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10585758 No.10585758 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about mental health among Millenials?

Is it just a meme or a form of identity branding?

A ton of people I know have declared themselves publicly as suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD and so on.

I am tempted to think that this is largely a consequence of the divide between what our culture advertises as being normal for "millenials" (e.g. moving out of home, finding a good job, having a large social network, going on holidays often, being a top-tier consumer etc) with the bleak reality in regards to house prices, human loneliness, the necessity of struggle and failure,the brutal nature of the job market and so forth.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

>> No.10585771
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The hatred of millennials is just a subtle arrow in the divide and conquer identity politics pushed by the elite

Any mental health issues would be caused by the neoliberal system of hyper individualism we live under.

Millennials are the first generation to not be brainwashed by anti communist cold war propaganda and to not see an economic boom

Couple this with a system that is basically jamming you in the face with thoughts like BE PERFECT BE PERFECT BE PERFECT BE PERFECT leads to a deep anxiety.

>> No.10585773

I don't know of any books, but I'm sure they exist.

I think decreasing stigma and more frequent diagnoses have as much to do with it as the disparity between ads and real life.

>> No.10585776

What's the solution? Should we turn to the Greeks on how to live (e.g. stoics)?

>> No.10585779


>being constantly reminded that we're disposable people only good for wagecuck jobs
>people wonder why we have mental illness and find solace in escapist media

>> No.10585783


It's more of a gentrification in a way like how the whole depression shit has been taken over by normalfags ever since Kurt show himself. We have things far easier than other generations so I don't need to see why we're depressed other than the fact we're bombarded all day with entertainment which is probably one of the reasons. You could say depression is being mistaken as crashing from how much media we're consuming all day.

>> No.10585793

>Are there any books about mental health among Millenials?
Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism touches on that topic a lot.

>To be bored simply means to be removed from the communicative sensation-stimulus matrix of texting, YouTube and fast food; to be denied, for a moment, the constant flow of sugary gratification on demand. Some students want Nietzsche in the same way that they want a hamburger; they fail to grasp - and the logic of the consumer system encourages this misapprehension - that the indigestibility, the difficulty is Nietzsche.
>An illustration: I challenged one student about why he always wore headphones in class. He replied that it didn't matter, because he wasn't actually playing any music. In another lesson, he was playing music at very low volume through the headphones, without wearing them. When I asked him to switch it off, he replied that even he couldn't hear it. Why wear the headphones without playing music or play music without wearing the headphones? Because the presence of the phones on the ears or the knowledge that the music is playing (even if he couldn't hear it) was a reassurance that the matrix was still there, within reach. Besides, in a classic example of interpassivity, if the music was still playing, even if he couldn't hear it, then the player could still enjoy it on his behalf. The use of headphones is signif- icant here - pop is experienced not as something which could have impacts upon public space, but as a retreat into private 'Oedlpod' consumer bliss, a walling up against the social.

>The current ruling ontology denies any possibility of a social causation of mental illness. The chemico-biologization of mental illness is of course strictly commensurate with its depoliticization. Considering mental illness an individual chemico-biological problem has enormous benefits for capitalism. First, it reinforces capital’s drive towards atomistic individualization (you are sick because of your brain chemistry). Second, it provides an enormously lucrative market in which multinational pharmaceutical companies can peddle their pharmaceuticals (we can cure you with our SSRIs). It goes without saying that all mental illnesses are neurologically instantiated, but this says nothing about their causation. If it is true, for instance, that depression is constituted by low serotonin levels, what still needs to be explained is why particular individuals have low levels of serotonin. This requires a social and political explanation; and the task of repoliticizing mental illness is an urgent one if the left wants to challenge capitalist realism.

>> No.10585800

You are ignorant of history and economics.
Millenials are not the first to witness anything new (other than modern technological advancement), and the market goes rampant with boom and inflation as I type this post. Why hate individualism and marketing while dreading the boogieman elite? Or are you just another filthy Communist?

>> No.10585803
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why are you asking me you dumb cunt.

If anything its just going to get worse as more and more jobs are replaced by automation. Both political parties work in the interest of the bourgeois. They have no interest in helping the proles. Their mission is to keep privatizing everything and creating monopolies to the point the future is going to be a cyber punk dystopia where Disney or google own everything and the actual government is weak and vestigial.

Oh and then will come the global warming to render the land inhospitable and infertile. mass starvation, chaos, death

>> No.10585818

OP here. This issue is somewhat relevant to me, which is partly why I posted it. I haven't made any "public" / social media declarations of this sort of thing because I'm skeptical of categories and portraying myself as a victim. But towards the end of last year I had decided to commit suicide early this year (a decision that was itself the result of years of self-neglect, unresolved anger, low self-worth etc). My response to this inner turmoil has been to radically reduce my demands on the outside world, while also attempting whenever possible to be kind to my family and to remind myself how fortunate I am (relative to various historic periods) to have the degree of freedom (political, economic etc) I do (even if said freedom is contributing to a degree to the modern malaise). I fear this has made me meek, overly humble, "defeated" etc but so be it I guess.

>> No.10585824

I haven't read it but I imagine "Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures" is probably relevant too.

>> No.10585826

Wow, I had only heard of this guy recently when someone posted a tweet from Nick Land on here. Interesting book, I hope to read it. Thanks for posting.

>> No.10585829

Depression doesn't stem from lack of comfort. It stems from inadequacy. We buy processed GMO food sprayed with tons of pesticides. We rely on the police and army for security and defense, when these very people only work in the interests of the elite. Every crumb of data you produce is being sold or stolen in order to organize society into a machine-like entity, producing algorithms telling you what to buy, watch, do, or speak.

NOTHING is in our hands anymore. We are children to the system. Cut the power out, destroy the roads, and we will all die of thirst and starvation, or stabbed in the first days of looting because none of us is able to protect ourselves. Our own life isn't our responsability anymore.

>> No.10585833

>anything new (other than modern technological advancement)
That is pretty new

>> No.10585841
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Depends on what types of mental health issues we're talking about.

If we're talking about depression, I'd say that it's not a meme nor identity branding as a whole, but, rather, an epidemic. It's a problem which is real and needs to be addressed. I can't say that it's related to identity, as, well, it's not out in the open enough for people to tack it onto themselves.

I don't have enough of a sample space to say, but if people are publicly and loudly saying they are/were depressed for no discernibly benign reason (normalising the issue or whatever), they're probably not depressed.

I won't lie though: I think a lot of people ruin the issue. They either lie or exaggerate the problems and use them as social devices. It's dependent-individualism. relying on others to not be the same as them, rather than being individuals by virtue of being themselves, whoever that may be.

You don't NEED to say anything, anon. If it helps, say it. If it might help, say it a bit quieter. Just figure out what'll help, and do that. If you can say, on an anonymous board (and /lit/ at that), that you were suffering from mental illness, you probably were.

>> No.10585853

Millennials have figured out that you get a free ride if you pretend to be disabled/mentally ill/oppressed/whatever.

Stop making excuses for them. Their behaviour is nothing but parasitic.

>> No.10585857

It's not that there are mental issues versus normal functioning minds. The "normal mind" is just as much of a fiction as the illnessess, that doesn't mean to say they are false, or that the symptoms are not there, just that this question itself is not simply a medical issue.

To psychoanalysis, there is no time in history that is particularly special, but each moment brings a specific way of suffering, an unique way to talk about the issues we are facing. In our times, enjoyment itself has become a demand, happiness is a rule to measure how much of our life is worth. People are not just sad, they think they ought not to be sad and thus, it doubles the sadness, this recursiveness is at the core of anxiety. Since we have "everything at our hands", we cannot blame the world for our problems, but we haven't learned how to deal with problems without blaming someone, so we blame ourselves. In other words, if we "could be everything we wanted" but then we aren't, that would mean there is something wrong with us.

On the other hand, the way we express ourselves or rather how the message comes accross has been completely changed by the fact that our messages reach everyone, including those (mostly those) who do not share the same universe of words as you. An SJW can read the content of /pol/ and /pol/ can share tumblr posts and they'll hate each other, traditional news media will be charged for whatever position they take, academic papers will be read by layman (even if indirectly, say a simplified news about a scientific discovery). That is to say, not only we notice the points of conflict, but we raise the volume of our voice in desperation over "the other's power", we end up becoming what the other fears about us. The general tone is "yes, you heard it right, that's exactly who I am and just accept it", both a racist and a sjw can relate to this one, political stance or any other. There is always an annoying atheist on evangelical forums, always someone preaching about something where it was not called for and there is always this sense that somewhere there is someone saying something very stupid and that we must counter by "shouting" ourselves in order to survive. People actually think they are doing something when they reply to Trump's tweets with their opinion.

That is a recipe for anxiety.

>> No.10585874

This isn't wrong but completely out of touch with the reality of society.
>Since we have "everything at our hands"
The only thing we have is the basic necessities and distractions required for the good functioning of society and the individual. Everything else that threatens the integrity of the system is violently reprimanded or demonized.

The real 'recipe' for anxiety and depression finds its ingredients in the creeping dehumanization of the invididual through the capitalization of labour. In other words, human obsolescence.

>> No.10585893

Lmao at all the pseuds in this thread extrapolating millennial mental health crisis with late stage capitalism. The problem is more simple and practical really, shitty diets, overmedicated, overstimulated, cynicism/nihilism/irony seen as a fashion statement and maybe a loss of cohesive societal sense of purpose (death of god)

>> No.10585910

I'll agree with you on the rest, but they surely were brainwashed with War on Terror propaganda (see /pol/ or any old forums from the mid-late 00's.)

>> No.10585911

>The only thing we have is the basic necessities and distractions required for the good functioning of society and the individual.

I don't think we have even that. That's also why I put it in quote marks, it's a feeling rather than a reality, but a real feeling nevertheless. You'll see ads for "great online courses" that you won't be getting, you'll see pictures of people at the beach or doing amazing stuff on your feed and feel you are missing out, not realizing those who aren't at the beach aren't posting pictures in the first place. That's what I mean with "everything at our hands", things are looking to be real close to us, from contact with celebrities, to the formation of niche groups of interest, but this contact is different from what one expects it to be (with outdated expectations).

>> No.10585939

The only purpose we have anymore is to take advantage of our fellow man and buy nice things.

I suppose that's why the West/East tensions exist; we want to have a common enemy to promote social cohesion, as we did in WWII.

What do you think anons? What is our purpose any more? Should we look to the stars?

>> No.10585944
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>keep our pyramid scheme going you brats!

boomers get fucked

>> No.10585961

>shitty diets, overmedicated, overstimulated, cynicism, death of god
So basically late stage capitalism.

>> No.10585969

For someone complaining of extrapolating stuff, you extrapolate so much so yourself all the way to god.

Not that I think you're wrong, but all of those things you said AND late capitalism AND all of the other reasons anons are bringing about are real parts of the issue, imo.

