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/lit/ - Literature

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10703905 No.10703905 [Reply] [Original]

>calls himself well-read
>has never read Watchmen

>> No.10703915
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I think you meant to say "From Hell" because the Watchmen is bog roll grade

>> No.10703917

not the best literary work but the a e s t h e t i c s are next level

>> No.10703953

God you guys are such fucking plebs his best work is the lost girls. It's also beautifully illustrated.

>> No.10703970
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claiming to being a patrician in graphic novels is like claiming to appreciate the muppets on a deeper level than anyone else. it's a novelty and a diversion

>> No.10703979
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Yes you smart. Me dumb comic pleb. Me like video game and cape shit also

>> No.10703980

Lost Girls is kinda dull, From Hell is by far his best work tied with The Voice of Fire

>> No.10704000
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>calls lost girls dull
>enjoys from hell

>> No.10704011
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aren't you late for your vasectomy so you don't knock up your fuck pillow? Cause lord knows you spend way too much time in the comic book shop defending your right as a grown man to buy stacks of pretty paper to actually approach a woman. Please don't take out your samurai sword you sharpened on the unfortunate souls of 50 cantaloupes and brandish it at me, I was just goofing, hey where did you go? How did you teleport behind me? Not so fa? I died.

>> No.10704018

Aren’t you such an intellectual

>> No.10704041

okay back on the trolley to >>>/co/ you had a nice visit but you can't stay here.

>> No.10704056
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>> No.10704071

>comic books
how old are you? you can’t be over 12

>> No.10704073
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yeah so I may be wi fi ready and remote controllable but what are you really trying to say here? use your words stop posting random pictures

>> No.10704082
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>> No.10704083

I read it a couple times when I was around 14. Recently I caught the second half of the Zack Snyder adaption on television and was surprised to find myself enjoying it. Is Armond White onto something? It was good.

>> No.10704102

hey I may be a softbodied, free-swimming aquatic animals with a gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell and trailing tentacles, but ... what is your point?

>> No.10704104
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>> No.10704111

I don't even know how that is physically possible. You comic book nerds are bullies

>> No.10704139
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>> No.10704155

>voice of the fire
Suffers from the need to have an epic TWEEST every chapter

>> No.10704169

I prefer From Hell just because of the shit I learned from it but if we were to talk about the best comic books Watchmen wins, no doubt about it.
>a gloomy story nominally about the Ripper but actually about 19th society London, Masons, occult lore, theology and much more, where even the typography fits the story
>dude porn lmao

>> No.10704284
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>he thinks comics are art

>> No.10704362 [DELETED] 

Watchmen is literally the only Graphic Novel you should read. Seriously.

Listen man. I know. I know what you're thinking. I don't even read Non-fiction anymore, so I definitely don't spend any time reading Watchmen, but the graphic novel is absolutely incredible. Even Alan Moore's other work doesn't come close.

I honestly do not think it can be topped.

So yes, if people are reading Watchmen cover to cover like more than two times or something then there is something wrong with them. Like I said, I don't have the time to read it myself, time is precious. But in all honesty, it IS something that you might want to read once. It's not for the gay fucking anime faggots or anything. This book utilizes concepts from Quantum mechanics, existentialism, determinism, theology, mathematics, the nature of existence itself. Everything. The ship they ride on is named after Archimedes. That should tell you something.

>> No.10704372

Watchmen is literally the only Graphic Novel you should read. Seriously.

Listen man. I know. I know what you're thinking. I don't even read fiction anymore myself, so I definitely don't spend any time re-reading Watchmen, but the graphic novel is absolutely incredible. Even Alan Moore's other work doesn't come close.

I honestly do not think it can be topped.

So yes, if people are reading Watchmen cover to cover like more than two times or something then there is something wrong with them. Like I said, I don't have the time to read it myself, time is precious. But in all honesty, it IS something that you might want to read once. It's not for the gay fucking anime faggots or anything. This book utilizes concepts from Quantum mechanics, existentialism, determinism, theology, mathematics, the nature of existence itself. Everything. The ship they ride on is named after Archimedes. That should tell you something.

>> No.10704377

Honestly you need a very high IQ to understand watchmen

>> No.10704402

I like em both, but I preferred From Hell too. The historical depth in graphic novel form got me going. Also loved just the minimalist(?) style

>> No.10704419

Must be pasta

>> No.10704425

i know threads like this are retarded bait but it actually makes me lol when i think about all of the retards who unironically think this

>> No.10704426


I've read a decent amount of comic books. They just aren't a decent way to illustrate things.

Besides, if you read the Watchmen in like 2-3 sittings, it reads like a book anyway. It is incredibly dense, and some pages are just book pages. Like they just have words and nothing else.

>> No.10704429

He's not entirely off base. Graphic novels are a hybrid of literary and visual arts and is therefore a lesser form of either of them.

