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/lit/ - Literature

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10404271 No.10404271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>demonize straight white male authors
>deplatform straight white male authors
>pump marketplace full of ideologically conformist, sex-obsessed, POC virtue-signalling ladylit
>sales drop
>sales keep dropping
>"it's n-n-not that our b-books are predictable and moralizing and le edgy, shitlord, it's m-m-m-m-m-muh smartphones!"

the absolute state of contemporary western literature


>> No.10404279

Think you’re wrong desu. The type of people who read contemporary literary fiction aren’t likely to be put off by that shit.

>> No.10404280

Yes, against all odds the literary market is publishing only things that meet its political criteria and not just what sells best. That's a completely realistic statement that is not at all impossible in our capitalist market.

>> No.10404288

nice theory, but it's wrong, it usually goes in the opposite direction
industry is predicted to go to shit -> they go crazy into leftism so they can blame somebody else when they fall

it's almost never the opposite direction

>> No.10404292

Isn't "literary" fiction supposed to be non-commercial though?

>> No.10404299

Maybe but it's just a headline so who knows exactly what it's actually talking about. Could be just books from the canon, could include Harry Potter and Gone Girl.

>> No.10404302


if you don't think the literary world is stacked against conservative authors, you're either blind or retarded

>> No.10404308

First post worst post. You are entirely wrong. We're talking about books sales. "The type of people" who buy contemporary lit matters not one whit if all that bookstores have stocked is moralizing soyboy garbage.

>> No.10404314

literary fiction sucks anyway. who the fuck wants to wade through another gravity's rainbow clone?

>> No.10404317

>they don’t read only the classics


>> No.10404322

If you think writers of conservative fiction are struggling because of a conspiracy of editors and not because they don't sell, you don't understand how the marketplace works. Even if there was a conspiracy of editors, some conservative publishing house would start making lots of money and take over.

>> No.10404324

Arts Council England speaking out of both sides of their mouth on this one. When was the last time they put any effort into promotion or fostering literary fiction?

These people need to shut the fuck up..

>> No.10404328

“Moralizing soyboy garbage” is what readers want, anon.

>> No.10404332

Your sarcasm might have rung true if we lived under a truly capitalist system. We don't. I don't know how to find the graphic, but almost all the gatekeepers in the American literary community are women. Many are Jewish. Almost all are leftist. These people are inundated with manuscript submissions. Regardless of the literary quality of their work, do you think these people would champion a right-leaning author? Anyone can see that there's a clear pattern to what gets published, what gets publicity, and what wins awards. It's not unlike the old Soviet Union in this regard. Ideology is ideology is ideology.

>> No.10404336

Start your own publishing house then. There's nothing stopping you.

>> No.10404337

You're an illiterate spastic lmfao. Slit your wrists

>> No.10404338

>demonize straight white male authors

how exactly?

>> No.10404340


>> No.10404344

Those gatekeepers are gatekeepers precisely because they pick books that sell. You can take your submission to a smaller, conservative one and they might publish it, but if anyone wanted to read those things, they'd be making money already.

>> No.10404347

Maybe if it wasn't utter trash? No, that can't be the reason.

>> No.10404352
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It isn't pure enough.

>> No.10404357

>ideologically conformist
this is the biggest problem. I read anything by an author who has an MFA since I already k ow everything they have to say.

>> No.10404358


I'm too tired to hypothesise a proper theory so I'll just say that UK culture is in a pretty dire state and that our exposure to the arts has taken a massive backseat in recent times. It's not just books; you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody under the age of 23 with a solid and open-minded interest in arts and culture (besides those who just say they do). The best I've found at my uni are theatre people but even then 95% favour musicals over substantial theatrical pieces.

Literally the only people I've met who read or watch movies have been foreign, predominantly Italians. Fuck, I even met two Korean girls who had an interest in fine art. Koreans!

>> No.10404359

Also I think its more difficult to make a living as a writer of literary fiction because competition is high and audience is low. People probably make more money ghost-writing or doing scripts for youtubers

>> No.10404362

Nah I think it's just more that they push commercial fiction a lot harder.
Imagine you're a publishing company, and you have either a new sci-fi novel written with easily digested prose or a complex literary fiction novel filled with deep themes and metaphors. Which do you think, supposing you can pick only one and all else being even, will sell more?

>> No.10404363

wrong lmao
if the market was allowed to service conservatives, there would be a right-wing harvard

>> No.10404364


>> No.10404371

You can still have moderately conservative writer's and books, no one will argue the right to publish that. But its the nu-conservative shit that is solely made to "trigger libs" that ought to be weeded out because all their arguments hold no water

>> No.10404383

Both of those things get published. It's only Ann Coulter who sells.

