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/lit/ - Literature

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10391586 No.10391586 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some good political books, does /lit/ have any recommendations?

>> No.10391594

The Hardy Boys

>> No.10391623

Thanks for your recommendation, I'm looking for a more political orientated selection of books though.

>> No.10391628

The Fountainhead, Mein Kampf and The Wealth of Nations is all you need.

>> No.10391674
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Off the top of my head,
i. Leviathan by Hobbes
ii. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Spinoza
iii. Aristotle's Politics (though you really need to read De Anima, the Metaphysics and the Physics to really grasp it)
iv.The Republic and The Laws by Plato
v. Liberalism and Social Action by John Dewey
vi. The Closed Commercial State by Fichte
vii. Elements of the Philosophy of Right by Hegel
viii. Anything by Machiavelli

also, because i feel lazy now, Locke, Paine, Burke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, De Maistre, Price, St. Aquinas, Foucault, Deleuze, Marxism in general, Gentile, Derrida, Rorty and now because i feel very lazy i am going to stop

though, you would be better served by reading works on metaphysics instead of political philosophy to be honest - most who engage in political philosophy that i have met have just staggeringly awful or uncritical baseline notions

>> No.10391682

Carl Schmitt's The Concept of the Political is a very fundamental analysis of how politics functions.

>> No.10391687

Use syllabi from colleges you respect and libgen

>> No.10391689

>Wealth of Nations
this you should actually read though

>> No.10391696
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>> No.10391698

if you’re a fascist you can find a big stack of books at the bottom of the Marianas trench but you can only reach them if you jump down there alone, no scuba gear with cinder blocks fastened firmly to your ankles sieg heiling furiously for der Führer

>> No.10391720

what's your favorite -ism OP?

>> No.10391727


>> No.10391735
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>> No.10391744

Why do you think I'm like that? I haven't given any political views yet I have been met with people calling a fascist.

>> No.10391754

All three of the people in that strawman, before the neckbeard, are absolute idiots. Fuck off, bourgeois.

>> No.10391771

hi Eliezer

>> No.10391790
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>whatever the fuck that, lesswrong and r/atheism is

>> No.10391813

My primary girlfriend, Erin (cameo as Erin the Consort in Ch. 13), would like to make the following announcement: If there are any guys in the Bay Area who like the same obscure black metal bands she does, she may be interested in some no-strings-attached dates. She’s making this announcement here because of the insanely unreasonable difficulty of finding guys who like the same black metal she does. Her favorite bands include: Early Abigor, Blut Aus Nord, Horn, Falkenbach, Njiqahdda, Samael, Vintersorg, Vinterriket, Lunar Aurora, Nychts, Arckanum, and Negura Bunget. Long hair is a plus but not mandatory. Female fans of these bands are welcome to contact her as well. And if you’re in the Berkeley area, she’s also looking for a hiking partner of either gender. Email her alias here.

(Before anyone asks, yes, we’re polyamorous – I am in long-term relationships with three women, all of whom are involved with more than one guy. Apologies in advance to any 19th-century old fogies who are offended by our more advanced culture. Also before anyone asks: One of those is my primary who I’ve been with for 7+ years, and the other two did know my real-life identity before reading HPMOR, but HPMOR played a role in their deciding that I was interesting enough to date.)

>> No.10391955

>it's real
*breathes in*

>> No.10392988
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History of the Peloponnesian war - Thucydides
Leviathan - Hobbes
Reflections on the revolution in France - Burke

read those three, then come back for more recommendations if you like them.

>> No.10393076
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>AI research

>> No.10393257

>de anima, physics and metaphysics before politics

Come on, maybe nichomaqean ethics. Those three are a bit hard for starters

>> No.10393314

Gulag Archipelago, but only when read in the snarkiest, most sarcastic English accent possible. It’s a manual on how to grind a society into mush, by social terror and paranoia.

>> No.10393432

> ctrl-f Thomas Sowell
> Nothing

Disappointing /lit/.

"A Conflict of Visions" and "Knowledge and Decisions" are in my opinion, critical books to help broaden your understanding of political systems, economic systems, and "the ideological origins of political struggles". These two books generally do not deal with the ideas of right/wrong, justice/injustice, but rather attempt to show how our presuppositions, organizational structures, and our simple needs and wants, drive why and how we make the decisions about right/wrong and justice/injustice in the first place.

>> No.10393439

kys retard
kys retard
kys monarchist bootlicking faggot anime pedo

>> No.10393466
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>> No.10394110

Hehe, that's right! Bash the fash!

>> No.10394223
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>> No.10394228
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>> No.10394248
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In my experience most political books are bland and boring. I prefer to indulge in science and aesthetics and build my own. I suggest looking at complex systems.
Suggested reads: The Origin of Wealth, pic related, Big Gods, The Dictators Handbook, anthropology (text)books, political psychology (Our Political Nature, Predisposed) and so on and so on.

>> No.10394790

Buttblasted communist