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10743040 No.10743040 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson vs Slavoj Zizek is happening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsLAbOze0kc

>> No.10743053

The way he pronounces 'Zizek' mangles my thornberries.

>> No.10743054

>cuck Jordan 'I can't do it' Peterson

>> No.10743074

>linking a sargon video

>> No.10743078

I hate that pic of Peterson. It looks like a fucking LA Noire character.

>> No.10743080

shut up you cuck

>> No.10743087

>linking a soygoy video

>> No.10743088

yeah sargon the pseud

>> No.10743091

based kekistani

>> No.10743102
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>> No.10743108

Bread and games

>> No.10743116


>> No.10743143

Zizek's response to the criticism of Peterson in LABR was the first thing I've ever read from him and I actually like the points he brought up so I may have to look further into it. As for the debate itself I hope he destroys Peterson because JP is an insufferable cunt about just about everything.

>> No.10743149


>> No.10743150

How do you pronounce it?

>> No.10743154

>Soygon of Afraud is getting involved
Shit, it really is gonna happen.

>> No.10743162

zi zek

>> No.10743171

no one knows mate

>> No.10743178

>klakoy klikek
I'm dying, please send aid

>> No.10743180

>the jealously that arrives from cuckoldry is completely pathological
It's almost like men have to care more about being cheated on because there's nothing ensuring that the kid they're raising is actually theirs. It's not like the kid is incubated in a man's stomach for 9 months.

>> No.10743181



>> No.10743186

Slah-vodge Fucked-If-I-Know

>> No.10743191

Its almost like you invest in the relationship, so see it trashed feels not so good? Im really fedup with this cuck culture

>> No.10743195

Not as bad as pronouncing 'jacques' like 'jaks'

>> No.10743198

there is a fat boy in the corner

>> No.10743199
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So it is fucking nothing then?

>> No.10743201

How is it, jaCC?

>> No.10743214


When Zizek speaks of this feeling being pathological he is not implying anything about its potentiality for being harmful or not to any other aspect of your life. Actually he makes it very clear that it is a problem-in-itself *regardless* if it is right to feel it or not. Likewise for anti-semitism, it is "problematic" even if by all means you are right in some instance or the other to have such feelings. Not being able to depart your reaction to something, to the something, is always pathological, with nothing being implied here that you should be healing it, or that the something itself is wrong.

>> No.10743224

>everything is pathological goy give me your money

so this is the power of psychoanalysis

>> No.10743227

>feeling emotions is pathological
Wow its like a psyop on general population. Being human is bad, wew

>> No.10743241

Not very versed in Zizek's work. Someone want to give a rundown or link to a video that shows it off?

>> No.10743244 [DELETED] 

he just name drops hegel, says a joke, something something lacan, another joke, something about buddhism to show he's diverse and worldly, a joke, sniffle sniffle, i will accept my speaker fee in cash

>> No.10743252

That fucking video.
Just give up reading and return to /pol/.

>> No.10743254

*something severely wrong about buddhism

>> No.10743257
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>> No.10743281

So Marxist philosophical and political commentator? Sounds like it would be a good discussion actually.

I know /lit/ is often very left-leaning and will probably take his side here, but what is the general view of him not compared to Peterson?

>> No.10743291

that chart is stupid since it doesn't have his only serious academic output "The Sublime Object of Ideology" the rest are joke books to make money

>> No.10743294

the general view is that Peterson is out of his league intellectually, but that Zizek is too far off the deep end for any fruitful discussion between them

>> No.10743297

Its jeejek but as in Jacques or Jean

>> No.10743302

depends on how the debate gets framed, zizek's silly freudian bullshit is not going to be any match for a practicing harvard trained psychologist, on the other hand if zizek can make it about obscure derrida quotes or something he might be able to win

>> No.10743306


>> No.10743308

SLAV OI, this next letter isn't in English. Dzji dzjek sound.

>> No.10743321

No it is thinking his wife is cheating. Even if she's cheating, the previous unprovoked thought of thinking his wife was cheating was indeed pathological.

>> No.10743334

Truth at last.

>> No.10743348

Peterson didn't even read most of the western canon. He's a public speaker.
I get the impression he barely even read religious texts, which would have helped greatly with his jungian-like classes. He should have stayed with his statistics honestly, not very /lit/ at all.

>> No.10743353

>Even if she's cheating, the previous unprovoked thought of thinking his wife was cheating was indeed pathological.
this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever read. The biological cost of cheating for men is disproportionately high, which explains their "pathology." You don't explain this perfectly reasonable form of anxiety away by dismissing it as a pathology.

