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10786610 No.10786610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who are some other philosophers that couldn't practice what they philosophized?

>> No.10786628

tfw i've never seen a maid
would jordan peterson really have a maid? for how long? did he get one after all his patreonbucks

>> No.10786629

damn i got trolled anyway by the fake news

>> No.10786631

Another JP thread, alright then.
>you will never be successful enough to afford someone else to cleaning your room

I don't have a 'room', I live in my own apartment but still

>> No.10786633

We used to have a maid when I was a kid. It was a black dude. I literally never talked to him, though me and my friends did make him laugh sometimes, and we caught him watching Judge Judy once.

>> No.10786639

Thomas Ligotti
I actually remember Peterson recently referencing Ligotti saying “an Italian professor who came up with a wicked argument against living... I’m forgetting his name”

I’m almost positive he was thinking of liggy

>> No.10786646

literally all of them

>> No.10786657
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>> No.10786660

this. the sign of a great philosopher is one who separates what he teaches from what he does. A philosopher who follows his own teachings is an idiot

>> No.10786661

Seneca was known to be a massive hypocrite. Letters from a Stoic is still worth reading though.

>> No.10786676

That wasn't a maid that was your Mom's bull

>> No.10786687

Why even speak of convictions and ethics if you will make no effort to follow them? I doubt the new testament would be given as much weight as does if Jesus says something and the next few passages as him do exactly the opposite.

>> No.10786688

Prophet Mohammad

>> No.10786706

>Why even speak of convictions and ethics if you will make no effort to follow them?

Because you are on the path towards truth yet accept the pragmatic limitations of discourse and your ability to enatemathize against the nuanced and ingraspable demands of reality

>> No.10786746

Can we end this meme that memerson is a philosopher
It was never very good to start with

>> No.10786870

all of them, especially stirner.
>i've never seen a maid
maid,housekeeper,etc are used interchangeably. most can't tell a butler from a first footman

>> No.10786873

Its actually the opposite. If you can't live it then your teaching is shit. people don't need "inspiration" they need working models

>> No.10786876

so you are just bullshtinging people with your dreams and are not going to actually contribute anything or maybe you see yourself as a "dreamer" or a visionary whos job it is to come up with concepts that others must turn into reality. all such people are trash

>> No.10786881

>Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher
uh, think again honeypie
>The phenomenon of interest – that precursor to exploratory behaviour – signals the presence of a potentially “beneficial” anomaly. Interest manifests itself where an assimilable but novel phenomenon exists: where something new “hides,” in a partially comprehensible form. Devout adherence to the dictates of interest – assuming a suitably disciplined character – therefore insures stabilisation and renewal of personality and world. Interest is a spirit beckoning from the unknown – a spirit calling from outside the “walls” of society. Pursuit of individual interest means hearkening to this spirit’s call – means journeying outside the protective walls of childhood dependence and adolescent group identification; means also return to and rejuvenation of society. This means that pursuit of individual interest – development of true individuality – is equivalent to identification with the hero. Such identification renders the world bearable, despite its tragedies – and reduces unnecessary suffering, which most effectively destroys, to an absolute minimum. (From Maps of Meaning™, Available everywhere and on Amazon.com™ for the low an reasonable price of ~$45.00)

>> No.10786933

Experiment is the foundation of all knowledge. If we were not to assert possibilities and ideas we were not so certain of as to base our entire lives on them then we would still be stuck living in caves

>> No.10786986

kek what is this garbage

>> No.10787001

your thought experiments are not worth other peoples money or bloody revolution. get back to me when you have a working model.

>> No.10787060
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the "practice what you preach"
is an informal fallacy.

Sam Harris

also for JPB since he has a respectable career, and is making waves. Gets paid for it. And he has the knowledge to clean his room.

He's a sage of the western world. So he needs a maid.
If he was a hermit, he'd probably be just at home amongst a pile of trash.

the first step to cleaning your room
is realizing its dirty.

>> No.10787074

>if you will make no effort to follow them
You understand that his audience is young men who probably live with their parents or flatmates so he uses "clean your room" as an example of something they can do to improve their life in a concrete way? Obviously there is no some sacral meaning in it which would necessitate to do it even if your circumstances are significantly different.

>> No.10787091

Lol, came here to post this.

He STILL hasn't killed himself, even though living is SO AWFUL!

