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/lit/ - Literature

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10728899 No.10728899 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread.

Confess your sins. You hate yourself anyway.

>> No.10728916

nice double dubs

Harry Potter is fun.

>> No.10728917
File: 24 KB, 451x326, images (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't finish moby dick

>> No.10728920

I don't read books, and I am adopting the opinion that the highest form of reader has no need of books.

>> No.10728921

i was the teenager in school who tried to read Naked Lunch once but couldn't finish it, however I sat in the back of class pretending to read it and then I would quote things from it that I thought others might find cool. I also said that I don't read anything other than existential novels and that Dostoevsky was one of my favourite writers even though at the time I couldn't finish his books either.

Teen-me was embarrassing and it's painful to think about it.

>> No.10728924

> highest form of reader
> doesn't read


>> No.10728930

I want to like Yukio Mishima but the pages upon pages of fucking leaves falling and the description of winter sun as women's lactating tits or whatever just gets tiresome.

>> No.10728938


Socrates. At the Egyptian city of Naucratis, there was a famous old god, whose name was Theuth; the bird which is called the Ibis is sacred to him, and he was the inventor of many arts, such as arithmetic and calculation and geometry and astronomy and draughts and dice, but his great discovery was the use of letters. Now in those days the god Thamus was the king of the whole country of Egypt; and he dwelt in that great city of Upper Egypt which the Hellenes call Egyptian Thebes, and the god himself is called by them Ammon. To him came Theuth and showed his inventions, desiring that the other Egyptians might be allowed to have the benefit of them; he enumerated them, and Thamus enquired about their several uses, and praised some of them and censured others, as he approved or disapproved of them. It would take a long time to repeat all that Thamus said to Theuth in praise or blame of the various arts. But when they came to letters, This, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; it is a specific both for the memory and for the wit. Thamus replied: O most ingenious Theuth, the parent or inventor of an art is not always the best judge of the utility or inutility of his own inventions to the users of them. And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.

>> No.10728941

you made me the highest form of reader cause i aint readin dis lmao

>> No.10728983

I have awful pronunciation. My vocabulary is mostly from books, so I never learned how to speak it. Bourgeois was Bore-gois, Faux was fox, etc.

Also, I never fucking figured out how to say meringue is Mer-enk. I know it's mer-ang, now, but goddamn.

>> No.10728988

Making your own pronunciations is patrish.

>> No.10728991

I sometimes recommend books I've never read

>> No.10729001

forx pass

>> No.10729011

I've never gotten dubs

>> No.10729015

oh god I could just imagine having a conversation with you would be so awkward dude

do you at least tell people that you might butcher a pronunciation? if i'm unsure of how to pronounce a name or something (the bloody czech names are crazy, how am I meant to pronounce Crzcyzhkzrywii or what the fuck) that's what I do and then give it my best go (CRISHY-HUKZER-WEE)

>> No.10729021

I will never get trips

>> No.10729022


>> No.10729068

>screenshot that you took is now appearing on /lit/
Weird feel

>> No.10729085

I would do rude things to Kagami

>> No.10729104

I've tried to read Infinite Jest three times and I never make it further than ten pages.

I don't mind long books or anything, but Infinite Jest really feels like a barrier. DFW's prose just feels irritating and not at all cohesive. At least Pynchon is fun.

>> No.10729108

finished moby dick, can't remember what's it about

>> No.10729110
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also i'm trying to write poems but don't really like reading poetry

>> No.10729118
File: 244 KB, 800x781, lucky_star___kagami_hiiragi_by_shivakou-d8fun0u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> stylish tsundere
> plays coy
> intelligent yet insecure
> she really just wants a deep dickin'
> this anon doesn't like cute cool anime grills doing cute cool anime grill things

>> No.10729123
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Best anime girl coming through.

>> No.10729129


I can't remember the difference between staring and starring. It drives me crazy.

>> No.10729143

>two+ lines long
>said (character name)
I hate this shit; having question mark and exclamation point at the end of a sentence is also retarded.

>> No.10729164

Staring is what you do when you look at something for a prolonged time, maybe without blinking, but not really taking much in either

Starring is like hey dude this movie that's out it's starring margie gunderson from fargo haha mad one that

>> No.10729167


>> No.10729168

> doesn't like quotes
> doesn't like punctuation

hey are you cormac mccarthy dude i loved the border trilogy

>> No.10729182

The point is sometimes you don't know who's saying what until the quote is over.
Writers should proclaim who does the talking before the talking.
Question marks are retarded. As if anyone ever reads a question wondering if it actually is one.
But exclamation points, you might have no idea Imagine having a colon after the example:

>> No.10729257
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>> No.10729258

I started reading again because of cuckold captions

>> No.10729331

Cool anime girls don't have sex

>> No.10729332

I love the works of Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.10729346

no but the coolest ones do

they also smoke and rap "nigga" when they listen to hip-hop

don't tell mom

>> No.10729351

No they don't, you're a liar.

