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File: 29 KB, 391x235, HeideggeryNietzsche.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10640254 No.10640254 [Reply] [Original]

>He who explains a passage in an author 'more deeply' than the passage was meant has not explained the author but obscured him. This is how our metaphysicians stand in regard to the text of nature; indeed, they stand much worse. For in order to apply their deep explanations they frequently first adjust the text in a way that will facilitate it: in other words, they spoil it.

Why does anyone even read metaphysicians like Heidegger anymore after Nietzsche?

>> No.10640272

>Why does anyone even read metaphysicians like Heidegger anymore after Nietzsche

>> No.10640280

Why do you think Heidegger is a literary theorist, and not involved in the attempted destruktion of metaphysics, again?

>> No.10640297

Because Nietzsche had already destroyed it. Heidegger's dancing with its corpse like a juvenile twit.

>> No.10640304

Will to power is metaphysics
Back to r*ddit

>> No.10640318

>Will to power is metaphysics
t. Heidegger

Don't use that word when discussing what Nietzsche thought. It corrupts him.

>> No.10640330

Nietzsche proceeded to make a profession out of what he attacks there, either in his philology of the Greeks, Genealogy of Morality, Wille zur Macht or whatever else he wrote. Nietzsche himself is the dancing corpse, whereas Heidegger gave up on philosophy altogether and turned to poetry.

>> No.10640351

>the text of nature
but Heidegger questioned this

>> No.10640403

Nietzsche is to metaphysics what science is to alchemy. Yes, you could say he is metaphysical at base, but you'd be ignoring his striking physicalist departure from it and thus incorrectly interpreting his work.

>> No.10640453
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>> No.10640467

Not an argument.

>> No.10640469

Hume BTFO metaphysics long before Nietzsche, shoo, shoo, toddler

>> No.10640487
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implying science is superior to alchemy is such a ridicoulous take it deserves nothing more than mockery

>> No.10640494

Kant btfo Hume, Hegel btfo Kant, Marx tried and failed to btfo Hegel, Nietzsche succeeded

>> No.10640499

Alchemy is a primitive approach lying somewhere between the philosophical and the scientific. Sorry to burst your bubble, /x/-tan.

>> No.10640501
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>this entire post

>> No.10640518

Both are not worth while and are unable to justify their claims

Disregard them and other confused mystics

>> No.10640519
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>Nietzsche succeeded

>> No.10640525

Sounds like contemporary christcucks with their sophistry.

>> No.10640530

>Kant btfo Hume

>> No.10640550


>> No.10640566

Heidegger's a rehashing of Nietzsche except drawn out and thus stupider.

>> No.10640748


Such a beautiful thought on why literary criticism has no reason to exist and people should just read literature for the sheer fun of it.
Who the fuck cares what a novel "really" means? Buy a fucking textbook if you want to "learn" stuff.

>> No.10641004
File: 81 KB, 474x699, Guenon_monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out the thread
>a bunch of people posting the word "metaphysics" without understanding what it means, when what they are really talking about for the most part is attempted systematizations; which are inherently anti-metaphysical

>> No.10641016

fuck off

>> No.10641019

The whole thread is a mess, you should just get out

>> No.10641116

Read Nietzsche, you imp:
>I mistrust all systematizers and avoid them. the will to a system is a lack of integrity.
Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche is a gross distortion. Nietzsche was the antisystematic antimetaphysical antiphilosopher par excellence -- long before Heidegger ever wrote. But of course Heidegger twists Nietzsche into the final stepping stone before his own great revolution. All it took was to throw out literally all of the published work and take experiments from notebook scraps as expressions of a fully articulated systematic metaphysics that constitutes TRUE philosophy.

>> No.10641337

How does that excuse him from it?

Heidegger reveals immediately in his work that his understanding of Nietzsche was hollow because he takes himself to be extrapolating on the "implied" metaphysics of Nietzsche. He claims that Nietzsche was a metaphysicist and acts as if he sees something about Nietzsche's philosophy that Nietzsche himself didn't, or refused to share, but the truth is he does not see of what Nietzsche's philosophy really consists, he sees its sterile, roughly outlined shadow, an incomplete and shrouded picture of it. He is spoiling it.

Nietzsche is not a metaphysician. He does not ever fall into the trap of a "metaphysical explanation" of things. First sign of this is the difference between his and Heidegger's writing styles: it is clear immediately how different they think about things. Nietzsche saw such explanations and their authors as always diverging from the thing that they sought to explain, and eventually their philosophy becomes more of a confession of themselves than an explanation of a thing.

