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/lit/ - Literature

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10333666 No.10333666 [Reply] [Original]

YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING, whenEVER someone has good intentions and asks about studying enlgish/literature as a serious career path you all fucking fill the replies with irony plagued green text. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEMS. I am so fucking lost and this is truly the only thing i like and the only thing i can advance in. It's not even something i'm good at per-say but it's something which i care for improving and making a living off of.

For the final, and for the 200000th time on this board i ask you in all seriousness:
Should our interest in literature be kept as a sort of hobby rather than a 4 year study which in turn leads to a job? If no, then what sort of jobs will be expected and how much of a debt can we expect.

>> No.10333672

Also, fucking check em' ffs

>> No.10333677
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>literature degree

>> No.10333680

NEET already with the ironic green text. Get the fucking hell off of my board

>> No.10333681
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>> No.10333683

Just fucking study it. If you don't try, you'll regret it your whole life

>> No.10333695

>this is truly the only thing i like and the only thing i can advance in
What more do you need from life you dumbass. Read some Gaddis and grow some balls

>> No.10333699
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>going to college

>> No.10333715

Stop ironically green texting in my fucking thread. Mods.

>> No.10333837

>off my board
>doesn't even have an ASSOCIATES DEGREE in English let alone a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate

>> No.10333875

Op, i feel ya man, Im in a similair spot, but dude, this little thread is fucking hilarious. What did you expect?

>> No.10333880

That was supposed to be addressed to op, not ^^

>> No.10333884

>studying literature
As a career? save yourself some time and money. go buy a tent and save yourself a spot under a bridge

>> No.10333886
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>wagie buttflamed by the truth

Nothing to see here

>> No.10333901

bad news dude the irony is only amplified once you're in your degree. /lit/ is actually a pretty good representation of what you can expect to find in your average faculty of literature. all of my TAs were self-depreciating albeit mildy entertaining book autists and classmates range from enthusiastic though intellectally unadventurous YA fangirls to nasally also intellectually unadventurous pseuds. english is not a career path on its own. early on in your degree you need to start exploring how to leverage your ability to articulate things marginally better than other people to secure you a job where you actually get to write. many people I went to school with have branched off into business, working in areas like marketing, advertising, and communications, having done so through participating in student organizations or gaining relevant experience during their undergrad. others became teachers, a few went to law school, some- hoping to become novelists- are doings MFAs now, may they rest in peace. two people I know double-majored in second languages with the intention of working as professional translators. the thing is, you've got to plan ahead, for something at least. me? I did none of that, and now I eat cereal for two meals a day and sell adderal to highschoolers. english degrees are indulgent, yeah, but many many people make it work.

>> No.10333911

Fucking retard completely ignoring my 'no ironic green texting rule' while at the same time out of context green texting me. I said english career with the slash on literature to make it more appealing to this board. Grab the nearest shovel or head to home depot and walk out with one and bury yourself you fucking hick.

>> No.10333913
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>studying literature as a career path
That's like wanting to be a professional movie reviewer or game streamer.

>> No.10333919


ah, i see home depot has a 2 for 1 special on shovels.


>> No.10333920
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L A M O the state of (u)

>> No.10333923

thank you lad

>> No.10334127

Hilarious. Keep up the gud werk

>> No.10334609

Learn web development OP. As long as you have a portfolio that shows you know what you're doing, nobody will care if you don't have a CS degree.

>> No.10334619
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>not getting a 3rd mates license and going on ship adventures wih your ship bros
absolutely ridiculous!

>> No.10334624
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>> No.10334629

what are some books about sea adventures

>> No.10334644

my favorite? Sphere. but 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 leagues and Mopey Dick are good too

>> No.10334652
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>Should our interest in literature be kept as a sort of hobby rather than a 4 year study which in turn leads to a job?
I really can't think of a single job I'd hire a literature major for.

Literature's a pastime. I read books for the same reason I watch movies and play video games: to have myself a good ol' time and forget about my miserable life. Books have the added feature of being didactic, and I do like to teach myself a bit of math and CS here and there, but it's still leisure.

Don't expect to make a living on leisure. That's all.

>> No.10334669

Red seas under Red skies, tho you might want to read The lies of Lock Lamora first

>> No.10334681


>> No.10334691
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>studying enlgish/literature as a serious career path

>> No.10334706

>sell adderall to highschoolers

Do you have more interesting experiences to write about than those MFA mill hacks?

>> No.10334743

>posts anime pic
>why do I seek enjoyment? to have myself a good ol' time and forget about my miserable life

Scholarship and craft is not for you anyway. The approach of this pathetic, miserable anon's advice may be stupid, but where it ends up might be true for some people. An English lit degree doesn't seem as useless as many people will meme about, however. Like any degree, you have to do something with it to get anywhere, or stay anywhere with it.

>> No.10334926

who knows. I keep up with a couple of guys in the program and admittedly they're producing coherent, complete stuff; which is more than I can say for myself. but it all just seems so deliberately literary genre-y and irrelevant to real life. at least most people's real lives. where is the literature about switching between different sized screens for 9 hours/day? or actively ignoring your parent's phone calls? or jacking off to japanese porn for three hours straight in your shitty apartment? I've played pro soccer in thailand, and faked my identity to give a tedx talk, and moved a small amount of cocaine in my asshole over the colombia/ecuador border, but why write about all that when all I do is browse the internet and read books and collect EI and occasionally post on a hegelian blowfish fucking board. from what I've seen MFA students don't write about real life, which is fine, because no one wants to read about what it's like to be an MFA student.

>> No.10335081
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>not shitposting post-ironically