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10611462 No.10611462 [Reply] [Original]

Wizard edition

>Who's your favorite wizard?
>Best book about wizards?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

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>> No.10611474
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I'm pretty sure that some of the characters and characterizations in Dark Forest (especially Zhang Beihai) were "compensation" for how hard 3BP came out against the Cultural Revolution.

>Sure, Mistakes Were Made in the past, but with things now are great and our dedicated political officers will put in the ideological work to make China Glorious!

Death's End pretty much completely dodges the questions of the CCP's future though. What we see of the government seems to be pretty much what Asimov or Clarke had in mind -- bland technocrats.

>somehow China manages to endure until the end of humanity despite losing a lot of relevance to the Fleet nations
Eh, so do American and Europeans, even if it's somewhat lip service. Actually, the Africans get pretty fucking short shrift. Over and over in the books he mentions American, Western, and Eastern consortiums/cultures/characters and even brings in fucking Australia but our Negroid compatriots were always conspicuously absent in such roll calls.

>he even mentions Legend of the Galactic Heroes
He refers to the galaxy as "the sea of stars" several times as well. I don't know if that's a LoGH reference or a common expression in Chinese though.

>> No.10611478
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>inb4 the blue wizards

>> No.10611508

Zhang Beihai is a complicated character and as I see it you can interpret him as either a sane man that still tries his best, embedded in an inefficient, near-sighted regime that manages to hold on despite its best effots to wreck itself via its own byzantine bureaucracy and outdated, impractical ideas, or as a soft-hearted fool who didn't make a lick of difference in the end and whose indecision led to his and his subordinates' death. I was generally surprised Liu was able to get away with both his overt and more subtle criticism of Chinese politics, so either the censorship is starting to relax a bit, or it was just because he portrayed everyone else as being at least just as bad, or more often worse. The "feminized" future in Dark Forest seems to me a way of showing what western decadence and foreign influence can do to traditional Chinese values, or something along those lines.

The sea of stars, by the way, is definetely a LoGH reference. It's the third opening's title and a phrase mentioned often in the anime.

I'm also pretty sure Cheng Xin's boss in Death's End is meant to be named Thomas Wayne, with his insane schemes and all.

>> No.10611532

>Zhang Beihai
I don't think there's any question that his ideological zealotry was portrayed positively. Arguably there's a Straussian angle of "maybe Communism isn't literally good, but it's what we've got and the motivation is what's important". When he gets worn out and loses the fire, he dies.

Both the "feminized" society and the character of Cheng Xin in general are not-even-trying-to-hide-it criticisms of feminism. I mean, she repeatedly wrecks humanity out of soft-headedness and the whole disaster is initially enabled by how unmanly everyone is. However I don't think the message is anything the CCP has much disagreement with.

>> No.10611549

I wouldn't be so sure about Cheng Xin. Yes, she repeatedly ruins it for everyone over everyone and lives to regret it and do it again somehow, but in the end, she gets proven right in her basic ideals. It was all just not worth it, both humans and trisolarans were too small and short-sighted to see the bigger picture and her "feminity" is the only hope for a better universe than the shithole the dark forest deterrence creates, even if the extant races are fucked.

>> No.10611639

I've followed this conversation and I think you're broadly right here.

>> No.10611641
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>>Who's your favorite wizard?
Hands down Ridcully.
>>Best book about wizards?
Face in the Frost. It's basically pic related in novel form.

>> No.10611645

Is Ridcully the Ron Swanson of Discworld?

>> No.10611658

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10611675

As long as they don't feel like a 9th grader wrote them

>> No.10611687

Nynaeve is best girl.

>> No.10611703
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>she gets proven right in her basic ideals
Does she? The pocket universe was a straight deus ex machina. If you're talking about the decision to leave it, I can see that. I just think the scenarios where her choices turned out poorly are more plausible than "sacrifice yourself so the universe can be reborn (maybe)". The ending felt somewhat contrived in order to produce a good outcome for Cheng's impulses -- although I'm not sure e.g. Wade would have chosen differently. And really, Cheng could have had it both ways -- more Solar humans survive AND she leaves the pocket.

The ambiguity around the correctness of her actions is to the author's credit though.

>pic related

>> No.10611922

>>10610487 #
>Nah. There's a difference between the natural strain of horror that runs through Sword & Sorcery and the outright nihilism of a lot of grimdark fantasy.
>natural strain of horror
>outright nihilism
Oh go fuck yourself. You just shit talking about modern genre books, but your precious s&s is exempt? People have been getting raped for amusement for millennia and still do, but I guess that is just nihilism revisionism.
I can't wait till the fall of Burgerland and rape is rampant across your territory, I wonder what you will tell your sisters /aunts/ mother/cousin, when a pulsating erect penis comes their way.

>> No.10611942

shit im late
sanderfag a hack

>> No.10612026
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Shit I'm late. We did not get that many nominations and unfortunately I did not write down the suggestions in older threads, but it'll be fine. The nominees are:
>The Shadow over Innsmouth
By Lovecraft, ~150 pages
>A Night in the Lonesome October
By Roger Zelazny, 280 pages
>I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
By Harlan Ellison, 134 pages
>Lord of Light
Also by Roger Zelazny, 296 pages

Poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/14963545

If there's a tie I'll decide.

>> No.10612070

i might be biased but shadow over insmouth is one of the first real horror books ive ever read.
so ill vote for that or failing that my second would go to i have no mouth and i must scream. though i have to mention the adventure game is miles better in my opinion.

>> No.10612171

>You just shit talking about modern genre books, but your precious s&s is exempt?
yeah? S&S tends to take place in moral universes where good is, eventually, rewarded, and bad punished. A scoundrel only gets to be hero if on balance he causes more good than harm, there's none of this introducing a paladin type and then killing him off to show how serious you are.

>> No.10612178

>splitting the Zelazny vote
You're making this hard on me, anon.

>> No.10612209

>though i have to mention the adventure game is miles better in my opinion
>re-released for linux 2013
Would you look at that, thanks for the recommendation.

It's a multi choice poll

>> No.10612222

If Zelazny wins LoL wins, even though I love it I have a soft spot for Lonesome October and wish more people would read it.

>> No.10612304
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*teleports behind you*

psh I liked the Broken Empire trilogy

>> No.10612317
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Who else likes reading about a tigerman fucking a vampire?

>> No.10612332

The I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream story is only like 30 pages though. Unless you're referring to the short story collection.

>> No.10612357

ive listened to the audiobooks that have been released so far.
honestly im pleasantly surprised. i expected a massive furfest but so far its rather enjoyable.
so far he hasnt actually didled anyone(zeta hack is the last ive gone through).
i can imagine the direction the series is going but im waiting for the audiobooks since i got used to the voices. does it get worse or better? i wouldnt mind if it stayed as is in terms of pacing and events but all the pussyfooting around certain matters is kinda grating.

