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File: 123 KB, 720x960, D6F09D28-7631-4205-B6EA-8E1AE29AC1D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10349065 No.10349065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on coffee

I need a good book on the devils black substance known as coffee
In return I will give you a (you)

>teenager bait because I need replies

>> No.10349071

Objective 4/10

>> No.10349079


>> No.10349082

>cute face
>flat stomach, hips that mean nice ass
>short hair
>beautiful pale skin
that Jezebel is more of an objective 7/10.

>> No.10349090

>liking hairy pits
What's it like to be gay?

>> No.10349093

but we're talking about attractiveness. hairy pits can be fixed and are not related to it.

>> No.10349099

kys kid

>> No.10349117

"teenager bait"? I'm 20 and I'm jerking like crazy right now.

>> No.10349148


>> No.10349158

>cute face

Its grubby and boyish and she has no tits.
If she's your thing whatever but I'm talking objective

>> No.10349159

Why is it that /lit/ is by far the thirstiest board?

>> No.10349161

Hairy pits can be fixed but not the smelly mind who allows them

>> No.10349169

Hairy pits on cute girls is the sexiest thing ever.

>> No.10349171

Aspies and manlets inevitably withdraw into bookish introversion, and never feel the soft flesh of a woman until they are older. If ever.

Also ops pic looks like my ex, without her c cup.

>> No.10349172
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>> No.10349174

Grow up ffs.

>> No.10349177

are you a closet homosexual?

>> No.10349178

>no tits
Look under her hands
They're excellent

>not liking boyish looks
What are you, gay?

>> No.10349180

t. smelly fungal pits aging-roastie

>> No.10349188

these comments are proof that you get what you deserve

>> No.10349190
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>heheh I'll call him gay for not liking a gay thing that'll show I'm not gay

Pic related, what a woman should look like

>> No.10349196

her eyes are so terribly uneven...

>> No.10349197

>Aspies and manlets inevitably withdraw into bookish introversion, and never feel the soft flesh of a woman until they are older. If ever.
As a 34 year old who lost his virginity last year, I can relate to this.

>> No.10349201

>should look like
You still have a lot to learn.

>> No.10349202


your pic related is disgusting, grow up retard

>> No.10349204

she's not aging well
somewhat insane, lonely late20's woman in the making

>> No.10349206
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>when are you going to man up and raise my son!

>> No.10349213

>As a 34 year old who lost his virginity last year

Holyshit, was she hot at least? and not an escort

>> No.10349237

We want to see her feet, op

>> No.10349267

She was cute, early twenties, a little fat but really just in her stomach, great breasts, fun, not an escort. Went out with her a several months before she left me for someone more than her rapist father than I was.

Current gf is enormously fat but we have a lot of things in common and the sex is much, much betterand I'm weighing whether it's worth it to keep her.


>> No.10349273

Why is she naked outside? Doesn't she know that is socially unacceptable?
Why doesn't she shave her armpits? Doesn't she know that it is taboo for a woman to have hair under her arms?
Why did she take a picture of herself like this and put it on the internet? What if her mom finds out?
Why doesn't she include her soles in the shot? Doesn't she realize how much of a prude she is coming off as?

>> No.10349283

What a cuck, you should have shot that other guy

>> No.10349284

>Why is she naked outside? Doesn't she know that is socially unacceptable?
>Why did she take a picture of herself like this and put it on the internet? What if her mom finds out?
it was taken for the International Nude Farming Day. Lots of such photos are on the internet. Oh, and about her mom, she probably took such picture as well.

>> No.10349287

That would've made him look insecure.

>> No.10349289

Who cares if he's dead

>> No.10349290

>this is what ugly aspies believe

I'm an aspie but very /fit/ and clean-cut, and I get laid despite weirding people out all the rime. Honestly, I've told a few girls, but generally I just play it off like I'm being honest with them about my quirks.

The shitty thing is that even the most beautiful girls just become a hassle after you bust and you want to just snuggle up to a book and ignore them

>> No.10349292

>tfw looked up International Nude Farming Day on Google images and got a ton of pics of naked men at the top
>Remember that the results google gives you are based on what it thinks your preferences are

>> No.10349294

Good on ya anon. I lost mine in my late 20s. No wizard powers for me.

Also op we are 35 posts in and your dumb question hasn't been answered. Let this be a lesson to jezebelposters.

