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/lit/ - Literature

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10625414 No.10625414 [Reply] [Original]

Could we discuss the recent spamming of "le brainlet" spam?

>> No.10625436
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>"le brainlet" spam

>> No.10625461

love it, have a good chuckle every time, not a dull moment mate

>> No.10625466


Stop it.

>> No.10625474
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>uhhh cwan we discwuss branletts?

>> No.10625479
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What's going on, America?

>> No.10625857

never a dull moment whenever your mum comes round

>> No.10625914

I remember reading an old blog post that claimed to present DFW's suicide note. Sadly, I can't find the blog. I know it was on Wordpress back in 2010.
Someone had actually scanned it and uploaded it. It was clearly in fragments, and the pages were nonconsecutive, which made for a short and confusing read. It hinted at the reality of a much longer and intricate suicide note.
How the blog poster got a hold of it? Idk.
The header was "David Foster Wallace's Suicide Note." That's all the blogger wrote himself, the wrest was just the scanned images. It was a weird obscure literature blog that, sadly, I can't remember the name of.
There was a bunch of stuff in there about his television appearances, feelings of inferiority, sports, Wittgenstein, and other things like this.
I remember one part verbatim. When I first saw the brainlet meme, suddenly this sentence came back to me and I made the connection. I've figured it was DFW who first coined the term "brainlet" ever since.
He said, "A huge percentage of the stuff that I tend to be automatically certain of is,
it turns out, totally wrong and deluded. I am a brainlet, he is a brainlet, she is a brainlet, we're all (pardon this neologism) 'brainlets.'"

So yeah. This always sat funny with me since seeing it had become a meme. Before that, I thought "Oh, okay, someone uploaded parts of DFW's suicide note. No biggy. It's just sad." This was a bit before I started browsing /lit/.
We can say that it was all fabrication. That's fine and I wont even argue it. The style of what I read though, thinking back 8 years ago now, was so impeccable that only a master pantomime could've manifested it.

>> No.10625915
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>ppl r bein mean 2 me!!!!1

>> No.10625928
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Just sage, report and/or not reply to brainlet threads
mods do their job

>> No.10625987
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> can we talk about my favorite meme

F u c k

O ff

>> No.10626006
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 8d6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming of "X" spam
>spamming of spam
>spamming spam

>> No.10626007

That's an excerpt of This is Water

Well done I almostbit hehe xd

>> No.10626042 [DELETED] 

Yeah I forgot to mention that.
Maybe he was quoting himself? It was an observation that he held true and dear?
Idk. We could just as easily say it was someone quoting him.
Once again, I can't defend what I saw but it was pretty strange in hindsight.

>> No.10627161
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>> No.10627167


>> No.10627173

It's because idiots need memes to make sense of reality.
Ironic, isn't it?

>> No.10627193

this, its the best meme

>> No.10627202
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Are we actually idiots tho? Or do we just make sense of a highe reality?
Memes state objective states of being, so we can cross communicate almost telepathically, that's why they are social movements that act as a wave.

Bruh, I can promise you Wojak and Peterson are going to get intertwined in the future, just like Pepe and Trump.

>> No.10628326