>> No.10743355

>Jack's La Can

Sargon isn't very cultured is he

>> No.10743358

is this supposed to be insightful? who doesn't think this? is this why he's so popular? because he tells people what they want to here? wow, communism failed so lets think up a new idea, wow man, no way, only everyone who isn't a crusty stalinist agrees with this, its not insightful

>> No.10743360

t. room cleaner

>> No.10743362

That's his pop-philosophy
Here's some good shit

>> No.10743366

It is pathological but its understandable. The pathology is indeed required, but again it's pathological. The man will always think of wife cheating when she's away.

>> No.10743377

Not him but I don't think it's about being anxious about the idea. In this case the person is making up paranoid fantasies there's no indications of in his own mind.

>> No.10743378

thats a bit too far, sure he fails philosophy 101 but still generally there are some things wrong with racial/gender politics

>> No.10743380

>doesn't understand basic theory
Just go back to your containment board.

>> No.10743388

the sad part is this is the chomsly-foucault of our generation, west def. declining

>> No.10743391

>In this case the person is making up paranoid fantasies there's no indications of in his own mind.
When something statistically occurs in 50% of all relationships, being afraid that it's occurring is the furthest thing from paranoid.

>> No.10743392

I hate le sniff man but I don't have enough faith in Peterson to see him come out winning.

>> No.10743395

you guys are incredibly bad at arguing. I get why you re so keen on censorship lmao

>> No.10743398

It isn't required to believe your partner is cheating.

>> No.10743403

buth ave you read locke

>> No.10743405

You don't understand the argument itself.

>> No.10743406

No that's retarded.

>> No.10743412


>> No.10743413

>top 10 anime battles

why is this happening, btw? in which ways, or even in which issues, their ideologies clash?

>> No.10743418

they're both guys who sell pop books to pseuds so it's a great marketing opportunity, their publishers are probably owned by the same holding company

>> No.10743419

Just meme magic doing its work.

>> No.10743426

>1 in 2 chance of something occurring
>being worried that it's occurring is "retarded"
what a world we live in

>> No.10743428

Kind of have to agree here. I've seen Peterson form decent arguments, but in a live debate he doesn't seem to do as well. I'm really just hoping it is interesting more than anything. It sounds like their philosophies are different enough that finding common ground might be a struggle. If they can get past that then it should be enjoyable.

>> No.10743430

>worrying about the hypothetical
Jesus would literally flip your table over.

>> No.10743431


zizek wrote an article shitting on peterson because hes super jealous of petersons fame.

>> No.10743433

Zizek is an established contemporary intellectual, JP,regardless of what you think of him, is just some guy that got famous because of the anti-sjw movement. However Zizek doesn't really debate so much as have discussions with people whereas JP is much more aggressive and straightforward with his communication. This will probably be on par with Ben Stiller vs JP, maybe a bit more memey.

>> No.10743439

I'mma need a source because that seems very high. Aren't we still at a ~40% divorce rate in the west, and most of those don't involve cheating, so it should be at most ~20% of marriages involve cheating.

>> No.10743443

well he whipped that bbc journalists ass, but journalists are credulous bottom feeders hired for the ability to uncritical repeat the ruling class narrative, so against a marxist it's not going to be so straightforward knocking down neoliberal talking points

must to the horror of le sniffs acolytes and groupies they'll probably just end up agreeing on most of it, zizek rarely says anything radical, just because he thows in some marx quotes he general just says common sense stuff that any sanders supporter would find sensible

>> No.10743450

You mean when he whipped Cathy Newman? She was a fucking embarrassment, and i think an average /pol/tard might be a match for her.

>> No.10743451

This will be the most inefficient debate of all time

>> No.10743456

Peterson already agrees with Zizek, he just doesn't know it yet

>> No.10743461

yeah but what is zizek going to say that's different?

>> No.10743462

i want to make sam harris watch it with a blood pressure monitor on

>> No.10743464

No one's arguing that it's okay to be paranoid about it no matter what, only that it's okay to be paranoid about it in reasonable circumstances.

>> No.10743469

i've never seen zizek promote trannyism or bash males or whatever, so i don't even get what they're supposed to be disagreeing about, it's just spectacle to sell books

>> No.10743472

wtf zizek is a marxist ?

>> No.10743475


1/3 of married people admit to cheating. No indication of the real number is lower or higher than that

>> No.10743477

Well unlike Newman he's smart enough to pass as a real intellectual to middlebrows. I imagine he's a much more efficient sophist.

>> No.10743481

not really, he just quotes marx a lot for lefty cred, but then the stuff he actually advocates is neoliberal, like in that clip someone posted where he's like "we as marxist should stop trying to change the world and just spend more time thinking" i mean that's "sensible" and also completely goldman sachs approved, if u notice he used a lot of spooky marxist quotes but then ultimately shit on occupy wall street

>> No.10743482

I agree that the reason he got famous was a bit absurd, but he is one of the most cited clinical psychologists in the world, so you can't really just dismiss him like that. Also I never said he was particularly great, only that the discussion would be interesting, as he finally gets to debate an actual neo-Marxists.

