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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.51 MB, 1946x2876, yakubmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10675990 No.10675990 [Reply] [Original]

masturbate in public edition

>> No.10676006

This is the most pseud shit I've ever seen.

>> No.10676020

be respectful anon, or I'll put a hex on you!

>> No.10676101


>> No.10676123

Eh, my shelf is probably worse in that regard.

>> No.10676194

where is your leather coat and your fancy brown boots?

>> No.10676198

t. r*dditor

>> No.10676204


>don't have Plato and Nietzsche and other meme-tier writers
>/lit/: lol pleb

>have Plato and all that other meme-tier shit
>/lit/: haha pseud

>> No.10676224
File: 567 KB, 2000x1125, leatherandfancyboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not sure i understand your reference but here

>> No.10676230

>literally nothing but mythology and mysticism


>> No.10676231

very unwise

>> No.10676239

because that's what i'm most interested in. this is just one small set of shelves. all the other stuff -- genre, non-fic, /tg/ books, "literature" -- is elsewhere and kind of disorganized right now.


>> No.10676246
File: 217 KB, 1600x1200, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully -- I'm still moving into my flat.

>> No.10676267

fascinating. i would have no idea where to start with indian lit. have you read the rest of follett's kingsbridge series?

>> No.10676275


Yeah. I think I've read just about everything he's written to date, save for a few of his earliest novels.

My mom gave me a copy of the Pillars of the Earth when I was a teenager. Loved it and read the rest of his bibliography.

In terms of popular fiction writers, I prefer Jhumpa Lahiri -- she's just in another league -- but Follett's books are all fun and informational, too.

>> No.10676281

Is your name Nick? Alex?

>> No.10676290

No. Is your name David? ...Grug?

>> No.10676292
File: 2.17 MB, 1080x1365, 27950371_1912790449035043_1827679836_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Rimas and the first part of Plato's dialogues.
Also, that buddha was a gift from my aunt

>> No.10676295

Neat. Follett gets heat around here but I enjoyed The Pillars of the Earth as a teenager as well. I don't recall liking the sequel but maybe I'm imagining things. Haven't gotten to the rest of it yet. I'll check out Lahiri, thanks.

>> No.10676300


Anything that isn't muh ancient Greek philosopher gets heat around here.

>> No.10676306
File: 1.53 MB, 1714x2571, Pseudshelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd reckon I'm the biggest pseud on this board.

>> No.10676310
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Second Shelf

>> No.10676311
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And my fiction shelf. It's petty unremarkable.

>> No.10676322

You got meme'd

>> No.10676344

I like it. And that's a nice buddha. Sitting on the appropriate book, too.

At least he got hit with the good memes. Yeats, PKD, Mussolini.

>> No.10676349
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>> No.10676363

>anon can't into ensuring his own liberty
pic made me kek, so have a (You). but please keep it on >>>/pol/

>> No.10676407

hey what's that edition of the organon like? i'm currently saving up to buy the loebs, but given the price i could easily be convinced by the quality of that edition.

>> No.10676408

IS your name Nick? Sam?

>> No.10676410


is your name sam or nick

>> No.10676420

Sam?? Nick???

It's either of you motherfuckers. You keep hinting that you fucking read all the fucking time on Facebook and Insta.

>> No.10676429
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>> No.10676432


yeah fuck that faggot and his arrogant-ass statuses

"lol just put my mussolini book between Plato and Nietzsche, can't wait to start on King Lear tomorrow"

>> No.10676434
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>> No.10676441
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I've got other shelves but I don't feel like taking pics of them

>> No.10676446
File: 471 KB, 907x1628, on_interpretation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete, afaik. It's just a cheap CreateSpace someone put together. I can't speak to the quality of the translation, but here's an example.

>> No.10676450

It's nick isn't it? Go home, Nick. They're worried. Stop this nonsense! You'll never make it!

>> No.10676451

Neither of those are my name. If I'm thinking of the right people, don't think either of them would be interested in most of the books I have on my shelves.

>> No.10676454

Poor lighting I know but just ask and I can let you know title/take better pics of these

>> No.10676458

Esa edición de Platón, vale la pena comprar Porrúa?

>> No.10676471

thanks! that's helpful.

>> No.10676490

Si puedes comprar una mejor edición hazlo, pero la de Porrúa no esta tan mal. Si he visto algunos errores dentro del libro pero no son tan grandes y la traducción no parece ser mala.

>> No.10676627
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Brother! I see you are enjoying your phisicality!

>> No.10676669
File: 37 KB, 136x166, 543765764543586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear anon,

it has always been my dream in life to have my bookshelves filled with ancient books on mysticism and retire in the countryside with a gun to shoot everyone who even dares to come near my house (mailman included, I'll get my books going downtown on my sled pulled by six alaskan huskies). So please, tell me: how old are you and how did you come to own both Plotinus and a gun? I want to know about your life (in green text maybe) and learn how to become an ascetic gun-wielding monk myself. If you could tell me bits of your story, I would be very grateful to you.

