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/lit/ - Literature

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10450051 No.10450051 [Reply] [Original]

Go live in the woods you pleb

>> No.10450122
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I'm not allowed to.

>> No.10450144

Did you know Thoureau's mom used to come and wipe his ass with a silk scarf every time he pooped in the woods. He would ring a bell whenever he needed to shit and his mom would come running with the family poop scarf (she lived next door, hypocrite doesn't tell you that). As she was wiping his ass she would tell him he was such an indepedent and self-reliant nature boy, and totally not a fag writing poetry in a shed. Also he had an xbox 360 with xbox live gold and Halo 3, which he played all the time, so he wasn't exactly roughing it.

Anyways, that's why it's okay for me to a fat slob living in an American suburb who watches Marvel movies and eats Chipotle once a week

>> No.10450165

Currently working on saving money to buy property. I wanted to build a family in Europe though, tired of the New World

>> No.10450238

lol this though. thoreau was a soft little fuqboi who lived a stone's throw from civilization and jerked himself to the "wilderness"

>> No.10450374

One of the most boring, lofty, pointless books of all time

He could've just said "Nature good, people bad" and be done with it

>> No.10450384

/lit/ not understanding how Walden is a masterpiece is what makes me not take this board seriously at all. You guys are such pseuds.

>> No.10450404

You simply claiming that Walden is a masterpiece without backing it up or refuting I've said is what makes me not take your post seriously at all. I thought it was a shit book, be a man and prove me wrong.

>> No.10450425

shut up fagtron

>> No.10450432
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his point wasn't to show how hard he is, or how shitty civilization is, but to experiment with the effects off-the-grid self reliance on his mental health and overall state of mind.

He built his cabin himself, lived on a minimalist diet, and tried to make ends meet by doing random odd jobs while spending most his time on learning and self-improvement.

Walden is an inspiration for people interested in living an original and self-made life, which naturally doesn't appeal to the smug self-satisfied masses that swarm an imageboard like this

>> No.10450506

Building a cabin yourself on your property is illegal these days though

>> No.10450533

In what way is this a good standard to have for books? Not even Flaubert was crazy enough to think that the grand point of narrative is to convey a message in the most succicnt manner. That's dumb

In what way would you consider it a masterpiece? I definitely did when I first read it, but after it's sat with me awhile I just can't imagine caring enough to read back through his long-winded anecdotes about the books he's reading or his goddamned bean plants.

Wrote above before reading this (I know I'm the problem). So you read it as putting Emerson to the test? I guess that makes sense, but doesn't that really undermine the whole transendetal mumbo jumbo suck the marrow from life stuff? Basically, you said this book is great because it is a self-propelled hero's journey i.e., a radical form of self-help. Don't get me wrong, I fuck heavy with radical forms of self-help-as-aesthetically-viable (hell, any good Nietzschean would), but how to you reconcile that with the spiritualist ideology lurking in the background?

>> No.10450560

>He built his cabin himself, lived on a minimalist diet, and tried to make ends meet by doing random odd jobs while spending most his time on learning and self-improvement.
But that would be like reading the manual for a game you will not play.

>> No.10450567

we're working to change that desu

>> No.10450578

Walden is a masterpiece. I had it around somewhere, but just the way the whole story is constructed is so methodical, so utterly well constructed. He had a point in time where he planned his life out with the book in mind. Every sentence is well placed, every thought well made. It is a pensive journey through the heart of God

>> No.10450583
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I am. Yay alaskan winter. Rough anal all night with the missus after finally hitting max level in wow after 13 years of on and off trying. Plus there was a moose in our drive way. Living the best life I can and I am just trying to boil down the concepts that I hold in my heart in a way I can properly convey them to the outside world. I have all the time in the world. Every need taken care of.

I just want them to feel love. If I have to act like a complete fool then by god I will. I will continue coming to this god forsaken website to tell people its going to be okay. I love you freaks.

.t freak.

>> No.10450869
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You seem really fucked up pal

>> No.10450892
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>Knight's disdain for Thoreau was bottomless - "he had not deep insight into nature" - but Ralph Waldo Emerson was acceptable. "People are to be taken in very small doses," wrote Emerson

Kill yourself OP

>> No.10450900


His time in the woods is ultimately inauthentic because of his opportunity for a return to his regular, privileged life. Walden is just Thoreau's attempt to assuage his own guilt at being born into the age bourgeois industrialist supremacy (from which he benefited) through some Rousseau-esque "Noble Savage" larping.

>> No.10450918
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He just wrote that shit after playing Zelda for a week.

>> No.10450925

>bring up thoreau because he's just like my dad
>will inherit 20 acre property in pure, Walden paradise
>was taught the skills to garden, hunt, create, and forage
>go to college for engineering instead

I'll make it later in life, but man did I fuck up my earlier years.

>> No.10450927

To be fair I am just rambling. Been up all night.

>> No.10450968

I would kill 17 niggers to inherit such property

>> No.10450976

wouldn't it be better to enslave them?

>> No.10450984

>in the middle of nowhere
>walking distance to famous Oregon coast beach
>next to several state parks, etc
>was purchased for $120k, probably not worth much more than that
>lake on property that contains fish

its perfect.

>> No.10451039

My family used to own a house on a huge river in West Virginia that my architect grandfather built. Had kayaks and canoes, and pretty much everything else you needed to enjoy the river. Had its own dock too. I miss it.

