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10478630 No.10478630 [Reply] [Original]

ITT:Words that normalfags are DESTROYING and we have no way to stop it

>> No.10478640


>> No.10478644


>> No.10478653

"Definitely" (written as "defiantly")

>> No.10478657

>Analytical Philosophy
>The Greeks

>> No.10478658


>> No.10478660


>> No.10478661

purple prose

>> No.10478663

Ridiculous (written "rediculous")

>> No.10478666

"my" by way of the bastardization "muh".

>> No.10478670


>> No.10478673

Boomers have totally destroyed the word communism.

>> No.10478676

And their kids are doing the same

>> No.10478682

Almost all words. Take Truth for example - its use is now mostly for a adequatio ad rem in the scientific method (also a word "normies" destroyed by obfuscating its prime meaning, μετά + οδός) and disregarding the truthness, the essence of truth. And what of truth poiëtic, of truth of God etc? All the other οδοί? Of a truth unshackled even by its "way"? This could go on and on and goes for most "words", their truth and being are covered with a sedimentation of mental laziness which you most certainly partake in.

>> No.10478690


>> No.10478696

Communists destroyed it first though

>> No.10478699

Literally literally

>> No.10478701


>> No.10478704


>> No.10478708

The cliche of complaining about the misuse of Kafkaesque has long since replaced the misuse itself as the supreme tedium surrounding that word.

>> No.10478710

normies just ruin everything

join a secret society

>> No.10478714


>> No.10478715

I defiantly agree

>> No.10478720

You have to be successful and rich

>> No.10478724
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wow, 1/10 was destroyed? Big whoop

>> No.10478731


>> No.10478732



>> No.10478739

There are people who actually sit around thinking of ways to be angry at people who mispronounce the English language? Fascinating.

>> No.10478749

and socialims

>> No.10478750

Fuck if I care abour mispronounciation, I care about obfuscation. It's the essence of newspeak.

>> No.10478755


>> No.10478765

I get it's been destroyed for like thirty years and people are just dancing on its grave at this point, but it still triggers me beyond belief

>> No.10478775
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Except OP isn't ranting against mispronunciation? The post is about erasing the meanings of words, not saying them incorrectly.

>> No.10478777

Ur mum is lovecraftian horror m8

>> No.10478801
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Yeah I mean who really cares about Ingsoc anyway. Things are easier to think now. Yes. yes.

I actually can't think of anything more horrifying than being unable to properly vocalize what I want to say. You fucking faggot. Please take in a bigger picture. I love you.

>> No.10478810

And Fascism.

>> No.10478822

No, they didn't. They exalted the name. What you mean is that communists did such a bad job with communism that they destroyed the name of it themselves, I get your point. But even if it was so that it was a bad job, the conclusion is illogical. If that was the case, american boomers would be claiming the word saying communists were not actual communists. Instead, they said communists were exactly what communists were and that this in itself was a terrible thing. It doesn't matter then how bad or good communists were at doing what they were doing, because if they were bad you could say they were lying communists (claiming communism, but not actually doing it) and if they were good, they would be good. The name, the word in itself is preserved, even if by a lie of propaganda. The destruction of the word must necessarily come from the other side.

>> No.10478823

commanism is when the FED D A puts the dem chemicals in the worter

>> No.10478861

My dad got me in to one.

>> No.10478889

I'm in love with that painting. You can see exactly what happened and understand how he feels about his mistake with just one still image.

I'm not familiar with art really, who painted that?

>> No.10478897


>> No.10478905



But they already changed the definition of ironic a couple years back...

>> No.10478929


>> No.10478943

I’ve noticed commiserate and commensurate have gained a lot of traction in the black community. Murmuration is also strangely becoming popular.

The only interesting thing here is that many of these words will no longer indicate either education or intelligence as they once might have. They’ll only suggest proper parroting. The only due course is eschewing all intricate language to be replaced with as much slang and simplicity as possible.

>> No.10478944
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Ilya Repin and the work is called "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581". Painted in 1885.

I posted it because like this painting it is a prime example of what I meant. Writing is just another form of art. The clearer the picture the better the quality. You take away language it will be the equivalent of this.