>> No.10612362

I am referring to the short story collection. The nomination was actually for some audio book collection and while I have nothing against audio books I decided to pick something that can also be read instead.

>> No.10612375

Now I'm a little sad. I've only read the first two so far and the second one ended with some pretty heavy implications that a threeway was just around the corner.

Now I find out he gets blueballed for an entire other book. Bummer.

>> No.10612389

well theres a lot of sexual tension between the 3.
it would happen but theres uh circumstances that prevent it every fucking time. its kinda like you little bro comes into your room when you got a woman to yourself and refuses to leave. oh yeah and the room is 2k miles away from home at college where he possible couldnt show up but does every fucking time.
im pretty sure itll happen in the 4th atleast. but yeah he is getting blueballed for a while yet.

>> No.10612396

im much more interested in tamer the newest series from michael.
its like enemy mine but instead of getting stuck on a planet with some enemy alien mc gets stuck with a bunch of ayylien women. and they all want his D.

>> No.10612591

>Who else likes reading about a tigerman fucking a vampire?
Do you see the problem here?

>> No.10612673
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Threadly Question.
Why aren't you reading Daniel Black anons?
It has the added benefit of having catgirls :3

>> No.10612687

They aren't finished. I hate unfinished series :3

>> No.10612719

Being good is never rewarded in real life.
I am fed up of capeshit trying to push morality on us. Where people are saved and the bad guy jailed... only for him to escape and kill more people before he is captured again. Why not kill him? you KNOW he is going to escape, one death saves tens of thousands, but I guess that is too nihilistic.
You cape fags are the cancer that kills fantasy.
>good for goodness sake
>turns the other cheek
>lets the guy rape his family and forgive him because it's teh right thing to do
There is a reason "grimdark" fantasy is gaining a rise in popularity. People are fed up of capeshit logic. Those books are a caricature of outdated customs. If someone hurts you, you don't turn the other cheek.
Superman killing/lobotomizing was the best thing for capeshit, there is a point where you have to stop and think, "why lock him up again". Too bad they didn't follow through.

>> No.10612741

tigers are awesome, men are awesome. Don't see the problem.

>> No.10612751
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>> No.10612875

You must be 18 to use this website.

>> No.10612879

>Lovecraft winning going away
I preferred the eras where Lovecraft was considered an emo hack.

>> No.10613007
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>implying he's not still considered an emo hack
But still, a man's gotta have his indulgences.

>> No.10613131

Where can I get it?

>> No.10613138

Is that the follow up of Ages of Myth? Didn't like the first book desu. Thought it was pretty shitty.

>> No.10613142
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>> No.10613429

>favorite wizard
i dont even know much wizards beyond gandalf, dumbldore and merlin
>best book about wizards
probably lotr

>> No.10613614

>I don't like what he says
>I'll call him underage b&

>> No.10613623

But catfag, he will get a catgirl harem. he will probably fuck his own daughter. who is going to be Bast

>> No.10613626

Second one is worst. i dropped the series after that.

>> No.10613634

>But catfag, he will get a catgirl harem.
incomplete stooooooory
>he will probably fuck his own daughter.
You're not helping your case here.

>> No.10613641
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How's this book? You seem to be the expert on litrpg shit.

>> No.10613649

Well, yeah. Need it be said?

>> No.10613653

Fourth book soon ._.
Join us in degeneracy catfag. Big breasted catgirls who have hair triggered cunnies.

>> No.10613655
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Is fanfiction, if actually written well, considered a novel? Is a story based on another's universe considered a novel if booklength and structured like one?

>> No.10613660
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>gets educated on sword and sorcery
>spergs out about Batman for no reason

>> No.10613667

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.10613723

Is Starfire good? I didn't like Larson's Steel world very much (haven't finished it yet, maybe I'll change my opinion). I like first contact stories.

>> No.10613814

>Big breasted catgirls
I'm now imagining Neal Stephenson writing about these and including a 30 page rabbit trail on the relevant zero-g physics and other effects.

>> No.10613853

He seems like an easy author to pastiche.

>> No.10613875
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Name a bigger hack

>> No.10613884

That's not Min

>> No.10613889

Preach brother.
Sanderson lovers shoulde be relentlessly bullied from this general

>> No.10613900


>> No.10613908 [DELETED] 

it is impossible to write in the age of trump
(and also the 4 years previous)

>> No.10613915

The good thing about Brown (Black's author) is that he keeps shit short. If you are an engineering buff who likes survival books, or books about people using supplies to make something, or a living, you would love this series.

If you are an oldfag and grew up on the A-Team and liked that, then Daniel Black is your fantasy equivalent. Using magic to build machine guns, nuclear reactors, nukes, rp-grenades, c4, aircrafts, tanks, etc. Anyone that likes putting together shit will love this series.

>> No.10613916

not the guy you are responding to but it isnt a litrpg in the traditional sense.
also dont let the theme fool you you. its very unique on its own right. also it has feels.
a lot of feels. if you like emotions youll probably cry alot.

>> No.10613919

that is Sanderson

>> No.10613925

But we were the ones who started and continued the general until it because self sustaining... typical americlap. Come into an existing, already established environment, and try to kick the people out who made it.

>> No.10614057

I don't want feels anon... were you the one that recommended it a few thread back? The goodreads reviews says that they dropped it because of all the porn near the end of the book.

>> No.10614102

Blindsight was cool, but Echopraxia was pretty shit.

Is Rifters fungood?

>> No.10614112

well if you like vampires in space you should prolly try reading other garbage urban fantasy

Theres this awful series called the "dresden files" or something, you should read that.

>> No.10614121

theres barely any porn. its like two scenes in the first book that are maybe a page or two each.
its not erotica it just doesnt shy from telling you whats happening.
also just to clarify its not overly bad feels. its joy feels or feel feels. just give it a try and form your own opinion also book 4 in a month or so.

>> No.10614136
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>well if you like vampires in space
Say no more senpai

>> No.10614153

How many books are planned?

>> No.10614170

Not sure. Three books are out. He is working on the fourth.

>> No.10614288

Starfish is creepy-good, but the rest of the series is a bit of a sprawling mess. If you're a hardcore Watt's fan then try it but I found it pretty mediocre. His shorter work bangs, Beyond the Rift is a nice collection of it, but it's all on his website.

>> No.10614305
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>putting together shit

>> No.10614319 [DELETED] 

Never go full retard like this retard, anons.

>> No.10614334
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So the Kingkiller Chronicle film they are making...

>The film’s script is being penned by Lindsey Beer, who served as a writer on “Transformers: The Last Knight.” It will be based on the first book in Rothfuss’ series, “The Name of the Wind.”

