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10728898 No.10728898 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone save me the money and just tell me what are the 12 rules? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.10728903

Clean your room.

>> No.10728913


Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule 2 Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule 3 Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule 4 Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule 6 Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world

Rule 7 Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule 8 Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie

Rule 9 Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule 10 Be precise in your speech

Rule 11 Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule 12 Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Revolutionary, truly humbling.. holy..

>> No.10728914
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If only those (((Cultural Marxists))) would stop ruining my individuals

>> No.10728918

>don't let your children cause you to dislike them (personally).
>be open to new ideas
>let the children do things that you might dislike cause otherwise they won't gain experience? Let them break a few bones.
those are the only ones I know

>> No.10728919
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Thank you!

>> No.10728923
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I'm literally modern God. I just changed the commandments a little in hopes no one will notice my Bible plagiarism.

>> No.10728925


It's so important to remember to pet the cats.. reminds me of this very profound quote I found on facebook, I even got a print version in a nice mahogany frame ($40 on etsy!! XD) that says "Don't forget to smell the flowers".

It's so deep. In a fast paced world, wehere everyone is busy all the time, you have to rember to enjoy the little things.. pet the cats, smell the flowers.. depp, powerful stuff.. powerful

>> No.10728926

Wait too complicated. I prefer Jesus' advice:

Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they? And which of you by taking thought, can add to his stature by one cubit? And for raiment why are you solicitous? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin. But I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. And if the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, God doth so clothe: how much more you, O ye of little faith?

Be not solicitous therefore, saying, What shall we eat: or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the heathens seek. For your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.

>> No.10728927

the rules themselves are meant to be jokey
it's the following pages of explanation that are of hypothetical value

intellectuals won't read it, but the book is for plebs. He tried being serious in his first book, didn't work, nobody but Shapiro has read it.

>> No.10728928


If only..

Have you read Kierkegaard's take on this passage?

>> No.10728931
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>> No.10728932

No but I can imagine how it's about how cripplingly angsty we should feel about our worldly attachments. Wouldn't that defeat the point? I'd like to read it if you have the link or copy/paste.

>> No.10728933
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Ayn Rand is an alright writer. I think she had something to do with Nietzsche and Dostoevsky.

>> No.10728935

On a serious note, if you want a better version that's also a tenth the length, read this

>> No.10728936
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> pet a cat

ew, NO

i want to pet a heckin DOG

>> No.10728937

>Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God
>the kingdom of god is within
>seek within

>> No.10728942


>> No.10728945
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I'm very smart. I assume my IQ is 150. Jung and Dostoevsky are also very smart because they liked religion. Nietzsche also probably liked religion, right?

>> No.10728946

Go home felix

>> No.10728951
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Postmodernism is scary. I don't understand it and I think they're ruining my masculinity.

>> No.10728953

>Rule 12 Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street
That's the only rule I already follow

>> No.10728960
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>> No.10728963

>tfw jordan is steadly becoming more influential than foucault
how does that make you feel brainlet?

>> No.10728966


I have it in danish, but I think it was translated to english under the title: The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air: Three Godly Discourses

As for cripplingly angsty, well, it's Kierkegaard.

>> No.10728967

What do u mean, can't believe that u don't pet cute cats on the street

>> No.10728977


One shitty thinker whose only appeal are to american postmodernists is being replaced by another shitty thinker whose only appeal is to american anti-postmodernists.

I feel like I always do when I think of America, a tinge of disgust.

>> No.10728979


>> No.10729003
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There's literally nothing profound about me. I just spit out my opinions on what I think is good or bad. If you disagree with me, you're a postmodernist, you hate truth, and are out of touch with reality.

>> No.10729016

My favourite philosophers are Penn and Teller. They know all your tricks.

>> No.10729032

embarrassing article

>> No.10729039

look at that pic, Petersen is so manly even putting him beta eyebrows, his stern face just rejects them.

theres only ONE proper foucault disciple, and thats judith butler, and shes shit and also going down.

>> No.10729047

>Judith Butler


>> No.10729050

Conservatives are opposed to postmodernism, but then again, so are Marxists. Why do they wilfully misunderstand each other? Can't they form a grand coalition to defeat the postmodern leviathan once and for all?

>> No.10729053

cool arguments, bucko.