>> No.10729383

you just haven't met the coolest waifus yet

nothin personnel, kid

>> No.10729422

Fuck off, everyone knows the coolest anime girls are devoted to Jesus Christ.

>> No.10729435

If cool waifus had sex why doesn't mine have sex? Checkmate

>> No.10729449

cause your waifu a shit

checkmate plus one more than you can ever say

>> No.10729478
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> swearing
> on an online Polynesian pottery board

>> No.10729648

Is it a sign of good taste to switch from Konata to Kagami waifuism? It really struck me while rewatching Lakista what an utter pleb Konata is. She's an obsessive, consumerist otaku who doesn't experience anything outside of that sphere. Meanwhile, Kagami is shown to read a lot, have interest in the classics, and consumes a moderate amount of anime/manga to converse about it with other people. It also adds to her /lit/ waifu appeal that she sucks at cooking and practical skills.

>> No.10730327

There's a book called 'The Good Earth' that only initially liked because of the breast feeding for teh fapps.

Later, consider it tremendous for other reasons, but still shame about weakness of teenage brain flesh.

>> No.10730343

I stopped reading Moby Dick, not because of its lenght, but because Ishmael is a fucking cringelord fedora-tier

I really hate cringe teenager characters that think anybody cares about how much they know or their edgy opinions. Hal Incandenza is one of the characters I most hate. Quentin Compson was more interesting, but still a shitty being

The only exception is Rashkolnikov

>> No.10730412

I read Divine Comedy not because of its literary merits, but because I wanted to know how many historical people I knew there

>> No.10730425

I read Ulysses halfway through before throwing the book away

>> No.10730450

I read too fucking fast for no specific reason, been doing it since I was young. It's annoying because I know that I should read more carefully, go back to previous paragraphs to reread that description, not just 'hey lemme skip this phrase ok?' It's just dumb, why can't I be linear.

>> No.10730460

I enrolled in philosophy and I don't even have a passion for it, I really only care about fiction.
I only turned to literature when I realized I wasn't cut for music, both in terms of talent and spiritual direction.
I'm just weak and afraid.

>> No.10730719

When you kill yourself at thirty please don't leave a mess

>> No.10730882

I will not end my own life
Amor fati

>> No.10730915

I read the entire bible as a kid for fun. It taught me everything about sex and violence.
It also taught me that jews are assholes who regularly engaged in genocide and petty dickish behavior.
Even the bible seems to imply that the reason why jews always suffer is simply because they're not good people and couldn't obey God's Law because they were greedy cunts.
That ultimately their refusal to change is why God abandoned them.

>> No.10730917

I switched two universities until I realised I have absolutely no ambition to study philosophy.
A large part of it is, you pretty much have no resources in uni that are unavailable to you otherwise. Textbooks, articles, commentaries, all of this shit is available online or libraries in a decent city. You're likelier than not stuck with a shitty professor selling you a specific view of the major thinkers. And fuck, I hate analytic-oriented courses.

>> No.10731130


>> No.10731168


The universe is composed of signs, an infinite flux of signifiers: look and you may read.

>> No.10731175

Same, except I don't consider it a literary sin, but one of the greatest testaments to my literary good taste.

>> No.10731194
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I don't think I read very high brow books. Even if I'm only interested in unique plots and a book has to have certain quality of writing, or whatever, it's still genre fiction (most of the time). I'm kind of embarrassed and I never admit what my favorite books are on /lit/.

>> No.10731295

i'm reading shitposting threads instead of reading at this very moment

>> No.10731907 [DELETED] 

I firmly believe that "Real Men Don't Make Sandwiches" is better written and infinitely funnier than a lot of books you'd find in libraries nowadays.

"Real Men Don't Make Sandwiches" is also a fucking Dragon Ball fanfiction.

>> No.10731975

I basically quit reading real books and only read Visual Novels now, hell you can count the number of real books i have read in the last 18 months on one hand.

>> No.10731983
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I firmly believe that "Real Men Don't Make Sandwiches" is better written and infinitely funnier than a lot of books you'd find in libraries nowadays.

"Real Men Don't Make Sandwiches" is also a fucking Dragon Ball fanfiction.