>> No.10404392

Yes, but to a very small audience (probably buys half herself)

>> No.10404394


>> No.10404399

Maybe, but that still contradicts the utter rubbish in the OP. And >>10404394 guy who's just repeating himself as though that means he hasn't been shown wrong repeatedly.

>> No.10404404
File: 317 KB, 968x517, 0*YRO_GUstWokisyML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is demonstrably wrong, and shows your ignorance of the publishing industry.

Everything comes down to the question of gatekeepers. These aren't just book editors.

Publishing is a massive industry. In the course of transforming into a book, a MS goes through the hands of an agent, publisher, editor, copy editor, publicists, book editors (via publicists), sales representatives, book store owners (via sales reps), and booksellers. Very few of these people are paid well. A majority are women. They often joined publishing for ideological reasons.

Now imagine you've written a book that slants hard conservative. By some stroke of luck, you were able to get a decent agent. The agent, by another stroke of luck, managed to convince an editor that your book is worth taking up one of her imprint's valuable spring slots. Now she has to explain your book to a pack of young, 20-something Manhattan publicists. She has to get them excited about a conservative work by a white male author. By some greater stroke of luck, she does. Magnificent! Now it's their turn to get Manhattan book editors excited enough to review your book, which is one out of literally like 300,000 published that year. "What's this book about," says Pamela Paul of the New York Times. "It's conservative fiction!" say the publicists. "Problematic," says Pamela. Who will she ask to review the book? Maybe someone who can write a funny hatchet job! What's Maureen Dowd up to? But no, Maureen's busy. The book section was cut even shorter. So let's just review Roxane Gay's latest book on gay black fat women who don't need no man. It'll be easy to find someone to review that. So edgy. So transgressive.


Okay. What conservative publishing house? Name one. Can't? Okay, let's make one up. It's called Madison House. It's a mid-sized, respectable house that makes most of its money on political bios, travel guides, and cookbooks, but the publisher loves conservative fiction. Thankfully, given that nobody else wants to buy conservative fiction, he can pay next to nothing for it. Maybe $2,000 for a novel, average royalty scheme, at most. Goes through editorial. Gets to publicity. They print maybe 100 galleys to send out to various book editors and bloggers. The publicist is overworked. She'll send a few emails to editors in New York, Washington, asking for coverage. They don't reply. The National Review Online mentions the book in an op-ed. The hometown paper mentions the book in a profile. The book sells poorly. The author spends his $2,000 in a month, no royalties come, he decided to write non-fiction. Because what's the point of going through THAT again?

Anon, this is the truth of how publishing works. Literature is rarely a profitable source of income. It's always been a matter of ideological commitment. It's increasingly become a way for big houses to project a globalist brand: inclusive, multicultural, empathetic.

>> No.10404406

You are a brainlet. Literature is something rich fucks spend on so it promotes their big picture goals not to make money off it. Same as media and entertainment. If they make money off it its just gravy but thats not their primary goal.

>> No.10404407

Look at culture as a whole. People are overwhelmed by potential avenues of consumption. Can you really blame people for taking the easy route to feel better, or understand empathy, or whatever by going to youtube etc?

I'm sorry but many if not most published books are largely works of immense egoism and relatively little talent.

>> No.10404410

You seem to have forgotten that people don't actually need to go through the gatekeepers to publish. There's all sorts of shit that blows up from amazon with no publicity except word of mouth.
But still nobody's buying your books and you're just looking for someone else to blame.

>> No.10404414

Yeah Schlomo who magically gets an agent job or a publishing job out of nowhere ia chosen because he knows what sells not because of nepotism. Lmao the absolute state of lit

>> No.10404418

didn't Milo the retard create a conservative publishing house? now there's that one to send your retarded conservative genreshit

not sure if conservatives are into genreshit though, they probably just read nonfiction and other kinds of sport biographies and the women some kind of depraved love novels

>> No.10404419

Yeah it's all a big convoluted conspiracy keeping conservative authors from selling their books to the untapped conservative market just aching to read them.

>> No.10404423

>You seem to have forgotten that people don't actually need to go through the gatekeepers to publish.

Keep backpedaling!

>still nobody's buying your books

Are you implying I'm a writer? Hahaha, no

>> No.10404426

You're not much of a reader either m8.

>> No.10404427

so the reason book sales are going down is because no one is publishing conservative genre fiction?

>> No.10404428
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Do you mean like based Dawkins or Peterson

>> No.10404430

I dont care about conservative vs liberal i am saying that it is a conspiracy as to who gets to decide and many of those people have the same ideological bias.

>> No.10404432

That ideology just happens to sell better.