Best wishes,


>> No.10677145

>i would have no idea where to start with indian lit
are you kidding? aravind ariga and arundhati roy are internationally well known
the white tiger is a cracking book desu

>> No.10677185

Indian lit starter pack: Midnight's Children, A Fine Balance and Narcopolis

>> No.10677261
File: 494 KB, 1796x1347, uufioghaufgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i a meme

>> No.10677265

T. /pol/ faggot

Go back to your board.

>> No.10677270
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading more books

>> No.10677278

all of these look unread. i know beacuse i have many of the same editions - Dante, Marx, etc. and they look trashed after a reading

>> No.10677310

These shelves are also suspiciously tidy

>> No.10677315

>not a single crack in any of those spines
you should try actually reading one of them after you buy them

>> No.10677327

true, I haven't read all of them yet but I am really careful with my paperbacks.

>> No.10677333
File: 130 KB, 720x960, 27935069_1586644718090694_1266350738_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mercy pls

>> No.10677334

i've seen about a dozen of these shelf threads now

everyone has the same titles and they all look totally unread

/lit/ is for teenagers seeking an image, no one here actually reads desu

>> No.10677338

those philosophy books haven't even been opened


>> No.10677344

the few ones on top of the books on the 3rd shelf i newly bought for class, and yes they have been opened

>> No.10677456

Tidy shelves not so sure. I keep mine pretty tidy as well. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a little pride in your library (maybe Peterson "clean your room," but I prefer Mari Kondo "find joy"), but many people confuse that impulse with its image.

Spines are usually, but not always a great indicator. In my library, Phenomenology of Spirit, most of the Norton Critical editions and a few other titles have held up terrifically well even after multiple readings. But Signet, Bantam, and especially Penguin black-covers always crack to hell even with fairly gentle reading. I've never seen a read copy of Infinite Jest that looks as nice as the ones in these threads.

>> No.10677463

>MDE book

I mean I like em but you could have just read the pdf that someone uploaded

>> No.10677514


>> No.10677534


Is this just /lit/'s word for brainlet? aka, reads books I don't like?

>> No.10677613


>> No.10677614

You're welcome.

I am! In case you meant this sarcastically: is enjoyment or its lack not the major feature of being?

That's a nice dream. I am old enough to know better, and... the store. This is not /r9k/ but you asked nicely:
>be me, read plato as a child
>suffer plenty, be seduced by religions
>years in fruitless search for meaning, quit
>join army and learn to kill people
>gb2 greeks+bible, find agnostos theos, faith in god regained
>also be reading Mill, Paine, Milton and build a healthy concern for the tyranny that is already here

The 1911 is fun to shoot, and a responsibility; a constant exercise of one's own free will.

Hope you are suffering admirably,

Thanks anons, I'm just dumb white trash and really didn't know where to start. I mean besides a listicle somewhere, but I'm not going to those websites.

No, and please don't tell people that. I bought those in my early 20s before I knew better. I've read those twice, and Lattimore since (and Fitzgerald's Virgil). It's fine.

no, you're anon. and bottom's dream is enormous. holy smokes.

>> No.10677616

I've read about half of them. I also read from the anthologies pretty frequently, but I've never bothered reading them all the way through.

I read those editions of Dante in high school, but i just bought those copies a couple weeks ago.

>> No.10677627

>I've never seen a read copy of Infinite Jest that looks as nice as the ones in these threads.
That book was a gift. I don't plan on reading ot, but I'd feel bad getting rod of it.

>> No.10677825


Woo only the most rustled jimmies could have produced that.

Stay mad libs, stay mad foreigners. Tell your daughters to enjoy having multiculturalism raped into them.

>> No.10677832

>1001 movies you must see before you die
>12 years a slave

>> No.10677838

>proust getting menacingly bigger with each incarnation

>> No.10678563

>Cornel West
In to the trash it goes

>> No.10678648

Nice shelf. Do you practice theurgy? Are you girardfag?

>> No.10678677

These threads should be called /books you have and don't read/. Guarantee 75% of the books you have you've never properly read.

>> No.10678700
File: 459 KB, 1993x753, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. No, and no.

all you spine-checking misanthropes can stay mad and die mad, or post your shelves


>> No.10678708

It wasn't a bad book at all. West is probably the closest I can get to the intersectional crowd without vomiting.

>> No.10678736

>here are my books, of which I've only read 20% from front to cover and understood. I just post this image to raise my social status on an anonymous cartoon forum by appearing more intelligent and hip than I actually am.

>> No.10678759
File: 418 KB, 1900x1080, jazzgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your madposting is delicious. keep it up, and post your shelves.

>> No.10678812

vo te da uma camaçada de pau

>> No.10678922
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>> No.10678926
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>> No.10678989
File: 1.44 MB, 2776x2082, 8790A3AA-F8FD-4AB1-9886-223A8A8B4F7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop getting the wrong fucking books. Get the right fucking books.

