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10616862 No.10616862 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism. It would lead to a more constructive, stable, meaningful life for the majority of the populace. It would lift them out of the meaningless, atomisitic, cesspit of the modern world that reduces you to a hedonistic consumer and slave to capital. It would give meaning.

>> No.10616865


>> No.10616868

>nothing wrong
>modernist filth

>> No.10616879
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National Socialists are barbarian offspring of romantic nihilism, an attempt at bruteforce creation of the future... which necessitates the destruction of both liberal democracy and monarchy and its society's vestigial feudalism. Some reactionary impulses underly the movement, but more as a matter of exploitation than of intellectual parity. There is very little that is traditional in Nazism... if anything it is the modern force of brute colonisation, industry, twin forces of rationality and irrationality blurred into a violent social magma... abortion-demon countryside... mass hominid slaughterhouse, bomb-rape of civilisation.

Pic related, fascist """stability"""

>> No.10616883
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>> No.10616884

so nothing would change?

>> No.10616886

It's not extreme enough

>> No.10616892

I'm just glad you're constructing an actual argument rather than meme fueled misanthropic polemic

>> No.10616896

This fascists are barely iconoclasts. We need some hyper-Heidegger political system. He made Nazis look soft.

>> No.10616901

>We need some hyper-Heidegger political system
Such as?

>> No.10616905

Nice comeback, faggot.

>> No.10616906

Fuck off, bootlicker

>> No.10616912

If you need the state to give a meaning for you then you probably don't even deserve a meaningful life.
Also, fascism was a capitalist invention to fight communism, idiot.

>> No.10616913
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>> No.10616915

No you

>> No.10616921

>fascism was a capitalist invention to fight communism
Pick up a fucking history book

>> No.10616922

>this is what communists believe
The state does need to give meaning, most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv. The state needs to promote an ideology and a way of life.

>> No.10616923
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This is a sadboy birthday boy thread now

>> No.10616925
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T. American mutt

>> No.10616926

this is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read on /lit/, and I participate in the socialism vs. capitalism debates

>> No.10616927
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>> No.10616930
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>> No.10616932

I really can't tell if that guy is asian or not.

>> No.10616933

>b-but your race!!!

Such a weak ideology

>> No.10616934
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>> No.10616936
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>The state does need to give meaning, most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv. The state needs to promote an ideology and a way of life.
the fucking state of unrooted muttified modern """""right wingers"""""

>> No.10616937
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You will never be white.

>> No.10616939

Im not even american, faggot.

>> No.10616940
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Another one.
Probably from the Steppe somewhere. Most """Slavic"""" countries have that kind of face.

>> No.10616944
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>> No.10616947
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this is now a "dick the birthday boy thread"

>> No.10616948

This can be easily solved just by assuring everyone gets an acceptable level of education. You don't even need to brainwash them with shitty ideology then.

>> No.10616950
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Last one. Please, anyone, feel free to post some of your own. I'm always looking for more to add to my cache.

>> No.10616951

How do you think our roots can be brought back without a system and mechanism created from above to reproduce it? The family is not coming back until the systems in place are reshaped to do so. Material reality is what shapes the mass of people.

>> No.10616952

what a stupid argument

>> No.10616953
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>> No.10616954

Like Mein Kampf for example?

>> No.10616958

Saved. A bit off-topic, but I enjoyed it and laughed. Guffawed, even.

>> No.10616959

that guy's wearing a pedobear tshirt

>> No.10616963
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>> No.10616965

But it was literally invented by an ex commie

>> No.10616966

What happens when they leave the education system and enter a world that contradicts it? It's no good teaching old fashioned values and ideals to kids only to leave them to be subverted by the media outside of school.

>> No.10616967

reminder that Hitler was a syphilitic degenerate

>> No.10616969

most people aren't as stupid as you, it seems

>> No.10616970

When I say "acceptable level" I mean when you can start thinking for yourself. What you advocate is a society of grown-up babies.

>> No.10616975

>most people are incapable of finding it themselves that's why they slowly die on the sofa from eating too much while watching reality tv.
Pure projection. Most people are content with their lives.