>> No.10404438

To add. The problem is you are associating the term conspiracy with nutcases but people conspire all the time..its a regular thing im not saying some fat fucks in a boardroom fuck babies and decide what gets published (thoufh that too probably happens more than you think)

>> No.10404439

Who said anything about genre fiction? Do you not understand what conservative literary fiction is? Knut Hamsun, maybe? Or do you think that all literary fiction must be liberal to be truly "literary."

>> No.10404445

>Thankfully, given that nobody else wants to buy conservative fiction, he can pay next to nothing for it.
That's exactly what he said, retard. It's the free market, and conservative fiction doesn't sell. Also lmao @ "conservative fiction"

>> No.10404447

inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand calling in experts to tell them which buttons to push

>> No.10404449

Whatever you push for the longest time on population through media will sell better...if there were conservative gatekeepers give it some years and thats what would sell. Taste in general population is made not some genuine self generating thing for the most part

>> No.10404459
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> boohohoo why no one wants to publish my shitty fantasy novel
>must be the libruls and the joos not my absolute lack of talent
>But i am such an sheltered and limp wristed faggot that instead of at least trying to self publish i am going to cry and blame everyone but me

>> No.10404461

Okay, and? People still would be buying fewer books if they were conservatives with smartphones.

>> No.10404480


Your logic is monstrously flawed. This would be like saying that Soviet literature "just happens to sell better" under a Soviet regime. Of course it sells better! It's what the system promotes. To think that we don't live under an ideological system that promotes literature sympathetic to that system is ridiculous.

This is an extreme example, but it's worth remembering that The Turner Diaries have sold something like 500,000 copies. By your logic, any decent editor would say, Girls, we should publish anti-semetic literature! But they don't. Why not?

We don't live in a free marketplace. Anyone older than 16 should know this by now.

>> No.10404488

Have you not read the OP? Do you not understand the premise of this thread?

>> No.10404492

It doesn't sell well because there's no media infrastructure to support it.

Do you honestly think that Roxanne Gay would sell books without scaffolding? Have you read her work?

>> No.10404514

Exactly. The masses are shaped. The problem is that they eventually begin to find books grounded by ideology stale, as they should. When that happens, there's a panic. The media, which is pushing the ideological narrative, reports this as a "drop in literary interest." But what they should be saying is, "People are tired of reading bland, ideologically correct regurgitations of the standardized shit we pump out season after season."

>> No.10404518

or conservative authors suck

>> No.10404522

the undeniable transformation of the literature punlishing industry to cater to the now dominant demographic of single 20 something working women with 90 iq’s is undeniable. lit has always been vacuuous and performative, lacking any substance, but the evolution of the consumer base has created incentives for publishing firms to push out much higher volumes of poor quality works as the general iq has trended downwards, especially as hispanic and female readership populations rise. The anime avi just proves my point, its an entirely bankrupt response that basically tries to veil your inability to honestly express yourself. The cowardice of the right and left can be signified by the reaction image and specifically the anime girl, the false sense of superiority and aloofness encapsulated by a sociopathic cartoon character imbued with adult features the observer themself either can’t convey verbally or feels can substitute for a more human, less one-sided (as the emotion conveyed is singular,
unlike human subjective experience) discourse with the culture and reality heing protested. Its existence is another sign of culture death, false consciousness, widespread cynicism and a metastasizing tumorous anti-culture which can be characterized by: vicious social relations, atomization, widespread psychosis, mistrust, inability to express sincerity and underlying rage at impotency

>> No.10404529
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say that 2 his face

>> No.10404536

Except "the media" is a bunch of segmented factors all pushing different ideologies. Is it possible that you just don't like that sutff?

It's funny, all you have to do is look and you'll find plenty of good ideological titles, and plenty of titles being published today that aren't at all what's being described in this thread, but you're all too lazy too look to check something THAT WOULDN'T CONFIRM THE IDEOLOGY YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW.

>> No.10404537

They're still not picking up the books of the ideology the OP suggests, despite them being available via amazon fire.

>> No.10404541

Too bad you're idea that the publishing industry is all of the sudden publishing crap has actually been true forever, and not connected to your flimsy and vague racism and sexism, even though you need it to be to discount large swaths of humanity from your made up literature game.

>> No.10404542

Even if the publishing isn't political, it's nepotistically drawn from creative writing MFAs, where the individual's voice is ignored or broken down to build a monolothic writing style characterized by mumblecore plots, atemporality, and mulling over single images that completly lack depth and only exhibit a dishonest pretension. Go read any book of short stories, or any literary magazine. They're all the same.

It was "overanalytic palling around and agnst" when DFW was around, then it was George Saunders and his "dude magical realism lmao", and now it's this weepy and "contemplative" trash that meanders on and on so many women are churning out in gallons.

