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/lit/ - Literature

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10741531 No.10741531 [Reply] [Original]

So tell me /lit/, how much of your library consists of women or poc? I just went through all my shelves and this is what I can report.

White: 94,5% of authors
Male 91,3% of authors
White Males: 85,8% of authors
Dead White Males: 62,5% of authors
Women of Colour: 0% of authors

About 80% of the non-white male authors were Japanese.

>> No.10741542

my books all identify as otherkin, thank you for amending your perception of their gender status.

>> No.10741545

My library consists mainly of works I enjoy reading. Diversity is a buzzword for faux altruists to win their moral brownie points.

>> No.10741549

there is a reason for that, and it isn't racism

>> No.10741550

I can't laugh at things like this anymore. My heart is heavy now

>> No.10741628

Yeah, something like 95% is white men, most of them dead.

>> No.10741642

it's ok to be white

>> No.10741659

so i get their ideology behind the problem with white authors, but the "dead" part is just so fucking childish

>> No.10741667

um sweetie, like, no one wants to read out old white men who raped Africa and enslaved minorities People, like, want to read about people of color's experiences while they're alive now

>> No.10741674

Check your shelf privilege goys.

>> No.10741675
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>> No.10741681

>I don't know what sarcasm is
Why did you post a picture of yourself?

>> No.10741697

is this real life? i cannot wrap my head around how absurd and comically self-destructive white people have become

>> No.10741703


>> No.10741717

The dead/white/whatever thing is so old. All authors should be divided into two categories:


>Homer (yes, I know, but he would just strike out in all directions with desperate fury. He would NEVER run.)
>Dante (actually fought in civil war-type things)
>Emily Dickinson (you'd be surprised)
>Mishima (might have to hold him back DESU)
>Bukowski (too drunk to run away)

>Virginia Woolf
>John Updike (would probably sneak off and try to seduce my wife whilst I was battling overwhelming odds)

>> No.10741739

Does Bolano count as a dead white male?

>> No.10741745

Do I get diversity points for my Borges book because he is Latin American? Or is he considered white because he is from Argentina?

>> No.10741782

his entire family tree was Spanish. no diversity points for you.

>> No.10741829

Are Irish considered white?

>> No.10741841

Eh, maybe count him as half white.

>> No.10741861
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>> No.10741875

Have one willa cather and iceberg slim book, so not very diverse at all

>> No.10741876

Only non whites I have are Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Eco, Calvino and Cervantes.

>> No.10741884

Every time I read a post with "umm, sweetie" in it I feel a sharp turn of anger in my stomach.

>> No.10741886


>> No.10741890


Irish might look white but behavior wise they are little better than the coloreds

>> No.10741895


>> No.10741925
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um sweetie, the problem lies with you for getting triggered by a simple string of words
sweetie posting is supposed to be ironic [/spoiler
>No blanco
Anglo eterno

>> No.10741942

>in the forest of my mind i'm free
as 30yo worker I can relate to this

>> No.10741948

its girl posting, you can also start with 'uhmmm', end with a simple ':)' or an 'x' either one or 2 followed with a few dots.
e.g. uhmmm you have no idea what you're talking about babe xx...

>> No.10742193
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>Implying the average Anglophone understands this distinction
It's like you don't realize that preferential treatment for "Hispanics" largely serves to benefit descendants of Conquistadors, the rightful rulers of the New World. Pic related, this man and his children DESERVE to be legally privileged over you, bigot.

>> No.10742215

Most of my non whites are from east Asia too and of that most would be Chinese, one Korean, and a few jap chaps

>> No.10742216
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>Library not 50% women and at least 50% poc

Wow, just wow

>> No.10742219

Reminder that by participating in this obsession with race you're contributing to the destruction of literature.

>> No.10742227
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JEW DETECTED (probably)

>> No.10742228

Same. I just feel sad and heavy, and Im not even white. This is what you get wjen you let women and jews take charge. I think western humanities academia is trash because there are no good job prospects for those students, decreasing the competition and thus the quality of the students who make it into college. Say what you want, but this is obviously an indirect cinsequence of free market. Because there is this supply and demmand logic behind jobs and science, all of the people with intellectual pottential are waisting their brains trying to make a new novelty app for Iphone and get rich, meanwhile science has gone entirely to the hands of the jews

>> No.10742309

I actually went and looked up this article, and there actually is a point here. I thought I'd share it with you guys because we've all seen this movement but I for one had not actually seen the better arguments in its favor.

The argument seems to be this: for quite a while we had preferential treatment towards certain works which were in dialogue with each other. Lately we realize that it is unfortunate that the canon itself helped to select a certain subset of works; we fix this by throwing in a couple of works that already are known to have merit but are less widely read and represent certain groups.