>> No.10732138
File: 62 KB, 450x557, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trigger shit
>being best anything
this is a Rei imageboard

>> No.10732222

What are you doing now?

>> No.10733797

Honestly, if you bother to look this applies to any university course. The internet is a really powerful resource.
The only reason anyone should finish an university course is because you'll get a certification for it. Without that you'll have even lower chances of finding a job.

>> No.10733957

>I like the twilight saga
>I wish there were more gender swapped books

Am I going to /lit/ hell?

>> No.10733964
File: 53 KB, 556x606, disgusting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an asuka board. You don't know this?

My confession is that I pretend to have read more Shakespeare than I've read. I can succeed because of general familiarity with many plays.

>> No.10733966

I barely read the dialogue in Swann's Way because I knew it was just haughty rambling.

>> No.10734007

I don't know if you guys know this, but I'll tell you anyway: life comes to an end! Eventually, you. will. be. dead! I just had this thought today and felt I needed to share it on my favorite 4chan board because it was somehow so profound. Like...euphoric. Just take a second to realize that as you are reading this post, or indeed doing anything, you are tick, tick, ticking closer to your last breath. Isn't that fantastic? I certainly think so. And then no matter who you are in this world, what your position is relative to anybody else, you will be as gone as them and they will be as gone as you at some point in the future. And then you will both be gone for ever. For eternity.There is nothing after your sitting there at your computer.

>> No.10734011

u shudve put this in the write what's on ur mind thread instead of the literary confessions thread u offtopic sonofabitch

>> No.10734012


>> No.10734134

All my writing projects are extentions of my cuckold fetish

>> No.10734190

All the way back in the 6th grade our teacher had read Animal Farm outloud for us over the course of a few days or so, and we all missed the point completely. We thought it was just a lovable adventure involving some talking animals that randomly took a dark turn and ended in a confusing and disappointing manner. I never read through it again and I don't know what the moral is.

>> No.10734202

brainlet. consider:
You're gay.
You're gay?

>> No.10734276
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> trigger
> bad

found the plebistani

>> No.10734277

Kagami is the patrician's choice.

>> No.10734291

> Ishmael
> cringelord fedora-tier

You are scum of the Earth, my dude

>> No.10734301

Admit it now, anon, there's no better time. What are your favourite books?

>> No.10734305

Read it now, anon. You'll likely finish it in an afternoon because it is a fun animal adventure but it's got a haunting kicker. It's basically communism for kids, i.e. the current systems are oppressive, true equality is unobtainable. Pretty shocking stuff to discover as a kid really and I can understand why most of your class didn't get it. It's not exactly Willy Wonka.

Also the horse, dude. Left me feeling empty. Good little short read, solid 7.8/10.

>> No.10734317

okay, but pls no bully

Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson
Shogun by James Clavell
Howl's Moving Castle
The Stargate movie novelization
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce
Saiyuki and all subsequent sequels by Kazuya Minekura (manga)
The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss
John Dies at the End by David Wong

>> No.10734352 [DELETED] 
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I was reading books with 16yo girl on discord. Almost every evening we read something like 20 pages aloud to each other. She had a cute voice, but was pretty fucked up in the head, and acted like a spoiled brad sometimes. But usually she was really sweet.

>> No.10734355
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John Dies at the End is pretty cool pulp actually. So what if you enjoy genre fiction or whatever, my dude. At least you're reading something. Maybe dip your toe into the classics from time to time, there's likely something there you'll dig. I got into the classics through more pulpy means like weird fiction (House on the Borderland is genuinely great and it's pretty short too).

You might like Akutagawa's Rashomon too.

If you like the Stargate movie novelization (lmao why though) then maybe you'll dig some Philip K Dick? Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Ubik are accessible, authentic in their world-building and genuinely thrilling the more you read. PKD gets a bit too real at times, you'll definitely find something to relate to there.

Maybe these reccs might interest you? It's cool if not. you do you, boo <3

>> No.10734358
File: 70 KB, 533x330, Asuka BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is an asuka board.
hm let's see...
here are Rei's banners:
and here's Asuka's banner:
I'm pretty sure Shinji's cum has more prominence than that cutting board you call a waifu.

>> No.10734359
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> spent two hours chatting to a girl on Omegle
> initially started as me trying to troll her haha niggers grrr lmao
> she made me stop that and started to talk to me as a person
> we begun discussing literature and films
> she said she would read a complete shakespeare anthology while on her daily commute, could be bullshit but also oh god is she the one
> ask her if we could swap email addresses to continue talking
> she disconnected

g-goodbye, s-stranger

>> No.10734371

Thanks dude. I do read classics and non-fiction, but I picked my "favorites" based on how many times I've re-read them. I'll re-read any book I enjoyed eventually, but those books I re-read 5 or 6 times each.