>> No.10729071
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What if I hate skateboarding?
Checkmate, Mr. Peterson.

>> No.10729120

As a leftist perhaps we should be doing more to address the LGBTLMNOP feminist cancer than attacking vulnerable NEET boys?

They are the real enemies and more dangerous to our values than another pop intellectual

Taking Zizek's advice: we don't have our own house in order, that's why simplistic "reality checking" is always so effective

>> No.10729127

Amused that anyone would actually believe this

>> No.10729131

>That's the only rule I already follow
>Rule 8 Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie

>> No.10729154
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Because the old labels "left" and "right" don't mean anything anymore.

Examine /pol/ today being the transgressive, irreverent, nihilistic, spirit of the 1960s; despite claiming to represent "conservative" values they are not the upstanding churchgoing respected community members.

The Establishment today which has an iron grip on culture, media, the universities it the LGBT+ feminist tumblr rape culture movement, controlling discourse, controlling corporations, TV and so on and so on they're a fucking panoptic authoritarian regime

In Germany the Nazis still exist, but they beat up reporters and call themselves leftist and shut down the voice of even the smallest dissent or opposition, and the have the full backing of the police and the political establishment

>Why do they wilfully misunderstand each other? Can't they form a grand coalition to defeat the postmodern leviathan once and for all?
Leftists like Angela Nagle understand but I don't think the other side cares as much. I agree we have a common enemy, left-liberal tranny postmodernism, but they like to lump us as one big Left which doesn't hurt the trannies

For future thought: since it's pretty much impossible to dissociate these people from the Left, is it feasible to have a party without them? How? Form a new party? What will we call ourselves?
Or just switch terms and make a revolution identifying these beasts as Liberals? This is what I'd like but I don't think they will ever stop calling themselves the Left, nor will /pol/tards or alt-right or whatever you wanna call them

>> No.10729172

He's just stating the obvious which needs to be stated. I think it's good that he wrote it. Who else would? And who with his amount of audience?

>> No.10729177

>For future thought: since it's pretty much impossible to dissociate these people from the Left, is it feasible to have a party without them? How? Form a new party? What will we call ourselves? Or just switch terms and make a revolution identifying these beasts as Liberals? This is what I'd like but I don't think they will ever stop calling themselves the Left, nor will /pol/tards or alt-right or whatever you wanna call them
>I'm a leftist, but not THAT much of a leftist!

You are, at best, a useful idiot for the people you're railing against. You cannot endorse policies and beliefs and adhere to an ideology that promotes certain things and just say "But we're arbitrarily not going to do x, y, and z even though it takes my ideology to its logical conclusion".

>> No.10729187

Shutting down independent thought, spreading droning and stupid theories and ideologies, marrying with spectacle and corporations, being capitalist liberal fatty last men is not the left's logical conclusion

>> No.10729210

Alexigender – Gender identity that is fluid between more than
one gender, but the individual cannot tell what those genders
Ambigender – A feeling of two genders simultaneously, but
without fluidity/shifting. May be used synonymously in
cases with bigender.
Anxiegender – A gender affected by anxiety.
Cadensgender – A gender that is easily influenced by music.
Cassflux – When your level of indifference towards your gender
Daimogender – A gender closely related to demons and the
Expecgender – A gender that changes depending on who you
are around.
Faegender – A gender that changes with the seasons, equinoxes
and moon phases.
Fissgender – A gender experience that is in some way split,
similar to bigender or demigenders.
Genderale – A gender that is hard to describe. Mainly associated
with plants, herbs and liquids.
Kingender – A gender somehow related to being otherkin.
Levigender – A lightweight, superficial gender you don’t feel
very much.
Necrogender – A gender that used to exist but is now ‘dead’ or
Omnigay – Genderfluid, with one’s attraction to other genders
changing with one’s gender, so that the individual is
attracted to the same gender.
Perigender – Identifying with a gender, but not as that gender.
Polygenderflux – Having more than one gender, which intensity
Technogender – Only comfortable with one’s gender when using
technology/online, usually because of social anxiety
(specialized for people with anxiety disorders).
Xoy – Someone who identifies in some way as a nonbinary boy
or nonbinary boy-adjacent.
Xirl – Someone who identifies in some way as a nonbinary girl
or nonbinary girl-adjacent.

