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File: 38 KB, 1280x720, buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10578162 No.10578162 [Reply] [Original]

>Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I'll sock you in the goddamn face, and you'll stay plastered.

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10578183

William F. Buckley, he should have been more anti-Semitic

>> No.10578184


Buckley bright-eyes was in way over his head here.

>> No.10578188

>a warmongering neocon
>"They are on the move from east to west, from south to north. Liberal tradition requires that borders must always be open to those in search of safety, or even the pursuit of happiness. But now, with so many millions of people on the move, even the great-hearted are becoming edgy. Norway is large enough and empty enough to take in 40 to 50 million homeless Bengalis. If the Norwegians say that, all in all, they would rather not take them in, is this to be considered racism? I think not. It is simply self-preservation, the first law of species."

>> No.10578196

He was pretty dumb for a reputed intellectual heavyweight. Sort of a boomer Ben Shapiro.

>> No.10578198

how do you guys get this retarded

>> No.10578206

Buckley couldn't handle the bantz

>> No.10578215
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can't cuck the buck

>> No.10578220

I would kick the living shit out of William Buckley and his ugly misshapen face just warrants a beating

>> No.10578226
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>It seems to me, shall we say...
>*raises eyebrows curiously*
>...troublesome that the United States might, how shall we say...
>*gnaws pencil challengingly*
>...cease its intervention in Vietnam, without, in a manner reminiscent of world war two...
>*widens eyes in a flash of brilliance, followed by a challenging smirk*
>...it would seem to me, appeasing to the rebels, wouldn't you say?

>> No.10578227

Vidal wrote this great article on McVeigh, goes into a lot of interesting stuff the media never brought up. I'd put it on the level of journalistic conspiracy as Seymour Hersch's take on Bin Laden in the London Review of Books.


lmao he wrote an entire book about anti-Semitism ostracizing Pat Buchanan cause he doubted that Germans used vans to gas a certain amount of Jews.

Buck was a cuck.

>> No.10578228

>When conservatives were classy guys I could get along with and talk about books with

>> No.10578231
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Buckley reminds me of Flik from A Bug's Life

>> No.10578234
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>when Buckley apologized afterward for calling Vidal a queer as an insult and not because of his actual, real faggotry

>> No.10578236

>when conservatives were still midwits continuing the intellectual decline of conservatism in America

>> No.10578238
File: 25 KB, 432x432, listenhereyouqueer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try it bitch

>> No.10578239
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he's dead mate. fight someone your own size

you're a cuck im a cuck we are all cucks


>> No.10578248

Be honest with yourself: Buckley was smarter and better read than you

>> No.10578254

this is the best thing Buckley ever did

>> No.10578267
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Buckley would rather play nice so he could hang with all the rich fags on the coast than actually stand up to the liberal onslaught.

It's telling that his rag completed its transmogrification into controlled opposition only a decade after his death. His brigade of cucks opposed the only Republican candidate to actually follow through on his promises since Reagan. It's ironic the magazines best writer is a gay Negro who critiques films and literally writes for a gay webzine (Out not National Review I know you can confuse the two). He was smart enough not to upset the establishment and endanger his sinecure as court cuck.

>> No.10578269

>when you're gay and jewish

>> No.10578274

You do realize the whole following through on promises thing is only a good trait if the promises in question are not retarded.

>> No.10578280
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>Mr Buckley, do you think miniskirts are in good taste?
>On you, I'd say they are
wew lad

>> No.10578284

Yeah and? Trump's promises are GOAT. He promised winning, he's delivering. This country will be blue if he doesn't overhaul the immigration system (which he will inshallah).

>> No.10578285

Your venomous hatred for someone who is fairly moderate is more than partly to blame for the quagmire we're in now.

>> No.10578293

Excuse me, but don't you understand that we're having a moral panic over non-existent issues? Don't try to and come in here and be reasonable about things, it's literally BLUMPF in THE CURRENT YEAR.

>> No.10578294

Nope, I don't hate hate moderates, I hate moderates in cucks clothing. Fuck them, I'm glad they revealed their true colors over the last election so we can rid ourselves of their supine presence.