>> No.10585984
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check out twelve stories, franny and zooey, raise high the roofbeam carpenters, and seymour an introduction by j.d. salinger

>> No.10586005

t. Millenial

>> No.10586011

What dreck.

>> No.10586018

I'm not sure if you're being facetious about the stars comment but I imagine plenty of people are sincerely hyped about that and world World weariness (literally) will become more prevalent as people yearn for a collective aim towards which to lend their strength (their own part played merely by espousing le epic science).

The West / East tension has been ongoing for centuries in various forms and to varying degrees, so it itself is not novel though its contemporary form may be relevant. And common enemies have also always existed in the form of Othering (a term I'm using carefully) and propaganda etc.

As for collective purpose, it is clear to me that the West is suffering from a form of sickness which compels large numbers of its citizens, or at least their most vocal representatives, to actively encourage the replacement of native populations via mass immigration (and the normalizing of such a process via the destruction of terms such as "native" and "white"). They also encourage feelings of collective guilt either due to past events (slavery, colonialism etc) or due a lack of perceived empathy and humanitarianism today (not taking enough "refugees", not providing enough support to Africa, etc). Expressing today that you believe the majority of your capital city should be natives of your country, or that someone whose family have lived in your country for centuries is just as much a citizen as a Nigerian handed a passport fresh off the boat, etc, is cause enough to have you dismissed from a job or otherwise ridiculed by the consensus bearers. The mantra today appears to be: "Apologize! Give up! Keep your mouth shut!"

>> No.10586034

when in doubt, read Plato.

>> No.10586070
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Technology was a mistake. It has enabled some of the worst thoughts and ideas to ever plague mankind. Confronted with the ability to communicate as never before we didn't stop and ask if we should, the psychological ramifications have up ended normality itself and I truly believe doomed mankind in perpetuity. People are unhappy because they lead unnatural lives.

>> No.10586090


>> No.10586092

>wanting to be a hunter-gatherer

>> No.10586098

Nope. Technology is accelerating evolution even as we speak.

Why? Because it encourages the weak to stay inside their shells, never develop social skills, and avoid interaction with the real world. Which means they will never reproduce.

>> No.10586130

They are also the first to see the horrific consequences of cultural Marxist social engineering and mass immigration first hand.

>> No.10586134

>Everything else that threatens the integrity of the system is violently reprimanded or demonized.

ok, go ahead and name those things that are "violently reprimanded or demonized"

>> No.10586152

>>wanting to be a hunter-gatherer
I never said that, but it's not hard to understand that because something is new it develops without adequate control or foresight. That's a real problem in the realm of vast spanning technology like the internet, the effect of this lack of control or forethought spreads further than it ever could before. This doesn't mean innovation itself is the enemy, only that it is and has been dangerous.

You don't need to want to revert to some agrarian society to understand constant over stimulation as we know it is damaging to people. We did not evolve where such a thing was possible. I mean all of this chiefly from a psychological perspective, no-one thinks advertising works on them but just awareness of a thing affects you and today billions of people are affected in ways they are totally unaware of. Let that sink in.

t. knows nothing about evolution or human psychology

>> No.10586168

get off 4chan then you faggot

>> No.10586169

Not that anon but anyone who thinks a state in the US could secede is regarded as insane, that's not hyperbole, if you genuinely believe such and vocalize it people look at you as though you're a psychotic. That sort of thinking, if it were around in the 18th century, would have made the very formation of the United States impossible. People have an unnatural respect for authority and very poor esteem for personal agency.

>> No.10586173

I would feel bad for them, but they also pretty much invented this horrifying reddit culture we live in now, so they can suck my dick.

>> No.10586175

4chan isn't the Matrix anon, there's no escape from the kind of thing I describe. It completely saturates our society and is rewriting everything from the culture to our actual physiology. It's not just what you should think that is changing, it's what people can think. This is one of those nuances best captured by something like 1984, where language itself is being edited to fundamentally restrict expression.

>> No.10586177

>p-people will look at me funny

give me a fucking break

>> No.10586178

>Not that anon but anyone who thinks a state in the US could secede is regarded as insane
Same in the UK with Brexit. Those who voted to leave were seen as misled idiots in the media.

>> No.10586189

It goes much deeper than that though, the very same people who parrot the virtue of democracy as absolute find the idea of actually exercising it lunacy. Do you understand? Ideas themselves are abstracted, dissonance like that is only possible when ideology is reified instead of logic or understanding. This sort of shit is everywhere, from the arbitrariness of political affiliation to the budding and perverse distrust of science. In a way it's a return to theism through nihilism, people believe without understanding, the iphone is just one of many new gods today.

>> No.10586193


>> No.10586195

Not going to school is a prime example. Education's main goal is turn people into docile functionning members of society. School is mandatory in almost every first world country.

This is absolutely wrong. It is not accelerating anything, it simply changed who gets to reproduce. If your idea of an alpha male is one who conforms, goes to school, gets a diploma, secures a good job and has kids, then you better catch up on evolutionary bio. The entire point of civilization was switching from an evolutionary ideal to an other. Back when people were hunter gatherers, only a few select individuals in a tribe bedded the majority of women. Civilization/Agriculture marks the departure from this mode of evolution to another monogamist one, where almost everyone could secure a wife and guarantee the continuation of his genes. Talking about alpha males today is ludicrous. Alpha males were driven out by newer evolutionary and cultural standards thousands of years ago.

>> No.10586204

Why would /pol/ support Brexit? Leave was a workers movement.

>> No.10586205

We live in times of unprecedented liberty, that you could hardly have in any other system, where any fuckhead can go to a used bookstore and buy whatever piece of communist, anarchist, fascist or nazist literature he wants. He can then set-up his own website promoting his ideas and even preserve anonymity. Yet I have to read imbecilities such as "everything that threatens the integrity of the system is violently reprimanded or demonized".

>> No.10586222

People are free buy said literature precisely because it is impotent. The door is open, but you're still in a prison. And you're there because you don't think it is one, since the door is open. You've missed the point entirely.

Look at yourself, you automatically suggest this kind of thing is imbecilic. You're defending the system without even knowing it, and that's part of the system. You aren't some gestapo government agent, the indoctrination here is your life itself.

>> No.10586226

Boycotting is illegal in many first world countries. Where is the harm in boycotting a brand? It certainly harms the economy and corporation power, but not individuals. Not going to school is punishable by law. Uneducated people tend to commit more crimes, so we decided that everyone MUST conform and give their first 16 years of life in order to have more peaceful citizens. There are laws regarding 'Loitering' in the states, which basically mean that an individual cannot hang out with his friends anywhere he seems fit, so that he MUST consume whenever he goes 'out'.

This is .01% of it all. I'm baffled than some people don't realize such obvious matters. What are laws?? What are governments?? What are institutions, borders etc..?? The point is that they exist, not that they're right or wrong. But their existence makes a very clear point.

>> No.10586229

And yet I don't see any communist, anarchist, fascist, or nazi revolutions or movements that threaten the society which as you say enables them...strange isn't it?

>> No.10586231

Psychology, Catholicism and Scientology are all different flavors of the same state cult.
The fact that a psychologist can have you indefinitely detained is a big clue.
Heretic=Suppressive Person=Toxic Person

Righteousness=Clear=Mental Health

It's all competing brands of cola

>> No.10586233

>You're defending the system without even knowing it

Wrong. I defend whatever you call "the system" fully knowing it. You got nothing better to offer.

>> No.10586237

You're suggesting you are consciously defending your ideology? That's a contradiction in itself friend.

>> No.10586250
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>This is absolutely wrong. It is not accelerating anything, it simply changed who gets to reproduce.
Human evolution has never known so many shut-ins, para-sexuals, schizoids or other non-reproducing dead-enders. People are opting out of the evolutionary stakes in their thousands. They are voluntarily removing their weaknesses from the gene pool.

>> No.10586251

Life got too easy.
Kids are growing up and aren't working hard with there parents to keep the household afloat. As a consequence, many people don't develop a sense of meaning and self-worth. couple that with social media which is an IV injection of insecurity and identity issues and of course you have a depression epidemic among the millennials

>> No.10586255
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>> No.10586260

Evolution has no goal. This weakness you describe is relevant to the current organization of nature/society. The very same people you describe as weak parasexual schizoids however are the same people who were extremely valuable in prior organizations of nature/society. Intelligence itself is being selected against, you realize....

>> No.10586261

That's because people mostly prefer "the system" over revolutions. If someone yells that we should implement land collectivization for the 10th time in the last century and some stranger calls them a moron, maybe it's not "the system"'s fault, maybe they're really morons.

>> No.10586274

>the problem is kids don't want to work
The majority of jobs that exist have no reason to. The problem is that people are taught to work these meaningless jobs.

>> No.10586276

Neat. I'm physically smallish, but above average intelligent with a mean competitive streak. Guess that's why I'm about to get traditionally married at 25 and start impregnating my wife so I can raise quality children in a stable home environment.

>> No.10586279

>if you disagree with how things are you must be Pol Pot
You sound like a reasonable human being endowed with free will.

>> No.10586283

who are you to say what jobs have a reason to exist?

>> No.10586284

This assumes intelligence is quantified so simplistically to mean what it did in imperial europe.
It's like saying ants are stupid. A soldier ant might be, but ants as a unit have been around for a geologic period of time and will be here after we nuke ourselves to ash.
Ants have agriculture, public works, and every facet of civilization that we do. Only they've genetically engineered themselves to be able to do it without a bunch of machines that rely on combustion of petrochemicals or radioactive materials to keep going.
Hopefully, CRISPR/cas9 will be the beginning of such a bright future for our descendants.

>> No.10586292
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>> No.10586293

>Evolution has no goal.
It's survival, you utter brainlet.

>> No.10586305

One of the reasons it is so easy is become children and adolescents are now key consumer demographics, perhaps even more so than their parents. In addition to factors such as erotic value being more highly prized than ever (due to non-monogamy and loneliness) the elderly are no longer really considered wise or figures of authority, but bed-blockers, out-of-date retards, boring embarrassing cultural outsiders and so forth. Which means that the youth are held in a a high regard never afforded their age group before, a power they embrace and use to continue to bash anything which resembles old age, including traditions, conservative wisdom, formal communication, boring careers, religion and so forth. But having done this and celebrated their supposed place atop the socio-cultural hierarchy they are then confronted with the full force of economic realities, which, having disposed of them and having no use for their lack of skills and work discipline, totally ignore them while the next generation of spoilt kids take their place in the limelight. What we are witnessing is a generation of prime consumers for whom the advertisements and the ideologies on sale are no longer offered to them precisely because they were and continue to be delusional carrots held up in front of the faces of over-confident, over-powerful, increasingly demanding and narcissistic kids who realize far too late that the old man who told them to learn a skill, settle down, develop love slowly rather than shop around for the ideal partner, and so on was the quiet voice they should have listened to. And I say that as a virgin.