>> No.10349295

>The shitty thing is that even the most beautiful girls just become a hassle after you bust and you want to just snuggle up to a book and ignore them
oh Jesus, I thought I was the only one who feels that way.

>> No.10349304

>Current gf is enormously fat
>and I'm weighing whether it's worth it to keep her
>weighing whether it's worth it

Funny man

>> No.10349308


I ve felt that urge to ignore them even while boning them. I just remember she likes some normie shit ajd how dumb shevacrually is and my boner almost disappears.

>> No.10349310

>International Nude Farming Day
Comic misnomer - it's actually World Naked Gardening Day

>> No.10349313

yeah I feel that, I dated a girl who only wanted to talk about pop culture and country music

she was hot but after about 5 months you realize you might just be better off masturbating and having time for other shit

yes I realize how autistic that sounds

>> No.10349316

too much porn, my friend. I recently fucked a girl who I hadn't fucked for like two years, and I could tell she wasn't having any success recently because she was violently turned on (i.e. she had been understimulated for a long time) whereas I was drunk and deep in a porn hole and it was a very mediocre performance on my end, also too into an Asian fetish

>> No.10349322

>What a cuck, you should have shot that other guy

What surprised me by far the most about the entire situation--loss of virginity, first relationship, etc--was that after it all, despite the fact that she broke it off with me first and that I had long debated dumping her for many reasons is how strong this emotion was after she told me she began seeing someone else.

I've never met this guy, probably can't identify him on sight, and am not 100% sure what his name is, but never have I held this much hate and ill-will toward another human being. It's really surreal.
I maintain contact with her only out of morbid curiosity toward how I'll feel when their relationship inevitably ends. I hope it's a good feeling.

>> No.10349323

Well damn, I'm not surprised, as a big city European I can just never get all this green stuff right

>> No.10349346

You'll discover too late its her you care about, you're just afraid to admit to that because that would mean actually having an engagement with your own desires. Actually having to exist as a man and take on the pure burden of pain that passion demands.
Instead you just slide into the next convenient slot society deems appropriate for you to wait to die in.

>> No.10349363

>I maintain contact with her only out of morbid curiosity toward how I'll feel when their relationship inevitably ends. I hope it's a good feeling.
No, no no she should be dead to you. It's really just torture if you don't let it go no matter how hard it may seem.

>> No.10349364


>> No.10349369

>implying life can only be engaged through sex

>> No.10349372

This is about desire not sex you silly brainlet

>> No.10349376
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>> No.10349386

>shaming the mgtow

>not about sex

you don't deserve a real reply tbrqhwyf

>> No.10349390

>its her you care about
You're probably right and I was flippant to say that I have no interest in her.
However I really no longer have interest in her as a sexual partner. I've since discovered that she's not actually very good at it and she isn't going to get any more attractive probably. She's cute and fun but has less than 10 years left where she can get by on that. She has so little going on for her that she'll either have to hook to a man or take up meth and for her sake I really hope it's the former.
If that man had been me I'm sure I'd always have wondered if I chose wrong, staying with the first girl I was ever with. Maybe I'll wonder now if I should have stayed with her, but I think, having other girls to compare her to now, that I'll be more certain of my choice in this scenario than I would have been in that one.

>> No.10349391

This is such naive horseshit. Nietzsche could never understand women

>> No.10349392

t. flappy bird

>> No.10349398

well, hate Nietzsche all you want, that quote of his is actually spot on.

>> No.10349399

Sex is involved only because sex is the means towards accessing his desire but its not the desire in of itself.
The problem with mgtow horseshit is that you're only denying your own mission in life to be concerned with useless suburban banalities just to avoid the face of the pain of seeking authentic desire itself

>> No.10349401

>not liking hairy pits
Are you sure you're not gay?

>> No.10349403


>> No.10349407
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He believes life is a mission. Everyone! Laugh at this man!

>> No.10349409
File: 56 KB, 392x570, 1511575569949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t roastie

>> No.10349415

Its not. Women care more about the truth than men their issue is they have extremely little access to it. Just think about who is more likely to get recruited into cults, or convinced into bad relationships. Its not because these deals are great for women but because they actively engage with the narrative placed before them and follow it through to the end unlike men who are far more able to operate on duplicitous motives and ideologies towards their own self fulfillment.