Ahahahaha oh god, ah-ha-ha-ha!!!!!11111111

>In 2016, Lionsgate tapped “Hamilton” star and creator Lin-Manuel Miranda to serve as creative producer and musical mastermind of the feature film and TV series adaptations of “The Kingkiller Chronicle,”

Oh god this is going to be a roaring success.

Enjoy your poz'd Kvothe lmao.

>> No.10614356

Imagine unironically defending grimderp lol

>> No.10614397

*hums A-Team's theme song*
I love it when a plan comes together.
Keep your disdain for McGyver

>> No.10614409
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For the longest time, I had the impression that Name of the Wind was satire based on the intro.

>> No.10614417
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>> No.10614465
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>> No.10614469
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>> No.10614483
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>> No.10614614

Unironically me too

>> No.10614665
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>> No.10614682

>tfw I have an idea for an emotionally complex story full of mystery and intrigue
>tfw it's generic fantasy schlock that makes the Iron Druid Chronicles sound good when describing it

>> No.10614726

Brandon Sanderson's books are to literature what Skyrim is to videogames.

He somehow manages not to excel at any facet of his work. To borrow from Bloom, he has no discernible talent. His dialogue is stilted and uninteresting. His characters feel more like plot-convenient afterthoughts than people. The plots themselves are generic filler, somehow managing to be even less interesting than million get-to-the-end-of-the-dungeon quests of Skyrim. His prose is "workmanlike" or "inoffensive" (read: shit) in the way that combat in Skyrim is "inoffensive". I challenge Sanderson fans (?) to name one thing that he does better than passably: one single thing he is actually good at.

The most common response to this is Sanderson's worldbuilding. Like Skyrim he impresses you at first with the scale and detail of his worlds but even this is quickly revealed to be flat and cliched. How many times can Sanderson get away with his utterly inane caste-system-attempting-to-be-some-kind-of-political-allegory?

>but muh magic system
Even if you're a fan of the sub-genre consisting of explaining everything about magic until it ceases to be magic (why would you be?), Brandon Sanderson does not do this particularly well. His magic basically devolves into people flying around and hitting each other because Sanderson (and his fans (?)) think this is the height of entertainment. People describe his works as anime but it should be specified that it's the anime aimed primarily at 10 year old japanese boys (yum).

>muh cosmere
Fans (?) of Sanderson think of him as some kind of genius and of his books as some kind of unified masterpiece because "it happens in the same universe xd". The "co-smere" is the shitsmear on the toilet-bowl which is his writing. Sanderson insults his readers (?) by using a gimmick originally conceived to sell capeshit with lacklustre tie-ins.

>B-But he writes fast
More evidence of him being a shit writer. It takes time to write and all the best fantasy authors spend a long time on their works to ensure we get the highest quality (see for example Rothfuss).

>you haven't even read all his books
No shit. I've read enough to make a judgement.

The only possible justification for people reading his mediocre works that I can think of is a desperate attempt to fill in the hours between now and the time they die. At least Skyrim has loli/shota(yum) mods, Sanderson's nutcase religion manages to stop him on this front too.

Read BoTNS

>> No.10614730

Any specific recommendations?

>> No.10614733

This >>10614288 anon is right.

Try The Island, it might be the best thing Watts has ever wrote. Also some of his short stories are great.

>> No.10614750

Can Kvothe BE more pozzed than he already is in the book? He's already an ambiguously gay twink who gets assraped.

>> No.10614817

Sir, I have taken a liking to your post and wish to have your permission to reproduce it as a "pasta." You will be paid a fee of one (You) for this service.

Thank you

>> No.10614875

Where is super sales? That is like a mercenary group. when is book 2 audiobook dropping? You said end of January. You made me read this shit and only one book is out

>> No.10614886

My good lady, as usual all my work is licensed under the wtfpl and available for all use, free of charge.

I've already found some things I don't like about it when reading in post form. Stay tuned tuned for the next version.

>> No.10614898

Quick read right? That is more than half the book.

>> No.10614935

audiobook got delayed because jeff hays pulled out to make his own recording studio label. its now done by podium publishing and read by nick podehl.
on average an audiobook of a ~250 page book takes about 3 months to produce.
audiobook guys usually tend to work on multiple books at once and rest their voice a lot to prevent damage or sickness that would alter their voices.
jeff hays is a cuck tough for pulling out. id expect the audiook for the second book in a month or two.

>> No.10614956
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>in a month or two.

>> No.10615146

I mean Brian Herbert's Dune works are concidered novels. So I guess the difference between fanfiction and "official work" is whether you're a part of the original authors estate or not.

>> No.10615158

Great, now I'm having a nightmare about spiders, and will wake up in the middle of the night searching under my sheets for a giant spider. Fuck you.

>> No.10615182

>Great, now I'm having a nightmare about spiders
You a sleep-poster?

>> No.10615186

Got two audiobooks from Audible not too recently, Promise of Blood and The Final Empire. Just finished the former and started the latter.

Promise of Blood I felt was pretty good. If I had to grade it, I'd probably give it a B. There were some times where the exposition was heavy-handed and it felt like the author forgot he was writing a book and just started telling me directly about his latest tabletop campaign. The setting was alright, and I thought the powder mages were pretty cool, though I could've gone without certain details. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why "Doing magic makes you really horny" had to be a detail in this universe. I get it, these royal dickheads are sick and depraved, but adding in this aspect makes me think you're juvenile. And I liked the different narratives, but the maid really got shafted. Her narrative appears, what, four, maybe five times in the entire book? Half the time I forgot it existed, and I can't even remember her name.

Just started The Final Empire today, and I think I can already tell I'm not going to like it as much as Promise of Blood. I thought parts of PoB's exposition was heavy-handed, but my god, I feel like TFE is just beating me over the head with repetition so I know what the setting and characters are like. I'm already hoping whatshisface "the survivor" stops fucking smiling so the author will stop cluing me in about it. Oh, and foreshadowing. The backstory probably involves some former hero turning evil and is now the overlord or whatever they call him now. I really hope that's not the case though, because it is painful how obvious the author is making this "twist". Dude, you're just shooting yourself in the foot now. It's not going to be clever when you reveal this near the end of the book if everyone can see it coming a mile away.

>> No.10615190

*now I'm going to

I am le tired

>> No.10615202

>It's not going to be clever when you reveal this near the end of the book if everyone can see it coming a mile away.
It does happen but it's not the twist.

>> No.10615207

>not too recently
*not too long ago
Bleh, and I can't even blame this on being tired.

Well thank fuck for that.

>> No.10615214

Oh, and this isn't a criticism, just an observation, but I thought it was really weird when PoB and TFE both had people gain superhuman senses by ingesting a material mundane in our world. Is this something that happens a lot in fantasy, or just pure coincidence?

>> No.10615232

McClellan studied under Sanderson and they're very good friends. This is the power of the Sanderson Dojo.

