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/lit/ - Literature

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10587148 No.10587148 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this man?

>> No.10587156

Really seems to have a bee in his bonnet about 'postmodernists'.

>> No.10587168

Highly intelligent, very educated, extremely knowledgeable, incredibly good speaker. Doing gods work in the fight against marxism. Only people who dislike him are IYI university students who cant handle the fact that their entire belief system is a lie and they're the useful idiots in a conspiratorial subversive programe in the west.

>> No.10587173

He's not the messiah some people claim he is, but I think he is a wise man with interesting thoughts.

>> No.10587178
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Hail Trump
Hail Our People
Hail Victory

>> No.10587187

I think you mean "claw on his ear".

>> No.10587192

This and his "Marxist identifying AI" have got me raising an eyebrow.

I don't like Marxism either but you can't start witch hunting people based of ideology otherwise you get some real fucked up scenarios presenting themselves.

>> No.10587194
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Intellectual fraud funded by Big Kino to revitalize failing crustacean consumption in kinoplexes

>> No.10587198

As far as I know he stopped that because in the end it would do more bad than good and add to the polarization he is against.

>> No.10587204

is this really what he talks about? Why not Jew-hunting AI?

>> No.10587207

Voice of our generation

>> No.10587220


>> No.10587225

I mean in principle it's not that hard, just grab thousands of publicly available marxist texts, identify patterns, style, buzzwords, words that are avoided, and see if the writings of your target matches that profile.

>> No.10587226

I've watched a fuck-ton of his videos, probably 100+ hours in total and I've never heard of any Marxist-identifying A.I. Watch his stuff and interviews with him to make up your own mind.

>> No.10587227

(not that anon)

I haven't seen enough of him to judge how committed he really is to pluralism, free thought, and critical thinking (I get the impression he would claim that, though). But giving him the benefit of the doubt, he won't ultimately succeed in having much impact because of people like
Ie no matter how reasonable what he says is, he's associated with some particularly stupid stuff and he won't really shake that off.

>> No.10587236


>> No.10587237

The voice of our generation is more like "REEEEE IM OPPRESSED" and this guy came about a couple of years ago and has been adopting young men as their sons since.

>> No.10587239

Gee Bill I don't know we better have dozens of threads about him every day even though he has nothing to do with literature so I can figure out what I think

>> No.10587245


I think the person making that comment, referred to the website Peterson where marxist colleges and universities would be categorized so you could decide not to go to them.

But like I said, He stopped that idea because he was convinced that would add to the polarization.

>> No.10587252

You severely overrate dumps like this place by saying that. He's already had significant impact in Canada and he's just getting more and more of a household name by the week.

>> No.10587254

IT was a more recent thing that he only mentioned on his twitter as far as I can tell, he asked if people would want something like that to identify Marxist profs in their universities. I think he did a poll and it ended up siding with no, so he dropped it.

He collabed with one of his colleagues on it and apparently they have the program but just aren't releasing it.

>> No.10587264

He claims to have received quite a lot of feedback from far right and alt right people that realized they where also contributing to the problem and pulled them to center.

He believes that if you speak the truth you'll end up at the right place. He'll let the chips fall where they may.

>> No.10587268
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Are you kidding me, Jordan?

>> No.10587274

Cats are nice.

>> No.10587280

have you tried it?

>> No.10587282

yeah wtf you should kick the shit out of every stray cat to assert your superiority in the dominance hierarchy

>> No.10587290

It's not just here though. Stupidity is on the march all over the place. You'll see plenty all over Facebook, for example.

I could easily be wrong, of course. But I do feel that the cultural moment that's made him notable is not actually one that's interested in real critical thought. It's much more about screaming at the opposite side online, and he seems to have very much been adopted by one side.

>> No.10587291

don't feel like being bitten by a stray trash-eating disease-ridden cat

>> No.10587335

well maybe that will save you from the chaos in your life anon who knows?

>> No.10587357

I don't know about that, I used to be your average redditor: leftist with a high education, miserable about my life, miserable with the few women I'd had, atheist, thought I knew more than everyone else I met and I hated everyone including myself, smoking weed almost out of spite. Jordan has literally pulled me out of that depressed bullshit hole I existed in and without him I don't think I would have been any different at all today. Of course I'm just a guy on the Internet, but if you're willing to take my word for it, that's the truth. I live in Sweden and I'm considering going to Vancouver just to see his discussion with Sam Harris this summer.

>> No.10587361

But why is that a rule? Or even relevant enough to mention?

>> No.10587362

but in all seriousness i suffer from the same thought process. perhaps there is something to the idea that petting a stray cat can change you. I've been thinking lately about how i treat everyone around me as if they could be wasting my time and that has hurt my relationships and put my friends into the stressful mindset that they're not worthy of my time or maybe anyone else's time. Perhaps petting a stray cat is like giving your friends and the rest of the world a chance, showing you that every moment of your life deserves attention and you can find beauty in it.

>> No.10587365
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>I've watched a fuck-ton of his videos, probably 100+ hours in total

>> No.10587373

I don't see what's so bad about that? There's people who will play 1,000 hours of CS:GO in one year, why can't a nigga watch Jordan B. Peterson for 100 hours in two?

>> No.10587381
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>> No.10587389

Because the person who play 1000 hours does so for entertainment and not religious devotion to an old greedy fuck who tells him to clean his room for 50 bucks

>> No.10587424

I haven't paid Jordan a dime out of my own wallet, it's all entirely free to anyone to watch and listen to. In addition to providing so much free information, even before he was made famous by his enemies, he's risked losing his job and stood in the line of fire of the authoritarian left for standing up for what he knows is right. You're acting like he's making a quick buck when nothing could be further from the truth. If you had actually taken the time to listen to what he has to say, you might have learned something instead of pretending to know in front of everyone to see, making a fool out of yourself.

>> No.10587425

you think his listeners aren't enjoying themselves listening? do you think people who go to church see any value in going to church? do you see both as brainwashing?

>> No.10587441

Peterson is not a subscription service, anon. His lectures are on YouTube and Maps of Meaning is a free download. His biblical series is >30 hours on its own.

>> No.10587464

It's literally impossible to browse /lit/ and never have stumbled over these people with a religious devotion to him.

>> No.10587471

Really? All I ever see on /lit/ is religious devotion to hating him, which is why posting his picture with an innocuous question is all you have to do to create a 300-post uproar.

>> No.10587472

please explain how a religious devotion to this dude is harmful

>> No.10587477


>> No.10587487

Read his hagiography of him today: https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/01/the-curious-star-appeal-of-jordan-peterson/

It's a bit embarrassing how gushing it is, but there are some nice turns of phrase.
>He demonstrated...that an emotional person need not be a wreck and that a man with a heart can also have a spine.

I don't really get the Peterson cult, though. I don't find him a very interesting speaker and I don't think his ideas are especially groundbreaking.

>> No.10587490

I don't hate him. I hate having to see 20 threads a day of some desperate neet talking about le roomcleaner father figure man talking about stuff on youtube, on a literature board written in the most smug and deluded manner.