>> No.10404545
File: 33 KB, 303x431, Dregs Dregs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dostoyevsky was a Socialist who may have been killed by the Tsar's secret police. Fuck off and read a book about him.

>> No.10404548
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Thank you captain reddit

>> No.10404549

>being surprised that people ideologically opposed to change in social institutions perform poorly in the creative arts

>> No.10404558

WHY do you have to make this about women? Men churn out crap too. You have a decent point, until you showed your beta

>> No.10404559

>there's no media infrastructure to support it.
And what's stopping conservatives from building and running a only-conservative publishing industry and doing some advertising? Easy: the product doesn't sell. Don't pretend society is overwhelmingly liberal, in America at least half of the society is conservative.

>> No.10404567

>it's impossible for a company to make any decision that's not the absolutely most financially sound one
Look at the comics industry over the past several years for a real-life hyperbolic example of what is described in the OP. Or look at journalism. Do you think rich fucks like Bezos own publications like the Washington Post because some financial analyst told him it was the most sound investment he could make?

>> No.10404568

Buzzwords you should not reply to in this (or any) thread :


Don't allow a vaguely defined political belief to become a bloodsport. Politics and ideology and philosophy are products made for the consumption of those who dislike considering themselves consumers. With each post your mind is being violated like a virgin anus in a maximum security prison.

>> No.10404571

I can tell that you've never had the horrifically painful experience of talking to someone who actually worked as an editor at a publishing house.
Most of the people who work in that field are upper class white female Journalism MAs. Very ideological. Terrible in bed.

>> No.10404573

Mein gott
Pure ideology

>> No.10404577

>deplatform straight white male authors
You must know nothing about the publishing industry. Despite the fact that liberal magazines like to feature works by women and POC, the industry is still dominated by white authors with a slight male edge as well.

Not saying that this is a good or bad thing, just stating facts

>> No.10404579

>When *nglos try to do cultural critique
You completely strawmanned his post.

>> No.10404580

Except there's a huge market for conservative crap and it's all crap.

Examples: Ben Shapiro, James Patterson etc,

>> No.10404581

>not publishing all your books with with a 16yo black girl pseudonym
never gonna make it

>> No.10404586

Jews who have taken over all media and own the monetary system.

>> No.10404587

pretty straight on the money here, have an upvote

>> No.10404593

We're talking about fiction.

>> No.10404596

Meant to reply to this:>>10404559

>> No.10404597

Well, you sound like a Conservative Leftist Liberal Market-Socialistic Ideo-Philosophical Anarcha-Fascist.

>> No.10404599
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why is everybody on /lit/ posting on this worthless thread instead of on the interesting ones? even as a political thread is just boring drivel

>> No.10404601

The few openly conservative(?) authors from Castalia selling extremely well, often better than their political archnemesis Tor, on a tiny advertising budget.

>> No.10404615

>pigskin white boi is mad nobody is publishing his misogynistic, racist tome
guess what? we own this industry
if you're anything but a progressive, you're out
now fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.10404619
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>It's increasingly become a way for big houses to project a globalist brand: inclusive, multicultural, empathetic.

this. it's like diversity hires in fortune 500 cos. it's the reason why the new yorker fiction section features more women and poc then the rest of the mag. literary fiction never made money and so its easily expendable and you have a whole generation of virtue signalling soyboys and women in the media eager to call it literally the best thing

>> No.10404621

>they pick books that sel
which is why their industry is collapsing. what fantastic business acumen

>> No.10404626

^I think you
and you

just proved that conservatives are less intelligent than liberals. There's no conservative ivy league because they are stupid.

>> No.10404633

Conservative books that aren't picked by them are still for sale. They just... don't sell.

>> No.10404637

>please don’t look at this meta-discussion of literature as an industry
>please don’t discuss culture or biology on /lit/
>please just trade memes and snide remarks in threads that have been created hundreds of times already
>please don’t make us do intellectual labor outside of the narcissistic acts of reading and writing
>i shouldn’t have to defend what i believe
>people who do this are stupid
>im the smart one
nope we’re gonna talk about this stuff inevitably, you should be more than willing to defend what you believe. this is /lit/ related, we sud talk about it DESU SENPAI NIGGER

>> No.10404638

That is what happened to hollywood. People are sick of being propagandized. Last night I overheard people talking about "forced diversity" in the Star Wars film and "did you notice every bad guy was white?"

>> No.10404647

He you got BTFO your comeback was to move the goal post and than pull some stupid fucking 'well YOU havn't been published how could you possibly know anything.....I havn't been published either but I know you're wrong!'