>> No.10787099

But you can't know if something is a working model until you test it

>> No.10787102

It’s not easy. Im 44 years old. I would never admit to being needy enough to wanting someone 10 years younger but the truth is i’ve known many of them and despite their inexperience i can still picture their mouths on my dick oe them bent over and moaning. You never really age mentally in a way.

>> No.10787106
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What are some real niggas that put their money where their mouth is?

>> No.10787110

A maid is inexpensive. A couple of hours a week is less than $40

>> No.10787112

Check out the billionaire over here with $40 to throw around

>> No.10787128

You earn less than $20 per hour? Get a better job.

>> No.10787130

Not a philosopher but DFW was everything he despised.

>> No.10787142
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>better job

>> No.10787150

how so my man????

>> No.10787153

He was insincere and a bit of an asshole.

>> No.10787154

He was an ironic meme man who was addicted to porn and television while telling everyone to be sincere and engage with life

>> No.10787157

so test it before involving the whole world or proselytizing about its virtue.

>> No.10787159

the problem with Peterson is that he bases his "solutions" on faulty assumptions

his catchphrase "clean your room" exemplifies this. With this he is saying "what, you're life is a miserable failure and you are a social outcast? I bet your room isn't even clean! This is evidence that it is your fault and you can fix it by starting with the small things." But the problem arises when you have, and always have had, a clean room. Jordan Peterson, his "philosophy", and all those who share his social situation simply cannot understand how a real, genuine failure comes about

I'll take myself as an example: I've always had a clean room, was always obedient, did well in school and so on, however I missed a few key moments of both sexual and social development. It did not seem too big a deal at the time, I went along, still keeping my room clean, and eventually finished high school. Then I found myself at an impasse, without any avenue to continue. My father did not have any connections to help me find employment, and my own attempts were met with failure. College did not work out. I had quietly become more and more uncomfortable with women due to never having had sex and quickly finding myself at an age where it was socially inappropriate to be a virgin. As a result the rest of my social skills deteriorated and I became habitually more withdrawn from life. Nevertheless, my room stayed clean

My failure was too slight and insignificant to notice until the point of crisis. I am now a 23 NEET who is entirely superfluous and who has known nothing but the most mundane of humiliation and rejections. I am sure there are many others like me out there. There are others who are rendered in similar situations by physical deformities over which they had no control from the start. Yet we kept our rooms clean (and still keep our rooms clean) and still have absolutely no point of contact with which to begin life. To these Peterson offers no solution, hasn't a clue to deal with these sorts of situations, nor can even begin to understand such situations AS A REALITY. His solution is to completely ignore them

People don't like to admit that sometimes failure is beyond their control. It makes them uncomfortable; and also, it reveals another thing as well that they don't like: it reveals the fact that their life is only as good as it is, not solely through their efforts as they would like to think, but by pure blind luck. This lessens their accomplishments and again underpins the inherent impotence of people before higher, disinterested powers. Peterson's rhetoric refuses to acknowledge this fact of life, and this is why so many find him unsavory. Because while he pretends to offer a point of view that deals with "hard reality", it ignores the true totality of circumstances, rendering him and everything about him fraudulent

tldr, Peterson is a self-help guru with a slightly above average vocabulary

>> No.10787161

Larger userbase means way more test cases. Sometimes you just have to accept a shitty first release

>> No.10787175

I understand you. The reason peterson and other self help book authors can't help with problems like yours is because there's no straightforward solution. Each person solves it in their own way usually involving luck.
If I have advice it's just expose yourself as much as you can and eventually luck will come.

>> No.10787186
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>solving your problems

Heheh.. nice meme

>> No.10787188

There are shut ins making hard cash by streaming their dull fat faces while they play video games there's a new yorker article about it

>> No.10787197

and there are others who aren't, and can't, and never will

yes but the main point was to say that in this world there are some people who simply cannot be helped. I doubt if I'm truly a genuine case of that (though there is no incentive for me to attempt a reconciliation at this point) but that does not change the fact that somewhere out there there are poor bastards who have never had a prayer. This is one of the most terrifying thoughts for people I think which is why they so vehemently refuse it. Yet there are people who cannot be helped, true cases of hopeless and unrequited lives full of futile suffering, and it must be acknowledged

>> No.10787198

>and there are others who aren't, and can't, and never will

Yes but you can literally never know if you're one of them

>> No.10787205

>log into streaming site
>put headset on
>point webcam at yourself
>play video game