>> No.10587492

no please explain lol, does it leave his viewers worse off than if they hadn't found him? imagine 2 trajectories: one where anon plays CS:GO for 10 hours a week, another where anon listens to Peterson for 3-6 hours a week. What do you think the different outcomes are?

>> No.10587508

The second one will spend 50 dollars on his personality test and use words like "the unsorted out" to stroke his ego which ironically will keep him from actually fixing his life.

I'm not saying listening to him is bad. I'm saying if you're devoted enough to attempt to convert a literature board to his cult and unable to see errors in him it's bad.

>> No.10587510

takes advantage of the slew of internet obsessed manchildren shat out of the tail end of the 20th century

lol jung

bigger meme than zizek

>> No.10587532

Not very good at speaking or presenting.
Not very good at writing (terrible).
That channel 4(?) interview just made me cringe the whole time.
That said, he completely stole Ben Stiller's market, dunno what to think about that.

>> No.10587554

i'm with you on the thread count per day, he is talked about way too much on this board and it seems the content of his lectures is becoming extremely repetitive. the meme will die out, just be patient for now i guess

>> No.10587559

>10 hours a week
>~1.5 hours per day
Oh no, the humanity, what would happen if we indulged in simple pleasure for an hour or so per day.
>listens to Peterson for 3-6 hours a week
They'd turn into a neo puritan who goes through a pseudo-improvement phase and the outcome is just the same person with no self reflection besides believing it happened. And they'd somehow read the bible as a sort of counter-culture thing.

That part weirds me out, how come being religious is considered counter-cultural when religion in its different forms is still dominant in all the world.

>> No.10587576

Outside his psychological deconstruction of Genesis/mythology at large in Maps of Meaning, most of what he's saying isn't groundbreaking. Rather what the strange thing is is that it's a sign of the times that him speaking basic truths is perceived as stirring the pot with the intent to cause outrage and be a provocateur; that he would be slandered for saying personal liberty at the expense of inevitably offending some people is what we should strive for, not the opposite, and creates an unnecessarily egregious commotion about him because self-entitled brats feel otherwise (and this further creates a media shitstorm) is a signal of how polarized the two camps in society have become toward one another. His message is that we ought to figure this problem out (and curiously we can only do that by TALKING and risking offending someone, thus another reason not to go around policing each other's speech), and how might we do that?, because this polarization is getting ready to boil over, and the longer it remains unreconciled then the worse the eruption of these internal tensions into external expression is going to be. Therefore: stop blaming other people, take responsibility for yourself, "clean your room" (which is both figurative and literal as much as it's only treated literally), etc. No, his message is not groundbreaking. What's startling is the fact that what he's saying even needs to be said, but then people gravitate towards him because he's the only one saying it, the only one speaking out against this psychological conflict that's brimming on the horizon.

>> No.10587598

Peterson is not going to do much for whites who already understand the jewish question. That's not his audience. His audience is white people who are skeptical of jewish ideologies that have been academically enshrined but who aren't yet able to wrap their heads around the jewish involvement in those things. Peterson is entry-level for whites, but overall a positive step in the right direction.

>> No.10587606

I think religion very counter-cultural in college and in a lot of workplaces (i'm a programmer and everybody is a fedora). The vast majority of city-dwellers think religion is a huge joke (a la The God Delusion). Can you really be sure that the Peterson follower won't go through a true improvement phase? I think some people will actually improve themselves and try to set themselves to a life purpose, but hey maybe they would have done that anyway while they were growing older.

>> No.10587607

Then go read MoM so you can discuss it.

>> No.10587618

The discussions are not about his book and you know that.

>> No.10587635

its a metaphor,stop by and take in the smaller,more silly pleasures of life,once in a while

>> No.10587637

Because nobody has read it. Otherwise you can vote with your post and encourage others to do likewise, because all you're doing is bolstering the appeal of this type of low-hanging fruit thread to continue perpetuating for people who want to create a 300-post thread and get a dopamine hit with no effort. It's just the hot meme right now, but memes are only hot as long as they attract attention. After that they're just quaint references.

>> No.10587648

I agree with you.

>> No.10587653

Consider caffeine, I hear it boosts mental ability.

>> No.10587662


>> No.10587670

Just answer the question faggot

>> No.10587672
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>> No.10587696

Interesting guy. Says some pretty obvious things that sad weird young men should have learned/observed from their fathers.

>> No.10587722

>be Jordan Memerson
>want to make a lot of $$$ and gain notoriety quickly
>perform the brave, heroic act of refusing to use someone's gender pronouns
>get worshiped as a hero by autists on the internet for whining about a letter he received from the school's faculty
>never receive any actual death threats, never have his life threatened, never actually get censored, never get imprisoned, never even get fired from his job
>simply whining about gender pronouns and being a professor of psychology is enough to be labelled a martyr for free speech by gullible anti-SJWs on the internet who desperately want an authority figure to affirm their whining
>whine about postmodernism and the cultural marxist boogeyman, even though postmodernism is a massive, broad subject never cite any actual literature or works or books by postmodernist authors or the Frankfurts, just say "they're all dumb guys trust me" like a true academic while occasionally namedropping Foucault or Derrida without actually addressing any of their arguments
>give the anti-SJWs you conned an imaginary enemy to blame all their problems on, while posing yourself as a hero when you've done jack shit and ironically whine about virtue signalling in academia while proposing no actual solutions to the postmodernist boogeyman
>fearmonger about a Canadian bill that you didn't even bother reading that was just a slight modification of a previous human rights bill that has already been in effect for decades, only it added "gender identity" to the list of criteria that you can't discriminate someone for and doesn't even affect universities because it only has federal jurisdiction
>virtue signal about how you would go on a hunger strike if you were arrested because of this bill, even though to this day no one has been arrested because of it and there isn't a single shred of evidence in the legislation or court records suggesting that would happen
>claim that a disgruntled twitter employee deleting trump's account is treason, then delete your tweet when everyone calls you out
>make 65k US dollars a month on Patreon from gullible morons who think you're brilliant for making glorified vlogs that spout Jungian purple prose, whine about children's movies being feminist propaganda and make vague, whiny criticisms of postmodernism that isn't backed by any actual evidence
Ah yes we have a true """intellectual""" on our hands.

>> No.10587736

Why don't you do it, autist?

>> No.10587743


he just wants to help and does good with people that had no guidance in life and fucked up

I see nothing wrong with this, he's a humble guy trying to better the world by dumbing down things

how can you hate this, I don't understand

>> No.10587753

And charge you 50 bucks for it. And ask desperate (in the literal sense), neets to give him free money on Patreon.

>> No.10587759

>how can you hate this, I don't understand
yeah it's really hard to hate that strawman you constructed

>> No.10587763

>look mom I posted it again!