>If you like the Stargate movie novelization (lmao why though)
I read it when I was a teenager and I just kept reading it. The sequels are better, but the first one is the first one. I really like that they get stranded in a strange place and have to interact with a strange culture and adapt- (Swiss Family Robinson was the first novel I ever read and it really, REALLY influenced what I like)

I do like genre fiction, but I like to think that I enjoy the outliers. That aren't quite genre-genre fiction you know? At least, they better be, or else it shouldn't be this fucking hard to find other books similar to them, goddammit.

>> No.10734386

I don't like reading

>> No.10734388

Not necessarily /lit/ but people know me best for loving Kurosawa films and pre and post-war Japanese films and so whenever I'm out and about they usually ask "haha anon you watching yer japanese independent films haha" and at first I thought it was fun to be that guy but now I don't know if it's mocking or not. Dudes like Sadao Yamanaka and Kenji Mizoguchi are more my niggas than anybody

>> No.10734390
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Just like me, but this isn't stopping me from reading 100 pages a day.

>> No.10734392

What are you reading?

>> No.10734395


>> No.10734396


>> No.10734398

> girl in picture is similar to how I spent my summers in school and college

Playing Grandia and Final Fantasy 6 have been the best experiences of my life and I've actually gone on to win awards for my writing. I feel empty outside of JRPGs

>> No.10734400

you'll fit right in on this Polish procrastination image board

>> No.10734402

Why polish?

>> No.10734431

the board was primarily designed to discuss procrastination within eastern europe but we allow westerners to visit from time to time

>> No.10734564

Why you even here dude

>> No.10734567
File: 62 KB, 348x499, 61heYKR5y+L._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple of these lying around semi-finished.

>> No.10734590

why is this a sin?
people have been doing mandalas for forever for a reason.

>> No.10734596

I haven't read a book in four years

>> No.10734612

I don't imagine many on /lit/ would be as fair

>> No.10734621

I can't enjoy Faulkner, I see that he's a great writer and appreciate his craft, but all his books are about the fucking south and I just don't care about the "southern problems".

>> No.10734777
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I legitimely feel bad for those fools that keep forcing the laughable meme of self-loathing.

>> No.10734788

it's called depression, janet.

>> No.10734794

Who in their right mind considers Ishmael to be "edgy"? If anyone is edgy it's Ahab and that's completely understandable why he's like that. What the fuck.

>> No.10734797

I only read philosophy / theory and only use this board for such discussions. "Literary fiction" and genre fiction I don't care much for other than Michael Moorcock's work.

>> No.10734798
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> tfw my wife will never be as cool as my waifu

>> No.10734803

thats nice sweetie x

>> No.10734807

I saved it as an epub with a download manager.
It's seriously good.

>> No.10734819

I don't think anyone can top this off.
When I was young, I read all Werber books until second humanity.

>> No.10734827

Kagami is thinking about my D, i know it

Restrain yourself, woman, I am a devoted Sikh

>> No.10734841

The OST to Your Name. > every book you've read so far this year.

Your Name. wasn't up for any Oscars of Baftas but Boss Baby was. Film is dead.

>> No.10734850

I was in the same situation as you until I happened to pick up a book a few months back. I finished reading it in a day. It's not the only book I got at the time, but I only read a few pages of the other one before giving up.

Thanks Camilleri for making me pick up a book again.

>> No.10734866

Well ya did now! ;)

>> No.10734901

Holy shit

>> No.10734928
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, Kagami-Hiiragi-lucky-star-19925179-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10734935

well i've never gotten trips

>> No.10734942

I have no problem with reading books on computer screen

>> No.10734970

dream on sweetie

>> No.10736287
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>> No.10736773

Due to hearing difficulties, I make an effort not to attempt the verbal pronunciation of words that I've never used. Which is why I write instead.

>> No.10737096

What book?

>> No.10739368


>> No.10739389

I can't read because of tinnitus.

>> No.10739418

and I've never gotten quads

>> No.10739433


>> No.10739463

I'm about to take the third shit of the day
why is this happening to me
can't take any more of it

>> No.10739468
File: 315 KB, 340x200, xd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apex kek

>> No.10739476

I hate reading ancient texts

>> No.10739640

Neither have I

>> No.10739687


>> No.10739703

good poast, anon

>> No.10739708

Temple of the Golden Pavilion literally has lactating breasts

>> No.10739733

I don't actually enjoy reading poetry, but I read it anyway because I want to be a canonical poet for some reason

>> No.10739764

Not /lit/ but drink more water than you are at the moment (like actual water dude not soda), get more fibre in your diet, stay off the junk food for a while

>> No.10739771

cannot for the life of me get into any good fiction at all lately. hope it doesnt last. anyone had a phase like this before?