>> No.10615257

Brandon Sanderson is to fantasy what Dimmu Borgir is to black metal.

>> No.10615264

>Dimmu Borgir is to black metal.
Spells this out to those of us who don't pay attention to black metal.

>> No.10615279

Dimmu Borgir is to black metal what Big Bang Theory is to comedy.

>> No.10615284

>Big Bang Theory is to comedy.
Spells this out to those of us who don't watch TV.

>> No.10615289

Big Bang Theory is to comedy what Brandon Sanderson is to fantasy.

>> No.10615292

Big Bang Theory is to comedy what Brandon Sanderson is to fantasy.

>> No.10615298

Reported for jinxing.

>> No.10615304

>Big Bang Theory is to comedy.
Now that's an analogy I can understand. Yeah, if TFE doesn't do anything for me, I'm probably just going to avoid Sanderson in the future. I read the Wikipedia page describing the magic in Mistborn a while ago and thought it was interesting, so I'm mostly reading this now to see if he was actually right or just full of shit.

>> No.10615313

Mistborn is a medieval-tech superhero story.

>> No.10615321

Go easy on me, I just started.

Though the Knacked in PoB, which were OK, reminded me a bit too much of the mutants from X-Men for my liking. If it'd been said they were byproducts of magical tampering or something, I could take that, but them just existing alongside everyone else is just odd.

>> No.10615334

The whole trilogy is pretty rough, but he seems to have his notes together by the end. Too bad the second trilogy crapped the bed. Sanderson's at least got the same level of quality through his main series.

>> No.10615347

>Too bad the second trilogy crapped the bed.
Well, color me curious.

>> No.10615352

>comically evil governor who murders a commoner in a duel every morning and loudly complains about the "liberals" who want him to stop

>> No.10615358

Daniel Black is fucking garbage and the only reason no one is complaining is because i'm the only one who got tricked into reading it.

>> No.10615361

Oh jesus, he let his politics get into his work?

>> No.10615369

I don't know if the rest of the book was good because I stopped there and none of the characters introduced previously had drawn me at all. They were somehow more oppressed and less desperate.

>> No.10615372

>I don't know if the rest of the book was good because I stopped there
Oh. Well, I hope you can understand my disregarding your opinion then.

>> No.10615388

>Oh, and this isn't a criticism, just an observation, but I thought it was really weird when PoB and TFE both had people gain superhuman senses by ingesting a material mundane in our world
Anthony Ryan turns it up to 11 by ingesting dragon blood. Blood junkies jonesing for a fix

>> No.10615419

...Was he writing about the Blood Dragons?

>> No.10615430

I got tricked into reading it and love it.
You probably don't have the imagination or mental capacity to appreciate engineering.
Quick Question, do you like technology?

>> No.10615432
File: 388 KB, 1208x817, Egyptian-Chariot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Egyptian themed SF or F out there?

Ancient Greece or Sword and Sandal in general is cool too. Assume I've already read David Drake's various "The Odyssey with Plasma Guns" adaptions of Greek history.

>> No.10615440

Dragon safari by Anthony Ryan. A new book dropped last year i think.

>> No.10615451

Red Pyramid by Rick Riordon

>> No.10615452

Your funeral.

>> No.10615454

>Summoned to a world in the midst of apocalypse, Daniel Black would have his hands full just staying alive. Add in refugees, desperate soldiers, scheming nobles and a pair of thoroughly wicked witches, and life is going to be very busy indeed. Good thing he has magic of his own to even the scales. But will even that be enough?
>Warning: This novel contains graphic violence, inventive sex, unconventional opinions and a protagonist who has no interest in being normal. Read at your own risk.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Not in a million fucking years!

>> No.10615455

>let me give you an incomplete opinion on something

>> No.10615456

The Anubis Gates. Creatures of Light and Darkness. The King Must Die.

>> No.10615457

David Gemmell's Troy trilogy. Though it's more historical fiction than fantasy. Still great.

>> No.10615463

How would you know if you never finished it?

>> No.10615465

I've read a lot of bad books and I know when I'm reading another one. I told you there were other signs.

>> No.10615471

>Warning: This novel contains graphic violence, inventive sex, unconventional opinions and a protagonist who has no interest in being normal. Read at your own risk.
I think this adds to the books meta with a trigger warning. I wonder if tumbshit still read and foamed at the mouth.

>> No.10615472

From what you told us, you got triggered by an evil dude mentioning liberals. Forgive me for not taking you at your word.

>> No.10615481
File: 57 KB, 750x400, you-are-already-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your funeral.

>> No.10615498

Why are you so angry? I just said it's your funeral. I won't stop you from reading it. I can't.

But you're going to read it and you're going to hate it. Funny, isn't it?

>> No.10615507

>Why are you so angry?
Is this the new internet strawman strategy now?
>You're stupid, here's why.
>lul, why so angry?

>> No.10615509

Gaze upon this pseud sffg. This waste of space is one of the cunts in this general who reads a few pages, drops a book, then proceeds to tell you how bad sad book is without even completing it.

>> No.10615518


>> No.10615524

Is there a book where something like this happens?
>Hero goes into the dark woods to seek a great wizard for help.
>Suddenly, giant spider!
>Prepare for battle!
>"Hey, I'm the wizard. What can I help you with?"

>> No.10615525

Waiting on your glowing review of Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan.

>> No.10615526

>this is my rebuttal

>> No.10615530


>> No.10615531

Its in goodreads.

>> No.10615532

>"You can't criticize my review of something if you haven't reviewed it! CHECKMATE!"
Do you understand how retarded you sound right now?

>> No.10615538

Anon, if you're not angry you're a very good actor.

>> No.10615545

You... you're right. I sound retarded. You are absolutely correct. I retract my previous statement. I was a fool for dropping that novel, and twice the fool for opining on the sample that I had read. Have you any forgiveness in your heart for such as I?

>> No.10615547

No. Shameful dishonorable display
Seppuku now

>> No.10615558

>Seppuku now
I'm pretty sure that's spelled "Sudoku"

>> No.10615559

I was asking you to prove me wrong. Maybe it didn't suck, maybe the retarded characterization all through the chapters before Stock Evil Aristocrat was a facade and the book suddenly got good, but that actually never happens. You don't have to eat the entire apple to know it's rotten.

>> No.10615565

It's an opinion, I can't prove you wrong. I'm simply disregarding your opinion because you admitted you didn't actually read the entire book. Which would make your opinion at the very least incomplete.

>> No.10615573

>I'm simply disregarding your opinion
You've been harping about my opinion for twenty minutes anon.

>> No.10615594

And you've been defending it for twenty minutes. So who's more retarded here? The guy who dismisses an incomplete opinion, or the guy who doesn't bother to finish a book and then gives an opinion on it anyway?