>> No.10679018
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 420F0449-F346-49CF-8AF4-FED2FD0C7B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No and no.
Are you Christian? I am a poorfag but here is my humble library. I have read many books in your library and wish they were in mine so I could posture better but I usually read new stuff from the library or in ebook form first anyway.

>> No.10679019
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I just give up or what? I have more books but they couldnt all fit. Mostly war stuff and the occaisonal Hesse book

>> No.10679048

Take the stickers off

>> No.10679115

>Are you Christian?
I think so, although some would say outright I am not. Not everything on the shelves I posted is representative of my beliefs: the Hoeller book on tarot/kabbalah and the Maffie book on the Aztecs for example. I don't try to influence the divine in any way. I'm a speck who will return to it in the blink of a few decades anyway.

>Kempis and Eliade
my fellow literate human. and no worries about posturing, I made the thread exclusively to show others what's on my shelf and to see what is on theirs. there is no ego here.

sorry i already have the wrong books and can't be arsed to replace them yet. and we have a few in common.

>with the old breed
my man. you might be interested in Lendon's works. why would you give up reading? read what you like.

>> No.10679155
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, B5F981B4-368C-4276-AA78-0BA556FCDF3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kidding about ‘right books’, but if you’re into Plato that is a well-researched collection (if the books that are not priced for libraries), and here is a good reading list for the alchemist because I saw some alchemy books in the thread (a couple overlap with Plato)

>> No.10679218
File: 355 KB, 800x805, JimBuckels-2_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you enlightented yet brother?

>> No.10679240

Also, OP, thanks for having the right books. Of all the shelves I’ve seen on this board, that is my favorite. Glad to see someone aimed in the right direction.

>> No.10679258

I wish. Still too damned human.

>> No.10679281
File: 846 KB, 2000x1125, tg_ck_shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an amazing collection. I'm really interested in Zhang's Many and One. And you have the complete works of Philo, which I didn't know was in English.

There's enough transformation there for more than one lifetime, I think, little brother.

Thanks my man. It's my favorite as well, I should hope. Not sure what my end goal is. Something about renewing faith, giving hope. What do you hope to achieve?

And now a shelf where no booty bothered anons can say I have not read every page:

>> No.10679284

>all of these books look unread
Oh, so you're the type of pseud who vigorously folds his books a dozen times after every page turn so people will think he has perused his lofty tomes countless times?

>> No.10679325

>Bottom's Dream
Yes you are. Burn that trash immediately

>> No.10679355

I might try to become a constellation. Get beyond Cronus and be in a place without space and time. Nah, I’m just hoping to do the right thing over and over so I don’t have to live over and over.

>> No.10679365

club fisted barbarian detected

>> No.10679480

Gracias por el dato, lo estoy leyendo en mi Kindle actualmente, la edición de Gredos. Pienso conseguir La República en alguna edición bonita, la que tengo en físico es vieja, y en la primera página reemplaza la mención de esclavos como si fueran "muchachos" así que no le tengo mucha fe.

>> No.10679535

Can't see shit!!

>> No.10679647
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This deserves to be on /tg/ and vigorously ridiculed.

>> No.10679708

You have a nice collection. But what's your spiritual practice like? Have you attained freedom, immortality, and ecstasy? I myself have bought into the esoteric Catholicism meme. Going to mass on Sundays and holy days. Try to pray daily. Morning and evening. Practice about fifteen minutes or so of meditation daily. Do walking meditation while walking dogs. Wanna get into yoga. But my meditation is already pretty Patanjal inspired and I'd hate to buy into the >asanas meme. My dreamwork is all over the place. Have a satisfying relation with peers and family and opposite sex. Am I enlightened yet? The one desire I have left is for books, lol.

>> No.10679712

I hope to be reborn as a binary star dancing with its partner amidst the void.

>> No.10679750
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x2250, IMGP0146edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I special?

>> No.10679776

Impressive. I don't see a single thing of intellectual value.

>> No.10679798

Of course you are. Can't see many books, but I like your clutter.

Do it! And it's a mix of 3--3.5. Still better than 4. I have avoided 5.

>> No.10679804


>> No.10679811
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Another view.

>> No.10679827
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One more

>> No.10679842



>upside down Wonder Woman logo becomes Mighty Man logo

>> No.10679851

also big ups on the h rider haggard. allan quatermain is dope.

>> No.10679869
File: 1.47 MB, 4000x2280, Libraries-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haggard rules, Honestly, I have a lot of better books hiding behind and elsewhere, but those were a while ago before I bought a house.

>> No.10679951
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>> No.10679980
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what did you think of shantram, i liked it, but i read afterwards he was full os hit and this stuff didnt really happen

>> No.10680009


>> No.10680065
File: 401 KB, 2000x754, D&Dbooks-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see so many D&D heads.

>> No.10680108

jesus i can smell the autism in binary from this image, when were you last outside?

>> No.10680166
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>> No.10680179

is "the glory of the empire" good? strongly considering getting it

>> No.10680473
File: 331 KB, 937x1500, D&Dminis-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now: shoveling a bunch of snow.

