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/lit/ - Literature

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10430302 No.10430302 [Reply] [Original]

un fucking real

>> No.10430304

It pays to be a hack. What's new.

>> No.10430334

just look at how many books Bukowski was allowed to publish

>> No.10430346

>36 years old

this harlot's womb is polluted

>> No.10430351
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there are no words

>> No.10430366

It was a good story and it generated a huge amount of discussion. I don't see the problem.

>> No.10430404


There is benefit in shame.

>> No.10430406
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the problem is gapitalism

>> No.10430412

not it isn't, and no it didn't... just because the comment section popped off doesn't mean any meaningful discussion took place

go read the 'discussion' and how about you actually read the story? it's about a girl who can't keep her legs closed, and the positive drama that comes along with that instead of the dirt position it puts females in

wait why did i spend even 50secs on this bait

>> No.10430423

You're an idiot.

Well yes maybe but that something popular would get a contact is far from surprising or noteworthy.

>> No.10430424

Fucking millenials.

>> No.10430436

you're dumb as fuck

now take your autism and get back into your corner; don't leave until you're ready to have an actual conversation

>> No.10430438

The corner with all the contributing members of society in? Oh no...

>> No.10430439

yes this is how capitalism works oh wait i mean le jews in industry something about soy uhhh white genercide

>> No.10430442

>hmm i really have no idea how to defend myself or the misguided position i presented, better type random shit and hope it sticks!

no no no, it's time for you to consider your checkout options

>> No.10430447

Calm down Robert.

>> No.10430449


>itime to go full troll
fuck off idiot

>> No.10430452

>le cringe xd

back to rebbit with you soyboy

>> No.10430457

it's really an easy way to describe a poorly thought-thru satire post, sorry if it triggered you sweetheart; just step back and breath, you'll be okay

>> No.10430458

This conversation, much like the short story, is way over your head.

>> No.10430464

aw honey, you were triggered enough to reply and you can find your hugbox over on r****t

>> No.10430465

you're not having a conversation, the conversation started here:
you made a snap judgment on the situation based off a few sentences of the actual article, and you have no idea what's going on

chances are high you're a wageslave trying to get some shitposting in before you go have your shitty day, but i'm not going to let that happen so think twice before replying

>> No.10430466

You're going to lose so many goodboy points when your mommy checks your browsing history this evening.

>> No.10430467

not that anon but yeah this is very cringe

>> No.10430469

She wrote a story that became popular and appealed to a highly profitable demographic. You can't blame them.

>> No.10430473
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>> No.10430475
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agreed, powerful independent women (read: lonely fat women) can't get enough of this self-degrading shit, and it takes special kind of artist to be able to produce it so it's in high demand

>> No.10430481

Yeah, intersectional feminism is a marketer's wet dream.

>> No.10430498

for fucks sake dude get this goblin out of here

>> No.10430509

I just read the story. At the very least, it seems to humanize awkward guys who are bad at sex, so maybe the roasties reading it will not be so quick to shout "rape" next time they have sex and regret it in the morning.

Other than that, it was basically "Existence as a Millennial - The Story"

>> No.10430516

Are you kidding?

99% of women who have read this are claiming it just shows how creepy non-Chad guys are and how difficult it is to be female.

>> No.10430519

Fucking really? Can I see some of the responses to it? The story itself didnt have any comments

>> No.10430524


>> No.10430527
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fuck that

>> No.10430532

>wifing candy shop

>> No.10430544
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my gf

>> No.10430558


It was one hit wonder. Do you really think this woman can extend her 'talents' into something like Gone Girl (not saying that's great but it is far better than CP)?

>> No.10430578

I don't care about the content or the type of personality that enjoys it. What's infuriating to me is this person has never written a full-length book, and off the hype of a short that has barely any semblance of a plot, they pay her 100k+ to do a full-length novel?

>> No.10430588
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I think the message she wanted to get across was: be selfish, careless about what others think of you, don't crave attention that you'll sell yourself out.

If anything it's anti-hookup culture.

