religions with their inherent master-slave dichotomy.

>> No.10782713
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>i prefer imagining I'm God rather than properly orienting myself towards him
yes, I'm sure your ego loves getting infinitely inflated all while pretending to diminish.

>> No.10782732

>He isn't down with delicious brown

>> No.10782757

>hindu cults
>women just poisoned local water supply with their "wonder cures"

>> No.10782779

Fucking WEW lad...

>> No.10782780

>implying Hinduism is more egotistical than believing an all powerful all knowing god personally created me, loves me, is saving a place for me at his side in a palace of eternal bliss, and sent his son to die for me in agonising pain in order to relieve my personal sins

>> No.10782798

Schopenhauer did the same.

>> No.10782835

>Not being one with the universe

>> No.10782906

To the enthusiasts of vedic culture: don't let the juice swindle you. Vaiśnavas don't believe anyone is God but God himself(that's the meaning of bhagavan) Actually, that's one of the ten offenses: equating God to an ordinary being. Just because we are all brahman (aham brahmasmi), doesn't mean we're The Bhagavan. We're God in that we're part of his body, but we are not Godhead.

Did you know britain was the juice favorite bitch before america? There's a reason they occupied india and tried to (((christianize it)))

>> No.10782934

That feeling when I should have stopped reading all together after Dao De Jing.

>> No.10782940

>will look like pic related by 35.
That's not a bad thing at all.

>> No.10783157

The problem with hindu/buddhist philosophy is that all of their endeavor seems to serve a religious/soteriological purpose. Don't get me wrong there are myriad gems of insightful thought within this system but its never explored in itself. Shankara for example developed advaita so that one can liberate themselves in this lifetime. The Buddha went even further advising against 'scrupulous intellectualizing' and said that everything he taught, even intense meditative practices and the idea of non-self, is for his followers to achieve nirvana. And the schools of thought that possess philosophy in itself worth exploring is either in the minority or just dead.

Whereas within western world philosophy divorces itself from religion for the most part, even theology is more or less descriptive and didn't attempt to encapsulate itself upon every other type of philosophy just to argue for eternal salvation or something of that nature. Anything you can point to in western thought as having an eastern origin is sparse and put aside by its adherents. It just seems like eastern thought started out from the wrong trajectory in terms of what we're looking for when we say 'philosophy', and it has never corrected itself to this day.

>> No.10783186

>There's only one God, he exists and he isn't you
/pol/ is that way

>> No.10783190

when I did buddhist/hindu practices I felt disintegrated as a person, like morality was just supplemental and majority of my actions, conversations and interests were allegedly delusions or illusions; felt very gnostic, too much emphasis on the unseen aspect of the self, too much disregard for the seen aspect

going back to western philosophy I became integrated like a full human being = mind+soul+body

>> No.10783214
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and self-idolatry is that way >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10783235

You are not god you dumbass. He is a part of you, and everything else in this universe. Its supposed to mean we are all one.
The actual gods are different beings who reside elsewhere or whatever

>> No.10783283

This picturefag wrecked this thread wew. kek

>> No.10783308

It was sort of the same with me. I had a buddhist phase in my youth (this was way before sam harris et al) and was deeply interested in the idea of anatta and nagarjuna's madhyamaka philosophy. I practiced mindfulness and other techniques to break through the self for the good part of 9 months and abruptly ceased the whole venture. Although I did experience instances of losing my sense of self and noted how it had calmed my fiery temperament, being dispassioned felt really vapid and I just didn't see any point to it other than being therapeutic. The monks at my retreat straight up told me that meditation is just a step toward nirvana, which is the real goal. The problem is I didn't believe in rebirth, karma, nirvana and the like so it was all fruitless. When I started to indulge myself into western philosophy years later (starting with the greeks and up to Nietzsche) it had, as you said, "integrated" me with life.

>> No.10783321

this is a strictly atheist board btw

>> No.10783335

I mean I guess the Vedas are the starting point since it is the oldest canon but good luck finding a decent translation for free.

>> No.10783382


I bet you also read the (((king james bible)))

>> No.10783384
File: 129 KB, 1365x2048, 21993022_1886386885014003_7794673055172481518_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you. I took the brownpill in 2017, and have been on a steady diet of moroccan, turk, kurd and egyptian girls ever since.

>> No.10783395

fuck no, kjv is for LARPers

MLT is my preferred version

>> No.10783425

Oh, well ok. I hoped you'd reply with the septuagint

>> No.10783429

>Pluck your unibrow, Grimes!

>> No.10783450

Unity and Variety.
Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware.
* You know how, when you were pagans, you were constantly attracted and led away to mute idols.a
Therefore, I tell you that nobody speaking by the spirit of God says, “Jesus be accursed.” And no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the holy Spirit.b

* There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;c
there are different forms of service but the same Lord;
there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.
To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.
To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit;d
to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;
to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.e
But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.f

One Body, Many Parts.*
As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ.g
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.h

Now the body is not a single part, but many.
If a foot should say, “Because I am not a hand I do not belong to the body,” it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.
Or if an ear should say, “Because I am not an eye I do not belong to the body,” it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.
If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?
But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended.
If they were all one part, where would the body be?
But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I do not need you.”
Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary,
and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety,
whereas our more presentable parts do not need this. But God has so constructed the body as to give greater honor to a part that is without it,
so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another.
If [one] part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.

>> No.10783460

How does it feel to know that Italians are the smartest European country on average?

>> No.10783495

I like the Eastern method of philosophy. It is very much like the method of the earliest Western philosophers. Presocratics, Pythagoreans, Platonists, Stoics, Epicureans, Cynics, and Skeptics, all the Ancient Schools, were influenced by the Indian Gymnosophists. That's my shit. It's very cosmopolitan in a way one would not expect of antiquity prior to studying. A sort of proto-scientific, post-religious, mystical/philosophical way-of-life.

>> No.10783509

"The characteristic of this mystical way [the Eastern] is that one loses the capacity to cry. An advanced pupil of yoga or Vedanta will for ever have dry eyes, whilst the masters of the Cabbala, according to the Zohar, cry much and often. Christian mysticism speaks also of the 'gift of tears' - as a precious gift of divine grace..."

>> No.10783574

Explains Evola.
We are one body...

>> No.10783606

You haven't understood it clearly

>> No.10783623

Eastern Med girls are the best

>> No.10783651

Whoah... !