>> No.10704439

the aesthetics are the worst part. i enjoyed reading it, but i thought my eyes would bleed by the time i finished

>> No.10704475

When you were reading Stoner, I studied The Watchmen. When you were thumbing through Dubliners, I mastered The Watchmen.

>> No.10704478

>at its best, Watchmen simply imitates books


>> No.10704491

>Watchmen cover to cover like more than two times or something then there is something wrong with them
Fuck off, the art is so thick and lush a second reading is almost obligatory to fully enjoy it

>> No.10704497

Watched the movie recently. Reading it now

>> No.10704499

What's with the pugnacious attitude, lad

>> No.10704504

From Hell and Watchmen are both good

>> No.10704519

I'm well aware this is bait but there are probably impressionable souls reading this thread, so I'm just gonna jump on it.

From Hell is the best graphic novel. Period. It's /lit/ as /lit/ can be. It's such a different category from Watchmen (which created the fucking Zach Snyder Justice League and fucking Heroes).

Alan Moore disowned capeshit but he's fucking proud of From Hell. It's art. It's literature. It's British as fuck. Read it.

>> No.10704529

>aren't you late for your vasectomy so you don't knock up your fuck pillow?
Wow you sure are lacking in self-awareness if you thought that was a witty insult in any way.

>> No.10704568

you're right, kind of lost the thread there, not my finest moment. Even the attempt at saving it towards the end is shameful. Forgiveness, please. I guess the Watchmen is really a watermark if you are well read or not.

>> No.10704978

I understand this thread belongs on /co/ but why do you guys dismiss Watchmen so readily?
What are the criticisms against this middle-brow graphic novel?

>> No.10705069

It’s just pseudo-intellectual posturing

>> No.10705084 [DELETED] 

Grug enjoy to read comic books. Grug even think capeshit can be great art, and that man who no read capeshit book can no be well read

>> No.10705092
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Grug enjoy to read comic books. Grug even think capeshit can be great art, and that man who no read capeshit book can no be well read

>> No.10705112

because compared to literature it's very, very lowbrow, but people act like it isn't

>> No.10705127
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Comics really peaked with Aquaman.

>> No.10705151
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comics novice reporting in

this thread makes me want to read both "from hell" and "watchmen"

>> No.10705174

its because super heroes are gay corporate fascist devices for selling the old european religions to you in castrated form for your obeisance and they also serve as the crudest kind of power fantasies imaginable. its not even remotely a coincidence that super hero pornography and cos playing is so popular as religion declined.

>> No.10705421

But the Muppets are legitimately good

>> No.10705910

Super heroes are extremely jewish

>> No.10706015


>> No.10706234

I like Watchmen but Moore is a fart huffing f a g g o t

>> No.10706332

>Reading Watchmen
>Not reading Jerusalem

>> No.10706351

Watchmen is kind of a critique of comic books themselves. Kind of a post-modernist take on comic books in the first place.

For instance, when time-travel is utilized, certain panels will be in places they aren't supposed to be. Rorshach's face is different in every panel, and you're supposed to guess how he is feeling in every panel (it's an ink blot test, obviously a patronage to Hermann Rorshach), there's a feeling of dread at the coming potential war, and news itself, as a medium of expression is critically analyzed as a harbinger of doom.

It's an extremely philosophical little piece of literature, and the overall message you get from it is a very serious one, indeed.

And while I agree serious literature is always better than comic books, if you're going to get one graphic novel, rather than any of Moore's other works, or Maus, or Blankets, or anything, you should get Watchmen.

The very name of Watchmen is inspired by a John F. Kennedy speech he never delivered. That should tell you something.

>> No.10706389
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>Not even best Alan Moore
Tbqh desu, he is the most /lit/ comic book writer

>> No.10706398

thanks anon i appreciate the insight

>> No.10707870
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I got it out from the library but never read past the first 2 volumes because I don't like the art style, or capeshit in general. Might try again soon. I prefer confessional auto-bio comics, black comedy and the paper rad/fort thunder type of shit

>> No.10708005
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>it's a "he can't get into a story about human nature and folly unless it has grown men in spandex who shoot fire" episode

>> No.10708104
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>a well crafted half apple, half georgia peach pie is not as good as a whole apple pie or a whole georgia peach pie

>a deck of cards would be better if it was only red

>I appreciate women, but it would be better if they just left us alone

>> No.10708123
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when you have an omnipotent force in Dr. Manhattan like Superman all tension is forfeit. it simply fails to be dramatic.

>> No.10708127


not when he's casually disinterested and obviously quite the fuckoff

>> No.10708133

This thread shows how closed minded /lit/ can be.

>> No.10708153

lol self insert porn

>> No.10708163
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the only reason anyone of _______ would come here is to give-a-giggle at the goofballs

fancy a game of golf, gopher?

>> No.10708181

Jerusalem is try hard tripe.

>> No.10708180


shit, did I leave my mask at home again

>> No.10708186
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is it try hard because it's tripe, or is it tripe because it's try hard?