>> No.10616977

Yeah, anon's analysis is DFW drivel. Put down IJ, mannnnn....

>> No.10616978

So? The Blackshirts bashing commies sure has nothing to do with the commies being against the interests of the Italian capitalist.

>> No.10616982

it was a communist invention to fight against itself lmao

>> No.10616983

You have a point.

>> No.10616985

They clearly are more stupid.
Divorce is the norm.
Obesity is the norm.
Nihilism is the norm.
Materialism is the norm.
Single mothers are the norm.
Crime is the norm.
People are already 'thinking' for themselves, hence the above. Most people can't think for themselves, they will reduce themselves to beasts of emotion. They need guidance from cradle to grave.

>> No.10616989

christ, you're dumb

>> No.10616992

Are you retarded? Mussolini WAS a socialist BEFORE becoming the leader of the fascists and going against them. Mussolini was funded by the capitalists to fight the enemies of capitalism.

>> No.10616994


>> No.10616999

hm, it's better than slaughtering millions based off the color of their skin, at least in MY opinion...

>> No.10617000

>Pic related, fascist """stability"""

So you're saying the nazis did Dresden? Okay faggot.

>> No.10617002

They caused it, yeah.

>> No.10617003

Fascism is an extremely materialistic and nihilistic ideology lad.
Also fascist Italy was corrupt as fuck, especially in the south.

>> No.10617005

>I have no arguments, uhm, I'll just call him dumb!
Only 14% of the population has an IQ in the 115 - 130 range. Only 2% in the 130 - 145. 0.1% in the 145+ range.
Effectively around 70% of the population does not have the faculties to ever truly think for themselves, meanwhile we pretend that they can and leave them to their own volition. And what have we been given in return since the 1960s? A society ruled by the mob, reduced to the lowest level. I'm advocating a society ruled by the elite, of which I am not part, but I know it would be better for me and everyone else.

>> No.10617008

talk shit, get hit.

We aren't obliged to the problems of others, and suggesting some sort of IQ based servility is disgusting.

>> No.10617009

Where am I advocating that?
Mussolini was never a biological racist, for one, and fascism doesn't necessarily need to be. Even if w were going down the ethnonationalist root, the idea that this would lead to killing non-whites is hyperbole. Incentivized repatriation works and has been done all over the world.

>> No.10617013

>start war
>lose war
>suffer consequences of losing war
really makes you think

>> No.10617016

Yeah and it failed in Italy, too. Spain doesn't seem to keen on it anymore either

>> No.10617017

If your state and the ideology that underlays it gets you into the largest war in world history and brings about immense damage to your nation, it hardly deserves point for stability.

>> No.10617018

All you've done is get emotional and sperg out. Go cry somewhere else baby.

>> No.10617019

>the idea that this would lead to killing non-whites is hyperbole
Yeah, it's not like 99% of fascists wants to.

>> No.10617020

I dont know what point you think you're making but youve majorly misunderstood what was meant by fascism is capitalism in decay.
And even that statement is debatable. Just read like a little bit of a history book, even just a chapter at a time, half if you have to.

>> No.10617022

yeah your cold calculated autistic logic sure it persuasive

>> No.10617023

It failed because of a war and because of the geopolitical situation. Italy under Mussolini was actually a great place, if you weren't a subversive commie kike.

>> No.10617024

>Spain doesn't seem to keen on it anymore either
It is, though. Spain is a shitty country anyway.

>> No.10617026

>Yeah, it's not like 99% of fascists wants to.
Maybe in the minds of lefties, who need evil boogeymen.

>> No.10617027

Yeah a war that was necessary to keep fascisim in power. Read a book, moran

Right because it's still fascist

>> No.10617028

ever read anything out of Italy at the time
it was a shithole
If /pol/ is good at crudely diagnosing the discontents of our time that you're not allowed to speak out loud, it would have a field day with fascist Italy

>> No.10617029

>Yeah a war that was necessary to keep fascisim in power. Read a book, moran
Baseless assertion.

