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/lit/ - Literature

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10491063 No.10491063 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone have hobbies/distractions that they like less than reading but they end up taking up more time? Mine is definitely video games, I really don't enjoy playing for more than 20 minutes at a time, but my mom let me play for hours on end since I was 6 and I feel like once I sit down to play my day is gone. I really do love reading and spend more than an hour a day doing it, but I could be doing so much more if I could get over this video game thing. Has anyone else dealt with this? Successfully? How?

>> No.10491067

Being here.

>> No.10491081

/lit/ made you stop wasting time and start reading more? can you elaborate a bit, because I feel as if lit could become just another distraction from actually digging into reading.

>> No.10491085

Sorry, I meant being here takes up more time than reading even though I prefer it more.

>> No.10491093

i definitely spend more time reading than on /lit/, but I'm also on reddit like a total imbecile so probably we're in the same boat for time spent on forums as opposed to reading

>> No.10491283

Discipline. Just stop playing and have some agency. Don't blame your mom.

If you're an adult you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.10491287

Getting drunk and watching Youtube videos. So much time wasted.

>> No.10491312

I've spent a lot of time reading, a real whole lot. And I still think I've spent more time on /lit/

>> No.10491320

it's not so bad if you pretend that /lit/ is a cafe for young men to pretend to discuss high minded topics

>> No.10491322

I quit playing vidya six months ago, along with TV and movies. It was more through a realization than discipline and willpower. Yet, I am still here, shitposting with all of you peeps. The internet is the final boss of the Spectacle.

>> No.10491373

a common enough problem with the millenial generation. Personally, I just got sick of most of the games I grew up loving, all but a few franchises, so it's not often a game comes out that I really feel like playing, and making time for other people has gradually become more of a priority with me.

To be honest, I love it when a game comes out and I become addicted to it, because it so rarely happens anymore it's kind of enjoyable when it does.

>> No.10491437

Boggles my mind how anyone who grew up playing videogames can still (unironically) enjoy them. I get addiction part with online gaming, but gawd how can anyone stand this dull, streamlined, marketed to the smallest common denominator crap nowadays?

>> No.10491458

I quit playing games and watching TV around the same time that I realized I could read multiple books at a time. Until then I would typically read a single book for an hour or so a day and then go off and do other things. Over time I gradually started devoting more of day to reading because I had so many different books to keep up with.

You could take up chess too.

>> No.10491493

Consciousness is the final boss of the Spectacle. Wise up and kys

>> No.10491962

what was the last game that made you go on a binge?

>> No.10492363

what was the realization? like a platonic realization that what u are doing is bad and therefore you couldnt do it?

>> No.10492373

You literally set the controller down and walk away.

>> No.10492374

Japanese games are in a renaissance right now. The new Zelda and Persona are incredible.

>> No.10492377

i play stuff pre-2012 or before and i still hate it but it'shard to keep the habit.
>being a libertarian

>> No.10492379

I was really big on Doom last year, and kinda Zelda this year but not tremendously so. Doom is definitely my jam game of recent years.

>> No.10492415

Big fan of Hashino actually, Nocturne was a masterpiece, P5 is also great.

>> No.10492647

Bloodborne and Dark Souls lad. There's a new Monster Hunter on console/pc coming out at the end of this month as well.

I agree most games are shit though.

>> No.10492747

I got really into Bloodborne last year, it's very satisfyingly challenging, but by the end I was tired of the repetition of harvesting monsters for leveling up points. I find the swiftness of a good First person shooter never gets old with me, and certain games like Resident Evil four and The Last of Us are so expertly crafted that I simply never tire of giving 'em a playthrough once in a while when the mood takes me. I adore the Pikmin franchise and have played em all to death, except the dopey handheld edition for the DS too.

>> No.10492755

Because I still don't get to be a wizard in real life and even if I want to do a no-magic play-through, killing actual people with alchemical concoctions is unethical.

>> No.10492938

It was more of an epiphany knowing all of my nerd interests were just media consumerism. I was so disgusted with myself to the point where I sold all of my vidya and RPG books. It's been six months since I've played any video games, and I have zero regrets.

>> No.10492939
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>> No.10492958

I started reading and now I get no enjoyment from WoW. Please help

>> No.10492973

>Go gets btfo once
>chess gets btfo twice
superior nihongo reversi

>> No.10492978


>> No.10492980

But that's a good thing.

