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/lit/ - Literature

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10738375 No.10738375 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the official /lit/ anime?

>> No.10738389
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>japanese animated star wars rip-off


>> No.10738431
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>star wars rip-off
You might want to delete this.

It's either that series or this one.

>> No.10738433

No, The Tatami Galaxy is.

>> No.10738449
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This is /lit/: the anime

>> No.10738550

no. that would be "Read Or Die".

>> No.10738586

>star wars rip off
closer to Dune

>> No.10738607
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the only actual answer

>> No.10738610

there is no /lit/ anime

>> No.10738697
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>> No.10738752
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The expansive world, attention to detail and the meticulous depiction of different socio-economic classes living in the FPA and Galactic Empire alike remind me of War and Peace. The show great if you appreciate a grand narrative carried mainly by great character interactions, but the amateurish fights and political philosophy 101 are moderate turnoffs for the more literate folks.

>> No.10738761

Very nice, never seen this before

>> No.10738795

There is an anime wherein the lead character, named Wittgenstein, sometimes uses corporeal punishment in his role as a tutor. The anime itself is whatever, but I thought that was funny.

>> No.10738803
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I like Dezaki and Ikuhara anime so I declare them /lit/.
Or I would if /lit/ wasn't such a cesspool these days.

>> No.10738812
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hello, my friend

>> No.10738858
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no picrel is

>> No.10738866

Monster is a fucking masterpiece. I highly recommend it. It's one of the smartest, most complex shows I've ever seen.

>> No.10738872

No this is

>> No.10738873

How do I watch anime like this online

>> No.10738876


Both are equivalent

>> No.10738878

Mostly through it right now and it's pretty bomb; feels more like an HBO miniseries than an anime. Got into it because some anon told me Johan is anime Judge Holden and I'd call that a fairly accurate statement.

>> No.10738885
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Official patrician anime.
However, the official /lit/ anime would probably be Psycho-Pass. It has a number of literary references and wannabe pretentious wankery, which makes it the ideal anime for pseuds everywhere. It is fun, though.

>> No.10738886

I'm tempted to watch this but seeing the amount of episodes and movies I just don't give a shit. I only watch animes that are short and don't overstay their welcome

>> No.10738888


This is the best of those "Recommended anything" lists I have ever seen. I wouldn't change a fucking thing

>> No.10738897
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>> No.10738898

This, /lit/ is /sp/ territory

>> No.10738902

I'd take out Casshern Sins. It's very dull and very very obvious, even for anime.

>> No.10738907

not literature

plz leave

>> No.10738916
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I actually took a second look at it. It's lacking in Tezuka manga, and the Devilman manga. Plus Pluto by Urasawa

>> No.10738926

Most /lit/ sport? And why is it...cricket

>> No.10738931

Last anime I watched was Fate/Zero a couple months ago. I should watch something again soon.

>> No.10738939

That's not Texhnolyze

>> No.10739024

Iliad anime WHEN

>> No.10739029

amazing listing really

>> No.10739060
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>all this shit taste

>> No.10739082 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10739092

That's a really accurate comparison actually, I never even put the two and two together.

Guillermo del Toro actually expressed a lot of interest in adapting Monster to a live-action HBO series, and honestly it's probably the only anime series I can think of that would do really, really well being adapted into live-action, possibly might be even better than the anime if it was done right. However he's a flaky fuck that jumps between projects so it might never see the light of day.

>> No.10739098
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this is the only /lit/ anime, nips fuckoff

>> No.10739213


>> No.10739336

That isn’t. The official un-official /lit/ anime is “Miss Bernard Said”.
Honestly, LoGH feels like a lesser version of War and Peace after reading one of the novels alongside War and Peace.

>> No.10739411

No, The Perfect Insider is.

>> No.10739462

Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain are the only true answers

>> No.10739467

good choices but Eva will always be #1 imo

>> No.10739510

Fair enough, it's definitely up there for me too. If you take EoE alone I'd put it as #1 as well but the whole series isn't as consistently high quality as the two I mentioned in my opinion

>> No.10739525

lain is more thematically ambitious and has more philosophical depth, but Eva's characters and gorgeous visuals are what put it ahead for me. Lain's greatest failure for me was it's very inconsistent production quality. There are some frames of Lains animation that are just fucking embarrassing, that said it is very well written in terms of exploring its themes. it was very much ahead of its time. haven't seen tex yet but I have heard many good things.