The issue, though, is that the question of what has merit is already biased by what is part of the canon now. So throwing in tokens here and there is a waste of everyone's time. Instead, it is necessary to look at the western canon more broadly, and to see whether there are branches of the main literary tradition that are neglected, or places where "our" tradition, white male Western tradition, runs tangent to some other literature, or is fed by another. The study of these would actually add value to the study of the whole - but without a serious reexamination of the whole body of literature, it really is worthless to replace one white author with one (probably almost) as esteemed minority simply for diversity's sake. That's not what this argument is for.

>> No.10742325

That's a long way to say you and the article never heard of the non Western Canons.

>> No.10742341

Is that Jorge Ramos? Fuck him. Stupid leftie bastard

>> No.10742354

Are Italians white?

>> No.10742366

>Irish might look white but behavior wise they are little better than the coloreds

This applies to Slavs as well.

>> No.10742368

Very closely related to that and true in my case but I don't think that's quite exactly the point in its entirety. You're implying that the solution to a culture preferring itself in creating a canon is solved by reading canonical literature from other cultures; I'm saying the canon is not required to contain the best possible set of books, and a valuable book that is not in one canon is not required to be in another.

I think the people who want more diversity would be happy with your solution, but I still don't think they're necessarily the same solution.

>> No.10742373

>considered white
not even by the Irish

>> No.10742376

Try Toni Morrison. She’s an African American and I recently read her novel Song of Solomon (1977) and loved it.

>> No.10742377

'canon is a western word. there are no nonwestern canons

>> No.10742413

>I think the people who want more diversity would be happy with your solution, but I still don't think they're necessarily the same solution.
That's because you're both ignorant of Western Canon's accommodation of authors you're trying to save from so called obscurity. Most of Western Canon is depraved enough that only scholars were allowed look at some important works, and if the people campaigning for this read the black, female, queer or otherwise "different" authors involved in the canon, they'd ask for them to be banned.

>> No.10742419

>English literary canon
>English speaking countries have been mostly white throughout history
>Women have until recently been subjugated to lesser roles in society
>Why are so many of the best authors white and dead men


>> No.10742429

I want to see you argue this against /a/'s mods, and a Chinese Imperial examiner. I'm thinking mods on >>>/a/ might be easier to find.

>> No.10742473

>>Women have until recently been subjugated to lesser roles in society

For many years European and American middle class girls were given piano lessons.
Despite this women's contributions to music have been minor
Despite grinding poverty, limited opportunities for education or advancement and brutal often violent oppression, African American men managed to invent blues, jazz, rock and roll, gospel, funk and hip hop.

>> No.10742478

This is retarded. I could understand the feminist critiques (even though Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, and Jane Austen are important parts of the canon), but the racial aspect to it is ridiculous. The reason the Western literary canon is 'white' is because Western culture has been primarily white until very recently. That's like asking why the Chinese literary canon is so full of East Asians.

>> No.10742487

Mine is maybe 20% white, 18% white male, 15% dead white male. I study Eastern philosophy though...

>> No.10742504

china has writing too, and I'm sure it's great but I know nothing about it

>> No.10742516

I once read Malcolm X's autobiography. It gave me a good insight into the plight of Black suffering in America.

However, it also continued to support my current view that the mixing of peoples on a great scale will always cause conflict, and that America/Europe is essentially doomed.

>> No.10742565
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There's a reason why they put a emphasis on the dead part.

>> No.10742602
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We don't need to be reading anything from dead white men.

>> No.10742607

Get out

>> No.10742609

Elliot Rodgers wasn't even white holy shit

>> No.10742611


Stop questioning the narrative you fucking bigot.

>> No.10742612

a compilation! grr im so angery nao
grow up you little faggot. What reason do you have to be proud of your race? What reason does anybody have to be proud of their race?

>> No.10742615
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White people are an abomination, we need to make all good Western writers to be black.

>> No.10742620

25% Faggots
25% Opium-smokers

>> No.10742626

>grow up you little faggot. What reason do you have to be proud of your race? What reason does anybody have to be proud of their race?

I keep telling that to leftists about niggers and such after Black Panther, but then i'm suddenly racist. The people who complain about these things are inconsistent in their individualism.

>> No.10742629
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Who said I was proud of my race? I'm just sharing what the mainstream thinks about us and I agree with them. We need to stop reading racists whites and start reading more blacks and other person's of color.

>> No.10742631

Pride feels better than shame.
Feeling good feels good.

Thus racial pride is good.

>> No.10742636


>> No.10742646
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Am I being off topic? I'm just agreeing with the OP.