>> No.10787212

The problem with cucks like this dude is that they've come to believe they're entitled to some compensation from the world. Like because their has been shit so far they must whine until they're literally handed what they've lacked because to actually earn it now wouldn't be fair
A truly pathetic and submissive state of being

>> No.10787231


You play anyway don't you, This is the greatest time in histroy to be a hermit. In some wyas its too easy now, infinite jest, endless entertainment. There's also a billion ways to make money and access to the entire world

>> No.10787243

I'm a Catholic and recently I've been reading some Taoist stuff. In both Catholic and Taoist thought, salvation / interior perfection depends on surrendering oneself to the action of God / the Tao. The idea is not that you save or improve yourself, but that you return to your Creator in God / your root in the Tao, and their divine energy interiorly renews and perfects you. In Catholicism we call the idea of saving yourself by your own strength, independent of God's grace, "Pelagianism". "Clean your room" sounds like a typically Pelagian mantra to me. The problem with Pelagian self-willed improvement is that you will excessively proud if you are successful (because you will attach too much of your success to yourself), and you will be excessively self-hating if you fail (because you will blame yourself for your lack of strength). Whether this individualist philosophy takes an American or a Nietzschean form, eventually it leads to self-destruction because in reality we can never be self-reliant. We rely on the air for our breathing, we rely on our social relations for our sanity, we rely on God for our being . . . Perfection is living in accordance with God and nature, not pretending that you are God and that you can master nature.

btw being a virgin doesn't matter. Being a virgin isn't socially awkward - what's socially awkward is your excessive shame over it. Nobody would give a shit if you didn't. It helps being a Catholic because I see sex as having a purpose in marriage that goes beyond loutish bragging rights.

>> No.10787245

You understand that the vast majority of people streaming on Twitch get less than 10 viewers? The average channel get something like 1.5 viewers, if I remember correctly. Only a very small portion, less than 1% make any money from Twitch at all and less than 0.1% make enough to stream as a job. Your view on streaming as a profession is shaped by an extremely tiny minority of large streamers.

>> No.10787246


Now, and do be honest, you're anonymous, how often do you watch porn, and do you have any particular fetishes.

See, my bet is that the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second is being submissive. Am I wrong?

>> No.10787250

Aristotle said that a hermit will become either a beast or a god, because isolation is not natural for a human being. Submerging yourself in "infinite jest, endless entertainment" will tend to make you a beast rather than a god. This is the experience of modern hermits: the downside of pursuing endless entertainment is that it makes you endlessly bored. If you're going to be a hermit you need religion and spirituality. Taking modern nihilistic hedonism into isolation is hell on earth. At least the average nihilist has his pals to distract him from his misery.

>> No.10787252

In comes the negativity, you're right, everything's impossible for you, kys

>> No.10787259

you have no idea how insanely difficult this is if you're not a cute girl

>> No.10787263

His point is you can and people do make money doing fucking anything not that you're going to be the next Pewdiepie tomorrow

Fuck me you people deserve everything you get

>> No.10787264

I'm just saying that there are several tens of thousands of people doing the same thing, so be definition becoming a full-time streamer will be impossible for most of them. You disagree?

>> No.10787265

This, its also why Catholic Lacan BTFO pseudo-pagan Jung

>> No.10787268

Some english teen made $$ per year naming chinese babies online

>> No.10787269

No its by definition POSSIBLE for any of them. Its only impossible for all of them together you mouth breathing chucklefuck

>> No.10787272



Not the gut you're calling it, but never heard that one before, very nice. Musical even. Thanks anon.

>> No.10787273

So you agree that most of them will not become big streamers? If signing up to become a streamer on Twitch cost money, how much would you be personally willing to pay? $100? $1000?

>> No.10787274
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I imagine this face whenever I read it

>> No.10787275

>dude just win the lottery lmao
>oh what you can't?
>fucking loser haha

>> No.10787276

Actually, the way a person lives has no bearing on whether or not that's the right way to live

>> No.10787278

You can totally win the lottery though and if you don't you are by definition a loser of the lottery

>> No.10787279

Hard to argue against
Self improvement doomed me, letting it all go helped me

>> No.10787282

The point is that it's a statically negligible occurrence; telling somebody to go out and win the lottery isn't a reasonable solution to their problems. To then berate someone for responding negatively to such 'advice' is plain retarded.