The problem with all "metaphysical" analyses of Nietzsche's work is this: at the first moment of the race (of the mind's thought process), the instant that race begins, the part of the race we never actually see but only feel its later effects, they make the grave error of separating the man from the philosophy, the body from the mind. They analyze the world and talk of its "metaphysics" as though there is an underlying current behind its appearance, pulling all the strings, as though the world even HAS an appearance. That's wrong; the "appearance" and the "real" define one another, they are not separate at all. They are both in and projected by the observer.

Metaphysicians do not have the same eye as Nietzsche for this reason, they falsify what he thought, and as such no "metaphysical explanation" of his work is ever going to be accurate. It's like trying to become Zeus by analyzing the "philosophy of Zeus," the "metaphysics of Zeus" — Zeus and the "philosophy of Zeus" are not separate things — and Zeus does have a philosophy, despite never having written anything.

>> No.10641348


>> No.10641361

Some people really believed in alchemy, but it started as/others used it to veil an esoteric, mystical philosophy which was influenced by Sufism and Hermeticism and had to be hidden from the tyranny of the Catholic Church in those days.

>> No.10641390

What you said is not at odds with the post you replied to.

>> No.10641467

Isn't ontology a branch of metaphysics?
"I am not like the other metaphysicist girls"

>> No.10641477

How did Hegel btfo Kant? I keep searching for this and Hegel just seems an unnecessary development, a return to rationalized faith.

>> No.10641484
File: 28 KB, 640x449, Jacques Derrida says Viola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blows Nietzsche and Heidegger the fuck out
There you go, you can stop discussing irrelevant delusional kr*uts now.

>> No.10641490

There is an interesting text of Jack Balkin: Derrida letting go of all his desconstructionist principles to defend his nazi friend.

>> No.10641496
File: 5 KB, 228x221, hx4Prda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does metaphysics even mean at this point

>> No.10641507

He needed Heidegger to exist in order to blow him the fuck out, retard.

>> No.10641580

are you guys talking about boxes with placards of category labels to try to place these people in; or their ideas?

>> No.10641593

Heidegger's work revolves mostly around warning people away from systems and saying that the entire history of ontology is so systemically based in arbitrary theology that ontology needs a new word to sever it from religion.

>> No.10641687

Paul De Man, not Heidegger. People discovered Paul De Man had published anti-semitic newspapers during the war.
HE dropped all his claims about infinitie responsibility to defend Paul De Man.

>> No.10641962

>heh, dis sure showed'em ;^)

>> No.10641988

this definitely applies to heidegger's commentary on the pre-socratics, not so much being and time.

>> No.10642010

That is the question. His opposition to metaphysics is merely semantic."You didn't get the question of Being right". But talking about the Being is metaphysics.

>> No.10642030

Wrong, Heidegger rarely if ever talks about the noumenal, he confines himself almost entirely to discussing the existential implications of his temporal idealism

>> No.10642035

>But talking about the Being is metaphysics.

>> No.10642038

Well actually- maybe? This is what Heidegger was fighting

>> No.10642053

stupid nigger

>> No.10642060

reviews are the greatest expression of velleity. use it wisely anon, it’ll shine a permanent light on the malevolent pseud.

>> No.10642066

But he barely talks about being, his main theme is dasein

>> No.10642106

Dasein is literally defined as the being for which Being is an issue

>> No.10642389

heideggers philosophical writings are covert nazi propaganda informational weapon designed to scramble the brains those beyond the borders of Deutschland

>> No.10642598

Yeah I know

>> No.10642758

>being for which Being is an issue
what I meant but issue? The grappling with the fact of being?

>> No.10642765

Nietzsche had a system. It was just really shitty.

>> No.10642775

>Or in other words, deepening and obscuring are the same thing.
Nietzsche was incredibly shit at logic.

>> No.10642782

Pseuds say deepening, genuine philosophers say obscuring.

>> No.10642834

obscurity has no place in a philosophical text, only in art/poetry.. I guess nietzches was ''''both''' .. I guess it doesnt matter.. nietszhe was a philosophical poet

>> No.10643092
File: 9 KB, 300x300, gllaarrroooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is about making arguments

>> No.10643546
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>> No.10643561

>what is textual sarcasm

>> No.10643620

>nietzsche btfoing anyone but christcucks

he's a featherweight philosopher and a polemicist with good prose
heidegger actually knew how to think and succesfully built upon the foundations of continental phil

>> No.10643774

>heidegger actually knew how to think

>> No.10643804

oh shit a drawing
I must be wrong

>> No.10644452

not to mention when Derrida defended his sexual harasser colleague