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/lit/ - Literature

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10540328 No.10540328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Jim Morrison?

>> No.10540334

He was a lunatic, but he had that charm

>> No.10540338

not literature

>> No.10540348

He was a poet.

>> No.10540356


>> No.10540363

Just another poser from the flower power generation

>> No.10540370

Drunken asshole

>> No.10540429 [DELETED] 

A legitimate talent. He is misrepresented both by those who adore him like some sort of demigod because they fall for his sexual/poetic charisma and by those who dismiss him as a talentless poser.

Much of his poetry/songwriting is, to my taste at least, of little worth. But that is true of most or almost all poets. His best stuff is quite good.

He had a great talent for conveying a sort of dark romanticism influenced by Ancient Greece, 19th century French poets, the beats, and modern urban culture of LA and so on.

>> No.10540436

A legitimate talent. He is misrepresented both by those who adore him like some sort of demigod because they fall for his sexual/poetic charisma and by those who dismiss him as a talentless poser.
Much of his poetry/songwriting is, to my taste at least, of little worth. But that is true of most or almost all poets. His best stuff is quite good.
He had a great talent for conveying a sort of dark sensual romanticism and ecstatic being-unto-death existentialism influenced by Ancient Greece, 19th century French poets, existential philosophy, the beats, the modern urban society of LA, and so on.

>> No.10540447

>editing and reposting just so you don't get accused of "reddit spacing"

>> No.10540452

The world needs another Jim Morrison

>> No.10540453

Good catch

>> No.10540495

He had some talent, but was utterly self-indulgent and stuck in perpetual adolescence.

He therefore never really produced anything worth very much.

Exactly the same story as a thousand other pop-culture "geniuses".

>> No.10540505

>was utterly self-indulgent and stuck in perpetual adolescence
Same as Baudelaire, but Baudelaire wrote some of the finest poems ever written.

>> No.10540568

bit of a fag

>> No.10540572

His poetry? Its ok for their music. Its a better attempt than most people in rock bands.

>> No.10540597

he really wasnt a lunatic listen to some interviews with him just seemed like a nice down to earth run of the mill drunk.im weary of his legitmacy due to how high ranking in the millitary his dad was though

>> No.10540656
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>> No.10540660


>> No.10540955

we should ban /mu/ threads, 'what does /lit/ think of my favourite musician' type threads usually don't produce worthwile threads

>> No.10540967

He isn’t my favorite musician, i’ve just been reading some of his poems and thought “What do others think about him?”.

>> No.10540987

Great frontmang/singer/lyricist but his poetry on its own isn't that great. The American Prayer album is nice though.

I've read Stephen Davis' biography of him which is good. Jimbo truly lived the literaly lifestyle, living on a Venice rooftop with nothing but an old couch, crates of books and living on acid and stolen avocados.

>> No.10540993

Jim Morrison was a heavy reader since a pretty young age. It's not like he tried LSD and then suddenly decided he was interested in literature.

>> No.10541016

Apperently he had thousands of papersbacks and could name you the book and author in question with his eyes closed if you just picked one out and read the first sentence. He wore second hand clothes and ate boiled potatoes just so he could buy more books.

>> No.10541033


that's not so remarkable

i could identify most books i've read from pretty much ANY single sentence (provided not a very short generic sentence)

>> No.10541041

Yep. One can criticize his work and certainly the way he treated others, but the idea that he was a poser is unfounded. He was seriously and legitimately interested in art, but he became a severe alcoholic and heavy drug user and it killed him. It's also possible, although there's no concrete evidence of it, that he had some sort of mental illness that contributed. In any case, a poser he was not. Certainly he enjoyed the money, women, and opportunities that being a famous rock star offered him, but even he himself quickly got tired of going through the motions that being a professional rock star demanded of him - which, together with his alcoholism and his interest in pagan ritual and experimental theater, is why he started more and more to fuck around on stage.

>> No.10541051

Not as intelligent/insightful as his fans claim he was, but nowhere near as dull/stupid as his detractors claim he was. I don't think it's accurate to describe him as a genius, but he was certainly extremely talented.

I don't even understand how shit like this is possible. It makes me feel like a fucking subhuman when I read about people like this. Do you have a source?

>> No.10541108

The Stephen Davis bio. It's the most 'objective' bio of him, based on research and interviews by a journalist rather than gushy friend and fan mythology.

It's fun to read about the obscure side of him, like that he was a chubby kid with a library job who ate too many tacos when he was younger, his Rimbaud obsession, his Birth if Tragedy/Greeks/Dionysus obsession or anal sex fixation or how his inner Southener came out when drunk and he couldn't stop screaming about niggers and basically lived like a rockstar Diogenes at some point, no fixed adress or posessions, just a pair of leather pants, a shirt and a single credit card. They didn't let him play in clubs at first because he didn't have shoes, so he ended up finding some non-matching ones and wearing those. Just an all around funny/interesting character who was extremely high and low brow at the same time, gangbanging drugged up teenagers with his friends and corresponding with professors in classic philosophy and such.