I don't really know that that counts. She didn't really have any decent arguments at all. Anytime he is matched with someone he seems to not perform quite as well as just speaking alone.

>> No.10743490

The reality is that Peterson probably doesn't know anything about Zizek other than he is a self-declared proponent of Marxism and that rustles him enough to angrily taunt a twitter bot. Hopefully this debate happens so people who see Peterson as the daddy they never had realize that Peterson is empty aside from the self help and start reading real philosophy.

>> No.10743492

Zizek is only funny because he makes me think in weird ways.

Peterson is boring and repetitive, you've read 1 of his works, you've read all of them. Hes self help.

>> No.10743497

Someone needs to clean their room.

>> No.10743499

>Hes self help.

psychology is "self-help: the field" what did u expect

>> No.10743520

>I take everything at face value and never read a single thing Marx wrote
Zizek is a self-declared Marxist and fulfills that promise in every way. Just because he doesn't fit the new labels of "post-modernist" and "neo-marxist" doesn't mean he is faking it. He quotes Marx in just about every video/lecture/book and still believes Socialism will come back in a big way (although in a newly reformed and almost unrecognizable modern way) to stop capitalism from destroying itself.

>> No.10743522

how does he make u think in "weird ways"? by telling u neoliberal shit that you would dismiss if it came from jeffrey sachs but since it's coming from a "marxist" ur like gosh let me consider this

>> No.10743527

advocating the welfare state isn't marxist its liberal

>> No.10743530

jesus fucking christ, among women its significantly higher there've been studies from the upper middle classes where it hits upwards of 50-60% in the last 3 years. If we include young couples, unmarried, its really fucking bad. Getting into a relationship with snapchat, IG and tindr in existence is one of the dumbest things you could possibly do. The only protection you have is breaking into your SO's profiles, watching them like a hawk, befriending all their friends and keeping tabs on them by proxy, having a large circle of trusted friends she socializes within who will inform on her and belittle/demean her for being a slut. That's it, there is nothing else one can do

>> No.10743531

Stop, you are becoming a parody of yourself.

>> No.10743532

Agreed, but there is an easy explaination:

Clinical psychology is to help people with seriously messed up lives. He's repetitive because he's constantly trying to reach them.

Philosophy is trying to get people to think in new ways. He gets you to think in new ways because, well, philosophy.

That being said, if you want something interesting by Peterson I did actually enjoy his biblical series. He does a great job analysing each story.

>> No.10743536

smash your teeth on a countertop and don't bother replying

>> No.10743545

who cares.

>> No.10743546
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>MFW I peak on LSD, Xanax, and a hit of Weed right when Peterson talks about Marduk who spoke magical words

>> No.10743552

Sorry to trigger you

>> No.10743565

People who don't want to raise other people's kids

>> No.10743568


>well dressed
>nice hair
>piercing gaze

why is it always like this? who do l*ftoids have to look like stereotypical untermenschen?

>> No.10743574

when i was a horny young guy i thought being cucked must be the worst thing ever, but then i cucked a dude or two, and i still had to go home and wallow in >nogf while the cuckold got to take the girl to dinner, watch movies with her, sleep with her, wake up next to her, etc. and just all around enjoy her company, now i'm like if a guy fucks my wife i don't give a shit, she's still my wife at the end of the day, that guy is out in the cold, cucking ppl is overrated

>> No.10743575


It checks out. I concede that it was a lot higher than I had thought.

I just want to add that if you don't cheat, though, according to this your partner only has a 22% or 14% chance of cheating for men and women respectively. That in itself is bad, but a lot better than 50%.

>> No.10743576
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The funny part is that Zizek is the Chad and Peterson the Beta

>> No.10743581

You won't even get any friends acting like such a paranoid and neurotic moron.

>> No.10743582

foucault had flair, but that might have been the homosexuality not the leftism

>> No.10743595

I'm not being paranoid, i'm simply saying that men have more leeway to be paranoid because they face the prospect of raising other people's kids (which women don't)

>> No.10743596

Maybe you should go outside instead of browsin /pol/.

>> No.10743600

you re basically a chick

>> No.10743604

You don't care about the genetic origins of your children?

>> No.10743608

Do you care about your own genetic origin?

>> No.10743609


haha gettin attacked by faggy leftists and polbois at the same time, i'm on fire tonight!

>> No.10743610

Not true, we already went over this.
Worrying about something that isn't happening is pathological. You might as well be afraid of ghosts.

