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10691539 No.10691539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she correct? Is reading a privilege?

>> No.10691543

> I don’t have time
Make fuck time then, read late at night if you care

>> No.10691544

Yes, it has always been like this.

>> No.10691553
File: 44 KB, 460x280, hou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, most people are not intelligent or not educated enough to read political theory, although the latter has become increasingly less of an excuse since the internet.

I don't think most people are trying their best though. I know I'm not. Being a comfy slacker is too rewarding.

>> No.10691555

Not in her case, there are very few mitigating circumstances for not taking the time to understand the cause you're supporting

>> No.10691556

If you're living south sudan or niger, perhaps reading is a privilege relatively speaking. This bitch obviously has a comfy life and lives in a first world country, in which the faculty to comprehend what you read is used for educational or social factors.

>> No.10691558

This. If you care about something, you make time for it.

>> No.10691561

How much of a victim can you make yourself into? Public libraries are free and very few people can't afford to reduce their facebook or tv time

>> No.10691583

Maybe she should read more instead of shitposting on twitter

>> No.10691592

yeah, she's close to being right. in western countries at least.
the ability to read is not a privilege. nearly everyone has access to basic education and it's only an unlucky few (e.g. those with serious disabilities) who don't have the opportunity to learn to read.
having access to books is close to not being a privilege. most countries have public libraries
but having enough leisure time to read is definitely a privilege. poor and working class people often don't have a lot of time. they're too busy just getting on with their lives. my parents were like this, we were as poor as fuck
if you live in a shithole country you're basically fucked anyway

>> No.10691596

This is such bullshit. Reading is the most accessible medium ever. You can lose your TV, computer, mobile phone and radio, but how could you not have anything to read?

>> No.10691600

It's not. If you save your time and stop wasting it with tv and internet. You can read anything, it's just a matter of saving time. But the thing is: you can read about communist theory, but can you understand it? That's the point.

>> No.10691607

can't be that hard
just learning definitions init

>> No.10691610

I used to think exactly like this, that reading isn't important as a pastime and that it's no better than shitposting on the Internet, watching television or playing nukige.
But now I think that reading is one of very few pastimes that is not only enjoyable, but also fosters one's reasoning ability and helps one tame their lust for immediate gratification. Reading isn't compulsory, clearly, but doing so is a service to oneself.

>> No.10691614
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Genuine question
Why the hell do you lads care about this? Some random girl spouting opinions on the internet?
It seems so fundamentally tiresome. Do you have any personal stake with which this kind of people think?

>> No.10691616

um, I don't think she was saying reading is a privilege....

>> No.10691617

Reading is not a privilege. Having enough time to waste reading about communism is though.

>> No.10691623

What if you can only read 10 pages an hour?

>> No.10691629

Meh, just think about the average time people spend doing fuck all on their PC and/or watching TV. The average person could easily take 30 minutes of that time every day to read, they just chose not to.

>> No.10691632

internet is such a double edge sword, for one we are all connected and information is at a hand's reach
at the same time, dumb pieces of shit think they deserve to be heard

>> No.10691640

Then you're a brainlet and should spend your time on Facebook and twitter instead of pretending otherwise

>> No.10691644

She obviously has time....she's on twitter for god's sake. I bet she also has time to watch the grammys, the olympics, and whatever garbage Netflix is producing

Complaining about not having time to do stuff, when you obviously do, is a privilege

>> No.10691651

of course reading is a privilege. not everyone can be secret geniuses who read late into the night and then somehow get up at 6am to go do work at the smelting factory where they secretly work on their new formulas for converting metal into pure energy or whatever the fuck. the vast, vast majority of people are exhausted every day by their work or their responsibilities and don't give a single fuck about what Foucault has to say about power and bodies. and even if they did, there's an immense amount of training one has to do beforehand to properly understand these things, to even understand what 'power' is supposed to mean in a given geohistorical context.

reading is very deeply a matter of privilege. which is why those who read a lot and read well should take it upon themselves to act on their position and do something in the world.

>> No.10691652


>> No.10691654

Your reading speed has no bearing on the fact that you're still fostering your reasoning ability as well as suppressing your desire for immediate, short lived gratification.

>> No.10691657

I'm starting to think these threads are posted by shills, since it's the second time this has been posted with the exact same test.

>> No.10691665

t. posts on 4chan

>> No.10691672

She's not right specifically but she's not wrong in broad sense. Some security guard working 12 hours a day 6 days a week won't have a lot of energy. Freedom from toil is a necessary prerequisite for intellectual pursuits. But obviously she sucks at expressing herself.

>> No.10691673

She's right. I've dropped my elitism for reading non-fiction when I realized people don't develop their knowledge about most things as quick as I do.
Many people I considered smart are liberal dumbfucks now who can't hold a proper conversation because they work all day and the rest of their free time is for social media and stupid shit.

>> No.10691677 [SPOILER] 
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Do you guys genuinely care for politics, nowadays? Individual action seems so pointless and childish. Public discourse is stupid, shortsighted and generally unimportant.
These people who put political labels on themselves, "I'm a communist/fascist/nazi/democrat/republican" seem to just be interested in conflict and nothing else. Just to give themselves and others more work
Why do you are if reading is a privilege? These kinds of opinions change nothing and can be used for nothing. They only make you feel more hateful towards the world.
Convictions, militantism, firm and unshakeable faith. They all seem so tiresome

>> No.10691695

Solution: putting your imagined solution for political problems before your ideological identity.

>> No.10691702

Is she defending trumptards? So nice of her.

>> No.10691719

Are you implying that I don't recognize that shitposting here is less self bettering than reading an actual piece of literature?

>> No.10691721

>But obviously she sucks at expressing herself.
Perhaps if she read more.