>> No.10783662 [DELETED] 


1. Japanese
2. Vietnamese
3. Westernized Brown Indian
4. Thai "girls"
5. Korean
6. White-ish Indian
7. Westernized North African
8. Filipino
9. Thai
10. Latina

>> No.10783704

>japanese, korean

>> No.10783711 [DELETED] 

>>Raised in a distinct and interesting culture, likely grew up reading LatAm literature
>>Values family and friends, is not addicted to her phone
>>Is not pressured to conform and has her own individual personality
>>Is or was raised catholic, views sex as an important and intimate experience
dont ever come to argentina

>> No.10783722

Christfag delusione strikes again

>> No.10783738

>The reason it seems similar to hindu philosophy is because Aryan peoples conquered/settled india 4000-5000 years ago and brought those ideals with them. But they mixed with the native mud people and became groups like the Brahmans then instituted the caste system to stop further mixing.
Stop talking nonsense, dumb faggot.

>> No.10783748

Mate, you have obviously never had one of these bossy plastic surgery loving chicks as a girlfriend before.

>> No.10783810

All of that is true though. It's not even ambiguous anymore. Hindi is an Indo-European language and multiple genetic studies show that the highest castes of Indians have the most European admixture. Their religion is the closest relic we have of Indo-European paganism.

>> No.10783822

>We wuz hindus an' sheeeiiit

>> No.10783825

>Their religion is the closest relic we have of Indo-European paganism.
Where are you getting that from?

>> No.10783887

Sorry, pajeet, your most productive people are those with the highest European admixture. These are simply facts.

Despite cries to the contrary this is well-documented information you can easily read about from many sources going back about two centuries since it was realized by British colonialists that hindi sounded oddly similar to Greek. The hindu religion is an adaptation of the ancient Indo-European pagan religion that was brought to the Indian subcontinent by the Aryan peoples who settled there.

>> No.10783892

>wasted ten years of your life “studying” philosophy
Fixed that for you

>> No.10783894

I know Hindi is indo-european everyone knows that, I was asking about the religion, because all I know about the proto-IE religion is that it was supposed to have a tripartite warrior-priest-peasant system or something like that

>> No.10783914

>Their religion is the closest relic we have to Indo-European paganism
This ignorance is what happens when you don't start with the Greeks...

>> No.10783917
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He’s right you know

>> No.10783939

>Dyeus Pitar, Ious Pitar, Jupiter
Reconstructed Indoeuropean religion is actually closer to Roman religion in many ways.

>> No.10783954

predecessor != exact same thing

>> No.10783958

I wish everyone knew that, but they unfortunately do not. There was a tripartite system but there are more similarities people like Evola and RF Burton have written about, but there was a lot of study done on this until it became taboo. It's been years since I was into this subject so I can't give you much with authority off the top of my head. Shouldn't be too difficult to Google though.

Hindi is likely the best preserved representation of ancient Indo-European religious practices. If you had a more well rounded understanding of ancient history you would know this is hardly a controversial statement as well.

>> No.10783977
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in buddhism, the 4 noble truths are literally called the 4 aryan truths (catvāri āryasatyāni)

and buddhism came out of hinduism a shitload of time ago

>> No.10783984

These things are all connected. What came from Rome came from Greece which came from Egypt and Mesopotamia, etc. European peoples inhabited much of the present day Middle East and settled even as far as China, which is why there are all these links and cultural relics. This is the story of history: Europeans build civilization, semites move in and destroy it, Europeans blend out or flee north. Unfortunately this process is happening now in our farthest norther reaches since jews have been allowed into positions of power within our homelands and began opening the gates yet again.

>> No.10783989

>we wuzz chinese

>> No.10784001

Sounds like a typical (((western))) woman you'd see on mtv desu

Not that latinas aren't like that, but bitches be materialistic regardless of race

>> No.10784009

Perhaps. I tend to side with >>10783939 but I also don't have a PIE fetish. I'm as fascinated by Greeks and Indians as much as Egyptians and Babylonians and even Judaism and Christianity. More of a perennialist than a traditionalist if you will. Let me guess; this devolves into anti-semitism...
Oh ok. Talking to a retard.

>> No.10784013

Does anyone attempt to practice yoga and see it in relationship to the written ideas?

Who here has considered painting and drawing? How mental ideas relate to concepts of space and "seeing." Visual art paves the way to the physical, material manifestation of philosophical ideas on the canvas. "The figure" is an idea in painting as "the body" is an idea in yogic practice and eastern thought.

>> No.10784052

Read the Yoga Sutras. It is amazing as philosophy text, a meditation manual, a guide to pitfalls along the path (siddhis or supernatural powers are mentioned but can be interpreted symbolically), and a set of ways to know the fruit of your labours for what it is. From there move onto the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. I also suggest Eliade and Evola's books on Yoga for supplemental reading. It a holistic and satisfying worldview although my practice is more syncretic and less traditional due to personal differences of belief.

Meditations on the Tarot is an interesting book on the subject of art as magic. Mysticism as visionary rather than contentless. Then again, I may be stuck in samsara. I am a dirty Christcuck...

>> No.10784054

It's not my fault you don't have a firm grasp of ancient history and the jewish role in being a roving parasite that has overseen the destruction of the various civilizations in question, as we are witnessing throughout the West now. Most people don't, so your ignorance and desire to deny what I'm saying is entirely expected. But it's the truth. You want you to know more about ancient Egypt and how jews destroyed it, I'll give you a mainstream book by the most respected contemporary Egyptologist that will spell it out for you: Moses the Egyptian. Now say thank you, mother fucker.

>> No.10784067

And that's another funny thing to consider, how white yuppies who practice yoga believing they're engaging in some eastern spiritual activity are actually getting in touch with their own people's ancient spiritual roots.

>> No.10784142
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>Then again, I may be stuck in samsara. I am a dirty Christcuck...

>> No.10784169

I'm not gonna read an entire book that you've probably misinterpreted anyway just so I can prove you wrong but let's agree to disagree.

>> No.10784171


>> No.10784180
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I raise you a female mystic

>> No.10784218


Yes, Start with Guenon's Intro to Hindu doctrines than pick some easier/shorter texts like Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras or Ashtavakra Gita. A good short intro to Buddhism is Walpola Rahula's what the Buddha taught. Evola's doctrines of awakening can be another helpful read that helps frame Buddhism in terms of it's actual practice and application in daily life although you don't want that to be your first actual intro to Buddhist teaching, read a book just explaining it first like Rahula's.

>> No.10784219
File: 41 KB, 540x720, 730bae9f01184d6e37e39a03dad41c36--santa-teresa-barcelona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't read her, is she good?