>> No.10743612

Just do DNA testing, brainlet

>> No.10743619


>> No.10743620

do u really think someone is gonna get knocked up from an affair when genetic testing costs less than $100? you should stop watching jerry springer reruns from the 90s

>> No.10743621

All the points you said Peterson isn't versed in are exactly what he says he studies. His main focus is the Bible...

>> No.10743623

Zizek dwarfs JP in intellect but is horrible at debate because he never provides the background analysis of his statements.

>> No.10743625

Yes. So do most people. If a woman found out that her child was accidentally switched out with someone else's at the maternity ward she wouldn't act indifferently towards her biological child, even if she didn't raise it. Biology is still a very important aspect of childrearing.

>> No.10743627

But he isn't versed in them, he just read the bible in English, probably just once as well.

>> No.10743629

Genetic testing without a court order is illegal in Germany and France, and gets you shit from most women even if she didn't cheat on you.

>> No.10743637

well luckily i live in a free country not a some eurofaggy soyworld

>> No.10743638

>Yes. So do most people.
Oh really? How do you define that? How do you measure that? How do you know that? "Yes" is a little vague and I'm pretty sure everyone wants to reproduce regardless of their own genetic origin.

>> No.10743642

i can dna test my kid if i want, i can say i want it in a database for their safety, and for medical reasons, what is the mother going to say? no?

>> No.10743646

>it's illegal
Lmao, as if that would stop anyone. You can do it in secret.

>> No.10743647

You guys hear that Zizek is debating Peterson?

>> No.10743650


>> No.10743653

Lmao holy shit

>> No.10743655

Just because you don't have evidence to cite in APA format doesn't mean that you can't extrapolate based on life experiences. I can't imagine that most people are okay with being cucked.

>> No.10743658

Yeah let me fire up the centrifuge in my shed and break out my ol' genetic testing gloves and I'll have your results in 1 hour or less!

>> No.10743659

Nothing in this thread is about "being cucked" I think a synapse in your brain misfired.

>> No.10743661

Reads books

Doesn't read books and should fuck off back to their containment board.

So einfach ist das.

>> No.10743664

The issue isn't just the information, but how that information is handled in court. If you live in one of the countries where it's inadmissible in court, you still have to pay child support for someone else's kid.

>> No.10743665

I doubt you're a frog or a g*rman

>> No.10743666

That's true but the way he presents his arguments, and to be honest part of this is his following, are just annoying. He needs to stick to psychology instead of trying to say his views have any basis in philosophy.

>> No.10743667

u realize there are genetic testing services that do it for a small fee right?

>> No.10743683

Not in those countries

>> No.10743692
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>> No.10743694

Go to another country then.

>> No.10743698

>In 2005, he married 26-year-old Argentine model Analia Hounie in a celebrity wedding heavily covered by the international news media. It has been reported that Hounie is the daughter of Lacanian psychoanalysts, that she has read and understands quite competently Žižek’s difficult and voluminous works, and (depending on the report) that she either is or is not a genius.

>Argentinian model
>daughter of Lacanian psychoanalysts
>read and understands quite competently Žižek’s works
>pic related

Why is Slavoj so alpha?

>> No.10743700

You are a retard country boy aren't you?

>> No.10743701
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forgot pic

>> No.10743703

The right reads as much as the left. Both equally also have equally retarded authors filled with layers of Bullshit. Obviously thats not the majority.

>> No.10743706

Why are petersonfags itt so afraid of being cucked when they don't have any girlfriends to begin with?

>> No.10743709
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>Both sides are equally wrong
Gee I wonder who is behind this meme

>> No.10743720

There is no intellectual right though, is there? If so where is it? Its not in the higher education system.

>> No.10743723

If only the internet would talk about Nick Land as much as they do about these guys.

>> No.10743727

For one he is way better read, much more intelligent, and an actual academic. Like the other guy said, journalists are bottom feeders.

>> No.10743728
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nothin personnel amerikanskis

>> No.10743732

Because Jordantologists are certain that Zizek is fucking their imaginary girlfriends behind their back.

>> No.10743735

Of course there is! There's Jordan Peterson, Ann Coulter, Shapiro and a lot of other really really smart folks. Emperor Trump also wrote a bunch of very very good books.

>> No.10743737

He wasn't saying both are equally wrong, but both can have legitimate and informed opinions, as well as shit opinions and morons babbling on about nonsense.

>> No.10743746

>wants to destroy western civ

nothing new under the sun

>> No.10743758

Capital already destroyed western culture and traditional ways of life.

>> No.10743760

Just because someone cheats one time does not mean that they are going to get pregnant, please go back to /pol/ we're not trying to censor you, you're just an idiot.

>> No.10743791

Cheating causes grief for male primates because of the potential of your girl misleading you into raising someone else's kids. Even today, 10% of men are raising other people's kids unbeknownst to them.