>> No.10541133
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>> No.10541143

Lyrics are poetry, lyrics are narrative, lyrics are literature

>> No.10541144
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>> No.10541145
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So do people like this just spend basically their entire childhoods reading, and that's how they're able to have read thousands of paperbacks before the age of like fucking 30? Because I struggle to believe even the most intelligent person could do this unless they either started extremely early, or didn't have to waste their time seeking a job/doing basically anything else. either that or the books were all garbage

It really does make you wonder how limited our view of life is if we can't even be as accomplished as this guy, never mind the great philosophers/scientists of the ages.

>> No.10541156
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>So do people like this just spend basically their entire childhoods reading, and that's how they're able to have read thousands of paperbacks before the age of like fucking 30?
Pretty much. If you were a weird smart cunt before the internet it seems like the way to go. He also neglected school and future plans. When he was discovered by Manzarek he was a homeless film school dropout beach bum (they didn't like his Hitler stuff I believe), basically going full Rimbaud style bohemian.

>> No.10541170

sounds like a disgusting degenerate, his father was Naval intelligence too. probably MK’d from a young age.

>> No.10541177

Morrison has some of the best lyrics ever. His writing goes beyond being simply metaphorical and crosses into pure symbolic territory. Simply incredible. It's what yesterday's sages called divine/shamanic intuition, and today's psychiatry calls schizoid tendencies.
He was tested with a 149 IQ if I'm not mistaken.

>First there were women and children obeying the moon
>Then daylight brought wisdom and fever and sickness too soon

>> No.10541189
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I spent most of my free time as a kid in the 90s reading. My parents weren't rich, but they had enough money that I could just follow a normal Western "school morning to afternoon, then nothing scheduled for the rest of the day" sort of lifestyle. I don't know if I'd read thousands of books by adulthood - I doubt it - but the quote of thousands for Jim Morrison might be exaggerated, or maybe he didn't read them all the way through. Or maybe he did, it's perfectly possible he was even more into reading than I was. Just like with anything, if you really really like it, you'll do a lot of it.

>> No.10541190
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It's sort of admirable being a disgusting degenerate in the 50s and early 60s though. Took some conviction.

Nowadays if you want to go the hard edgy route it's being conservative, religious, puritanical and disciplined.

>> No.10541197

His father also essentially started the Vietnam War
One of the biggest WTFs in history

>He was tested with a 149 IQ if I'm not mistaken.
Based on what I've read ITT so far, I'm starting to believe that's possible.

>> No.10541199
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I hate his fucking guts. He's as deep as they buried him.

>> No.10541200

he didn’t have a 149 iq anon please stop believing stupid faggot shit, no one who isn’t in the military or STEM has above a 130 IQ its literally impossible

>> No.10541204

decent bait

>> No.10541205


As I said, he had some talent. The lyrics to LA Woman are excellent, for example; he really evokes the seductiveness / coldheartedness / alienation of a big city. But he never really put together a coherent, mature Weltanschauung. Bob Dylan does everything he does and a lot more.

>> No.10541207

It could be exaggerated, but reading a couple of books a week isn't that hard without flashy electronic media distractions around.

If you read four books a week that's only five years before you hit the thousand mark.

>> No.10541215

The problem with Dylan is that whiny Jew voice and the fact that he can't sing and didn't die in time though. He's the Seinfeld of music, some good lines but otherwise overrated and annoying.

>> No.10541231

This thread has overrated him so far, but he's okay.

>> No.10541236
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you guys read too much into lyrics, most of the time they're just placeholder for vocal melody, then people think they're "deep," but really they just fit the timing

>> No.10541248

>But he never really put together a coherent, mature Weltanschauung.
"The Lords" is an interesting work, sort of a stab at a Weltanschauung on his part.
"Look where we worship. We all live in the city.
The city forms- often physically, but inevitably psychically- a circle. A Game. A ring of death with sex at its center. Drive towards outskirts of city suburbs. At the edge of discover zones of sophisticated vice and boredom, child prostitution. But in the grimy ring immediately surrounding the daylight business district exists the only real crowd life of our mound, the only street life, night life. Diseased specimens in dollar hotels, low boarding houses, bars, pawn shops, burlesques and brothels, in dying arcades which never die, in streets and streets of all-night cinemas.
When play dies it becomes the Game.
When sex dies it becomes Climax.
All games contain the idea of death.
Baths, bars, the indoor pool. Our injured leader prone on the sweating tile. Chlorine on his breath and in his long hair. Lithe, although crippled, body of a middle-weight contender. Near him the trusted journalist, confidant. He liked men near him with a large sense of life. But most of the press were vultures descending on the scene for curious America aplomb. Cameras inside the coffin interviewing worms.
It takes large murder to turn rocks in the shade and expose strange worms beneath. The lives of our discontented madmen are revealed.
Camera, as all-seeing god, satisfies our longing for omniscience. To spy on others from this height and angle: pedestrians pass in and out of our lens like rare aquatic insects.
Yoga powers. To make oneself invisible or small. To become gigantic and reach to the farthest things. To change the course of nature. To place oneself anywhere in space or time. To summon the dead. To exalt senses and perceive inaccessible images, of events on other worlds, in one’s deepest inner mind, or in the minds of others.
The sniper’s rifle is an extension of his eye. He kills with injurious vision.
The assassin, in flight, gravitated with unconscious, instinctual insect ease, moth-like, toward a zone of safety, haven from the swarming streets. Quickly, he was devoured in the warm, dark, silent maw of the physical theater.
Modern circles of Hell: Oswald kills President. Oswald enters taxi. Oswald stops at rooming house. Oswald leaves taxi. Oswald kills Officer Tippitt. Oswald sheds jacket. Oswald is captured. He escaped into a movie house.

>> No.10541253

That whiny Jew voice is top-notch. Everyone who sings Dylan songs in a smooth voice loses something.

>> No.10541266

Yes, the first time I heard Dylan's songs was actually the record Joan Baez made of them.

Then when I heard Dylan himself sing them I was like WHAT is this a joke?

But gradually I came to realize, he sings them exactly right. He can't sing AT ALL but that's just fine :)

Of course he is an obnoxious whining self-righteous leftist Jew, but still, I wouldn't mind being obnoxious if it let me write a song as good as "Visions of Johanna" .

>> No.10541282

He's not obnoxious or whining, I'm not sure he's a leftist in any common sense of the word, and him being a Jew is irrelevant. You don't need to try to keep up your anti-Jew cred just cause you're on 4chan.

>> No.10541289

That's true, I don't think I've ever heard a successful cover of him. Maybe I'm more fed up with what he stands for and the people that like him than his (old) work itself.

When I think of people who worship Dylan I basically picture Marc Maron.

I prefer Leonard Cohen as far as singing Jews go desu.

>> No.10541292

>him being a Jew is irrelevant
Him being a Jew is extremely relevant even if you're not from /pol/ or an antisemite. Recognising cultural and ethnic heritage/influence isn't necessarily negative.

>> No.10541298
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not him, but Dylan is insufferable as well, I'm so sick of lyricfags. My favorite music has borderline retarded lyrics but they're sung pleasantly. I can't hear the beauty of words on a page. Music should revolve around melody. There's no message needed, and both Dylan and Morrison exist far up their own asses

>> No.10541299

An avatar of pretentiousness.

>> No.10541300
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"hnnnnng *long nasally whine* *depressively boring and empty music* "fuckin god damn rich people" *gibberish that manages to not make sense and be disgusting at the same time* "kill your bourgeois masters" *nasal whining* "submit yourself to the will of God's chosen" *more gibberish* "whaa I am so cool people I shitty poor people music badly because I spend all my money on drugs"

>> No.10541301

Couldn't tell you, I have never experienced his body of work. He was a handsome lad I'll give him that.

>> No.10541310

>Recognising cultural and ethnic heritage/influence isn't necessarily negative.
Sure, but I doubt that the entirety of Jewish culture put together influenced Dylan as much as Woody Guthrie, Elvis Presley, and Greenwich Vilalge did.

>> No.10541314
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>that fucking trunk

rollins tier. what was his routine?

>> No.10541324
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Not that I feel like going there, but the history of Greenwich Village folk is a history of pinko kike subversive garbage. I don't mind that, being a lefty, but I hate it when it influences music. Music thrives apart from such childish garbage

>> No.10541347

>dead eyes
>anti-patreeyarchee haircut
Why are antifa girls so fucking disgusting

>> No.10541358

Yer trying too hard, mate

>> No.10541361
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Don't do this to yourself. Just because Ben Shapiro says it doesn't meant you have to believe it. Put down the Evola and try meeting some people. If you already have someone, spend some time with them. I'm really pulling for you.

>> No.10541366

>not mentioning his awful harmonica playing

>> No.10541377

Uh, what does Ben Shapiro have to do with a goofy, bottom of the barrel pixie milennial?

>> No.10541378
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>> No.10541383

I seen this screencap posted a lot, but can someone post the original video?

>> No.10541398

>degeneracy in the face of psychotic protestant capitalism is bravery
no wanting to burn down the monster is bravery
yes all of the Laurel Canyon and Hippy Musicians were touched by Sp00k niggers and you can connect their parents, exactly like the modern culture-journo-music complex to the deepest of deep state operatives. its all real, the only thing the RW is correct about really always is that culture is manufactured and mind control.
no maths, no papers, no inventions, nothing worth mentioning artistically. no way on Earth. That’s genius level iq

>> No.10541416

By that logic, you could argue that Lord Byron was an agent of British intelligence because he was a nobleman.

>> No.10541420


>> No.10541454

being near MK Ultra and Operation Phoenix Sp00ks and being related to syphillitic nobles are not the same thing anon. the activities of the ruling class have become much more clandestine, decentralized, involved, life long projects to attain specific objectives

and I would argue most artists post- john dee were psyops or being influenced by clandestine forces

>> No.10541459

His lyrics were shit. Krieger wrote better

>> No.10541464
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>> No.10541469

>any cunt who writes a few couplets is a poet

>> No.10541477
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Sorry dude I like real jizzabelle WOMEN