Its why women are always the last to join new ideologies and paradigms, the shift towards one is a radical leap but for a man with an ironic distance he is happy to play with multiple conceptions of the world at once, I can be a communist one minute and a fascist the next. I feel no commitment towards any single conception of things because it is mine to forge my own

>> No.10349419

If its not we must behave as if it is. Everything else is immediate death

>> No.10349422

academia must've influenced you a lot, eh

>> No.10349424

>more likely to get recruited into cults, or convinced into bad relationships.
>always the last to join new ideologies and paradigms

can't even be consistent in your bullshit.

post feet or hit the skreet.

>> No.10349432

Nigger just think about Nietzsche's own conception of truth and put two and two together.
Men operate on the pragmatic understanding of its relationship to power as they are the master of it. It is theirs to interprete

Nothing inconsistent there you retard. Its a statement how for women truth is all or nothing

>> No.10349450

you're really asking us to disregard Nietzsche's sweeping generalization that is much more logically founded (if you read the rest of Beyond Good and Evil) and take your own sweeping generalization that you backed with contradictions and basic logical fallacies.

truly ##blessed

>> No.10349453

Not an argument

>> No.10349463

I fucking hate you all

>> No.10349465

>Women care more about the truth than men

you have to define your terms

if by "truth" you mean authenticity of experience, I would agree with you

if by "truth" you mean aligning your thoughts with the facts, absolutely not.

& your idea that men are more able to operate on duplicitous motives is highly dubious

>> No.10349473

>make an assertion
>throw names around

>bring up flaws in your assertion
>assert nothing of my own


>> No.10349480

Can we talk more about qts with hairy pits gardening naked?

>> No.10349490

>bring up flaws in your assertion

No you didn't. You incorrectly alleged an inconsistency that didn't exist and refused to even attempt to engage with my clarification.
Not a single argument has been seen since.

>if by "truth" you mean authenticity of experience, I would agree with you

Absolutely. Which is why for instance I find it far easier to imagine a man pretending to like a woman or buy into her habbits/beliefs to be in a relationship with her.
A woman while she may change her entire religion to be with a man in a certain sense can actually authentically believes in it from there.
A man can rarely convert but he can rarely truly believe in the first place. And if its a commitment to the truth we're speaking about thats far more important than the pragmatic mechanics of analytic coherency which of course men are far more comfortable with but only exactly because we are open to set everything else alight in the process for our own convenience

>> No.10349492

I don’t care I made a new thread
Stay away from it

>> No.10349521

I'm loving those hairy armpits.

>> No.10349531

Link me it.

>> No.10349618

>Which is why for instance I find it far easier to imagine a man pretending to like a woman or buy into her habbits/beliefs to be in a relationship with her.

but this happens the other way around all the time especially when the man has more $$$ than the woman (which is a large fraction of all relationships)

i agree that women are more likely to switch religions (which is to say, reorient their inner being in a fundamental way) to be closer to their mate in the way that you described but they're also more likely to fake entire marriages out of pure calculation and divorce the moment the kids fly the coop, or date a guy because of the car he drives, and sundry other mercenary motives usually to do with wealth and status that almost never happen the other way around. when you hold everything in balance i dont see any reason to believe that one sex is more guilty of duplicitous fakery in relationships than the other

>> No.10349632

>but this happens the other way around all the time especially when the man has more $$$ than the woman (which is a large fraction of all relationships)

But when you say this isn't this precisely a mutual fantasy. I mean its a prime reason why men are motivated to become rich in the first place. The only difference is women feel an obligation to be interested in men past that while men are perfectly comfortable with people thinking his wealth is what earned him a woman

>> No.10349634

>tfw when you realize that Junior was produced to hide the fact that arnold was irl pregnant with danny devito's baby, and that baby grew up to become alex jones

>> No.10349657

>men are perfectly comfortable with people thinking his wealth is what earned him a woman

that doesn't strike me as any more or less true than "women are perfectly comfortable thinking her youth and beauty earned her a man"

you speak as if men have no concern at all about gold diggers

>> No.10349668

yes please

>> No.10349690

Fuck off, disgusting tel.

>> No.10349701

Aphex Twin cover material

>> No.10349709

That's a compliment. Nietzsche didn't want the truth either.

>> No.10349929

>ctrl + f
>3 results, all in the OP
Sticking to the subject subject as usual /lit/