>> No.10617033

>Are you retarded? Mussolini WAS a socialist BEFORE becoming the leader of the fascists and going against them. Mussolini was funded by the capitalists to fight the enemies of capitalism.
also the king was ok with giving power to Mussolini because the political situation was a mess and union protests were getting out of hand

>> No.10617035

Representative democracy isn't mob rule lol.
Anyway the most powerful and successful nation in the world is a democracy.
>Inb4 the USA isn't a democracy

>> No.10617036

Fascists claim LIBERALISM is decadence, retard. As in the social aspect, but they're totally ok with the capitalists owning the means of production and this very same minority of the population being rich while the rest of the country lives in misery.

>> No.10617037


>> No.10617039

I don't want a boot pining me to the ground whether it be the boot of fascism, capitalism or marxist-leninism.

>> No.10617045

The USA inherited untouched land full of resources and expertise and ideology from Europe, while avoiding all of the disasters besetting the world. And it was built by white people. It's not surprising they've done so well in incredibly favourable geopolitical situations.
Yet in a mere 70 years of being an empire, it has already dug its own grave.

>> No.10617046

No, it was built by slave labour you racist fuck

>> No.10617047

This whole thread has been
>You're fucking wrong, faggot
>NO, you're fucking wrong, faggot

>> No.10617050

So? That doesn't mean fascism is some ideology only used by the le capitalist boogeyman. Mussolini simply saw the error of his ways, as did many others.

>> No.10617051
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Fascism is gay

>> No.10617052

also beware that "fascism" is ideologically nebulous
mussolini's economic policy was inconsistent, he just did what he thought was best for him at the moment
if mussolini could have seized the means of production, he would have did that, but it would have been more harmful than useful to mantain power

>> No.10617060

"Subversive commies" were a good portion of the population back then. I agree it wasn't too bad (but I might be influenced by love for Fellini).
Still, ideological brainwashing isn't ideal. Even admitting that Mussolini had good intentions towards his nation, the moment he dies and power passes to someone else you can't be sure what the fuck the guy is going to do.

>> No.10617063

>OP starts with "there is literaly nothing wrong with fascism"
>60 posts later the thread has been a shit-fest
What a twist.

>> No.10617064

>Still, ideological brainwashing isn't ideal
but the italians weren't brainwashed by fascism
the church had more influence on the people than mussolini had

>> No.10617066

Oh really? Did slaves have knowledge of engineering, mathematics, politics, science, and all the other learning necessary to establish a great civilisation? No. In fact, nobody in Africa did.

Secondly, if you seriously think a relatively small amount of slaves (who primarily did agriculture) built the US, you're literally down syndrome retarded.

>> No.10617070

>Even admitting that Mussolini had good intentions towards his nation, the moment he dies and power passes to someone else you can't be sure what the fuck the guy is going to do.
That's why you create a system to transition power to the right people.

>> No.10617071

>That doesn't mean fascism is some ideology only used by the le capitalist boogeyman.
>the capitalists of our country are your friends because they are patriots
>the commies who oppose them are evil

>> No.10617075

>That's why you create a system to transition power to the right people.
yeah who? the same people who ditched mussolini once the shit hit the fan?

>> No.10617076

Draw on paper all you want, but you need to do work to get it done.

>> No.10617078

That's why you don't involve yourself in an existential mass war.

>> No.10617081

and don't forget the Chinese labor that went into the railroad

or the general oppressive working conditions that were present coming out of the Industrial revolution.

>> No.10617083

You're right, but remember that this board is full of brainwashed 20 somethings who have learned that being white is a crime and their "queer literature courses" has given them a warped view of the world.

>> No.10617084

>The Italians weren't brainwashed by fascism
They kinda where though. I have an old notebook from when my grandpa went to elementary school and he had to write pages full of "Viva il Duce!".

>> No.10617085

>but you need to do work to get it done.
Which the slaves didn't do, white Europeans did most of it. You're utterly deluded. Bet you think Africa would look like the black panther universe if le evil whitey didn't come.

And without the paper and mind to produce it, it doesn't come into existence in the first place.