>> No.10587783

he has over 500 hours of free material + his books available online, you literal retard

>> No.10587791


I listened to few of his talks on youtube, got great insight into things that my dad/mom should teach me years ago and realized how to have a better outlook and be more positive, also got interested in books

I've became a better man since then, fuck me right for listening to this strawman while nobody taught me shit in life and how to have a better outlook on it?

I get what you two mean, but he is a honest man trying to better the world and I'm sure a lot of millenials (including me in my early 20s) have problems that Peterson explains and finds solutions to quite simply and short

I think /lit/ doesn't realize how fucked up the youth is and the lack of parenthood most of us recieved and only now realized

>> No.10587796

All of that is true though.

>> No.10587802

So you agree that him charging 50 bucks for a personality test targeted at depressed and desperate neets is greedy?

>> No.10587811

>I think /lit/ doesn't realize how fucked up the youth is and the lack of parenthood most of us recieved and only now realized
I think that is all well and right yet not the reason some guy posts 20 threads a day mocking people who are annoyed as "unsorted out".
If you think he actually can help people don't participate in turning him into this cringey meme.

>> No.10587817

I don't even know about 50$ personality test that he has, but I'm sure it's benefitial to those who feel they need it and have learned things from Peterson.

50$ is a dinner with your gf or a night outside with your friends, I'm pretty sure if you think you need this test it will do more good than both of those things combined

>> No.10587824

I just stumbled upon this thread and told what I got from him, didn't even read the thread.

I know he has become sort of a meme, but that's really nothing you can do about after you become popular

>> No.10587827

I had to check -- it's $9.95.

>> No.10587834

>fuck me right
yes, fuck you for constructing a strawman and creating a fantasy that people disagree with him "trying to make people better"
if that's what he taught you to do then he didn't make you better, he made you a weaselly shit

>> No.10587842

the third memearrow already contains a false claim

>> No.10587850


nah, he didn't taught me to think that he is a saint

he just threw out few ideas and possible solutions to my problems that clicked and resonated with me the second he put them into words

If you gave me the same words on paper by Hitler I'd agree, but it just happens to be Peterson

>> No.10587851

>some guy posts 20 threads a day mocking people who are annoyed as "unsorted out".
most peterson threads are started by detractors looking for easy (you)s

>> No.10587856

>how come being religious is considered counter-cultural when religion in its different forms is still dominant in all the world
>in all the world
There's your problem.
It's not counter cultural to be religious in Saudi Arabia. But it's the opposite in places like Australia, Canada and Germany. Because religion gets shat on by the main culture. I can't speak for Americans, because to me it seems like they have it a little better than us religious folk in other first world countries.
Here in Australia, the number of atheists are constantly rising, and even of those who put some Christian denomination on the census, very few actually attend church or are strictly religious in any sense.

>> No.10587911

I cleaned up my room and tried to save my dad by telling him why Trump is good for the world but it ended up splitting us even further apart.

>> No.10588130

Saving your father is figurative. Culture is regarded as a patriarchal inheritance ("society of men", the sacred rites, coming of age initation of boyhood into manhood; and all the teachings that come with it) in the analysis of religious custom. A culture that never grows or expands it's knowledge becomes inherently afraid of such changes and thus risks becoming totalitarian to maintain absolute adherence to former tradition (Peterson uses the example of, disregarding the anthropomorphicism if you will, a mouse scared of the world building great walls around itself to protect itself; but in doing so and not facing the dangers of the unknown [chaos] and transcending them [creating order], it becomes weaker; then the walls have to be made even bigger because if something does penetrate them it will be even more devastating, and in creating even bigger walls you shrink ever more until you become a complete and total weakling afraid of any change and therefore must use absolute rule to prevent change from upsetting the now highly fragile balance). Therefore, you must rescue your father (cultural inheritance) from the belly of the whale (stratification as just was outlined) in order to properly face the challenges the disordered world will pose you, in order to transcend the fragility of being and become truly strong and capable of facing your fears head-on. This is not even his idea, as always, but is simply his articulation of it according to our modern modality. An early example of this ancient motif would be Perseus descending into the underworld to slay Medusa, and the reward for having faced such a great terror being a newfound knowledge or ability (Medusa's head, albeit weaponized to defeat your enemies) that enhances your strength (cultural knowledge, let's say to analogize it) to face new challenges head-on and without a need to fear.

Now this is very simplistic and definitely artiulated erronously but it's more-or-less the jist of encountering the unknown and making it known to strengthen yourself, which will in-turn (if everybody rose up to the challenge) strengthen your civilization as a whole. You can learn any of this and more from mythological deconstruction along the lines of Jung, Neumann, and even Peterson who is somewhat a derivative of the two.

(And hopefully this explanation is demonstrative of how Peterson is not actually a staunch le-far-alt-right traditionalist as detractors might like to ascribe him.)

>> No.10588135
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>> No.10589118

>Can you really be sure that the Peterson follower won't go through a true improvement phase?
Like you said, it may be the right trigger towards improvement for some people, but since it has now become somewhat of a household name for a certain group of people, tend by naturalization of the group, it becomes so homogeneous that it self identifies as the winning or righteous group, self congratulatory so to speak. Maybe someone not in touch with this may see the light or whatever, but by now I would doubt it. Still, on a personal opinion level since I don't agree with many of his' views, I'd rather have people find other goals.

>But it's the opposite in places like Australia, Canada and Germany. Because religion gets shat on by the main culture.
While info does show that religiousness is decreasing in developed countries, especially those part of the western kind of world, overall it's still high. Germany is a special case imo, I live there. Part of the lack of it comes down to the eastern (soviet era) cultural influence, so in east germany atheism is pretty high, something like 60%. While in the west it goes down drastically though, at 30% ish or so.

Still my point is that while certain parts do have a very high tendency towards atheism or at least agnosticism, the overall point of view even in developed countries is that of a religious one.
Many voting issues that come up have a high impact of religious ideology, even coming from atheist people. I.e. even though atheists themselves, their ideology is one formed through the christian-like values.

As an atheist myself I just don't see this kind of "persecution" that I've seen claimed on the internet, but I'm probably very biased.

>> No.10589219

what he says should be common knowledge

>> No.10589310

>It's literally
Yeah, we don't need you.

>> No.10589329

Well said

>> No.10589510

i this a new form of dabbing?

>> No.10589532

Maybe if we stop having constant threads created about him you would see how little /lit/ actually cares

>> No.10589533

0.03 cents have been deposited into your Lobster account

>> No.10589539

he could make the fucking test free if he is going to charge for the courses you are supposed to take after it
whats the logic behind that? pay for this test that will tell you if you need to pay for my courses?

>> No.10589715


I am like you, however what I was "saved" by was a constant string of tragic events that disrupted the dynamics of my family and social circles over half a decade of my adult life, coupled with my own nature not allowing me to feel resentment and instead looking internally and to literature to seek out relevant truths. I enjoy DJP and I can see that the reason he helps a lot of individuals out, especially young men with a similar relationship to society as I had, is that he expounds on principles of emotional/spiritual self-reliance and masculine self-improvement that are untaught and unvalued by popular culture. He's like a mix of Stoic philosopher, Christian scout leader, and calm secular father figure that hits that role lacking in a lot of Western men's lives.

