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File: 35 KB, 590x350, Kim Yo-jong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10682973 No.10682973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10682974
File: 117 KB, 962x1326, Smug Kim Yo-jong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10682977

looks like a female elon musk

>> No.10682984

Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick is very good. It covers some of the history and politics, and has interviews with defectors.

>> No.10682996
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>> No.10683037

a cute

>> No.10683087
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>a capitalist in north korea

True story of a businessman who moved there for nearly a decade, started a successful school of business and finance for the growing middle class, started a few business ventures. He shows that, although NK isn't quite paradise, it's certainly not the western media depiction. He takes countless news reports and proves they're totally fabricated pieces cashing in on hysterical sensationalism.

One bit that comes to mind was the New York Times running a front page article and full feature saying the famine is so bad the central river is red with blood and and endless stream of corpses are floating down the river. He takes his camera out and photographs the North Korean citizens lining the banks of the river, eating picnics, with the adults underneath large umbrellas so they don't darken their white skin, and the kids laughing as they splash around in the water, and can't get any major newspaper to touch the pictures for free because the 'evil NK' narrative is just too lucrative.

>> No.10683245

She looks like she'd threaten me with a gun if I didn't eat my own cum out of her pussy.

>> No.10683261

Take a break from the internet.

>> No.10683292


Wait, so you're telling me capitalist (American) propaganda isn't giving me the real story? Are you a gotdarn clommie like them North Koreans? Rocketman, git out!

>> No.10684403
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>> No.10684437

She's cute but she always look so evil and smug about it.

>> No.10684450

I think she's cute

>> No.10684459

Why would a capitalist go to North Korea of all places? Why would anyone go to North Korea?

>> No.10684468

if you read the book you'll find out

>> No.10684472
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>CNN has been accused of producing propaganda after publishing an article about Kim Jong-un’s sister, sparking debate about how the press should report on members of the North Korean regime.

>“Someone tell CNN that their site has been hacked by the North Korean propaganda ministry,” Garry Kasparov, chairman of the influential Human Rights Foundation, said in a Twitter post.

>Former foreign policy spokesman for Hillary Clinton Jesse Lehrich posted the article, saying: “She’s literally the deputy director of the ‘Propaganda and Agitation Department’ for one of the world’s most repressive regimes.”

>Not everyone was fooled into parroting propaganda. MSNBC host Willie Geist tweeted, “I can report South Koreans here in PyeongChang are not as enthralled with Kim Yo Jong and the North Korean cheerleaders as it seems some media are back home. Something about N.K. killing, starving, imprisoning its people while threatening South Korea with nuclear annihilation.”

>> No.10684511
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There some interesting insights into the black market of North Korea and the pseudo underground railroad to China. Most of it about like in the Gulag though. If you know anything about the Soviet Union then you already know the story.

>> No.10684512
File: 17 KB, 619x349, 1518302760084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen such a huge amount of confidence in a woman, ever.
Just look at the way she walks and the way she looks at people >>10684403 Every single head is at a lower angle than hers, so she looks down on even the fucking ceremonial head of state.
She doesn't even acknowledge the interviewers either. They ask her questions after this and she basically pretends they don't exist.
And apparently she's thought to be the woman behind her brother's cult of personality.
There's something so indescribably hot about this woman and how overwhelmingly confident she is.

>> No.10684528

she's also a psycho you fucking retard

>> No.10684530

She looks like she would be pleased to step on my balls.

>> No.10684536

Yeah. She always looks in control. Do you think she has ever given his brother a quick and impersonal hand job to calm him down before giving a speech?

>> No.10684543

you're attracted to power because you mistake it for masculinity and as such would achieve a lot more sexual satisfaction if you admitted to yourself that you've been repressing your homoerotic desires.

>> No.10684564

Holy shit that would be gross. I had a gf who would never take a load in her mouth and i would get pissed off and one time i jizzed in her mouth for the lulz and she fucking THREW up. I accused her of being dramatic and she told me to taste my cum next time. I did and its fucking disgusting i can see why she barfed. My gf now takes it bo problem. It makes me sick to watch her swallow it while vacuuming sucking my nut. What a fucking whore.

>> No.10684565

People who say never stick your dick in crazy are people who have never stuck their dick in crazy
You have no idea what you're missing

>> No.10684568


>> No.10684571

Armchair psychologists are almost as bad as reddit desu

>> No.10684580

>Rocky IV
>Rush Hour 2

>> No.10684581

>you're attracted to power because you mistake it for masculinity
Shitty analysis from the first sentence senpai
Power is attractive for its own sake.