>> No.10578307

He was a CIA Skull & Bones prep school liberal who shook hands with kikes and sold the country out from under us. While he was playing pretend as a member of the WASP elite, he was giving a spotlight to policies that led to the displacement of the very people he stole his fake accent from

The guy was just a big fucking act, and a coward. His influence on conservatism in the United States, his transformation of the GOP in the neoliberal zionist nightmare it is, has irrevocably damaged the country

>> No.10578347

embarrassing post desu

>> No.10578370

Thank god this kosher fake right wing is now dying. Buckley sold out his people for the benefit of kikes who have been using the Republican party as a controlled demolition ever since. We need to finally purge these jews.

>> No.10578380
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You and what army?

>> No.10578382

he's right tho

El Donáldo the Builder

>> No.10578402

>The Zionist father-in-law of a Jewish Zionist and father to a converted Jew daughter will finally rid the Republican's of Zionism
Every day the delusion grows.

>> No.10578412

The one rising right now. Jews have been expelled from everywhere they've ever been, and the eras present and coming will be no exception.

>> No.10578414
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, gore vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*I seem to be losing the debate*

The left has not gotten better at debate over the years.

>> No.10578420

Nobody is saying that though. Trump is only the first step in a long process that ends with jewish expulsion #360+.

>> No.10578421

lol I don't care, he's done more for America than any president since Nixon. You think I care enough about Israel to whine about Trump? It's pragmatism you idiot!

>> No.10578446

>he's done more for America
Like what?

>> No.10578473

Reactionaries who presumably yearn for a return to Medieval Absolutism calling those who believe in self determination cucks

>> No.10578492

He's restricted illegal immigration, refugees, and has implemented a soft Muslim ban while scrapping various economic deals that would have continued the decline of American manufacturing such as TPP and renegotiating NAFTA. The left continues to harp about his incompetence while he racks up win after win. He's already shaped the judiciary for the next 30 years and its barely his first year. Once the old Jew on the Supreme Court dies, there goes another pick. Hopefully Roberts or one of the other fuckers retires/dies during the next 7 years so he has 3 Supreme Court nods.

This country self determined that the God Emperor is ARE PREZNIT NAOW so EAT SHIT NIGLET

>> No.10578507

Vidal was a legit pedophile who started personally attacking Buckley from the start, despite Buckley's numerous attempts to get back on topic. He also tried to smear him afterwards in the press. Politics aside, Vidal was a huge piece of shit. He deserved to get punched.

>> No.10578518
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>Being so retarded that you believe eliminating a certain ethnicity will magically solve all our problems.

>> No.10578528
File: 168 KB, 853x937, Arbeit Macht Frei Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly would hurt ;DD

>> No.10578537

>He thinks protectionism is a good thing
It's so funny watching the USA crash and burn, one of the few redeeming things of our era.

>> No.10578539

This is where you overplayed your hand and outed yourself as a troll. Nobody likes Bill Kristol. Even Bill Kristol thinks Bill Kristol is a evil kike

>> No.10578547
File: 2.40 MB, 2048x1536, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's for a moment assume that the entire World, and all it's institutions are under the control of some amorphous Jewish cabal. If you were to exterminate them you would create a massive political, social, and economic power vacuum.

>> No.10578552

>he said in the American language over the American internet on an American image forum as he discussed American politics and American culture with a userbase primarily composed of Americans
Your brain is property of the United States. Never forget that

>> No.10578560
File: 58 KB, 500x492, burger pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okey doke :)

>> No.10578561

But look at his hilarious muppet face..

>> No.10578567

>serve your country in WWII
>get back home
>continue to love your country through the years
>some fag who never fought a day in his life calls you a Nazi on national television
>call him a fag
>suddenly you're the bad guy
anyone else feel bad for Buck?

>> No.10578582

>American language
Top fucking kek. Two things, it's called English for a reason and America doesn't have an official language. Someone could a citizenship test Tagalog or Swahili if they felt like it

>> No.10578596

>America doesn't have an official language.
Thus all languages are American languages. No matter what you speak.

>> No.10578598

I wish. Living as a drone in fantasy hyperreality must be pretty entertaining.

>> No.10578729

fuggoff with that veterans>others bullshit. He didn't even leave the US

>> No.10578748

That's not the argument, bud. If you speak about the jewish problem at least make sure you know the basics.

>> No.10578772
File: 112 KB, 640x360, andrei-rublev-article-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yearn for a return to Medieval Absolutism
this desu

>> No.10578780

Veterans>all others you degenerate scum.

>> No.10578782

what about degenerate veterans?

>> No.10578790

That film was about a man making art in the face of the brutality and cruelty of medieval life. It wasn't a celebration

>> No.10578800

>liking gibmedats
It's a fucking job. They're not anything more special than EMTs or firefighters.