>> No.10430593
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>> No.10430603


It's definitely part of a recent anti-hookup culture trend. In spite of hookup culture being in a constant "tidal" rise, we seem to be in a downward wave right now (what with all the stuff about ghosting too).

Problem is (or not), millennials did not learn anything about emotional responsibility or any sort of self-management whatsoever (I say this as a millennial). We're bound to become either selfish bastards or selfless idiots.

>> No.10430607

I don't know and I don't care. I don't have to buy it, I don't have to read it. The only reason I'm even aware of it is because of you faggots who're seemingly butthurt and outraged enough about it to post it here continually. You're the problem.

>> No.10430617
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/waifu general/

>> No.10430624

lit will never insult the publishing gatekeepers.

>> No.10430630

Have we entered the age where if a young man wants to be published he has to assume a female pseudonym?

>> No.10430634

>hurr durr it's because capitalism!
>hurr durr this is your capitalism at work!
>hurr durr if someone just picked what was worthy of praise and money than it would be better!
>hurr durr you know what I should be the one to pick!
>hurr durr only people I like deserve to get money for their work!
>hurr durr literature is dying!
>hurr durr nobody is paying the writers anymore!
>hurr durr why is literature dying?!
>hurr durr why can fucking plebs realize their art is not art?
>hurr durr fucking where got a massive deal fuck her stupid bitch fucking whore it should been me!
>hurr durr endlessly
Fucking commies I fucking hate all of you.

>> No.10430669

>"When u laguhd when I asked if you were a virgin was it because youd fucked so many guys"

bravo, truly the voice of a generation

>> No.10430721
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>mfw /lit/'s 48-hour obsession with Cat People contributed to this woman's success

Capitalism is cruel, babies. Wealth in the arts is generated by sucking micro-payments from the lowest common denominator. I'm not surprised you don't know this.

>> No.10430732

dont worry, it wont be worth the pressure to try to meet expectations actually fuck it a million dollars is worth some spooks of awkward shame

>> No.10430801

i just read it, i thought it was really interesting.

it teaches women how important physical attraction is, and how they ultimately expect men to be competent but aloof and mysterious. she basically fucked her awkward brother and mistook feelings of sympathy and budding friendship for sexual attraction, a mistake many 20 year olds would make.

i think a LOT of guys would benefit from reading it. it teaches them to try to aim for girls that are similar to them (in personality and looks) and to be more casual when it comes to sparking up meetings. i tend to know within 5 minutes if i will ever fuck a girl, and it's mostly to do with her initial attraction to me physically. i could probably work at turning her over weeks of talking, but why bother? i can just pick a girl who is really into me and shows it with her body language and eye contact, and then we won't be disappointed.

well she will be, because i can't express real love. but that's a puzzle that takes most of them 3-6 months to crack.

>> No.10430834

What if i told you that the short story was planned and the deal was already in place before that and that you all fell for it and are still falling for it by discussing this even further?

>> No.10430860

it's creating productive discussion about how women need to stop fucking creepy losers and just stick to chads who will pump and dump and not cling on.

>> No.10430863

That's why you're so angry about it anyway.

>> No.10430864
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>read a shitty slice-of-life short story for common sense advice
jesus christ, and i thought peterson fags were bad

>> No.10430886
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if we're gonna talk about its message; if she really wanted to nail that point home, it would have been marg who was the ugly bitter person and not rob

more women are taking this message:

>> No.10430904

This Chad meme is so incorrect. All the jacked successful guys i know have average gfs who they bend over backwards for. Meanwhile i know infinitely more retard burnouts who have chicks chasing them (speaking as a retard burnout). Girls these days would rather fuck 6ix9ine than dolph lundgren in his prime.

>> No.10430909

>i was homeschooled and i don't socialize outside my family
good post

>> No.10430915

Alright dog go try to get laid by being successful LOL

>> No.10430928

Guys who are already succesfull are both intimidating and boring. Most women go for projects. Basically fuckups with one or two intetesting traits. Enough to be interesting and enough to kick in womens mommy instincts because they think they are the one thats going to change him (and if they did theyd leave him anyways). Women are just boring and predictable these days.