>> No.10589743
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*Loses a debate to an antinatalist*



>> No.10589751


I am


And you are 100% dead on to say people from decent homes do not realize how absolutely fucked a sizable and growing minority of youths have had it. After working with kids and volunteering at a camp program for children who have a parent in jail, I am so appreciative of the stable farming family I grew up in. There was an instance a coworker told me about supporting an eleven year old girl (I know the kid too but wasn't there to hear this moment) who was just bent out of shape one evening and not calming down.

"I'm angry" she would tell my coworker.

"Well, I can't help you unless you tell me why you're angry, then I can try to do something about it."

The kid looked at her, exasperated, and said candidly, "I'm angry because I'm thinking about the fact my father murdered my mother."

She was a nice kid for the most part, too. She was probably 9 or so when she experienced that murder. That's something I think about fairly often.

>> No.10589762

how did he lose? He wiped the floor with Benatar

>> No.10589771

That may be nice and all, but that still doesn't make his thoughts on anything else other than self-help shit more relevant. Shill him on /r9k/ if you must, just not here

>> No.10589778


I think the biggest, most practical antinatalist argument you can give (which Benatar couldn't get to because Peterson played his usual argumentative language game) is that unless you have demigod polymath genetics you are substantially making the world a better place by adopting instead of adding more people

>> No.10589787

she's a princess you had better show respec

>> No.10589790


Watch his Bible Myth series on YouTube. Genuinely interesting analysis.

>> No.10589795

Stop switching back and forth between 'he has great insights on X' and then once called out talk about how he is helping idoits like you get your shit together then turn back to 'he has great insights on X' line

>> No.10589799

Sorry sweetpea, even if he ever had the upperhand (doubtful given his aggressively dishonest rhetorical techiques) the minute he compared his opponent to a nazi, he threw all of his credibility out the window.

>> No.10589800

JBP is hopium for manchildren with dad issues

>> No.10589805
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>On the one hand I think Peterson is an imbecile
>On the other the people that hate him are even stupider and actively dangerous

Sometimes the only winning card is not to play

>> No.10589808

My fuckin opinion on Jordan Bernt Peterson? Nobody who likes him has ever read any real literature.

>> No.10589817


as a victim of that, I can agree, he helped a lot.

Dad didn't teach me shit in life to be honest, not saying he's a bad man, but he was a horrible parent when it came to many things

>> No.10589822

one of Jung's theories was on transference and the archetype of the False Father, ie the mistake of therapist as god the father

>> No.10589829

Pal, you are an angry, angry person. You could honestly learn a lot from Peterson.

You're spouting nonsense about the man on the internet in a rage. Do you not ever look at your own behavior and say to yourself, "How did I become this person?"

If you don't understand why JBP has the following he does, and you're completely unwilling to see for yourself - you're never gonna make it.

>> No.10589833

Thats not a theory, that's just a stupid collection of nebulous descriptions

>> No.10589838

really stupid big head

>> No.10589839

>you don't understand why JBP has the following he does

JBP has the following he does because a culture of toxic individualism has left a lot of jaded men that fell short of their dreams, became fathers and then had children they couldn't emotionally support because in their own generation hucksters like Peterson mythologized the world

>> No.10589840

>Pal, you are an angry, angry person.

Welcome to 4chan friend

>> No.10589841
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>mfw boomers has fucked up parenting so hard that one of them is getting cash and fame for pretending to be one

>expecting Petersonfags to actually Jung

>> No.10589847

Absolute idiot. Alt right retards need to leave.

>> No.10589856

>it's another "/sci/ stumbles upon a JBP thread"
dis gon b gud

>> No.10589861

Its hilariously sad how people following Petersons substanceless sentimentalism will just end up bringing the cycle straight back round on their own kids.
The only way is forward

>> No.10589869

Hes ok, but a lot of people hold him and what he teaches too highly

>> No.10589870

meant for this >>10589817 too

>> No.10589881

I cant believe the amount of vitriol aimed towards JP. Why cant you faggots just be happy that someone who is offering a positive outlook to a bunch of disenfranchised young men? Normies watch hours of lectures for fun! thats an amazing feat!

>> No.10589892

because JBP isn't actually challenging their beliefs and is reinforcing poor critical thinking skills, replacing it with pathetic rhetoric

there are also more catastrophically existential threats than SJWism, like AI and environmental disruption

>> No.10589901

>positive outlook

His project is explicitly negative and highly combative

>> No.10589902
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>there are also more catastrophically existential threats than SJWism, like AI and environmental disruption

>> No.10589904

>there are also more catastrophically existential threats than SJWism, like AI and environmental disruption

Someone's been watching too much Black Mirror

>> No.10589910

>stop blaming other people
>take responsibility for your own actions
>negative and combative
made me think

>> No.10589911

Just stop posting these off-topic threads about this leaf and nobody will be upset. Voila. We're hardly upset by his noncontroversial political views but we are upset that he reflects our very essence back at us through a dark mirror. When we see Peterson taling about a book he's clearly only pretended to have read with due consideration. When he keeps cycling through the same 5 thinkers indicating he hasn't familiarized himself with a diverse range of philosophical perspectives. When he sticks his neck out and continuously misuses complex and nuanced terms like "postmodernism" hoping that it will stick and he'll continue to have a seat at the table. When he does these things the average /lit/izen being oon averageneurotic and overtly self-aware is left to think "my god, that's me!" and this is very unsettling for us when we are trying to play at being bonafide intellectuals on this Laotian escort service.

>> No.10589921

Except Peterson is constantly blaming Post-Modernists for everything and encourages others to do so

>> No.10589923

there's multiple black budget projects to create nanoscale backdoors to the human nervous system in civilians, for the same reasons there are backdoors in commodity CPUs, as a pre-empt to nanobots reading/writing your mind/biometrics as a form of cyberwar

my source said this was happening in the 80s

have a nice day

>> No.10589925

Thanks Alex

>> No.10589927

all he is doing is labelling all relativistic doctrines as postmodern essentially. that isn't as such a big crime like a lot of his /lit/ detractors seem to think it is.

>> No.10589928
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>my poorly understood post-modernism is ruining everything

>> No.10589932

He identifies pomo as the source of the relativistic nonsense (which is a nomenclature confusion as he conflates all pomo with relativism, no doubt) that is degrading our relations with each other and is resulting in the polarizing tensions between the sociopolitical camps which concerns him as a psychologist.

>> No.10589934

all current relativistic doctrines*

>> No.10589935
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>> No.10589942

>being wrong isn't a big deal
Where do you think we are?

>> No.10589943
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>> No.10589952

>implying there is a right answer as to what pomo is
his simple answer of pomo being the relativistic doctrines is not far off the mark, it's not a big deal like you are making it out to be. sure it's not right, but that doesn't say much as no one has ever been able to accurately characterize entire philosophical movements.