>> No.10493006

dude wow is fucking stupid never play it again

>> No.10493036

Hey guys, OP here! Glad this has become a /v/ thread : )

>> No.10493040

video games are made for children

>> No.10493059
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try opening the image in a new tab first onii-fa.m

>> No.10493108

12+ hours a day on 4chan
Been here since I was 11, am 19 now
I tend to branch out and post on other boards just for the fuck of it so I don't really belong here but I have read books recommended to me on here such as If on a winters night a traveler.
I suffer from ADHD/OCD type issues and that shit bleeds into whatever I try to do besides browse this website so yeah I'm a typical cucked millennial

>> No.10493150
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<- fake honorific

>> No.10493187

I'm doing a little better now than before. I used to be a NEET and just kept downloading PDFs to read them, but naturally, that didn't fucking work. And since I was doing EVERYTHING on a computer there were literally a million other distractions that I couldn't deal with no matter how hard I tried. I'm still tempted to keep coming here and look for new games/music/books, read news or whatever else... internet addiction is the fucking worst. The only fix is to step away from the computer and interact with physical objects. That and willpower, A LOT of willpower.

>> No.10493381

how do i quit wasting time on the internet when i feel like it's made me more informed? i get all my news and information on here but i also waste countless hours on boards and doing other shit

>> No.10493419

>reading news
>staying "informed"
Stop falling for these stupid memes.

>> No.10493484

I've bought almost every book (>99%) from a thrift store. In the summer when I was working, I would go almost every day, usually to 2-3 separate stores. I had routes mapped out. I'd sometimes hit a beat at lunch, and then hit another after work.
I have so many fucking books I bought for 1 or 2 dollars. I've definitely spent at least 3x as much time thrifting for books than actually reading.
It's better when I'm in school though because I don't have a car.
This winter break I read 3 books and bought 5. Fuck.

>> No.10493524

>it's not so bad if you pretend that /lit/ is a cafe for young men to pretend to discuss high minded topics

>> No.10493531

This. I thought I had grown out of video games but bought a PS4 a few months ago and I almost feel like a kid again. P5, Bloodborne, Nier, and Yakuza 0 are fantastic

>> No.10493562
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>I don't like playing video games but I keep playing video games
>I totally prefer reading but I neglect reading to play games
>It began because my Mom let me do it

If you want to have self control begin by having some God damn self possession.
You choose to play games
You choose to not read
You could act otherwise at any moment but you choose not to

Get over your own narcissistic fantasy and admit this to yourself and maybe then you can come to act differently. Until then you're a sad sack of shit afraid to face the reality of your own mind

>> No.10493618


Yeah, listen to morale imperative! If that isn't enough, then you are a degenerate!

You have to ask yourself if there is something more to gaming aside from availability. If you find that it is about their presence, get rid of them! Sell your games. Uninstall the games you do play.

If you can't remove the old habits, then you have to build new ones.
Leave your house and read at different venues.
Find other people who like reading.

>> No.10493635

what did you do today anon?

>> No.10493680
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I've been pretty much addicted to video games for as long as I can remember, got out of it for about a month or two last year then relapsed
problem is I have quite a lot of free time after work and I can't focus it all on just reading quite yet, is it so wrong to spend an hour or two on some brain-dead fun?
the challenge for me is regulating it to just an hour/two and it seems simpler to go cold turkey

>> No.10494644

Browsing chans.

>> No.10494837

>it's not so bad if you pretend that /lit/ is a cafe for young men to pretend to discuss high minded topics

abort thread

>> No.10494869

Drinking and YouTube account for 90% of my post-work free time. I actually crunched the numbers.

>> No.10494870

You have to go back.

>> No.10494875

>the challenge for me is regulating it to just an hour/two
Set an alarm and when it goes off, turn off your game.

>> No.10494882

Probably chatting on IRC.

>> No.10494890
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Is still enjoy grand strategy from time to time.

>> No.10494907

Boggles my mind how anyone who grew up reading books can still (unironically) enjoy them. I get addiction part with buying a nice collection, but gawd how can anyone stand this dull, streamlined, marketed to the smallest common denominator crap nowadays?

>> No.10494914

Children and fitness and a bunch of church/community stuff. i also play a lot of strategy games

>> No.10494917
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vidya has been great lately

>> No.10494926

>If that isn't enough, then you are a degenerate!