>> No.10617090

>Which the slaves didn't do,

>> No.10617092
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>my brainwashing is better than your brainwashing

>> No.10617098

nice try, pol

>> No.10617099

>maybe if we just call him brainwashed we can defend our poor life choices. Oh yeah, and let me add this EPIC funny brainlet meme picture!
Good night alt right, yeah?

>> No.10617101

you really think anyone in the world would take an american fascist/nazi/communist seriusly?

>> No.10617104


The fact that you put constructive and meaningful right next to each other is pretty much pure ideology.

Fascism is for slaves, and slaves already find meaning in hedonistic and economical pursuits. What it would do is force those who are not already slaves into slavery to another kind of shitty meme. One thing I do not understand about all the /pol/tard tribalist antimodernists is why they don't just start a commune. It's an instant cure for being atomized and for day-to-day life being devoid of meaning.

Actually, I do understand why /pol/tard tribalist antimodernists don't do this. It is because they are autistic and do not function with other people. Which also neatly explains why they want state-mandated rules for every aspect of life.

>> No.10617105

>if you're not a fascist, you're a commie!!

>> No.10617110

Yes it sucked, but that was necessary and the material advancement built from that era led to this one.
Saying something is wrong is not argument, I'm sorry this hurts your feelings and destroys the little cute narrative you've told yourself.
Fact is, from the 1800s to the abolition of slavery, slaves were at their peak were only 17% of the population, but generally somewhere between 12 - 15%. If you seriously think 15% of the population did most of the labour, you are utterly warped.
Blacks have never been large enough in the USA to ever significantly contribute to the labour output, this is a childish myth that the left promotes and everyone just accepts uncritically. It's literally logistically impossible.

>> No.10617114


>admonishing other people for poor life choices on fucking 4chan

Something something about a pot and a kettle that are both african-american.

>> No.10617119

This. And also because there would be no women.

>> No.10617120

Wtf lol, why aren't they out getting wasted with their friends, living like young adults should

>> No.10617122

the prominence of the second world war in people's heads gives them a really skewed interpretation of the ideologies involved in it. because it become this huge good vs ebul battle, like a showdown of two possible options, when people like OP become dissatisfied with certain aspects of the contemporary west they think that Nazism is therefore the true saviour of the west the ultimate choice for people who have taken the "redpill" about the present state of affairs
if anything, the fact that we are the antithesis of many aspects of nazism is the result of nazism turning itself into a sort of civilisational antagonist. if not for nazism, the world as it is today wouldn't exist.

>> No.10617124
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I'm talking about more than just black slaves dood

>> No.10617123


>> No.10617125

Lol why has this thread not been deleted yet? Mods asleep?

>> No.10617127
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>> No.10617129

It looks great when you take it from afar and imagine that the leader would support your worldview and reward you for it. That's a shot in the dark because you'd supporting the very distance that would make you impotent if it was not the case.

It's a very naive position in which one believes the conflict of opinions and values in society are necessarily a bad thing and that all we would have to do is pick one position and go for it together, whether people like it or not. It's naive because it doesn't really get away with any conflict, but blocks any chance of it to develop further.

And values acquired by propaganda and brute force are short lived.

That being said, democracy is crap and it was never really democracy. Further more, even it was, I'll grant that there are bitter choices that we would never make collectively that would actually make our lives better. That does not justify supporting any traditional hierarchy, or any more authoritarian figures. These feelings are based on "please, higher force, help me not think of my earthly problems and solve them with your boots".

Also, discipline is not necessarily a right-wing value. The left and the right need to learn this, so that this fetish for uniforms and formality can melt away into something new.

>> No.10617130

I'm talking about ALL slaves, but I also touched upon blacks, because that was your initial contention.

>> No.10617131

was it?

>> No.10617132

>We don't need a state to look over us!
Lefty contradiction at its finest

>> No.10617133


>> No.10617137
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>4chan is a state

>> No.10617140

>and but so on

>> No.10617141

Mods play a similar role to the state in some regards on forums, it's a decent analogy.

>> No.10617144

The funny thing about fascism-posters is that you can never be sure if it's irony or an actual fascist.