>> No.10589962

get your typing game together son

>> No.10589963

Just because you assume that there can be no right answer doesn't mean it is okay to be wrong.

>> No.10589970

You can't even come up with a non-relativistic way to speak of the thing you're meant to be against. What a fucking comedy you are
The problem with all this saber rattling at relativism or post-modernism or crypto-Marxists or whatever the fuck you want to call it is that you actually need to have a sustainable philosophic foundation on which to offer an alternative. Otherwise its just all empty words and flailing

>> No.10589973
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reading this thread made me realize 4chan is just a bunch of retarded angry NEETs only cherry picking the bad and negative out of the positive and good that Peterson tries to spread

fucks sake you people are really the worst and I don't even visit reddit

fucks sake

>> No.10589975

disagree completely. you're talking like one of those people who hate capitalism but can't come up with any better system. if you hate his answer so much and you think there is a right won then go ahead and share it with us.

>> No.10589977


>> No.10589979

>you're talking like one of those people who hate capitalism but can't come up with any better system

That's exactly what you're doing with relativism

>> No.10589981
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Needlessly red-baiting me for no fucking reason. You are right, my answer to what pomo is would be shit too, so I don't go around and sprout out how this nebulous pomo is ruining everything and have everyone suck my dick for it.

>> No.10589983

none of the people seriously critiquing 'capitalism' are critiquing some platonic ideal of the free market, they're critiquing our current mixed-market clusterfuck which includes things like selling personality tests to damaged young men

>> No.10589985

1. you changed the subject
2. you're not even right that I'm doing that, as I haven't told you what my views are on relativism

>> No.10589988
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>not real captialism

>> No.10589991

>there's only one other person in the thread

Maybe try reddit if you find this shit hard to keep up with

>> No.10590000

none of what I said was dependant on you being the same person I was speaking with. it is true that you changed the subject away from the subject I was discussing and it is true that I never told anyone in this thread what my views are on relativism.

>> No.10590007

Cool story bro

>> No.10590014

lmao @ how defensive you are being

>> No.10590018

>it is true that you changed the subject away from the subject I was discussing
That anon is calling you a hypocrite by using relativistic arguments to defend Peterson , who you claim to be anti-relativistic.

>> No.10590028

First of all, what relativistic argument do you think I am using? I don't think I have used one at all.
Second of all, even if I was using a relativistic argument that wouldn't make me hypocritical. Using a relativistic argument in order to explain that someone else is anti-relativistic isn't being hypocritical. It would be hypocritical of me if I said I was anti-relativistic and used relativistic arguments.

>> No.10590033
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all of you faggots here would get absolutely demolished, if you somehow were to debate Peterson on any kind of subject

it's not even a question, yet you pretend to be smarter on a chink website

how about you go out there and do better? hmmm, really makes you think

>> No.10590038

By claiming Peterson's definition is relatively better than others

defending. Dont play coy with us, you are defending him

>> No.10590051

>It would be hypocritical of me if I said I was anti-relativistic and used relativistic arguments.

Except you are but you won't admit it because you're two faced and caught out

>> No.10590065

>By claiming Peterson's definition is relatively better than others
Saying that his definition of pomo is better in some ways than other definitions is in no way a relativistic argument in the sense of how that word is understood in philosophy.
>defending. Dont play coy with us, you are defending him
You seem to be conflating me defending him from the specific anti-peterson criticism of his pomo definition being such a horrible thing with me defending his actual worldview/positions on things. I'm only defending him from those criticisms itt. I'm saying that his definition isn't so bad that it justifies the amount of hate he gets from it.

>> No.10590072

see: >>10590065

>> No.10590077


>> No.10590086

>I'm saying that his definition

What definition?

>> No.10590095

>is in no way a relativistic argument
It is when you are trying to downplay how wrong it is.

>I'm saying that his definition isn't so bad that it justifies the amount of hate he gets from it.
Well you sure as shit weren't clear about it. Also where do you think we are?

He is wrong and is constantly being shilled here so of coz he is going to get a lot of hate

>> No.10590097

see: >>10589927

take note of the correction post I made to that. He's characterizing pomo as the current philosophical movement of relativistic doctrines

>> No.10590099

What's a relativist doctrine?

>> No.10590116

>It is when you are trying to downplay how wrong it is.
how? obviously I disagree with you so just stating your position without an explanation isn't going to get us anywhere
>Well you sure as shit weren't clear about it.
I explicitly said what I was doing above: >>10589927
>He is wrong and is constantly being shilled here so of coz he is going to get a lot of hate
The point I'm making is that everyone who has ever tried to characterize pomo as something or other has been wrong because its impossible to accurately characterize whole philosophical movements. So when I point that out and use that to support my point that its not so horrible to be wrong about that one thing its not making a relativistic argument. It's just me putting his wrongness into perspective.

>> No.10590130

that question is the subject of a lot of debate in philosophy. however, when peterson uses that term he emphasizes doctrines which oppose absolute truth claims in areas of morality or doctrines that oppose there being objective justifications for behaving in certain ways.

>> No.10590224

DUUUUUUUDE the based Canada man told trannies to fuck off that's so bassssssssssssssed. Postmodernism is gonna destroy the western civilization and Peterson has to save it, we all gotta wash the dishes and put on our pajamas! Foh-kahlt? Who's that?

>> No.10590243

By trying to claim his definition is better than others, asking for my own definition and even red-baiting and whataboutism. All these are deflection tactics to avoid talking about how wrong he is.

>I explicitly said what I was doing above
Which I read is as simply downplaying any criticism instead of a statement of intent.

>my point that its not so horrible to be wrong about that one thing its not making a relativistic argument.
>not so horrible
>putting his wrongness into perspective
Ffs do you even read what you wrote.

>> No.10590257

does he actually pronounce it that way? He's Canadian for fucks sake.

>> No.10590264
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Watch yourselves buddies

>> No.10590266

>By trying to claim his definition is better than others, asking for my own definition and even red-baiting and whataboutism. All these are deflection tactics to avoid talking about how wrong he is.
I guess you missed the part where I asked to you to explain how any of that means I'm making a relativistic argument.
>Which I read is as simply downplaying any criticism instead of a statement of intent.
So you were wrong about that. I'm just talking about this one specific criticism not all criticism against him. and it was meant as a statement of what I was intending to post about.
>Ffs do you even read what you wrote.
Yeah, I consider what I wrote there to make a lot of sense. I'm saying that it is impossible to make a generalization perfectly characterizing an entire philosophical movement but some of the characterizations of the movement are more accurate than others.

>> No.10590269

he doesn't. he does say sar truh though

>> No.10590272

he lives in western canada. canada is only really french in the east

>> No.10590315

>I guess you missed the part where I asked to you to explain how any of that means I'm making a relativistic argument.
>By trying to claim his definition is better than others
Learn to read
>So you were wrong about that.
Sure I has the self awareness to admit that. Unlike someone who makes this statement

>I'm saying that it is impossible to make a generalization perfectly characterizing an entire philosophical movement but some of the characterizations of the movement are more accurate than others.
>It is impossible to do X, but this does X better than others
There is no metric of accuracy if there is no benchmark to measure it against.