Come on. You are some sort of obscene capitalist parody of a real leftist movement

>> No.10729225
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>> No.10729236


>Xoy – Someone who identifies in some way as a nonbinary boy or nonbinary boy-adjacent.

Memes are real.

>> No.10729333

I'm almost ashamed to admit this, because it's a total fucking meme, but cleaning my room helped me not be a depressed fuck all day.
Used to stay in bed until I absolutely had to leave for class or work, because looking at my room just felt like that much more work to do.
If nothing else, a clean room is just a comfy way to start the day.

>> No.10729341

clean room is kino. also having a bed that doesnt have shit over it, be it a backpack or anything like that, clothes, etc, is just shit. best bed is a bed you can throw yourself anytime in, and itll be a comfy experience.

>> No.10729345

Riddle me this my dear fool - Was it cleaning your room that alleviated your depression, or was it the alleviation of your depression that helped you to clean your room?

>> No.10729355


>> No.10729367
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>> No.10729368

>he can't into post-ironic goofball boarding

>> No.10729403

It was vyvanse that got me to clean my room.
Actually it might be vyvanse that cured my depression, because it's hard to get out of bed without it.
As I type this, I realize that I'm just addicted to vyvanse, and without it I might never have become depressed.

>> No.10729445

>hooked on speed to function on a daily basis
The absolute state of memerson cucks

>> No.10729626

>do me a frighten
You should know this was probably written but a 19 year old trans boy or something

>> No.10729993

we have more than a few zir "marxists" in our midst. these people are slave morals exalted. so sad

>> No.10730013

what wrong with being slave morals?

>> No.10730015
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>> No.10730040

it poisons life, it's antithetical to the good (aristocrat - good men), it makes everything bad

>> No.10730160

some folks like water, some folks like wine, but i like the taste of straight strychnine

>> No.10730217

>Shapiro an intellectual

Oh lawdy

>> No.10730251

Imagine that you run a race every day against several other people. You come in last place today, rather than looking at the first place guy and learning how to run and prepare from him you tell yourself that coming in last place is actually better. So the next race you don't even run at all you just sit at the starting line and pat yourself on the back.

>> No.10730276

>dude obey me lmao

>> No.10730391

work smarter not harder
the great predators of nature, apex predators, all employ the tactic of conservation of energy and of motion

>> No.10730441

What the hell does that have to do with slave morality?

>> No.10730488

why would i run a race everyday unless my master told me to?

>> No.10730565
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lobster man finna work /lit/ into a shoot for years
ya pinhead marks

>> No.10730645

I do a lot of these.

>exercise and stretch to improve posture
>can't stand mess and will clean bedroom and then shared living room and kitchen once a week
>don't have children, but if I'm babysitting, will have them watch Walking With Dinosaurs on repeat or teach them how to draw / discuss my
favorite children's books
>trying to spend less time on the internet, going our more at night, listening to different music, co-founding a magazine for college
>sometimes I spy on Irish junkies and study their syntax, it's incredibly convoluted and reminds me of a lost language where full-stops are replaced with another person's slurring joke
>no one skateboards where I live, but saw a guy riding a scooter and wanted to smile at him
>fantasize about adopting a pet cat

I know a lot of these headlines are symbolic.

>> No.10730710
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daddy wud u lik sum lbster?

>> No.10730737
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Just look for the pdf dude

>> No.10730757

They always run away

>> No.10730764

I feel you. However — my research and writing has skyrocketed in productivity. I'll quit taking speed when I'm tenure-track.

>> No.10730784
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>get hooked on speed
>depressed during withdrawal
>take speed
>depression lifts
>speed cured my depression!!!

>> No.10730789

im allergic to cats

>> No.10730851
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 15780940_1938978902990869_6991779039473054271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read all those self improvement things and realize that I already did everything they said.
Is there any worse feeling than being really miserable while knowing you are on your peak and realizing it can't get any better?

>> No.10731362

that's the point
Don't bother the Kids

>> No.10731387

sounds like a cool anon
I would borrow you some books

>> No.10731391

>Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world
I feel like this encapsulates Jordan B Peterson pretty succinctly, although I have very little idea what Peterson stands for

>> No.10732418

Everybody on here is a contrarian fuck that could really use the advice of setting your own life in order before criticizing the world (this applies to all ideological types, I'm not singling anybody out).