>> No.10684593

absolutely. wanna come over and we can project together? ;)

>> No.10684601


>> No.10684614

cum may not be tasty, but if you vomit because of it, either your diet is beyond disgusting or your incredibly sensitive

>> No.10684626

She's hot enough that being a divine blooded neofascist propagandist actually turns into an extra bonus desu
You know exactly how it works, if you're hot enough, cute enough, or charismatic enough, your 'evil' qualities just become part of your charm instead.

>> No.10684633

She was Spanish so shes dramatic as fuck. Honeslty i was laughing my ass off. Shes the type to be sensitive and make a big deal of shit

>> No.10684642

>I don't think I've ever seen such a huge amount of confidence in a woman, ever.
I'm actually impressed with the way she walks. It's like she has all the swagger of a runway model but it comes much more naturally to her. This must be the difference between gaining power and being born into it.

>> No.10684726

From what I've seen it's mostly biographies from people who've fled to South Korea, and they're all about how they had it

>> No.10684748

Nah more like a female Martin Shkreli

>> No.10684783

I know you probably meant that as an insult but he has features that wouldnt look bad at all on a woman.
Yo-jong a cute

>> No.10684798

u gay boi

>> No.10684816

>on a woman
>anons still think /lit/ is the smartest board

>> No.10684891

Unironically love at first sight

>> No.10684898

you like masculine features on a woman, u gay boi

>> No.10684903

I like to fuck boys too, but I'm not gay. It's not gay if it's just a fetish.

>> No.10684916

Anything by Bruce Cumings.

>> No.10684920

>ebonics on /lit/
Go watch black panther

>> No.10684928

>leave smugposting to me

>> No.10684934

I was actually saying I don't think feminine features suited a man and would be better on a woman but ok

>> No.10684939

btfo to r/movies

>> No.10684947

This 5-headed mong is not remotely attractive, and I like asians.

>> No.10684948

>I'm a latent homosexual

>> No.10684963

oh man, i want her as main chara in a black lilith game.

>> No.10684966

You're not a latent anything, every one of your posts has been faggotry plain and simple.

>> No.10684989

>not wanting her as the villain who eventually gets overcome and spends eternity pregnant with some tentacle thingies for some reason instead
Pleb taste desu

>> No.10685017
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>martin shkreli has feminine features
>small jaw line, smooth skin, luscious lips, interest in wu tang
>fantasizes about bjs from martin daily
> not gay cuz "muh feminine features"

>> No.10685025
File: 34 KB, 133x155, kimmyposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685076

NoNoNo. main villain should be a sort of "goofy loser" trump with, as attendent, Pence. Also replace the tentacles with orcs, and add the south korean and north korean army. imho best main tags on her may be "brainwashing", "public shame", "prostitution", "corruption of character".

>> No.10685232

Dear Reader, by Michael Malice. Guy knows his shit about NK and he's hilarious. Here's him and Molyneux on a couple of occasions:




>> No.10686164


>why would a business man go to somewhere where he doesn't need to compete with anyone

The ultimate untapped market.

>> No.10686231

Who is this thot? Care to give me a quick rundown?

>> No.10686233

fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.10686241

Do you think of 4chan said something really fucked up to her she'd get mad and bomb the us?

>> No.10686250

She looks like Martin Shkreli.

>> No.10686360
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>> No.10686399


I don't visit /pol/

>> No.10686427

how much fucking white cream does she put on her face?

>> No.10686459

>she told me to taste my cum next time.
>I did and its fucking disgusting
I'm one of the lucky guys who can hook their toes on the bed headboard, roll backwards with my legs almost straight, a pillow under my head, and get the top inch or two of my cock into my mouth. I've jizzed into my mouth countless times. The taste isn't bad at all, it's the texture that's odd. Like the way it sticks to the inside of your mouth.

And don't pretend that was the first time you tasted your own cum. Pretty much the first thing every guy does when they realize they can cum is taste it. Everybody has sampled every part of their body; tasted your ear wax, farts into a cupped hand to waft up to your nose, peeled off and eaten skin, smell and taste your fingers after scratching your asshole.

>> No.10686508

>Everybody has sampled every part of their body

>> No.10686513

>all you have to do now is give people a waifu and the internet falls in line
>North Korea
>Wendy's food

>> No.10686847

>visions of benjamin franklin didn't dance in his head
that's your problem right there anon

>> No.10686955
File: 39 KB, 300x471, dear-reader-300x471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear Reader
Unironically this. Great book on the gradual transitions to their entire situation.

>> No.10687727

Kim Jong Un's sister, director of propaganda and second female member of politburo in North Korea
Basically the most powerful woman in the country

>> No.10687827

Is she /bestgirl/?