>> No.10590321
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His new book ' 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos' btw


>> No.10590338

>By trying to claim his definition is better than others
You seriously misunderstand relativism if you think this is a relativistic argument at all. There is no better than in a relativistic viewpoint. For something to be better than another thing implies an existing objective standard to assess multiple claims on.
>There is no metric of accuracy if there is no benchmark to measure it against.
I disagree completely. Here's an analogy to illustrate why I disagree. Can we know for sure how many stars are in the universe? No, we can't. But that doesn't mean all answers are equally accurate just because won't ever know the real answer. If I said there is only 1 star that is far less accurate than saying there are a billion stars for example. The same applies to characterizing philosophical movements. Just because a perfect generalization can't be made doesn't mean there are no generalizations more accurate than others. We all have a sense of what the movement is like just like how we all have a sense of how many stars there are.

>> No.10590365

He's a reddit-tier "intellectual" who doesn't really understand the philosophical and literary tradition

>> No.10590368

It is a relativistic argument when you have created a metric of accuracy out of thin fucking air and measure his description over others.

This analogy is retarded solely because stars is a non-human phenomenon that can be measured. At best you can dispute what counts as a star, but you are not attempting that.

There is a definite amount of stars and that is the benchmark, but post-modernism is not definite at all with no benchmarks.

>> No.10590395

>IYI university students
so, pretty much all of them

>> No.10590397

>It is a relativistic argument when you have created a metric of accuracy out of thin fucking air and measure his description over others.
The clarification I'm making for you about how relativistic doctrines don't have degrees of accuracy seems to be going over your head. Even if I was just pulling the metric out of thin air, which I'm not, that would be antithetical to relativism.
>This analogy is retarded solely because stars is a non-human phenomenon that can be measured. At best you can dispute what counts as a star, but you are not attempting that.
My point was that we can't measure all of the stars in the universe (there are a different amount of stars at different times and at different locations according to relativity) So it's not even possible to have one measurement for that even we had all the best tech to do such a job. It being a non-human phenomena doesn't take that away from it.
>There is a definite amount of stars and that is the benchmark, but post-modernism is not definite at all with no benchmarks.
As I explained above, it's impossible to determine the amount of stars in the universe. The benchmark isn't the amount, the most accurate measurement we could make if we had all of the best tech is how many stars there are at a particular time as viewed from a particular location.

>> No.10590400

>according to relativity
should clarify that I'm talking about the physics relativity not the philosophy relativity

>> No.10590412

>Even if I was just pulling the metric out of thin air, which I'm not,
I did not accuse you out being relativistic based on this point, but to use your definition of accuracy to proclaim his description is better than others. Are you being willfully retarded?

> So it's not even possible to have one measurement for that even we had all the best tech to do such a job
This still doesn't take away from the fact there is a correct answer regardless of our inability to answer it. And that correct answer is the benchmark. As you already admitted, pomo has no correct answer precisely because it is a human phenomena, hence no benchmark to work on.

>> No.10590435

>I did not accuse you out being relativistic based on this point
That is exactly what you said. You said that I am making a relativistic argument because I created a metric of accuracy (out of thin air) and used it to compare descriptions. Having a metric to compare descriptions is antithetical to relativism.
>This still doesn't take away from the fact there is a correct answer regardless of our inability to answer it.
yes, it actually does. If you understood my post you would see that there is a different answer to that question depending on where you are in the universe and at what time.
>And that correct answer is the benchmark.
There is no correct answer. All we have a is a general sense of how many there are and that is the benchmark we can use to compare answers.
>As you already admitted, pomo has no correct answer precisely because it is a human phenomena, hence no benchmark to work on.
I never admitted it has no correct answer because it is a human phenomena. The only thing I ever said about human phenomena is that the stars not being a human phenomena does not detract from the fact that it has no benchmark. What I said about pomo was that there is no correct generalization to be made about it. Just like with stars, the lack of a correct generalization does not mean we don't have a sense of the movement.

I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.10590444

>does not detract from the fact that it has no benchmark
caught this mistake in my post, going to sleep after this correction.

I meant to say that it doesn't detract from the fact that it has no correct answer. It still has the benchmark we have from having a sense of how many stars there are.

>> No.10590565

>You said that I am making a relativistic argument because I created a metric of accuracy (out of thin air) and used it to compare descriptions. Having a metric to compare descriptions is antithetical to relativism
Repeating yourself is not an argument. Do not put words in my mouth

>yes, it actually does. If you understood my post you would see that there is a different answer to that question depending on where you are in the universe and at what time.
Again repeating yourself. The correct answer can change over time so your point is moot.

>There is no correct answer. All we have a is a general sense of how many there are and that is the benchmark we can use to compare answers.
Yes there is. A definite and precise amount of stars is out there, we simply cannot know for sure

>What I said about pomo was that there is no correct generalization to be made about it.
Well then you must be stupider than I thought. Fine then I will say that then. Maybe if all the pomos were card-carrying that would be possible to have a benchmark. But there isn't hence no correct way to generalize them

>> No.10591040


Okay, you seem to think I am some other poster. All I've said on DJP is that I like him and he strikes a fatherly chord. Pretty congruent statements. And how are "he has great insight" and "he has helped me" conflicting sentiments anyway?


>> No.10592061
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Smart enough to get a cult of dedicated retards to give him money and spend every waking moment scouring the internet defending him. He is shit at arguing and repeats the same shitty argument points that internet retards have been saying for years in a more educated way. He has somehow convinced thousands of trump retards that everything they don't like is because of post-modernist SJWs. He's a snake oil salesman who doesn't even give you the snake oil. His advice to improve yourself is the most common sense shit I've ever read in my fucking life. His fans are all autistic and don't belong on his board

>> No.10592075

>David Miscavige is also a smart man
I think you're mistaking deviousness for being smart. It's a womanly trait which is why only people with issues deep enough to want to start a cult use it.

>> No.10592095

Deviousness is the Jewish/Chinese/Womanly knockoff version of intelligence

>> No.10592102

I'm not a fan, but I think his presence is beneficial
It's not messed up as long as it's used against the right people.

>> No.10592128

i lost all respect for him when he went on the h3 podcast and vaped

>> No.10592137

>It's not messed up as long as it's used against the right people.

t. Marxist logic

>> No.10592151
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Was she right lads?

>> No.10592159

Gonna go check if that's real but if it is I'm gonna use it to laugh at his retarded fans for the rest of my life

>> No.10592168

I don't see how that's in anyway Marxist. It's just generally authoritarian.

>> No.10592172

I agree with his conclusion that fulfillment lies in the pursuit of truth. He's a great communicator. The rest is kinda just thought salad.