>> No.10743796

See >>10743737

>> No.10743806

> Jbp vs zizek is happening
>Nothing has been confirmed
Its not happening, folks. Just Sargon windbagging to be found here

>> No.10743809

See deez nuts in yo mouf bitch

>> No.10743811

I can second this. The first time, the girl was engaged and we had a multi-week affair. They split up over it I just went about my day. Later the couple was married and she called her husband to preemptively tell him she was going to cheat on him. He freaked out, rightfully so, but she turned her phone off. We went to my house, hooked up, then had to take her back to her car so she could go home. It was that one that made me feel empty because I wanted her to stay. The guy called me several times but eventually they made up and they're still together today over five years later. As far as I'm aware she has never cheated sense but she cut all communication with me. I also cheated on my ex-fiance and felt horrible for it, then later she cheated on me out of vengeance and also felt horrible. We decided to split because we had other issues but ultimately we worked through the initial infidelity. I haven't worried about being cheated on since these events. If it happens either we will split otherwise we can become stronger. Ownership over another persons sexuality is a Abrahamic spook anyway.

>> No.10743813

Are you seriously defending cuckoldry?

>> No.10743818


>> No.10743825

Sounds like it's all-around bad to me. I don't particularly care about other people's personal lives, so do what you want, but I don't see anything good that came from this here.

>> No.10743828

>Ownership over another persons sexuality is a Abrahamic spook anyway.
This is such a dumb way to interpret this. A mutual commitment isn't a form of ownership. Telling a woman that your commitment is conditional on her commitment isn't the same as claiming to own her sexuality. Cheating causes grief because of questionable paternity, not because of simple jealousy.

>> No.10743830

Neuroticism turned into an ideolgoy, lmao pol srsly.

>> No.10743835

just because america is a revolutionary egalitarian anti-traditionalist enlightement experiment doesn't mean the whole world is like that.

>> No.10743837


>> No.10743840

Why do you think every act of infidelity results in children? Seriously, go back to /pol/, birth control exists.

>> No.10743842

>not liking being cucked is an ideology
we really are at peak degeneracy

>> No.10743843

>don't have evidence to cite in APA format doesn't mean that you can't extrapolate based on life experiences.
Seriously, you have to go back.

>> No.10743844

But not all sex produces children so what does it matter who fucks who?

>> No.10743849

It's not that infidelity results in children, you retard, it's that our psychologically evolved before the advent of birth control and paternity tests (which is still illegal in some countries), which causes us to be protective of the women we choose to build our lives with.

>> No.10743853

We're not blank slates who perceive everything in rational terms. Human sexuality is inherently irrational.

>> No.10743874

Again, it’s gonna be a Jung v Lacan battle.

Sorry somebody linked a piece of random garbage. Here is a genuinely good lecture by him

Zizek is a communist Lacanian-Hegelian, Peterson is a vaguely scientistic, liberal conservative, Nietzscheian Jungian.

Here’s an idea, Zizek did not actually write an article about Peterson. If you thought that article was about Peterson, it’s only because you either can’t read, or are such a fan boy you only looked at it to find the comments on Peterson.

What that article was *about* was campus pseudo-leftist politics and political correctness, both of which he was criticizing. The article was ‘why is Jordan Peterson popular’, and he proceeds to explain not anything about Peterson and why he is unique, but rather why the bad habits of campus radlibs are dialectically generating support for a particular reaction, a reaction which is embodied in Peterson. It was an op ed In the guardian, he’s writing at liberal whom he is upset with, not against Peterson. Everybody reading the column already sees Peterson’s politics as full of shit, Zizek doesn’t need to tell them why, he’s just there to tell them it’s their fault for making him.

Zizek is an explicit supporter of lgbt liberation and the feminist project overal. He’s written extensively on gender questions. What he disagrees with is the Foucaultian-Butlerian-Deleuzian axis of approaches to gender, and the politics they have generated. In an interview we was basically saying he doesn’t think most trans activists realize how difficult their fight was, and that the playfulness with gender among some activists undercut their seriousness. He adamantly supports the project, just doesn’t see certain methods as productive. That’s also why he wrote the oped

>> No.10743875

No you retard, fuck off. One of your fellow polack retards seems to think cheating results in you automatically raising another persons child

>> No.10743881

It is, generally, I haven't cheated since. Just because some people do get hurt and there's other opportunities.

>> No.10743887

If you're a retard from /pol/ you think this way. Seriously unfuck yourselves.

>> No.10743888

You seem to be suffering from blank slateism. Cheating causes suffering because men evolved to not be okay with the potential of using their resources to spread someone else's genes. Theres's a reason why every patriarchal society thought it necessary to control women's sexuality/

>> No.10743895

I don't understand you people. How is not being okay with cheating /pol/? No one's been okay with cheating throughout post of human history.