>> No.10733842
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>> No.10733845

He's arguing that, anyone who can't change themselves will never be able to change the world. Mastery begins with self-mastery.

>> No.10733937

it's marketed as a self help book, what did you expect? if there was any doubt about frogman being a pseud this book shattered it.

>> No.10733998

>promotes freedom of speech
>shills patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche, Eliade, Jung, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn
>dumbs down from their superior level to the average intellect of the american
>makes astonishing psychological analyses of novels of said authors, of biblical stories, existentialist works and even simple tales such as pinocchio which hide a deep psychological baggage packed inside of them
>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
>is a great motivational speaker, superb in debates with the SJWs, skillful rhetorician etc.
>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
>fights against the degradation of the culture and its foremost threats, namely marxism, postmodernism and islamism
It's the only book of our times that is actually worth reading. Better save the money yourself for it, otherwise >>10733842.

>> No.10734282

Rule 1: Postmodernist a shit

Rule 2: Start living like Larry

Rule 3: Marxism is the most violent fucking system to ever breathe

Rule 4: Choose your words very carefully

Rule 5: Clean your room and the rest of your fucking house too you lazy fuck.

Rule 6: Always listen to everything somebody wants to tell you, even it's the same explanation of the bible for the 500th fucking time

Rule 7: Dostoevsky or die

Rule 8: Miss me with that forced pronoun shit

Rule 9: Be unbiased. But appear on really biased talk shows and podcasts.

Rule 10: Sound like Kermit the frog

Rule 11: Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Rule 12: Gender dynamics are fucked

>> No.10734437

anyone who claims they "hate" Jordan Peterson either misunderstands his positions or doesn't appeal to logic or rational thinking. Either way, there hatred is misguided.

He's an intellectual powerhouse. You could easily make an argument that he's the most important contemporary thinker. Maybe ever. Peterson's clinical psychology doctor degree gives him insight into the innerworkings of the human mind, so that he knows things about your brain that not even you do. Good luck debating THAT, it'd be like trying to tell DFW what infinite jest is about (if he were alive).

It isn't a matter of IF his stances on morality/gender/lobsters are tenable. Those who think they are not simply do not understand them

I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Peterson's positions

>> No.10734439

>I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Petersen's positions.

Preaching to the choir. The only disagreements you might have here are that he doesn't go far enough.

>> No.10734491

Maximum bait

>> No.10734495

>memerson claims his sideprojects amount to 3 or 4 fulltime jobs
>gets depressed and has no energy
>takes antidepressants to relax
Why didnt he see he was exhausting himself and his body was telling him to calm the fuck down?

>> No.10734533

Anyone dismissing Peterson as an idiot is clearly an ideologue, but his thinking - at least as presented in his speeches - has a number of weaknesses. I'll outline just a few:
1) Zizek's criticism that he mistakenly lumps together all of the "radical left." Some of the earliest and most trenchant critiques of deconstruction and identity politics came out of the Frankfurt school and other "Marxist" lines of thought. It's telling that Peterson never really cites any contemporary scholars but merely refers to a general "French" outlook.
2) He misunderstands the critique of capitalist oppression. I can't think of any scholar who claims oppression originates with capitalism as Peterson claims. Marx himself argued that life improved under capitalism and I think many (not all - Zerzan comes to mind, though he's hardly respected in academia) agree. The argument is instead that one shouldn't become complacent. Peterson never engages with texts like "The New Jim Crow" or others but offers countless implicit indictments that amount to "fake Marxist news." This is deeply disingenuous of him since he claims frequently to support struggles against inequality.
3) Peterson continuously overlooks the violence that founds and sustains the West. For all he rails on the gulags, he never mentions any of the U.S.'s horrendous crimes throughout the world. He also is wrong to dismiss the "true Marxism has never been tried argument." Lenin, a more orthodox Marxist, himself did not believe that the Soviet Union was communist and envisioned the role of his state as one that would introduce capitalism and hold the place of power until true communism was possible. Peterson will respond that all of those atrocities were carried out in the name of Marxism, it should then be pointed out that the fastest growing economy in the world and *the* single most important alleviator of starvation and poverty is to this day nominally Marxist.
4) Jungian psychoanalysis may offer insights, but it lacks a strong scientific-empiricist basis, though in his frequent "data, data, data" language, he implies otherwise.