>> No.10691724

Almost everything that is called a privilege is just freedom from oppression or being a part of your cultural in-group. Don't subscribe to the rhetoric of resentment.

>> No.10691726

lots of poor people have a tv and spend hours watching it.

>> No.10691750

I guess. But regardless you can't call yourself a Marxist until you fucking read Marx

>> No.10691764

The only reason I care for the sewer that is politics today is for what might come in the future.

>> No.10691776
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Why though? It seems so stressful
Do people really believe it's just not all a bad play? That posting their opinions in Twitter or 4chan and pestering some congressmen will actually change society?
Why not be a little bit silent and just sleep until the actors stop stomping around?

>> No.10691802

This. All of their time is consumed by "Netflix and Chill" and gaming routines. Have some agency, and turn off the electronic jew and pick up a book.

>> No.10691804

She'd have to control for quality obviously. Which if she's artless enough she may fail to do.

>> No.10691805

yes sleep with your fucking ostrich head under the ground. If you're too stupid and lazy to not "pester a congressman" than you are the problem with American politics. you sound like a five year old cowering under his sheet until the bad monsters who say mean things go away. It takes a modicum of energy to register to vote, find out when and where voting takes place, and to research the platforms of any given candidate. get off this board and go back >>>/r9k/

>> No.10691808

I am implying that clearly reading didn't do you too much good, since you post on 4chan.

>> No.10691812
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Yes that's why most people aren't qualified to talk about the political either. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you're haven't read Capital for ex. you're not a "Marxist" and considering 99% of people will never read Capital let alone understand it the political pretensions of theory are a waste of time.

>> No.10691813
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How many fucking retards are there on this website with unbelievably stupid opinions?

Why does some fuckhead with a retarded opinion become noteworthy when it's posted on Twitter first, screencapped then posted on 4chan?

This is a crazy bitch. Only an insane person would call reading a privilege.

I know it makes you feel big and clever to explain why she's a moron, as if it isn't obvious, but in fact you're the fucking moron for taking shit threads like this one seriously to begin with. Likely this thread was created by some dork from a discord who talks about pushing the Overton window further right with stupid strategies like this --imagining themselves fighting some culture war-- and you're the rube.

>> No.10691820


>spends time on social media complaining about lack of time

>> No.10691825

but reading IS a privilege

>> No.10691827

poor/working class here.
i grew up reading more because books are the cheapest installment plan to a canon. if you own a video game, sell it for drugs/books/food, you'll save yourself money. if you own a book, trade it for other book.

>> No.10691828

If you have the time to be bitching on social media, or even have any social media accounts, then you have the time to read.

>> No.10691829
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Calm down friend. But this is what I'm talking about. Why work yourself up to this? Your ideology, your beliefs, yourself will probably change very little to nothing in this world.
Why not keep out of this? Why spend so much energy? It's an honest question.

>> No.10691837

How many hours do you slave a week
What time do you get up

>> No.10691844

it varies (i clean rooms). 6ish

>> No.10691846

>Yes, most people are not intelligent or not educated enough to read political theory,
Not really. The field is just laughable, same with sociology. It's like it never went beyond some basic, surface-level ideas. The rest is fiction.

>> No.10691849

cool dude

>> No.10691852
File: 166 KB, 277x294, alfs3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're right you fucking faggot I think I burned a whole 5 calories soundly disputing your idiotic hippie theory of "chilling out and letting things resolve itself". I don't care what newbie existential text you just crawled out from under, but I'm dead serious when I say grow the fuck up. Take a good hard inventory of your life and sort your shit out.

>> No.10691856

god I wish that were me

>> No.10691860

I haven't read or don't understand political theory so it's all just basic fiction durrrrrrr (I don't even like most political theory but to say it doesn't have depth is stupid)

>> No.10691874

>Take a good hard inventory of your life and sort your shit out
Not who you're responding to but I feel like anyone I know (including myself) that focuses on the political that much should indeed turn away from it and focus on themselves. You're a narcissist if you think you're going to have an impact and the energy and frustration you channel into politics would be much better served as you say "sorting your shit out." You probably think your political convictions come from altruism but I guarantee they don't, if they come from selfishness why not focus away from others and in on yourself. It's the truest thing Memerson ever said, and I hate the guy.

>> No.10691884

thinking of having access to stuff as a "privilege" is fucking insane, it reframes every relation and activity as a battle for dominance. only sickos can thrive in a state of mind like that

>> No.10691919
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GOOD CHRISTIAN GENTLEMEN, I've already said it takes little to no effort to make an informed decision and give your vote. Never once have I or will I ever advocate anything more than wielding an informed decision. I'll leave the protesting, pamphlet handing out, and pseudo acerbic twitter posts to the slavering masses. I simply will not abide a person saying we "should let politics be". Have you grown so far detached from your actual living, breathing community around you that you truly feel yourself as in insignificant speck? Fuck you and fuck Emerson and fuck that gimp Thoreau while I'm at it

>> No.10691922

>tfw you pick up the electronic jew to jew the publishing jew

>> No.10691936

Stop taking photos of the Mitford sisters.

>> No.10691941

>Have you grown so far detached from your actual living, breathing community around you that you truly feel yourself as in insignificant speck
>all this spooky projecting
>caring about other people
Why, Anon I....

>> No.10692006
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heads up buttercup, not all of us are edge lord nihilists, some of us actually use our heads to break ice after we stuff them full of knowledge. didn't mean to touch a nerve there but maybe, just maybe it is enough of a wake up call to action to pull you back from the void of your nihilistic masturbation.

>> No.10692142
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It's not so much that I'm rating political theory highly as that I'm trying to take an honest guess at the intelligence of the average person.

>> No.10692196

fuggin chinks

boxer beatdown II: electric boogaloo when?