>> No.10404648

again, Milo has created a conservative publishing house, just convince him to sell your genreshit

>> No.10404655
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>Books that don't get published are still for sale

>> No.10404669
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That's the most verbose fuck you I have read in a while; well done.

>> No.10404674

Is the Bible literary fiction? is it considered conservative? doesn't it still sell like 50m copies a year?

A better question we need to ask ourselves: Why can't liberal progressive books compete?

>> No.10404675

>Taste and demand never change

>> No.10404678

They sure do, but the current literary paradigm wasn't generated or driven by men as past ones were.

>> No.10404684

I'm going to kill myself then I'm gonna kill yourself.

>> No.10404693

can’t engage at all, speaking in memes from reddit. you sud get off the computer for a week and go for a hike, read something apolitical, have an affair with a nice lady. i think you’re burnt out anon

>> No.10404707
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again, you can self-publish for free on amazon, if you need a liberal publisher to hold your hand and put you on their newspapers don't complain when they ask you to follow their ideology

you can self-publish batshit crazy autistic shit like pic related (now available in english) and nobody is going to stop you

>> No.10404711

So I have this idea to make the American conservative novel. It's a fantasy novel about a great kingdom founded on democracy and equality. However they are under threat by many great evils: orcs have been illegally crossing their boarder, settling in and going on crime sprees, wimpy elves have been trying to impose laws on loot, and an evil cabal of conspirators called the Wej might just be behind it all! A young, but knowledge, youth from the village of Pol is awaken in the middle of the night by Wifu a feline eared nun with information about a dire prophecy that places him at the crux of the entire restoration of the free world....

>> No.10404721

Poe's law again, I have no idea if you're satirising the sort of person who thinks that's clever or if you're genuinely that teenage.

>> No.10404723
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you could write that in a weekend, self-publish, and if you post on the right corners of the internet retards will buy it

so you know what to do

>> No.10404725

you can’t engage at all, you’re ignoring how the publishers are responding to market forces and how the population’s g and c has declined noticably since 1950 which would coincide with more insipid works being published. i think you’re probably qttempting to do what the OP is suggesting, shutting down discourse. Im not from /pol/ nor do i agree with them on most things in any meaningful way

>> No.10404727

i don't care about "conservative" books, the notion that fiction should be political is embarrassing

but publishers are both interested in pushing a political agenda and can't keep their industry afloat

>> No.10404733

nobody is disagreeing that america is a failed project, but that's a different thing

>> No.10404737

What about Houllebecq? While I don't think he's actually conservative, I've never seen anyone shit harder on leftist ideals. He's apparently the biggest contemporary French author as well.

>> No.10404748

>there's no media infrastructure to support it.

what is Fox News

>> No.10404749

Perhaps, but given that the ideology the publishers are serving is the only one that really sells, it doesn't seem to be relevant.
The OP suggests that books are dying because they only cater to one particular ideology. Evidentially this is untrue: other political ideologies are available, but sell worse. If all the publishing houses turned around and started favouring conservative authors, sales would be worse.

>> No.10404751
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>flimsy vague racism and sexism
Firstly, read the Guardian's articule that OP posted; secondly, appealing to subjective group morality: muh racism, muh sexism; this isn't an arguement; redditor, YAF makes up a huge portion of the industry, an industry that is being choked with inly ideology being pushed.

Only asking that you address Anon's points, this discussion while go nowhere.

My own two-cents on the ordeal is; 2008 credit-crunch, universities push left agenda(writers are trained), "lazy" more accessible media increasingly popular.
After 2008 the market narrowed down to the few genres that could sell sufficently; like YAF, writers of these genres are more typically left-wing compared to Fantasy or Scifi writers (this comes from their traditional sources); the real sellers come with movie tie-ins, so Hollywood(leftwing bastion that it is) has more control, thus the market is saturated with perticular Worldview and hence where >>10404404 and >>10404522 are coming from in their arguements.

>> No.10404763
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normalfags are waking up

>> No.10404765

They sell worse because they dont have an orchestrated media entertainment propaganda machine worth billions of dollars made up in thin air by banks you DUMBFUCK

>> No.10404779

Leftymong virgins lol

>> No.10404794


or maybe it's because most conservatives don't even read books and even fewer of them write books worth reading

what you're trying to say is basically that in order for people to care about conservative media there would have to be some massive hype/marketing machine, which makes the implication that conservatives themselves are too stupid to seek out books that cater to them themselves and would rather piss and moan about what they perceive as degenerate liberal literature, even though we live in a country with a republican-controlled congress, and a republican president, and Fox News, etc.

really gets the noggin' joggin' huh

>> No.10404797

i think the existence of progressive liberalism, idpol and the simultaneous degeneration of the arts and media is probably a sign that something amiss. I again feel that you’re trying to be oblivious to the obvious, which is that women and hispanics, progressive men etc are lower iq than their predecessors were and that progressive liberalism coincides with a lower g, lower c, lesser abstract thinking abilities etc

>> No.10404798

thank you for this devastating put-down of people who use anime reaction images

>> No.10404804

is conservative-retardation-realism the true red pill?