>> No.10742669


Precisely 99% male, 100% white. As a white male, I am happy to say that I am almost not appropriating any of the cultures/ethnicites/genders that I will never understand as a privileged white male, apart from the few books I have by Woolf. I understand that the 1% by Woolf is extremely problematic, and is a symptom of my white male drive to subjugate and destroy the narratives of oppressed minorities, but rest assured I will burn those books at the first given opportunity, despite adoring them greatly.


>I am laughably easy to bait

Uhmm sweetie, where's the sport in that?

>> No.10742676


This. I like my pasty white nerd culture. It's amazingly polite and frequently inventive.

>> No.10742696


Go back to /pol/ brainlet.

>> No.10742699


Whitie detected, we're here to end your racist reign of terror.

>> No.10742700

this umm this uh thread should be deleted

>> No.10742708

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.10742712

Half of these are not even attacks though. The other half are mild statements pointing to common trends.

>> No.10742725
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True, but it does set the tone and obsession.

>> No.10742726

adding to the list
George Orwell - actually probably killed people in the spanish civil war. got shot in the
neck and called it "interesting"

>> No.10742861

I have a few women on my shelves but they are all dead white lesbians

>> No.10742868


>Miguel Cervantes
100% Cervantes. He got bored with life in Spain, ran away and became a soldier. He could have ducked out of the Battle Of Lepanto because he was ill but he fought anyway and got badly wounded.
>Robert E Howard
He got laughed at by the men of his town because he worked as a waiter for a while. He soon earned their respect by engaging in BRUTAL BARE-KNUCKLE BOXING MATCHES. Go Robert E H!
>Ezra Pound
Just make sure you're fighting against the Shadowy Forces Of International Usury, and he would be right in there with a broken bottle to even things up.
>Raymond Carver
In the first place he is quite likely to be IN the bar.
In the second place he was a big guy and apparently could get a little rowdy on occasion.

>Marcel Proust
Cheese-eating surrender-monkey AND slack-jawed faggot.
>Franz Kafka
He would do nothing but whinge. You need a cheerful, robust disposition to shake off minor flesh wounds and I don't think he would measure up.

>> No.10742875
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I got some ladies and darkies

>> No.10742895

Male: 100%
White: 95%
>reading books by women

>> No.10742898

>they are all dead white lesbians
Wtf. How many dead caucasian lesbians can there possibly be???

>> No.10742903


>> No.10742949

should also add her fwb, vita sackville west

>> No.10742965

I was drinking at a bar in Dublin that claims to be where Joyce had his first pint (yeah right) and ended up drinking next to an in the flesh Citizen. Got plastered on whisky, beer, and milk and then proceeded to shout at some vaguely foreign looking guy at the bar to get the fuck out of his country where he and his kin had toiled for generations.

The bartender eventually threw him out and half a dozen other Irishmen went out after him looking for a fight. Pretty fun desu.

>> No.10743008

as a woman I can honestly say that I can't stomach "white male" authors very well. just because of the gross power fantasies/obvious mansplaining of their works. Maybe if you haven't informed yourself with other perspectives you'll be blind to it

Time and time again I'll pick up a """""""classic"""""" work written by a man and it will be so unrealistic in its portrayal of women as a whole that I just get frustrated and put it down. Faulkner's female characters might be some of the worst ever penned

So all in all I'm glad to see more women being given the opportunity that for centuries they were denied to present their own points of view of life and its sciences from a woman's perspective

I think reading such a male-dominated canon has really screwed with people's instinctive appraisal of women and other minorities and now for the first time that standard is being challenged. what's really so bad about that?

>> No.10743016

>what's really so bad about that?
mediocre art

>> No.10743023

but the art is already mediocre. it's just a mediocrity that flatters your virility

>> No.10743030 [DELETED] 

>it's just a mediocrity that flatters your virility
Men don't ponder about Virility. Go read Musil now.

>> No.10743085

I never looked up the race, gender, or age of the authors of my shelf.

The books are there because they are on subjects I like, and they are informative, or a pleasure to read.

It disgusts me that a book is determined unusable by reason of being written by an unsuitable race.

>> No.10743100


Ugh, I hope you're laying down some bait. I don't wish to imagine the suffering of those around such a person.

>> No.10743109

>women and other minorities
of course it's b8 but it's good-quality b8
the lunacy is pitched just right
9/10 would swallow with a smile on my fishy face

>> No.10743119

why does most women's writing fall into
1. fucking chad
2. being a feminist/dystopiafantasy with feminist undertones (or ayn rand)
3. new age garbage

white males write about a whole wide array of topics because they arent preoccupied with race and gender.

>> No.10743164

You should. Whites and Asians have high IQs so they're capable of writing and discussing various subject matters. Niggers can't write, let alone read, and women write about stupid shit that no one, except themselves, cares about.

