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/lit/ - Literature

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10744742 No.10744742 [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/ cancer

>> No.10744759
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>> No.10744768

Imagine how much of a hardon Dante has for being portrayed as such a badass

>> No.10744778

Inferno is literally a self-insert fanfiction. If Dante cared for badassery, he wouldn't depict himself as a weeping whiny cunt in the poem.

>> No.10744779
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Considering the subjectivity of the original poem... yeah, he'd eat it up. I actually played this game, enjoyed myself tremendously.

Was it accurate to the book? About 50%. The rendering of the circles was reasonably well done, extra content included finding sinners that Dante spoke to during his journey. Combat was essentially adapted Devil May Cry. Worth playing, I'd buy a copy if I could find one.

A passable substitute? No. Interesting enough to get an 8th grader to read the original text?

In my case, yes.

>> No.10745039

fuckin Dante getting held by Virgil and walking a lot and fucking crying because he got friendzoned by beatrice lmao what a bad ass

>> No.10745043
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>> No.10745044

I played this game ten years ago, very similar to God Of War. It wasn't really that bad and it had nothing to do with The Divine Comedy. Some sections were good I guess.

>> No.10745054
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>> No.10745066
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Apparently this is a very popular guidebook for high school /lit/ teachers nowadays to show their kids that analysing text is for olds and here's how to make reading To Kill a Mockingbird all about Stranger Things or Tide Pods or whatever.

"Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell invite you to join them on a transformational journey. Out of the dark tunnel of boring literary analysis assignments, they lead you into a world where students learn to write fresh, compelling, authentic arguments based on their own unique interests. “There is a place for analysis of literature in our classrooms,” they write. “But we think there is more. In this book, we invite you to explore your teaching of analytical writing from a new perspective. To open your mind to the real world of analytical writing, and challenge traditional notions about what students should be analyzing and how they should write it.”

Allison and Rebekah offer a broadened definition of analysis for the 21st century classroom. “Analysis is everywhere,” they argue. “It’s about video games and athletes’ seasons, and the latest album, or the new Netflix series.” This new definition of “text” allows students to tap into their passions—and learn to write with expertise on topics that matter to them. “No matter where your students begin as writers—full of confidence or full of avoidance—unleashing them to explore the topics and texts they are passionate about can transform your classroom and transform their writing.”

With samples throughout the book, you’ll see what students of all levels and experiences can do when they’re supported with mentor texts, targeted writing instruction, and the opportunity to write beyond literary analysis."

>> No.10745109

This. The video game is fine. I know people who have it as their only reference to the original text though so they believe The Divine Trilogy is some epic horror where Dante kicks ass and all this sick shit happens whereas it's not that at all. Sort of want to tell them it's Christian af but I know they won't believe me.

Also know people who think The Odyssey is Clash of the Titans.

>> No.10745118

Uhm, why're we not using water engines? If rockets can use them then so can cars. Global warming is just a shill move to inflate the price. Also, fossil fuels are made naturally by the earth. Saying that they're running out and that dinosaurs made them is just shilling to inflate the price. Temperature always fluctuated. They're just spreading mass hysteria.

>> No.10745140

oh no they're going to teach kids to talk about entertainment in an articulate way? what a catastrophe

>> No.10745143

I thought such things were a meme.

>> No.10745170
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>> No.10745177
File: 69 KB, 1193x254, Screen+Shot+2018-01-24+at+10.48.16+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10745188
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>> No.10745195
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>> No.10745200
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>> No.10745205
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>> No.10745220

you fucking dumb shit. Though, i can't say if you are posting this because the jews put "now a legendary game from electronic arts" or bc YOU dislike this book.

I had a near-nigger level chimpout when the cunt giving the tour of florence (which had been recomennded by RICK STEVENS himself, ehom I really saw a fellow geekm man did this break me) in one hour she mentioned BAN BROWN's name fucking times and the 2 times she thought she had seen him, and how it set her pulse racing, and she THROUGHT he knew she knew it was him.

During ENTIRE TOUR, want to know how many times me mentioned Dante or BEatrice? ZERO. fucing ZEROOOOO. Let that sink in anon.

>> No.10745228

***DAN BROWN For thd first time, have come to believe maybe (((freudian slips))) are real since I DO want the cunt BANNEd!!!!!

>> No.10745229

>can't comprehend what OP is objecting to/making fun of
>supremely angry
>"fellow geek"
diagnosis: autism, or accomplished shitposter

>> No.10745256



>> No.10745265

as simple ideas these are cute enough, cringing when i imagine the “CRASH! We decided to adopt a Golden Retriever!” type of response to the prompts however.

>> No.10746432

where is this? ...asking for a friend

>> No.10746440

/r/WritingPrompts on reddit.com

>> No.10746465
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>Just a lot of buckos who haven't cleaned their room or saved their dads from the belly of the dragon of chaos underneath the ocean. We'll sort them out tho.
Why does Australia have such an affinity for shitposting?

>> No.10746489


>> No.10746516
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>pure subjectivity equals eloquence

>> No.10747075

Stop making holes in books!

>> No.10747111
File: 38 KB, 174x198, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds about right

>> No.10747228

Australia is the shitpost of Anglo culture.

>> No.10747282

top kek

>> No.10748062

that had to have been done on purpose right?