>> No.10430929

marg is beautiful outwardly, but inwardly she is a broken immature and scared person, plagued by insecurities and self-doubt. she is a decent person because she feels the real complex and sour emotions behind his objectification, but her flaw is being too weak to put an end to it.

rob is ugly outwardly, but inwardly is a raging psychotic narcissist who overestimates himself at every step and lacks anything resembling empathy or compassion. he shows no arc of change or progress, swinging wildly between moody bouts of pathetic misplaced anger and euphoric adolescent infatuation.

they aren't even comparable, he's a manchild, and this is a guide on how to avoid them. they hold back society by trapping women in loveless pseudo-relationships and never developing as men.

>> No.10430940

Heck if you want a woman just get a tattoo, dress like a faggot and alternate between giving her the feeling that shes special and that yet you could snap at anytime and kick her ass. Youll have to fend off women.

>> No.10430959

How is Robert a narcissist? He's a clumsy fool but a psychotic narcissist, no.

Effectively they are both immature, impressionable individuals who want a storybook romance, and that sex will lead to love. Margot is right post coitus about the doubt that sex brings in one, and maybe the shame that Robert isn't the Adonis a lot of young women strive for. Both are just looking for someone to be with in a cold world, but both are equally cold and distant in their own way

>> No.10430976

the way he kisses her and handles the sex (and the courtship before it) is disingenuous and (self)deceptive.

rather than being the adult and admitting his inexperience, endearing himself in a moment of honest and opening himself up to brutal rejection, he decides to fumble his way and ruins it for himself, then completely oblivious to what he did (because of the narcissism) blames the poor girl who feels bad four times over: for engaging with this creep, for pushing the sex for her own selfish needs, for being unable to reject the sex the moment she realises it wasn't about them it was all about her and she is disgusted with him, for the conflicting emotions this brings up including self-loathing, and finally for being too polite to say fuck off at the end.

he created this whole thing by building some fake persona and then having it all fall apart. it's a 20 year old girl she's horny, tell her you have a huge stamp collection and then eat her pussy for 15 minutes and have her jerk you off. why are you even kissing her? on the forehead? CREEPER.

>> No.10430994
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i dunno if you guys are underaged or what, what you describe is the fantasies of a teenage girl

any well-adjusted woman in her early 20s want a stable, good-looking, well-groomed, successful and/or ambitious guy as their mate

>> No.10431001

white knighting faggot right here. the girl never said what she was feeling. you blame robert for not opening up and refuses to do the same for margot.

>> No.10431005

>well-adjusted woman in her early 20s


>> No.10431009
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wth i thought you killed yourself elliot

>> No.10431012

I'd wager their both narcissistic if that's the case. They both have moderate to fake personas via text because it's easier to speak to one another that way than in person (hence her rejection text and his half-hearted reply)

But narcissistic because of his inability to perform peak sex? Men don't want to look like amateurs especially during intimacy, they're vulnerable enough, they don't want to heighten that vulnerability by admitting they don't know what their doing.

>> No.10431015

My experience is that the 'well-adjusted' girls still are going for guys based on the same stuff (dick and being entertaining), they just generally prefer ones who are more socially acceptable and less blatantly self-destructive. I still stand by my statement that i would bet on a fun retard over some jacked successful guy in their case.

>> No.10431022
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>> No.10431023

they want someone who is dominate, not an insecure dick, who will not take shit from them or anyone else, this is a trait that is usually associated with successful/ambitious people

you're out of your fucking MIND if you think a quality girl wants a fixer-upper, the types of girls who do are extremely damaged goods, and if that's what you're attracting you need to get your act together asap

>> No.10431025

What guys think sex means: As a man, I've overcome the primordial chaos of reality to forge my own destiny. Like Marduk slaying Tiamat, I've overcome the numerous negative influence within and without me to build a life I can be proud of. I've strengthened my body, mind, and will power. I communicate this to girls through my physique, dress, demeanour, and accomplishments. While I will eventually decay, I've temporarily ordered myself so that I can bring a woman into my life, and allow her to be herself. Truly Chad is an inspiration to us all and I aspire to reach the heights of manly virtue in this life.