>> No.10687897

Guy Delisle - Pyongyang
It's actually a comic about Delisle's stay in NK
Oh, and it's fucking shit. Basically I posted this because I want to un-recomment it to people. It isn't reflective at all, it doesn't really say anything new (except that the Corto Maltese cartoon adaptation was drawn mostly by NKoreans) and the art is ugly. Don't waste your time on it.

>> No.10688449

from the fatherland with love. it is essentially a novelization of the american movie red dawn, except instead of russians invading america, it is north korea invading japan. yes, this sounds outlandish, but the author handles the initial invasion with the precision of a political thriller. it isn't just -bam invasion. quite a bit political maneuvering occurs in the opening chapters to lay out the groundwork for the rest of the book and when you take into account the USA's growing lack of presence in the south china sea and china's growing beef with japan combined with media manipulation, the possibility does not end up seeing all that outlandish. next you may see but how would a bunch of teenagers be able to repel a military invasion? well, bc north korea only sends a small envoy and japan tries to be diplomatic. north korea woos them and they appease. a group of homeless, disturbed teenagers more akin to would be school shooters get it in their heads that they need to attack the north koreans. not out of national pride, but bc they hate the world. at the end of the book, you will think the portrayal of the north koreans was something out an anime, until you get to the appendix of researched sources.

>> No.10688765

The aquariums of Pyongyang: memoir of a gulag prisoner released after 10 years who then later defected to the south.

>> No.10688884

First thing that came to my mind. Imagine how smug their kids would be.

>> No.10688898

Isn't it common practice for North Korea to organize 'guided tours' of the best part of their country for foreigners? I doubt there was a day that he didn't have a commitee of special police shadowing him to make sure he didn't see anything bad.

>> No.10688907

Thats what being able to kill people at will does to you.

>> No.10689224

Once you are done debating this psycho bitches hotness and wether a blowy from shkreli makes you a fag (really?)
I'd like to get back on topic and suggest Bandi - "The accusation".
It reads like propanganda literature turned on it's head. The manuscript had been smuggled out of NK and the author still lives there.

>> No.10689249
File: 79 KB, 520x520, 38C87375-54D2-4678-8463-B16001E02402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat short stoy collection by an anonymous NK writer. Worth a read.

>> No.10689664

>/lit/ 2018

>> No.10689876

Will echo this recc. Very interesting read.

>> No.10689883

We'll never be done
She's going to be a media darling from now on, I guarantee it.

>> No.10690574

Mommy gib milkie

>> No.10690636

>taste your fingers after scratching your asshole
you're just a gross faggot, not everyone is like you

>> No.10690791

>taste your fingers after scratching your asshole.
Enjoy dying of hepatitis

>> No.10690884

With this much reach you should be in the NBA

>> No.10690894

I would berry my dick so far inside her ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.10690914

eating your own shit will only introduce whats already inside you back inside you so unless you already had hepatitis

>> No.10690928


>> No.10692852

Escape from camp 14 - The author is constantly having to revise it though because the guy who its about changes his story that often. Its still a good read

A Kim Jong-Il Production: The Incredible True Story of North Korea and the Most Audacious Kidnapping in History - Had a good laugh reading this

>> No.10692956
File: 913 KB, 1280x720, NORKDESTROYED.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10693269


Is that even allowed in grils hockey? I thought hits like that were penalties.

>> No.10694177

>she smug
>she thug
But most importantly
>she gulag

>> No.10694319
File: 157 KB, 667x1000, Nuclear-Blues-Bradley-K-Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10695777

This book, right here. No idea how accurate it is, but it's such a good story that it doens't matter. That shark scene...His short stories are as good, if not better.

>> No.10695988
File: 303 KB, 964x642, nkwaterpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only nuclear strike capable country that's resisting America's imperialism
>propagandized as being some kind of ridiculous cartoon-tier concentration camp filled evil empire
Really fires up the neurons, doesn't it.

>> No.10696069

they are

>> No.10696075

NK is objectively shit

>> No.10696113

yeah actually its a super fun place

>> No.10696130


It's not like there's no corroborating evidence. We have videos of them shooting people for trying to leave the country and the people who survive are typically filled with the type of parasites that come from fertilizing your garden with human shit.

>> No.10696138

I thought he had become a tranny at first. Kek

>> No.10696150

"Dear Reader" by Michael malice is the gold standard.

Malice went to NK, digested every last drop of propaganda they would give him, and wrote a book about it from Kim Jong ills perspective

>> No.10696171

Blackshirt and Red by Michael Parenti

>> No.10696405

And this evidence is presented by whom? South Korea, who's literally run by some Illuminati moon cult, and the U.S. which has been on some C.I.A. black-ops, country-destabilization, psychological warfare shit since the 60's.