>> No.10744825

Me too. A sign of the times and a sign of decline.

>> No.10744846

A simple answer is that Africa - obviously - hasn't had the same development as the west otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation and that the foundations on which western society was built, was developed by Europeans. And the great works of European literature mostly came from a time when the West would have been deemed great and powerful, do you really think we have the potential to produce great works now? No. Not when every other news article is about how your child should be transgender and how you should be gay.
If we want more great works then the basics need to be sorted. A birthrate above replacement rate and a society for the native Europeans from there. Rather than the idea that anyone and everyone can come.

>> No.10744874

Music is strange too, it's very globalized. Now the only thing that appeals to most people is music from North American artists such as Drake, Beyonce and others. For example, 10 or 15 years ago in Britain you had lots of home grown artists that played Britpop and Britrock. Now all you get is Drake and then UK grime artists. The grime probably being a refection of the demographics of most areas of London.

>> No.10744935

I don't know, I'm not racist so I have no way of checking this.

>> No.10744940

just over 15% non-white but most that is the jew

>> No.10744964

100% white males and it's not going to change. I'm not buying or reading shit I don't care about and I'm definitely not going to give a fuck what some inner city whore has to say.

>> No.10744968
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>now for the first time that standard is being challenged

>> No.10744984

I would trust Kafka with my life desu

>> No.10744989

Are white men becoming the new Jews? From a detached perspective this acceptable scapegoating is really quite odd.

>> No.10745009


>Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Military trained, survived a russian prison in the tundra and a proper lad
>St. Ignatius Loyola
Ex-soldier and a strong man overall. Wouldn't drop you in a middle of a fight

5'0 Frenchman
>Thomas Mann
An effeminate and whiny man.

>> No.10745119

I’m okay with women not reading men. I just wish they wouldn’t bug me about not reading non-males.

>> No.10745148

Bionicle is the peak of European culture. An epic of unparalelled proportions, and an ubelievably rich lore. Can any other work boast about creating a completely new, original, complex mythology from scratch?

>> No.10745159

This guy knows what the fuck is up. Also, W. I. T. C. H. is second best in all those categories.

>> No.10745171

Pipe down goy! As a white male I agree we've had our time, it's only right that someone else got their time in the sun. Someone who has been historically disenfranchised, like Semites perhaps. I can't wait to tell my cousin, Ezra, I negotiated a publishing deal for his Holocaust memoirs.

>> No.10745211

bionicle was derivative of maori mythology tho
lego got accused of cultural appropriate because of it

>> No.10745216

appropriation, doh

>> No.10745248

white males and samurai 100%
everyone else is a brainlet

>> No.10745621

Stop reading modern female authors.

Women can be pretty solid writers when they put the gender stuff to the wayside. Judging female writers based on Atwood and Suzanne Collins is like judging male writers based on John Green.

>> No.10745633

Authors I would trust to have my back in a bar fight:
>Ernst Jünger

Authors I would not trust to have my back in a bar fight:
>Thomas Pynchon
>Stephen King
>Ayn Rand

>> No.10745637

The only way to counter /pol/ is to try your best to write good posts and use "big wordy words" as they would say.

>> No.10745657

It's amazing that someone typed this out and thought: "yep, I'm going to post this"

>> No.10745662

The fact that /pol/ bleeds out into other boards and infects them with idiotic nonsense is amazing. It truly ruins whatever meaningful discourse might be had.

>> No.10745665

dude, 4chan was never good, /pol/ is annoying, but it's not like 4chan would be some uptight serious shit if /pol/ wasnt there

>> No.10745687

Umm, sweetie, that's, like, the idea, and stuff.

>> No.10745694
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We wouldn't be bombarded with half-thought out autistic shit on a daily basis. Even /leftypol/ has the audacity to only create a shitpost one or twice a month. And you're wrong about 4chan never being good.

>> No.10745697

Because of its accomplishments? It isn't exactly rocket science.

>> No.10745704

4chan generally was never good, but slower boards like /lit/ were.

>> No.10745724

You, nor your ancestors had anything to do with those. We are not family because we share common heritage. You cannot last claim to what my ancestors have done as a way to stage claim on greatness for yourself who has done nothing to earn it. You are scum and always will be. You are not great.

>> No.10745732

It's interesting how you feel the need to be so hostile. I never claimed to be great but some of the people who came before me certainly achieved some great things and I am proud of them for it. Why does this bother you so much?

>> No.10745757

Fuck off Tumblr

>> No.10745793

Shouldn't you then be ashamed of the failures?