>> No.10680478

>implying I have money for a shelf
Just get ebooks

>> No.10680504

theres a dragon dildo in your collection, i knows it

>> No.10680506

Nope, no matter how the picture is taken, there is still not a single good book on that bookshelf.

You've got Fahrenheit 451 actually, which is the closest thing you have to actual good literature.

>> No.10680510

Oh man, I hate that edition of Lolita. It was the only version in my university's library, and I felt so uncomfortable reading it when it said LOLITA in big red letters on the cover.

>> No.10680598
File: 599 KB, 2000x1200, NortonCriticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all double-rowed. The larger books were behind the smaller mass market junk. Here's some Nortons, for instance.

>> No.10680914


I liked Shantaram. My interpretation of the events was that some of it was autobiographical and much wasn't -- it's inspired fiction, if nothing else.

What I didn't like was the author's attempt to wade into philosophy. He used a lot of conversations with the Mafia don -- later in the book -- to put forward his half-baked ideas on existence.

I skipped most of that and had a good time.

>> No.10680935
File: 608 KB, 1280x2000, IMGP0072edit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't consider Eco, Calvino, Haggard, Gaskell, Collins, Shaw, Tennyson, Browning, Atwood, Ondaatje, Ishiguro, le Carré, Asimov, Achebe, Dick, Anderson, Frost, Larkin, James, Munro, Hugo, Updike, Nabokov, Yeats, Hughes, Stoker, Pound, or TEAMS editions to be any good?

>> No.10681183

>le carre
my man. have you read the karla trilogy?

and tennyson is one of my favs. you're alright guy.

>> No.10681249
File: 30 KB, 599x599, E5XBYCu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Norton Critical Edition

>> No.10681327
File: 300 KB, 1500x714, classic penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Tinker Tailor, but haven't read the other ones yet from that trilogy. I should get off my ass and do it.

>> No.10681362

it's maximum cold war comfy. i'd post a pic of my old hardcovers but they're in a box in another room, on skid row. accept some pogues instead. nice penguins.


>> No.10681398

>hating on tintin
billions and billions of blue blistering barnacles

>> No.10681459
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, demogorgon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice yourself. I grew up on Dungeon Hack, Hillsfar, Bard's Tale. was born too late to play AD&D on a table though.

t. sips ecru potion

hail to you, my king! what are those dark oak books sitting above the GM binder?

>> No.10681762
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>> No.10681765
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>> No.10681766
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>> No.10681775
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>> No.10681780
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I don't know what to read anymore. I have all these books and I never know wtf to read. I look at it and see nothing.

>> No.10681785

I pronounce those bottom book spines dead.

>> No.10681792

Your eyes must be rekt. Nice collection tho

>> No.10681803

I'm surprised so many people read William Vollman. His prose is very bad

>> No.10681836


>> No.10681840

I always want to read the books I dont have.

>> No.10681880

I wish I could kys but I don't have a gun

>> No.10681882

your name has to be nick, right? faggot

>> No.10681885

So buy a copy duh

>> No.10681892


>> No.10681900

Nick, you fag, i know you post here. reveal thyself

>> No.10681908

You have some top tier books (Proclus, Iamblichus, all platonists/neoplatonists) but no egyptians Anon? Wtf
(Also, stop with gnosticism, read Plotinus and Augustine)

>> No.10681915

My God, I've never seen such a thing so distant from the One

>> No.10681926
File: 3.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20180211_223437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to exit brainlet mode by starting with the greeks
>slogs through Republic for a couple weeks before falling into another reading slump
Ah jus' wanna be smaht

>> No.10681955

Are you a member of any order? Rosicrucian? OTO? What's going on with this interest here.

Are you actively trying to achieve it?

>> No.10681959

>he doesn't know where the greeks got their language from
Egyptians are covered a bit by Uzdavinys, and Campbell and Durant in some other books (not pictured). Recommend some Egyptians though anon.

And gnostic sects, like the platonists, are an important part of the history of the early church. Not something to be ignored.

>> No.10681966

Plato was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries.

>> No.10681985
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, 35DE10A4-61F7-403D-955E-BFF78C540F5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s me, correspondence-fag (if my letter fetish has earned me a reputation)

>> No.10681998

>reading instapoetry
>wanting to be smart
It's never going to happen for you

>> No.10681999

The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson is a good one
Also read Plotinus Enneads

>> No.10682003

No, doctrine and authority is for plebs and statists. However, the Rosicrucian emblems of Daniel Cramer were an interesting meditation. OTO could be something except Crowley was a repulsive fraud, a mere reactionary against the church. I'm just a regular fag with a hard-on for the Greeks and Christology in antiquity.

Define 'it' and how it is achieved.

If you say so. I don't know anything about it, but would be interested to learn the history.

>> No.10682006
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, E011FE73-FDF6-47D9-B32D-4DF5C0E818B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10682008

>The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson is a good one
I'll check it out, thanks. Mirin' them digits. Have a blessed week anon.