>> No.10748072

I can't tell who is more retarded

>> No.10748075

Sometimes things just happen because they are morally conducive to each other. You'll notice these little synchronicities whenever someone does something inherently stupid, vapid, or passionless.

It's basically the engine of Satan dying

>> No.10748082

>stupid, vapid, or passionless.
summed up my last three relationships in order
good job

>> No.10748673

Jesus Christ these people are like Rick and Morty fans I even like the guy but fucking hell.

>> No.10749734
File: 165 KB, 736x946, Barnes and Noble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10749745

>tide pods

>> No.10749869

no way this shit was on par with DMC
more like god of war or something

>> No.10749885

beer and blue collar bludging culture

>> No.10749896
File: 13 KB, 258x400, wuthering-heights-bella-and-edward-s-favourite-book-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10749934
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>> No.10749938


>> No.10750092

The closest video-games ever got to the Divine Conedy was Dark Souls

>> No.10750496


>> No.10750513

the Divine Comedy is the Dark Souls of literature

>> No.10750526

He makes interesting videos about the Bible and psychology but these people treat him as the second coming
His self help stuff is stupid and you're a brainlet if that's the reason you watch him

>> No.10750540
File: 69 KB, 600x600, new_sincerity_detail_grande (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10750564

holy fuck

>> No.10750687

It is actually based on the Divine Comedy, and I think it emulates the experience very well - play it. There is even the suicide forest, and the fact that you talk to people and find information on others throughout should be a give away.

Plus the religous iconography, the fact that it is set after death and the mixture of many myths. Even the name is a reference to inferno, ‘dark souls’, and the hollow refers to the dead as well. Very sad that people often overlook this, it was so obvious as a basis for the whole game as I played it.

>> No.10750742

what is this?

>> No.10750749

T-shirt design. And img search tells me it has something to do with new sincerity. I hate kids.

>> No.10750811

>Surely I'm not like these people because I'm me!

The stigmata of an imbecile

>> No.10750872

I liked this commercial for it

>> No.10750897

Some of these aren't bad, you're just being a contrarian

>> No.10750898

Sounds good. Sterile analysis of "muh themes" is what produced a generation of readers that can only think in reductive categories like muh plot muh realism and, worse of all, muh characters while they miss the bigger picture more often than not.

>> No.10750910

>defacing a shit book

>> No.10750915

get these kids some critical theory today

>> No.10750931

Better than now where it’s just muh identity, muh oppression, muh colonialism.

>> No.10750940

i like the look of their editions, but to fill a whole bookshelf with them just looks weird.

>> No.10750948

It's more the design of it all. Aesthetically it's very unappealing, and yes, I'd judge anyone whose shelf looked like this.

>> No.10750987

That's not bad.

>> No.10750991

That falls under "muh themes"

>> No.10751090

Yes. It’s called a comparison, brainlet. Obsession with oppression narrative themes are what supplanted more formal, structural studies of literature in academia, much to the loss of students.

>> No.10751306


it looks like some kind of pseudo-intellectual crap

although definitely better than average imo

>> No.10751331


>> No.10751365

what the hell is that design

>> No.10751369

I have the Divine Comedy from this series. The inclusion of all the Gustave Doré prints makes it a nice hardcover copy to own.

>> No.10751801

Why is Peterson's fanbase so autistic?

>> No.10751841


To be fair I imagine a video game about a pussy crying on a guided tour would have been fairly dull.

>> No.10751865

M-m-maybe it's an astrolological thing

>> No.10752779


>> No.10752786


>> No.10752804
File: 245 KB, 1739x859, lauren southern excerpt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an excerpt from Lauren Southern's book

>> No.10752891

>Stop calling all right-wingers Nazis!
>Actually, all SJWs are Nazis

>> No.10752947

did she not have an editor?

>> No.10753226

Reminds me of that litizen whose magnum opus was 10% 'nigger'

>> No.10753489

>All those calling Beatrice ‘Dante’s girl’
> he was cucked ‘till she died

>> No.10754603

This is just a cutesy way for people for people to practice some creative writing.

I bet there are a ton of dumb replies, but the prompts are whatever

>> No.10754642

Lost World, Dune, and Holmes seem pretty unique, but a whole shelf, no thanks

>> No.10755605
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>> No.10755712



>> No.10755965
File: 387 KB, 1600x1516, dibinegomedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this one, it's at least to me less gaudy and, while I can't tell from that shelf what the B&N(?) editions are, this edition is clothbound. It was only about $28CAD too.

>> No.10755974
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1488831678978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also know people who think The Odyssey is Clash of the Titans

>> No.10755990

That was actually pretty enjoyable with good prose, I'd buy nigger-anon's novel

>> No.10756022

>these people are like Rick and Morty fans
I'm pretty sure they're not just 'like' Rick and Morty fans. There's so much overlap between Peterson fans and Rick and Morty fans they're practically indistinguishable.

>> No.10756106

>Slay the Dragon of post-modernism
>Said by a furry
So are scalies post-modernist?

>> No.10758209

so close

>> No.10758273
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>> No.10758282

>The amount of idiots who think this post is unironic

>> No.10758418

Is the binding sewn? And what translation is it?

>> No.10758737

I have the Bible from this series. I'm proud of it.

>> No.10758752

kill me

>> No.10758784

lmao the fucking bill withers . what a wild advert