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/lit/ - Literature

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10456941 No.10456941 [Reply] [Original]

Are light novels literature? Is it okay to read light novels?

>> No.10456946

no and no

>> No.10456947

I'm a weeb and no they are not. There are a few that are good, but 98% of it is trash, just like every other form of media.

>> No.10456948

What other definition is there for light novels than "not literature"

>> No.10456949

Have bought tons of light novels over the years, can confirm.

>> No.10456951


What are they then?

>> No.10456952

Books for dumb people

>> No.10456954


Just barely above Fan Fiction.

>> No.10456956
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>but 98% of it is trash, just like every other form of media.

>> No.10456960

It has a law about it. It must be true.

>> No.10456962

Its a reddit meme

>> No.10456966


You're a meme and you don't even realize it.

>> No.10457107

Its true though, you'd have to be stupid not to think so. 98% of movies are shitty romcoms or just absolute gutter trash, 98% of tv shows are dumb sitcoms that copy better sitcoms or stupid reality tv shows, 98% of anime is moeshit/haremshit or just shit, 98% of video games are shovelware/rehashes, 98% of board games are just copies of better games or completely luck based.

>> No.10457114

>don't hate the (((outgroup))) goy, borders are bad!

Fuck off resdit

>> No.10457116

Nah most are ok and tolerable if you're not a spastic fedoralord. I could go to any film in the cinema and have an ok time

>> No.10457140

>im retarded so im smart durr

>> No.10457157

It's more I'm not a lazy imbecile who has to clearly organize things into great and awful so he doesn't end up like his fellow marvel watching dimwits.
When you're intellectually secure you can feel ok just calling some alright

>> No.10457235


>> No.10457332
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Feel free to stop wasting your life on bad art at any time

>> No.10457400
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Yes, but only one series worth reading.

>> No.10457547

name any field in which this does not apply

>> No.10458968

hakomari was okay desu, haven't read anything else

>> No.10459011

LotGH is pretty good.
Overlord and Log Horizon are also fun.

Honestly I've had more disappointments with actual novels than with LNs, but maybe that's a matter of expectations.

>> No.10459127

I always read weeb and genre trash in between real literature, it just feels right. This month was
>Latro in the Mist
>Notes from Underground
>The Double

Light novels are not literature though, no. Japan lives in a cultural bubble and none of their authors are well read.