Yeah you are, thats the reality.
It would be great if we could choose what we value and enjoy but we don't. OP enjoys playing video games more than he enjoys reading. He would like to think he doesn't but he very clearly does
If he admits to that, maybe then he can deal with arguments that he should behave differently but until then he's operating in two different minds and has no reason to change because he gets to pretend he's a patrician genius trapped inside the behavior cycle of a degenerate loser. Best of both worlds isn't it

>> No.10494937

There's the rare really great video game now and then. Also certain competitive stuff like fighting games RTS games that suck you right in.

>> No.10494950


>gawd how can anyone stand this dull, streamlined, marketed to the smallest common denominator crap nowadays?

I can't enjoy those types of games either but there's a lot of great games out there. I suspect many of them are right up /lit/'s alley too. You just have to not expect the same level of depth from them that you would a book. Same for any medium really.

>> No.10494959


>i get all my news and information on here

Understand that all you're doing is conforming to the principles of networking: placing trust in others to deliver news for you instead of being an active participant by finding it for yourself. Contemplating this will make you realise how passive you are even if you've chosen to network with individuals who you consider to be elitist and worth your time. The realisation will shoot up your sphincter faster than a V-2 rocket in wartime.


Watch this from 10 minutes in after he stops telling the story.

>> No.10494963

This, especially the last part. I remember that for half a year after really getting into books I couldn't take movies, tv or anime seriously at all because I was expecting the same level of depth in the storytelling. Look for other qualities as well, if I'd given up on video games 8 years ago I'd never been able to play my favorite video game franchise.

>> No.10494969

I don't see why this realization would be so disturbing, in the end of the day we're always relying on other people for our information outside our immediate perspective.
Its not as if 4chan is such a closed network, there's millions of people browsing here from all different persuations and ideologies even if certain ones predominate.

>> No.10494980


Well I'm having so much fun these days playing Battle City (NES online on my kaillera server) with a friend. We play also CS 1.6 changing maps often (when we conquer one of them) and it provides unlimitless fun

>> No.10494990


The sociologist in that video would agree with you and I see the positives too but I found it to be an interesting reveal about how network technology supports information consumption. If simply because it highlights that we're not as individually enlightened as we probably believe.

>> No.10495003

They drip feed dopamine to addicted brains, nobody really actively LIKES gaming

>> No.10495055

>quitting film
>the definitive artform of the 20th century

>> No.10495057

Tell me how video games are any more of a waste of time than books?

>> No.10495063

Because girls don't find it attractive

>> No.10495103

There far more girls who play video games than read high literature

>> No.10495114

we're in the 21st century now, gramps, television and movies are boomer-tier

>> No.10495132

So what? Doesn't mean they find it attractive

>> No.10495298

yeah for a shithead like you i guess so

>> No.10495312

That's nonsense since your adult brain is formed the way it is as the result of your youth.

His mom literally made him this way.

>> No.10495349

If they do something and you do something, then there is commonality and social chemistry. Thus: attraction. They will be more interested in you and you in them, due to being alike.

>> No.10495467

You're thinking about it from a guys perspective not a girls. They want someone grown up and serious even if they're basically children themselves

>> No.10495501

I am a musicfag so I spend way more time listening to/playing music than reading

>> No.10495520

The best books provide more insight and knowledge than the best videogames.

>> No.10495903

There are some gems that still come out. I enjoyed cuphead and overwatch but yea, mainly shit.

I keep it pre 2011 mostly

>> No.10496151

And you're still spending your time posting on a weeb image board
So much for an insight

>> No.10496159

What does my personal behaviour have to do with the answer to your question?

>> No.10496164


it is nice to feel not so alone on this. such a passive and effortless form of relaxation. the guilt and shame that i feel on the other hand is tremendous as i have bookcases of works that i collect but have not read

>> No.10496183

>chosen to network with individuals who you consider to be elitist and worth your time
>Posts a TED talk video
You are part of the problem.

>> No.10496184

what do you guys even watch?

>> No.10496200










>> No.10496219

fucking anything. last night i watched some stand up clips of todd berry and norm macdonald, a couple compilations of courtroom footage of teenagers being sentanced to death, some videos of guys getting bitten by venomous snakes, a documentary on ants, a couple opera performances of Maria Callas (my waifu), there is an endless vault of shit to watch on youtube. some videos i go back to, but the lineup is different every night.

i laugh, i cry, i sing along. i know its purely unhealthy escapism , but im working on it and i still got straight A's last semester

>> No.10496255

>a gem
Am I misreading something here?