>> No.10743898

>If you're not okay with your wife sleeping with other men you're a reactionary Nazi
what a fucking world

>> No.10743899
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>textbook example of pathology in action without an ounce of irony

>> No.10743900

>Feelings don't matter when they are biologically based, because that which they are trying to protect against is no longer an issue
>Feelings matter when they are biologically developed, because sex feels good

>> No.10743903

thank you

>> No.10743922

That’s not true, they just aren’t popular among rank and file conservatives.

The thing is that a huge section of economics as a field is extremely right wing. And there is a whole network in the US of various scholars who still do what is tantamount to race science and are published. There are mountains of libertarians thinkers out there too. It’s just most right wingers aren’t that intellectual and their politics are driven by hate, not reason. So books by pundits who give them arguments to go dunk on The Libs is all they want. Every leftist I know will have books on black issues, feminist theory, indigenous history, Marxist economist and politics, a history or two of the labour struggle, a bunch of philosophy texts, biographies of Che Guvera, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin, and Mao, a selected works of Brecht, multiple textbooks on the history and practice of islam, and history books mapping out every fucked up thing The US has ever done. Conservatives not so much.

>> No.10743923

It's not about whether or not it's OK. It's because of the extremity of the argument you're trying to make. Now fuck off, it's irrelevant to the topic.

>> No.10743927

If an economist is right or left wing they're a shitty economist. No proper economist would advocate for a solution but instead leave that to the people/politicians and only estimate the results of action.

>> No.10743935

>claims he completely misses the point
>goes through the article completely missing every single point mentioned by zizek
Who the fuck is this fat fuck?

>> No.10743936

When something occurs 25-50% of the time, and the potential cost is as grave as spending your life raising someone else's kid, being extreme about it is completely justified.

>> No.10743948

Zizek will destroy him.

>> No.10743954

>those comments
does /pol/ actually have a sub 90 IQ

>> No.10743956

That's hardly a grave cost.

>> No.10743968

Unless he really doesn't want to raise someone's kid...? It was an extremely subjective statement. If he's worried it's because he cares. I don't see the problem there.

>> No.10743972

Spending your resources spreading someone else's genes is a form of rape. I'm being completely unironic and serious. It's an 18-year deception that keeps you from leaving your wife and having the opportunity to actually spread your genes. It's an obscene scenario.

>> No.10743979

clearly. I figure most of them are burgers and the illiteracy rate in the US is higher than the infidelity rate so who can blame them for failing to understand Zizek and pivoting the thread into
>muh degenerate tinder sluts

>> No.10743982


As it's written.

>> No.10743988

Zizek is too busy publishing two books a year for the last two decades to do things like shower or exercise.

That’s literally integral to his whole shit. During the 90s he was on that post-Marxist ‘radical democracy’ shit with Laclau, but by the 2000s he had returned to the project of reformulating a philosophically sound ontology for Marxism-Leninism. His last two major works, one of which was over a thousand pages long, are about trying to articulate a new dialectical materialism by turning Lacanianism into an ontology, while demonstrating why all the various speculative materialists, and Deleuzian New Materalists are doomed to fail.

Zizek’s jokes, Especially in the context of his books are genuinely funny.

>> No.10743989

Rape: noun
The crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will.

‘he denied two charges of rape’
count noun ‘he had committed at least two rapes’
as modifier ‘a rape victim’

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

>> No.10743992

>the illiteracy rate in the US is higher than the infidelity rate
Statistically and demonstrably false

>> No.10743996

what's stopping you from just fucking your wife and having your own kids grow up with the cuck kids? meme will carry a lot more information than genes, as evidenced by all the autism that was nurtured into you by porn and video games that your poor parents most certainly didn't genetically select for

and if you wanna be spergimus prime with all your biological essentialism, what procreation comes down to is the passing down and proliferation of information. nothing more.

>> No.10744001

If a man is in a relationship with a woman on the condition that she's faithful, him having sex with her despite her lying is a form of deception that feminists would call "rape" if it was man lying about his income or status.

>> No.10744007

>If a man is in a relationship with a woman on the condition that she's faithful, him having sex with her despite her lying is a form of deception that feminists would call "rape" if it was man lying about his income or status.
Do you read this back to yourself before you post it? I can't tell if you are trying to be serious or not

>> No.10744009

If there was a mix up at the maternity ward and you found out that someone accidentally switched your kid with someone else’s kid 20 years ago, and after years of searching you found your biological kid and arranged to have a meeting with them, would you feel no emotion whatsoever when coming face to face with them? Would you kindly shake their hand, notice that they looked like you, and have a short subdued conversation? No, you’d fucking cry. You’d hug each other while crying. The biological connection you have to your progeny is obviously important. It’s arguably the deepest connection in all of nature, and it’s inherent, not learned. The fact that society tries to claim that that connection doesn’t matter when it comes to men is enough of a justification for men to have a deep suspicion of contemporary feminist ideology. I can't think of a more disgusting ideology than "your kid doesn't matter."