I have no problem with - and agree with - many of Peterson's positions. But he is speaking about whereof he knows not in many instances and often in dubiously misleading ways.

>> No.10734543
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>Anyone dismissing Peterson as an idiot is clearly an ideologue

>> No.10734569

>impling that's not lefts shitpost

>> No.10734642

Interesting criticism from the left. Personally I dislike him from a completely different angle, I think he’s a metaphysical coward, he obviously wants to be a Christian but refuses to reject the enlightenment and scientific materialism so he tries to rationalise Christian mythology as being about “archetypes” or comparing it to traditional myths. The distinctive nature of the three “religions of the book” is they move the sacred and foundational stories into a real historical timeframe, not an inaccessible “other time” like every other mythology and religion.

Ultimately this sense of historical purpose for history is what leads to all Christian / post Christian movements be they communist or liberal or upfront Christian kingdom of God ideas. He clearly wants to reject the non supernatural versions of Judaism / Christianity (especially Marxism), but he refuses to recognise where they come from. Then he speaks to Russel Brand and bangs on about how he considers inequality to be a great evil, yet his main useful insight is that people are unequal and achieve different things based on their internal qualities not just because of economic repressiOn.

There was an article in the spectator that basically said his positions feel like they are still immature, and I agree. He’s a smart guy, but he misses things in what he has read (when he denounced fascism but then recommends openly fascist authors, especially Eliade but even to some extent Jüng), or he criticises “postmodernism” and Marxism at the same time as though they are identical. The existence of right wing existentialists seems to have not occurred to the lad. I do find some interesting bits in his work but his politics are shit tier.

>> No.10734742

Clean your room, bucko.

>> No.10734934

I remember when I was a complete dumbfuck. There is hope for you yet my friend.

>> No.10734999

>be precise in your speech
>can't decide whether he wants to make people tell the truth or just settle for not lying

>> No.10735080

>Then he speaks to Russel Brand and bangs on about how he considers inequality to be a great evil
unequal societies are empirically unstable is what he's saying i'm guessing, which will probably remain like that at least until we get highly efficient killbots to keep the plebs at hand

>> No.10735085

enjoy your toxoplasmosis, petersonfags

>> No.10735094

>Rule 8 Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie
How convenient

>> No.10735099


Who the hell dislikes their children when they get hurt?

He's saying discipline them when they do the kind of thing that, if an acquaintance or stranger did it, would make you dislike them.

>> No.10735137
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anyone who claims they "hate" Sam Harris either misunderstands his positions or doesn't appeal to logic or rational thinking. Either way, there hatred is misguided.

He's an intellectual powerhouse. You could easily make an argument that he's the most important contemporary thinker. Maybe ever. Harris' cognitive neuroscience degree gives him insight into the innerworkings of the human mind, so that he knows things about your brain that not even you do. Good luck debating THAT, it'd be like trying to tell DFW what infinite jest is about (if he were alive).

It isn't a matter of IF his stances on morality/gender/nuking the middle east for utilitarian reasons are tenable. Those who think they are not simply do not understand them

I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Harris' positions

Pic related: irrefutable proof that Harris is more """""important""""" and """""influential""""" as a contemporary """""thinker""""" than Peterson.

>> No.10735152



How do you reconcile a critique of postmodernism that concerns that it relativizes truth [1] while at the same time maintaining that truth is utility, and thus subject to change?

[1] Who are these postmodernists? What is postmodernism? If you're going to give me some names, please give me the works in which they espouse the relevant opinions and what pages exactly I can find it and judge for myself.