>> No.10784324

>not starting and finishing with the dao for extra cred

>> No.10784338
File: 83 KB, 439x620, Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dharmic teachings such as Hinduism and Buddhism actually represent some of the highest peaks of Aryan thought. The European descendants of the Indo-Europeans/Aryans lost the traditional wisdom and only retained the cultural influences and deities. Western philosophy exemplifies Aryan ingenuity and cleverness but ultimately is the result of when the transcendental teachings are lost and the wise men are left to feel around in the dark trying to search for a replacement for what was lost.


>Not knowing the differences between and implications of Dualism, Non-Dualism and Qualified Non-Dualism.


The oldest Vedic texts contain numerous passages that describe star alignments, solar/lunar movements and other contextual clues that clearly describe a community living within the arctic circle and near the north pole. Read 'Arctic Home in the Vedas' if you want to learn more. This article also discusses some of the evidence.


This stage was the earliest phase we are aware of in history of the Aryans. This was likely the formative stage where the proto-Indo-European culture and language developed in isolation from the other people living in northern Eurasia and central Asia. It was from here that the Indo-Europeans fled when it was no longer inhabitable which is when they suddenly appeared around the Urals and Black/Caspian sea after heading south.

The Vedas are the only body of religious and philosophical/metaphysical texts found in any Indo-European culture that possesses a clear link to this early era. All the European Indo-European traditions lost the connection, keeping many of the same archetypal gods but losing the traditional wisdom that was taught alongside them. The Vedas were passed down orally for thousands of years before being finalized and written down shortly after the Aryans arrived in India. Thus, while we can obtain have an idea of the rough structure of the original Indo-European religion from looking at the dieties of any Indo-European culture, the Hindu Vedic tradition is the only one that still continues on the actual doctrines of the Aryans and so it's the closest relic we have as the other anons have pointed.

Later Hindu developments that came after the finalization of the Vedas such as Vedanta and other movements are themselves just elaborations on Aryan thought, since the central criteria of orthodoxy in Hinduism is whether something adheres to the Vedas or not and so almost all the post-Vedic developments in Hinduism are the natural continuation of Aryan though. Even Buddhism, which explicitly rejects the Vedas as a source of authority, really just continues the teaching of the underlying metaphysics of them but with a different emphasis.

>> No.10784427

>the most respected contemporary Egyptologist
>Believes ancient Egypt had Jewish people

>> No.10784459

She's a radical dreamer

>> No.10784474

They are typically more bossy and more inclined to have plastic surgery - but damn they have nicer pussis than western women. And then they are more inclined to practice magic and the occult and live more traditionally, so it adds up.

>> No.10784497

Of course you aren't, all you can do is make an attempt to stop being surprised when your ignorance is highlighted with regard to ancient history and the role of the jewish people in infiltrating and destroying these civilizations, including your own, assuming you're white, as they are at present.

Good post.

The story of Exodus is the story of the jews being run out of Egypt for corrupting society, as explained in the book mentioned earlier, then turning around and blaming everyone but themselves, which is a story that has been repeated many times since, most notably in Spain and 20th century Germany.

>> No.10784498

You're begging the question, even if true why is this interesting? Why should we care about PIE beliefs? Is literally every other belief bad? Are you claiming everyone else is Jewish?

>> No.10784515

>thinks he's an aryan
>falls for the anti-semitism meme exported from Christianity
>too late, corrupted by Jewish mind-virus

>> No.10784535

Studying philosophy is always a waste of time.

t. studied lots at uni

>> No.10784604

>You're begging the question, even if true why is this interesting? Why should we care about PIE beliefs?

There is inherent value in understanding the traditional wisdom of the progenitors of the culture you belong to, and also the historiography of how this diverged, changed, was lost over time and how everyone ended up holding the values/traditions they have today.

>Is literally every other belief bad?

No, to quote something Guenon said "an idea belongs to all those who are capable of understanding it". Naturally though, those who belong to an Indo-European culture would likely find some value in understanding the traditional wisdom held by a group that was the first occurrence of that culture

>Are you claiming everyone else is Jewish?

I'm not the dude posting about Jews. I'm not opposed to talking about them though. They are very relevant to anyone discussing the historical change of religious/cultural values over time in western society. There are many interesting observations that can be made such as that many denigrate traditional wisdom of other cultures while Jews can also sometimes be some of the most anti-modern and traditional people. I've known Jews of all sorts. I tend not to make the broad generalizations the other poster is making but he wouldn't be making those generalizations if there weren't some at least partial historical truth to them, it's better to engage with the talking points directly and debate them instead of using it as way to avoid discussion by claiming someone is an anti-semite or crazy.

>> No.10784834

so what books do i read to actually learn about this

>> No.10784870
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Anon.. I...

>> No.10784880

>The story of Exodus
Is literally the only source. There is no concrete historical evidence of Jewish communities existing in Egypt at that time

>> No.10784881

>we had downs and shit

>> No.10784890
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Idk. There's the big problem of
>implying vedanta is a singular entity
Don't get me wrong. I love Eastern philosophy and am reading some currently. But I try not to read through an orientalist lens wherein eastern and western are separate. In the same way, my studies have led me to see continental and analytic as not separate. The nondual perspective. You may say this is Eastern... but Westerners intimated similar ideas as did others...

Anyway, I recommend this book (not explicitely about PIE):
>pic related

>> No.10784902
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Thanks, been looking for that article.

>> No.10784906

Everyone knows only Jewish gf is any good

>> No.10784925

died with her large trap boner

>> No.10784935

i'm on team jewfu too - i just live in denmark so what do.

>> No.10784942

this, jews are the real master race
they actually rule the world

>> No.10784955
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Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines - Rene Guenon

free pdf online:


It's the best intro for a westerner who wants to begin to understand Aryan-derived traditional metaphysics. Once you read that you are prepared the read the actual texts themselves.

The Prasthanatrayi (sanskrit for 'three sources') are the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita which form the core of Vedic metaphysics/philosophy. Any of these are good to read, the shortest is the Bhagavad-Gita and that itself is considered a summation of Vedic thought and so reading that alone is the quickest TLDR but all of them are sublime and worth reading.

Reading the Vedanta commentaries (in particular Adi Shankara's) are the way to truly understand them on a deeper level but those take time and are dense texts. You would benefit from reading the regular texts and it takes less time but if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes I'd recommend the Vedanta commentaries. If you have read Guenon's intro that teaches you 2/3rds of the terms thrown around, if you just look up any terms that are unfamiliar you can figure it quickly. The Vedanta thinkers also wrote non-commentary works which are good but secondary in importance to the commentaries on the 3 sources.