>> No.10615619

>anon is mad that no one is listening to him after he admitted he hasn't completed a book
You can't fake these autism spregs

>> No.10615634

I don't know if you're trying to insult or praise Dimmu/Sanderson. In my opinion Dimmu is pretty good and has a high level of production, taking some heavy aspects from black metal and applying some melodic/symphonic bits to it, creating a fun, heavy, and intense sound. Yeah, it's a bit cheesy, but so is 99% of fantastical extreme metal. In my experience the people who get buttblasted about Dimmu not being "tru3 kvlt" enough seem to hate the music for not being underproduced incomprehensible noise like darkthrone or something. What's next, is Emperor going to be considered pleb music for having a modicum of melody and interpretable vocals?

>> No.10615644

/sffg/, I can't decide. What should I go with

>a cringey but fleshed-out fantasy concept that re-uses themes and plot twists from my first story
>a story that looks original but in practice is a blatant homestuck ripoff

>> No.10615660

See: >>10615279

>> No.10615664

They're both gonna suck so it's not like matters.

>> No.10615681

This analogy disappoints me. How are they similar?

>> No.10615690

The latter. Most people don't know what Homestruck is and couldn't call you out on it.

>> No.10615696

>The guy who dismisses an incomplete opinion
Nobody did this. I want to be very clear: you want to somehow convict this anon in the court of public opinion here, then, what, boot him from /sffg/? Get anons to stop telling people what they think of books they didn't finish? Your sperging out is going to start a golden age?

This is 4chan. It is going to be 4chan.

>> No.10615723

>Nobody did this.
I did.

>you want to somehow convict this anon in the court of public opinion here, then, what, boot him from /sffg/?
Please give me advance warning before you annihilate my sides. No, literally none of this is correct, and I think you're crazy to think that it is.

>This is 4chan. It is going to be 4chan.
Yeah, so let people have their opinions. Oh, except mean people like me who have opinions about opinions. We just can't be allowed here.

>> No.10615731

You're right, it was having an opinion about opinions that was bad. My bad, I'm sorry. It wasn't 30+ posts about why you are such a good person for pointing out someone didn't finish a book.

>> No.10615755

Wow. I just finished Toll the Hounds and ho. lee. shit. Those last few chapters...

That was the only fantasy I've read that has ever made me legit tear up a bit. Am I a faggot?

>> No.10615771

This is gold. You're desperately searching for a stick to beat me with, you're seeing things that aren't there. I don't give a shit about any moral high ground, so... you're wrong. Again.

You should really develop a thicker skin. You should've just responded to my post saying I was going to disregard your opinion with something like
>Well, I didn't think the book was going to get any better, but you do you.
or something like that, rather than carry out this crusade.

Oh yeah, and that's another thing. Don't try to take the amount of posts/time someone's dedicated to a conversation and use it as an insult if you've been taking part in that very same conversation.

But seriously, you could've stopped earlier, and then you wouldn't have made yourself look like a complete ass to everyone in the thread. But at least you delivered on some sweet luls.

>> No.10615847

The one with catgirls. Pick that one.

>> No.10616188

anon did say they read McClellan's previous three books, which I also did after I kept seeing them appear in recommendation lists. After reading that much of the author's storytelling capabilities they were justified in offering an opinion without finishing the book

>> No.10616395

>soneone didn't like my favorite book

>> No.10616513

>who served as a writer on “Transformers: The Last Knight.”
Based on this it will be a steaming pile of shit, and a roaring success desu.

>> No.10616522
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Blue bird of happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best fantasy authors
>see for example Rothfuss

>> No.10616638

I got memed into reading Tamer. A book about dinosaurs and hot girls. One can wonder: how could an author possibly fuck it up? It's hot girls and dinosaurs! If you're curious about that, just read this fucking pile of shit.
>spend the first 30 pages describing each of the 20 hot girls on a pool party
After that the book finally starts. I don't know if any of the girls in the party made it past this chapter, but I wouldn't count on it more to I think it matters. After a battle, some survival, the guy finds some more girls.
>starts describing girls again
There's supposed to have a dialog around here, but apparently the MC is too retarded to talk and look at the same time. It gets really annoying. Around this part I start to feel like maybe those feminazis are justified in some of their concerns about males, after all, one wrote this crap! The last straw was the GUI, skills and attributes. Now it makes sense! It's a fucking litrpg! For such a quick read that I had (since I dropped probably before a fifth), this """book""" really had a lot of bad in it. It's a good lesson on what not to do, if you are planning on writing something, imo.

>> No.10616996

>ancient greece
Latro in the Mist. I'm currently reading it and honestly I think it's even better than BotNS.

>> No.10616998

>better than BotNS.
bollocks, why?

>> No.10617007
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, Vampire-The-Masquerade-Bloodlines-PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me some novels similar to the World of Darkness stuff? It doesn't even have to be supernatural, though I guess that's preferred. Just that kind of always-dark, gothic, seedy, urban setting.

>> No.10617040

different anon, also think new sun is better but can understand why some would prefer latro.

if you know your greeks then you'll get a lot out of it. you can tell gene wolfe "started with the greeks". also the way the story is told is remarkably poignant.

>> No.10617097

It's worth mentioning that I'm only about 1/4 finished with Latro. The writing in BotNS remain the most enjoyable I've read but I think I prefer the setting, story and main character in Latro. I'm also a huge fan of the ancient Greeks and historical fiction in general while the parallels to Christianity in BotNS do not interest me much.

>> No.10617113

Throne of Bones has some Roman culture in it. I didn't like it very much, it was a bit dull, but I've seen other anons recommend it here. A nice side benefit is that Vox Day, the author, is a notorious anti-sjw, although it does not show at all in the books. Take a look at the goodreads page of his book and you'll see all the butthurt from people who didn't even read it.

About the book itself, it's pretty long and has many POVs. I didn't like any of them, that's why I dropped it. There didn't seem to be much plot to it either (or I didn't get to it), aside from some wars and witchcraft.

>> No.10617121
File: 56 KB, 506x374, Martin tell me more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one acquire a Science Fiction girlfriend?
Today I was at a SF bookshop/comicbook shop/pop culture merch shop and force once there were nice looking qts there
Not the typical hambeasts
How can they be engaged in conversation when they are strangers in a public place?

>> No.10617246

Daniel Black is the most fun series I've read in the past year or so. I just don't post about it because there's not much to discuss.

>> No.10617296

>How can they be engaged in conversation when they are strangers in a public place?
they can't, you weirdo
just sign up for book clubs or situations where they're looking to talk to people
alternatively, if you see them chatting to any guys, maybe go talk to the lads instead as it's a lot easier to open up conversation with a bloke as a bloke (I find). paint yourself as someone who needs friends and maybe you'll be invited into their friend group.

