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/lit/ - Literature

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10721154 No.10721154 [Reply] [Original]

>That part of the Republic where Socrates starts complaining about people who believe in fad diets

>> No.10721160


>> No.10721164

>the part of the republic where he starts saying that we need to censor the media because it promotes degeneracy

>> No.10721204

Yes, Socrates.

>> No.10721230
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>that part where Plato anticipates Nietzsche thousands of years before he even existed, only to immediately destroy him

>> No.10721237


>> No.10721243

it's pronounced 'Socrates'

>> No.10721248
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>thought this was absurd initially
>the older I get the more reasonable it seems

>> No.10721286
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>That part of Critique of Pure Reason where Kant starts complaining about the messages people leave on their answering machines

>> No.10721351

of course mods are social media marketing pros, they "do it for free" because it has "synergy" with their professional goals, how did i not realize this before

u just killed 4chan for me man, just imagine all the dumb neckbeards applying to be mods with stupid cover letters about how they love anime and ponies and shit, meanwhile you get dudes with masters degree in economics and applied statistics or whatever who work in marketing and data analytics who are going to really get "hired" lmao

somehow i managed to avoid most of the social media shit where u create content for billionaires for free, but 4chan with it's goofy founder story (moot and his cartoons etc.) was just so believable,

>> No.10721377

>A typical transaction begins with a user visiting a website. This triggers a bid request that can include various pieces of data such as the user’s demographic information, browsing history, location, and the page being loaded.[5] The request goes from the publisher to an ad exchange, which submits it and the accompanying data to multiple advertisers who automatically submit bids in real time to place their ads.[5] Advertisers bid on each ad impression as it is served.[6] The impression goes to the highest bidder and their ad is served on the page.[6] This process is repeated for every ad slot on the page.[6] Real time bidding transactions typically happen within 100 milliseconds

>user’s demographic information, browsing history, location, and the page being loaded.

yooooo wtf it's a trap and i'm not talking about trannies

dude im out fuck this shit

>> No.10721391

no wonder the feds are so noided about russians exploiting this tho

>> No.10721412


>> No.10721457
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>That part in The Republic where Socrates starts talking about the magic fertility equation

>> No.10721462

something about knowing jay irwin is reading an doing data analysis on every post really kills my spontaneity

>> No.10721536
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>that part in Twilight in the Idols where Nietzsche goes on a diatribe about how he wishes there was a writer that maintained private, yet extensive, conversations about their fart fetish
Never understood that section, to be honest

>> No.10721544

What part?

also, it's not very hard to destroy nietzsche from an analytical point of view, meanwhile it is impossible for anything to destroy someone who truly embodies the ubermensch

>> No.10721712

Thrasymachus, my friend.

>> No.10722785


>> No.10722791

/POL/ was right again

>> No.10722813
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>that part of the Republic where Plato complains about postmodernism and says you should clean your room

>> No.10722815

>the part of Infinite Jest where Wardine be cry

>> No.10722831

>that part of the republic where socrates promotes a rigged reproductive lottery where the chads always win

>> No.10723382

>That part where Socrates predicted the future.
inb4 /r9k/