>> No.10496262

>a documentary on ants
So I'm not the only one who gets THAT bored huh.

>> No.10496276

they don’t want men who play vidya and don’t shave, they want to imitate male behavior without the consequences of low status male behavior. if you spend more than 2 hours a week playing vidya you’re a fucking man-child. its not at all stimulating

>> No.10496278

>buy darksouls on sale
>controls are retarded for PC
>ordered an xbox controller yesterday

I am so excited that going to take a soyboy selfie with my xbox controller ...what am I in for? I bought all 3 darksouls games

>> No.10496299

Death and despair.
Seriously though, just accept that you're going to die a lot and make a point of not getting frustrated. Take it easy, if you try to rush things you'll just die

>> No.10496301

lol faggot

>> No.10496305

I quit gaming cold turkey and for the better. But time after time it still saddens me looking back at how much time I wasted for videogames but what's done is done.

>> No.10496306

Darksouls is /lit/

>> No.10496427

Take it slow. Lots of DaS1 bosses can be beatem by hugging their groin and dodging through their attacks so you're at their back and just spam attacks til they come to face you again. The story is told through item descriptions. Watch out for the frogs in the sewers. They don't look threatening, and they are pretty squishy, but if you pull too many of them they'll just swamp you with noxious Curse gas and kill you like that. DaS is pretty great if not super dated-looking and clunky-feeling until you get the rhythm of it.

I still prefer keyboard over controller but DaS does need community patches to even be playable like that so I don't blame you.

>> No.10496439

>i know its purely unhealthy escapism
>i still got straight A's last semester
Your accomplishments do not validate your deficiencies.

>> No.10496460

A lifetime of unfulfillment along with a barely audible nagging in the back of your mind telling you to stop indulging in consumable media and improve yourself. I wasn't just speaking of Dark Souls either.

>> No.10496469

ignore the graveyard to start with
ignore the lower path with the untouchable ghosts
take it cautiously, try and take them on one at a time
learn to parry

>> No.10496471

I think DS1 actually looks amazing for its age. Fromsoft designed it to upscale wonderfully

>> No.10496481


>> No.10496484

>a documentary on ants
which one?

that's the least boring thing in his list, followed by norm

>> No.10496493

> t. Sperging Zombie Meat Bag Cunt

>> No.10496513

Bugs, easy on the adderall

>> No.10496524

oh that was all done in complete calm, resting heart rate. improve your diction and vocabularies please, i don’t mind listening to stupid people but unoriginal, cooki-cutter animal consciousness is tiring after a few years. do better anon, you have the latent potential to say things that’s take the face off a statue. i know the yummy nummy bready words and phrases call to you, but a whole universe of forms is lying behind the veil of your spiritual malaise. Reach deep into the night pull out your lost organs of expression, faith, imagination, eat them, their nutrients will rebuild the sanctuary that was your mind. promise

>> No.10496553

Scrolling social media.

>> No.10496570

You're not exactly Nobokov yourself bud. Maybe try make a simple point without writing an essay

>> No.10496596

Weed and playing Breath of the Wild. Weed in general keeps me from achieving a lot.

>> No.10496644

reading takes more patience

>> No.10496651

I'm sure you wouldn't have achieved much regardless

>> No.10496652

>he thinks wrapping trite pseud remarks in flowery verbiage and spicing it up with clumsy metaphors transforms his vapid mental diarrhea into contributions of merit
You must be very wisdomous.

>> No.10496710

Thanks that makes me feel better.

>> No.10496742

Don't be afraid to just get rid of your systems. You'll eventually get used to not having them even if it sucks at first.

>> No.10496748

These goobers will just find some other stupid way to waste time. Probably just start shit posting eight hours a day instead

>> No.10496863
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Lads, the cure to video game addiction and the boring time that comes with growing old and realizing most of them suck balls and aren't worth your time and money comes from embracing your own creativity in whatever way you can, and playing boardgames.

Get on Wil Wheaton's Geek n' Sundry channel and start trying out some games, I started with King of Tokyo last year and had a fucking blast playing it with my cousins this year when they were around for christmas. It's a great drinking activity as well


Some games are complicated as fuck, but there's a fair share of simple enough ones to start out with.