>> No.10586310

if we only made what we "need" we would see very little technological advancement
the standard for what we "need" is constantly expanding because the baseline of human decency keeps rising
a few hundred years ago you would be arguing that all this medicine mumbo jumbo is a bunch of make-work designed to strip the lower classes of the fruits of their labor and prop up an artificial industry of doctors because lamo you don't "need" medicine
this is why capitalist countries invariably have a higher standard of living, because they are never satisfied with what is contemporarily considered sufficient for life.

>> No.10586314

Then welfare bums are highly evolved, they survive with minimal expenditure of energy and breed prolifically. And we know they have the genes to continue doing so even when the welfare is removed, because that's how they all got here from millennia past. Check and mate, Eichman.

>> No.10586318

Nah, pretty sure drug use and that sort of stuff is up in millennials, sex is down compared to boomers and social retardation is off the charts cause of technology

>> No.10586321

>comparing selfie bottle to antibiotics

That's boldly intellectually dishonest, my boy

>> No.10586326

imagine believing that an incidental pattern overlayed on top of a data set after the fact is indicative of an intentional attempt to move the data in the direction of the trend discovered
stick to the meme books, kiddo, leave science to adults

>> No.10586331

>who are you to say what jobs have a reason to exist?
Well, allow me to try and explain with an example. There are states that have government contracts in America where factories produce things like a certain model of tank. The military does not use this model anymore. Every tank that is made is stored in a warehouse where its value further depreciates over time and then it is sold to whatever foreign nation will buy them at a loss compared against the cost to make and store them. This occurs because the elected representative of said state's political power since he refuses to lose said government contract because then it would surge unemployment in the district that elected him, and he would not get elected/reelected. This sort of thing is incredibly widespread.

Apart from the fact that many jobs serve no practical function at all, even more jobs have no reason to be done by people. Automation can and should replace cashiers for example, but this has similar problems of difficulty of adoption, the salient point here is that even though automation would in fact cost less and be better, it isn't done because of an immediate cost to particular persons because they need that job for that system, even though the system doesn't make sense. People could be artists, they could study what they want, the potential benefit of that is tremendous, but the immediate difficulties cause society to subsist at a loss of its own volition.

I will give one more example, JP Morgan Chase. The majority of their profits are made through fees and penalties. It's not made through some practical service, but through bureaucracy. The rules cannot reasonably be followed (they are made so, and that's why they are made) and the fees cannot be avoided because they are snuck in alongside unrelated but essential facets of the business.

>> No.10586334

if you're trying to imply that an analogy is an equals sign you might be the intellectually dishonest one

>> No.10586342
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>Marx thought capitalism needed new markets to survive
>he was right
>he thought it was doomed and would run out of markets and die eventually
>instead we just make up new markets out of new markets we made up
>a brand name boot stomping on a human face, forever
top jej

>> No.10586349

Lots of business connected to the public sector are cancerous, that's why northerners hate Thatcher so much, she cut the subsidies to the mining industry, which was completely out-competed by Australia.
Now, lots of jobs shouldn't exist because people don't really "need" coca-cola but they choose to buy it anyway? Hope you aren't going in that direction.

>> No.10586351

or OR they’re all representations of same deep underlining states of the human experience? If you think those ideas aren’t far older than the state then you’re an uneducated fool.

>> No.10586354

Your analogy is bullshit tho, it doesn't even rate homespun southern simile status

>> No.10586356

This is a truism that has been applied by every older generation to every younger generation for all of modern history. "Kids have never had it so easy." "Back in my day..." I'm sympathetic but ultimately I don't really buy it. A shoddy workman blames his tools. The belief that social approval and increasing standards in material comfort is enough to make life's struggle worth it, that wasn't dreamed up by millennials. It's like a parent feeding their daughter nothing but pixie sticks and pizza and then yelling at her when she turns out to be a fat mess.

>> No.10586379

Drug use is down in millenials: https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/05/daily-chart-21

Probably xanax and painkillers are up though.

>> No.10586396
File: 176 KB, 1200x1092, DUWffF1XUAAy0ft[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq blames boomer liberalism, the consequent effects of which we are seeing today. He may be on to something

>> No.10586398

The government should pay people to dig holes in the ground and then fill them up.
t. based Keynes

>> No.10586404

>mass immigration
t. being so stupid you can't see your own stupidity
go to the early 1900s, try again

>> No.10586406

So where would you draw the line with technology hypothetically?

In reality it's unstoppable of course.

>> No.10586408

Houellebecq doesn't really cover millenials per se, as he represented the "Lonely Generation" in France which were defined by dull office jobs, consumerism, sexual liberation, loneliness and social breakdown. Of course his themes carry through, as do the themes of John Fowles who wrote The Collector in disgust at what he saw as irresponsible consumerism among the lower classes in the 1950s and 60s.

We truly need an /ourguy/ for the current generation, but to be honest if he does publish anything we're all too distracted and mentally fucked to bother reading it desu.

>> No.10586412

No, that's just ignorant of your part. It's like a good logical connection if you think of psychologists and priests like newspaper caricatures of themselves. Otherwise, no.

>> No.10586419

1) what is considered necessary for life is a set that grows apace with technological advancements
1.1) specifically, what is considered unnecessary and superfluous at one time, such as medicine once was, will eventually be considered an essential quality of humane living, such as medicine is now
2) technology improves over time in a capitalist society due to consumerism and a need for business to outdo each other in the market place
2.1) specifically, capitalist systems encourage development and propagation of what is currently considered superfluous in life, and also development of new superfluous technologies
3) [1+2] therefore what is considered necessary for life in a capitalist society is a (mostly) expanding set
4) [1.1+2.1] superfluous technologies created by capitalism can eventually translate into necessary ones, again, such as medicine did
caveat: this is not true for all superfluous technologies, only some of them

5) there is no such motive for technological advancement in a communist society
5.1) in fact there is motive against it, since what is considered superfluous today will be ignored by the communist society and never developed or propagated
6) [1+5] therefore what is considered necessary for life in a communist society is a (mostly) stagnant set
7) [3+6] assuming a purely capitalist world and a purely communist world, given enough time, no matter the starting state, eventually the standard of living in the capitalist world will outpace the standard of living in the communist world
7.1) communism, rather than freeing people from consumerism, actually locks them in chains of technological stagnation
aside: communist societies in competition with capitalist societies will continue technological development in a manner reminiscent of (but not exactly equivalent to) the space race, but in those cases the communist society is marching to the beat of a capitalist drum

Disclaimer: I am not a fan of selfie bottles, nor am I exactly sure what they are.

Now do you see how medicine is relevant?

>> No.10586428

wtf I LOVE communism now

>> No.10586433

replace communism with any word of your choosing, I'm only really concerned with the specific idea of superfluous technologies and their capacity to become necessary ones.

>> No.10586440

Are you a Ted fan? Don't lie!

*scrutinizes you*

>> No.10586441

>Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives

>> No.10586448

He sort of does in passing. I'm thinking of Bruno's son in The Elementary Particles and the young female characters his protagonists fall for. He seems to recognize the harm his own generation has inadvertently caused as a result of the damage done to them by their parents. As it happens, he himself is a borderline boomer (born in 1956).

>> No.10586449

It's too late to do anything, but it's nice to have an explanation. Anyone with any respect for evolution and psychology should consider the ramifications of things like advertising, consumerism, virtue signalling etc they are the prevailing morals of today are all a consequence of the same thing.

I once read something like the average person in the 1700s only consumed about 4lbs of sugar a year. For our not so distant ancestors it was much less than that. Today it's 150lbs and up. Today there is an obesity epidemic. There's also proof that sugar negatively affects long term cognitive function too. And who knows what else. The point here that human beings simply haven't evolved to be able to deal with a lot of what modern life provides. This is true not just physically in the case of sugar but psychologically as well.

>> No.10586462

brainlet marxists BTFO

>> No.10586466

What a pithy cunt

>> No.10586493

>Most equal period of the last 1000 years of human history is the start of WW1 till the end of WW2
>Boomers lived in the 50's and 60's, a society built on the back of a 1000 year enigma
>Hurr durr millenials have it easier

I wouldn't be so annoyed if they didn't act like they walked through hell.

>> No.10586507
File: 71 KB, 620x428, fuckingplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, nor do I advocate neoliberalism, but I'm fully concious when I'm defending my ideology that I'm doing so on merely ideological grounds. If you're a nihilist or a hedonist, there's nothing wrong with just accepting the current system and just going to McDonalds every day for your dopamine fix. I might detest people like that, but c'est a vie.

>> No.10586509


Are there any books about blaming people born in arbitrary year designations instead of the bourgeoisie that actually controls and ruins everything and don't have a set age?

>> No.10586531

>Radical political action, radical as in "outside the frame" radical, the kind self-aggrandizing #OWS is incapable of, would be to demand Bernie Madoff be released, so that everyone would have to watch him in restaurants and hookers, an unignorable signal to the system and to yourself that things are not right. Not to settle for symbolism and scapegoats. But the media won't let this happen, they thrive on symbolism and scapegoats; and you won't let it happen as long as you can get an iphone.

>So the system encourages women like Hess to "critique the patriarchy" or "bring awareness" because it stands no chance of moving the money, let alone the power, and also the media gets a cut. Meanwhile men all over the place are left questioning why their opportunities are just as limited but their answer can't be a glass ceiling. "Maybe it's reverse sexism!" Maybe your media is no different than her media, we'll see what kind of sexism there is when the robots replace all of you. What is both obscene and astonishing in its power is that this distraction is foisted on Millennials by other Millennials, they're fighting for the other team, precisely because the immensely hard work of work can be avoided by hoping the problem is sexism. Hess is frantically fighting against-- whom? Cyberbullies? Frat guys? Stand up comedians? What are the results she expects from this fight? The fight is a symptom of neurosis, frantic energy as a defense against impotence, frantic energy as a defense against change. "Why am I in the top 20% of intelligence but I'm running the register at a store whose products I can't afford?" Because trolls are preventing women from earning a living online? "So it's Reddit's fault!"

Holy shit this is gold

>> No.10586538

Because everyone's too fat and pleasures to bother seriously. What a horror show. Don't be a Beta or Omega focused on the feelies and you'd be fine.

>> No.10586543


>> No.10586550

As much as I hate to sound too cliched here Brave New World comes kind of close, at least as far as Soma goes. I'm the only person I know of my generation who isn't on some sort of pill for depressionm, anxiety, ADHD or something like that. That might just be a thing that's just true for the states though, not sure if other countries are drugging their young to quite this extreme.
You could probably also draw some parallels between the entertainment in BNW becoming more and more idiotic to what passes for movies now. With dating apps there's much more possibility for sex as well but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, it's one of the few good things about this generation really. There's no island to escape to that's free of neurotypicals, but I guess you can retreat to small corners of the internet to be among fellow autists.

>> No.10586561

Generations are such a misguided, non-functional attempt at delineating historical context.

>> No.10586572

Fuck off, Letzter Mensch

>> No.10586587

It's not a millenial problem, the denomination is just an academic clickbait feeding into internet business modeled powered by social network hysteria. Every blogger is his own little TMZ.