>> No.10578802
File: 86 KB, 1122x1387, george_wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10578812

>speaks american english
>u dun hav langij
lol eurobrainlets, no wonder their unis are so shitty

>> No.10578820

I'm having a laff m8

>> No.10578824

Still less degenerate
>A job
Choose one smart guy.

>> No.10578830

imagine being this stupid the only reason he said that is because buckley used 'crypto-nazi' first you idiot

>> No.10578854

I don't know what this thread's about or what board this is, I'm only here because my RSS feed said there was a new 4chan thread that had the word Nazi in the opening post.

>> No.10578855

Gore Vidal kicked his shit in

he actually did research beforehand

t. conservative

>> No.10578873

But anon, troops are welfare queens.

>> No.10578885
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1513515283555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troops are welfare queens.

>> No.10578893

Gore Vidal brought oppo research to what was meant to be a simple discussion of the convention. That would be like getting invited to a panel discussion on taxation spending your time attacking a fellow panelist rather than discussing tax policy. Vidal was slimy as fuck

>> No.10578906

>drain 186 billion in VA dollars out of the budget every year
>not welfare queens
not including all the veterans on actual welfare

>> No.10578911

Thank you bro. I couldn't have used a better image myself.

>> No.10578925

Lol you do know that pensions and healthcare aren't welfare, right? That the private sector uses them as part of salary contracts too, right? I mean probably not because it looks like your intelligence will never get you beyond hourly.

>> No.10578933
File: 6 KB, 345x146, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody see this? It was so good.
Made me proud to be a burger.

>> No.10578945

Id consider myself on the extreme right side of things politically but i really like Billy Buckley just because of how comfy his show was. The one with drunk Kerouac is especially funny.

>> No.10578952

For those who don't know, Buckley destroyed the American right wing and purged anyone who was jew-aware, which allowed jews to essentially sink the party by subverting it to revolve around protecting israel and fuck itself going all out on stupid social issues. Jews took it over to outlaw anything related to white identity and explicitly advancing the interests of whites. It's shit like this which is why jews are universally hated, always get kicked out, and must be kicked out again.

>> No.10578963

>If you don't have veterans coverage

>> No.10578968

epic! do you have a youtube video of a hitler speech with music from a superhero movie over it I can watch?

>> No.10578974


>> No.10578976

What exactly is your point?

>> No.10578978
File: 3.64 MB, 1495x1256, 1480332414561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying America shouldnt have universal healthcare
>he still hasnt taken the strasseristpill

>> No.10578992

The third position would work if it didn't rely on leader worship in lieu of a republic

>> No.10578995

Are you:
A) aware that this information is well-documented fact
B) jewish and trying to divert attention away from your corrosive tribe of saboteurs?

We already know the answer, rabbi, so gtfo of here.

>> No.10579001

Buckley was a snarky TV firing line cunt. He didn't own the words that came out of his mouth. He was the predecessor of the modern day TV panel host, meant to through off guests and make the dissent look silly, incredible, or paranoid. It's hard to take him seriously as an intellectual or anything other than a semen rag for whoever runs this show.

>> No.10579003


>> No.10579004

You can't have universal health care when tens of millions of blacks and other dysfunctional browns are squatting in your otherwise productive white country. Whites can have diversity or universal health care but not both.

>> No.10579019

Both were hacks, though Buckley was more consequential

>> No.10579037

t. Vidal

>> No.10579041


i work in a hospital and help them apply for medicaid and disability all day long. they don't all have VA coverage. the ones i see are typically in rough shape, so idk what the recs are for it. im not taking an ethical stance, just stating facts. they do take.

i kno

>> No.10579042

what god damn accent did buckley have

reminder he wanted skull and bones to be ‘no girls allowed’

>> No.10579044


he opposed the iraq war

>> No.10579050

*tips fedora*

>> No.10579060

>reminder he wanted skull and bones to be ‘no girls allowed’
Shouldn't it be though? Girls can have their own clubs

>> No.10579073

it was founded intersexually, bones = boners, skulls = women, ...get it? skull...head...dome...top....

>> No.10579075


>> No.10579085

>iraq war
>died 2008
Nibba he was off the leash at that point.
How about Vietnam tho?

>> No.10579095

he had said many times that he was wrong about vietnam

>> No.10579105

Yeah but that seems to me to make the case for a stronger VA.

