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10650313 No.10650313 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the Gass man is dead (rip sweet prince) we can all agree pic related is America's foremost prose stylist (living) ?

>> No.10650329

Why do you put a space between the word and the question mark? Are you a fucking Frenchmen? Stop fucking doing that you piece of Eurotrash shit. Learn to abide by the norms of the goddamn language. McElroy is worthless shit and I hope you get clubbed to death you faggot.

>> No.10650333

.t pleb

>> No.10650335

McCarthy is America's greatest living prose stylist.

>> No.10650347
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>> No.10650398

McCarthy infuses every banal detail of his world with a mythopoetic weight, lending his prose a continuous kitsch effect

>> No.10650410

>he can't handle the weight of McCarthy's world
Cut back on the soy

>> No.10650417
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>> No.10650424

epic, this made me have mcdonalds deliver some factory farmed meat to my apartment

i fucking love being a real man

>> No.10650443


>> No.10650456

no need for passive aggressiveness, soyboy.

>> No.10650501

Better than McShitroy's Post modern bafoonery.

>> No.10650523

Lol I love how people who haven't read McElroy think he's like turbo postmodern lmao

>> No.10650631

McCarthy's prose routinely descends into borderline self-parody. he's trapped in the early 20th century

>> No.10650772

If you post either of these images again I will fuck you

>> No.10650832
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>> No.10650836

imagine saying that out loud

>> No.10650870

nice argument

>> No.10650896

you're not a literature professor or a critic so stop acting like one. Give me an argument to have and I'll exchange with you. You need to describe to me what your system is for determining what good prose is and tell me what you think it is that is common to all early 20th century literature.

>> No.10650900

McElroy is too fragmented for my liking, albeit all I've read from him was Night Soul and Other Stories, but I found it lacking.

Gass was the absolute king, and Pynchon is the only other worthy of the crown

>> No.10650925

stop talking like that you ugly beta facecel nigger, its never been funny. its never had the sting of bug man or beta or even nu-male which is equally emasculating for the speaker to even sub-vocalize. Use another term, effette, fae, feminized whatever, but not soyboy its fucking obnoxious and i hear you uptalking, with a like thrown in to fill up the interval between the exerted effort it took to think “haha soyboy” and the subsequent recovery frame where you had to actually process the next thing you’d say. fucking shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. this is why you can’t teach stupid would-be members of a masculinist movement anything ever! you can never give them words of power or any style or image to represent them because they ALWAYS degrade the tool into a totem and then end as a crowd of shrieking mental midgets lapping up each other’s puddled ejaculate, “soyboy” “kek” “snowflake” mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

fuck you nigger

>> No.10650926

Lordy, this is the worst self-inflicted burn I've ever seen !

>> No.10651554

I don't feel Night Soul is representative of his novels, but from just reading that I can see how that'd seem the case.

Plus is on some other level shit when it comes to unique prose.

>> No.10651564

>be me
>read plus
>don't even know what books are anymore
>how did he do this

>> No.10652585

you seem a little triggered and overly emotional like a woman on her period, soyboy

>> No.10652788

>king of prose stylists

>> No.10652804

Except he doesn't do that with every detail

>> No.10652806

No, not at all. Not even close.

>> No.10652807
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 27655456_1589412414488803_9118749407789562093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're far too wrong.
"Come then. Leave your war awhile, paper or iron war, petrol or flesh, come in with your love, your fear of losing, your exhaustion with it. All day it's been at you, coercing, jiving, claiming your belief in so much that isn't true. Is that who you are, that vaguely criminal face on your ID card, its soul snatched by the government camera as the guillotine shutter fell...
Listen to this mock-angel singing, let your communion be at least in listening, even it they are not spokesmen for your exact hopes, your exact, darkest terror, listen. There must have been evensong here long before the news of Christ. Surely for as long as there have been nights bad as this one–something to raise the possibility of another night that could actually, with love and cockcrows, light the path home, banish the Adversary, destroy the boundaries between our lands, our bodies, our stories, all false, about who we are: for the one night, leaving only the clear way home and the memory of the infant you saw, almost too frail...
… But on the way home tonight, you wish you'd picked him up, held him a bit. Just held him, very close to your heart, his cheek by the hollow of your shoulder, full of sleep. As if it were you who could, somehow, save him. For the moment not caring who you're supposed to be registered as. For the moment anyway, no longer who the Caesars say you are."

>> No.10652810

You haven't read much of him then.

>> No.10652818

Woah this person is incredibly triggered. Good job whoever did that to him. He's probably crying.

>> No.10652822

He didn't do anything. It's a matter of you being a child.

>> No.10652834

>still thinks that's the greatest prose around

>> No.10652841 [DELETED] 

This nigga cryin! *jumping and hooting* this nigga cryin!