Some other great Hindu texts include the Bhagavata Purana, Ashtavakra Gita, the Yoga Vasistha, Yoga Sutras, the Shiva Purnana, Vishnu Purana and Padma Purana. The sect of Shiva-based non-dualism called Kashmir Shaivism also has a number of good texts which start with the Shiva Sutras.

Some classic non-Hindu texts are Dhammapada, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Tao Te Ching. A good Buddhism intro is what the Buddha taught by walpola rahula.

>> No.10785032

>I don't wish to prosletyze anyone into believing Hinduism over Christianity
>but linear time and science are bad guys
>page 1
>outdated race science
Hmmm... really makes your noggin do a joggin.

>> No.10785102

That's nonsense, and it's usually only a bizarre sect of Christians who make such assertions. Jews were most definitely in Egypt, and the most hated group around back then known as the Hyksos were kikes as well.

>> No.10785155
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>I don't wish to prosletyze anyone into believing Hinduism over Christianity

The book doesn't try to do that and I am not by recommending it. Two thirds of it is discussing the principals of the traditional worldview and it's metaphysics, which is applicable to the other traditions like Islam, Daoism etc. A key tennet of the Traditionalist worldview is that there is a perennial truth described by all the traditions. Proselytism is a largely western concept useless to someone interested in traditional metaphyics which have a unity to them. The Hindu traditions are ones that more extensively delve into metaphysics and have a large corpus of texts which is why they are often the first to be recommended.

>but linear time and science are bad guys
Cyclical time is an essential element of understanding traditional civilizations as is letting go of the spook of scientism. If you want to begin to understand this stuff you need to temporarily let go of it even if it's just for the sake of more accurately understanding something to better formulate why you disagree with it. If you study this stuff still holding western modern conceptions it will go right over your head.

>outdated race science
Are you talking about where he mentions attitudes intrinsic to certain cultures or races? In case you weren't aware, similar to how the scientific consensus among intelligence researchers that there are average differences between the IQ of races, there is similarly a consensus that the research shows fairly consistent patterns of different behavior, life-styles and important life choices between different races, which points to different modes-of-thought and attitudes as behavior is the external result of these. Blank-slatism has been entirely disproven and cast aside among actual experts despite what the media portrays.

>> No.10785242

I thought it was qualified monism. But no, i don't know their differences. Aren't they the same as the acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu?

>> No.10785492
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See pic related for Guenon explaining why the term used generally is non-dualism and not monism (which is more apt for concepts in western philosophy like idealism etc).

The qualified non-dualism of Ramanuja differs from the non-dualism of Adi Shankara in that qualified non-dualism holds the view that (like non-dualism) that there is only one ultimate metaphysical reality (Brahman), but adds the addendum that within this unity there is a plurality of distinctions (such as souls) which are not themselves the one ultimate reality, but which are components of it and part of it.

Classic non-dualism would take a slightly different view that there is no plurality, that the Atman in all living beings is Brahman, and that there is only the illusion of separation and difference. A common metaphor used to help visualize this is to give the example of how the air inside an empty glass vase looks different when you view the vase but it's actually no different from the air around it.

Both classic and qualified non-dualism are influential in Hinduism and more widespread than dualism. The most influential and widespread though is probably regular non-dualism because many of the major post-vedic Hindu texts are heavily non-dualistic and the Smarta tradition followed by most Hindus traces its origins to Adi Shankara.

In this post >>10782906 you seem to be thinking that qualified non-dualism is the one orthodox view while it's actually one of several orthodox views.

Non-dualism can be simplified in hippy-new age concepts like 'everything is one' 'we are all god' etc and Neo-Vedanta had a big affect on the New Age movement but there are a number of critical distinctions to be made and it's a lot more subtle and complicated than it seems at first glance (the works of the Vedanta thinkers explain all this in depth).

It's important to emphasize that (according to regular non-dualism) one is only Brahman in that the Atman in ones being is Brahman, but the perception of the self in someone who has not attained Moksha or who is not deep in contemplation/meditation is actually the illusion of self (generated by the interplay of the 3 gunas) and not Atman itself. When people say things like "you are actually god" but than egotistically attach themselves to that idea and identify it with their personality they are getting it completely wrong. The personality and individual self is an illusion that obscures the unity of Atman and Brahman.

>> No.10785498
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>> No.10785509

>scientism is a spook
>outdated science says racist stuff therefore racism
Idk how being antiquated and inflammatory contributes to returning to traditional values but idk...

>science is a spook
Seeing as science does awesome shit, I can't agree.
>linear time is an illusion
Maybe? Don't see what difference that makes...

>traditional worldview
You mean slaves and warriors and priests? I like how every white kid fancies himself a warrior/priest...

>> No.10785616

No, i understand perfectly. I know who Madhva, Nimbarka and Ramanuja were. Caitanya was of Madhva's parampara. The reason there are different schools... acintyabhedābhedatattva. Separation is part of the absolute. Duality is part of unity. Yes, we're individuals; but you need a collective(brahman) to point out a single individual spot (atman) Maybe you've read cit, acit, iśvara. The cit acit being sub realities dependant on iśvara... you know, the metaphysical cause and effect

>> No.10785627

>seeing as science does awesome shit
Are you 12?

>> No.10785645

Spooky is thinking you can meditate your illnesses and/or neuroses and/or psychoses away using yoga and aryuvedic medicine or whatever the fuck 21 year old stoners believe.

Pretty sure tools that work effectively like science are the opposite of spooks.

>> No.10785659

Fedora is out Christianity is in deus vult

>> No.10785768

Where do the Arabs fit in?

>> No.10785807

I can smell that painting

>> No.10785822

How about no. It's Zardoz.

>> No.10785825

In their desert wasteland and nowhere else. Semites are a plague anywhere outside of it which is why they should be forcefully contained to it.

>> No.10785827

They are all cucks, or wannabee cucks.

>> No.10785858

its called IE because it spread into Europe not because it came from Europe
no he’s not
yes Aryan had nothing to do with Whyte Nordic-Germanics in ancient India and Aryan just means “master” “upright” “good” “lord” it didn’t mean blonde blue eyed people from the arctic, there is absolutely no evidence besides self hating LARPing from a late 19th century occultist that Indians came from hyperborea which is a Greek word that did not even mean what stormniggers want it to mean
no they did not at all, IE populations did they were absolutely not Europeans, the waves of migration that became Europeans never set foot in the Middle East
>Semites move in and destroy it
the Semites are partially derived IE and native MENA populations you dumb fucking LARP fag
Jews as an ethnic group weren’t even seriously important as a regional influence until after 1000 BCE you fucking mongoloid
>Jews destroyed Egypt
>The Hyksos are literally jews because they were Semites
subhuman retard
no don’t ever read Guenon, read actually Oriental scholars and primary sources
>the European descendants of the IE peoples
>the Vedas describe polar star systems
no they absolutely do not they describe positions of stars and planets from northern india
you don’t because its not an accepted scientific theory its fucking LARPing by racist nordicists trying to claim all eurasian culture as there’s it all leads back to WE WUZ EVERYTHANG

>> No.10785881

moustache aside, Frida was a real qt

>> No.10785891

Not at all.
Women are disgusting by age 16 mate.