>> No.10617145

The GLORIOUS international nation of the fourchannels

>> No.10617146

right, but a forum isn't a state, retard

>> No.10617150

leftist antifa here, you're still retarded and contradictory, the guy is right, stop calling the mods and enter the discussion until they eventually delete thread anyway

>> No.10617152

I'm not a lefty fag, this just isn't the place to discuss politics. Take it to his or pol, next time post about a book.

>> No.10617153

The point is, you pretend and delude yourself into believing you don't need a higher authority, but you do, everywhere. It's normal. Everyone answers to someone and this hierarchy arises naturally, or given the right conditions, would arise naturally.

>> No.10617157

im not wrong though

oh that explains it

>> No.10617160

/pol/ is crap, everyone is just sperging about jews constantly and /hi/s is dead.

>> No.10617161


All Nazis and capitalists (and the cucks that support capitalists) should be shot in the face by communists. Then we'd have a good society.

>> No.10617162

>you pretend and delude yourself into believing you don't need a higher authority,

no, i just don't need fascism

>> No.10617166

>/pol/ is crap, everyone is just sperging about jews constantly
And it's also full of retarded boomers from America and Drumpftards

>> No.10617167

okay. Don't need to bring that here, thx.

>> No.10617170

Communism doesn't work as it's completely against human nature.

>> No.10617172

>Pic related, fascist """stability"""
wtf, read some books... but lemme correct you: Dresden - 250k people dead because of bombing of who? Allies... they try to lower the number every few years to hide their crimes...

>> No.10617173

And who declared total war on everybody again???

>> No.10617179

I don't care, the OP is against the rules and you're actively contributing to the further decline of this board. Ironically mods need to get way more fascist and delete any threads that don't explicitly have to do with books.

>> No.10617182

So are capitalism and fascism.

>> No.10617184

>leftist antifa here,
Started the hormonal therapy yet to transition in a non-binary human?

>> No.10617185
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"Human nature" isn't real. What people consider "human nature" is dependent on the environment anyway. We live in a shitty cutthroat capitalist society so... hmmm...

>> No.10617188

jews started with economic war on germans... or u mean invading poland? - they just freed east prussia and lost territorries after Verssailes trety... ethnicity of those territories were 80% germans anyways..

>> No.10617190

lol, you guys just created fantasy view of what that means.

>> No.10617198

>jews started with economic war on germans
lol okay

>> No.10617200

Communism is not as clear as it seem to you, fascist friendo. Communists themselves are constantly working around on what the fuck communism is even about. No one is ignoring anything.

>> No.10617202

oh i know what (((antifa))) means

>> No.10617205

>"Human nature" isn't real.
Communism is against human nature because it denies hierarchies, which arise naturally because humans are naturally of differing ability. A class is simply the representation of hierarchy, in majority of cases.

>> No.10617208



you're welcome

>> No.10617209


>human nature

Human nature doesn't exist.

>> No.10617213

t. PhD in Anthropology.

>> No.10617216

Fascism is against nature because it denies antagonisms, which arise naturally because humans are naturally of differing opinion.

(just kidding though, human nature does not exist)

>> No.10617222

Biology says otherwise, but I'm sure your literary theories and critical theory know better!

>> No.10617223
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>> No.10617234

Epic links.

>> No.10617238


>biology says otherwise

No it doesn't.

>> No.10617242

Yes it does. Time for you to read an introductory book on genetics.

>> No.10617243

Yeah I learned about that in elementary school history class bruh.

>> No.10617244

>look im using a lot of big words im so smart mommy
they say his fedora grew three sizes that day

>> No.10617247


Give me a source of your bologna.

>> No.10617248

not surprising a supporter of fascism is dumb as fuck

>> No.10617249
File: 18 KB, 540x523, 20770253_10211778696734890_1648945277304897567_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed]

>> No.10617250

No, you see bro, we observe nature and society and think a lot of stuff about it. Society has always been about classes, whether you are talking about the Aztecs, the Greeks, feudalism, even the USSR, or the contemporary world. Yes, we can all see that. But rather than to think Communism is just an imaginary one way strike to end all classes for all eternity, think of it as the very discussion on how do we deal with classes, how they form, in which way that is bad or good for us. It's not about taking that which has always been like so (to have classes) as something natural and then just give up on it and say "since there will always be classes, it's justifiable to just step on each other, may the best ideology win and have it supreme power over others". Communism is a new idea, the failed revolutions and the crimes involved proved not that communism is itself bad, but that it needs to be thought of it again in a different way. The very problems that it has shown in the 20th century can teach us new things about authority.