>> No.10787285

Do you buy lottery tickets yourself? If yes, how much do you spend per month?

>> No.10787291

No but I play other types of lotteries, there's a billion and one out there and you have to decide for yourself which one has the best odds for you

>> No.10787294

Something is only statistically negligible when you decide it so.

>> No.10787296

>Pretend to be a girl and sell worn panties
>Sell fucking anything, your bogies, someone will buy them
>On sell stuff from china to your hometown

Like the other guy said, I'm throwing out ideas, and my point is a shoe shiner 200 years ago would be flabberghasted that some whiny bitch can't make a dollar online now,

Charities typically legally give less than 10 percent of their accumlated donations to their cause for instance

>> No.10787297

Hate Gordan P Memerson all you want, the Future Authoring program has proven efficacy

>> No.10787299

Something is only statistically significant if you reason it to be. Stats is the most pseud of pseud.

>> No.10787302

So does Scientology

>> No.10787307

Thanks for agreeing with me

>> No.10787309

>People don't like to admit that sometimes failure is beyond their control. It makes them uncomfortable; and also, it reveals another thing as well that they don't like: it reveals the fact that their life is only as good as it is, not solely through their efforts as they would like to think, but by pure blind luck.

i'm 10 years older than you, and i needet so long to understand and grasp that. it is i'm not sure what i will do with this insight, but it feels really importand. however, i also unerstood, that i'm probably quit stupid, way more than i initially assumed.

>> No.10787314

most of them. you could easily write a self-help book but hardly help yourself.

>> No.10787319
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>I'm throwing out ideas
And your ideas are garbage.
What you're employing right now are typical 'optimist' tactics. You'll do anything to undercut the idea that sometimes, some failures are dramatically out of someones control. You throw out bullshit advice that is totally unworkable and tantamount to 'just win the lottery bro', then pretend your helping. When somebody calls you out, you shift the blame onto the other person: 'you're being negativity, it's your own fault, blablabla'. Meanwhile, your faggot ass has never encountered a significant issue in your life and it's all been smooth sailing -not because of you, but because of pure luck, although I'm sure you think otherwise.

>> No.10787333

>and we caught him watching Judge Judy once.
that's cool.

>> No.10787335

Actually there has been a study released a week ago that failed to replicate it.

>> No.10787336

The person you're responding to isn't being an optimist he's being a realist. It would be very comfortable to imagine that there really is nothing you could do about your problems and be totally relieved of any responsibility or insecurity about what you could have done or could do now about them but in reality people do infact win the lottery sometimes

>> No.10787337

>be a 23 year old NEET
>think you understand anything bout anything

No! Wrong!

>> No.10787344

you mean, people get lucky sometimes. yes, they do, we all get lucky sometimes

>> No.10787352

I prefer to think of it as God liking you better

>> No.10787355

>typical 'optimist' tactics
But you yourself are an optimist, which is why you're still alive, regretably, so why haven't you killed yourself?

I hate people like you. There is hope, there is light, you just want to try and prove it wrong, and sit in your sewage.

>> No.10787359

post it

>> No.10787361

clean your room is good advice, but also it's the kind of obvious advice every fucking self-help book gives you. the kind of obvious idiotic advice that offers immediate results.

a clean room offers an immediate positive change in your life. you'll feel more at ease with a clean room than on a dirty one.

but why is a meme phd in meme psychology telling me this frankly uneeded piece of advice and why does he sound like kermit the frog trying to be cool

>> No.10787363

i'm not so sure. i heard that many people who win the lottery end miserably exactly because they won the lottery. Money is not a guarantee for being satisfied, especially if it is a lot and you are not used to it.

>> No.10787367

There are so many deformed people that pick themselves up and achieve, Stephen Hawking Seal, Thom Yorke, Satre, Keats it goes on and on.

>> No.10787370

yeah and for every ''le epic deformation person who epicly made it!!!'' there are like thousands if not millions of ugly people who are wondering, why the fuck does nothing work for them (hint: because they are ugly and people are animals)

>> No.10787373

that is almost correct

>> No.10787376

Yeah, it's billions, not millions or thousands.

>> No.10787377

I'm out, I tried but I guess you're content with continuing to fail which you deserve

>> No.10787380

im not even that original anon btw.