>> No.10739775

Maybe you're burned out. Take a break for a week from reading and try again with something short. If you're worried about that maybe slowing down your reading, maybe just try something short and sweet like a play. Arthur Miller is always exciting imo and afterwards I just want to read more of his stuff. The Crucible is one of my personal favourites.

>> No.10739789

thanks a lot. I've actually read the crucible and I really enjoyed it. i'll give death of a salesman a shot.

>> No.10739794

Death of a Salseman is great too. Honestly can't go wrong with Arthur Miller.

If you ever feel like slowing down or you're not clicking with anything you try reading, sometimes the short accessible classics get you back into a good mood. Of Mice and Men is a good fallback too.

>> No.10739882


i'm rollin' for some singles right now

>> No.10739885

one lucky anon is gonna get trips and he won't even know it >>10739888

>> No.10739890

I get that Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow are genuinely good but David Foster Wallace is genuinely the biggest meme. Maybe he's good and I haven't been in the right mood for him but I feel like I got meme'd hard.

>> No.10739918

I have read and enjoyed the Andromeda Strain

>> No.10739924

I'm glad the Yecarthy tortilla shitposters have calmed down, Cormac McCarthy is the greatest living American writer.

The Passenger will never see the light of day during his lifetime.

>> No.10739939

>The Passenger
it better have the same aesthetic tone as the song.

>> No.10739943

I don't know why I keep putting myself up to these rambling auteurs.

This romance novel pile is getting out of hand.

>> No.10739947

tell yer pa. are you a fag, son.

ye, said the son.

ok, said pa.

>> No.10739952

even iggy pop said hers is the superior version, anon. It's time to move on.

>> No.10739958

Paul Simon said Disturbed's cover of The Sound of Silence was superior but it doesn't make it so, anon.

Could do worse than Siouxsie and the Banshees though.

>> No.10739962

>Paul Simon said Disturbed's cover of The Sound of Silence
ew. S&Bs version is better though. it's the sax.

>> No.10739969

i wouldn't say better but it's alright if you dig jangle pop. her voice is really off putting and it's over-produced

>> No.10739973
File: 33 KB, 323x499, 41EHZhquMoL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to take a year break halfway through pic related, I have only just got back into it.

>> No.10739975

hmmm. well, to each his own.

>> No.10740004

Tried it myself. Didn't think it was worth the effort. I'm sure I'll try again sometime but that'll be the fourth time around.

>> No.10740012

Thing is, I am enjoying it. I have only disliked 2 or 3 chapters.

It's just that I got a bit impatient waiting for a payoff. It's a long book, so I needed a break. I'm on around page 430

>> No.10740024

Good to know you're enjoying it at least. Best of luck dude

>> No.10740042
File: 67 KB, 219x426, unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavenly Nostrils is our generation's Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.10740054
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I like hard-scifi.

>> No.10740062

Please anon, this is a safe for work celibate Christian board. Please refrain from posting any more heathen imagery.

>> No.10740066
File: 271 KB, 610x960, 1518019411626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg Egan is my favorite.

>> No.10740079

I've written a 400 page book detailing my cuckold fantasy that I still masturbate to.

>> No.10740091

I will pray for you, my son.

>> No.10740102

I feel dreadfully uncomfortable reading things like The Story of the Eye, 120 Days of Sodom or Ryu Murakami's In The Miso Soup in public, partly because I think someone will recognise the book I'm reading and will know it's explicit, but more so because I might pop an accidental boner and I'll have more worries about trying to conceal it/why I got a boner reading about somebody having their ear severed and put into their vagina.

>> No.10740105

I unironically need this. Thanks padre.

>> No.10740109

That's just sad anon

>> No.10740117

I'd pity myself if it wasn't so hot.

>> No.10740138
File: 138 KB, 923x1077, 1519307073804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for a qt who wants to share quiet reading time with me.

>> No.10740149
File: 33 KB, 600x662, 1509636348355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. I got a boner over the scene where the kid in The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea watches his mom get fucked through a hole in his wardrobe. I don't want to dwell on what that must mean.

>> No.10740196

I got hard reading James Joyce's letters to his Nora and I don't even have a fart fetish.

>> No.10740216

how embarrassed he would be if still alive knowing we've all read about his penchant for little farties lol