>> No.10682023

Didn't you say you were gonna put a hex on someone earlier in the thread?

How does a nigga not know anything about Hermetics?

Nick? That you?

>> No.10682032

I was just kidding. Some kind of theurgic manipulation to purposely cause ill would be immoral, and it smacks of stiff-necked Israelite superstition anyway. The world has enough of that.

>> No.10682033

You're very close to taking an overdose on the occult pill, OP.

>> No.10682037

Nick, my dude.
Take it slow.
Live your twenties with ignorance. Don't try to impress with charlatan tactics. Remember Bardon.

>> No.10682061

Bro, we are vermiform. Before God we can only shit terror and vomit praise. Charlatan tactics are for charlatans. Say no more Nick.

>> No.10682068

Nick! A visit to the appointment-only bookstore specialising in esoterica, and spending a meager sum on a complete old Greek set will not bring your father back.

>> No.10682075

How do you guys find space for all your books? I have to toss everything into storage, only keep a few favorites or my current reads on my desk. It changes every week so that keeps my 'shelf' exciting.

I love your shelf anon. Would hang out just to read your books/10.

Whose letters did you find the most.. unexpected? Are there any you like revisiting more often than others?

>> No.10682079

Nick, this thread is not for bantz but for good, simple, honest, hard-working, trustworthy, plain, responsible, simple and virtuous shelves. Post shelves.

>> No.10682100

Just pile em up in a corner or two, bro. It'll look cool.

>> No.10682103

I see you all.

¬ one with it all and everyone and it
Natural Astral Projection is the shit!

Get back to reading.
Stop letting your mind wander to all your make-believe enemies. No one's against you.

>> No.10682117

No one to impress, it's all right. Piles also seem really sloppy. Still appreciating everyone else's lovely shelves though.

>> No.10682128

We are actually Divine!
Have you even looked at a dancing Shiva? Me thinks you haven't read nearly a quarter of the books you've posted.

>> No.10682137

>in this post anon pretends he can actually dissolve his self, embrace the divine, then come back live again to earth
cool story bruv :^)

>> No.10682151

>>>10682128 (You)
>he hasn't yet

>> No.10682155

/lit/ becomes hipster religion central

what happened? why did /x/ come here? Did ya'll get pynch'd by Against The Day or some shit?
Classic Red Herring lmao

>> No.10682163

>comes to thread, complains
post a goll-darn shelf or gtfo this thread, pard

*racks slide*

>> No.10682168

my muthafucking interpretation of the astral light is betta than yours

haha i worship baphomet aka pan aka the best one lmao even jesus is like, incorporated into baphy so ur just a cuck lmao

>> No.10682171

nick, you've had enough

>> No.10682174

not nick
nick a fake man
nick does bad with his penis to girls online

nick not nice
nick is a fraud and he knows

>> No.10682179

Stop it with this gay ass nick shit

>> No.10682182

in supposed stable relationship nick and he spreads his self-destruction to others who do not deserve it
nick bad man
she get bloat in face now
and can't sleep without booze
punk too old to be punk now

sad nick

>> No.10682184

Does every non-christian philosophy/theology fall under the hipster religion tag?

>> No.10682187

fuck off, nick

>> No.10682192

i think he means hipster in a charlatan sorta way
like occultfags who claim to have magick powers or some shit

>> No.10682197

don't concern yourself with the opinions of others. you know what you study, or don't study. misinformed anons don't.

>> No.10682211

Just searching for a definition (hoping he would come to realize the silliness of the category he created)

>> No.10682213


>> No.10682218

nick, go to bed. you have regressed to monosyllabic posts.

>> No.10682276

I'm not nick, you're nick. Stop this. You're not cool.

>> No.10682315

Yo my lil nigga Nick has a lil-ass Dick,
And he has a fly ho that was only a-fly
A long-ass time ago, now she bent, n'
Broken, one too many chokings by da
Nigga dat came befo you, and now look
at you, you near-jew, hair-loss and men
menopause, and an aw-full-y hot coff-ee cup
Think I'l drop it on my button up you wear to
a job you hate so much hella fat-nigga on the
clutch, straight pretending to not be a fag
dissing the drags
you miss your dad
so youur mad
how awful that you got so fat

straight the fuck up

>> No.10682316
File: 634 KB, 2000x1125, shelf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting shelf because none of you Nickposters are worth a damn.

>> No.10682338

there's some really interesting stuff in there. Hitchcock, Gen. Grant, CS Lewis. Do you have Nabokov? I think he had some salacious stuff iirc.

>> No.10682462

>Ay, fiesta pueblo ova neuros! Prima estaca nosotros sirachas!

>> No.10683250

Y-you too Anon

>> No.10683607

I hope it's a terrible week.

>> No.10683640
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x1836, 20180212_145337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My great collection, I have an even greater comic book collection :^) I just borrow books from the library. My chinchillas often try to nibble on my books.

>> No.10683722

I have the same problem with such a large library I don´t know what to do. I have found that separating a small amount of books I am really interested in and giving myself a goal of reading them is very good, basically reading in small chunks.