>> No.10617398
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stop making fun of rothfuss NOW

>> No.10617415
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>cruel angel's thesis on the stormlight 3 soundtrack

>> No.10617425

No he didn't. He said he read book one.

>> No.10617435

Is that the one with the an hero that was abused and died for his friend's sins? beak / bleak? His mother raping him was hot though i did get feels from that.

>> No.10617445

Hey Becky lemme smash.

>> No.10617607
File: 47 KB, 500x430, please no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Latro series unfinished
>Wolfe turning 87 this year

>> No.10617650

Oh, don't worry. I'm sure Branderson will finish it if he dies.

>> No.10617690

Thanks for the blog anon. I'm shitposting the hell of it. Whomever recommended this series thank you. Engineering is fun. It's kinda like a more mature Sanderson. I think the reason I like Sanderson is because of his "using x to do y" approach of magic. And Daniel Black does the same, only turned up to eleven.

>> No.10617805

How do I avoid feeling like im writing an anime when all but one of my characters are nonhuman (not standard fantasy races, but shit like nagas) by necessity?

>tfw one is literally

>> No.10617828

Has the sequel for Throne of Bones come out yet? Last I seen he's released half of it.

>> No.10617833

Don't make them humans with a quirk.

>> No.10617868

Of trilogy two.
>The whole trilogy is pretty rough, but he seems to have his notes together by the end. Too bad the second trilogy crapped the bed.

>> No.10617979

So, like what? Weird psychology? Weird biology?

>> No.10617989

Don't even fucking joke about that.

>> No.10618192

Don't make a situation where all but one of your characters are nonhuman by necessity. It's your world, if you have a problem with something, change it.

But if you want us to help you, tell us why you have to do this "by necessity."

>> No.10618193

Hello /lit/,
I am currently looking for a fantasy book with a primitive magic setting.
I would like the book not to focus on politics or war but instead to focus on this magic and its development or battles involving any kind of primal magic.

Do you think there is anything like that ?

>> No.10618212

Writers' notes. Seriously, this sounds like the kind of thing writers would have as background information for their setting, not as something they actually dedicate a story to.

>> No.10618277

This actually sounds interesting, but the only problem I can think of is how slowly technology in our world developed.

>> No.10618300

>Jeff hays pulled out to make his own recording studio label
Couldn't he wait till book 2 was done? This is bad business practice. If you made an agreement, stick to it. Does he think people will be willing to work with him after they find out he is an oathbreaking cunt?

>> No.10618306

doesnt matter apparently hes already had work lined up for him and people are fighting over him to narrate their books.
hes like the nolan north of audiobooks.

>> No.10618363

That everybody likes chests was funny, I have to admit.

>> No.10618442

Thought this over and you’re right, I don’t need a cast of monsters. What I do need though is a “changeling explanation” for why only kids tend to wind up in a fantasy world

>> No.10618559

War causes great innovations

>> No.10618618

Do you think war in Syria caused great innovations?

>> No.10618647
File: 190 KB, 465x569, img-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but don't feel like polluting the front page with a useless question and people here are more likely to have read it.

What version/translation of Nibelungenlied do you guys recommend?

>> No.10618650

It caused the American public to hate the warmongering Democraps and Neocons even more so I'd say that was pretty innovative.

>> No.10618652

>reads blog
>Two months to write two chapters
What a cuck. Can't even write

>> No.10618723

All of that plus weird culture.

>> No.10618751

This meme needs to die. Not only is it annoying to hear on the internet, but villains with
are just pathetic. It's one step up from just plains evuls, which somehow makes it worse.

>> No.10618769

probably, Russian intelligent weapons are looking nasty

>> No.10618785

You folks ought to read Tolkien. He's good at his craft. Tom Bombadil is the best wizard.

>> No.10618869

relatively yeah, but not quick enough for one character's journey, unless it's over a very long lifetime
Unless your magic system seems to unoccult itself as it's discovered, causing some exponential rate of discovery. Like, what if discovering gravity immediately (like, within minutes) proved the sun was the centre of the solystem, etc etc

>> No.10618872

Tolkien's wizards are just angels, and Bombadil is a friendly Cthulhu.

>> No.10618877
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>> No.10618892

And yet Reinhard never beat Yang.

>> No.10618904

I hate that you're right?

>> No.10618916

The only Russian I know is "da," "nyet," and "cyka."

>> No.10618933
File: 695 KB, 620x350, dota_2_bloodseeker-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blyat cyka

>> No.10618969

"rush b"

>> No.10619009

Pre-Tolkien fantasy is the best fantasy. Prove me wrong, nerds.

Pro-tip: You can't.

>> No.10619025
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Nope. Had to look this one up actually.

>> No.10619122

While I'm solidly in the war/innovation camp, I agree that it's insufficient as a motivation. Nobody IRL starts wars to drive innovation. They start wars because they like their country and they want it to have more stuff, or because they like the world being peaceful and they want to stop someone else before they start, and they start wars because they've got rivalries with other politicians and there's no other way to one-up them, they start wars because of deep-seated issues from their childhoods, they start wars because of honor and feuds and all kinds of reasons that aren't ivory-tower intellectual stroking, because wars are very dangerous and actually pretty bad for business.

>> No.10619235

which sffg books have the best titles?
>>10617607 "Latro in the Mist" is one of the best book titles ive ever seen.

>> No.10619264

name your top 5 pre-Tolkiens, here's mine:
Broken Sword (beat Fellowship by a few months, still counts)
Night Land
Day Boy and Night Girl

>> No.10619350

Demon Meat for Dinner

>> No.10619687
File: 135 KB, 496x700, DESTROYER OR WORLDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read all Three Body trilogy last december. Find Death's End melancholic and a bit unsatisfactory.

Last weekend take a trip on Ayahuasca and in the deepest part of it I can't stop thinking on the end of the Universe, that feeling of melancholy amplified x1000 and a lot of things I can't describe. A voice told me "Ah that fucker, death's end is universe's end".

So... Death's End remains unsatisfactory but the idea is now cosmically engraved in my brain

>> No.10619775

What's Red sister like? Haven't seen many opinions on it here besides "better than his previous stuff", but that isn't saying a lot.

>> No.10619809
File: 118 KB, 632x1000, wandering-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three Body peaks your interest and gets you smiling wryly.
Dark Forest shits in your ear then slaps you with it's dick while you laugh maniacilly
Death's End has you close the book a few times and stare solemnly out the window wishing it was raining to make the moment more atmospheric

you read The Wandering Earth?

>> No.10619822

it's worse than his later stuff

>> No.10619823

Just finished McNaughton's "Throne of Bones" short story collection. Anything else that blends Robert E. Howard and Lovecraft so effectively? I'm finding it hard to leave the world he created.

>> No.10619827

lol, the Prince of Thorns guy? All I remember is /sffg/ trashing him a while ago.