>> No.10745817
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Pride isn't really the right word. After decades of experience, in places such as Oakland (the third highest crime rate in the US) and a little college town in TN (no crime at all, almost completely racially homogenuous) — I can tell you that civil everyday life is far easier to have near whites than near blacks. Greetings with kindness in them, meaningful conversations, and the readiness to help and love one's neighbor are just a few traits of (the majority of) people in the South.

I have no animosity towards blacks, just a ton of lived and hard-won knowledge. With this in mind, yes, I prefer white people when possible.

>> No.10745818

Okay, basically the Chinese in the ancient world had what was called the “Four Books and Five Classics,” where to be an educated man you had to have a complete understanding of these books. They are
>The Great Learning (one chapter of Confucius, nine chapters of Zeng Zi’s commentary)
>Doctrine of the Mean (a book by Confucius’s grandson Zisi)
>Analects of Confucius
Those are the four books. And the five classics are
>Classic of Poetry (305 Chinese poems and songs)
>Book of Documents (legal texts)
>Book of Rites (Chinese traditions)
>I Ching
>Spring and Autumn Annals (a historical record of Lu, China covering 241 years of its history)
If you had a working knowledge of the four books and five classics, you were good. Beyond those, another famous ancient Chinese text is the Tao Te Ching, which is not included in the four books and five classics but is still a major source of Chinese spirituality. Later, as China began to modernize, they declared four books from the 1600s to be four classics of literature, as these books are the most read and adapted of Chinese literature. The four classic Chinese novels are
>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>Journey to the West
>Water Margin
>Dream of the Red Chamber
So the four books and five classics, the Tao Te Ching, and the four classic novels form an essential canon. Beyond that, there are the seven Chinese military classics, of which one I think you already know
>Jiang Ziya (Taigong)'s Six Secret Teachings
>The Methods of the Sima
>Wu Qi's Wuzi
>Wei Liaozi
>Three Strategies of Huang Shigong
>Questions and Replies between Tang Taizong and Li Weigong
>Sun Tzu's The Art of War
These military classics were written before the 11th century AD, making them more modern than the four books and five classics yet more ancient than the four classic novels. There is also the Twenty Four Histories, a major work which I’m not gonna list all the volumes of here. They also have a massive history of plays, but I can’t find a standard list of plays deemed canonical.

>> No.10745856

>I can’t find a standard list of plays deemed canonical.
That's because there were no plays on the Imperial examination. The limited amount of texts and so the propensity for the "best" civil servants to be those most capable of memorizing the canon is why the exam becomes the subject of jokes in non-official writings, especially as the test focused more narrowly on the Four Books and Five Classics.

For instance, in the Heian period, Sei Shonogon is ashamed that she did not understand a reference to a Buddhist text and had been bested by someone of a lower class. She finds the reference and sends a retort quoted from later in the text as a fuck you to the peasant who shamed her.
In later texts (and especially Maoists) you'll have a lot of civil servants of much higher status who do not understand quotes from Confucius which fall outside The Great Learning, but are so common that peasants know them. And because that was true to life, you can find examples of it before the exam was abolished, because the author could rest easy in the knowledge any civil servant watching, and especially those of high rank, would not get the joke or that they were the butt of it.

Chinese canon is usually given as an example of how strict and narrow canons can lead ultimately to stagnation, but non-canon works were still produced alongside it. They just don't get as much recognition or memorization within the official system.

>> No.10745890

So I go into the brick and mortar bookstore that I frequent. I realize that 90%+ of the female authors are writing pulp romance of some flavor or another. Until you can sell it you will not see it. Adam Smith's invisible hand is at work. Now i'm going back to the SF/Fantasy section and realize it has the largest number of female authors. There is hope with electronic publishing for diversity but it has to survive the marketplace.

>> No.10745900

>Yukio Mishima
Hard little body, knows his way around thousand-folded Nippon steel. Started his own military cult and would probably defend me for life if I gave him a lil' tug.
>Plato and Socrates
"Platon" literally means broad-shouldered; as a wrestler, Plato used to fuck people up. Socrates was a hard-ass who generally was unafraid of death. He risked his life for Alcibiades twice, and didn't even fuck him.
Grizzled old veteran. I'd tell him that the instigators were oligarchs and he'd be raring to go.
I wouldn't listen to him, but he'd probably be too drunk to feel pain.

>John Locke
Dude looks like the Cryptkeeper
>Vladimir Nabokov
Absolute coward, you can tell by his literary criticism
>any of the New Sincerity ilk (DFW, Franzen, Eggers)
The mere thought of them repulses me.

>> No.10745940

>Virginia Woolf
She was British you know, that give you an automatic advantage in bar fights.