>> No.10785901

Oh look, an uneducated moron.
>common sense
A meme
'muh rasins' isn't experience, Platonist subhuman.
There are no individuals. That's a meme.
Wrong again. Go be a gnostic subhuman elsewhere, monad.

>> No.10785904

>Women are disgusting by age 16 mate.

Please don't put me on the watchlist too, FBI agent-senpai who is reading this thread!

>> No.10785908

Read some theology that isn't based in subhuman Platonist presumptions. Get onto the process theology bus.

>> No.10785910

The downside of the internet is the number of idiotic psycho spergs like this guy, yeesh. Probably a kike.

>> No.10785918

>ive been called out for lying about history and stealing other people’s culture better call him a kike so my fellow unthinking untermensch kameraden know not to look into what he’s saying
smart boy, mama sow raised you well didn’t she?

>> No.10785990

You wrote a post full of bullshit that made you sound like a psychopath. Accept it and try to become more sane.

>> No.10786070

So you don't believe in Aryan nonsense (good), but you still believe Yoga gives magic powers (bad)?

>> No.10786514

>It was from here that the Indo-Europeans fled when it was no longer inhabitable which is when they suddenly appeared around the Urals and Black/Caspian sea after heading south.
lmao you actually believe this...

>> No.10786525

>>Raised in a distinct and interesting culture, likely grew up reading LatAm literature
>>Values family and friends, is not addicted to her phone
>>Is not pressured to conform and has her own individual personality
>>Is or was raised catholic, views sex as an important and intimate experience

Totally false. They are almost the same than white girls. They can be even worse. As a latin I can confirm this.

>> No.10786832

hahahaha you guys are spot on

>> No.10786851

>really Socrates/Plato,a bit of Aristotle and Plotinus is all we need.
>Some of our Christian saints are fine too, for their metaphors and mysticism.
top lol you brainlet christfag.

>> No.10786954

Okay, I'll bite. How does anything in hinduism rival the formation of logic and Aristotelian ontology?

>> No.10787146

It's a completely different way of understanding reality. Arguably it's much better than classical Greek ontology, closer to modern quantum physics. There's no arguing over what a cup is for instance. Give it a read with an open mind

>> No.10787617
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>mfw all the Jewish Demiurge agents trying to shut down the red-pills in this thread


>> No.10787780

>science is bad
>meme physics is closer to eastern ontology
You sound like Deepak Chopra. Without classical greek ontology and logic we wouldn't have science or computers. Checkmate, pajeet.
>blatant lies getting called out
>b-b-but ur just jews!

>> No.10787802

>le epic christendom wooo hoo!!!! west boys rule yeeeah pray to jesus deus vult am i right???? christ rules!

jesus you dull boys.

>> No.10787820

>this much projection
Tell me why you feel so triggered by facts, anon.

>> No.10787915

>>science is bad
>>meme physics
Quantum physics is meme physics now?

>> No.10787935

I like science myself. But traditionalists tend to be anti-science while simultaneously using bad science to support their preconceived conclusions. For example, quantum physics is interesting, yes, but we really don't know enough to make metaphysical assumptions based off of it. It's a highly contentious matter and there's also something of a compositional fallacy in the naive assumption that the manifest image is reducible to the scientific image.

>> No.10787941

You're totally right about Latin girls.

Latin AMERICAN girls, however, are way worse than white chicks.

Really though, any girl from Europe is leagues better than any American girl.

>> No.10787942

>But traditionalists tend to be anti-science
lol, also west coast hippies are not traditionalists

>> No.10787949

Maybe if you were in a prestigious humanities program like me you'd meet more literary american girls. 90% of everything is shit. Men, women, white, black, etc.

>> No.10787966

Perennialists are traditionalists are the same thing. Hippies and nazis attend the same parties.

>> No.10787970

Maybe, but I despise the four-year university system.

>> No.10787987


>Hippies and nazis attend the same parties.
I have never once done whippets with nazi's

>> No.10787998

Me too. It gets better in grad school tho. Undergrad is just making sure you're primary education wasn't shit and teaching you the basics of your calling.
You haven't lived then.

>> No.10788215

Quantum mechanics is the most successful theory in all of science. Sure there are a lot we have yet to know about it but things like an electron being in 2 separate positions at the same time is already an observed phenomena and not something controversial. And they use such knowledge to make metaphysical statements all the time (for example some propose the contents of the universe to be a hologram where information is projected from the surface of the expanding universe).

I do get what you're saying about people like deepak chopra who misunderstand it and use it as woo material. But people like Schrodinger and Oppenheimer have noticed serious parallels between hindu/buddhist thought and quantum mechanics. Idk if it 'rivals' greek ontology but it certainly answers questions where the former fails.

>> No.10788254

quantum mechanics interpretations are just a meme where you can find anything that suits your own worldview, if you want something less spooky there are pilot wave theories that make it way less spooky, even though they may make the maths somewhat harder

bell theorem forbids local hidden variables, but it says nothing about non-local hidden variables, so as long as you allow faster than light information travel you can fill that with plenty of non-spooky stuff

>> No.10788611

>quantum mechanics interpretations are just a spooky meme, just look at bell's inequality lmao
QM still stands despite its interpretations and just because we can't experimentally distinguish between interpretations doesn't make them memes. Obviously these interpretations (whether its Copenhagen or Everett's MWI) are grounded in the QM model even if it breaks the principles of locality so they do have some indication that make them ontologically valid. And this is similar to ontology that the hindus and buddhists have been thinking about for thousands of years albeit in archaic, proto forms. Therefore its irrational to downplay their significance and fanboy about le superior western thought by calling QM a meme science (something a science brainlet would say btw).

>“If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say 'no'; if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say 'no'; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say 'no'. The Buddha has given such answers when interrogated as to the conditions of a man's self after his death; but they are not familiar answers for the tradition of seventeenth and eighteenth century science.”

>> No.10788693

I also hate the idea of prestige.