>> No.10496915

I used to play board games by myself when I was a kid. You just gotta stop doing that after a certain point. And I can't play boardgames now with chronic social apathy. I'm even too anxious to be a DnD nerd.

>> No.10496948

>Replacing a time wasting activity with another time wasting activity
You don't get it. Nerd culture is nothing but media consumption.

>> No.10496957

Boardgames are a highly social activity.

>> No.10496965


So are videogames.

>> No.10496976


Playing board games with friends, all of you meeting up together and drinking, interacting in actual physical space together, is far more rewarding than just silently staring at a screen and moving your thumbs by yourself (or with other people who are similarly twitching their thumbs in loneliness a thousand miles away and pretending it's in any way fulfilling).

>> No.10497007

On average not really. Even multiplayer games are hardly social

>> No.10497065

Apparently Wheaton gets tons of emails from people thanking him for bringing his family and friends together in ways they've never experienced before by introducing them to the stuff they play on tabletop. Honestly, it's way fucking better than Monopoly and cluedo and snakes and ladders and all that shit we used to play as kids. There's a whole world of board games out there for adults that're fairly fucking sweet to play. Beering makes it even better then.

>> No.10497105


I've probably seen about 10 TED talks in total. Here's the essay if it makes you feel better: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00216.x/full

>> No.10497299

Souls series is massively overrated tbqh

>> No.10497514

You still don't understand. You are socializing vicariously through consumable media. What do you talk about when you are all playing the game? The game of course. You are not discussing things about yourselves, and learning about each other, but instead you are discussing and participating in the spectacle. It's these kinds of activities that reduces and artificiates social interaction to discussion and consumption of media. Nerd culture is literally nothing but that. For the people whom you've met through your nerd hobbies, do you know any substantial details about them like their hopes, dreams, fears, relationships, and personal problems?

>> No.10497532

Most people in general never talk about such things with their friends, even those doing apparently social activities. If you want to talk seriously with someone the only way about that is simply to do it yourself. If an activity or organization facilitates that, all the better

>> No.10497562

If you're a bunch of friends sitting playing this gaems that's a fairly social intimate situation. You're free to talk about what ever you want, if you want to do so. Anyway, I talk about my hopes and interests with my friends often enough. Fears is an unusual one, but if you playing something creative like D & D or Cards against humanity or anything that involved any element of story-telling it could easily come up.
Relationships? A lot of my friends never talk about that stuff, I think that French people are big on that one, and personal problems, I mean generally speaking you're not gonna be bombarding people with stories about your personal problems unless you're incredibly annoying anyway.

>> No.10497717

Any anyway, not only does these games encourage social interaction, most of then require you to think strategically to win, and some like D and D nurture creativity by prompting you to story tell. Trey Parker of South Park fame, among others talk about how this helped give them an edge in story-telling that led to their success. So if anything, they not only creative the type of environment where you're more likely to talk about your dreams and interests, but they also make it more likely you'll fullfill them on some level.

>> No.10497751

This why cocaine should be legal.

>> No.10498050

Sure, you are building a network of friends and acquaintances through these activities, but there is no intimacy there. How many of those people can you call close friends? There are no strong bonds that keep you and your friends tied together when you strip these activities away.
Critical thinking in the game is only useful for that also. How is filling your head up with useless knowledge of game rules, and fantasy lore useful outside of it's own sphere? Trey Parker is a shit example. He is a perpetuator and proliferator of the very same spectacle which makes you consume the many types of media you love to pacify yourself mentally and spiritually.

>> No.10498130

You are absolutely correct and that is why I feel no satisfaction from doing well in school. But I’m trying anon. I’m tryin reeeaaal hard. And I’ll get there. I know it. I’m making progress. Slowly but surely. But I need to speed it up or I won’t make it to grad school.

>> No.10498139

>my accomplishments do not validate my deficiencies

I will repeat this to myself again and again and it will compel me. Thank you boy, thank you

>> No.10498239

You're welcome. I hope you take this to heart, and never cease to better yourselves!

>> No.10498284

Not many people want to play boardgames unfortunately. I went to a boardgame night a year ago and it was filled with "nerds", the type the media portrays. I couldn't believe how real the stereotype was. Most passive aggressive bunch of losers I've ever been around.

Best nights I've had were games of poker with a bunch of dudes I used to hang out with. Such a great game for bantz and general discussion. Can quicken or slow the game at a whim.