>> No.10744012

Okay, but their definition is dishonest. Can't we just reject it all together and use some other word for more general sexual misconduct?

>> No.10744013


>> No.10744020

cosmically, they don't. nice pathos, tho. now where have I seen that latin root before...?

>> No.10744021

/lit/: where being cucked is okay, but being remotely right-of-center is unforgivable

>> No.10744022

>Bases argument on prime-time reality TV premise
Just stop

>> No.10744026

You'll notice that none of the discussion in the last 30 posts has been relevant to the actual thread or /lit/ in general.

>> No.10744031

"Human emotions only matter if they make sense in cosmic terms." Let's get rid of all art and literature, they don't matter cosmically either. Let's commit suicide; out lives ultimately don't matter.

>> No.10744033

Actually has a point.

You are essentially hardwired to care about your genes being passed on. It's not just that they are similar to you in action or looks, it's that they carry your genes, and you are biological predispositioned to protect that.

>> No.10744034

>Let's commit suicide
Please do

>> No.10744038

you fags are diverting a worthless thread and buttfucking it locked to the top of the board with autistic psychosexual insecurity and not a single post has been about actual literature. that's why it's unforgivable you fucking special needs child

>> No.10744039



>> No.10744043


>> No.10744045


>> No.10744046


>> No.10744048

in what universe is she anywhere near as attractive as Zizek's wife

>> No.10744058

We didn't discover cuckoldry 100 years ago, We've understood the difference between "my kid and his kid" since time immemorial.

>> No.10744062

Not if you thought his kid was your kid

>> No.10744063

did we? what about those early culture that had solstice orgies n shit? "my kid vs his kid" only matters when u have private property at stake

>> No.10744069

Not everything is genes. You'll notice that some identical twins do not appear identical, despite the same genome.
We do care about genes, as they can (partially) determine things like height, body type, looks, and even behavior. We also care about atoms even though we just recently found them. Just because we did not actively think about them doesn't mean we did not "care".

>> No.10744071

>hardwired to care about sex
>"prudishness and sublimation are inhuman"
>hardwired to care about your biological children
>"it's just biology bro, your brain is just tricking bro, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things bro"

>> No.10744083

"Time immoral" means since the advent of civilization, i.e. private property.

>"my kid vs his kid" only matters when u have private property at stake
Do you honestly think that society is ready to get rid of laws regarding child support and alimony?

>> No.10744089

i don't think immemorial means what u think it means

>> No.10744093

you learned to shit in a toilet and not on the ground. one day, when we're all cyborgs and you've been biomechanically modified into a toilet that transhumans shit into the mouth of, you'll understand the meaning of this

>> No.10744095

I think we're on the same side of this. Go back and read the post, as I did not imply any of that. I think the hardwiring is a legitimate point. How are humans going to live if not as humans? Should we not, at least to some extent, follow our biology? I think we both agree that is rediculous. So you are hardwired to care about sex and your biological children, but I was never saying that those feelings should be ignored, but that genetics actually matters because of this.

>> No.10744099

>Just because we did not actively think about them doesn't mean we did not "care".
Oh yes, please tell me about how humans thousands of years ago behaved as if you were there to know.

>> No.10744110

It’s actually gonna be such a good debate if it happens. Zizek is actually the perfect counter point to everything Peterson talks about.
There will be something pretty rich about a guy from rural Canada trying to tell somebody who lived most of their life in the eastern bloc under communism about the historical crimes of communism. Zizek literally had his master’s thesis censored for being insufficiency Marxist.

Zizek also does defend the Soviet Union as being real emancipatory experiments in Marxism, albeit a failed one, so Peterson’s ‘they always say it’s not real communism’ isn’t going to fly.

Zizek is also intimately familiar with all the so called postmodern thinkers. He was an early fan of Derrida, and he even did translations of Foucault's work into Slovenian. But he’s also a harsh critic of all of them, postmodernism is one of his eternal whipping boys across all his work. This entire body of work Peterson knows nothing of.

Zizek’s probably read Jung in the original German, and he has a second PhD in psychoanalysis. While he doesn’t talk a lot about the clinic, Zizek is has his education to be a Lacanian clinician.

It’s also going to be immensely destabilizing for Peterson to be up against a leftist who isn’t one of these super up tight teenagers. Talking to a real life Marxist, but one who will mix in ethnic jokes, and jokes about observations of German’s shitting habits to make his points. It’s weird that I think it’s actually more likely that Peterson would leave offended by Zizek being gross and vulgar in telling jokes about fisting so some shit.

