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10430287 No.10430287 [Reply] [Original]

Does the idea of Plotinus of "the One" contradicts with the idea of polytheism? Or do you think we are stuck with the idea of a christian God?

>> No.10430292


I wouldn't say that it contradicts polytheism. He defines the One as being "the One from which all things eminate" which sounds christian but it doesn't have to be.

>> No.10430293 [DELETED] 

can you not just fucking figure it no offense im just drunk

>> No.10430294

No. The One is not a personal God. Platonist conceptions of the supreme Being are very different compared to the Petrine bastardisations.

>> No.10430306

Yeah, i see "the One" more as a soul at its purest and perfect form, not as a good but even above the various Gods on greek mythology

>> No.10430954

It's more like brahman, an impersonal principle.

>> No.10430984

>Does the idea of Plotinus of "the One" contradicts with the idea of polytheism?
No, you can have One transcendent, supreme source of every goddamned thing, as well as a multiplicity of eternal superhuman entities, like devas for Hinduists, gods for Daoists, stars for Plotinus, divine beings emanated from the Pleroma for the Gnostics, etc.

The whole notion of monotheism as divided from polytheism is a product of Christian apologetics anyway.

>> No.10431002
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Don't get too hung up on trying to classify the unclassifiable, OP. The One being permanently hidden behind a cloud would be a nice metaphor, unless some idiot fanserviced that it could talk. The One is beyond knowing or unknowing because: >>10430984 and /thread

>> No.10431409

le demiurge :DD

>> No.10431424

So The One doesn't exist? If it's beyond knowing then we wouldn't be discussing The One.

>> No.10431434

The Greeks are all idiots, with the sole exception of Democritus.

Also I might give Epicurus a pass as well.

>> No.10431508

>So The One doesn't exist?
No you simp.

We aren't discussing The One. We are discussing our misconception of it. And there isn't much to say because there's nothing we can say for sure, because it is beyond knowing. Platonists (and early Catholics) said it was the form of the good, the ideal of truth and beauty. That's as good an answer as any other, I guess.

>> No.10431539

The indians had already figured that out. Brahmān, all is one; Paramātmā, everything is the same, but different on account of it's individuality; Bhagavān, the supreme, the origin of everything. The cause of all causes

>> No.10431618

Nothing contradicts the One. It wouldn't be the One otherwise.

>> No.10431663

t. STEM fedora

>> No.10431786

I was about to bring up how that's exactly what Aquinas said about God. We can only know what God isn't.