It might be just me but I associate that word with upper-middle class or above people, and all of my experiences with those types of people are that they are ignorant, naive, and live in a bubble, and they would simply cease to function in society if their parents weren't paying for their rent. That's just my personal experience and bias, which absolutely puts me in the minority, but I'd rather live an honest down-to-earth life than a fragile, fake one.

That's why I like Cormac McCarthy's work so much because he also abhors the ivory tower of artistry and prestige, and prefers to write about shit that really rattles the cage, subjects that really show life for what it is.

>> No.10788768

>something a science brainlet would say btw
Does the quantum scale of process metaphysics and non-classical logic invalidate the human scale object metaphysics and formal logic of day to day experience?

>> No.10788793

>only science that is in line with local realism is real science, everything else is a meme

>> No.10788801

>subatomic particles act funny
>therefore the nature of self/mind is like subatomic particles
Weird. I believe this is the compositional fallacy mentioned earier. Funny how nazis and hippies can't use logic...

>> No.10788811

>Wittgenstein's mysticism in tractacus logico philosophicus is inspired by Schopenhauer, who was famously influenced by Indians ideas.
And i thought i was the schizoid

>> No.10788823

Never mentioned prestige. But if you care to study a subject and make it your calling then a college degree is a good way to get at least a decent job teaching if not practicing the subject in some level of comfort. It is a retreat from the world in some ways, yes, but unlike a monastary you are allowed to keep your personal freedom and live sexually and own property and so on. Hardly a bad deal. I am merely glad to be given the opportunity to serve as a torchbearer of knowledge for the next generation. I do not seek fame or wealth.

>> No.10788843
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>like haha those spooky subatomic particles are so funny lmao quantum mechanics amirite?

>> No.10788886


>> No.10789233

Yes. Quantum physics are for redditors who only like learning about shit that is relevant to their childish superhero/sci-fi/fantasy movies and video games.

>> No.10789241

It's sad you wasted that much energy on that post considering the amount you got wrong.

>> No.10789247

>no don’t ever read Guenon,

>> No.10789260

No I just think experience and scientific studies prove it improves mental health
didn't get anything wrong, not even a little bit of it is wrong at all.
shouldn't read people who are trying to push an agenda as your introduction to an entire body of knowledge. his ideas are not worth investigating and he adds absolutely nothing to your understanding of Vedanta and Exoteric Hinduism one can't just learn from studying the texts and commentaries. Its not that difficult since there are extremely accurate translations available now that he didn't even have access to.

>> No.10789326

Beware the unholy alliance of science and spirituality. Studies also show Catholics are happier and have better sex lives than angry traditionalists shitposting we wuz aryans and worrying why they have no qt gfs...

>> No.10789335

>prestigious humanities program

u did there

Anyway, I'll stop being petty and bitter. It's probably more due to the fact I'm hideously averse to any sort of debt or financial liability, and it seems that if you want to pursue any sort of master's/doctorate you're pretty much going to be in debt for a good chunk of your life even if you choose a profitable field, unless you're from a really well-off family, and I'm not, hence why I'm so biased.

Not that debt is a total life-ender, just that it would add a lot of stress to my life that could otherwise be stress-free if I instead chose to live outside of academia and manage to build a good skill-set for myself. I'm a big fan of self-sufficiency for that reason.

This is true when you say that when you get a degree it's much, much easier to land a job teaching or practicing what you've learned, but my point is that if you don't care about fame or wealth and want to stay out of debt, there are so many resources available online now, more than any other time in human history, that if you were truly passionate you could learn everything that could be learned regarding the humanities, if that is your sole goal. If you want a career in that field, understandably university is pretty much the only route, but I was never a career-minded person to begin with, so maybe that's why it's hard for me to see the point in it.

>> No.10789339

All I said was that scientific studies show meditation has positive benefits for physical health and that it seems to be of assistance in helping people sort out problems, I never made any claims beyond that. You're shadowboxing with /pol/ now

>> No.10789343

>mental health
Oh look, the STEMsperg doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yeah you fucking retard, it isn't the same as wathing some indian do math on youtube.

>> No.10789344

Final note:
>scientific studies show it improves mental health
I will give this a qualified "depends". Can yoga cure schizophrenia? No. Can meditation cure autism? The answer is again no. But I guess if you're a pussy soyboy with depression it might make you feel a litte bit better about the vissectitudes of life.

>> No.10789358

>can you cure mental illness
no its really hard to cure DSM illnesses anon

I shouldn't have replied but I figured you wanted attention
what do you want?

I feel you're both exceedingly stupid people but for different even opposite reasons

>> No.10789405

jokes on you, i'm not STEM, i'm a welder

>> No.10789418

So it makes healthy people slightly healthier? Whoopdee freaking doo. Then why do people with dsm illnesses always have easternfags saying "don't take medicine, do yoga and meditate and smoke pot and come to this drum circle". It's all just hypocritical (is that the right word?) bullshit...

I could also pull out multiple studies of people injuring themselves over yoga, physically and such. Meditation induced psychosis and so on. Which of course you'll pull a no true scotsman and say they did it wrong or something.

Seems like something that should be carefully and reservedly recommended like in days of old. Going around saying "yoga improves mental health!" is careless and irresponsible. As it was in the ages prior, esotericism should remain esoteric.

Ain't nobody care what God you believe in at the AA meeting. And, from experience anecdotal and personal, they all seem equally effective.

There are studies which show Christian monks and nuns achieve rare mental states and mystical western practices "increase mental health" (for normies) as well.

I know it's pointless to argue with idiots but I cannot resist...

Enjoy welding and shitposting. Maybe one day when I'm published you can read one of my books.

>> No.10789447

>Spooky is thinking you can meditate your illnesses and/or neuroses and/or psychoses away using yoga and aryuvedic medicine or whatever the fuck 21 year old stoners believe.
>no its really hard to cure dsm illnesses
Then why'd you call me an idiot? I specifically mention psychosis and neurosis (dsm illnesses).
>Pretty sure tools that work effectively like science are the opposite of spooks.
Medicine and therapy is the most or only effective way of treating many dsm illnesses.

>> No.10789460

I will, there's nothing better than making something tangible and useful in this world, and making people mad on the internet

>> No.10789461

>Maybe one day when I'm published you can read one of my books.
what a revolting person

>> No.10790352


>> No.10791598

This is my personal experience with Eastern religion and philosophy as well. I have read about and attempted to practice Taoism and Buddhism, both of which I could never completely submit to.

Buddhism was just straight-up depressing and is really only a religion practical for hardcore monks, and seeing how the ideal end result was to render yourself basically retarded, at least is the case with Zen Buddhism, I found it kind of a waste of the power of the human mind compared to the challenging logical treatises that a lot of Western philosophy had to offer. Taoism was more or less the same, only more optimistic, though even more confusing.