>> No.10579109

Pulling out of Vietnam was a mistake. They would be another South Korea today if it weren't for leftists and everybody would be better off because everybody benefits from the creation of wealth that capitalism enables.

>> No.10579117

Idk about all that considering Vietnam is open to international trade and travel now.

>> No.10579118

This. We could have saved those people, but the liberals won, and our society has suffered ever since.

>> No.10579119

yes. should have called him a cum guzzler. also, yes, because he was stymied by his own emotions brought to a head by a man he underestimated. Vidal was a fine example of a world class manipulator. Buckley was a lightly witty upper class tightass. As said earlier, Buckley was in over his head.

>> No.10579124


Yeah it's getting better now but they're a shadow of what they could be.

>> No.10579139

It's a fake accent. Some high class American used to try to sound English to make themselves sound smarter than they really are

>> No.10579142

>and you'll stay plastered
What does that even mean.

>> No.10579148


Plastered is slang for drunk or dizzy. He'll punch you so hard that you'll stay dizzy.

>> No.10579236
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>> No.10579260

>that episode with Hugh Hefner where hes clearly on speed

>> No.10579284
File: 140 KB, 645x773, gookfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our society

>> No.10579316
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u r 2 f a r g o n e

>> No.10579326

seems to me to make the case for a greatly reduced military

>> No.10579401

>tens thousands of men dead, tens of thousands wounded, billions of dollars wasted, and 10x more bombs than were ever used in WWII in a country that didn't didn't want us there and that only had rice patties and cows
>worth staying in
The Vietnam war was a farce and unwinnable. It was never our war to get involved in and the government realized it was unwinnable in the mid 60's. Maybe the only good communist is a dead communist but it changed fucking nothing and displaced, injured, and killed more Vietnamese than their civil war and communist regime ever would. It's a fucking LARP to think we could ever stay longer than we did.

>> No.10579433

Vidal was pretty poorly behaved in the interview, and rather cruel and out of line to call Buckley a crypto-Nazi. Of course he was just trolling and being a smug faggot but I can’t blame anyone for criticising him there.
The pedo shit - who cares.

>any conservative who criticises anti-semitism is a “neocon”
retard. Pat Buchanan is for brainlets anyway. Muhh Irish Catholicism... muh Paleocon... muh evil Churchill...
A man about as opaque as a glass of water.

>> No.10579437

Sure that too. Less wars. Smaller standing military all good things. But I also believe that those who have served ought to be honored and provided with healthcare and other benefits by the society that benefits from their youth and good health. And it's not even all about some patriotic feels shit. It's necessary for a strong state

>> No.10579473

>strong state

>> No.10579491

Yes. I am a proponent of a stable state with specific legal limitations that allow for liberties of the general populace.

>> No.10579514
File: 187 KB, 600x600, in the aeroplane over the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this album ha ha

>> No.10579519
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t-thanks anon :3

>> No.10579698

I love the London Review of Books.

>> No.10579802

lol imagine being this cucked

>> No.10579910

nobody believes this post

on any level

>> No.10579925


>> No.10579944

at least he doesn't need to use "semen rag" to describe things

>> No.10579950

Vidal was a good novelist

Buckley was a good interviewer and political insider

>> No.10579959

The problem with Vietnam wasn't the way we ended it. It's the incompetent way we fought it until Nixon and Kissinger managed the most graceful exit possible.

>> No.10579989

Leaving Vietnam had nothing to do with 'grace' -it was entirely about preventing the USSR taking over eastern Eurasia. When Kissinger managed to get China onside and away from the Russians the purpose of the war evaporated.

>> No.10580326

Buckley was no great intellectual but he had the best show on TV for a long long time.


>> No.10580349

I'll go with Buckley because Vidal said Calvino was the last great literary mind and that alone is enough to put him above reproach.

>> No.10580384

Buckley was the very definition of cuckservative.

>> No.10580474

I do. I mean just watch the "debate" with chomsky where he gets clobbered. No wonder he never invited chomsky back. Buckley was quite literally a Ben Shapiro. His whole game plan was talking really fast and trying to play gotcha, never actually interested in refuting core arguments.

>> No.10580556

>Buckley was quite literally a Ben Shapiro
You're mangling the ethnic issue at the core of the problem here. Buckley was who allowed jews like Shapiro to turn conservativism into some meaningless, abstract ideal based nonsense that jews could be a part of.

>> No.10580670

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/157832225