>> No.10586588


I've enjoyed this thread and I'll bump it because it'd be great to get some further book recs would be good (we've had maybe 2?).

My short answer to the problem is technology (constant stimulation creating a feedback loop) and an awareness of the futility of their existence in an economic system designed to undercut them at all costs (automation, short term gigs, etc).

It seems to me to be the clearest difference from the point I went to university for my undergrad, when very few people I knew had mental health issues, compared with now where literally 80% of my peers seem to suffer from some form of it.

And yeah it's shit. Best thing to do is stop focusing on yourself. That in itself seems to be where the issue starts so it is inherently tied to identity (which is why it's become trendy).

>> No.10586593

What's the solution to this age of impotence?

>> No.10586600

>spend countless hours on the internet
>gee why am I depressed.

Millennials are hopeless. Grow up, go out in the real world, buy land, get a career.

>> No.10586601

stopped reading at 'muh nietzche'

>> No.10586602

>Best thing to do is stop focusing on yourself.
care to explain further?

>> No.10586604

Are you denying that these equivalences are true on a practical level?

>> No.10586609

>Fisher died on 13 January 2017 at the age of 48, shortly before the publication of his latest book The Weird and the Eerie (2017).[9] His wife confirmed that he had taken his own life.[2][10] His struggles with depression were discussed by Fisher in articles[11] and in his Capitalist Realism, where he argued that "the pandemic of mental anguish that afflicts our time cannot be properly understood, or healed, if viewed as a private problem suffered by damaged individuals."


btw all these 'cultural theorists' always pretend to know shit about "chemico biological" (sic) stuff in order to give their empty ramblings credence

at least there's one less.

>> No.10586610
File: 95 KB, 550x751, tenderness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, family, country are the only things worth living for. Everything else is just individual pursuit of pleasure or honour, which only some people can attain and only then for a short while, and which brings no true or lasting happiness. It is in the (mistaken) interests of a ruling cabal to reduce the working populace to a godless, family-less, country-less mob of worker drones who only care about feeding their appetites: it's not about capitalist vs. socialist, the capitalists and socialists are the same people.

May God have mercy on you and on us all. Let us avoid blaming one and other and falling into this trap: "because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold."

>Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things? The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together, against the Lord and against his Christ. Let us break their bonds asunder: and let us cast away their yoke from us. He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them: and the Lord shall deride them. Then shall he speak to them in his anger, and trouble them in his rage.

>But I am appointed king by him over Sion his holy mountain, preaching his commandment. The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like a potter's vessel. And now, O ye kings, understand: receive instruction, you that judge the earth.

>Serve ye the Lord with fear: and rejoice unto him with trembling. Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord be angry, and you perish from the just way. When his wrath shall be kindled in a short time, blessed are all they that trust in him.

>> No.10586614

>Do what I did son, walk in that interview office and give a firm handshake!

>> No.10586622

I remember high school too

>> No.10586624
File: 31 KB, 634x430, 3CCDE17700000578-4188266-The_average_loan_to_income_multiple_of_a_mortgage_in_London_has_-a-1_1486199216028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy land

>> No.10586636

This is a Catholic board. Reddit is that way >>>/reddit/

>> No.10586638

Yeah? I can assure you if you had confidence and actually tried instead of going to one interview and then giving up and going back to your phones you could achieve something. You kids these days are worthless.

>> No.10586640

>buy land
>get a career
Shouldn't solutions be realistic? The cost of real estate is outrageous and no-one has a career anyone, they have jobs. Most of which they choose out of necessity and which they d begrudgingly.

>> No.10586643


I think that mental health issues are no longer a taboo. Also because of social media everyone can upload anything and it will reach the corners of the world in no time. Not to mention that it's mostly successful people posting on FB etc. which might make your life seem like extra shit in comparison. Finally it's so easy to get your "fix" now with every reply or like you get AND at the same time (as other anons have pointed out already) everyone has a degree now which has led to some sort of degree inflation.

>> No.10586644


Nothing intellectual about this but I feel that when you're consumed with yourself you inevitably end up feeling shitty. It seems to be a hallmark of a lot of people I know who have mental health issues (they're narcissists).

It's not a complex point; I'm simply saying that dedicating yourself to something external offers a break from self-loathing, inadequacy, etc.

>> No.10586645

It will keep going up and you will make a profit.

>> No.10586646

>Best thing to do is stop focusing on yourself.

I would also recommend this. Although selfishness, inwardness and even narcissism can provide the kind of psychological soil in which a great piece of art can grow, as a personality norm these can only make you angry, frustrated or numb, detached. I understand now why older people seem to enjoy giving things to kids and helping them. I have matured a lot recently and a lot of it has to do with being more selfless.

>> No.10586653

Are you sure you don't want to attach some cringey as shit christ chan image to that reply. Maybe type deus vult out a few dozen times before you write some more self masturbatory posts

>> No.10586656

>.t /biz/

>> No.10586660
File: 173 KB, 937x622, bernardino-luini-the-madonna-of-the-carnation-ca-1515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold."

>> No.10586665


Do you realize that "millennials" are not some magical other species of creature from the humans born a century or in fact many centuries ago?
If you're frustrated that these "millennials" seem different from those previous humans it is because the world they reside in is different and its different precisely because of the actions of those previous humans.

>> No.10586673

If that's the case, then why was Communism able to bring a feudalistic society to modernity in 20 years?

>> No.10586674

Focusing solely on yourself leads to an internal life wherein personal ambitions and the attainment of personal rewards (praise, prizes, a certain image in the eyes of others) are the only sustenance you can rely on to remain somewhat content about your life. I would distinguish this from hermetic narcissism perhaps, or turning inward to find God or to retain purity (monks, hermits etc). But social narcissism, or being around others but placing yourself outside and usually above them, leads to the kind of near-solipsism that is actually visible and / or audible in some people (not only autists) whose primary motive you can tell is personal advertising, attention-seeking and the validation of the self at the expense of all others. One left-wing journalist in particular is an example of this to me, but I won't name them out of politeness. But many writers, artists are like this even though unlike businessmen (many of whom are also like this, although in a more relaxed sense) they on the one hand encourage equality, pity, compassion for the outsider etc yet on the other struggle or voluntarily fail to genuinely empathize with anyone. It's like a lifelong PR campaign for the self and by the self.

>> No.10586682

This analysis shows the trends of conservatism and ideology that DID to lead to failure of the USSR to progress post-50s.
It was the Authoritarianism, stupid!

>> No.10586687
File: 130 KB, 468x676, baphomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a much simpler philosophical truth behind it all, as stated by the Overman:

>192. "Power corrupts." Actually, weakness corrupts, power makes healthy. If you don't believe me just stop eating (food too is a form of power) and then take a look in the mirror after a week. That's what corruption looks like. Puffy cheeks and a well-stocked cellar are health.

>633. "What about all the countless and rapidly escalating symptoms of decline then?" — The bigger and stronger you get, the more you eat and drink, and therefore the more you piss and shit. How hard is this simple truth of life for you retards to grasp?

i.e. what we are seeing here is simply the consequence of the growing health and greater technological advancements that society is experiencing.

>> No.10586689


The USSR wasn't communist. It was, at most, state capitalism (said by Lenin himself) with some socialist policies.

>inb4 not true communism

By definition (not American retardation), communism is stateless.

>> No.10586694

Are you seriously blaming others for your own generations failure? I knew millennials were self entitled pricks but jesus christ man.

>> No.10586717

The system is unsustainable. Eventually the weak will die out and only the strong will survive. That or radically amending the educational system so kids aren't ignorant retards upon graduating

>> No.10586721

Don't give in to the No True Scotsman line, because that's exactly what Capitalists do: oh, it's not REAL Capitalism, it's Statism with Welfare and so on.
USSR was an intermediary communist state.
Honestly, I think a hybrid system would be just fine, ala Tito or Strasser.

>> No.10586739


Fallacy or not, it is true. It did not get to the point of actual communism.

>> No.10586747
File: 18 KB, 220x312, Lao_Tzu_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_15250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY are the people starving?
Because those above them are taxing them too heavily.
That is why they are starving.

Why are the people hard to manage?
Because those above them are fussy and have private ends to serve.
That is why they are hard to manage.

Why do the people make light of death?
Because those above them make too much of life.
That is why they make light of death.

The people have simply nothing to live upon!
They know better than to value such a life!


WHEN the world is in possession of the Tao,
The galloping horses are led to fertilize the fields with their droppings.
When the world has become Taoless,
War horses breed themselves on the suburbs.

There is no calamity like not knowing what is enough.
There is no evil like covetousness.
Only he who knows what is enough will always have enough.


IF only I had the tiniest grain of wisdom,
I should walk in the Great Way,
And my only fear would be to stray from it.

The Great Way is very smooth and straight;
And yet the people prefer devious paths.

The court is very clean and well garnished,
But the fields are very weedy and wild,
And the granaries are very empty!
They wear gorgeous clothes,
They carry sharp swords,
They surfeit themselves with food and drink,
They possess more riches than they can use!
They are the heralds of brigandage!
As for Tao, what do they know about it?


AH, for a small country with a small population!
Though there are highly efficient mechanical
contrivances, the people have no use for them. Let them
mind death and refrain from migrating to distant places.
Boats and carriages, weapons and armour there may still
be, but there are no occasions for using or displaying
them. Let the people revert to communication by
knotting cords. See to it that they are contented with
their food, pleased with their clothing, satisfied with
their houses, and inured to their simple ways of living.
Though there may be another country in the
neighbourhood so close that they are within sight of
each other and the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs
in one place can be heard in the other, yet there is no
traffic between them, and throughout their lives the two
peoples have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.10586751

Bless you, anon.

>> No.10586755

>Eventually the weak will die out and only the strong will survive.
I mean, this has been the case every generation, since the beginning of the universe.

>> No.10586759


Blame does not exist within this scenario

The failure of an entire generation of humans is a failure for all of humanity

If you identified yourself as a human at all this would be clear

>> No.10586777
File: 118 KB, 861x579, bethechangeosama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the funny part. We are all the strong. We are ALL the result of millions of years of culling by natural and artificial selection.
Because that's all survival is: living long enough to have kids that live long enough to have kids. That's literally all it takes to be The Strong.
No wonder we're surrounded by dumbfucks and degenerates.

>> No.10586788

>That's literally all it takes to be The Strong.
Once upon a time. The playing field was changed to quite a degree somewhere around the advent of Western civilization and is continuously changing.

>> No.10586803

Realistically speaking your comment about the weak dying out is probably true.

Of course in a post-scarcity society they won't be killed, but fertility rates among lower-class men (i.e. the weak) are far lower than those of upper-class, socio-economically successful men. And when automation really starts to kick in it will be the bottom of society that will be wiped out first in the form of call centre workers, retail employees, garbage men and so on. And when they become unemployed they will occupy the position of a child, i.e. dependent, useless, pitied but not respected etc. Women don't want these men. It will be much like the tale of Noah's Arc, with the waters of automation rising higher and higher, drowning more and more men with only a select few remaining dry (and desirable) atop the few tall peaks of success. I personally have long transcended this system, and will this float above it all within the arc of smug NEETdom.