>> No.10735183
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>[1] Who are these postmodernists? What is postmodernism? If you're going to give me some names, please give me the works in which they espouse the relevant opinions and what pages exactly I can find it and judge for myself.
i don't know, the fat studies community i guess
>The authors consider how heteronormative temporal arrangements regulate fat bodies. Fat bodies, like normative bodies, are made meaningful in relation to normative notions of time. Fat bodies, however, fail to “keep up” with normative tempos. Accordingly, the authors explore how fat bodies are always already positioned outside of these (hetero)normative timelines by analyzing three temporal markers of “straight” life, or normative rites of passage, that mark “progress” in a heteronormative timeline: marriage, reproduction/childrearing, and death. First, the authors argue that subjects are only successful within heteronormative sequential temporal schemes of living if they are normatively sized and shaped, evidenced by discourses encouraging weight loss as a solution to finding a spouse, successfully reproducing and rearing children, and ensuring a long life and garnering wealth to pass onto future generations. Second, they contend that cyclical time governs the ways in which (fat) women’s bodies are managed, specifically regarding the gaining and losing of weight in accordance with normative markers of time. Overall, the authors explore how fat subjects are limited or constricted by chrononormativity. However, rather than positioning these limitations as wholly oppressive of fat subjects, the authors conclude that queer/ed fat temporalities offer opportunities for reimagining different ways of life and time.

>> No.10735191

>I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Harris' positions
uhh, what does he believe?

>> No.10735196

objective scientific morality

>> No.10735199

>I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Peterson's positions
Why does he associate 'post-modernism' with Marxism / what even links the two?

>> No.10735230

I agree with you for the most part but I don't think Peterson arrived to his beliefs out of cowardice, he certainly seems to have a sincere belief, whatever the truth may be

>> No.10735285


harris has been on the scene for a decade. JP has only been in the public eye for 1 year. Apples meets oranges. JP's near parity with SM should be a sign of how influential he is. He'll likely overtake Sm soon.

>> No.10735293

I’ve never really agreed with this view, some of the most long term stable civilisations in history were totally unequal, but they used religion justifications instead “we are all the same but I have more money / better position”. That’s what causes instability. Medieval monarchy, ancient Egypt, both very stable, both totally unequal, but they had a religious underpinning.

>> No.10735299

Sorry, I didn’t mean he was thinking something but not saying because he’s a coward, but rather he is incapable of rejecting the enlightenment basically. You see this a lot with English conservatives

>> No.10735325

>Rule 6 Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world
Peterson's house is a mess, he's on anti-depressants and his daughter is mentally ill. Why is he writing these books?

>> No.10735339

Though i like the phrasing, it really all boils down to "yo trust that god will provide no matter what dawg"

>> No.10735356

>Antifa are the real Nazis!

lmao. I hate them as much as anyone else, but the whole horse-shoe fallacy is silly. Nazis are not the equivalent of antifa.

>> No.10735374


Amphetamine is literally an extremely effective rapid acting short term treatment for depression as well, so there's that.

>> No.10735376

Well you gotta be patient. Eventually you win their trust

>> No.10735521

Well put. Memerson is misrepresenting the "radical left" the same way mainstream media is calling anyone they don't like a Nazi. Sloppy and lazy stuff.

Almost every "discussion" he has with someone is an echo chamber/circle-jerk, he seems unwilling to entertain alternative thoughts. He's kinda like Sam Harris in that sense, maybe even worse.

I like him as a self-help guy, I do think he has some valuable insight, but on some other topics he seems a bit out of depth.

>> No.10735525
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>he's on anti-depressants
Even right now?

>> No.10735576

but that's different, that's a traditional tiered society, with the priesthood taking care of spiritual matters, aristocracy taking care of war and administration and plebs working. The problem is inequality among plebs, not a tiered society. Today there's no tiered society, just rich plebs and poor plebs

>> No.10735603

Fuck off. Antifa are the only ones with the balls to fight fucking nazis. While you stay comfortable in your house we're the ones resisting the scum.

>> No.10735610

kek, there's nothing nazis love more than polarization on the streets, have fun fueling the fire

>> No.10735616

yeah no one but antifa had balls to fight the nazis, except, you know, the entire United States Armed Forces...

>> No.10735617

I've never heard of this guy before this fucking board, so I downloaded the e-book to see what he's all about. I've read the foreward and overture so far.

>talks about upvotes
>uses smiley face twice

nicely memed, /lit/

>> No.10736027

>we're the ones resisting the scum
Why though?

>> No.10736067


>> No.10736190

I'll never read Peterson solely because hoards of retarded teenagers shill his shit online.
That's as good a guarantee of something being worthless as you can ever find.