>> No.10739527

meant to reply

>> No.10739551
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SZS is the most /lit/ anime

>> No.10739561

Eva's quality is really something else. Will always impress me.

>> No.10739579

this thread really shows how bad this boards taste is in general.

>> No.10739590
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You sure shows us.

>> No.10739597


>> No.10739603
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>> No.10739619
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>> No.10739625

probably the best characters I've seen in an anime
the endless entry-level /lit/ quotes in Psycho-Pass turned me off completely, and story and characters are nothing special too (the premise is good though, so much wasted potential)

>> No.10739628

>so much wasted potential
Anime in a nutshell

>> No.10739629
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it's pretty amazing, but not very /lit/
LOtGH really feels like a book adaptation

>> No.10739667

You haven't read a lot of posmo novels, have you?

>> No.10739671

No. It's Aoi Bungaku

>> No.10739693

What are even the qualifications for being a /lit/ anime? I feel like most people are just naming their favourites.

>> No.10739694

LoGH IS a book adaptation. That's why retards saying this thread isn't /lit/ should fuck off.
Now I don't know how good the novels are but based on reviews, the author wrote it like as a historian would. Unfortunately unless you know very fluent Japanese, you won't be able to evaluate the writing

>> No.10739942

what I meant is Tatami Galaxy relies on the visuals and direction much more
yea, I know, what I just wanted to say that it really shows

>> No.10739990

Dude that constant first person narration is hella /lit/ what are you talking about. Also both Tatami Galaxy and LOtGH are literally adapted from books.

>> No.10740007

>the author wrote it like as a historian would
Either the translation is fucked up or japanese historians have a very different way of describing things. He constantly refers to people as ”the golden-haired youth” and shit like that. Frankly it reads like fanfiction.

>> No.10740030


>Frankly it reads like fanfiction

That's something fun I learned with my damned optional classes in uni. Most of written history is, in fact, just an immense fanfiction because it has only become something of an "empirical" or "journalist" thing after the Enlightenment. Before that a historian was more of a tale-chaser than anything. You support the King X? Then "history" about him is going to a wish wash about how he saved thousands from drowning by single handled building a boat to save everyone, and so on and so on. So it's technically right to call it historic view if only grossly outdated because we don't write history as myth anymore (actually I'll hold this argument to myself, since people might be getting just dumb enough in some places to consider Wakanda real, for example).

>> No.10740032

Yeah I forgot all historical writing (including that in the speculated future) adheres to contemporary Western stylistic protocol.

>> No.10740035
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*Blocks your path*

>> No.10740038
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Ashita no Joe is /lit/ and Mishima had good taste in manga

>> No.10740044

Evangelion of course.

>> No.10740046
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>tfw Mishima killed himself before all the best animes came out

>> No.10740055

>Mishima had good taste in manga
What did he like? Can you provide a source, please?

>> No.10740069

Ashita no Joe, he went right to the publisher's office to get a copy of the latest chapter he missed, they were intimidated by his manly physique and gave him a free issue
AnJ is emblemic of everything Mishima wrote about

>> No.10740078

the ultimate pseud show
at least it helps me filter out the trash - whenever I see someone mention it as a 10/10 I can safely ignore their opinion

>> No.10740085

It has its defects but I find it a nice anime, and Makishima is an interesting character

>> No.10740097

Mein nigger

>> No.10740107
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No, because Baccano is.

>> No.10740118

Baccano! is a Tarantino movie in anime form
pretty enjoyable, but not very /lit/

>> No.10740231

Hellsing Ultimate -- I don't know Japanese but the speeches sound awesome and the translation confirms it.
What Watchmen is to comic books, only for anime.

>> No.10740257

The only /lit/ anime, and the only anime I have seen, is The Wind Rises.

>> No.10740277

You don't need to mind all the different OVAs and stuff. Try these two films:

1. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Waga Yuku wa Hoshi no Taikai
2. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture

And if you dig, then check out the main 110 episode OVA.

>> No.10740287
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>not Ergo Proxy

>> No.10740290

>not Bakemonogatari

>> No.10740305

Ending adaptation fucking never.

>> No.10740314

alright will do, thanks anon

>> No.10740454

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/1920138