>> No.10592180


Holy Christ it's actually fucking real

>> No.10592192

Reactionary sophist who peddles his positive psychology as revolutionary truth to insecure basement dwellers and wannabe alphas

>> No.10592204

>breaking down my logic

Typical Marxist

>> No.10592205

Chinese knockoffs are better than that.

>> No.10592210
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>> No.10592249

It is not conflicting, not a standard deflection tatic that I often notice once people point out that Peterson doesn't know shit

>but he helped me with my shitty life
No one cares about that when he is still fucking wrong

>> No.10592256

>peddles as revolutionary truth
Except he doesn't. He very clearly states that the information he shares is quite mainstream, to the point of it being basically the foundation our society is built upon. Nothing revolutionary about it, if anything he specifically denounces 'revolutionary' concepts and warns us of anything advertising itself as being so.

>> No.10592286

>misunderstanding delivery and presentation for content

>> No.10592295

Anyone who classifies him as 'reddit' does not have an understanding of his thinking. I'd argue he would be opposed to a lot of what reddit as a platform does to people, e.g. creating arbitrary 'groups' (subreddits) within which users become often extremely militarized against other subs, and that's not to mention the amount of wasted time spent on memes and hollow entertainment we see there.

>> No.10592307
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>> No.10592323


>> No.10592347


>sophist who peddles his positive psychology as revolutionary truth to insecure basement dwellers and wannabe alphas

>> No.10592360

>Paper written in Word
Real Fascists use LaTeX.

>> No.10592366

>Alt right
The alt right hates him.

Just look at the /pol/ threads about him

>> No.10592413

>wrote 2 books, one of which came out 3 days ago
>has nothing to do with literature

>> No.10592563

Are you saying there's a difference between what he means and how he presents it?

>> No.10592585

Sweet thanks

>> No.10592624

I am saying you are a fool for misinterpreting that anon when he says that Peterson is presenting his shit in a manner benefiting of a revolutionary for his material to be revolutionary in nature.

I swear it is like Petersonfags are trying to emulate their master's ability to misinterpret everything he reads

>> No.10592648

he says some smart things and some dumb things

>> No.10592908

more specifically: approach pussy

>> No.10592913

I already do this

>> No.10592944


>> No.10592951
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My neurons are on overdrive!!!

What a clever man!

>> No.10592980

If you think it's trying to get one over on you, that's your insecurity speaking.

>> No.10592990

If you do X thing that you're doing, thats your insecurity speaking

>> No.10592992
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So it's a self-help book full of common sense lessons? Sign me up!

>> No.10593003

What point do you think you've made here, anon?

Did you think it was something else?

>> No.10593008

>What point do you think you've made here, anon?

If you think it's trying to get one over on you, that's your insecurity speaking.

>> No.10593015

>Did you think it was something else?
Given he seems to have hundreds of people sucking his cock... sort of

>> No.10593030

Just another one of my classic posts - glad you've seen the wisdom.

>> No.10593033

but you just said it was a trash book yourself

>> No.10593052

Well I said "pet random cats on the streets" could be stated "approach pussy" and I said it as a joke but also seriously since that's a good principle. Then another anon said the book seemed like common sense so I says sure it seems that way to me also. Whats the use of common sense if we cant explain it to others.

>> No.10593061

>Whats the use of common sense if we cant explain it to others.


>> No.10593062

>Whats the use of common sense if we cant explain it to others.

The whole point of common sense is you don't need to explain it

>> No.10593066

Who's this influential woman of color then?

>> No.10593108

>thanks based anon I was looking for this

>> No.10593118

how does this work? does the media litterally picks the biased comments they agree with ?
why ?

>> No.10593142

I have no idea who she could be referring to. Does she know what the word influencial means?

>> No.10593196
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>ending your sentence with a preposition on /lit/.



>> No.10593221


I only saw him on that Channel 4 interview where he thoroughly trashed that journlist who constantly trying to trip him up. Seems like an intelligent and well spoken man, and I agreed with a lot of said in that video. It was a bit disconcerning to see the idolization of him in the comments though. Seems like something he would not approve of at all.

>> No.10593267

>seems like an intelligent and well spoken man

Yes, its a compelling illusion isn't it?

>> No.10593271


As I said, I've only seen one video of him, so I have no reason to believe that it is an "illusion".

>> No.10593282

did sloterdijk say that/?

>> No.10593375

nor do you have reason to believe it's not

>> No.10593436


>> No.10593508


They let JBP talk about philosophy again...

>> No.10593509


I'm sorry I'm a bit retarded, how do I use this?

>> No.10593516

Yeah, check his twitter

>> No.10593517

here's some advice that really helped me.

Really examine yourself. Because you are probably a cunt. Everyone knows it too. In fact if you are a cunt then you're probably the last person to know about it. So really take a good look at what you do and what you think when you're around people. It deep down you secretly think that you're much cleverer than they are, well, guess what?

>> No.10593523

His psychological advice is top-tier but every time he goes outside of his comfort zone he just crashes hard, whether it's politics, philosophy or god forbid, mathematics.

>> No.10593541

or, you know, you can just stop being stupid.

>> No.10593542

>His psychological advice is top-tier

It really isn't. Its just the usual juss b urself normie bullshit that CBT peddles.

>> No.10593543

>yeah well you're stupid

Compelling fucking retort me man

>> No.10593547
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>> No.10594042


>> No.10594294


>> No.10594847

>chaos is bad because im a white man

>> No.10594852

The beloved father of the fatherless right and the dreaded father of the fatherless left.

>> No.10594972

>making the world better is based off of muh memes and is even real

>> No.10594974

I'm much more intelligent than this clown, and I am proud to be a danger.

>> No.10594978

Free market is cancer. Destroy it and bury all its supporters.

>> No.10594981

This is a pretty good description, tbqh.

>> No.10594999

go back to facebook

>> No.10595064

Haha, you are so cucked
Et drit svenskefaen

>> No.10595082

What would this Peterson guy say to the idolization of him that some people are peddling?

>> No.10595098

Rebecca Goldstein won that debate fair and square

>> No.10595109

I wonder how mentally crippled these people who follow him have to be to think it's a good idea.
His opinions are shit, and he isn't even charismatic, are these brainlet incels so starved that they will suffer through anything?

Why are they not reading literature that has some niceish self help content that actually has literary value, like Siddharta, Steppenwolf or even fucking Motorcycle Zen man?
Do they need everything in Youtube format? Is it because he rags on le dumb SJWs?

>> No.10595111

Should have just went to the source and the Greeks, resume with Romans and, if that hadn't been enough, read Hesse who's a much more genuine and convincing at Jungian thought than JBP could ever be (because he doesn't take it all at face value and is eclectic enough to give perspective, unlike Peterson)

>> No.10595127

>The alt right hates him.

Why though?