My overall experience with Eastern philosophy is that it's very calming and therapeutic, but ultimately felt like I was escaping the greatest struggles of life rather than facing them. Meditation is the same way for me. I feel relaxed while meditating, and I have a more thorough appreciation of the present, but nothing much has changed beyond my outlook. I had immeasurable success with journaling in comparison, which is similar in many ways, but is more active.

I'm reading more of the Hindu texts, starting with the Bhagavad Gita, and while it still doesn't really logically break anything down or provide challenging treatises, I understand that's not the point and it's more of a text on ethics. Regardless it seems like a much more "active" and challenging philosophy compared to Buddhism or Taoism.

Eastern and Western sure are different beasts though, that's for sure. I really see the distinction between the two now.

>> No.10791692
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>If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say 'no'
again, the point is that that is an interpretation, there are interpretations where the position of the electron is perfectly clear and that still conforms to Bell theorem as long as you allow non-locality

so yes, QM calculations work and describe the world, but the interpretations are memes that you can use to fit whatever worldview you want to hold, like you are doing for meme buddhism

>> No.10792175

Ashtavakra Samhita.

>> No.10792421

>Not Confucianism, Taoism, or Legalism.

yeah because following literal mud-ducks who shit in their own streets vs. one of the most refined cultures in human history is the way to go

absolute brainlet

>> No.10792544
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I'm curious how you "practiced" philosophical Daoism. As a counter-example, the understanding/visualization of all things being within a great "stream" of life (with me floating along in it's currents) and how much easier it is to float rather than fight the waters had helped me be at peace with a lot of things (death, for example). I'm a much more integrated person now that I have a framework for "things outside of me" and "things within me" -- two things that Western philosophy tries to contain within just yourself. There are benefits to both.

>> No.10793087

By no means was I an absolutely dedicated apostle to either religion but I believe that I "practiced" Taoism by having faith in the "wu wei" mode of thought, and believed that acting without thinking too long, going with my gut instinct, and remaining spontaneous was the way to achieve peace. To some degree, yes, I found peace in this, and was relieved with the responsibilities that came with great decisions, but in doing so, the benefits that I could reap from those responsibilities which I shed, such as more stimulating or more challenging opportunities, were taken away. That was my own personal take on practicing the Tao, and given how incredibly vague the Tao Te Ching is, I figured my subjective approach to it couldn't necessarily be seen as objectively wrong.

To be fair, just about every religion asks of the believer to place their faith in the future in something divine and beyond their control, and as philosophy and religion are much more separated in the West, you don't encounter that nearly as much with strictly philosophy.

>> No.10793163

>10 years

how you could push the thing for so long... after some 4-5 years it becomes obvious it is shit and whether you move on to other fields or you continue if you have a guaranteed position in academia.

>> No.10793190

>literally every latina is the same and they all conform to my niche sexual fantasies

>> No.10793195

I'm not that anon, but I wouldn't say you practiced it at all. You can't just read a book and go thinking about it in your daily life and claim you've practiced as a reliigon.

I've read the Tao Te Ching, Zhuangzi and several translations of the Yijing, learned about Taoist alchemy, went to Tai Chi sessions and even taoist meditation sessions, discussed it with friends and so on, but I would never claim I practiced taoism just because of that.

I'm sorry, but it seems you went for it because you thought you were to like it and moved away from it when you were not liking it. I agree with your criticism over religion that puts everything to "the future realization", but one ought to also be critic of the approach that assumes you know what's best from how you feel like it, based on the "past" (which is ultimately what liking something is about);

>> No.10793196

>they're good at using rhetoric and just asserting shit as if its self-evident even if it's not and actually goes against all common sense and experience.
Says the Christian, lol
Try actually reading some Indian philosophy

>> No.10793208

>The Vedas were written in the arctic circle
Now I've heard everything

>> No.10793211

The Vedas were actually written by the Greek Gods on Mt. Olympus to combat the Zoroastrians and Jews from destroying Greece and Rome.

>> No.10793215

Arabic is a semitic language, it's part of the Afro-asiatic family. Closer to Hebrew and Amharic (Ethiopic) than any Indo-European language.

>> No.10793284

nigger im a spic living in Los Angeles, absolutely none of what you said was true, also most latina girls are short as fuck and stupid as fuck. i prefer white girls always, much smarter, prettier and taller, and also not ghetto monstrosities

>> No.10793563
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There is clear overlap between the Western and Eastern traditions. Even as far as Daoism and Kant. A close reading of the variety of traditions leads to striking similarities in notions of the soul, of duty, of the proper conduct of a sage/philosopher/saint. On the level of man's conduct they are very similar, even if they different in regards to the loftier concepts of God, afterlife, etc. Read all you will about gods and goddesses, deities, symbols, etc.; there is a very simple teaching at the heart in regards to man's purpose in this life (which is the thing we should all be most concerned with, for it is easy to get caught up in many things which do not really concern us or detract from what applies to us in our current circumstances), and each school of thought approaches this from a different perspective. Stoicism, for instance, in my opinion is to be lauded for focusing strictly on virtue, and yet in many other aspects it falls short and does not satisfy a more endowed mind. But it remains that Jesus, Krishna, Chuang Tzu, and Kant taught, and thus were convinced by essentially the same Spirit, which is an actual realm of reality, accessible to human beings. Those who have felt it do not lose hope even when there are contradictions between traditions, or when they are overwhelmed by information because, regardless of texts and scriptures, their life remains irreversibly changed on a visceral level.

Despite this, there are some differences I have noticed. Perhaps this has to do merely with the different times and places of each person or group, but nonetheless it is an interersting topoic. It seems to me, for instance, that Hinduism seems to have certain things which Christianity lacks, i.e., teachings for the physical body, for health, and so forth. On the other hand, Christianity seems to have something very piercing and sublime about it. Its intense focus on one individual or principle (Christ), certainly differentiates it from other traditions. No other tradition has such a strict focus.

Swami Vivekananda, as a traveling Hindu monk, apparently carried with him two books: the Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ.

>> No.10793574

How is this phenomenon called?
The "effortpost accompanied by bouguereau painting" thing, I mean.

>> No.10793588
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We are not allowed to get cozy and comfy when we are discussing lofty things?

>> No.10793603
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>the Eastern Canon

>> No.10793628
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Good post, thanks

>> No.10793634
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Checked. Let’s get /comfy/

>> No.10793793
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It seems to me that the great controversy between traditions lies in Dualism.