What girls think sex means: Hehehehe he sang "Backstreet's Back" with me and called me a sushi whore before he blew raspberries on my stomach and made me lick his ass

>> No.10431027

My experience is that guys are the only ones who care about dominance, girls just want you to act normal.

>> No.10431038
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Once we used to read about heros and nobels--people with tragic flaws and interesting motives.

Now the protagonists of today are literally mediocre in the extreme--and literally uplifts their mundane activities to hero status. That's why this short story was successful--it lionized everything it means to be "strong independent" indie hipster girl--or barren vagina having office wagie.

You are strong, independent, a victim sometimes, and you are the object of "intense sexual desire" and you both love and hate that.

Shameless pandering--makes me ill. This is why the west is decaying at break neck speed.

>> No.10431040
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not gonna argue this with you, you're either going to fix your world-view and attempt to adjust your personality or you're going to experience a harmful string of meaningless relationships that lead nowhere... gl

>> No.10431041

except he's had 15 years to mature over her and hasn't. and she is vain because her entire life strange men have constantly treated her as an object of desire and she has no value outside of that. that's conditioned helplessness.

nobody made roger fat or awkward or bad at sex, those are all super simple to fix: work out, be friendly and truthful, pay for sex with an experienced worker who is going to help you understand the process.

he used her to masturbate his ego.

girls never say what they are feeling, if girls were direct they wouldn't be girls they would be women, mothers, sisters, wives. if ur ugly, and you manage to fuck a hot young girl, and you're fucking terrible at sex, no duh she regrets it and wishes it never happened. imagine rolling those dice, she took a wild chance and got snake eyes.

>> No.10431053

the lifting of the mundane to great heights was predicted by Ayn Rand in The Fountainhead...Ellsworth Toohey did it to make the world easier to manipulate. Fucking kike.

>> No.10431060

so, you're excusing margot because "girls will be girls" while condemning robert for what exactly? being a dude?

typical hypocritical feminist mentality right here.

>> No.10431064

good post

>> No.10431065

>how about you read the story
>its about a girl who cant keep her legs closed

why do i still come here

>> No.10431073

if he was a dude he would've fucked her in the car when she straddled him.

>> No.10431088
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>Emotional invalidation is when a person's thoughts and feelings are rejected, ignored, or judged. Invalidation is emotionally upsetting for anyone, but particularly hurtful for someone who is emotionally sensitive. Invalidation disrupts relationships and creates emotional distance.
it's time to end the human-race

>> No.10431091

>disagreeing is a violent act
>therefor we must censor anything that doesn't fit our agenda and narrative

this is why I come to /lit/ and 4chan for discussion; its the only place without power tripping mods.

>> No.10431109

/r/writers is pretty good, they were talking about this story as well and kinda shitting on it

>> No.10431191
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How guys think you get a girl: spend decades achieving an impressive amount of emotional maturity, success, physical good looks, and social standing

How to actually get a girl: learn to sing along to the Zayn part to "I don't wanna live forever" and start a fake fight with her friend in a way that's really funny and entertaining for everyone involved at a party


>> No.10431313

how to have autism: be this guy

>> No.10431334

Cum Person was fine.

>> No.10431337

>my gay one-off anecdote is how courtship works
this is /lit/ compensation for sucking female ass, just constantly bringing up 6/10’s they had bad sex with and the gay way they tripped and fell into their pussy.

>> No.10431365

You guys are fucking idiots. Did you even read the story?

The main character is NOT a strong woman, she's a pathologically weak typically feminine woman who is puppeteered by her friends and feelings. The guy is also a fucking pathologically weak dude who is in fact written exactly like a female character (unsure if this is part of the point or because the author can't write from other perspectives... I'll be charitable and assume the former)

It's a good story about how being weak people leads to relationship breakdown. If at any point either of them stood up and had some fucking strength of character there wouldn't have been a problem; it's a tragedy of insecurity.

Aside from that, as shown in your screen cap, it's also about how texting and technology drives a wedge in relationships and leaves people unable to properly connect in real life.

The point is that it's a good story with good societal commentary; it's not a feminist piece by any means--it's about how being weak, whether as a man or woman, can unintentionally hurt those around you.