>> No.10736243
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Then yea he is a massive hypocrite

>> No.10736263


I'm not so sure that this is postmodernism, to be quite honest. I don't think Foucault or Derrida (are those the postmodernists? I'm still not sure, but it's my best guess) ever wrote about fat women having a hard time getting married and having babies due to hetero-chrononormativity. But OK, even if we go with this, this is postmodernism (again, I don't think it is) how is this ruining western civilization? You know, the Greeks had sophists as well.

>> No.10736294


In facts and objective reality - and that includes morality.



I included the amount of Patreon supporters as a scale of influence and importance as a joke.

A couple of thousands of NEETs tithing their tendie-money definitely does not translate to importance, and it translates to influence only if you have a concept of influence so unqualified and watered down that the word means next to nothing.

>> No.10736850

This. Antifa are badasses. Anyone who says otherwise is probably a bourgeois scary to get his hands dirty to defend his convictions. Fighting fascism shouldn't be something polemic for fuck's sake.

>> No.10736879

He stopped taking them a while back, that's when he lost all the weight

Also Peterson doesn't criticize the world very often at all

>> No.10736884

To convince himself that life is worth living

>> No.10736902

I'm not sure why his editor didn't shake some sense into him in regards to those smiley faces. I would have been fine with even just one

>> No.10736905


Why does /lit/ hate this guy again? This talk was fantastic and demonstrates clearly that he thinks very deeply on Jung and the mind.

>> No.10736996

>$100k+ a month just for talking shit


>> No.10737001

He's a pro on Jung and other select topics but when he veers outside of his best areas he can come across odd

>> No.10737006

Does Harris really think in terms of subjective vs. objective still?

>> No.10737010

>Rule 6 Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world
>hurr durr just be happy being a wageslave
Perhaps I would clean my house if I weren't so fucking depressed because of capitalism.

>> No.10737012

>I will gladly debate anyone ITT on any of Harris' positions
You can not derive an ought from an is. Science is not enough for the human race. Harris holds moral concepts like "it's better for everyone if we discourage murder" as self-evident but they are still purely philosophical and with no basis in science. Science's only use in philosophy is the ability to quantify the concepts philosophy deals with. Sam Harris has money riding on him never admitting that because he either knows he's in too deep to turn around now, or he genuinely doesn't understand the logical disconnect

>> No.10737021

>depressed because of capitalism
no you're depressed because you're a loser
stop being one

>> No.10737027

>Perhaps I would clean my house if I weren't so fucking depressed because of capitalism.
As a staunch capitalist, I wish a true socialist were here to tear you to fucking shreds and explain why your kind is useless to the socialist movement.

>> No.10737032
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>Rule 11 Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding
Get the fuck off my property delinquents, skateboarding is a crime

>> No.10737037

But I'm a "loser" because of capitalism. If we lived in a non competitive society and instead everyone were treated as equal because of their intrinsic human value I wouldn't be a "loser". I may not be productive in the sense that capitalism deems worthy, but I'm not a loser.

>> No.10737038

Victim blaming, I guess that's part of capitalist ethos.

>> No.10737042

Embrace Fascism

>> No.10737064

But people aren't equal. Capitalism is one of the destructive materialist doctrines which has torn man from traditional life where he had a defined role with meaning and felt his life was part of a higher purpose and structure and that life itself was sacred and involved partaking in myth.

Capitalism is just one offshoot of the modern demon - socialism / communism have the exact same emptiness at the core. Man is reduced to an economic actor, which is alienating and destructive. Competition gives some people a purpose and pisses others off, but ultimately its not a proper structure for society.

>> No.10737065

>depressed because of capitalism.

What do you even mean by this? All forms of society are forms are capitalism unless you literally abolish money and property, which even more socialists wouldn't even do.

>> No.10737069

>non competitive society
Capitalism is competitive because homo sapiens are competitive. If you can't get yourself to get out of bed and put in the effort, you'd be just as much of a loser in a communist society too.

>> No.10737084

>hurr durr it has always been like this so it will be like this forever
>Capitalism is competitive because homo sapiens are competitive
Capitalism has brainwashed you into believing this. Human nature is to be cooperative.

>> No.10737100

Cooperative with people in your in-group, competitive with people not in your in-group.