Zizek also has written extensively defending a certain odd secular conception of materialist Christianity.

God, at everybody point, the more I think about it, the better this gets. Peterson only just adopted politics, Zizek has been a famous political figure since the late 80s.

>> No.10744112

I'm just adding your your point, not disagreeing with you.

So much of what we do can be dismissed in similar terms, but rarely is. How many people say "the instinct to be social is just biologically inculcated, therefore be a hermit"?

>> No.10744120

Read a history book if you want to know what they acted like a thousand years ago specifically. I was saying that as a rule people care for their biological children.

>> No.10744123

And here's Jeff Mangum coming in to talk about sexual relations and women. This thread is complete.

>> No.10744127

You are typing a lot, but not saying anything.

>> No.10744131

The only girl i've ever loved was born with roses in her eyes tbqh

>> No.10744133

Go back to /mu/ you were bad enough there.

>> No.10744139

Why is this all you ever talk about though? You go in the archive and its clear. If you took off the name you'd be much less obnoxious, even though one could still recognize you.

>> No.10744142

I've been posting here since 2010, check the archive. You go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.10744144

>So much of what we do can be dismissed in similar terms, but rarely is. How many people say "the instinct to be social is just biologically inculcated, therefore be a hermit"?
have you BEEN to r9k? or do you just bounce between /pol/ and this board to peddle your ideological snake oil?

>> No.10744151

Sorry. Here's an actual source because I thought everyone knew this basic fact they taught us freshman year of undergrad.


>> No.10744165

>I've been posting here since 2010
And you've never posted anything worth a shit

>> No.10744168

I talk about everything except for literature. The only writers I talk about are Shakespeare, Keats, and Virginia Woolf.

I don't generally post on /pol/, and have spent more time on here defending Jews against /pol/sters than you've spent here posting about any topic. Fuck off.

>> No.10744172

yes anyone who doesnt agree with u is obviously from pol

>> No.10744176

What the fuck did this thread devolve into? Holy fuck I want nipmoot to delete /pol/ so that can go to some other website. This is fucking horrible.

>> No.10744181

>gonna be a Jung v Lacan battle.
Fuck off. Peterson is no jungian

>> No.10744187

>cuckoldry doesn't matter in cosmic terms, I swear!

>> No.10744194

remember when all the retards were assumed to be from /b/? does anyone even go on /b/ anymore? now /pol/ has totally eclipsed that as the biggest flock of jackasses on the internet

>> No.10744198

>I talk about everything except for literature
Thanks for outing yourself, now fuck off.

>> No.10744199

>cheating isn't an issue!
>yes it is!
what does this debate have to do with /pol/?

>> No.10744200
File: 153 KB, 1108x1477, 1518944277018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't generally post on /pol/, and have spent more time on here defending Jews against /pol/sters than you've spent here posting about any topic. Fuck off.
bzzt, wrong. been shitposting on 4chan since 2004 mr. namefaggatron. not that it matters to anyone but pompous cocksuckers like you. and hats off for defending the poor wittle jews from anonymous nazis! I'm sure you've won plenty of hearts and minds with your heartwarming zionism and Israel thanks you for your service. you're on a cambodian cat adoption bbs, what's the explanation for your rampant self-importance?

>> No.10744206

cuz anyone who doesn't agree with a liberal is obviously a nazi

>> No.10744209

I care about reputation and identity, even on a Mongolian scrimshawing chatroom.

>> No.10744217

I haven't been there for over a decade, which makes me feel sad about how long I've been on this shitty site overall. I assume it's just bots and porn though since that's all it was when I left in 2007.

The entire conversation reeks of /pol/ because only a bunch of morons would give a shit about such a minor point that is so inconsequential to this debate.

>> No.10744222

then u have failed since not one person likes u

>> No.10744223

Yet you're a retarded tripfag that literally no one likes. So fuck off.

>> No.10744226

>on /lit/
>doesn't talk about literature
>openly pushes an ideological agenda
>'I care about reputation and identity'

>> No.10744228

>The entire conversation reeks of /pol/ because only a bunch of morons would give a shit about such a minor point that is so inconsequential to this debate.
It's the issue that explains the 50% divorce rate in the US, but it's minor? What world do you live in?

>> No.10744237

>>openly pushes an ideological agenda
What does that "ideological agenda" constitute? No one here knows my political disposition or who I voted for in the last election. There's nothing ideological about the notion that biology plays an important role in determining how we perceive the world.

>> No.10744247

Snug fit condoms

>> No.10744252

>doesn't talk about the topic of the board
>'on here defending Jews against /pol/sters'
>consistently argues for certain stances in certain topics
>'reputation and identity'
Of course, maybe I couldn't tell if you didn't make it obvious with tripfagging.