>> No.10617254

>literally nothing wrong
ye If you ignore the repression of thought, repression of personal liberty, the brain washing of the population and despotism, other than that totally kewl right guise`?

>> No.10617256

Go on /sci/, ask the question and you'll get tons of suggestions.

>> No.10617257

Is this nigga for real lol

>> No.10617259


You're not helping yourself or your point at all here.

>> No.10617267

Are you expecting me to summarise entire books for you?

>> No.10617268

Lmao, I love the fascist threads just to watch how pathetic and insane the fashes are.
>b-but without the state I have no reason to live
>muh race is all I have to be proud about

>> No.10617271

>are you expecting me to back up my argument for you?


>> No.10617278
File: 35 KB, 850x400, are you fucking kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, he's right.

>> No.10617286

>look dude, my abusrd oversimplifcation of an argument is right. There's tons of evidence provaing me right.
>What evidence? Huh, dunno, like, books or somthen.

>> No.10617289

>some Jews start a boycott against a state implementing anti-Jewish policies
>OMG war...
hope you shill for israel when it activates the sampson option next time some hippies start boycotting israeli groceries

>> No.10617294

Read a book retard. But since I'm so kind, I'll summarise the current consensus in the actual sciences (not meme social sciences and humanities). Human nature is a thing, we are highly influenced by our genetics, but at the same time the environment does play a role, but it cannot overcome the limits imposed by your genetics. Some traits can be influenced depending on the environmental factors, but the ceiling is defined by your genetics. Take IQ for example, which highly correlates with g. It's about 50 - 70% genetic, the rest is environmental.
I'm sorry that this sucks and contradicts all of your utopian ideologies.

>> No.10617298

uhh, source?

>> No.10617299


>> No.10617301 [DELETED] 

Idea: race doesn't exist and is perpetuated solely to make humans more easily controllable.
In the early days of the US both whites and blacks were enslaved. Many slave revolts took place with white and black brother together fight for their freedom It wasn't until those several slave revolts took place that racist laws were put in place. They put laws in place punishing white slaves from escaping with black slaves, they prevented whites and blacks from intermarrying, they rose the white slaves to a level juuust above that of black slaves. At the end of the day they didn't prefer their white slaves, I mean they were still slaves for God's sake. No, the slave owner wanted the working whites to believe that their interests aligned with that of the slave owners, they needed to be sure whites and blacks never came together in order to overthrow them. If they could train whites to believe that the blacks were the problem they could effectively use the working whites to oppress their fellow working blacks. As long as they can convince the working whites that they aren't the bottom of society, that their always someone lower, the blacks, then the ruling class can forever perpetuate their existence by giving the white working class the false perception that their interests align solely based of skin color.

>> No.10617304

Modern genetics and neuroscience.

>> No.10617308

that's not a source...

>> No.10617310

That's not a source, maggot.

>> No.10617311

Idea: race doesn't exist and is perpetuated solely to make humans more easily controllable.
In the early days of the US both whites and blacks were enslaved. Many slave revolts took place with white and black brothers together fighting for their freedom. It wasn't until those several slave revolts took place that the racist laws were put in place. They put laws in place punishing white slaves from escaping with black slaves, they prevented whites and blacks from intermarrying, they rose the white slaves to a level juuust above that of black slaves. At the end of the day they didn't prefer their white slaves, I mean they were still slaves for God's sake. No, the slave owner wanted the working whites to believe that their interests aligned with that of the slave owners, they needed to be sure whites and blacks never came together in order to overthrow them. If they could train whites to believe that the blacks were the problem they could effectively use the working whites to oppress their fellow working blacks. As long as they can convince the working whites that they aren't the bottom of society, that their always someone lower, the blacks, then the ruling class can forever perpetuate their existence by giving the white working class the false perception that their interests align solely based of skin color.