>> No.10745956
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When reading these SJW types, you never once see the phrase "White men". It's always "White guys", "White males", "White dudes", "White bros", "White dudebros", etc, but never "White men".

But they do they like talking about "Black men", never "Black guys".

>> No.10745960
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>white killer
>elliot roger
His dream finally came true.

>> No.10745968
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>We wouldn't be bombarded with half-thought out autistic shit on a daily basis

How fucking new are you?

>> No.10746035

>About 80% of the non-white male authors were Japanese.

>> No.10746099

Pynch could go either way, it'd be a flip of the coin whether he protects you or joins your attacker

>> No.10746133

Wow, thinking about it the only non white author I have is Shakespeare. What women and POC authors can you recommend/ lit/?

>> No.10746137

It's probably 95 percent male, but only 75 percent white, because all the asian authors

>> No.10746139

Got a question for you fellas so I'll ask here instead of making a new thread- I'm putting together a collection of texts to pass onto my heirs containing subject matters important to my family's values and successes. If you were taking on such a project what subject matters would you cover? I've got things such as sustenance farming, rudimentary medicine, fitness and self defense, architectural mathematics, survival crafts, and history as it relates to my family. What other ideas come to mind?

>> No.10746148

>What other ideas come to mind?
the blind leading the blind

>> No.10746161


>> No.10746179

What is it?

>> No.10746192

Are you intentionally being a retard?

>> No.10746196

The only female author I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer

>> No.10746199

he's right tho

>> No.10746209

He is obviously benefitting by this. So basically he is willing to sell out a group of people for his own profit.

>> No.10746271

I am also curious. What is the reason?

>> No.10746304


Teddy Roosevelt
Henry David Thoreau(seems tough desu)

Tolstoy (pacifist)
Hunter S Thompson
Cicero (also pacifist)

>> No.10746315

/pol/ is not the source of autism on this site. Before Richard Spencer worshipping teens LARPing as ethno-nationalists we had man-child brony NEETs LARPing as communist revolutionaries. 4chan inherently attracts autistic people.

>> No.10746342

Hahaha quite right.

All male authors are better than all female authors.

Except George Eliot. He was rubbish.

>> No.10746358

Hunter S Thompson I am not sure about.

He had a real tough guy persona but there's still a slight question-mark. He might just whimsically swap sides half-way through for example.

Plus he would tend to escalate via concealed carry large-calibre handguns. This might or might not be a good thing.

>> No.10746359

Dead white male - 97%
Alive white male - 2%
Dead white female - 0.9%

>> No.10746384
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Reminder that it's jews pushing this anti white agenda in the publishing industry. Jews are aliens from the Middle East who attack from within. They are not like us.

>> No.10746402

It's white males and a Mishima.
Then again, I download a lot.

>> No.10746408

'muh race realism'
Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.10746437

>There's a reason why they put a emphasis on the dead part.
Where did they do that?
I see three adjectives pertaining to the writers.
No inherent order unless you imply that the actual order of the words made it significant. Consider rewriting it to order guys (or any synonym for male) or white (any synonym) first.

I'm always confused by why people who make these arguments look at the author of the books in this light. Isn't the book the most important thing? Media like movies focus on the actors usually. That's more sensible because it actually influences the movie directly. The authors identity is not that important.

>> No.10746894

Complete bullshit. The bronies were autistic, but once they got their board they stayed there. Go on any board, it doesn't matter which one, and you'll find some element of /pol/ on it derailing threads or posting twitter/article screencaps. They've also served as the gateway board for redditors. Which probably explains why most of them are retarded and can't think.

>> No.10747295
File: 26 KB, 720x824, FB_IMG_1519420721747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this /lit/ meme that has been recreated into an English football meme. Wow haha

>> No.10747383

In most European sense it is normal to prefer your people over others, not just cause they are "white" but because you speak the same language, share traditions and blood. This communal bond allows for greater trust and better societies. It is only natural to consider accomplishments such as this with pride. However considering the current state of the West there is much proof that these accomplishments and social bonds are not sustainable with massive waves of immigration, technological progress, and internal and economic migration that prevents roots from growing for a people, it is sad, because a thousand years of tradition could and have ended because of these things. "White" pride or nationalism is itself a symptom of a cultureless, deracinated most likely New World people (American, Canadian, Aussie, etc.) Normal Europeans feel pride for real things that are sometimes intangible, or they don't feel pride, hence the current situation. It is logical, emotionally and socially to prefer your kind over others. It is good for community and survival plus emotional benefits etc.

>> No.10747458

Nigga, i love his books and all, but dosto was a weakling and a coward. He would probably excuse himself and hurry out of the bar, or have an attack of epilepsy.