If you think this story is out to lionize the main character or portray her as a "strong woman" you weren't paying attention.

>> No.10431692

Finally a person that can read.

>> No.10431702

dis is right bruder les gase le juice

>> No.10431808

The writer sounds like a run of the mill establishment left ideologue, with Jewish publishers, getting famous on the back of some narrative about men being grotesque, buffoonish and potentially dangerous.

It is an entirely safe piece of writing, intended to start a 'conversation'. By conversation they mean back and forthing in left wing circles about how groundbreaking one of their fellow ideologues is. Were it to illicit any actual debate and break any rules it would be considered controversial and wouldn't be the success story it is.

If I followed the model of the Cat Person writer I'd perhaps write about a bufoonish, grotesque, weak male feminist who despite all his effort, still falls short of the mark when it comes to being a functioning human being.

>> No.10431818

Lol good post (not being sarcastic)--better than mine even...

>> No.10431851


>> No.10431868

Someone here sure sounds salty that the left has won the culture wars.

>> No.10431869

hahahhaa How did I miss this post?

>> No.10431877

this guy looks like his room smells. women could probably smell it a mile away

>> No.10431878

It seems like on the internet it's a huge waging battle with lefties only winning on reddit and normie forums (yet losing everywhere else)

>> No.10431906

Oh please. Anyone who laments the fall of the Great Man trope is himself someone who never possessed the capacity to be great. You look at DFW, Ashbery, etc., they never bitched about how all the good men were gone, because that is an extremely rudimentary / reactionary / ignorant / fetal stance to take and just shows you need greatness to be spoonfed to you by history and "cultured" opinion.

>> No.10431915

no, i believe the criticism is that margot is 20 and acts 20, while robert is 34 and acts 15

>> No.10431924

Nice gaslighting faggot.

Great men still exist--they go unnoticed and unappreciated (or are corrupted).

Weak-wristed loser.

>> No.10431929
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>> No.10431935

Oh please, anyone who laments great men's deaths are doing so because they lack a true, masculine role model. Today's society reveres men who look like boys or pose like underwear models. There's no cultural icon of the 21st century that is male and masculine at the same time. There's no Hemingway'sz but there's sure a lot of Homer Simpsons.

>> No.10431967

I don't think anyone here is "lionizing" the female lead. The consensus seems to be that both are feeble idiots but it's only the male who is actively childish and repulsive.
Robert was not a male feminist, he reduced margot to "a chick with big boobs" iirc. And had sickening, infectious fantasies about her sleeping with other men, which he just couldn't handle, leading to his autistic stalking and text outburst. I think a fair bit of men's backlash toward Robert is the suppressed realization that some of his ugliest traits are shared by the male audience.

>> No.10431989

pls show me these great men you so desire to see recognized. within your framework, it would be your duty to expose them.
so basically you think that all of us think that real manhood is justin bieber / homer simpson? I think you need to turn off the computer for a while. go outside and talk to "real men." do you have friends?

>> No.10432004

not really =\ i just moved to a new city and its full of cuckolds. I miss my friend who we would sit and drink bear and tinker on our motorcycles after baking bread and talking about the military and shit. can't find that in this liberal city.

>> No.10432016

Alternate between these two for best results

>> No.10432030

to your first point. Isn't this just as much an endorsement of traditional masculinity as any red piller then? If it shows the pitfalls, insecurity, and disgusting nature of the nu-males that feminism creates

>> No.10432037

so did you just cross over here from /pol/ or do u actually ever read books

>> No.10432076

No, read it again, Robert was not created by feminism. Robert is what happens when you try to embrace "traditional masculinity." He postures. He tries to talk dirty, the way he thinks guys talk dirty, but fails miserably. "I've always wanted to fuck a chick with big boobs." He is jealous and possessive, as if he were trying to puff up and fight some imaginary male threat who at any moment would swoop in and steal his woman, his property. It is like a peacock putting on a mating display. To Robert, masculinity is performative--in the moments when he is trying to be most masculine, he is also the most fake and repulsive. It takes a strange misreading to think that Robert is in any way a feminist, that he in fact has Margot's best interest in mind, or that he respects Margot's agency.