>> No.10683761
File: 109 KB, 960x720, Gygax-memorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are limited reprints of the original three AD&D core books. They did them in 2012 to raise money for a Gygax statue in Lake Geneva (so far there's just a plaque, though). I'm old, and grew up playing the first editions, but gave away most of my original books along the way, so it was nice to read through them again.

>> No.10683798

b honest
how much have you read of this?

>> No.10683799

Dutch is the worst European language, it makes me want to puke.

>> No.10683829

I have that same anthology of modern phil

>> No.10683859

nice Andúril

>> No.10683874

You don't understand the depth and beauty of the Dutch language, cretin.

>> No.10684563

What a cool story. This is why I like shelf threads. Party on my king.

>> No.10684631


This. It takes my books at least 2 reads before they start to look bad

>> No.10685733
File: 738 KB, 2000x1125, shelf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post shelves

>> No.10686269

>neoplatonist, eastern shit and gn*sis
>nothing maedieval
read Aristotle and saint Thomas Aquinas to challenge your views

>> No.10686335

What'd you think of A Column of Fire?

>> No.10686381

Most of those books are clearly worn and read. What are you talking about?

>> No.10686446

>books stolen from libraries
Haha, nigger.

>> No.10686477

>The Book of the Law
Maximum cringe

>> No.10686480

Uh... You must have missed Metaphysics.

>> No.10686517
File: 3.61 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180212_232214202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686597
File: 169 KB, 563x1000, nosuchapplebees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book about GCHQ
neat. how was The Martian?

50 cents each, at a library sale. they were discarded and on their way to be recycled anyway.

Agreed. Crowley is a fraud.

I have not read Aquinas. I know, I'm a brainlet. And there are at least a couple medieval philosophers in that pic. John the Scot and John Duns Scotus.

>> No.10686618

A pseudo intelligent "big budget" book. You could almost see the film already being planned at the draft stage of the book...
Still a bit better than most sci-fi I've read (which is not much)

>> No.10686629

Hmmm, that's not what I was expecting. I heard it was a ripper. Not surprising I guess.

Now the real question: how's the GCHQ book? I imagine it's a history with lots of photos of construction work, letters, declassified operations, etc.

>> No.10686662

Don't get me wrong, there's bits which are tense but not much more than say a Michael Bay movie.

Ah that book really isn't what it look like, it was a puzzle book I bought my fiancé, curated by ex-GPHQ members.

>> No.10686844
File: 1.10 MB, 1957x2560, A1zJfTiXQkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Landmarks there, but guess what just came out in December?

>> No.10686890
File: 342 KB, 2560x1080, caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit I was trying to ignore that one, but it's a Complete Works (TM) and squeezes my Roman/soldiering lemon. I'm completely out of shelf space, but really how else can I become Caesar after the bombs fall without it.

>> No.10686917

ayyo book bro, how you been? buy any good books lately?

>> No.10687015
File: 467 KB, 2000x1125, shelf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see? out of shelf space. POST SHELVES.

>> No.10687112
File: 1.49 MB, 2384x2000, Classics-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I have yet to afford any of them, but they're on the list.

>> No.10687171

That's a mighty shelf! Mirin' all them plays.Those two volumes of Religions of Rome are tempting. Roman household gods, lares and superstitions are fascinating. Even today spotting an owl at home is bad luck.

>> No.10687183
File: 199 KB, 1100x825, IMGP0114edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, okay...

>> No.10687280
File: 1.20 MB, 3000x2250, Pat04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were a lucky find. They're basically the Roman equivalent of the Greek Religion book by Walter Burkert behind them.

>> No.10687294

How's that edition of the Argonautica?

>> No.10687467
File: 585 KB, 2000x1125, avengers... assemble!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitive. The translation is lively and the footnotes are excellent, offering historical context and alternate translations.

>> No.10687881
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>> No.10687891
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>> No.10688644


>> No.10688646
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>> No.10688650
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>> No.10688659

I'm nearly out of shelves. Requesting backup shelves on my position.

>> No.10688674

what a fucking american

>> No.10688685
File: 423 KB, 1917x1075, bsgnukes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POST. SHELVES. or catch these nukes.

>> No.10688693


>> No.10688807

>shel silverstein

you might as well just stuff a diaper full of shit onto your bookshelf.

>> No.10688817

short for pseudo-intellectual. conceptual sibling to the euphoric atheist. reads a lot of Big Impressive Books about Big Impressive Subjects (or posts photos of them online, anyway)

>> No.10689543

You have excellent taste

>> No.10689565
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 20180213_130226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are a0bout 10% of my books, but the better 10%.

>> No.10689576

Sorry for being unable to use a tablet.

>> No.10689584

I recently read Kitchen and thought it was pretty neat. Which one of Yoshimotos works should I read next?

>> No.10689670

>Lumpkin's Enoch
You got swindled, son. He uses a badly OCR'd copy of the R.H. Charles translation with minimal changes.