>> No.10404815

Except you're marking the beginning of these things as "Once I started noting them"

>> No.10404833
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modernity devoured the extended family and now it's getting its way with the nuclear family, the degeneration started way before 1950s, it just worked by steps, can't get it all at once, but the transformation to lower forms of existance is progressive

>> No.10404842

i wish america would just sink into the ocean, what a worthless country

>> No.10404843

You have no idea how propaganda works or media works or entertainment works or politics works. That or you are a shill. Leaning towards the latter.

>> No.10404850

g started falling noticably in the late 40’s and has continued declining since then, the loss of the nuclear family is probably due to changin subsistence patterns
ive never been called a shill outside of /pol/

>> No.10404856

>changin subsistence patterns
so degenerate capitalism, in other words

>> No.10404864

The article is about UK writers. What does America have to do with this?

>> No.10404872

This tbqh
Your average American conservatives are my parents, aging boomers who don't want to do anything anymore but relax and watch tv. Modern conservatism is not conducive to (and is more often openly hostile to) art in general. Even education is looked down on as liberal indoctrination. They don't read and are typically vocal and proud of that.
American liberalism is just as vapid and tribe-like for the average person, but they associate themselves with being educated and well-read. They buy literature, more often than not for virtue signalling and vanity. But they buy it.

>> No.10404874


What about Houellebecq?
I know he is French, thus from a non-NYC literary world, but still he is translated and sells books in the US.

>> No.10404875

>says the third world monkey

>> No.10404939

What's a UK?

>> No.10405042

>reason circle: discount on purchases +1 ticket

>science circle: 1 extra ticket


>> No.10405050
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That chart is meaningless because it counts jews as white.

The main problem stems from jews, who are propagandists. They don't care about white literary tradition and are literally, and blatantly, actively trying to destroy it.

>> No.10405067

Christian college doesn't mean SJW infested stupid land

>> No.10405069

>we live in a country with a republican-controlled congress, and a republican president, and Fox News, etc.

Kosher conservativism is even more destructive than jewish liberalism.

>> No.10405075


>> No.10405108

reading this post it was as if I saw the word "brainlet" for the first time... it's so comically absurd that I burst out laughing.

>> No.10405112

Holy shit is that real?

>> No.10405125

yup, this is the noble, truthful view. WE, the ones with beating hearts and big souls, WE were the ones who abandoned literature, left her to die by the side of the road.

Is it any wonder that she's now overcome by these carrion feeders? It happens to every run-down part of town... it gets infested by miserable folk, as surely as any natural process.

They can't be blamed. The same can't be said about us.

>> No.10405127

so is it the conclusion of rightwing /lit/ users that the only conservative literature worth reading is basically pre-1950s

>> No.10405130
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>not buying unironical philosophical honey

>> No.10405133

Exceptions prove the rule.

>> No.10405157

I want to die.

>> No.10405239

The social poison wrecking the west's culture today was implemented by jews before but mainly during and after the 1960s. It's really not about right or left, it just all started going down hill from there, when jews were allowed to take over.

>> No.10405245

Your opinion is post 1950s so by your own logic it's wrong.

>> No.10405263

Jews are part of the literary tradition. Why would they destroy their own creation?

>> No.10405265

Jews are white.

>> No.10405278

>blaming smartphones
Why not blame directly the reader/average human’s stupifity. If it sells...

>> No.10405285

many Jews who are talentless and are part of a different subset of the Jewish population, or are post 20th century Jews (when Jewish IQ and creativity peaked) are actively engaged in an effort to dumb down the Western populations' collective iq's. Whytes are also engaged in this heavily, but denying Jewish involvement feeds /pol/ don't use this strategy when speaking with anti-semites ever
Jews are Caucasians, whytes are northern Europeans.

>> No.10405300
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>> No.10405321


What is this? The /pol/ version of womyn?

That also explains why they poisen the wells....

>> No.10405333

Jews' only contribution to the western literary tradition has been through subversion, from Kafka to Roth.

Jews are semites.