>> No.10595129

>pro nouns
Stay Way new age communist

>> No.10595130

cant find it can you link it pretty please

>> No.10595136
File: 59 KB, 220x262, 220px-Peterson_Lecture_(33522701146)[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just off the top of my head, some of his advice that has helped me (paraphrasing):

>your mind may not have all the answers when it comes to what you should be doing, but it can definitely tell you right away what you should NOT be doing. so start with that, and stop doing those things.
>you have to be a fool before you can be a master. if you're not willing to be a fool, you'll never be a master.
>the way to grow is to keep following your current goal. when you realize you want to pursue a different goal, that's fine, just change your direction too, so that you're always moving forwards, and as you do this you will get closer and closer to achieving your potential.
>if you have an idea, but you're worried it might be stupid, it probably is stupid. most ideas are stupid but if you don't follow through with any of them, you will never succeed, because without any experience, when you finally have a good idea, you won't try it, and won't even recognize it.
>(the dragon of chaos) address issues as soon as they appear, when they are small and manageable, instead of avoiding them until they grow and grow and get out of control.
>(paraphrasing Mark Twain) 'the advantage of telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.
>a lie always has unseen consequences. it may have the intended consequence that it gets you out of trouble in the short-term, but it also impacts the future in unintended ways leading to the need for more lies.
>if you're in a bad situation, instead of blaming others or factors outside your control. you need to take a good look around you and consider the possibility that maybe it's at least partially your fault, and maybe you could have done things differently to avoid getting in that situation. it will take setting aside your pride and arrogance, but if it is your fault, maybe you should think to yourself it's time to take some responsibility and do something about it.

>> No.10595581

>Should have just
You're assuming that I somehow sought out JBP in a search for answers, but it was rather something I just stumbled upon. The first time I saw him was in the "those are my pronouns" protest video where he was basically mobbed by Very Good snowflakes trying to paint him out as a transphobe. He helped me out when I wasn't even actively looking for help. I've read a lot of books since I found JBP and if it weren't for him I probably wouldn't have changed my ways at all.

>> No.10595595
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1509164561417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are /pol/fags unironically retarded?

>> No.10595615

Half the board despises him, shitposter.

>> No.10595626

>Do they need everything in Youtube format?
this is generation z in action
attention spans are now too short to actually read philosophers

>> No.10595630

am i, though?

>> No.10595640

/lit/ only dislikes him because hating things that "alt-right" retards like gives them that undeserved sense of intellectual superiority they crave. i swear some of the faggots here only orgasm when they type the word "sophistry"

>> No.10595653

he's also a pseud and his followers are hilariously pathetic so there's that.

>> No.10595668

No wonder /lit/ hates him. Board of pseudo-intellectual failures feel undermined by a success.

>> No.10595704

/lit/'s current meme pop debater, nobody worth paying attention to.

>> No.10595741

>he's also a pseud
How is he a pseud? Show me an example where he's acting like pseud.

>> No.10595745

Well, if anything it's obvious you haven't paid attention to him, since you say that.

>> No.10595762
File: 78 KB, 750x719, 1516886272380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watch any of his videos..

>> No.10595771

being a youtube pop-philosopher spinning self-help commonsensicals should tip you off

>> No.10595775

I've watched probably upwards of 50 hours of JBP on Youtube, not including his podcast. If he's a pseud so often that it would suffice to just watch any of his videos, why don't you just pull up an arbitrarily chosen video and pinpoint somewhere where he's a pseud?

>> No.10595779

Do you know the definition of "pseud"?

>> No.10595785

I've been on /lit/ long enough to know the pattern. Maybe you will too, one day.

>> No.10595791

>I've watched probably upwards of 50 hours of JBP on Youtube, not including his podcast.
dead lmao

>> No.10595796

>oh shit i just looked up what pseud means
>lets make fun of this guy to avoid looking like an idiot

>> No.10595800
File: 97 KB, 775x1030, cute_asuka_cosplay_by_kawaielli-d4l3g2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've watched probably upwards of 50 hours of JBP on Youtube,

>> No.10595803

>"he's a pseud"
>"ok provide an example"

ironically very pseud of you

>> No.10595807


>> No.10595808

>I'm personally invested in this guy's cult
>better type furious replies to people on an anonymous imageboard criticising my idol otherwise I'll look stupid for giving him hundreds of dollars a month on patreon!!!

>> No.10595809
File: 79 KB, 587x507, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595810

Pretty much this. As a civilization we've come to the point, that freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought etc are the basis of our existance. If you take these virtues and grow up by them, his words should be self-evident. But that means, anyone who thinks of themselves as an intellectual, as a thinker should value these things above everything else and speak out against politically correctness. Given that the term has been around for at least 5 years now, it's terrifying how long it took for a figure to stand up to it so consequently. We have thousands of professors in universities, journalists and even more who should be alarmed by that movement, but for various reasons, no one of note spoke up to it until a year ago. Even now, I'm not sure if many professors got up and sided with Peterson on this topic.
To me compelling speech is on the same level as erasing net neutrality. Only a very few handful of people benefit from it, while it's disadvantageous for the rest. To think there's a divide over either is infurirating

>> No.10595818

I just wish he would fuck off from this board already

>> No.10595860

He literally tells his audience, that their pieces of walking garbage like everyone else around them and that they can strive to improve themselves for their own benefit and for others. How is that in any form "just be yourself"?

>> No.10595884


>> No.10595890

With that attitude, you might miss our time's new Hitler. And I don't mean it because he started the biggest war in history, you could miss that one guy who sways millions of people. It might be Peterson, it might be the next guy or the guy after that. But if you dismiss every new person who might be influential, you might be missing out on something important.

>> No.10595894
File: 836 KB, 1697x1200, 1515724556565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595899

yeah, it would've been terrible if people had missed hitler

>> No.10595908

Hitler was a douche

>> No.10595920

Well, as a logical consequence, you'd miss most if not all other politicians. It's not like any of them has anything noteworthy to say. In which case you'd just submit to every decision they impose on you. Someone will always be elected or be otherwise influential, it's your responsibility to at least observe who it is and what they do.

>> No.10595931

okay but he's just some professor peddling self-help snake oil

>> No.10596551

She's 13 you fucking pedo

>> No.10596579


snake oil wrapped in sophistry

he is the idiot's idea of a philosopher

>> No.10597679

she's a cartoon you fucking idiot

>> No.10597706

>he assigns a gender to a drawing

>> No.10597786

Are you aware where you are?

>> No.10598065

He has some Good basic tips for fuck ups on how to fix their lives. But he thinks that "good" and "evil" exist, so i wouldnt take him to serioisly.

>> No.10598107

>But he thinks that "good" and "evil" exist
Most people, including philosophers, do.

>> No.10598281

Hey! Back away from my wife!

>> No.10598471

>old greedy fuck who tells him to clean his room for 50 bucks
Peak Cynicism.

I haven't paid the guy a dime, other than my attention; which was well spent.

>> No.10598577

yup, if it's free that means you're the product

>> No.10598588

you only think you need food

>> No.10598594
File: 48 KB, 2074x144, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 10.11.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit fucking captcha

>> No.10598712

That greedy Peterson, always looking to create a better society...

>> No.10598866

So? She's still a child you pedophile.