>> No.10586816

The eventual outcome of communist societies is the USSR.Human nature prohibits the very fundamental tenants of a communist society.
The only situation where true communism would flourish would only be in an archaic hunter-gather setting where hoarding of resources is fatally detrimental to the survival of the group and in turn the individual.

>> No.10586824

>Human nature

Stopped reading there. Absolutely baseless and bullshit reasoning for anything. Human nature, if it even exists really, is dependent on the environment. If you have an environment of cutthroat individualism and exploitation (capitalism) of course it'll be HUGHMANN NAYCHUR to follow that.


All capitalists and the cucks that support them (who ironically are proletariat and will always be so) should be hanged for treason against humanity.

>> No.10586828

It has a lot to do with diet and exercise as well. Processed carbohydrates are poison and cardio and resistance training should be looked at as basic personal hygeine.

>> No.10586830

>All capitalists and the cucks that support them (who ironically are proletariat and will always be so) should be hanged for treason against humanity.
Who gives a fuck about humanity? We adopt economic systems like capitalism and social systems like democracy because it takes us further in terms of scientific and technological progress. No one, not even yourself, cares about humanity.

>> No.10586834

You think people ate consistently well until today?

>> No.10586839
File: 55 KB, 345x360, 095 - NJNoUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le human nature maymay

>> No.10586846

Not necessarily
you wouldn't call a man born with no arms and no legs strong.
eventually >>10586803 will happen and the weak or less fit "impotent" will be bread out as our society nears an age of scarcity after it hits peak productivity. after peak productivity, it won't be economically viable to have children with the impotent men.

>> No.10586850

>mfw boomers fucked over gen x and millennials, and decided to stick around to fuck over gen z as well

>> No.10586851

wow it's almost like the immigration act of 1965 isn't real, and who could forgot about the massive Arab/Black influx that hit Europe in the "early 1900s"

>> No.10586855

>being this fucking naive

>> No.10586856

>after it hits peak productivity
It never will though, because there is no peak.

>> No.10586861

>an unironic commie
wew lad

>> No.10586865

Environmental factors will largely determine peak productivity. the world doesn't have infinite resources, and eventually, we'll have used them all up

>> No.10586868


>ur just naive lol get with the program and GROW UP, kid

We're done here, I take it? I'm not going to even attempt to debate with an idiot.

>> No.10586869

I used to be like you dude, you'll see...

>> No.10586873

democracy only stunts progress, brainlette

>> No.10586882

Is that why after adopting democratic principles the West continued to progress for decades?

>> No.10586899

There's a difference between bourgeois liberal democracy which is mob rule at best, rigged in general, and other approaches like Libertarian Municipalism and so on.

>> No.10586907

>Stopped reading there. Absolutely baseless and bullshit reasoning for anything. Human nature, if it even exists really, is dependent on the environment. If you have an environment of cutthroat individualism and exploitation (capitalism) of course it'll be HUGHMANN NAYCHUR to follow that.
>All capitalists and the cucks that support them (who ironically are proletariat and will always be so) should be hanged for treason against humanity.
Where do you think that environment comes from, retard? Saying hur durr things are only like that in a capitalistic system...is moronic because it fails to consider why such a a system came to exist in the first place. This idea that everything is a social construct is the height of retardation, all neo-marxists should be shot.

>> No.10586911

>This is a truism that has been applied by every older generation to every younger generation for all of modern history.
guess what? each one of them was correct
life generally gets easier with each passing generation

>> No.10586914

Its human nature, in fact, the nature of most animal species to fear death, and want to reproduce. it's also the nature of animals to organize themselves into hierarchies
>inb4 nice Jordan Peterson regurgitation
Its the goal of most animals to climb their respective dominance hierarchies. In doing this inequality is produced by the very fact that every organism is born with different capabilities and thus some will rise higher than others.

so unless you take out the very hardwired motivational drive of every human (save for a select number of mentally ill individuals) then your dumb fucking system will collapse.

Even Marx wrote about the need for men to become more modest.

>> No.10586917


the West grew in the 20th century because of the protectionist practices and rigorous domestic policies they (obviously) don't want the developed countries to have nowadays. The way of government in itself such as democracy or dictatorship did not influence nearly as much as the economic policies (and these were pretty autocratic compared to today's economical doctrines).

>> No.10586919

If greed and individualism are human nature, what is traditionalism, conservatism and monarchism, which were, and largely still are, the dominant forms of human organization through the entirety of recorded history?
Why is it only okay for a business to act collectively? Why is it okay to have a king, but only if we call him boss?

>> No.10586925

And yet the queen of an ant colony is not a literal queen. She is a functional organelle in an organ called the colony, every member is important for different reasons, and have different functions. There is no leader, the Queen is if anything, captive to her children.

>> No.10586927

>but fertility rates among lower-class men (i.e. the weak) are far lower than those of upper-class, socio-economically successful men.
What kind of insane shit are you on, the wealthiest people have the fewest kids. This is a fucking fact, look up any statistical source. a college educated upper class family in America has 1 or 2 kids, the average anchorbaby mexican welfare leeches like 10. I mean, the countries with the highest projected population growth are all deeply impoverished, the very same Africans that are starving and only survive through foreign humanitarian support are set to become the majority on Earth by 2050. Lmao, you fucking morons with your evolution selects for the strong capable and the intelligent clearly aren't either...which is probably why you and your woefully stupid ideas will reproduce.

>> No.10586934

he said fertility, not fatality.
And really, it's more about being able to plan families. Rich people PLAN their reproduction.

>> No.10586935

Everything you said after 'It stems from inadequacy.' is incorrect, it's benefits you to make the problem external and not your fault but we live in the age of abundance. Previous generations struggled for food, work, health care, etc but you snuff your nose because it doesn't meet your imposed requirements.

If more people took responsibility for there happiness (taking care of their health, education, careers, social life, etc) there would be a lot less depression.

The problem with our generation is that we have been brought up to expect everything easy that when it does happen they get depressed. Couple this with being able to see constant examples of people doing better than them and you have a cocktail for self imposed inadequacy in age of abundance.

>> No.10586943

>I don't know how to take care of myself.
>Corporations are forcing me to be unhealthy.

>> No.10586946
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-socialism-never-took-root-in-america-because-the-poor-see-themselves-not-as-an-exploited-john-steinbeck-42-89-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it only okay for a business to act collectively? Why is it okay to have a king, but only if we call him boss?
You answered your own question, it is because of greed.
>If greed and individualism are human nature, what is traditionalism, conservatism and monarchism, which were, and largely still are, the dominant forms of human organization through the entirety of recorded history?
There's nothing conservative about current western society. It was the case in the past precisely because that was the means to further one's interest, one's survival.

>> No.10586949

It being a limited democracy and its success depending also on contextual factors doesn't change the fact that the West, the machine of progress pushing things forward, chose to adopt certain democratic principles. Doing that didn't stunt progress, it was a choice made on the path of continual progress. I could see if your argument was that democracy is now starting to lose value for us and may become extra baggage we need to shake off, but up until now (and it hasn't declined yet), Western civilization has been progressing EVEN WITH capitalist and democratic systems in place. With communist systems? No.

>> No.10586952

What? It doesn't matter that rich people plan their reproduction, those who don't plan it reproduce far more.

>> No.10586956

>I'll just grow and domesticate all my own food

>> No.10586960

Yes, I know, that's what I'm saying. Liberal Capitalism, the Free Market, these are relatively new and unnatural.

>> No.10586963

>Thinks the internet and phones are all technology is

Imagine wanting to live in world without the advances we have today in healthcare, transport and education.

>> No.10586964

>If greed and individualism are human nature, what is traditionalism, conservatism and monarchism, which were, and largely still are, the dominant forms of human organization through the entirety of recorded history?
It is human nature to be ruled and to seek to rule.

>> No.10586966

>most animals
Ants do not organize themselves like mammals

>> No.10586968
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>commie millenials actually think this

>> No.10586969
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But communism did more in it's 70 years in Russia than we did in 400 in the west.
The New Deal and Welfare, Consumerism, these things are what's keeping Liberal Capitalism floating, but only the nose is out of water.
We all know the ship is sinking here.

>> No.10586971

>The problem with our generation is that we have been brought up to expect everything easy that when it does happen they get depressed. Couple this with being able to see constant examples of people doing better than them and you have a cocktail for self imposed inadequacy in age of abundance.

Different anon here. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my fair share of being a self-hating millennial as well, but I was never particularly told or under the impression from parents/mentors/teachers/peers to expect that everything would be easy. In fact, most people I knew thought everything was hopeless, that they themselves were broken, and that everything they were told seemed to insinuate it was their fault (I.E. white, male, patriarchy, creepy for find a girl attractive, etc.). A large portion of men I knew were dropping out of society way back in high school, before they even really knew what the world was like, and started doing pills, which led to heroin and everything else.

I think a large portion of the issue, at least for men in particular, is the world they experience is basically telling them to go fuck themselves at every turn. This made large numbers of male friends/colleagues depressed and rattled with angst, where they were basically unable to voice their opinions/feelings about most topics, while other group were given the green light. Eventually this leads to the dropping out of men from most circles, who become reserved and stop caring for their fellow men, because at the end of the day their fellow men (women too) decided to turn them into the "other" as opposed to another.

>> No.10586974

>le job training maymay

>> No.10586975

I'd argue that communism itself didn't do that as much as much as the USSR's spirit at the time to outperform the west.

>> No.10586976

>But communism did more in it's 70 years in Russia than we did in 400 in the west.
Gonna need to elaborate on that one.

>> No.10586978

>and unnatural.
We are living at the logical consequence of human nature, its destruction.

>> No.10586992
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, Murray-Bookchin-Quote-There-are-no-hierarchies-in-nature-other (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you and raise you

>> No.10587001

Again though, all this 'it's hopeless, the system is broken' is confirming that the problem is external. People actually believe there's no point in trying hard or going for the life they want because they won't ever get it. When in reality we have access to more resources than any previous generation and don't have to worry (on the whole) about basic survival needs such as food and shelter.

>> No.10587005

bourgouis is middle class.

>> No.10587015

See this
specifically though, Russia was still Feudal, was deeply underdeveloped compared to the west, and yet, after the revolution, the modernization campaign of the soviets brought them to equal footing with the rest of the Allied Powers, and if they'd got the bomb first we would be speaking Russian right now.
It took from 1500 onward to modernize the west, and we're falling back into Feudalistic modes already in 2018.
If you read the short cited pdf I posted, you will see the analysis of why after the space race the Soviets lagged behind. Most of it was due to the inability of the old men at the top to change with the times and with their resistance to anything that even smelled of western decadence.