>> No.10787382


>> No.10787389


>Meanwhile, your faggot ass has never encountered a significant issue in your life

t. Mr. My-Significant-Issues-Is-That-I-Am-A-Virgin-At-23-and-Daddy-Couldn't-Find-A-Job-For-Me

>> No.10787392
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>mfw Petersonfags best advise to NEEt is to be a streamer

Sometimes people are still alive though willpower

>> No.10787394

>there are like thousands if not millions of ugly people

who it does work for. At least you're not really attractive, those people are constantly bullied / targeted or treated differently, and become socially weird

>> No.10787407

that's not the anon you're arguing with, idiot

>> No.10787414
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Literally proving my point. An absolutely radical denial of reality, an absolute inability to imagine yourself as somebody that's not as fortunate as you, and pointing out the contrary is met 'i-i was trying to help, h-have fun loser' all wrapped up under the pretense of so called benevolence.

This is why autismo's shoot up schools.

>> No.10787423

You don't want help or to improve, you want to argue or some shit. If you say 'I'm a fuck up beyond help', and just stick to that, then you're right, you are a complete fuck up, I agree.

>> No.10787427

You have no idea who that person is, you're just a priori assuming they have it worse than you because you have such a victim complex

>> No.10787430

I don't need help, my life is fine. I'm not the NEET complaining about his life from earlier in the thread, if that's the impression you're under. I just hate optimist faggots like you for reasons explained.
Also, you're literally proving my point with every post you make.

>> No.10787432

This is true but surely it's worth it, and probably also necessary to pursue some kind of improvement beyond living on welfare? Though a normie life like you describe was probably always beyond grasp, if you assert that there is truly nothing you can do, that all attempts would be certainly hopeless that certainly isn't true in regards to at least some kind of improvement.
I also think people like you idealize and generalize normies too much and take the dishonest ways they present their own life at face-value. Not everyone in the entire world cares about sex and virginity the way you describe.

>> No.10787444

top lol
people really love you, that's it
>targeted or treated differently
yeah much better, by 95% of the population, maybe 4% are indifferent and 1% are jealous so they try and harm you or something

>> No.10787446

I think you misunderstand, his thing is he tells you to clean your room but also elaborates and extrapolates on all the psychological, symbolic significance and meaning of cleaning your room and having a clean room.

>> No.10787452

Yeah I know its been you, funny how you can't stand someone agreeing with 'I suck' isn't it? Maybe you don't think you suck after all, duh. Little naive to think I'm being sincere ?

>> No.10787457

Yeah they are bullied look it up faggot

>> No.10787458

Its just banter mate

>> No.10787462
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I took this post seriously until you dropped the line that you're 23.

I was a virgin till 29 and now at 33 bang new new girl off tinder every month. You can learn to program Python or Javascript in 4 months and do well paying remote jobs.
Those are all not excuses.

I don't know about the clean your room thing. Maybe, if your literal room is clearn enough, read it more allegorically. I, for one, always have a messy room and I know it'd be a good place to start and I find Petersons encouragement helpful, no matter if it's profound or not.

>> No.10787466

I should hate John Greene but he's a serious baller

>> No.10787468
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>I was a virgin till 29 and now at 33 bang new new girl off tinder every month

>> No.10787469

lol get out more

>> No.10787480

top lol no. maybe by a deranged person every now and then, ok, some passive agression or something, but by far and large they have an enormous fucking advantage over regular people and uggos. i've went out with a girl who makes other fucking girls fall in love with her. do you think life's difficult for her?

>> No.10787487
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I unironically got into the pickup meme, watched youtube videos and suddenly got laid a lot

Funny thing, afterwards I got into the crypto meme and got rich ($600k).

Yes, I know it sounds like LARPing but truth be told I'm not making it up. There were about 700 startups raising money on Ethereum in 2017 and over 1000 more this year. If you can do a landing page - which everybody can learn in a few months - you can get a competitive wage. You just need to know where to look.

>> No.10787489

>do you think life's difficult for her?
People who say this don't know life. She will have a lot of problems and obsessions unknown to you, she may even feel pain more acutely, anything, you don't know. You have no idea, Chances are she's been sex assaulted, bullied by other girls, many problems.

Your issues are not as uniquely painful and debiliating as you think they are.

>> No.10787504
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post more rare zizeks

>> No.10787507

rare? there's a video on the internet of him talking there