Eastern religions do not seem to deny dualism, but are convinced that abolishing it is the way to heaven. The sage should not view the world in terms of good and evil, up and down, heaven and hell, etc. This is a common criticism held by the East towards Christianity and the West and general. The West along with Christianity seem to actually find disapproval for this reason, based on the belief that characterizing things in terms of good and evil ends up bringing evil to a person's awareness. If you begin to distinguish between truth and lies, moral and immoral, all of the sudden people will start asking themselves whether this or that is a lie, whether this or that is the truth, whereas before they lacked this dualistic perspective. The idea is that before this Fall, humanity lived in a certain non-dualistic state. Whether we should characterize this state as ignorance or as enlightenemnt is a matter for debate.

Nonetheless, I don't think you can make the argument that Christianity is responsible for this, since the Old Testament acknowledges the Fall, and acknowledges that humanity fell into sin by attaining to a dualist perspective (the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil). Christ did not bring humanity into awareness of hypocrisy by calling certain people hypocritical—by then, hypocrisy had already existed. It is unfair, then, for the East to blame the West for this.

While I might agree that attaining to the non-dualistic state is the ultimate goal, it is nonetheless pertinent to our current state to adopt a dualist view. Not a single Eastern tradition can claim that they are not "guilty" of the supposed folly of dualism, since to posit that the non-dual state is what we should aspire to, above the inferior dualist perspective is in itself dualistic and creates an above and below, a good and bad.

For Christianity to characterize certain behaviors as sin does not make it inferior to Eastern traditions, since man has indeed fallen into a state of sin. It is not practical, then, to preach this non-dualism in our current age, and I don't think it is possible to return to the Golden Age where humanity had not lost its innocence. We cannot even impart this non-dualism to the next generation before we have wiped ourselves clean from it, which is impossible for the same reason. Humanity, then, having fallen into dualism, must embrace it and move forward.

>> No.10793891

The mystic, Boehme, believed that God's wrath and God's love were the same. The dualism is not in the emanation, which is itself sublimely unfathomable, but in regards to the subject only. In other words, what one experiences as God's wrath, the other experiences as God's love. This very moment is the time of youth for one, and the time of old age for another, but the "time" itself remains unchanged. Where the bodies and creatures change and cycle through seasons, the one principle which glues them together and holds fixed amidst the change, stays indefatigably still.

A sage obviously aspires to follow after the image of the One. Or rather, his longing heart finds itself at rest when it finds this Father, discovering the destiny of its manhood. What appears unfathomable to me, is how one can arise to this principle without first passing through dualism. For, to aspire to freedom is to be aware of causality. To aspire to God is to be aware of one's limitation. To aspire to the true Self is to be aware of the multitude of identities within oneself. Therefore, to posit that humanity, long ago existed in a non-dualistic state is difficult for me to comprehend. How did we "learn" to differentiate between good and evil? For this is spoken of in Genesis, but whether this was a necessary part of development or the greatest tragedy in the history of the cosmos is not made clear. What is the serpent? For it is made clear that Eve should not have spoiled mankind if the serpent had not tempted her. Is the serpent something without or something within? If within, can we blame anybody but ourselves? For we are all Eve, and the serpent's temptations are eternal whispers. Nonetheless, we exist in a dualistic world. None can deny. Aspire to it all you will, but to teach this is in itself a dualistic suggestion. Let us not argue between East and West about beyond good and evil, when we are clearly firmly steeped in it.

>> No.10794020

The vedas were written on badarikāśrama on the himalayas by Vyasadeva, some five thousand years ago

>> No.10794278
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>In the Vedas and also in the Vishnu Purana it says that the day of the Devas is 6 months of human of time (i.e. the half-year long polar day and night of the arctic)
>describes the constellations circling around the center of the sky as the spokes of a wheel around its hub (which may only be witnessed near the poles)
>at one point specifically instructs that the entire Rig-Veda is to be ceremonially recited during the course of the day (only possible at the poles where the dawn/dusk lasts days

>> No.10794280

*recited during the course of the dawn

>> No.10794390
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So what you’re saying is, we were Hyperboreans?

>> No.10794501
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meme answer: yes

serious answer: the original proto-indo-europeans were the Hyperboreans, all the Indo-European cultures can claim to be part of that heritage but since the original group is dissolved nobody has a singular claim to them.

>> No.10794523
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Interesting stuff. Still haven’t managed to read arctic home in the vedas yet as my reading list has 50+ books on it and I keep adding more kek

>> No.10794600

i know theres a lot of lurkers with the same thoughts as you. dont feed the bait, m8. it only makes such things appear with greater frequency

>> No.10794605

Thanks for being for civil, I should have prefaced what I said by saying that I wasn't exactly clear on what the definition of "practicing" a religion or a philosophy actually meant.

How would you define practicing a religion or a philosophy?

>> No.10794615


>t. CNN

>> No.10794988

imagine 2000 years from now people looking at anime and thinking "damn, japanese people looked like that???"

Yes, I kind of understand where you are coming from, anon.

I think practicing a religion involves some sort of relation with a group. If I were to read the bible on my own and just try to live by it, I don't think that would make me a christian in the same sense that someone who goes to church every sunday to hear about it and talk about etc has. We are living in weird times in which we have access to a bunch of stuff, but that doesn't mean we get them. Feels like a buffet of religion and philosophy in which you just pick what you want and kind of decide for yourself, but when you do that, you don't really live those things. The total opposite of that would be those who are just christian because they were born in a christian family in a christian country. Those people would be buddhists, muslims or otherwise if they were just born somewhere else. But I think there is a mid ground.

I was raised with zero religion, though I like talking about it. I think I'll never identify myself with a religion lest I really practice it seriously. I think when you practice something you encounter trouble, just like christians struggle with guilt or a buddhist may find a lot of problems in everyday meditating. They are christians and buddhists because they stay on the way and ask for guidance when that happends, instead of assuming the system does not work.

I think "practicing a philosophy" is a much harder thing to talk about. I don't consider a clear distinction between theory and practice and I also think we are not that aware of ourselves to say we "follow this and this philosophy". That's what we idealize, but not who we are and what we are doing. I think it is something different to look back 20 years into your life and say "damn, I really did live by this principle, haven't I?"

We don't have to define ourselves anyway though.

>> No.10795032

Men are way more degenerate than women in this regard

>> No.10796529

good thread

>> No.10797238

Try Russian Jews. Daddy issues make them mad to get out of the house and very loyal sexually while they almost always love the Russian literature they grew up with. They all somehow have the souls and wisdom of 50 year old women at 22.