>> No.10587017

Postmodernism in a nutshell, no god = no rules, morals, or values. Humans true nature.

>> No.10587019


Not the same anon, but that's a pretty simplistic view of the situation.

He's not wrong. Millennials overall don't expect 'everything easy', but the opposite: you're guaranteed a meaningless life with little to no chance of escape. That's not easy.

On that: abundance of what? Surely there's plenty of food to go around, but that's no solution for feeling inadequate and useless.

>> No.10587032

Of course it takes a human to classify something as a hierarchy.

>> No.10587036

I got about 4 minutes in until I closed it. He says nothing in the defense of the relevance of social factors over the natural, in fact all Bookchin does here is a slight of hand. He says that people used to exist outside of hierarchies within their own tribes, which is completely bullshit, but ultimately he offers no reasoning at all for anything and just restates his view while suggesting it was the norm in the past. It's a very fucking poor response to Peterson who offers cold hard scientific evidence contrary to the aforementioned.

>> No.10587046

Wow! That's remarkably dumb.

Where did you get that from?

>> No.10587049

>dude pollution is wrong because a tree doesn't have a subjective frame of reference
jesus christ why are they filming this poor old demented man

>> No.10587053
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>he thinks humanity is the pinnacle of intelligence

>> No.10587054

I mostly agree with you, though I would add that external forces along with predisposition to internal problems has created our modern affair (the Millennial generation's nihilism and despair). The longer I think about it the more it seems like basic straw man/divide and conquer tactic by those in power. They realized by the time our generation rolled around that it was better to keep us fighting over things that are truly vapid and empty issues, as opposed to addressing the actual systemic issues (they don't want anything close to the Civil Rights Act happening again).

So instead the convince one gender that the other gender is the root of all their misery and problems, and allowing them to then perform actual oppression on said gender. Divide and conquer at its purest. Said group of that gender then don't want to play anymore with the other group, and as they age the previous group realizes that they fucked up, but have little to no integrity to admit it, thus begins the circle of cognitive dissonance (where did all the good men go?).

If we took steps towards holding people accountable for their own actions, then maybe we'd be able to put a stop to the cultural downward spiral we are experiencing.

>> No.10587060

r/K selection theory was debunked in the 70s, anon

>> No.10587064

>and education.
Your bourgeois is showing. I firmly believe American society would be better off with less focus on the virtue of education, yes. Teaching everyone to read was a mistake, as evidenced by this very thread.

>> No.10587066

How is it dumb?

>> No.10587067

>r/K selection theory was debunked in the 70s, anon
And what does that have anything to do with my post you're responding to?

>> No.10587069


>multiple tea cups with different designs are useful and warrant industralisation to be used in order to produce them

Capitalism was a mistake.

>> No.10587083

yes they are.

>> No.10587084
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wtf I love outdated pseudodarwinism now!

>> No.10587086

yeah, beat that strawman!

>> No.10587092

>When in reality we have access to more resources than any previous generation and don't have to worry (on the whole) about basic survival needs such as food and shelter.
It's been proven that people from shithole countries are happier than those in the west. It follows that earlier people with fewer resources enjoyed life more too.

>> No.10587099

Explain how they are not useful.

>> No.10587102

There's nothing pseudo about it, there's physical changes in human and lobster nervous systems that directly support hierarchical organization. This is a fucking FACT. I love how all these nihilistic communist cunts define science as something that confirms what they believe rather than something that confirms what is real. It quickly reveals just how little one should regard them.

>> No.10587111

It's less expecting the world to be easy and more taking it for granted. Go back just a century and everything was much harder to get: food, shelter, money, social advancement, entertainment, education, healthcare... I could go on.

>no solution for feeling inadequate and useless
No easy one that's correct. How about you actually go out and work to achieve something? Learn a new skill, get passionate about a hobby, work on yourself.

So many give up because they're disadvantaged and it's why the tech industry in America largely consists of foreigners from countries like India in which they are still instilled with the understanding that it may take several years (if not over a decade) of hard work to become successful.

>> No.10587112


It's crazy how many people in this thread associate general happiness with abundancy and not meaningfulness.

It's not groundbreaking, even Memerson knows it.

>> No.10587115

>The hatred of millennials is just a subtle arrow in the divide and conquer
its a meme you dip
>system of hyper individualism
Its the stress of modern technology coupled with a highly regimented life, alienation of the individual from the community for example a village where everybody knows eachother vs a city full of strangers, bad diet
>not be brainwashed by anti communist cold war propaganda
muh trump russia. but falling for communism is more retarded though
> a system that is basically jamming you in the face with thoughts like BE PERFECT BE PERFECT BE PERFECT BE PERFECT
aiming to improve yourself would be the amiable thing and lead to less mental illness but now they shill for the opposite and insist that any sort of weakness, illness, or vice is beautiful and you should strive to be garbage e.g. body positivity, trans acceptance, go on any dumb bitches tumblr and youll see them glorifying mental illness like bi-polar

>> No.10587123

Read Chimpanzee Politics to get idea of how things used to be. I guarantee back in the tribes that sex and food were monopolised by the alpha males.

>> No.10587136

just because one random anon says "it's been proven" doesn't mean it has actually been proven.

>> No.10587142

>if they got the bomb first
But they didn't and if It wasn't for that cunt Klaus Russia probably wouldn't have had the bomb for decades along with China

>> No.10587145

There's a lot on the subject, just look it up.

>> No.10587150

I'm not a nihilist for one. And I'm not an atheist for two. In the second part, I'm not denying that hierarchy is a thing that happens in nature, but it's not a law like laws of thermodynamics.
And just because it's primal doesn't mean it's intelligent or useful for long term survival.
I'm not even saying hierarchy is bad per se, I've been sitting here arguing for traditionalism and conservatism. USSR was both, and mankind has been both.
Free Market Capitalism is not natural because it is not traditional nor is it conservative, Free Market Capitalism is Liberal. That's what is meant by Liberal.

Greed is antithetical to cooperation. Greed is antisurvival. It's two cats fighting over a pile of food instead of sharing it and then cooperating on hunts.

There is no group more socialist than wolves, except Ants.

We don't have to be defined by our biology. If that was the case the world would look like Africa does right now.

>> No.10587155


USSR collapsed in 1991. The Russian Federation is strongly Capitalist. It's not red-baiting if there's no reds involved. Right now, the Dems vs GOP fight is between two modestly different factions of neoliberalism.

>> No.10587161

Maybe research Bonobos, you idiot.
There's a difference between the culture of the Iroquois and the culture of the Apache.

>> No.10587164

Spreadingthe christian faith will lead to a propering world and to the healing of the ill, tough we stay weak all along.

>> No.10587170
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>> No.10587172

This is exactly my point. People in shit hole countries are forced to take responsibility for their lives otherwise they or their family will go hungry or die. Since we have abundance of resources and opportunity our burden is lifted but most people squander this and take it for granted.

Then because the basics are taken for granted so is everything else to the point that people nullify others hard work with "they must be rich, white, etc" and equate that because they don't have they that they will never fulfil that goal. Thus giving up on a meaningful life before even beginning to try.

>> No.10587188
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>> No.10587191

explain it to me please .I lack context

>> No.10587200

>>10587155 Dems vs GOP is definitely two modestly different factions of neoliberalism but in foreign policy the narrative is still pretended as america vs russia/china

>> No.10587201

Getting a bionc eye that constantly streams netflix is not evolution

>> No.10587209

>an abundance of opportunity
>94% of the jobs created since 2005 are low hours low wage
>Every degree field is saturated to the gills

Where do you live?

>> No.10587243
File: 478 KB, 602x597, AbbaAnthony-madness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the book Apophthegmata Patrum from the early days of Christianity. One of my favorite books.
It's on archive.org among other places, I highly recommend it.

>> No.10587248

No, but they did before the agricultural revolution. And they did before the explosion of cheap sugar. It used to be a luxury for the upper class alone. After processed sugar became cheap enough for the lower classes health declined sharply.

>> No.10587261

I don't think the people in power did this, we did it to ourselves. The internet, phones and social media were not created by the elite and originally had good intentions. The thing is they have been abused as a way of displaying social status by those following baser urges rather than having malicious intent. Then people compare themselves to those born into rich families or those that spent years of hard work that only show the outcome.

This all creates a defeatist attitude in many, which is understandable but the sad thing is that many know that they are doing this to themselves yet they continue to do it day after day.

>> No.10587272

Yet people are taller than ever.
Yet people are living longer than ever.
Yet most common disease of the past are extinct.

>> No.10587292


Third world dweller here.

I'd argue that even though the place I live doesn't offer nearly as much opportunities to the common citizen (even educated) as the US does, you can still observe the millennial mental issue thing on maybe the same level.

I believe this derives from access to your culture at large, which sets the standards of happiness. Maybe it's an indication that the problem is not related to means of production (which are unequal between countries), but to culturally imposed ideals (which I'd say are pretty much the same due to mass media).

>> No.10587299

>Technology was a mistake.
You wouldn't be here without it. Which is why we all know that what you really meant was, "Life was a mistake," and more specifically ,"My life was a mistake," which is why I am now going to recommend that you commit sudoku.

>> No.10587304
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>all these neo-marxists coming out of the woodwork
>like everything is a social construct man

>> No.10587309

>misquoting statistics to make a point.

>> No.10587311

What are vaccines,
Life span doesn't equal quality of life,
Sugar actually has a hormonal and anabolic effect that causes people to grow larger, not healthier

Old people on the western diet are kept alive on a diet of statons, opiods, and insulin as they slowly rot in old folks homes sitting in a chair watching television. People in traditional hunter gatherer cultures have the cardiovascular health of a 50 year old at 80.

>> No.10587313


>Yet people are taller than ever.

Caloric intake is definitely higher, so it's only natural that people who have a natural propensity to grow taller, will do so in a more consistent manner.

>Yet people are living longer than ever.

Lots of reasons for that. Modern medicine helps.

>Yet most common disease of the past are extinct.

See above.

Food is shittier now, that's for sure.

>> No.10587327

Haven't misquoted anything.

>> No.10587380

He said they were part time not low wage. There's a big difference because most of the jobs (from a quantitative aspect) will be freelancing and gig based work. These can be very lucrative, particular in areas like software development which is a skill you can learn for free with a computer and a brain.

>> No.10587400

"Our guys" are all internet self-help memes like Alone telling us to stop being narcissists, Jordan Peterson telling us to clean our room, Joe Rogan telling us to lift and take DMT, Sam Hyde telling us to lift and stop being stupid millennials...

Then you have >>10586687 who says "all these people going against the status-quo are just as weak and resentful as SJWs or trannies or whatever. If you don't aspire to be a chaos space marine from 40k then you're a worthless subhuman who deserves to die. Compassion is for the weak. Kill kill kill dominate dominate dominate forever."

I'm not sure if anyone here feels the same terror and anxiety over icycalm that I do but he's seriously onto something. He thinks he's irl Judge Holden ffs

>> No.10587427

go to bed icyquim, you're not scary

>> No.10587448

Ohh I see I'll check in some time ;D.
Thank you very much. But how does it match with what I said?