>> No.10689705

i was bought that gchq quiz book for my birthday. i couldn't get past the third question, it's as if i have to use the brain of someone who isn't here to guess what kind of tangentical link their personality would lead them to believe is an "answer". theyre not the kind of puzzles i like because its like general knowledge in bizzaro land

>> No.10689720

I really like it. Did you enjoy Beckett's trilogy?

>> No.10689740
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, gg_trapeze_-_11_a52ec620-mkv_snapshot_22-20_2009-12-29_19-10-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read her for a long time. If you like a lighter, more psychedelic style, Hideo Okuda's Psychiatrist Irabe series may be something for you. There's even an Anime based on the series.

>> No.10689749
File: 232 KB, 356x426, oharaapprove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous on your history books.

Congratulations, anon. Very good books.

>> No.10689750

the only other one of her books i've read is goodbye tsugumi, so i'm going to suggest that in the hope it makes me seem smart

>> No.10689755

>Monstrous creatures
Tis a book about Americans, I presume?

>> No.10689769

two copies of Poland: A History IN THE SAME THREAD
and how come that book is so thick anyway i mean poland doesn't have any history does it?

>> No.10689919

Is that edition if "I am a Cat" good?

>> No.10689936

>and how come that book is so thick anyway i mean poland doesn't have any history does it?
It was burger tier

>> No.10689962

i have that same edition and yes it's good
actually it's the only recent edition i've seen. i didn't realise there were other editions in print.

>> No.10690072

What are the books in the lower right corner?
When were they published?

>> No.10690217
File: 152 KB, 736x582, 5271f5199d40af9d8c5da2cc1e247158--starry-nights-oil-on-canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulder carrying a 1911, huh? Ever practice drawing with a shot timer?

>> No.10690343
File: 383 KB, 1600x1514, table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my display table. I can slide it out and put manuscript or early print pages or whatever I like in the compartments to make the library a bit more interesting. I love print ephemera. There's a page from the Kelmscott Press Golden Legend (1892), from Doves Press Paradise Lost (1902), a pair of 17th-century German engravings (of folks making weights and barrels), and a 16th-century hymnal page.

>> No.10690364
File: 730 KB, 1212x1500, 01-KelmscottGoldenLegend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how shitty that photo is. Here's the Kelmscott page:

>> No.10690396
File: 509 KB, 1500x1137, 02-DovesParadiseLost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Doves page.

>> No.10690404
File: 457 KB, 1500x1500, 03-GermanEngraving17thC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The German engravings.

>> No.10690429
File: 601 KB, 1183x1500, 04-HymnalPage16thC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hymnal page.

>> No.10690528


Beautiful. This hymnal page is precious.
You gave me a good idea of what to do with old books that I have.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.10690581

you! are a cool man.

>> No.10690781
File: 573 KB, 976x2237, MorrisBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But please, don't dissect old books! I buy or take pages from irreparably damaged gatherings or parts of volumes only, not books that are intact or could be re-bound.

>> No.10690804
File: 257 KB, 1200x1538, Ovid1814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. To be honest, the table is from Ikea (Liatorp). The oldest intact book I have is my 1814 Ovid.

>> No.10690807

Thanks, man. Been meaning to get it but it's good to read a review from someone who owns it.

>> No.10691031
File: 417 KB, 2000x1125, mythoughtsarestillof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks boss.

That was a gift. Actually I traded away something to my barracks neighbor for it, I don't remember what. An exegesis of Matthew, probably. The guy was a mystic, and going through hard times.

Nah, I don't practice speed draw. Not trying to be the next Tex Grebner. Nice thing about 1911s besides trigger and being tanks is the safeties. I keep it locked in condition 3 anyway because crazy people.

You're welcome.


>> No.10691099
File: 1.10 MB, 1172x3882, 98776D0E-7985-4E72-B37A-B5ACEAD2CAFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do bully if needed.

>> No.10691122
File: 583 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this and a Greek Orthodox bible from the 40s

>> No.10691126
File: 2.20 MB, 4128x3096, 1514929799405-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully

>> No.10691137

what's in the decanters?

>> No.10691143

also, holy fuck. ben hur?

>> No.10691181

I suspect this is Wallace's study.

>> No.10691206

not that anon but looks like fine scotch, some absinthe (pernod?), and X liqueur.

no bully necessary. and i see you know where the walden belongs.

gonna watch ben hur today because of this post.

>> No.10691633

are you an astronaut?

>> No.10691982

Why did you write that?

>> No.10692028

>the iliad is almost as voluminous as the whole plato
a fucking tree died for this

>> No.10692951

>babby Gnostic collection

Why do you hipsters do this? Just go Ophite, and admit how much of a literal fag you are who likes kids.

>> No.10693065

too many images

>> No.10693083
File: 687 KB, 2000x1124, ophites_BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like an interesting book but then
>translator suffers headaches
>co-authors experience a mental fog
>book is cuuuuursed!
I was actually really interested in your book's pictures of ancient sources, but how can I trust it. you have been soiled by /x/. pic related.