>> No.10432081


I agree but by 'well-adjusted' I think you just mean middle-class. They always go for guys who you'd struggle to differentiate in a lineup.

>> No.10432083

i just finished Les Miserables, but I mostly read poetry and shorter things by authors like Kafka or Chekov. Translated works.

>> No.10432090

it's almost as if looks didn't matter so much and what matters is your personal ambition and the quality and relatability of your character

>> No.10432110


Well that it is true. However, personal ambition always seems to relate to certain qualities and usually they're pretty conservative. I tend to find those type of men dull and I'm friends with a few of them. I do understand the appeal for women. Always seems to kick in right around the time they graduate btw.

>> No.10432112

not trying to say that Robert is a feminist, only that Robert's faux-masculinity is a product of feminism. He's doing exactly what you said-putting on a show of what he thinks masculinity looks like, but is in fact entirely emasculated and as I mentioned earlier written almost exactly like a female character in terms of his emotionality, unwillingness to bring up what's bothering him, and tendency to overthink situations.

I think that we could agree that while Robert's putting on a display of masculinity, he is in fact feminized--a truly masculine character would be cool, less emotional, and not get attached after so few interactions like he did.

>> No.10432148

I mean I agree with you but I just don't think that kind of "faux-masculinity" is produced by feminism. I think the opposite--it's produced by avoiding women and avoiding self-examination, and basically remaining at the emotional capacity of a teenager for most of your early adulthood. Feminism does not mean "act like a woman," whatever that is. Feminism means be aware of women as people, that they have their own motives and modes of thought, their own desires. And that's precisely what Robert does not do. He tries to make Margot fit his idea of undere-chan, instead of seeing what turns her on and what disgusts her.

>> No.10432180

Fifty Shades of Neck Beard
Twilight: Nu Male

>> No.10432183

I skimmed your post and saw Homer and expected a comparison to Greek balanced masculine ideals but instead got the surface level Hemingway posturing

>> No.10432191

....but that wasn't the point of the story, in fact you somehow got the opposite message. The story was supposed to be pathetic, not to glorify anything, how could you miss that.

>> No.10432209

That's what glory is in the mind of millennial women--embarrassment makes you a cute hero--sex in the city and phoebe from friends!!! SLAY QUEEN YAS!

>> No.10432211

>Feminism does not mean "act like a woman," whatever that is. Feminism means be aware of women as people, that they have their own motives and modes of thought, their own desires
No Feminism is a political movement that was designed to raise women's socio-economic and sexual status to at least equal to men's if not surpassing it. It has nothing to do with psycho-sexual dynamics like the one's you're inserting. If you read feminist theory, even excerpts it would be apparent that this isn't the goal.
i think he's just a pathetic beta and she's an insensitive whore and she didn't deserve significantly more respect nor did he.

>> No.10432317

To be fair feminist theory is quite different from feminist practice, a large part of which today includes shaming of "toxic masculinity," which is story is arguably a part of.

While I agree it would be a stretch to say that feminism has lead to the emasculation of men, perhaps I was overstating me case, I do think that the story can still be interpreted as an endorsement of traditional masculinity (as opposed to it's fake reproduction of faux-masculinity) because the story is really an endorsement of strength of character, which is sort of the key point of traditional masculinity.

>> No.10432412

>the weak do not mourn the death of the strong

Color me fucking surprised right there, Jimbo.

>> No.10432470
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I should be pissed off but at the end of the day it's just another episode of "talentless woman writer gets book deal"

>> No.10432490
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>mediocre short story stirs a shitstorm in twitter
>everybody foams over said shitstorm
>author gets a book deal because she's viral

the system worked

>> No.10432533

On a technical level it's mediocre, but it does a good job of describing down to rather minute detail two shitty people having a shitty non-relationship. That's probably why it resonated so much - there was so much to relate to.

>> No.10432579

Good on the author for writing about what is a contemporary problem among first world shitheads. And shame on her for making it worse.