>> No.10747520

"Because Europeans are individualists at heart, they readily rise up in moral anger against their own people once they are seen as free riders and therefore morally blameworthy—a manifestation of their much stronger tendency toward altruistic punishment deriving from their evolutionary past as hunter gatherers. In making judgments of altruistic punishment, relative genetic distance is irrelevant. Freeriders are seen as strangers in a market situation; i.e., they have no familial or tribal connection with the altruistic punisher.

Thus the current altruistic punishment so characteristic of contemporary Western civilization: Once Europeans were convinced that their own people were morally bankrupt, any and all means of punishment should be used against their own people. Rather than see other Europeans as part of an encompassing ethnic and tribal community, fellow Europeans were seen as morally blameworthy and the appropriate target of altruistic punishment. For Westerners, morality is individualistic—violations of communal norms by free-riders are punished by altruistic aggression.

On the other hand, group strategies deriving from collectivist cultures, such as the Jews, are immune to such a maneuver because kinship and group ties come first. Morality is particularistic—whatever is good for the group. There is no tradition of altruistic punishment because the evolutionary history of these groups centers around cooperation of close kin, not strangers (see below).

The best strategy for a collectivist group like the Jews for destroying Europeans therefore is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy. A major theme of CofC is that this is exactly what Jewish intellectual movements have done. They have presented Judaism as morally superior to European civilization and European civilization as morally bankrupt and the proper target of altruistic punishment. The consequence is that once Europeans are convinced of their own moral depravity, they will destroy their own people in a fit of altruistic punishment. The general dismantling of the culture of the West and eventually its demise as anything resembling an ethnic entity will occur as a result of a moral onslaught triggering a paroxysm of altruistic punishment. And thus the intense effort among Jewish intellectuals to continue the ideology of the moral superiority of Judaism and its role as undeserving historical victim while at the same time continuing the onslaught on the moral legitimacy of the West."

- A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy

>> No.10747526

I never think about it.
If I remember I only have one female author's book.

It's: A housewife opinion - Augusta Webster.

And the others is white male. But I don't buy thinking in race thing, I can't do nothing if white males do a very very good work in literature.

>> No.10747533

the others are*

>> No.10747587

Alas Europeans failed to create blood memory, racial self-respect and kinship.

>> No.10747605

That was only the window dressing for the first year and was mostly a false mythology created by the island elders to protect the islanders from the harsh truth.

>> No.10747707
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so have you read it yet anon?

>> No.10747739

These people can fuck off
What do they think the great women authors read? The other great women authors or the other great men. They read the greats, not whatever demographic they thought was in fashion.
I have nothing against reading women or nonwhite authors but these articles never want to get you to read the great nonwhite authors or the great women, they never want to introduce you to more Virginia Woolf or Clarice Lispector or Kobo Abe or Yukio Mishima, they just want to tear a literary canon down and replace it with nothing or worse, with crap like milk and honey

>> No.10747750

>Women of Colour: 0% of authors
Does Asian count here, it usually doesn't.

>> No.10747768

Uh no sweetie, only latinx bodies are real poc in trumps America.

>> No.10747773

if you want to know is someone is a PoC simply refer to whether their demographic commits a lot of murder and rape.

>> No.10747790
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I counted all non-whites as coloured.

>> No.10747794

Just the Italians from Sud Tirol, but to answer this question Italians are not white, they are Italians

>> No.10747920 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, why wouldn’t you want people to celebrate your culture? It is like a bunch of people got angry at the English for Arthur, Icelanders getting angry at J.R.R Tolkien for Lord of the rings, black people getting mad at Chet Baker and Jews getting mad at John Milton. Utter Bullshit, what slacktavist bullshit has this word dwindled to where people grab on to buzz-words in order to feel that they are somehow ‘making a difference’.

>> No.10747924

Fuck off, why wouldn’t you want people to celebrate your culture? It is like as if a bunch of people got angry at the English for Arthur, Icelanders getting angry at J.R.R Tolkien for Lord of the rings, black people getting mad at Chet Baker and Jews getting mad at John Milton. Utter Bullshit, what slacktavist bullshit has this word dwindled to where people grab on to buzz-words in order to feel that they are somehow ‘making a difference’?

>> No.10747929

>what slacktavist bullshit has this word dwindled to where people grab on to buzz-words

>> No.10747933

dude you need to get off 4chan. A college degree is the only thing you need to move up the socioeconomic ladder, and the autists who work in comp sci are hardly this generations Einsteins

>> No.10747948

Maoris never cared about it that much though, probably just americans getting offended
We loved bionicle in nz

>> No.10747954

Americans are the cancer of the earth.