>> No.10479009

unironically irony

>> No.10479025

>"a culture"
>everyone (as an absolute)

>> No.10479066

>Not real communism
You fags are a plague. By every objective definition the word was destroyed by the people who did shit under the name. You’re like these other fags trying to rehabilitate national socialism. Let it go. Call your organic workers movement fantasy something else because the word is fucking dead and they killed it.

>> No.10479105
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It's an amazing painting. Have a related meme, friend.

>> No.10479245

That's not what I'm saying though, read again.

>> No.10479278
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>> No.10479368


>> No.10479475



>> No.10479481

Karma. They somewhat get the meaning, but i'm a religous zealot who takes everything the normie does as an insult to God.

>> No.10479517

Almost no one I know gets the meaning, a lot of people still think it's about getting retritbution for what you do instead of taking responsibility for what you do. They think it's something that "comes back at you".

>> No.10479535

'Karman' is Sanskrit for 'work', 'labour', 'action'. That's it.

But English has absorbed it for another purpose; we should just deal with it.

>> No.10479539


>> No.10479545


>> No.10479547


>> No.10479548

No, the CONCEPT of communism cannot be put until reality, metaphysically, without immediately Undoing itself. It's not about "not doing it properly". It literally, CANNOT be done.

>> No.10479552

Unironically "normie"
Even fucking pewdiepie uses it.

>> No.10479598


>> No.10479630

I know. Karma means action AND reaction, because work can't be sepparated from it's results, etc. I just don't like the religious connotation being lost.

>> No.10479645

can't tell if troll or actually doesn't know Latin
either way you should be embarrassed

And "ambivalent"

>> No.10479656


>> No.10479663


It's used all the fucking time on here when you mean ascent or ancestry. You literally use it for its exact opposite

>> No.10479691
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>> No.10479694


>> No.10479746


There is anarchy but that word being destroyed is nothing new.
I think we can pick up the pieces and have epic back if we want it after what happened. Awesome is lost.

>> No.10479758

Can we agree that almost every word used in political language has been basically rendered meaningless? words like socialism, capitalism, left-ring, right-wing, equality, democracy, have been so misused so many times that pretty much no one agrees on what they mean

>> No.10479762

They still have technical definitions. Just use Wikipedia.

>> No.10479772
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>> No.10479778

the common good

>> No.10479783

epic post

truly epic, upvoted

>> No.10479814

When I went to return my rental books to the bookstore this semester, a guy behind me in line was fat and had a neckbeard. At one point he looked up at the ceiling and commented on the Christmas music that was playing, "I wonder if they play this to torment us. It's almost Kafkaesque."

>> No.10479825

This is literally the gayest adjective ever now.

>> No.10479835

>modern instead of contemporary
fucking impossible to search for stuff from modern times, as in, 16th century to 20th
>searching for X modern Y
>gets some retarded link about movies

>> No.10479840

>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.

That is hardly a technical definition, it is so broad it could be used for many things. Especially when you consider that "democratic control of means of production" is not a solid concept either but has many different forms.

>> No.10479879
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>> No.10479939
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>> No.10479969

Exactly like every word in politics and surface-level """economics""".

>> No.10479978

Right well socialism includes a lot of different systems. You're probably looking for the definition of Communism.

Because I gotta tell ya, socialism IS a broad term. It includes communism, st.simonism, Fourierism, communalism, Silvio Gessel, and so on...

>> No.10479985


>> No.10480000
File: 22 KB, 600x300, Will-Arnett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.

>> No.10480009


>> No.10480026

If its so broad then whats even the point of using it? If it really is that broad then its probably worthless as a concept and does not really clarify anything

>> No.10480034

At the very least it defines something which is separate and distinct from privately owned means of production which we know through our representative democratic capitalistic system.

But you're right. I always cringe whenever I hear socialism dropped instead of communism.

It's like when people use Atheism instead of Agnostic

>> No.10480057

There is a clear distinction between soviet communism and yugoslavian socialism. In this example socialism isn't an umbrella term for a more specific system.

I cringe whenever i hear someone say yugoslavian communism.