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10466298 No.10466298 [Reply] [Original]

Have any authors remarked on the effects of fapping/sex or lack thereof on the quality of their output? Is there a consensus about the advantages and disadvantages of both? Does withholding gratification give your writing more drive and ambition, or does letting off steam put you in a calmer, looser state that allows you to feel more freed up? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10466318

I've had a better life since nofapping, and it isn't because of the lack of masturbation, but rather because I just earned back all the time I used to waste on erotic material

>> No.10466406

my diary desu
One time when I was super-religious in middle school I was convinced that my guardian angel was watching me masturbate and was disappointed whenever he saw me do so. I managed to not fap for two weeks but finally gave in when the tension and stress of school became too much. Honestly the best fucking fap of my life, felt so fucking good.

>> No.10467312

I quit jerking off and got a pseudo-gf and my creative output has significantly increased.

>> No.10467374

Not worrying about such things is probably better for your creative output.

>> No.10467572


>> No.10467761


>> No.10468637

It's basic psychology. Sex is the carrot. Not having sex is the stick. I don't think it is anyway supernaturally effective. But it is just an easy way to motivate yourself.

>> No.10468948
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Balzac was volcel

>> No.10468979

>I'd be an amazing author if only I stopped masturbating!
Anyone who thinks this will never amount to anything in life, period.

>> No.10469175

It doesn’t effect anything, it’s just one more distraction

>> No.10470987

I don't think anyone said that. It's a legitimate question people seem to go both ways on, with no clear answer.

>> No.10471018

porn addiction has made me a lazy brainlet

>> No.10471023
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That's more or less the extent of Houllebeq's bailiwick

>> No.10472490

>I just lost a book!
Balzac sounds like good company