>> No.10587467
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>If you don't aspire to be a chaos space marine from 40k then you're a worthless subhuman who deserves to die.
He's not wrong.

>> No.10587491

You grossly misunderstood my post. My point is that struggling for food, work, health, security is what grants life its meaning. We are at a point in history where we don't need to struggle for basic necessities, but it's actually becoming ILLEGAL to do so. Governments are prohibiting such practice, not because they are malevolent, but because if everyone took responsabilites for themselves, the entire system would collapse. I live in the country with the best healthcare system in the world, but we also have the worst self defense laws. If someone were to barge inside my house right now, armed with a machete, I would have to defend myself with a machete OR something 'weaker', else I would go to jail. THIS is what inadequacy means. We can't even protect our own lives. What the fuck.
Nice trips. Read my reply above, you will understand how picking up a new hobby is absolutely grotesque. Life is not about picking up hobbies or learning skills. I wish it were, but hobbies are only peripheral to an individual well being. I can show you people with no time for hobbies, struggling for food, who are way happier than most people in first world countries.

>> No.10587564

Primitivism is such bullshit. Tribal pre-agricultural societies lived short and brutal lives.

>> No.10587592

>dude lmao everythings fine haha

>> No.10587609

The point of worthwhile anti techies (not the idealist primitivists which Kaczynski, for what he's worth, succesfully addressed) is that technology brings so much unwanted and unforeseeable change that it will eventually drive us out and to extinction. They also posit that technological society requires a huge shift from aristocratic values to a system of surveillance and control, and direct manipulation of the individual as Humans are simply not fit to do the tasks that are asked of them (sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours a day, constant stimulation etc...). And guess what, they are absolutely right. Until what point will humans tolerate what is forced upon us from childbirth ? Mandatory education, jobs... These are only the beginning of an industrial and technological society. It will only get worse. Primitivist who argue that life was better before are worthless. Primitivists who tell you that the individual is physiologically made to live asa hunter gatherer are right. Everything else is bullshit.

>> No.10587619

>common disease of the past are extinct.
Diseases and epidemics came with agriculture and sedentism.

>> No.10587636

>Tribal pre-agricultural societies lived short and brutal lives.

>> No.10587644

>food isn't as nutritional if you don't have to suffer miserably for it
That's just stupid. If life is better when you have to struggle hard, then why is being wealthy and successful the end-goal? Everyone should strive to be homeless and fight other bums for dumpster hamburgers

>> No.10587650

>there's physical changes in human and lobster nervous systems that directly support hierarchical organization
I love how easy it is to smell out a petersonfag, first it was blathering on about solzhenitsyn and now it's fucking lobsters

>> No.10587669


>> No.10587678

I agree but the problem is you want meaning thrust upon you. In the first world we are lucky enough to be able to define what we see as a meaningful life.

Many jump to this definition as something that is unachievable for themselves and thus summate that they can't live a meaningful life but we have opportunity to work to many noble things.

This could be literally anything, some people derive meaning from helping others, some from achieving personal goals, raising a family or better understanding themselves. The beauty of our society is that we have the ability to define it how we want and it's not longer as base as simply survival.

It sounds like your one of those people who thinks they'd rather be stupid because 'ignorance is bliss' or at least act in the unconscious world of an animal.

>> No.10587712
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IDK I read a lot of stoicism, it hit me hard and I was like hur-durr I'm a stoic now. Well I agree with almost everything in the stoic philosophy, it's just so much easier to masturbate and procrastinate when you got nothing to do, then do more productive work. It doesn't apply that well now adays because there weren't all these fucking dopamine distractions as there were back then. Not saying stoicism isn't something viable, but if you have my level of self control it will be hard to do so. Although there is advice about how to build your self control but I just gave up.

The problem is me, I know, but you must admit it would most likely be easier to be a stoic without so many distractions and a real ass teacher, then nowadays. IDK I feel more lost then ever, I suffer from anxiety ( yeah call me a little bitch I am, I'm fucking weak I know. ) which just compounds.

I won't get anywhere, even though I admit I have a problem because I don't truly believe it can be fixed. I must take that first step that I can better myself, but I don't because I don't have any rational reason to believe that. I tried in the past because I was swayed to believe it worked, but the payoff was not worth it as I only improved in other facets of life rather than the ones I wanted to improve in.

So I sit in stagnation, yes it is my fault, yes I probably can get better, but I don't truly believe I can in a way that is satisfactory towards me. Feel free to tell me to go kill myself, or give me advice I don't care. I'm just another weak millennial faggot I guess.

>> No.10587731

This is exactly the problem with late stage capitalism. People don’t know how to take care of themselves thus we find the market where it is now, in this post modern hell.

>> No.10587742

It's not the struggle per se, I used the wrong term. It's the act of gathering food yourself, defending yourself, not being at the mercy of the police, or corporations, or government, that fills one's life with meaning. Today we have to submit to whatever is given to us, be it food or shelter or security. It goes even farther than this as we live in a globalized world and nuclear warfare is a very real possibility. We cannot stop it ourselves, hence the feelings of inadequacy, depression etc... What happens if tomorrow corporations decide that only shitty food sprayed with carcinogenous pesticides gets sold in supermarkets? We are at the mercy of the system. Humans were not built to live this way. We HAVE to have a grasp on our own life, food supply etc.. It's not up to philosophically debate, it's the harsh reality of human physiology.
'Meaning' is a false equivalency. It is 'Lack of Meaning' which exists. When one is confronted with the reality of hunting and gathering for food, meaning goes out the window. You then say that we're lucky enough that, literally, the meaning of 'meaning' is ours to be defined. I don't disagree with you, but physiologically wise, humans require that they 'own' their life, from food to security, else they mentally go wrong, as in depression and the likes. From there, once the necessities for life are secured, then absolutely, man can go further his quest for personal meaning.

>> No.10587752


>conflating biological with social phenomena and passing it off as an argument for your stupid political views

gee i wonder why

really edgy though, i rate it fedora/10

>> No.10587754

>how easy it is to spot a Peterson fag
>literally discussing a video clip featuring Peterson

>> No.10587785
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Your ears must be clogged with jizz from the amount of intellectual masturbation you engaged in just to defend your shitty comparison.

>> No.10587790

>telling people about your mental illness
I have told maybe 6 people max about my depression, and half of those are my immediate family. I don't want people to know.

>> No.10587809

Pleb. I lied through 5 years of extreme depression and drug addiction, telling people I attended college, when in reality I was just getting fucked up 24/7. I came to my senses though, and managed to quit drugs and being an hermit. Nobody knows.

>> No.10587819

>conflating biological with social phenomena
Why should wisdom in the body never count for wisdom in that which rises from the body, like the idea of society?

>really edgy though
Why is something as commonsense as that edgy to you?

>> No.10587836
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>dude everything that happens is because of the economy

thank you marxists, for your incredibly deep and nuanced analysis of society

>> No.10587847

They actually do nunaced analysis of society and you are the one doing the arrow posting.

>> No.10587852

This. The people who are really depressed are ashamed of it and don't want tell anyone. Only 2 of my friends know about my suicide attempt and they found out accidentally through my parents.

>> No.10587869
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Just realign your focus, as in the Bhagavad Gita, a book on applied practical stoicism.
The entire argument rests in this platonic point reiterated by McKenna here:

Essentially, you can chose to pursue meaning through any method that works. Because truth and justice are extremely hard to recognize and attain, aesthetic is a valid pursuit, due to it's ease of attainment and easy recognition.

>> No.10587874

Well, that's called Alienation.
Marx went into that in great detail, one of the things he was right on about.

>> No.10587885

All that we "need" evolutionarily is to survive long enough to breed. However living as long as possible and amassing wealth are two pretty basic human drives, which evolved to make sure we could reproduce for as long as possible.

Anon is just saying that humans will always want more, but saying it in a roundabout way. Unless you disagree with this then you don't have a leg to stand on saying that desires for useful stuff, like antibiotics, and for useless shit, like selfie bottles, don't come from the same basic urges.

It's not really a good thing, but it's part of the human condition.

>> No.10587894
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Millenials are just the edgy emo teenagers on Myspace who have never grown up.
Case in point
>The system is oppressing me man. Like did you know that you have to attend school? That's like fascism, parents should be allowed to just lock up their children. Just teaching them how to read or speak a language is already conformity man

>> No.10587897

But just because a problem exists doesn't mean we should accept it.
It's natural for muslims to take over the world, we shouldn't let them fucking do it though

>> No.10587915

Maybe I don't understand aestheticism but I never believed in value through beauty, although I respect it. I just see other things as more important, as in virtue first and foremost. I will give the book a try, honestly willing to try anything out right now, thank you anon.

>> No.10587918

kek if you are posting on this board then the chances are high that you are a member of the bourgoisie

>> No.10587919

I agree that stoicism is often impractical in today's times. I particularly don't like its emphasis on community engagement

I was in a similar position when I was in my early 20s. I was a total NEET shut-in who spent all my time reading books and watching films. Most people don't have much sympathy for it and are very quick to celebrate your failures and weaknesses. You have to learn to endure their resentment and other petty evils which you can't do anything about. It might help you to imagine that your suffering will eventually make you stronger

What you're describing is referred to in psychological literature as helplessness thinking, and it's a central feature of depression and anxiety that's been observed in millions of different people with the disorders. You've already recognized that your natural disposition is prone toward negative thinking and it's having an adverse effect on your life. You still need to recognize that you assumptions are not necessarily based on reality. You have tendency to assume the worst when the outcome is still unclear. You're not helpless, you do have some (perhaps right now, limited) degree of willpower, and you can move towards goals over a time, but it requires habit and suffering.

The Stoics don't really account for the fact that people have a finite degree of of willpower before they burn out. In their time they didn't have modern conveniences that sapped people of the fundamental human need to suffer towards higher goals. Moreover, they still had higher goals to suffer towards. It's much easier to justify suffering for Rome and Jupiter than for Israel and Star Wars.

Fortunately for us, willpower is like a muscle and can be strengthened through practice. If you apply it towards a behavior enough times, it becomes a habit. A habit will drain less on your expanded willpower, allowing you to tackle a new stresses more easily in a chain effect.

If you're struggling to find a life goal to suffer towards, I strongly suggest lifting or some form of physical exercise. The reason why lifting is so commonly suggested on image forums like this as a "solution" to depression and anxiety is because it gives men an objective way to measure how their suffering allows them to progress towards concrete goals.

I don't really know how to end this other than to say it is possible for you to improve. It will hurt and nobody will care that it hurts, they might even deliberately hinder your attempts to better yourself, but that makes you stronger too.

>> No.10587978


>Why should wisdom in the body never count for wisdom in that which rises from the body, like the idea of society?

It could count, but it doesn't in this case.

I could say that too much power is bad just like too much calcium (indispensable in the natural building of bones) can cause osteoporosis (low bone density). Does that mean anything? No.