>> No.10737130

>Capitalism has brainwashed you into believing this. Human nature is to be cooperative.
A poorly developed and thoroughly debunked scientific theory created for political purposes has brainwashed you into considering capitalism as the cause.
You're right that humans are co-operative. That's self-evident from the existence of societies and families. But cooperative isn't all we are. Every single society larger than a population of ~200 ever analyzed across all of human civilization's history has had inequality of outcome manifest in whatever way the society's structure allows. It's well known that co-operation in the in group simultaneous to competition with the out-group is hands down the quickest route to massive innovation and success

>> No.10737155
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no, you're a loser because you blame society for your problems
>my own well being is not my responsibility wahh wahh
>i wish society would take care of all my wants and needs

victim complex, i guess thats part of the fag's ethos

>> No.10737947

So much for debate.

>> No.10738981

>Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie
he's literally giving away the grift and his fans are too gullible to notice

>> No.10739009

>Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
Memerson speaking from the experience here, kek.

>> No.10739013

It's a good advice though, assuming you're a normal well adjusted guy.

>> No.10739033

These are all just platitudes really and any individual knows it. It also works the other way too but Memerson is too much of a "the father, the son and the holy spirit without the holy" faggot to understand it.

>> No.10739034

Every economic system is competitive you retard. Do you even know what capitalism is?

>> No.10739043

>Also Peterson doesn't criticize the world very often at all
are you fucking kidding me? The only reason he is being shilled massively here is coz he does precisely that.

And just coz he stopped taking it doesn't mean he unfucked his life

>> No.10739226

I agree with you. What is currently going on is the logical end point of Liberalism's core values.

>> No.10739835
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I don't use twatter and shit, where are we on the debate question?

>> No.10739871

>make friends

but seriously how do i make friends, i didnt even have any childhood friends

>> No.10740377

Can't wait for this ugly Commie prick to get BTFO.

>> No.10740883

t. contrarian retard

>> No.10740902

of course, Sam Harris is an autistic rich kid, in what terms do you expect him to think?

>> No.10740913
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>Perhaps I would clean my house if I weren't so fucking depressed because of capitalism.
keking at retards that unironically believe this. I really want to read Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism just for the laughs

>> No.10740916

Peterson already agrees with Zizek, he's just too busy slaying dragons to see it.

>> No.10740917

>intrinsic human value
how fucking spooked are you? no wonder you are depressed

>> No.10740927

sparrows are stupid, dad.

>> No.10740932

>Capitalism has brainwashed you into believing this. Human nature is to be cooperative.
There are cooperative human structures (that socialism wants to destroy) and competitive social structures (that socialism wants to destroy as well).

In summary, once you scrap the surface socialism is not anything else than active nihilism, and capitalism is nothing else than passive nihilism.

>> No.10740950

>These are all just platitudes really and any individual knows it.
you would be correct if we weren't at this level of degeneration. The egalitarian meme has corroded many of the traditional structures that took care of everything Memerson is trying to put forward.

Now, i don't like Memerson because he seems just blind of everything outside of meme liberalism which has terribly failed and has no future. But him speaking platitudes is not a problem in the current environment.

>> No.10740963
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Peterson challenged a Zizek quotes bot account to a debate. Actual Zizek accepted the debate for October. The marxist guy from Zero Books podcast has challenged Peterson to a debate as well.

Peterson is silent like a little bitch now, he probably expected old marxists to act like university bitches and now that they want to actually speak he doesn't know how to debate with actual academics.

I mean marxism is dead, but Peterson doesn't have the knowledge to articulate it, so he will get dialectically raped by old marxists.

>> No.10741471

Are you illiterate? Would you like one more chance to read my post?

>> No.10741485
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>Rule 10 Be precise in your speech
>tfw Sperg and cant enunciate clearly

>> No.10741487

>The only reason he is being shilled massively here is coz he does precisely that
What in the fuck are you talking about
Peterson's entire gig has been a critique of these who DO criticize the world. His point that he has reiterated time and time again is that most unhappiness in the world can be solved through an honest look at the self, and an honest effort to improve the self. Sort yourself out before you try to sort out the world, he's said it dozens and dozens of times

>And just coz he stopped taking it doesn't mean he unfucked his life
Do you have me confused with someone else, anon? I never said that

>> No.10741595

High quality bait