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/lit/ - Literature

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10777334 No.10777334 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stack for the next 2 - 3 years. I'm not going to read anything else. I'll read and reread.

>> No.10777343
File: 99 KB, 800x572, rock twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you get the 4chan chair, OP?

>> No.10777349

good stacks

>> No.10777355

What the fuck is a 4chan chair?

>> No.10777359

Top tier stack OP.

>> No.10777369

That would take 2-3 weeks AT MOST

>> No.10777382

Dosto is not as deep as you think it is

>> No.10777384
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>> No.10777386

Only thing I'd add is Dante.

>> No.10777387

>Homer - The Iliad - Translated by Martin Hammond

I will be honest and say I haven't read that translation. That said, I've also never heard of it, and therefore kind of suspect it is shit.

>> No.10777389

niggas can't see clover/flower patterns anymore without associating with their addiction

>> No.10777390

a chair with 4chan's corporate logo such as OP's

>> No.10777393

It's a Penguin classics translation.

>> No.10777407

That much is clear by the image.

>> No.10777414

>Holy Bible
>Catholic edition
they mean "The only true edition", amirite guyz?

>> No.10777422

Some furniture store that sells second hand stuff and stuff the owner made himself.

>> No.10777428

did you purchase it because of the 4chan corporate logo?

>> No.10777442

you're right; he's deeper.

>> No.10777446

I got them years ago before I used 4chan, didn't make the connection until now desu.

>> No.10777458

i see. now that the connection has been made (now that the (dare i say it) dust has settled, as it were), how do you feel about the chair?

>> No.10777464

penguin classic translations are very often old and outdated

>> No.10777468

>parenthesis within a parenthesis

>> No.10777475

He's on a mathematical level now.

>> No.10777478

It's like he (if he really is a he [and not a she {or maybe a ze} or something else], which we don't know) doesn't even know how to use brackets.

>> No.10777511

I like the chair(s), I have 4 of them. I'll probably be amused every now and again when I look at them and get reminded of the connection.

>> No.10777517

Lol translations aren't oudated, theyre either good or not

>> No.10777529

Its excellent and is used for academic study. Its style is very literal and not 'dynamic', sort of the ESV to Pope's KJV.

>> No.10777536

Dosto writes fairly simple fables, thats not a judgement on his works 'quality', but its hard to imagine reading and rereading and getting much out of it

>> No.10777544

Apparently it's the closest to actual Greek.

>> No.10777545
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>> No.10777602

t. never read him

>> No.10777618
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First page.

>> No.10777620

That's actually not bad, though I still prefer Lattimore.

>> No.10777623


>> No.10777627

Guys I've decided to add some more poetry and another work of philosophy. Leaning towards Dante or Shakespeare for poetry. Republic for philosophy.

>> No.10777656

>either good or not
>nothing can be greater than anything good
The earliest translators of the Russians are held in high regard, but when comparing them (her) to late 20th century translators they are (she's) terrible.

>> No.10777690

The Russian translation in the OP are by Volokhonsky (Anna K), Mcduff (penguin), and Coulsen (oxford).

>> No.10777716

i like it, on amazon?

>> No.10777718

Thread of 17 yr old boys who think Dostoyevsky is profound

>> No.10777727
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>> No.10777729

Papi Peterson said he was, like, so deep.

>> No.10777735

You seem to be confusing Dosto with...the Bible?

>> No.10777745

Dostoevsky wouold unironically agree with this though, what kind of point are you trying to make?

>> No.10777761
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>> No.10777764

powerful argument

>> No.10777800

Probably just search Martin Hammond translation

>> No.10777815
File: 166 KB, 645x729, 1519788135442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know it so it's bad

>> No.10777863

not all of us are neets

>> No.10777875

I see one glaring problem with your stack: there's no first-class original English, either prose or verse :) It's all translation.

I'm not saying you HAVE to remedy this with a Complete Shakespeare; that's merely a suggestion.

>> No.10777894

>Dostoevsky wouold unironically agree with this
Just get a load of this pleb.

>> No.10777900

>he's jealous he squandered his youth not reading an absolute madman like Dostoevsky

>> No.10778081

If you read carelessly, sure

>> No.10778099

What are you reading first?

>> No.10778305

>prose translation

>> No.10778318

lol all bookish teenage boys like Dosty tho right?

>> No.10778321

IF any IS interested in literalist prose Homer, you have Hammond, Shewring and Rieu (the first Penguin classic), Rieu is easier to read though takes more liberties.