>Why is something as commonsense as that edgy to you?

>How hard is this simple truth of life for you retards to grasp?

That's atheist youtuber edgy level shit

>> No.10587998
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It's funny you suggest lifting, you are correct that is a very good tool to support building will power.

Unfortunately, I have lifted in the past, probably around 4-5 periods of time, around a couple months each time. I give up, every time. You are right I am acting helpless, but allow me to explain.

I will lift for a period of time, and typically this actually improves some other aspects of my life, even reduces my anxiety ( i've noticed lifting reduce my anxiety more than anything else! ) But then something will come up, a day or so when lifting is inconvenient. Then I will stop lifting, oft times I stop for a couple days, but sometimes it's for months. Right now it's been months. Chances are I wouldn't be writing this otherwise.

Due to my anxiety, it builds up after I haven't lifted for a period of time. It is one of the reasons for when I miss a couple of days, I get scared to continue again. It's very stressful as I go to uni, and there are a lot of people at my gym. I am able to force myself to do it, and I probably can again... but I don't want to do it because I feel like I will just fail again.

I just wonder how other's can stay so consistent to a schedule. I fail, and regress back to point A time and time again. I think that's why I feel so helpless, because I've tried so many things, but I've failed. I look at my friends who aren't trying at all ( and there's nothing wrong with that ) but I honestly wonder if I would be more happy just becoming complacent and not worry about improving myself. I feel like I don't change, I'm stuck, this is not a good feeling.

>> No.10588010
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>Stab in the dark, here's a guess at his character sketch: a smart underachiever, proud he's "not some frat jerk", he knows he's supposed to be interested in topics not related to him but finds his concentration isn't up to the task-- so he reassures himself with the trappings/magazines of intelligence. "Would Adderall help me do more work and less porn?" No, but it will help you write a book of porn and you will be terrified at what you learn. His favorite way to consume news is to forgo primary sources in favor of skimming two paragraph dissections written by others who also forwent the primary sources. Unmotivated, unthreatening and unrelevant, publicly not drawing from the system according to his need but privately disavowing a lack of contribution back to the system according to his ability. "But the system is corrupt." $100M says there's a vaporizer nearby.

>> No.10588027
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>I agree that most of the articles in The Economist are boring and don't "relate" to my lifestyle as an alcoholic, but I force myself to go through them like social studies homework, and most of the women who do the same are doing it as the same. The articles aren't supposed to be interesting to me, they are supposed to be important and I force myself to be interested.

wtf he parodied a certain type of guy, turns out he is this type of guy aswell

>> No.10588049


I sympathise but have you tried running? I lift as well as run and I couldn't imagine just lifting because I feel it can get quite boring. I know a lot of people don't feel that way (lifting looks good and you'll get girls bro!) but running provides a type of dopamine rush that lifting can't equal. Personally I don't feel half as good coming out of the gym unless I've done some cardio.

>> No.10588081
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This is a bit trite to say but, well, cliches and mantras can be helpful if you truly internalize them. Anyways--progress isn't linear. Even if you get back up, you're eventually going to fail again. What helps me is to anticipate the fact that I'm going to fail, recognize when the failure happens, and better respond to the failure i.e. don't stay down because I know from experience that things just get even worse when I stay down. Perfection isn't realistic but resilience certainly is possible.

I know I will probably never be completely, totally, 100% cured of my anxiety and depression. There is something off about my brain or my personality or whatever that probably runs in my family, maybe is exacerbated by modern society, who knows. But I can and have learned to better deal with my problems and at least function well enough to make my life calm and productive, even content. That's worth suffering towards, and that's definitely better than where I was before

>> No.10588121

good post anon

>> No.10588140

>Best thing to do is stop focusing on yourself.
how. im a narcissist.

>> No.10588163
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>> No.10588168

tbHON I think millennial are probably the most self-aware generation yet and their coming to terms with the grim reality of the college/work narrative and inevitable cosmic driven suffering just makes them unhappy and apathetic. I don’t think they are retarded; society is just stacked against them more than ever now and they know it so it’s really hard to break free from that (although historically life has been better than ever. The issue now is they become plagued by boredom and unfulfillment)

>> No.10588173
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>> No.10588181
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>Stopped reading there. Absolutely baseless and bullshit reasoning for anything. Human nature, if it even exists really, is dependent on the environment. If you have an environment of cutthroat individualism and exploitation (capitalism) of course it'll be HUGHMANN NAYCHUR to follow that.

>> No.10588184


>> No.10588244

what are you doing now? how did you get out of neetdom?

>> No.10588254

oh you were right actually. hanged refers to humans, thought the past form of hang was always hung.

>> No.10588292

yo man dont kill yourself. It's true that the current world is exceptionally lonely, but if i had to give any advice, get off social media man. My mum died a month ago and since I came back to uni, my phones broke and I'm ill asf so I've been just chilling man. Drawing, strolling everywhere, not going out much only talking to my close friends and honestly dude it's so relieving

>> No.10588314
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Oh look, another post I must have made while amnesic.

>> No.10588334


>> No.10588401

Don't just vomit words like a toddler, explain your point.

>> No.10588450

Yeah but once automation is put in place in low skilled work, governments should really be looking to tax corporations massively to implement some sort of UBI. This is going to be a massive concern in 10 years but politics can't move passed boring dialogue over idpol and shit that's already discussed to death. If you live in the UK stick on an episode of Question Time and see how long you can make it. All parties in this country are hung up over Brexit but don't realise how massive of a leap we could be taking in terms of automation.

>> No.10588468

Oh, look, is that guy from /pol/ who "read" nietzsche (and by "read" I mean he watched some shitty youtube video about some crypto fadcists talking abouhim).

>> No.10588481
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Thanks for the gif.

>> No.10588499

Think of it more like-- elegance, as in elegance of a theory in science, or elegance of a software.
Not beauty as in a beauty pageant or a mountain, but aesthetics as in Zen Monasteries and Brahms and so on.

>> No.10588552

>Your bourgeois is showing. I firmly believe American society would be better off with less focus on the virtue of education, yes. Teaching everyone to read was a mistake, as evidenced by this very thread.
American society doesn't really educate its children. They read later than their European counterparts, start school later than their European peers, and their college system is an utter joke.
I don't know what that anon is talking about, but it's certainly not bourgeois to value education in America- if it were they would send their children abroad to a better system which won't have their darling doing gender in modern jazz dance offs and how it's raping me as their $10,000 seminary paper for one year of "education"

The anon you're talking to is clearly referring to developments which have stopped things like TB from killing us all and gave workers votes. You sound bourgeois enough that your idea of education involves none of rigors of education in 1900, and all the wasteful expense of a degree from the University of Murrican Dank Ideas (Fully accreditted and charging $10,000 per term). Thanks for plumping up the GDP?

>> No.10588619

charity hasn't solved poverty mr strawmen

>> No.10588639
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>If Hess has made you wonder, hmm, maybe unrestricted anonymity is bad because it gives trolls too much power, then the system has successfully used her for its true purpose: brand it as bad, to you. She is unwittingly teaching the demo of this article, e.g. women in their 20s with no actual power looking to establish themselves, who are the very people who should embrace anonymity, not to want this: only rapists and too-weak-to-try rapists want to be anonymous. Smart women write clickable articles about their sexuality for nothing, because what good are you if you can't make someone else money? Interesting to observe that the article's single suggested solution to cyberharassment is to reframe a criminal problem into a civil rights issue using a logic so preposterously adolescent that if you laid this on your Dad when you were 16 he'd backhand slap you right out of the glee club: "it discourages women from writing and earning a living online." Earning a living? From who, Gawker? Most of the women writing on the internet are writing for someone else who pays them next to nothing. None of them control the capital, none of them get paid 1/1000 of what they bring in for the media company. You know what they do get? They get to be valued by work, and in gratitude they are going to the front lines to fight for the media company's right to pay them less.

Dayumn. This needs more visibility.

>> No.10588681

>It could count, but it doesn't in this case.
So, why doesn't it in this case, and what would make it count?

>Does that mean anything? No.
It means nothing because you meant nothing by it. But the idea that one should abstain from taking too much and live in moderation for the quality of both the body and soul is an ancient one that almost all world religions have in their scriptures. Such statements hold weight in the sense that they provide perspective on whoever asserts them and they also encourage you to develop a specific kind of perspective yourself, which is the whole point.

>That's atheist youtuber edgy level shit
Calling someone a retard for overlooking something as commonsense as that isn't edgy. It's par for the course of the observer.

>> No.10588718

Not Millennial specific, but Ameripsych specific: Crazy Like Us by Ethan Watters is a series of essays about how the US is exporting its model of mental health and making everyone else ill.

>> No.10588845
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So much canned ideological made up crap here.
It's The Secret level woo

>> No.10588888


>> No.10588940

t. deracinated mystery meat

>> No.10588951


>> No.10589117


Hi Prof Graeber! Love you work. =)

>> No.10589135

well said, virgin

>> No.10589140

>anxiety disorders
I wouldn't be so fucking anxious if everyone I knew wasn't so goddamn well adjusted. Why the fuck is everyone in academia so hyper social REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10589174

i think we're way better off, imagine how shitty your life would have to be to end up the way our earlier generations did. they may have had easier material circumstances but think about how little information they were able to easily acquire about the world b4 internet etc. imagine being retarded but rich

>> No.10589183

same here, feels bad man

>> No.10589298

No more than anyone else ever, really.

Regardless of economic and political system the main problem is relevance in an increasingly automated system. Jobs in a way give purpose and a goal. But the goals have been pushed too far up and away (expectation of doing better than our parents).

We are looking at becoming this clustered hive of thought to separste ourselves from, as a form of stimulation, because wether we like to admit or not we are intellectual beings and require stimulation. We will make stimulation if non eis provided - looking at you politics and the arts. That is why in the face of greater automated workforce people are looking at an artisan existence, which has always been the precursor to a depression or a war.

My prediction is a meta-humainsm. That is where we are going. Either that or a catastrophic war.

>> No.10589366

Mioenials just need a way to consolidate their collecive wealth. Creating a sort of sesaw through the market. Like collective captial pirates. With a bit of coordination it could work disrupting some systems, which some wealthy people would be interested in too. It would loosen up some money and give some prospects other than just a life of sales and shit not getting a house.

>> No.10589445

>I don't think the people in power did this, we did it to ourselves.
I'll just leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hWl8jq4zLI

>> No.10589525

do you go to a engineering school? If not that's why.

>> No.10589620

rip thread. You were a good one.

>> No.10589628

stealing this

>> No.10589644

/lit/ is commie now

>> No.10589693

I got the impression that /lit/ yearns for a return to a strasseristic, fascist volk

>> No.10590192

your greentext, except unironically.

>> No.10590223

Sorry about your mum mate, keep your chin up and all that. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.10591010

Start taking psychedelics. Break free from the confinement of your cultural conditioning. Use them wisely, though.