>> No.10432581

I mean, if you wanted to, but Hemingway is closer than Odysseus and we're much more cucked than telemanchus

>> No.10432602

I don't think she could have done anything to improve the situation. The details suggest to me that she's had more than a few flings of this sort herself. Any reflections she has on the topic are probably wholly within well-worn contexts. Also, unfortunately, as we've seen above, a comprehensive analysis of the story tears it apart instead of elevating it.

>> No.10432627





gotta be a troll, it's gotta be a troll dude-- fake news to build her hype


>> No.10432663

>anon thinks 1 million is a lot
>doesnt understand that rich people are FUCKING rich
>doesn't understand that this is why everyone is so salty about income inequality
>companies control several trillions of dollars of the economy. 1 mil is to them like a penny is to a person with a hundred bucks.

>> No.10432693

kek stupid socialist
>muh income inequality
yeah without those big ass corporations there'd be no jobs

>> No.10432710

that page you showed actually makes me want to read the book...

>> No.10432718

>thinks that pointing out the huge income disparity is a sign of socialism
>hur dur i did it again

i'm right wing. i don't think theres anything wrong with pointing out that we live in a word where $400 a month can mean the difference between homelessness and sustenance to one family, and $1,000,000 is literally pointless money to another.

>> No.10432757

r tard

>> No.10432777
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>> No.10432789

Them getting mad at people spending their own money, on what they want is very entertaining.

>> No.10432836

>robert had been such a terrible worthless scum that this text message was written with greasy hands of fries
>when u laguhd when i asked if you were a virgin was it because youd fucked so many guys

>> No.10432882

when you were being mopped up on the playground for being a meek softspoken little faggot, is this what you muttered under your breath to try to cope? shut the fuck up idiot and try to have semblance of an opinion or defense next time you post here

>> No.10432924

A) Bukowski does have some decent poetry
B) He at least had a life that was interesting enough that anecdotes from it are interesting; like being able to watch a train crash.

Cat Person is designed to be as bland and crowd pleasing as a top 40 pop tune. It is cheeto dust. It is a glib facsimile of literature. And, as far as I'm concerned, its everything wrong with modern writing.

I don't think its BAD necessarily. In the same way that I don't necessarily think that Taylor swift or other inoffensive pop-music is bad. But its low brow and uninteresting. Nothing new. Come to think of it: that's a good analogy. Taylor Swift's whole "look at my failed relationships in ambiguous terms to seem relatable to teenage girls and SHAKE IT OFF GURL spiel is exactly the music equivalent of the story imo.

>> No.10432949

Basically this.
I wouldn't say negativity automatically makes it pathetic. Its a bizarre form of masochism that some people (narcissists mostly) have: where they can have pride from their flaws.

>> No.10432967

based spurdo poster

>> No.10433056
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>> No.10433198

You don't need to get rid of the corporations but keeping them out of government and giving them reasonable taxes would be nice.

>> No.10433228

Good, I'm glad to see short fiction authors land major deals. It was an enjoyable story that I had fun reading and my friends felt the same way.

>> No.10433251

Once we were able to spell "heroes" and "nobles."

>> No.10433287

>my friends
lol good try, you're so lost & lonely you're literally writing shitty bait because you're so attention starved it's actually damaging to your psyche

>> No.10433338

sorry, fuck, i meant my girlfriend. my friends don't read.

>> No.10433371


Anything interesting in the story will be destroyed by the enormity of the commercial expectations and devices placed upon whatever it is she writes next. It would have been better if she was discovered forty years from now, and she had a whole body of obscure but mature work.

>> No.10433440

Robert truly is a manchild, but for only one reason. Why'd you expect a roastie who's had 6 guys by the age of 20 already to not immidiately move onto the next guy? Dude should have been happy about being able to score and then started looking for unused goods

>> No.10434242
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>mfw am becoming like the guy in the story

>> No.10434316

The problem isn't capitalism, it's the perpetual vile trickery of women.

>> No.10434632


Just because a story sparks "conversation" and goes viral does not mean it's written well. I didn't notice any kind of significant symbolism in the story, rather, the author tells you exactly what Margot is thinking and feeling with little to no room for interpretation. You get the sense that she just changed the names and locations from an experience she had herself.