>> No.10778346

Nee-chee says [something completely incomprehensible that isn't even in anything Nietzsche ever wrote] and you know, Dostoyeksy, I mean this is just SOOO deep, when [bizarre incoherent reading of the first 50 pages of Crime & Punishment], and you see this over and over again in fairy tales. And Jung [totally unfalsifiable conjecture about another completely unrelated topic] agrees.

>> No.10778475

he could just get moby-dick
would coincide well with the nrsv

>> No.10778718

Stop adding stuff, it's a never ending treadmill. Just read what you have. Next time get some original English books and not translations.

>> No.10778791

I'll get moby dick.

>> No.10778818
File: 695 KB, 472x360, jew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSRV papist "bible"

>> No.10778907

What made you choose the NRSV over something like the KJV? Are you reading it for religious or literary reasons?

>> No.10778940

>committing to the NRSV "catholic" edition for 2-3 years
wew lad

>> No.10779368

I also have the kjv.
Will read the nrsv mostly becsuse it's a more accurate translation. Supposedly.

>> No.10779460

>tfw no 4chan chair

>> No.10779468

If you're committed to the Latin sect, get yourself a Douay-Rheims. Otherwise, get an Orthodox Study Bible.

>> No.10779490

>I don't meditate

>> No.10779599

Dat ass

>> No.10779612

Is that a fucking 4chan chair?

>> No.10779686

After I finally read all three volumes of The Gulag Archipelago (I have been meaning to read these long before Peterson became noticed or mentioned them), a couple non-fiction including The Bell Curve, then I am starting with the Greeks (which I already have the books acquired).

Essentially I have years worth of reading ahead of me.

>> No.10779710

>The Bell Curve,
Don't it's garbage

>> No.10779721

I'm trying to rediscover Christianity too, OP. I'm on spring break so I'll finish C&P and BK and go for Tolstoy.

>> No.10779825
File: 42 KB, 656x643, jackie 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw saving up for a 4chan chair because of this thread

maybe it will make hiroshima "jackie 4chan" nagasaki notice me

>> No.10779860

You're going to get a custom chair made with a 4chan logo?

>> No.10779983

Why do you say that?

>> No.10780114
File: 38 KB, 512x266, fitzgerald iliad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stand aside, pleb fucks

>> No.10780160

first reply best reply

>> No.10780192

>Prose format
For Zeus's sake, don't do it.

>> No.10780312

Not him, but I'd do it if I lived alone. Maybe after I jump the border.

>> No.10780322

Can the 4chan chair become /lit/'s new meme?

>> No.10780399

whats so special about the orthodox study bible. for one the notes aren't particularly great, and it uses the nkjv for nt which is an abomination compared to kjv.

>> No.10781494


>> No.10781827

Your mom thinks otherwise

>> No.10781855
File: 66 KB, 510x721, 01053856d2fbe4aa8c77183fe739d52d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys want a "4chan chair" just look for 4 leaf clover chair. The one in OP's chair actually looks different from the 4chan's logo though

>> No.10781878

I have started to perpetuate the meme. It begins


>> No.10782036
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying books that far in advance
Why the fuck would you do that

In any case here is my current to-read stack. The beige ones are the divine comedy.

t. New

>> No.10782417

Fitzgerald really is my guy

>> No.10782440
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>> No.10782488

>tfw make a post about books and happen to include the chair, it turns into a meme
I almost cut the chair out of the picture before I posted it.

>> No.10782740
File: 425 KB, 1402x1500, newbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My to-read stack changes depending on my mood, but here's what I picked up on Monday.

>> No.10782794
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Whole lot of Soren and Fyodor to read

>> No.10783097
File: 931 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20180221_140339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some reading for the next two months at least!

>> No.10783261

>2 months
confirmed NEET

>> No.10783333

I am also preparing for the next black swan event


>> No.10783362


Yeah, so what? You jelly?

>> No.10783373

I have a cool car

>> No.10783481

Thank god you didn't, anon. Dubs confirm you as the chairman.

>> No.10783881
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>I are speed readr

>> No.10783900
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my most recent pickups. ill probably be finished with the lot of them by the end of spring.

i've already read 5 years to freedom so i'll probably blast through it after lathe of heaven.

>> No.10784964
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>> No.10784977

Go on then, suggest some alternatives.

>> No.10785258

Fear and Trembling is GOAT, until you get to the merman

>> No.10786201

That's some heavy reading Anon. Drop the NRSV for KJV and I'll say it's a very fine stack.

>> No.10786240
File: 300 KB, 466x516, wotm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luk gyuse
>i hve lot of bokes on my goodreedd.net acount!
>this maen i am smate

>> No.10786247

we would get along so good.