>> No.10405339

Of course people are going to have difficulty finding things that are less common or less advertised. There could be some amazing new TV show that only airs on one channel at 3 AM and isn't advertised anywhere. It's great, and people are responsible for finding it themselves, but it would be misleading to say that the only reason it has so few viewers is that people are too stupid to find it. It's completely understandable for someone to take a look at the market, see that there's very few to any of what they want presented to them, and then leave. If I'm reading a book and the start is bad, I'm a lot less likely to read to the end. Even if the end is really good, I'll never know, because I'm not going to waste time gambling on its quality when I already have an example to go on.

>> No.10405356

Speak for yourself. I'm tired of so many badly-written books by 'PoC of the month' or a tranny main character.

I want an adventure without gender issues being forced down my throat, I want a story set in England where the character is a native from the home counties, not some aggrieved immigrant with an entitlement complex.

I'm sticking with re-reading the classics that I find in second hand shops until this turns around.

>> No.10405363


how can you say something like this when the fucking internet exists

>> No.10405371

Spend some time reading through the Twitter feeds of all the biggest agents.

All they want is PoC or "non binary". The rest is secondary with the exception of people who are already famous or have the right social connections. James Comey and Colin Kapernick have multi-million dollar book deals pending. It has been that way for several years now.

>> No.10405376

Maybe because people have a life other than browsing the internet. If someone spends all day working, hanging with friends and family, and comes home exhausted and looking for some entertainment, their first thought might not actually be "let me scour the internet to search for something good that might not actually exist" when something okay is presented to them immediately. You're looking at it from the perspective of a /lit/ poster.

>> No.10405377

I agree, both Kafka and Roth are great

>> No.10405381


so what is their first thought? "I'll sit down in front of the TV, surely something good is on that?"

>> No.10405382

No it isn't. If it was, sales wouldn't be down.

Cronyists want the moralizing soy boy garbage so that the level of quality they accept is on par with that of the various gatekeepers' friends and family. Where you find the most nepotism, you find the SJW agenda.

>> No.10405389

Yes. Most people, men or women, conservative or liberal, will default to television for their primary entertainment.

>> No.10405392


not even remotely true. more people have internet and no cable then the other way around these days. there is no excuse besides being a normie retard. but then again they're conservatives, so yeah.

>> No.10405396
File: 117 KB, 480x480, searlepickinginterns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where the conversation should begin, idk why this post got buried
>pic unrelated

>> No.10405402

You can only live in denial for so long

>> No.10405405

>That's a completely realistic statement that is not at all impossible in our capitalist market.

Hence how the rapid decline in sales you absolute retard

>> No.10405408

By television I meant stuff like Netflix as well.

>> No.10405418

They are terrible. Jews are shit writers.

>> No.10405419
File: 305 KB, 1100x1412, pa-6415330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only National Socialist revolution can save our culture from total feminization and mongrelization. Read Siege by James Mason. The National Socialist Underground must learn from Charlie Manson and Pol Pot. Yes to Helter Skelter and Year Zero, no to racist liberalism, no to alt lite zionist shills, yes to revolution.

>We seem to have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man's nobler instincts
>truly nobl instincts exist only in a minority of whites and not at all in the lower races
>and most of those whites have had their instincts perverted by the jews and their universal tastemaking and brainwashing apparatus


>> No.10405420

Why does someone writing a book about the experiences of an immigrant bother you so much?

Also, no one is forcing anything down your throat. No one is forcing you to read anything.

>I'm sticking with re-reading the classics


>> No.10405422

No, but because the only option right now is anything suiting the hard left agenda. Anything to the right of Castro, or that fails to fature a gay interracial couple or ten-year old tranny these days is branded 'conservative'.

>> No.10405423

Based on discussions with my friends, all of whom agree with this sentiment, I suspect that there's a much larger market for conservative literary fiction than most would assume.

To clarify, I don't mean overtly political fiction. I'm speaking of works akin to Evelyn Waugh's Black Mischief or Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim.

Could anyone imagine either of these books being published today? If either of these authors are mentioned by critics, praise for them is almost always qualified with, "Yes, they may have written decent books, but they were racist and sexist and very much *of their age*, which poses certain *problems*, etc etc."

>> No.10405432

Same with the film industry.

People are tired of nothing but ideological tripe or yet another Comic book reboot.

Again, too much cronyism is the real problem.

>> No.10405440

While I'm not as down on Jewish literature, there is a tiring strain of self-hatred, cynicism, and miserableness that marks most of it. There's very little wonder, very little awe. Could anyone imagine a Jew writing Moby-Dick? Impossible.

>> No.10405445

>“Moralizing soyboy garbage” is what readers want, anon.

He said, from the captain's chair of his sinking publishing house.

No, it's not what readers want. It's what a very small minority of people, mostly on Twitter, say that people should want. This is why sales are down. This is why you would be a terrible captain of industry.

>> No.10405448

I'd read it.