>> No.10619876

>wars are very dangerous and actually pretty bad for business
Nah. You just need to start them on some other continent. Like US does since WWII

>> No.10619892
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>> No.10619897
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>> No.10619926


Did he get assraped before or after his GF locked him in a chastity cage and made him watch her ride a literal cock carousel

>> No.10619933

Go away, no time travelers allowed.

>> No.10619963

Give me an epub or mobi. I found it on hulkload, but it keeps saying "wrong captcha" even though there isn't even a fucking captcha in the first place.


>> No.10619964


If you didn't know by the end of the first sentence of the first page that Prince of Thorns was literally the worst literary abortion in the history of written language then you might be legally retarded. I only kept reading the following five pages to laugh at them until the reality that this drooling manape was actually published sank in and then it became too depressing to be funny.

So tl;dr: no, you don't always have to read the book start to finish, or every book in a series, or the explanatory essays at the author's blog, to determine if something is textual fæces

>> No.10619986 [DELETED] 

You're in for a real treat. Too bad dude only wrote one book.

>> No.10619995

I dunno. Read a review for it up on blackgate.com and it sounds sorta grimderpish. But then again the reviewer could be a pussy.

>> No.10619999
File: 1.38 MB, 579x807, Dayside Taldain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crysania is a frustrating character.
>my faith!
>my dripping twat for Raistlin!

>> No.10620001


Link I gave didn't work, deleted and reposting to search results for you.
You're in for a real treat. It's too bad dude only wrote the one book.
Reviewer is probably a pussy. It is pretty dark, but it's legit some of the best horror/fantasy I've ever read.

>> No.10620037

If you guys can't get it from here I'll even go through the trouble of ripping it from my kindle and throwing it onto a DDL site for y'all.

>> No.10620047

I got it the first time you posted it, bruh. Thanks. Don't know why that fucking hulkload link doesn't work. Asking for a goddamn captcha when there isn't one.

>> No.10620060


Enjoy. I'll lurk around to see what you think of it.

>> No.10620080

>don't always
>Translation: "The exception proves the rule!"

>> No.10620087

That's the worst fantasy map I've ever seen. At least put some effort in.

>> No.10620132
File: 262 KB, 900x637, 81EE015E-1D29-4975-B0FB-F949AAE84B8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your favourite

>space opera novels/series

>post apocalyptic novels

>> No.10620169

Before. When he entered the city for the first time. If Kvothe is a set piece that represents Rothfuss, does that mean he was assraped as a young boy?

>> No.10620191

I know I can tell you it isn't an anime.

>> No.10620355

Kvothe is too weird to represent anyone. He gets brutally raped in a city, then when he goes back, he gets all misty-eyed about when he was a kid (even though he still is a kid, but this is also a guy not even twenty talking about a misspent youth). When Rothfuss wants to be write ASOIAF, everything gets dark and grim. When he wants to write Harry Potter, everything gets not that.

>> No.10620371
File: 255 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170712-074923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, I was looking for this.

>> No.10620728
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What is the Code Geass of literature?

>> No.10620729
File: 279 KB, 864x864, T_and_O_map_Guntherus_Ziner_1472[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way that would be forgivable is if that's just what the land's inhabitants thought it looked like/a crude in-story representation.

>> No.10620873

Just finished it. Didn't know it was a short story.
Some of the themes that appear on Dark Forest / Death's End especially that dread of the unknown.
It's raining lightly outside.

>> No.10621279
File: 924 KB, 500x281, 1474085364674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this gif anon.

>> No.10621296
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Or this.

>> No.10621333

I'm having trouble explaining why humans inevitably end up in my parallel fantasy world, and why they choose to stay there when it's normally easy for them to go back to the real world (it can't be something that prevents them from living in the real world like no longer being able to eat the food).

>> No.10621395 [SPOILER] 
File: 797 KB, 1000x562, 1517465086664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why they choose to stay there when it's normally easy for them to go back to the real world
Some might go back, but a lot of people would stay in a new place if they made a deep enough connection. Maybe the parallel world allows someone to walk again, fixes partial blindness, maybe their asthma doesn't affect them there, mental illness that was conceived by a blow on the head in the real world doesn't affect there.
There are myriad of reasons.

>> No.10621419


>> No.10621480

Wowzers! The Kingkiller Chronicle is a great fantasy series by Patrick Rothfuss. Why haven't you read it yet? It deserves to be in your "selected fantasy" image.

>> No.10621484

>a lot of people would stay in a new place if they that makes sense. They could all have shitty lives that they don't want to go back to and friends they've grown attached to

>Maybe the parallel world allows someone to walk again, fixes partial blindness, maybe their asthma doesn't affect them there, mental illness that was conceived by a blow on the head in the real world doesn't affect there.
Not that, but I figure they would slowly develop magic there. The issue is that they're given those powers to accomplish dangerous tasks that they need some motivation to pursue

>> No.10621559
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>> No.10621663

>tfw doing a six month creative writing course

Do you nig-nogs even aspiring author?

>> No.10621667


>> No.10621788

I took 4 creative writing courses as electives while in college. 2 non fiction, 1 poetry, 1 fiction. I would have done all fiction, but there were only 2 available and were super competitive to get into. I only managed it in my senior year due to seniors having highest registration priority.

Anyway, I can tell you that half your coursemates will have no writing ability whatsoever, but you will be forced to pretend that they do. There's going to be at least one weird person, can be guy or girl, that writes about bizarre shit that tanks the mood of the classroom. You will dread whenever this person shares their work. If you're lucky there will be at least one person with real talent, and you will genuinely enjoy reading their work. Then you will become depressed because it makes you realize how mediocre you are.

I poured over my coursemate's stories and gave detailed feedback in the margins. I was lucky if I got back 3 copies of my stories with more than a couple notes scrawled on them.

Overall it was a waste of time.

>> No.10621936

fuckno. come on gene wolfe, notlittle severian. why? ;_;

>> No.10622023

Yeah I don't have high hopes but it's better than sitting around watching japitoons all day.

>> No.10622039

Thanks a LOT, anon.

>> No.10622093
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It wasn't there the last time I checked nor was it available from my multiple overdrive cards so clearly the upload gods have blessed you anon.

Is there anything else you're after?

>> No.10622122

The Killing Star by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski if I were lucky and worthy enough to be twice blessed.

>> No.10622145

>The Killing Star
The unfortunate fact about this one is that it is not available in ebook form (according to worldcat) and no scan appears to exist. (As opposed to the baxter anth where someone most likely bought the ebook copy and ripped it).

An audiobook copy does exist http://audiobookbay.nl/audio-books/the-killing-star-charles-pellegrino-george-zebrowski/ (let me know if the AB copy is not well seeded) so I suggest you listen to that one (because the chance of people scanning an unknown book that old page by page (which takes hours if you don't destroy the book) is very slim).