>> No.10451073

I would if I had free access to heat and food.
>the internet is satan
I wish my pc would break, sometimes I feel like throwing it out my window.
>tfw you don't live free on an Belize island with a handful of bros

>> No.10451115

>you will never finally quit your stressful job after years of hating your life
>you will never move to northern Montana in the snowy mountains with your qt outdoors loving gf
>you will never spend the first few months enjoying the simple life of no cell phone, no bills, no internet, no news, etc
>you will never spend the first few months doing your daily chores and reading the western cannon and closing out the day with your new outdoors wife by the fire, writing daily musings in your poetry book
>you will never slowly get bored of her and your new simple life
>you will never secretly start an environmental terrorist cell with other fringe individuals in the wilderness
>you will never set back the US 20 years by bombing every state capital at the same time to save the spirit of man from its inevitable demise at the hands of the technological Jew
>you will never live out your days in a hut in the Alaskan wilderness where you spend your time catching, identifying, and sketching every single available Northern fish

typed this up from my min wage desk job in the city

>> No.10451124

Please don't bomb people.

>> No.10451131


>> No.10451215
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>you will never move to northern Montana in the snowy mountains with your qt outdoors loving gf
yeah no
I don't think any female nowadays, especially one in her 20s would live a true minimalist lifestyle
maybe if you raised her in your basement since birth

>> No.10451559

my current gf hunts, reads, and paints for fun and doesnt have a smart phone. shes 20

>> No.10451595

>technological jew
massive projection from the simping ape

>> No.10451605

it was 4chan slang for technology addiction which I am too weak to stop for myself

>> No.10451610


>> No.10451612

i dont think so. they're out there anon, it only took joining a campus hiking club to find a bunch of them too

>> No.10451622

how unimaginative
hmm i guess ill join a hiking club, this was already suggested to me this week. is she rw? or apolitical. if apolitical and at least 7/10 (positive canthal tilt, low bf%, decent facial symmetry) you are a lucky man my nigger

>> No.10451635

yeah im quite happy

>> No.10451646

literally me except instead of the terrorist cell i'd just try to get wifey on board with doing ritual sacrifices of our goats that we'll keep

>> No.10451741
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I'm studying conservation and ecology, it has been quite the path - lots of frustration. Ecology is highly utilitarian and technical. It is also infected with Greek and Christian thought, and what I mean by that is mainly the culture/nature dichotomy. Then there's an influx of Romanticism of wilderness from the like of this guy, though in Europe we have a few other figures. The divide between culture/nature, the idea of wilderness, all spooks to me. What is missing is the Darwinian framework.

It is not like there's no Nietzschean figures declaring Nature dead. Emma Marris and a few others have tried to kill off wilderness. Others try to kill of the nature/culture divide. Idiotic Christian and Greek ideas about nature like the ladder of animals and the non-animal human are still common amongst folks.

I see nature as always in flux and becoming, always shifting. Certain tribes see their relationship with nature as one were both shape eachother. That's how I imagine it, eternal co-evolution between human and the rest of nature.

>> No.10452320

living in the woods is no escape, but temporary respite
the bulldozers and lawyers will come for you eventually

>> No.10452346
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take the hatchet pill

>> No.10452374

>you said this book is great because it is a self-propelled hero's journey i.e., a radical form of self-help
I didn't say that at all, and I'm not sure what you mean
>how to you reconcile that with the spiritualist ideology lurking in the background
The only ideological parts I remember had to do with Thoreau's views on civil rights and democracy (which if anything serve to undermine the spiritual facets of the book)

>> No.10452403

You have presented a very creative narrative that has little to no evidentiary basis in the book, but is entertaining nonetheless

>> No.10452447

of course there's no "evidentiary basis." no author will admit or reveal his own motives.

>> No.10452473

No, i'm sure it isn;t one of the myriad other ways, like how there's regular sffg, peterson, and rand threads, bookshelf / stack / recent purchases threads, and the hourly "tfw no gf or friends, what book for this feel?"

>> No.10452476

On that basis I accuse you of shitposting out of a misplaced sense of guilt over catching the milkman and the gardening crew gangbang your mom and allowing them to bribe you into not telling your dad
there, now you've touched as many people's lives as thoreau

>> No.10452510
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I already did

>> No.10452527
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anyone have that hermit-core lit chart by chance?

>> No.10452571

bumping for this too

>> No.10452693

I can suggest My Side of the Mountain

>> No.10452790

no proof given. opinion discarded.

>> No.10453495

That list is just walden + generic in the woods rice man

>> No.10453569
File: 26 KB, 393x462, 14730-7323-6408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the meth?

>> No.10453591

>Did you know Thoureau's mom used to come and wipe his ass with a silk scarf every time he pooped in the woods. He would ring a bell whenever he needed to shit and his mom would come running with the family poop scarf
I did the same until I was 10 yo. also she use TP.

>> No.10453593

Yes she has sex with chad in the outdoor.

>> No.10453604

I came into this thread to say exactly this.

Thank you

>> No.10453885

Feels like >>/out/

>> No.10453958
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You sound comfy.

>> No.10454906

It's not meth. It's basic thc.

>> No.10455314

Sounds like a cosy life.

>> No.10456236

where can i get actual information on how to quit everything and move to a cabin in the woods somewhere

>> No.10457867

man you sure must be fun at parties

>> No.10458730

Devastatingly accurate. I’m probably going to throw my copy in the trash today

>> No.10458789

lul this
I'm not allowed to cut down a tree in my own backyard without paying the government

>> No.10459674

nature is for nerds

>> No.10459779

probably some Muir right

>> No.10459863

This picture looks better than the whole game.

>> No.10459901

literally not in the book

>> No.10459909

>demands “refutation”

>> No.10459949

essential muir recs?

i remember fictional gary snyder praising him in kerouac's homoerotic buddhist mountain trip extravaganza

>> No.10460054

lmao, alt-right numale spotted.

>> No.10460075

Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf, my man

>> No.10460123

thanks femmely