>> No.10405455

National socialism doesn't matter anymore. Being pro-white and wanting to live in an all white nation is natural and things were organised that way from the start. Logically it's that basic and simple. You know what turns normal people off and confuses them to that obvious reality though? Statements that a German ideology from the 1930s that jews have been making decades of negative propaganda about is the "only way."

>> No.10405456

Kafka isn't terrible, you hack
yes that's the other side of human consciousness, the one you don't get to see when you're grinding the human population into a pulp with muh capitalist imperivm manifest destiny ubermensch culture

>> No.10405457

Modern 'literature' is better understood not as literature in the classical sense, but rather as a by product of postfordian forms of management.

>We cannot divorce the discussion of identity politics in literature from the expressed mission of the American university in the twenty-first century: what kind of knowledge it seeks to impart to students, what conditions it feels are ideal for learning, and how the study of literature and the practice of creative writing fit into this plan as an operational matter. This is, perhaps, a debate where academic collegiality is incompatible with imaginative writing, which most would agree is nonconformist, solitary, often opposed to community or citizenship or even responsibility, and in general driven not by any optimistic political agenda but by darkness and light in equal measure.

>Identity politics purports to seek social justice for the marginalized. But do the marginalized really have the resources to speak for themselves? Or are we really doing the opposite of what the founders of progressive education had in mind, by requiring authors, teachers, educators, and anyone else in the public sphere to take on the performative or self-narrating functions that literature used to perform, and therefore making passive, or sidelining, the very subjects of benevolent improvement, the “marginalized groups” that everyone in identity politics talks about, keeping them from taking on an active citizenship role? In other words, has literature been replaced by continuous verbal performance, an oral delivery of repetitive identity to which the writing itself is subjugated as almost an afterthought?

>Is identity politics in schooling just another form of test preparation for the workplace, a standardization that cannot name itself? Has literature, in turn, succumbed to this ideology as writers continually assess themselves, hold themselves accountable, and fail themselves when they do not meet the standardized output of identity-politics norms? Has literature become a perpetual self-enforcement mechanism designed to root out unwanted (or inefficient) behaviors that may interfere with the ideal of self-sufficient communities beholden to separate cultures—all, however, pursuing the universal goal of capitalist improvement?


>> No.10405460

>What is the Song of Songs

>> No.10405476

They're white when it suits them, such as when the bark about white privilege online. Then, when it suits them, they play their oppressed minority card. However there is no denying that currently, both publishing and film are Jewish dominated. Jewish people are 2% of the US population, yet a majority in the media industry and in banking. Take non-Jewish whites out of the equation and Anglo/Germanic whites are actually seriously under-represented in books, TV and film.

>> No.10405493

The lack of choices is the issue. Right now in British literature it is forced. What is particularly cringy is that these are books being written by white female oxford grads who then insert a PoC character with the help of diversity consultants. England's natives are being ignored for the benefit of newcomers, who are often rich kids, just non-white rich kids, and not oppressed at all.

It's absurd. Also, when a white guy gets rejected, he sees it as that he needs to improve and try harder. The rest play the victim card. Anyone who doesn't think cultural industries are politicized to suit a socialist/SJW agenda is not paying attention.

>> No.10405501

That's an important point to make. Jews are bad writers because they are middle easterners who lack creativity and the inborn aspects of Europeans that allow for great literature to come about. Lit produced by jews is always characterized by a kind of sickness and perversion that is completely subversive and marketed to edgy teens unwise to jewish nature, so that they end up almost adopting this jewish sickness. That is western culture at this moment in a nutshell, decades of jewish sickness projected onto us, that whites have adopted as their own, becoming essentially culturally judaized. But they have no reason to question this reality because it's all they know, they think it's their own culture when it's that of this sick semitic tribe pulling the levers.

>> No.10405503

>National socialism doesn't matter anymore. Being pro-white and wanting to live in an all white nation is natural and things were organised that way from the start. Logically it's that basic and simple. You know what turns normal people off and confuses them to that obvious reality though? Statements that a German ideology from the 1930s that jews have been making decades of negative propaganda about is the "only way."

We aren't going to convince normies through logic and rational argumentation, they are simply too far gone. We have to recruit them as soldiers for the revolution against their consent, there is no other way. It's gonna be bloody, to say the least. Manhattan and San Fransisco should be made an example of, reduced to rubble, their whole population slaughtered. We should be aiming for total drop out and total revolution.


>> No.10405508

>What is the old testament

>> No.10405514

meanwhile, the local coffee shop used book store that has massive stacks of classic books is doing well, and I routinely find people reading anything from Camus to Whitman in the cafe.

>> No.10405515


t. fbi