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10616164 No.10616164 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10616247

fuck off. Only fags believe in supernatural shit like gods.

>> No.10616268

i believe there is a god or a creator, but we cant communicate with it and never will.

>> No.10616272

this is the book board faggot

>> No.10616282
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POST NIHILISTIC FREE JAZZ or be doomed to live a delusioned life of faith FOREVER


>> No.10616285

>do you believe in God
>why is it a big deal to believe in Him
it's not, it doesn't really matter that much

>> No.10616290

Thats why theres a confession thread ongoing, right?

>> No.10616298

/lit/ should die and become Fiction & Art /fart/
Philosophy to /his/

>> No.10616303

>dumb deconstructive "music"
of fucking course.

>> No.10616345

I don't. It's a big deal because it informs everything you believe about the world and how you ought or ought not to act in it.

>> No.10616393
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>I believe in God
>It's not a big deal
>I don't believe in God
>It is a big deal

>> No.10616400


>> No.10616437

These threads literally always boil down to those exact opposing views.
The real question is this:
Does god believe in this thread?

>> No.10616631

I believe in the Jungian collective unconscious.

>> No.10616676

We believe in God, but do God believe in us?

>> No.10616869

Man, I don't even have an opinion

>> No.10616893
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I don't even understand the question. In conversations there are contextual clues but what can I say here? I guess I don't. If I did, it sounds like something so profound that I'd feel the difference. I am familiar with the leap of faith and the lives of some great doubters who resorted to religion. I'd rather lie that I did believe in God than be a militant atheist, probably.

>> No.10616911

Someone once told me "your mind is like a series of loosely connected islands." I now bestow that title to you.

>> No.10616918

But youve got to have an opinion

>> No.10616964
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>Do you believe in God
Yes. Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

>What's the big deal?
God is our origin and our purpose, to him we return. It is proper and correct for man to orient himself towards God, not only as preparation for death, but in order to walk the good path in life and lead a meaningful existence.

>How do I do it
keep seeking the truth and reflect on your creation and where you are going in life.

>> No.10616973

I believe in god, because he believes in me

>> No.10617001

why are you here then

>> No.10617012

>God is our origin and our purpose, to him we return. It is proper and correct for man to orient himself towards God, not only as preparation for death, but in order to walk the good path in life and lead a meaningful existence.
This is why atheists will never find any real meaning in life, only momentary distractions which lead to nihilism.

>> No.10617059

No but I fear him

>> No.10617077

Best in this thread

>> No.10617106

I try to but I fear its mainly from a normative reason

>> No.10617155

So you're saying that a person powerful enough to create the whole universe is for some reason incapable of communicating with other persons inside that universe? What is the reason? You just don't like the things that people say the creator has said?

>> No.10617163

Not that anon, but what does that mean?

>> No.10617168

Yes I do believe in God, my lord, my creator. Jesus Christ is lord and the only begotten Son of God.

>> No.10617211

Words, just words. I would always ask naively "God, what is that? Maybe I believe in it, tell me about it"

The word God takes many forms. I know this is a way to escape discussion, but I think this discussion is worth putting it aside. Theists and atheists alike have different views on it.

When I was a kid I asked my father what God was. My family is all atheist, so the concept hit me as a surprise as a kid. My father told me God was someone imagined to have created the world and some people believed in it. Obviously I didn't believe in God after that, who would believe in "someone imagined to have created the world" and that's it? First thing I asked was who created God and my dad just shrugged, being an atheist himself. So it was clear from the get go that there is no God.

It is only much later and after a lot of reading that I realized it was more complicated than that. That theists, a lot of them that is, are not just fantasizing about some external being, that the word God itself was a way invented to talk about much more complex relationships.

Depending on how others see the word, they can think you believe in God or not, regardless of what you say about it yourself.

>> No.10617251


I do not. It's illogical.

>> No.10617283

why cant anybody tell me what the metaphysical ground of god's existence is

>> No.10617285
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>> No.10617300 [DELETED] 

god IS the metaphysical god of existence

>> No.10617312

god IS the metaphysical ground of existence

>> No.10617326

doesnt that mean god is prior to existence itself?

>> No.10617334

the world PARTAKES OF existence, god IS existence

>> No.10617342

how can it be correct to say existence itself is god?

>> No.10617351

Not a Christian but: God is existence, and we partake in existence only through his creation and subsistence. Think about it like this, the concept of existence in abstract isn't God. But God is the necessary source and origin and ultimate 'end' of all factual existence.
To compare with another phrase: God is love, but love isn't God. We can separate these properties from God, but ultimately they all find their origin and greatest expression in him.

>> No.10617368

I don't. I think it's pointless to do so unless it's part of a religion. The idea of a creator alone doesn't respond to any of the human distresses like fear of death and objective morality. Why believe or care about it.

>> No.10617374

but what is it about existence itself that makes it god?
if i think about existence itself there's nothing about it that makes it look like a god to me

>> No.10617396

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/42875488