I think a tripfag commented on this book a while back and we came to the conclusion that it's unfindable and no scan exists.

>> No.10622431

Give me a book about a derelict space ship/station.

One setting that tickles my fantasy the most

>> No.10622484

I have a friend who unironically loves Rothfuss's work. He considers the wait for the third book worth it because of how incredibly good he thinks it's going to be. As for me, I couldn't get through the free Amazon sample before facepalming.

>> No.10622667

I suppose Hull Zero Three counts.

>> No.10622670

I dropped a creative writing course once.

>> No.10622683

Just finished A Roadside Picnic, any suggestions for what I should read next?

>> No.10622689

Solaris, that sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.10622693

I took a creative writing course last summer. It was really basic, not sure I'd recommend it. I was really disappointed that it was all "literary fiction," which basically means everything's written like it's a biography. Definitely nothing that would show up in /sffg/.

>> No.10622697

Dropped my creative writing course when they deemed my Kafkaesque story too edgy.

>> No.10622700

Do they even metamorphosis?

>> No.10622702


>> No.10622729

What sort of things did you guys cover?

>> No.10622761

In my course (>>10622693) we covered different types of writing, going over not just the difference between literary fiction and genre fiction (the dirty, dirty /sffg/ stuff), but also other stuff like biographies. According to the syllabus we also covered poetry, but that was a complete joke. The most we got into poetry was one assignment were we had to use line breaks. No meter, no rhymes, no actual structure, just line breaks.

(Is this how you write
a poem? God this is
embarrassing. I have no idea
what I'm doing.)

Again, my biggest problem was that it was 100% literary fiction, which I just think is boring. Though in the professor's defense, she did go over the stereotypes of literary and genre fiction and told us that they didn't always apply (ie, that literary fiction could be troperific, and genre fiction could be character studies).

We had to read various short stories then write about what we thought of them. Most of them weren't really that notable. One I remember distinctly was The End of Aaron (you can look it up and read if for free), which I hated because I didn't give a fuck about any of the characters and I saw the ending coming a mile away.

>> No.10622772

Danke anon, I'm definitely going to read that story.


>> No.10622779

Oh yeah, and we had to give other students feedback for some of the stuff we wrote. It was all online, so I never saw anyone face to face. Nothing really stood out there either, and I'm sure the other students thought the same of my work. I remember there was one guy who was just... not good. Like, at all, and it was really hard to give him a review with a straight face (despite being over the internet). Oh yeah, and there was one assignment where we had to talk about traumatic moments in our lives. That was almost morbidly comical.

>> No.10622784

If you want I can see if I can dig through the site for more of the stuff we read.

>> No.10622799

Hard to Be a God and The Doomed City by the same authors, if you liked it.

>> No.10622801

Another thing I remembered (I have a very poor memory) was that we read On Writing by Stephen King. I've never read any of Stephen King's work nor do I plan to, but it was pretty interesting. I'd definitely recommend that.

>> No.10622866

desu Name of the Wind is horribly overrated. It's like a fucking harem anime but in fantasy novel form

>> No.10622888

You will learn more about good writing by taking notes on your animes than by taking creative writing circlejerks.

>> No.10622897

lol, no. Knowing what not to do isn't the same as knowing what to do.

You can mock DBZ and Naruto forever, but you won't know gow to write a good story.

>> No.10622904
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>he isn't watching yorimoi

>> No.10623007

Nightingale - Alastair Reynolds

>> No.10623119
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I've not really read any fantasy beyond LotR, but I've heard Bakker's work deals with some weirdly philosophical themes and ideas to ol' Petey Watts.

I feel like I should expand my horizons a bit, so for a newbie fantasy boi is Bakker recommended? Or are they some tropes/themes I should pickup from other, simpler texts first?

Also, as an aside, how 'realistic' is Bakker's work? I don't think I could stomach anything more overtly fantasy than Tolkein's material, no WoW-esc magical fireballs etc.

>> No.10623130

weirdly similar too philosophical themes, rather

>> No.10623283

I'm new to sf&f and thought I'd start by reading hugo nominees. Is this a good approach?
From the recent list I think I've only read Susanna Clarke and GRRM, I liked both well enough, tho I prefer Clarke.

>> No.10623337

You should be a bit more specific. Expand your horizons in what way? Do you want fantasy or science fiction? Anything as long as it's a bit philosophical? If you want philosophy I would recommend Palmer's Too Meme The Lightning over Bakker, considering you're a self-described "newbie fantasy boi".

>thought I'd start by reading hugo nominees. Is this a good approach?
It's not the best approach but it's not the end of the world either.

>> No.10623418

>so for a newbie fantasy boi is Bakker recommended?
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy gay rape in your fantasy?

>> No.10623425

I knew people sometimes go nuts with Wikias, but come on.

>> No.10623457
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can someone dust off the GRI seal of approval, please

we need it again

>> No.10623460

It depends. From any era you'll get a mixture of solid stories from genre greats, underground hits from relatively unknown writers, and "what is this garbage?" from authors hip to the hugo scene. It can be a nice way to sample the trends from whatever year, but it isn't any guarantee of good reading.

>> No.10623479

>"what is this garbage?" from authors hip to the hugo scene.
Not that guy, but I'm curious about this part. What would you say are some of the worst Hugo nominees?

>> No.10623533

I don't really keep track of whether something I've read has been nominated and rarely read stuff when it's new. This is just the impression I've gotten from perusing the lists a few times and seeing how the awards process works. Maybe another anon will chime in here.

>> No.10623634

new thread

it's a little early but I wanted to get to 'shop in

>> No.10623991

What's GRI?

>> No.10624024

Too early you cunt

>> No.10624060

it's okay. Just stop at the first book

>> No.10624103

I hope that Children of Earth and Sky shill pays off. Or I will an hero you to my dark God.

>> No.10624123

Her wild ride is a shit meme

>> No.10624160

Palmer is shit

>> No.10625032
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>Every Hugo nom
That's an awful lot of reading, and while it's generally above average...eh. It also covers a lot of time. The old winners are usually pretty solid, but a lot of the old noms are the equivalent of
>"what is this garbage?" from authors hip to the hugo scene.

except from about the 1970s or whatever. I'd stick with the winners if you're dead set on this, or use this chart (skip the pulp era if you don't want to read really old books).

>> No.10625725

>he doesn't know anime is the last bastion of literary art
I've read hundreds of thousands of genre fiction books, and my top ten stories are all anime and manga. As with books, you've just gotta build an intuitive sense of what's worth watching.

>> No.10625761

It's about wizards and vulcans fighting aliens and demons, and half the word count is graphic descriptions of gay rape and incest. How you react to that summary should give you a good idea of whether or not you'll like it.

>> No.10625875

I'm sorry, but you're probably a moran.