>> No.10617313


Race objectively exists, dude

>> No.10617316

i mean, they DID call it a war and if there's one thing you don't do, it's fuck with a German's sense of industry, what were those heebs thinking???

>> No.10617320

The Neuroscience of Intelligence by Richard Haier will give you the most up to date primer on intelligence and genetics. Good luck.

>> No.10617321
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>posts a picture of pigoychet

>> No.10617325

Wasn't it Der Sturmer that called it a war? The fact neo-Nazis point to this as a casus belli belies the desperation of your pseudo-revisionism.

>> No.10617328
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aww that's cute, did your daddy tell you about him?

>> No.10617330

>And this is why Mussolini was right

>> No.10617338

Peterson is a cuck and I don't watch his videos or listen to him.
Also, not an argument. Start reading. What's wrong, scared?

>> No.10617339

It's been "successfully" done nowhere you cheeky fucker. The only path to the world ethnofascists want is violence, though they obviously deny this until they have power.

>> No.10617340

ITT: numale soyboy bluepilled cucks
Read Milo and watch Sargon a bit and come back here once you've matured

>> No.10617341

no, Im just waiting for you to support your argument

>> No.10617345

Not the anon you are arguing about but what of it? Of course genetics is part of who we are, our bodies are limited and so on, but what of it? That never stopped us from thinking of ways to improve our lives, from wearing clothes to agriculture, no one thinks of these as against human nature. When people complain about the argument of human nature is not that "biology is bogus", but that it does not dictate what we should do to our lives, it's something we ought to consider because we will inevitably have to deal with, but that does not solve any argument in beforehand.

You can think that all we do in politics is artificial, communism, fascism, capitalism, none of it is natural, none of it is granted or "just the way things are". If you think of it this way you begin to consider things under a different light. All is artificial, so what are we going to do?

If you think nature poses a problem to communism, as it is expected to do towards any political position, than what is this problem and how can we best deal with it? That is all still a debate within communism.

>> No.10617346
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this bait's a little undercooked

>> No.10617350

>people unironically arguing in the current year that humans are a blank slate
never thought I'd see it, a fascism thread where fascists aren't the dumbest people in the thread

>> No.10617353
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>> No.10617354

Just because it hasnt been done before doesnt mean it wouldnt be viable, it would be way easier to do now with modern transportation.

>> No.10617357

Who's saying humans are a blank slate here?

>> No.10617358

Not a fascist or that anon, but original sin is one of the most useful doctrines in predicting human irrationality and preventing human hubris. I feel safer around the inheritants of Adam or de Sade than I do the inheritants of Rousseau or Robespierre.

>> No.10617359

christ this is exactly how my 20th went probably how my next half dozen birthdays will go

>> No.10617367

Who the fuck is saying that?

>> No.10617370

>probably how my next half dozen birthdays will go
That's like promising to yourself you won't do anything about it.

>> No.10617373

That's exactly what commies say, fagget. Now tell me why they are wrong and not you.

>> No.10617379

Reminder to anyone thinking fascists are the aggressive ones, antifascist action's membership has quadrupled in the last year. If you are a fascist then you are not safe, bros. Best thing to do is just hide and keep your ideology secret and wait for the moment to strike. I'm actually scared going outside, if people knew my beliefs they'd beat me senseless. We are the actual prosecuted minorities, blacks and Jews know nothing of our fear and struggle

>> No.10617381

I'm not saying communists are wrong. I'm just saying people rely too heavily on historical examples, and that if you think about it repatriation of immigrants could be potentially viable.

>> No.10617383

Forcing people to relocate is wrong

>> No.10617385

Hide like the worms you are.

>> No.10617388

we dindu nuffin stop bullying us :(((

>> No.10617390

just buy a gun you queer

>> No.10617393

Well that happens all the time today, but I don't really care, I don't follow any political ideologies. All I'm saying is that it's technically possible, and would be much easier to accomplish now then in the past.

>> No.10617394

That's a complete blank statement. Why is it wrong?

>> No.10617395

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