>> No.10693102

>thinks there's nothing true about the occult

You have a lot to learn, really. Good lord.

>> No.10693159

That's not what I said. Just pointing out that one should be careful when attempting to untangle ancient codes. Tracy seems to have it together though, headaches aside.

I'm most interested in the antinatalist views of gnostics and the claims about the Templars. It's well known that copulation creates suffering, and some cults did practice buggery with animals, children, and each other as a kind of spiritually safe sex. More about Templars pls. Where can I buy this book? It doesn't seem to be out.

>> No.10693696

Buddha was the original antinatalism. Search buddhizm

>> No.10694888

Seriously how the fuck do you guys afford all this shit. Do you thrift or what?

>> No.10695466

>be me
>be old
>collect over a period of many years

>> No.10695631

Mostly library sales and thrift stores for me

>> No.10695655

Some are used, and some are gifts, but it's mostly cause I've been building it for about ten years. Ice had a couple of them since I was a child.

>> No.10695657

I'm an internet hackers and part of anonimous so I sustain myself through my mastery of the blockchain

>> No.10695666


Have't finished yet.

I bought A Column of Fire to keep me busy on a series of plane rides from New Delhi to Chicago. Follett's books are long and entertaining enough to do the trick, so I picked up a copy at Indira Gandhi International.

Haven't read much of it since getting home.

It's been okay so far -- still better than most pop fiction writers -- but not as good as some of his earlier works.

Finishing up something by Jhumpa Lahiri now. Even though she's also quite well-known, I can't help but notice that she's much, much better at writing.

>> No.10695675

Too many books with numbers for titles. 0/10.

>> No.10695680


>> No.10695882
File: 53 KB, 595x398, 1450043525557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10695969

>a fellow Norwegian who reads Huysmans and Houellebecq

Pls vær i Stavanger

>> No.10696176
File: 41 KB, 585x501, hends up dunt shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696195


>> No.10696228


>> No.10696247

Literally every book in your collection was trash until I saw your Calvino stash. Nice save, but think twice before you do something like this again.

>> No.10696359
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_115710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got about 3/4 of my books unpacked. No order yet.


>> No.10696368
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_115715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696378
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>> No.10696387
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_115754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696401
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_115758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696407
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_115801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10696414

Ya like Ben Hur?

>> No.10696429

Can't get 7/7 to size properly so there is only 6

>> No.10696669


>> No.10696953

>Idylls of the King
You are mistaken.

Pistol, pistol, shining bright,
In the daylight or the night;
What Mormon hand or eye,
Could frame thy famous dignity

In what forges deep and wide
Burnt the iron of thine sides?
Of what ores did you perspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what grip, & what stock,
Could improve the aim of thy block?
And when thy slide began to beat,
Who dreads jam? & what smooth feed?

What the hammer? what the chain,
Who made thee not a BM Star from Spain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp,
Thy illumined figure past?

When the Customs threw down their sears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did JMB smile his work to see?
Did he who made the 1903 make thee?

Pistol Pistol shining bright,
In the ghetto or the fight:
What Mormon hand or eye,
Dare frame thy famous dignity?

>> No.10696964
File: 2.21 MB, 5312x2988, 20180210_123954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just starting to collect

>> No.10697009

That's a great start, anon! People will call them memes, but they are well known for a reason. Be sure to read about the Manicheans for background along with Confessions, so you can know what he's talking about.

How's that Legends of Texas?

>> No.10697696

name one thing that is true about the occult
(except that everyone that believes in it is mentally ill)
if you want you can send the message directly to my woo super spooky ouija board

>> No.10697720

What do you know about Dionysus anon? There is no good literature online about the subject. Any book recs?

>> No.10697739

I don't know why I think this is so funny
Also, this. Though maybe the argument is: There are levels to this shit, and until you are reading Being and Time with your eyes closed you are not patrician

>> No.10697757
File: 18 KB, 336x480, Saturnian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, first of all, secret societies are extremely occult... and they control you and everything you think.

>> No.10697838
File: 2.63 MB, 1962x4449, dionysian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I read from Paglia's Sexual Personae. And I'm sure Campbell did a chapter or two at least, but it's been nearly a decade since I last read Masks of God.

Just did a quick search and took some photos for you. The bottom two are probably what you want, and additionally the Serpent-Jesus top two may be of interest to >>10692951 this Ophitic anon as well.

>until you are reading Being and Time with your eyes closed you are not patrician.
Likewise anon, I don't know why this is funny. Probably because it's so true. /lit/'s expectations are unattainable.

>> No.10697881

I should add that Uzdavinys addresses Dionysius as well in The Golden Chain, or to a lesser extent in Philosophy & Theurgy.

>> No.10697892
File: 1.07 MB, 2116x1882, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10697894
File: 102 KB, 1280x850, batman-bookshelf-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10698455
File: 945 KB, 1494x2656, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very last bump saved for the best girl. happy reading, anons.

>> No.10698488

As well as Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism.