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/lit/ - Literature

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10522895 No.10522895 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of college English course
>dissecting Trump tweets for "rhetoric"
>watching the Oprah Winfrey speech
College was a mistake

>> No.10522898

It's just a little bit overpriced sometimes too.

>> No.10522900

Drop the class while you can still get a refund. Or drop out altogether and get into the trades or join the military.

>> No.10522904

But isn't college supposed to challenge your mode of thinking? ;)

>> No.10522912

College is supposed to eat your money, and give you a degree so that you can look for a job for months and end up settling with working a job that has nothing to do with your degree.

>> No.10522923

>If we turn universities into for profit companies nothing will go wrong. It's perfectly fine to make students pay a couple ten k for worthless classes taught by an imbecile who is happy to work for minimum wage.

>> No.10522939

>join the military

that's if you're a trash student getting a meme degree

>> No.10522943

Well that's what it turned into at least.

A bunch of old men come together as a group and pay people to come into a classroom, stand on a podium, and teach simply to enrich their minds, the students sit at desks and they fire teachers if they don't like them.

Colleges switch to be owned by companies and not students, the classroom doesn't change at all and the traditional idea remains the same but students can either pass or fail and a degree becomes a huge benefit to have, only the rich can afford to go to college.

The prices keep going up but the value of a degree declines as more and more poor people can go to college, "professors" become more lazy because they are given more job security for doing less work and college has become a standard and no longer a privilege, and because of this, a degree is not all it takes to get a job because of fierce competition

>> No.10522948

stop being an elitist piece of shit you faggot

>> No.10522951

I don't think that's the point he's trying to make.

>> No.10522991

So now not wanting to waste thousands on a class just to read Trump tweets and hear about how much the teacher doesn't like him and then have the hypocritical liberal trash that Oprah spews shoved down my throat is being "elitist"?

>> No.10523060

instead of complaining about it online like a pussy, take it up with the teacher on her terms in a polite and informed manner. christ you are such a beta its unbelievable. you knew what you were signing up for.

>> No.10523062

First year English courses are almost always shit unless they're a full survey of English literature. You'll have to suck it up, I'm afraid.

>> No.10523072

>education used to not be indoctirnation
fuck you are so fucking retarded its unbelievable.

>> No.10523215

>retard is in a 100 level English course
>expects to read literature
You're retarded

>> No.10523220

t. Buttblasted trumptard

>> No.10523221

>tfw language and linguistics major
>first year is phonology, semantics, grammar, syntax
>everything has been relevant to our future topics
Feels good

>> No.10524396

Should've picked a CC.

>> No.10524410

>unironically suggesting anyone join the military
Welfare queens and bootlickers need to be shot

>> No.10525660

OP here.
I literally was in the military, it's the reason I'm about 8 or 9 years older than all my classmates

>> No.10525674

I had to do that shit in high school. Get over it.

>> No.10525704

>professors being given more job security
What do you mean by this? Everything I see points to professors having less and less job security.

>> No.10525714

I'm in uni just to join the sports clubs desu

>> No.10525729


American politics were the real mistake.

>> No.10526162


>> No.10526182
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would that be the same military that Trump holds absolute authority over. That one?

>> No.10526183

What college starts the semester on a Thursday?

>> No.10526214

>go to uni
>expect to learn
never gonna make it

>> No.10526223

>Oprah Winfrey
America is becoming Italy 2.0

>> No.10526350

>it makes sense to pay $24,000 a year to repeat remedial high-school English coursework
This is why academia is a festering pile

>> No.10526407

That is the very reason it shouldn't be college curriculum.
Not only is it hardly educational, but it is also something you have done at least thrice since applying for college, only the first three times didn't cost you $20,000 and a 40 minute commute round trip to do what you could do free accidentally in your spare time at home.

>> No.10526424

Can't be as terrible in British universities...Can it?

>> No.10527145

Don't know. How bad is it over there?

>> No.10527149

Thanks for paying for my free college cuck.

>> No.10527157

>professors" become more lazy because they are given more job security for doing less work
lmao source?

>> No.10527159

Where do you guys go where this shit happens? I don't even go to a liberal arts-oriented school and my english classes are fine. I'm taking on on Pynchon right now and it's literally just ten people sitting in a cozy room discussing literature, it's pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.10527170

i’m repeating something i read on here years ago.

college is like a gym membership, only when you walk in you have all the weights there and they’re just stuffed animals. no difficulty whatsoever. yet all the coaches will praise you for lifting them. and you can cost alone without getting any stronger, and they’ll happily take your money. but if you go into the background you find the real gym, where some of the older professors hang out, and there you can get some serious strength training. that’s all the hidden, unadvertised advantages of paying for a four year degree, like having a full research library at your disposal 24/7. seriously, if you’re dorming and haven’t amassed enough material to start a publishable project by sophomore year you’re wasting your own time. don’t blame the university for being a lazy, uninspiring piece of trash

>> No.10527176

No problem because you won’t amount to anything anyways, so might as well let the retards have for a little bit before their PTSD kicks in and they start beating the shit out of their dependapotomus while being a raging alcoholic ... all the while you reminisce about your mediocrity during the golden days of shit life in the military.

>> No.10527181

Everyone thinks uni is a mistake when they start. Just think of the alternative, it's certainly worse.

>> No.10527230

The normies certainly don't, they fucking love it from the start. "best time of your life" and all.

>> No.10527254

>everyone who ever joins the military gets PTSD
lmao dude do you even know what the chairforce is?

>> No.10527261

Are you telling me the chairforce is incapable of developing ptsd when they’re forced to PT or can’t get their Starbucks in the morning?

>> No.10527268


>> No.10527280

>reads Pynchon
>can't grasp that OP was in a 101 class and not a literature class
>can't grasp that the focus of OP's class is basic rhetoric skills, article analysis, and research writing
It's almost like you've never taken an intro level English course

>> No.10527291

Seeing how Trump's tweets differ from other candidates and how that contributed to his presidency is unironically an important affair, though.

>> No.10527294

>College was a mistake
No, Liberal Arts education in America was a mistake.

>> No.10527318

At my uni "English" is all about literature, even at the 101 level. What you're describing would be under "Writing and Composition" here. If that's an unusual split I apologize for the misunderstanding.

>> No.10527336

what universities do you guys go to?

>> No.10527364

Not even the same guy but I had to take the bait.
Not everyone is a sissy like you, there's people in warfare that may or may not develop ptsd but getting choked up for not having Starbucks?...
Americans are even bigger faggots than I thought, most of you don't know what it's like to deal with real life. That's why more than half your population is addicted to pharmaceuticals

>> No.10527385

> That's why more than half your population is addicted to pharmaceuticals

to be fair, this problem is mostly in the middle of the country, which for all intents and purposes is a different nation than the west and (non-south) east.

>> No.10527393

This advice is only half-right. As a society, we shouldn't be pushing kids who just want to drink/fuck into serious research institutions. They need to mature before they come to college, not during (or, god forbid, after). I can't imagine why the gap-year is so stigmatized in America.

>> No.10527413


>tfw the teachers at my 3rd rate state school appear to be only marginally more intelligent/knowledgeable than the average pseud on /lit/

If the school you're going to isn't known for whatever program you're getting into, don't fuckin go there for that program.

>> No.10527419

>Goes to college and gets butthurt when his worldview isn't coddled
Millennials amirite?

>> No.10527447

Truth. But college has become a commodity and so it must sell itself to the least common denominator. I.e. the people that forgot or ignored the lesson the previous three times (the morons you've been going to school with since you were 5)

>> No.10527453

He probably never had to take that shit. I aced a couple of a.p. classes in highschool and used my a.p. credit to count as my intro English units at college.

>> No.10527571

Not the same guy, but you’re fucking retarded. The guy was clearly making fun of chairforce with the usual stereotypes, you fucking dullard

>> No.10527648

Fucking kek dude, what the hell are you on about?
I'm an army vet and I'm going to school debt free on the GI Bill and getting money for rent at the same time while in school. That money makes me not have to work to survive so I focus all my time on school so I get the highest grades possible for grad school later.
I'm set because of the army and I don't have any PTSD or anything.
Cry more, bitch

>> No.10527690

OP can you answer some questions?
Where are you going to school?
What branch and unit were you in?
Do you think veteran status helped your admission packet?
How weird is it going to class with children?
Do QT TAs ever give you special attention?
t. 24 y.o. getting out in 18 months

>> No.10527698

you too pls share experiences

>> No.10527837

>gets butthurt when his worldview isn't coddled
I hope this is bait

>> No.10527848

>grad school
Literally no you’re too fucking dumb, soldier

Literally no one will give a shit about your service. Stop treating your incompetence as a personality trait.

>> No.10527926

I'm with this guy. Soldier-OP sounds dumb as hell.
Maybe you can change, but I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.10528440

>OP can you answer some questions?
>Where are you going to school?
A public university in my state, not prestigious but a big school, I think the largest in the state by student population
>What branch and unit were you in?
Army. 3rd ID 1st Brigade
>Do you think veteran status helped your admission packet?
Yes and no, really just depends on the school. If you're applying to a private school with stricter admissions it helps because they're always looking for diversity or special people and everyone loves to say "look at us, we support the troops!"
>How weird is it going to class with children?
It's crazy sometimes. I was doing a group project with 18 year olds who graduated high school last year. I'm 27 now and have been to 5 different countries and seen so much. It's really hard to relate most times so I don't try and make friends
>Do QT TAs ever give you special attention?
Nah. I usually don't let anyone know I'm a vet. I'm engaged now anyway so I don't care about that stuff.
>t. 24 y.o. getting out in 18 months
Good luck. Make sure you fill up your schedule with as much credits as you're able to handle. The GI Bill will pay for 3 years of school. If you take 6 credits a semester for 3 years you'll have wasted it. If you take 15+ and really work hard you'll get basically your entire degree for free. Use the BAH to pay rent and focus entirely on school and you'll be fine. Apply for FAFSA money as well and you'll get to pocket it all.

>> No.10528698

>study accounting, finance, and operations
>get an MSc
>get a consulting gig
Not only did I lose the last 5.5 years pursuing my degrees, now I don't have time to do as much reading as I want.

What's a good downshift from all the consulting bs? I want a cushy office job.

>> No.10528737

What firm are you at? MBB?

>> No.10528809

I'm studying econ and perhaps getting a minor in finance. What was your experience in consulting and any advice for a sophomore getting into the business world?

>> No.10528828

wish I would've gone into linguistics. feel like it's too late for me now

>> No.10528873

Couldn't get an offer from an MBB comp. in a city I wanted so I settled for tier 2. Doing well enough, should make for a decent exit.

Ask yourself if you're willing to sacrifice about 4 years of your life for your career. And when I say sacrifice, I really mean sacrifice. The workload is hour-heavy and intense which means a pretty hefty commitment. If you're wondering, there's a similar commitment to be made if you pursue investment banking, corporate finance, or Big 4 accounting as well. Good news is that you'll most likely land a pretty good job afterwards.

When looking to apply to management consulting companies after you get your bachelor's, look for ones that may perhaps in the future sponsor (some of) your MBA studies. That means MBB and some tier 2 firms.

Avoid managerialist bullshit self-help books as much as possible. When reading them, always take them with a grain of salt.

And lastly, but maybe most importantly, make good friends. Almost a platitude but significant. Hang around people smarter and as or more driven than you. They might be able to open some doors for you later.

>> No.10528887
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Ouch, the resentment from all that crushing student loan debt is really getting to me.

>> No.10528903

Not him, but I can answer those questions as well.
A nice comfy private liberal arts college.
>what unit
1st Cav; unfortunately. But I was also stationed in Monterrey California.
>Did vet status help
Oh fucking definitely, I had a laff when I saw their acceptance information for diversity and it listed 1 veteran accepted for the year.
>How weird is it
It's not really any different from the army, you work with people ranging from 17-40 the entire time you're in. It's probably weirder for them desu
>Do TAs ever give you special attention
Nah, but some of the 18 year old girls in class have been hitting me up in the DMs and I don't really know how to react to that.

>> No.10528908

Uni was free because of scholarships. Literally debt free, welfare queen