>> No.10747959

no not at all lol
no the first 2-3 generations were basically just Polynesian cosmogeny and metaphysics. most of it is not european in any sense

>> No.10747983

blimey imagine getting this triggered about toys
i was just reporting what happened
you can read about it on wikipedia. lego sucked up to the maoris and changed the storyline for the next wave.

>> No.10748034

I wrote an essay about this, just now. It was three posts long. But what good would it do? I wouldn’t change anyone’s mind. It’s just yelling into the void.

>> No.10748269

>this deluded
Where are you from?

>> No.10748288

I can't desu this enough

>> No.10748311

That doesn't tell us anything about the diversity of viewpoints and ideas, OP. Filtering by race or sex is arbitrary.

>> No.10748483

Mine is mostly white men and a few asians

With the exeption of
A few sufi/ Muslim books
Isis unveiled/the secret doctrine and a few othe occult books by women.

>> No.10748492

5% dead blacks

>> No.10748627

Would his autobiography be a good start to learn about his politics and the context around them, or one of the collections of speeches?

>> No.10748634

If I could find a copy of Artamène, that would be one by a woman (I think).

>> No.10748646

mostly ded white men and ded hispanic men

>> No.10748652

ugh, more toxic masculinity
start reading more women, cupcake

>> No.10748712

Ugh, toxic femininity. Start reading more men, pussy.

>> No.10748720
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just this one atm

>> No.10748742

If slavs count as nonwhites then I'll get to the quota

>> No.10748751

You are retarded.

>> No.10748772
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>> No.10748943
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So how are we doing at /lit/ these days? Pretty redpilled and aware of the jewish problem around this white culture board now?

>> No.10749663

I'm a mulatto.

Your hyper awareness of race stunts your intellect. This hyper-racial awareness stunts as many white intellects as blacks; it is an impartial disease of the psyche which one, who has eyes to see, can see at work in every people group on the planet to varying degrees.

The intellectual 1% are free of this - they were either never affected by it (which is more common), or have transcended it. You should strive to be among the latter since it is impossible for you to be the former.

Also, it is incredibly ironic that you, while being INCREDIBLY racist, should call whites racist. This is obnoxiously unabashed hypocrisy - you should be ashamed of yourself. If you are not, you should fear that fact and take no comfort from it. Do not forget Epictetus' warning against what he called the "petrifaction of the sense of shame" echoing, unknowingly, the Biblical wisdom upon which Western civilization has thrived for two-thousand years.

>> No.10749673

Yes. YES!

>> No.10749692

So Asians in the 1930s would count?

>> No.10749698

democrats banned the chinese from immigrating to california for a generation so yup absolutely

>> No.10749730

I don't have a single book for a non-white male. Why the fuck would I bother reading utter garbage made by inferior people? I'm not really a racist, but I fucking hate the unwashed masses of society, including whites. I can't stand this liberalism that has consumed our country. Additionally conservative values we hold dear are retarded and serve only the powers that be. I actually like women and talk to them a lot, but this hyper aggressive anti male feminism has got to stop. Black people I'm fine with for the most part, but I feel as though they don't like white people and cant see past race. Also they use past injustices as an excuse to not excel in some chances, but there still is a degree of systematic racism. But let me put it this way, why in the world as a white male would you want to relinquish power? Don't you know what happens when your group loses power? You get absolutely fucked and that's what scares me.

>> No.10750753 [DELETED] 

0% as it should be. All of it is written by white males. Anything written by a poc or a women is utter garbage. And there’s a good reason from that.

Prove me wrong, faggots.

> Protip: you cant

>inb4: Poltard.

It’s the truth, and you know it. Stop this self-loathing, you utter faggots.

>> No.10750802

0% as it should be. All of it is written by white males. Anything written by a poc or a women is utter garbage. And there’s a good reason for that.

Prove me wrong, faggots.

> Protip: you cant

>inb4: Poltard.

It’s the truth, and you know it. Stop this self-loathing, you utter faggots.

>> No.10750904

Anyone have a reading list from the 50's?

>> No.10751001

Thanks anon.

>> No.10751250

I'm just scared now. Will people stop reading "dead white men" on principle? Will this have a positive outcome for me, a live white man?
I cannot see a good ending. I can only imagine distopia and denial.

>> No.10751263

No, it's just memes and people stopped reading a long time ago.

>> No.10751291

>implying women are talented/well-read/functionally literate/intelligent

>> No.10751294


It's almost as if caucasian, european, patriarchal systems dominated a huge part of culture for thousands of years.

>> No.10751342


>> No.10751995

Damn, I haven't thought about Hakim Bey for at least fifteen years.

>> No.10752228

they shouldn't be considered human let alone white

>> No.10752246

>Women of Colour: 0% of authors

Which is mostly race baiting garbage or WE WUZ books about Africa.